
import com.headius.backport9.modules.Modules;
import jnr.enxio.channels.NativeSelectableChannel;
import jnr.ffi.LibraryLoader;
import jnr.ffi.Pointer;
import jnr.posix.FileStat;
import jnr.posix.HANDLE;
import jnr.posix.JavaLibCHelper;
import jnr.posix.POSIX;
import jnr.unixsocket.UnixServerSocketChannel;
import jnr.unixsocket.UnixSocketChannel;

import org.jruby.javasupport.Java;
import org.jruby.platform.Platform;
import org.jruby.util.collections.NonBlockingHashMapLong;
import org.jruby.util.log.Logger;
import org.jruby.util.log.LoggerFactory;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.nio.channels.Channel;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

Utilities for working with native fileno and Java structures that wrap them.
/** * Utilities for working with native fileno and Java structures that wrap them. */
public class FilenoUtil { public FilenoUtil(POSIX posix) { this.posix = posix; if (posix.isNative() && Platform.IS_WINDOWS) { winc = LibraryLoader.create(WinC.class).load("msvcrt");// TODO: string } else { winc = null; } } public static FileDescriptor getDescriptorFromChannel(Channel channel) { if (ReflectiveAccess.SEL_CH_IMPL_GET_FD != null && ReflectiveAccess.SEL_CH_IMPL.isInstance(channel)) { // Pipe Source and Sink, Sockets, and other several other selectable channels try { return (FileDescriptor) ReflectiveAccess.SEL_CH_IMPL_GET_FD.invoke(channel); } catch (Exception e) { // return bogus below } } else if (ReflectiveAccess.FILE_CHANNEL_IMPL_FD != null && ReflectiveAccess.FILE_CHANNEL_IMPL.isInstance(channel)) { // FileChannels try { return (FileDescriptor) ReflectiveAccess.FILE_CHANNEL_IMPL_FD.get(channel); } catch (Exception e) { // return bogus below } } else if (ReflectiveAccess.FILE_DESCRIPTOR_FD != null) { FileDescriptor unixFD = new FileDescriptor(); // UNIX sockets, from jnr-unixsocket try { if (channel instanceof UnixSocketChannel) { ReflectiveAccess.FILE_DESCRIPTOR_FD.set(unixFD, ((UnixSocketChannel)channel).getFD()); return unixFD; } else if (channel instanceof UnixServerSocketChannel) { ReflectiveAccess.FILE_DESCRIPTOR_FD.set(unixFD, ((UnixServerSocketChannel)channel).getFD()); return unixFD; } } catch (Exception e) { // return bogus below } } return new FileDescriptor(); } public ChannelFD getWrapperFromFileno(int fileno) { ChannelFD fd = filenoMap.get(fileno); // This is a hack to get around stale ChannelFD that are closed when a descriptor is reused. // It appears to happen for openpty, and in theory could happen for any IO call that produces // a new descriptor. if (fd != null && ! && !isFake(fileno)) { FileStat stat = posix.allocateStat(); if (posix.fstat(fileno, stat) >= 0) { // found ChannelFD is closed, but actual fileno is open; clear it. filenoMap.remove(fileno); fd = null; } } return fd; } public void registerWrapper(int fileno, ChannelFD wrapper) { if (fileno == -1) return; filenoMap.put(fileno, wrapper); } public void unregisterWrapper(int fileno) { if (fileno == -1) return; filenoMap.remove(fileno); } // Used by testing. See test/jruby/test_io.rb, test_io_copy_stream_does_not_leak_io_like_objects public int getNumberOfWrappers() { return filenoMap.size(); } public int getNewFileno() { return internalFilenoIndex.getAndIncrement(); } public static boolean isFake(int fileno) { return fileno < 0 || fileno >= FIRST_FAKE_FD; } public static int filenoFrom(Channel channel) { if (channel instanceof NativeSelectableChannel) { return ((NativeSelectableChannel)channel).getFD(); } return getFilenoUsingReflection(channel); } private static int getFilenoUsingReflection(Channel channel) { if (ReflectiveAccess.FILE_DESCRIPTOR_FD != null) { return filenoFrom(getDescriptorFromChannel(channel)); } return -1; } public static int filenoFrom(FileDescriptor fd) { if (fd.valid()) { try { return (Integer) ReflectiveAccess.FILE_DESCRIPTOR_FD.get(fd); } catch (Exception e) { // failed to get } } return -1; } public static HANDLE handleFrom(Channel channel) { if (channel instanceof NativeSelectableChannel) { return HANDLE.valueOf(((NativeSelectableChannel)channel).getFD()); // TODO: this is an int. Do windows handles ever grow larger? } return getHandleUsingReflection(channel); } private static HANDLE getHandleUsingReflection(Channel channel) { if (ReflectiveAccess.FILE_DESCRIPTOR_FD != null) { return JavaLibCHelper.gethandle(getDescriptorFromChannel(channel)); } return HANDLE.valueOf(-1); } public int filenoFromHandleIn(Channel channel, int flags) { if (winc == null) return -1; HANDLE hndl = handleFrom(channel); if (!hndl.isValid()) return -1; return winc._open_osfhandle(hndl.toPointer(), flags); // TODO: don't re-open this handle ever again, or we start to leak? } public int closeFilenoHandle(int fd) { if (fd != -1) return winc._close(fd);// TODO: error handling return -1; } public static interface WinC { int _open_osfhandle(Pointer hndl, int flgs); int _close(int fd); } public static final int FIRST_FAKE_FD = 100000; protected final AtomicInteger internalFilenoIndex = new AtomicInteger(FIRST_FAKE_FD); private final NonBlockingHashMapLong<ChannelFD> filenoMap = new NonBlockingHashMapLong<ChannelFD>(); private final POSIX posix; private final WinC winc; static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FilenoUtil.class); private static class ReflectiveAccess { static { // open package "" (from java.base) for org.jruby.dist module try { Modules.addOpens(FileDescriptor.class, "", ReflectiveAccess.class); } catch (RuntimeException re) { // Warn users since we don't currently handle half-native process control. LOG.warn("Native subprocess control requires open access to\n" + "Pass '--add-opens java.base/' or '=org.jruby.core' to enable."); } Method getFD; Class selChImpl; try { selChImpl = Class.forName(""); try { getFD = selChImpl.getMethod("getFD"); if (!Java.trySetAccessible(getFD)) { getFD = null; } } catch (Exception e) { getFD = null; } } catch (Exception e) { selChImpl = null; getFD = null; } SEL_CH_IMPL = selChImpl; SEL_CH_IMPL_GET_FD = getFD; Field fd; Class fileChannelImpl; try { fileChannelImpl = Class.forName(""); try { fd = fileChannelImpl.getDeclaredField("fd"); if (!Java.trySetAccessible(fd)) { fd = null; } } catch (Exception e) { fd = null; } } catch (Exception e) { fileChannelImpl = null; fd = null; } FILE_CHANNEL_IMPL = fileChannelImpl; FILE_CHANNEL_IMPL_FD = fd; Field ffd; try { ffd = FileDescriptor.class.getDeclaredField("fd"); if (!Java.trySetAccessible(ffd)) { ffd = null; } } catch (Exception e) { ffd = null; } FILE_DESCRIPTOR_FD = ffd; } private static final Class SEL_CH_IMPL; private static final Method SEL_CH_IMPL_GET_FD; private static final Class FILE_CHANNEL_IMPL; private static final Field FILE_CHANNEL_IMPL_FD; private static final Field FILE_DESCRIPTOR_FD; } }