
import org.jcodings.Encoding;
import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.RubyHash;
import org.jruby.RubyString;
import org.jruby.ast.util.ArgsUtil;
import org.jruby.runtime.Block;
import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;
import org.jruby.util.StringSupport;
import org.jruby.util.TypeConverter;

Encapsulation of the prepare_getline_args logic from MRI, used by StringIO and IO.
/** * Encapsulation of the prepare_getline_args logic from MRI, used by StringIO and IO. */
public class Getline { public interface Callback<Self, Return extends IRubyObject> { Return getline(ThreadContext context, Self self, IRubyObject rs, int limit, boolean chomp, Block block); } public static <Self, Return extends IRubyObject> Return getlineCall(ThreadContext context, Callback<Self, Return> getline, Self self, Encoding enc_io) { return getlineCall(context, getline, self, enc_io, 0, null, null, null, Block.NULL_BLOCK); } public static <Self, Return extends IRubyObject> Return getlineCall(ThreadContext context, Callback<Self, Return> getline, Self self, Encoding enc_io, IRubyObject arg0) { return getlineCall(context, getline, self, enc_io, 1, arg0, null, null, Block.NULL_BLOCK); } public static <Self, Return extends IRubyObject> Return getlineCall(ThreadContext context, Callback<Self, Return> getline, Self self, Encoding enc_io, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) { return getlineCall(context, getline, self, enc_io, 2, arg0, arg1, null, Block.NULL_BLOCK); } public static <Self, Return extends IRubyObject> Return getlineCall(ThreadContext context, Callback<Self, Return> getline, Self self, Encoding enc_io, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2) { return getlineCall(context, getline, self, enc_io, 3, arg0, arg1, arg2, Block.NULL_BLOCK); } public static <Self, Return extends IRubyObject> Return getlineCall(ThreadContext context, Callback<Self, Return> getline, Self self, Encoding enc_io, Block block) { return getlineCall(context, getline, self, enc_io, 0, null, null, null, block); } public static <Self, Return extends IRubyObject> Return getlineCall(ThreadContext context, Callback<Self, Return> getline, Self self, Encoding enc_io, IRubyObject arg0, Block block) { return getlineCall(context, getline, self, enc_io, 1, arg0, null, null, block); } public static <Self, Return extends IRubyObject> Return getlineCall(ThreadContext context, Callback<Self, Return> getline, Self self, Encoding enc_io, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, Block block) { return getlineCall(context, getline, self, enc_io, 2, arg0, arg1, null, block); } public static <Self, Return extends IRubyObject> Return getlineCall(ThreadContext context, Callback<Self, Return> getline, Self self, Encoding enc_io, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2, Block block) { return getlineCall(context, getline, self, enc_io, 3, arg0, arg1, arg2, block); } public static <Self, Return extends IRubyObject> Return getlineCall(ThreadContext context, Callback<Self, Return> getline, Self self, Encoding enc_io, int argc, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2, Block block) { final IRubyObject nil = context.nil; boolean chomp = false; long limit; IRubyObject opt, optArg = nil, sepArg = null, limArg = null; switch (argc) { case 1: optArg = arg0; break; case 2: sepArg = arg0; optArg = arg1; break; case 3: sepArg = arg0; limArg = arg1; optArg = arg2; break; } final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; opt = ArgsUtil.getOptionsArg(runtime, optArg); if (opt == nil) { if (argc == 1) { sepArg = arg0; } else if (argc == 2) { limArg = arg1; } } else { IRubyObject chompKwarg = ArgsUtil.extractKeywordArg(context, "chomp", (RubyHash) opt); if (chompKwarg != null) { chomp = chompKwarg.isTrue(); } } IRubyObject rs = runtime.getRecordSeparatorVar().get(); IRubyObject lim = nil; if (sepArg != null && limArg == null) { // argc == 1 IRubyObject tmp = nil; if (sepArg == nil || (tmp = TypeConverter.checkStringType(runtime, sepArg)) != nil) { rs = tmp; } else { lim = sepArg; } } else if (sepArg != null && limArg != null) { // argc >= 2 rs = sepArg; if (rs != nil) { rs = rs.convertToString(); } lim = limArg; } // properly encode rs if (rs != nil) { final RubyString rs_s = ((RubyString) rs); final Encoding enc_rs = rs_s.getEncoding(); if (enc_io != enc_rs && (rs_s.scanForCodeRange() != StringSupport.CR_7BIT || (rs_s.size() > 0 && !enc_io.isAsciiCompatible()))) { if (rs == runtime.getGlobalVariables().getDefaultSeparator()) { rs = RubyString.newStringLight(runtime, 2, enc_io).cat('\n', enc_io); } else { throw runtime.newArgumentError("encoding mismatch: " + enc_io + " IO with " + enc_rs + " RS"); } } } limit = lim == nil ? -1 : lim.convertToInteger().getLongValue(); return getline.getline(context, self, rs, (int) limit, chomp, block); } }