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/***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: EPL 2.0/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Eclipse Public * License Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * Copyright (C) 2007 William N Dortch <> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), * or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the EPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the EPL, the GPL or the LGPL. ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****/
package org.jruby.util; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import org.jcodings.Encoding; import org.jcodings.exception.EncodingException; import org.jcodings.specific.UTF8Encoding; import org.jruby.*; import org.jruby.common.IRubyWarnings.ID; import org.jruby.runtime.ClassIndex; import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext; import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject; import;
Author:Bill Dortch
/** * @author Bill Dortch * */
public class Sprintf { private static final int FLAG_NONE = 0; private static final int FLAG_SPACE = 1; private static final int FLAG_ZERO = 1 << 1; private static final int FLAG_PLUS = 1 << 2; private static final int FLAG_MINUS = 1 << 3; private static final int FLAG_SHARP = 1 << 4; private static final int FLAG_WIDTH = 1 << 5; private static final int FLAG_PRECISION = 1 << 6; private static final byte[] PREFIX_OCTAL = {'0'}; private static final byte[] PREFIX_HEX_LC = {'0','x'}; private static final byte[] PREFIX_HEX_UC = {'0','X'}; private static final byte[] PREFIX_BINARY_LC = {'0','b'}; private static final byte[] PREFIX_BINARY_UC = {'0','B'}; private static final byte[] PREFIX_NEGATIVE = {'.','.'}; private static final byte[] NAN_VALUE = {'N','a','N'}; private static final byte[] INFINITY_VALUE = {'I','n','f'}; private static final BigInteger BIG_32 = BigInteger.valueOf(((long)Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1L) << 1); private static final BigInteger BIG_64 = BIG_32.shiftLeft(32); private static final BigInteger BIG_MINUS_32 = BigInteger.valueOf((long)Integer.MIN_VALUE << 1); private static final BigInteger BIG_MINUS_64 = BIG_MINUS_32.shiftLeft(32); private static final String ERR_MALFORMED_FORMAT = "malformed format string"; private static final String ERR_MALFORMED_NUM = "malformed format string - %[0-9]"; private static final String ERR_MALFORMED_DOT_NUM = "malformed format string - %.[0-9]"; private static final String ERR_MALFORMED_STAR_NUM = "malformed format string - %*[0-9]"; private static final String ERR_ILLEGAL_FORMAT_CHAR = "illegal format character - %"; private static final String ERR_INCOMPLETE_FORMAT_SPEC = "incomplete format specifier; use %% (double %) instead"; private static final String ERR_MALFORMED_NAME = "malformed name - unmatched parenthesis"; private static final ThreadLocal<Map<Locale, NumberFormat>> LOCALE_NUMBER_FORMATS = new ThreadLocal<Map<Locale, NumberFormat>>(); private static final ThreadLocal<Map<Locale, DecimalFormatSymbols>> LOCALE_DECIMAL_FORMATS = new ThreadLocal<Map<Locale, DecimalFormatSymbols>>(); private static final class Args { private final Ruby runtime; private final Locale locale; private final IRubyObject rubyObject; private final RubyArray rubyArray; private final RubyHash rubyHash; private final int length; private int positionIndex; // last index (+1) accessed by next() private int nextIndex; private IRubyObject nextObject; Args(Locale locale, IRubyObject rubyObject) { if (rubyObject == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null IRubyObject passed to sprintf"); this.locale = locale == null ? Locale.getDefault() : locale; this.rubyObject = rubyObject; if (rubyObject instanceof RubyArray) { this.rubyArray = (RubyArray)rubyObject; if (rubyArray.last() instanceof RubyHash) { this.rubyHash = (RubyHash) rubyArray.pop(rubyArray.getRuntime().getCurrentContext()); } else { this.rubyHash = null; } this.length = rubyArray.size(); } else if (rubyObject instanceof RubyHash) { // allow a hash for args if in 1.9 mode this.rubyHash = (RubyHash)rubyObject; this.rubyArray = null; this.length = 1; } else { this.length = 1; this.rubyArray = null; this.rubyHash = null; } positionIndex = 0; nextIndex = 1; this.runtime = rubyObject.getRuntime(); } Args(IRubyObject rubyObject) { this(Locale.getDefault(),rubyObject); } // temporary hack to handle non-Ruby values // will come up with better solution shortly Args(Ruby runtime, long value) { this(RubyFixnum.newFixnum(runtime, value)); } void raiseArgumentError(String message) { throw runtime.newArgumentError(message); } void raiseKeyError(String message, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject key) { throw runtime.newKeyError(message, recv, key); } void warn(ID id, String message) { runtime.getWarnings().warn(id, message); } void warning(ID id, String message) { if (runtime.isVerbose()) runtime.getWarnings().warning(id, message); } private IRubyObject getHashValue(ByteList name, char startDelim, char endDelim) { // FIXME: get_hash does hash conversion of argv and arity check...this is a bit complicated with // our version. Implement it. if (rubyHash == null) { raiseArgumentError("one hash required"); } checkNameArg(name, startDelim, endDelim); RubySymbol nameSym = runtime.newSymbol(name); IRubyObject object = rubyHash.fastARef(nameSym); // if not found, try dispatching to pick up default hash value // MRI: spliced together bits from rb_hash_default_value if (object == null) { object = rubyHash.getIfNone(); if (object == RubyBasicObject.UNDEF) { RubyString nameStr = RubyString.newString(runtime, name); raiseKeyError("key" + startDelim + nameStr + endDelim + " not found", rubyHash, nameSym); } else if (rubyHash.hasDefaultProc()) { object = object.callMethod(runtime.getCurrentContext(), "call", nameSym); } if (object.isNil()) throw runtime.newKeyError("key" + startDelim + nameSym + endDelim + " not found", rubyHash, nameSym); } return object; } private IRubyObject getNthArg(int index) { if (index > length) { if (index == length + 1 && rubyHash != null) { return rubyHash; } raiseArgumentError("too few arguments"); } return rubyArray == null ? rubyObject : rubyArray.eltInternal(index - 1); } // MRI: GETARG private IRubyObject getArg() { final IRubyObject nextObject = this.nextObject; if (nextObject != null) { // This is different in MRI. The do a retry and avoid part of the for loop // which resets nextvalue. We do not do that so we null out here since we // cannot get same value twice. this.nextObject = null; return nextObject; } return getNextArg(); } // MRI: GETNEXTARG private IRubyObject getNextArg() { checkNextArg(); positionIndex = nextIndex++; return getNthArg(positionIndex); } // MRI: GETPOSARG private IRubyObject getPositionArg(int index) { checkPositionArg(index); positionIndex = -1; return getNthArg(index); } // MRI: check_next_arg private void checkNextArg() { if (positionIndex == -1) raiseArgumentError("unnumbered(" + nextIndex + ") mixed with numbered"); if (positionIndex == -2) raiseArgumentError("unnumbered(" + nextIndex + ") mixed with named"); } // MRI: check_pos_arg private void checkPositionArg(int nthArg) { if (positionIndex > 0) raiseArgumentError("numbered(" + nthArg + ") after unnumbered(" + positionIndex + ")"); if (positionIndex == -2) raiseArgumentError("numbered(" + nthArg + ") after named"); if (nthArg < 1) raiseArgumentError("invalid index - " + nthArg + "$"); } // MRI: check_name_arg, CHECKNAMEARG private void checkNameArg(ByteList name, char startDelim, char endDelim) { if (positionIndex > 0) raiseArgumentError("named" + startDelim + RubyString.newString(runtime, name) + endDelim + " after unnumbered(" + positionIndex + ")"); if (positionIndex == -1) raiseArgumentError("named" + startDelim + RubyString.newString(runtime, name) + endDelim + " after numbered"); positionIndex = -2; } @Deprecated IRubyObject next(ByteList name) { // for 1.9 hash args if (name != null) { if (rubyHash == null && positionIndex == -1) raiseArgumentError("positional args mixed with named args"); RubySymbol nameSym = runtime.newSymbol(name); IRubyObject object = rubyHash.fastARef(nameSym); // if not found, try dispatching to pick up default hash value // MRI: spliced together bits from rb_hash_default_value if (object == null) { object = rubyHash.getIfNone(); if (object == RubyBasicObject.UNDEF) { RubyString nameStr = RubyString.newString(runtime, name); raiseKeyError("key<" + name + "> not found", rubyHash, nameSym); } else if (rubyHash.hasDefaultProc()) { object = object.callMethod(runtime.getCurrentContext(), "call", nameSym); } if (object.isNil()) { throw runtime.newKeyError("key " + nameSym + " not found", rubyHash, nameSym); } } return object; } else if (rubyHash != null) { raiseArgumentError("positional args mixed with named args"); } // this is the order in which MRI does these two tests if (positionIndex == -1) raiseArgumentError("unnumbered" + (positionIndex + 1) + "mixed with numbered"); if (positionIndex >= length) raiseArgumentError("too few arguments"); IRubyObject object = rubyArray == null ? rubyObject : rubyArray.eltInternal(positionIndex); positionIndex++; return object; } @Deprecated IRubyObject get(int index) { return getPositionArg(index); } @Deprecated IRubyObject getNth(int formatIndex) { return getPositionArg(formatIndex); } @Deprecated int nextInt() { return intValue(next(null)); } @Deprecated int getNthInt(int formatIndex) { return intValue(get(formatIndex - 1)); } int intValue(IRubyObject obj) { if (obj instanceof RubyNumeric) return (int)((RubyNumeric)obj).getLongValue(); // basically just forcing a TypeError here to match MRI obj = TypeConverter.convertToType(obj, obj.getRuntime().getFixnum(), "to_int", true); return (int)((RubyFixnum)obj).getLongValue(); } byte getDecimalSeparator() { return (byte)getDecimalFormat(locale).getDecimalSeparator(); } } // Args // static methods only private Sprintf () {} // Special form of sprintf that returns a RubyString and handles // tainted strings correctly. public static boolean sprintf(ByteList to, Locale locale, CharSequence format, IRubyObject args) { return rubySprintfToBuffer(to, format, new Args(locale, args)); } // Special form of sprintf that returns a RubyString and handles // tainted strings correctly. Version for 1.9. public static boolean sprintf1_9(ByteList to, Locale locale, CharSequence format, IRubyObject args) { return rubySprintfToBuffer(to, format, new Args(locale, args), false); } public static boolean sprintf(ByteList to, CharSequence format, IRubyObject args) { return rubySprintf(to, format, new Args(args)); } public static boolean sprintf(Ruby runtime, ByteList to, CharSequence format, int arg) { return rubySprintf(to, format, new Args(runtime, (long)arg)); } public static boolean sprintf(Ruby runtime, ByteList to, CharSequence format, long arg) { return rubySprintf(to, format, new Args(runtime, arg)); } public static boolean sprintf(ByteList to, RubyString format, IRubyObject args) { return rubySprintf(to, format.getByteList(), new Args(args)); } private static boolean rubySprintf(ByteList to, CharSequence charFormat, Args args) { return rubySprintfToBuffer(to, charFormat, args); } private static boolean rubySprintfToBuffer(ByteList buf, CharSequence charFormat, Args args) { return rubySprintfToBuffer(buf, charFormat, args, true); } private static boolean rubySprintfToBuffer(final ByteList buf, final CharSequence charFormat, final Args args, final boolean usePrefixForZero) { final Ruby runtime = args.runtime; boolean tainted = false; final byte[] format; final Encoding encoding; int offset, length, mark; if (charFormat instanceof ByteList) { ByteList list = (ByteList)charFormat; format = list.getUnsafeBytes(); int begin = list.begin(); offset = begin; length = begin + list.length(); encoding = list.getEncoding(); } else { format = stringToBytes(charFormat); offset = 0; length = charFormat.length(); encoding = UTF8Encoding.INSTANCE; } while (offset < length) { ByteList name = null; final int start = offset; for ( ; offset < length && format[offset] != '%'; offset++) {} if (offset > start) { buf.append(format, start, offset - start); // start = offset; } if (offset++ >= length) break; IRubyObject arg; int flags = 0; int width = 0; int precision = 0; int number; byte fchar; boolean incomplete = true; for ( ; incomplete && offset < length ; ) { switch (fchar = format[offset]) { default: if (fchar == '\0' && flags == FLAG_NONE) { // MRI 1.8.6 behavior: null byte after '%' // leads to "%" string. Null byte in // other places, like "%5\0", leads to error. buf.append('%'); buf.append(fchar); incomplete = false; offset++; break; } else if (isPrintable(fchar)) { raiseArgumentError(args,"malformed format string - %" + (char)fchar); } else { raiseArgumentError(args,ERR_MALFORMED_FORMAT); } break; case ' ': flags |= FLAG_SPACE; offset++; break; case '+': flags |= FLAG_PLUS; offset++; break; case '-': flags |= FLAG_MINUS; offset++; break; case '#': flags |= FLAG_SHARP; offset++; break; case '0': flags |= FLAG_ZERO; offset++; break; case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': // MRI doesn't flag it as an error if width is given multiple // times as a number (but it does for *) number = 0; // GETNUM(n, width) : for (; offset < length && isDigit(fchar = format[offset]); offset++) { number = extendWidth(args, number, fchar, "width too big"); } checkOffset(args, offset, length, ERR_MALFORMED_NUM); // if (fchar == '$') { if (args.nextObject != null) { raiseArgumentError(args,"value given twice - " + number + "$"); } args.nextObject = args.getPositionArg(number); offset++; break; } // CHECK_FOR_WIDTH(flags); width = number; flags |= FLAG_WIDTH; break; case '<': { int nameStart = ++offset; int nameEnd = nameStart; for ( ; offset < length ; offset++) { if (format[offset] == '>') { nameEnd = offset; offset++; break; } } if (nameEnd == nameStart) raiseArgumentError(args, ERR_MALFORMED_NAME); ByteList newName = new ByteList(format, nameStart, nameEnd - nameStart, encoding, false); if (name != null) raiseArgumentError(args, "named<" + RubyString.newString(runtime, newName) + "> after <" + RubyString.newString(runtime, name) + ">"); name = newName; // we retrieve value from hash so we can generate argument error as side-effect. args.nextObject = args.getHashValue(name, '<', '>'); break; } case '{': { int nameStart = ++offset; int nameEnd = nameStart; for ( ; offset < length ; offset++) { if (format[offset] == '}') { nameEnd = offset; offset++; break; } } if (nameEnd == nameStart) raiseArgumentError(args, ERR_MALFORMED_NAME); ByteList localName = new ByteList(format, nameStart, nameEnd - nameStart, encoding, false); buf.append(args.getHashValue(localName, '{', '}').asString().getByteList()); incomplete = false; break; } case '*': if ((flags & FLAG_WIDTH) != 0) { raiseArgumentError(args,"width given twice"); } flags |= FLAG_WIDTH; int[] p_width = GETASTER(args, format, offset, length, true); offset = p_width[0]; width = p_width[1]; if (width < 0) { flags |= FLAG_MINUS; width = -width; if (width < 0) throw runtime.newArgumentError("width too big"); } break; case '.': if ((flags & FLAG_PRECISION) != 0) { raiseArgumentError(args,"precision given twice"); } flags |= FLAG_PRECISION; checkOffset(args, ++offset, length, ERR_MALFORMED_DOT_NUM); fchar = format[offset]; if (fchar == '*') { int[] p_prec = GETASTER(args, format, offset, length, false); offset = p_prec[0]; precision = p_prec[1]; if (precision < 0) { flags &= ~FLAG_PRECISION; } break; } // GETNUM(prec, precision) : number = 0; for ( ; offset < length && isDigit(fchar = format[offset]); offset++) { number = extendWidth(args, number, fchar, "width too big"); } checkOffset(args, offset, length, ERR_MALFORMED_DOT_NUM); precision = number; // break; case '\n': offset--; case '%': if (flags != FLAG_NONE) { raiseArgumentError(args, ERR_ILLEGAL_FORMAT_CHAR); } buf.append('%'); offset++; incomplete = false; break; case 'c': { arg = args.getArg(); int c; int n; IRubyObject tmp = arg.checkStringType(); if (!tmp.isNil()) { if (((RubyString) tmp).strLength() != 1) { throw runtime.newArgumentError("%c requires a character"); } ByteList bl = ((RubyString) tmp).getByteList(); c = StringSupport.codePoint(runtime, encoding, bl.unsafeBytes(), bl.begin(), bl.begin() + bl.realSize()); n = StringSupport.codeLength(bl.getEncoding(), c); } else { // unsigned bits c = (int) arg.convertToInteger().getLongValue() & 0xFFFFFFFF; try { n = StringSupport.codeLength(encoding, c); } catch (EncodingException e) { n = -1; } } if (n <= 0) { throw runtime.newArgumentError("invalid character"); } if ((flags & FLAG_WIDTH) == 0) { buf.ensure(buf.length() + n); EncodingUtils.encMbcput(c, buf.unsafeBytes(), buf.realSize(), encoding); buf.realSize(buf.realSize() + n); } else if ((flags & FLAG_MINUS) != 0) { buf.ensure(buf.length() + n); EncodingUtils.encMbcput(c, buf.unsafeBytes(), buf.realSize(), encoding); buf.realSize(buf.realSize() + n); buf.fill(' ', width - 1); } else { buf.fill(' ', width - 1); buf.ensure(buf.length() + n); EncodingUtils.encMbcput(c, buf.unsafeBytes(), buf.realSize(), encoding); buf.realSize(buf.realSize() + n); } offset++; incomplete = false; break; } case 'p': case 's': { // format_s: arg = args.getArg(); if (fchar == 'p') { arg = arg.callMethod(runtime.getCurrentContext(), "inspect"); } RubyString str = arg.asString(); if (arg.isTaint()) tainted = true; ByteList bytes = str.getByteList(); int len = bytes.length(); Encoding enc = RubyString.checkEncoding(runtime, buf, bytes); if ((flags & (FLAG_PRECISION|FLAG_WIDTH)) != 0) { int strLen = str.strLength(); if ((flags & FLAG_PRECISION) != 0 && precision < strLen) { strLen = precision; len = StringSupport.nth(enc, bytes.getUnsafeBytes(), bytes.begin(), bytes.begin() + bytes.getRealSize(), precision); if (len == -1) len = 0; // we might return -1 but MRI's rb_enc_nth does 0 for not-found } /* need to adjust multi-byte string pos */ if ((flags & FLAG_WIDTH) != 0 && width > strLen) { width -= strLen; if ((flags & FLAG_MINUS) == 0) { buf.fill(' ', width); width = 0; } buf.append(bytes.getUnsafeBytes(), bytes.begin(), len); if ((flags & FLAG_MINUS) != 0) { buf.fill(' ', width); } buf.setEncoding(enc); offset++; incomplete = false; break; } } buf.append(bytes.getUnsafeBytes(), bytes.begin(), len); buf.setEncoding(enc); offset++; incomplete = false; break; } case 'd': case 'i': case 'o': case 'x': case 'X': case 'b': case 'B': case 'u': { arg = args.getArg(); switch (arg.getMetaClass().getClassIndex()) { case INTEGER: // no-op break; case FLOAT: arg = RubyNumeric.dbl2ival(runtime, ((RubyFloat) arg).getValue()); break; case STRING: arg = ((RubyString) arg).stringToInum(0, true); break; default: arg = TypeConverter.convertToInteger(runtime.getCurrentContext(), arg, 0); if (!(arg instanceof RubyInteger)) { // NOTE: likely redundant throw runtime.newTypeError(arg, runtime.getInteger()); } break; } byte[] bytes; int first = 0; final boolean sign, negative; byte signChar = 0; byte leadChar = 0; switch (fchar) { case 'd': case 'i': fchar = 'd'; // 'd' and 'i' are the same sign = true; break; case 'u': if ((flags & (FLAG_PLUS|FLAG_SPACE)) != 0) fchar = 'd'; sign = true; break; case 'o': case 'x': case 'X': case 'b': case 'B': sign = (flags & (FLAG_PLUS|FLAG_SPACE)) != 0; break; default: sign = false; break; } final int base; switch (fchar) { case 'o': base = 8; break; case 'x': case 'X': base = 16; break; case 'b': case 'B': base = 2; break; // case 'u': case 'd': case 'i': default: base = 10; break; } // We depart here from strict adherence to MRI code, as MRI // uses C-sprintf, in part, to format numeric output, while // we'll use Java's numeric formatting code (and our own). boolean zero; if (arg instanceof RubyFixnum) { final long v = ((RubyFixnum) arg).getLongValue(); negative = v < 0; zero = v == 0; if (negative && fchar == 'u') { bytes = getUnsignedNegativeBytes(v); } else { bytes = getFixnumBytes(v, base, sign, fchar == 'X'); } } else { final BigInteger v = ((RubyBignum) arg).getValue(); negative = v.signum() < 0; zero = v.signum() == 0; if (negative && fchar == 'u' && usePrefixForZero) { bytes = getUnsignedNegativeBytes(v); } else { bytes = getBignumBytes(v, base, sign, fchar == 'X'); } } // byte[] prefix = null; if ((flags & FLAG_SHARP) != 0) { if (!zero || usePrefixForZero) { switch (fchar) { case 'o': prefix = PREFIX_OCTAL; break; case 'x': prefix = PREFIX_HEX_LC; break; case 'X': prefix = PREFIX_HEX_UC; break; case 'b': prefix = PREFIX_BINARY_LC; break; case 'B': prefix = PREFIX_BINARY_UC; break; } if (prefix != null) width -= prefix.length; } } int len = 0; if (sign) { if (negative) { signChar = '-'; width--; first = 1; // skip '-' in bytes, will add where appropriate } else if ((flags & FLAG_PLUS) != 0) { signChar = '+'; width--; } else if ((flags & FLAG_SPACE) != 0) { signChar = ' '; width--; } } else if (negative) { if (base == 10) { warning(ID.NEGATIVE_NUMBER_FOR_U, args, "negative number for %u specifier"); leadChar = '.'; len += 2; } else { if ((flags & (FLAG_PRECISION | FLAG_ZERO)) == 0) len += 2; // .. first = skipSignBits(bytes, base); switch(fchar) { case 'b': case 'B': leadChar = '1'; break; case 'o': leadChar = '7'; break; case 'x': leadChar = 'f'; break; case 'X': leadChar = 'F'; break; } if (leadChar != 0) len++; } } int numlen = bytes.length - first; len += numlen; if ((flags & (FLAG_ZERO|FLAG_PRECISION)) == FLAG_ZERO) { precision = width; width = 0; } else { if (precision < len) precision = len; width -= precision; } if ((flags & FLAG_MINUS) == 0) { buf.fill(' ', width); width = 0; } if (signChar != 0) buf.append(signChar); if (prefix != null) buf.append(prefix); if (len < precision) { if (leadChar == 0) { if (fchar != 'd' || usePrefixForZero || !negative || (flags & FLAG_PRECISION) != 0 || ((flags & FLAG_ZERO) != 0 && (flags & FLAG_MINUS) == 0)) { buf.fill('0', precision - len); } } else if (leadChar == '.') { buf.fill(leadChar, precision - len); buf.append(PREFIX_NEGATIVE); } else if (!usePrefixForZero) { buf.append(PREFIX_NEGATIVE); buf.fill(leadChar, precision - len - 1); } else { buf.fill(leadChar, precision - len + 1); // the 1 is for the stripped sign char } } else if (leadChar != 0) { if (((flags & (FLAG_PRECISION | FLAG_ZERO)) == 0 && usePrefixForZero) || (!usePrefixForZero && "xXbBo".indexOf(fchar) != -1)) { buf.append(PREFIX_NEGATIVE); } if (leadChar != '.') buf.append(leadChar); } buf.append(bytes, first, numlen); if (width > 0) buf.fill(' ',width); if (len < precision && fchar == 'd' && negative && !usePrefixForZero && (flags & FLAG_MINUS) != 0) { buf.fill(' ', precision - len); } offset++; incomplete = false; break; } case 'f': { arg = args.getArg(); RubyInteger num, den; byte sign = (flags & FLAG_PLUS) != 0 ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0; int zero = 0; if (arg instanceof RubyInteger) { den =; num = (RubyInteger) arg; } else if (arg instanceof RubyRational) { den = ((RubyRational) arg).getDenominator(); num = ((RubyRational) arg).getNumerator(); } else { args.nextObject = arg; // goto float_value; num = null; den = null; } if (num != null) { // else -> goto float_value; if ((flags & FLAG_PRECISION) == 0) precision = 6; // default_float_precision; ThreadContext context = runtime.getCurrentContext(); if (num.isNegative()) { num = (RubyInteger) num.op_uminus(context); sign = -1; } if (!(den instanceof RubyFixnum) || den.getLongValue() != 1) { num = (RubyInteger) num.op_mul(context, Numeric.int_pow(context, 10, precision)); num = (RubyInteger) num.op_plus(context, den.idiv(context, 2)); num = (RubyInteger) num.idiv(context, den); } else if (precision >= 0) { zero = precision; } RubyString val = num.to_s(); int len = val.length() + zero; if (precision >= len) len = precision + 1; // integer part 0 if (sign != 0 || (flags & FLAG_SPACE) != 0) ++len; if (precision > 0) ++len; // period int fill = width > len ? width - len : 0; // CHECK(fill + len) buf.ensure(buf.length() + fill + len); if (fill > 0 && (flags & (FLAG_MINUS|FLAG_ZERO)) == 0) { buf.fill(' ', fill); } if (sign != 0 || (flags & FLAG_SPACE) != 0) { buf.append(sign > 0 ? '+' : sign < 0 ? '-' : ' '); } if (fill > 0 && (flags & (FLAG_MINUS|FLAG_ZERO)) == FLAG_ZERO) { buf.fill('0', fill); } len = val.length() + zero; // t = RSTRING_PTR(val); if (len > precision) { // PUSH_(t, len - prec) : buf.append(val.getByteList(), 0, len - precision); } else { buf.append('0'); } if (precision > 0) { buf.append('.'); } if (zero > 0) { buf.fill('0', zero); } else if (precision > len) { buf.fill('0', precision - len); // PUSH_(t, len) : buf.append(val.getByteList(), 0, len); } else if (precision > 0) { // PUSH_(t + len - prec, prec) : buf.append(val.getByteList(), len - precision, precision); } if (fill > 0 && (flags & FLAG_MINUS) != 0) { buf.fill(' ', fill); } offset++; incomplete = false; break; } } case 'E': case 'e': case 'G': case 'g': //case 'a': //case 'A': float_value: { arg = args.getArg(); double fval = RubyKernel.new_float(runtime, arg).getDoubleValue(); boolean isnan = fval != fval; boolean isinf = fval == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY || fval == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; boolean negative = fval < 0.0d || (fval == 0.0d && Double.doubleToLongBits(fval) == Double.doubleToLongBits(-0.0)); byte[] digits; int nDigits = 0; int exponent = 0; int len = 0; byte sign; if (isnan || isinf) { if (isnan) { digits = NAN_VALUE; len = NAN_VALUE.length; } else { digits = INFINITY_VALUE; len = INFINITY_VALUE.length; } if (negative) { sign = '-'; width--; } else if ((flags & FLAG_PLUS) != 0) { sign = '+'; width--; } else if ((flags & FLAG_SPACE) != 0) { sign = ' '; width--; } else { sign = 0; } width -= len; if (width > 0 && (flags & FLAG_MINUS) == 0) { buf.fill(' ', width); width = 0; } if (sign != 0) buf.append(sign); buf.append(digits); if (width > 0) buf.fill(' ', width); offset++; incomplete = false; break; } NumberFormat nf = getNumberFormat(args.locale); nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(Integer.MAX_VALUE); String str = nf.format(fval); // grrr, arghh, want to subclass sun.misc.FloatingDecimal, but can't, // so we must do all this (the next 70 lines of code), which has already // been done by FloatingDecimal. int strlen = str.length(); digits = new byte[strlen]; int nTrailingZeroes = 0; int i = negative ? 1 : 0; int decPos; byte ival; int_loop: for ( ; i < strlen ; ) { switch(ival = (byte)str.charAt(i++)) { case '0': if (nDigits > 0) nTrailingZeroes++; break; // switch case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': if (nTrailingZeroes > 0) { for ( ; nTrailingZeroes > 0 ; nTrailingZeroes-- ) { digits[nDigits++] = '0'; } } digits[nDigits++] = ival; break; // switch case '.': break int_loop; } } decPos = nDigits + nTrailingZeroes; dec_loop: for ( ; i < strlen ; ) { switch(ival = (byte)str.charAt(i++)) { case '0': if (nDigits > 0) { nTrailingZeroes++; } else { exponent--; } break; // switch case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': if (nTrailingZeroes > 0) { for ( ; nTrailingZeroes > 0 ; nTrailingZeroes-- ) { digits[nDigits++] = '0'; } } digits[nDigits++] = ival; break; // switch case 'E': break dec_loop; } } if (i < strlen) { int expSign; int expVal = 0; if (str.charAt(i) == '-') { expSign = -1; i++; } else { expSign = 1; } for ( ; i < strlen ; ) { expVal = expVal * 10 + ((int)str.charAt(i++)-(int)'0'); } exponent += expVal * expSign; } exponent += decPos - nDigits; // gotta have at least a zero... if (nDigits == 0) { digits[0] = '0'; nDigits = 1; exponent = 0; } // OK, we now have the significand in digits[0...nDigits] // and the exponent in exponent. We're ready to format. int intDigits, intZeroes, intLength; int decDigits, decZeroes, decLength; byte expChar; if (negative) { sign = '-'; width--; } else if ((flags & FLAG_PLUS) != 0) { sign = '+'; width--; } else if ((flags & FLAG_SPACE) != 0) { sign = ' '; width--; } else { sign = 0; } if ((flags & FLAG_PRECISION) == 0) { precision = 6; } switch(fchar) { case 'E': case 'G': expChar = 'E'; break; case 'e': case 'g': expChar = 'e'; break; default: expChar = 0; } switch (fchar) { case 'g': case 'G': // an empirically derived rule: precision applies to // significand length, irrespective of exponent // an official rule, clarified: if the exponent // <clarif>after adjusting for exponent form</clarif> // is < -4, or the exponent <clarif>after adjusting // for exponent form</clarif> is greater than the // precision, use exponent form boolean expForm = (exponent + nDigits - 1 < -4 || exponent + nDigits > (precision == 0 ? 1 : precision)); // it would be nice (and logical!) if exponent form // behaved like E/e, and decimal form behaved like f, // but no such luck. hence: if (expForm) { // intDigits isn't used here, but if it were, it would be 1 /* intDigits = 1; */ decDigits = nDigits - 1; // precision for G/g includes integer digits precision = Math.max(0,precision - 1); if (precision < decDigits) { int n = round(digits,nDigits,precision,precision!=0); if (n > nDigits) nDigits = n; decDigits = Math.min(nDigits - 1,precision); } exponent += nDigits - 1; boolean isSharp = (flags & FLAG_SHARP) != 0; // deal with length/width len++; // first digit is always printed // MRI behavior: Be default, 2 digits // in the exponent. Use 3 digits // only when necessary. // See comment for writeExp method for more details. if (exponent > 99) { len += 5; // 5 -> e+nnn / e-nnn } else { len += 4; // 4 -> e+nn / e-nn } if (isSharp) { // in this mode, '.' is always printed len++; } if (precision > 0) { if (!isSharp) { // MRI behavior: In this mode // trailing zeroes are removed: // 1.500E+05 -> 1.5E+05 int j = decDigits; for (; j >= 1; j--) { if (digits[j]== '0') { decDigits--; } else { break; } } if (decDigits > 0) { len += 1; // '.' is printed len += decDigits; } } else { // all precision numebers printed len += precision; } } width -= len; if (width > 0 && (flags & (FLAG_ZERO|FLAG_MINUS)) == 0) { buf.fill(' ', width); width = 0; } if (sign != 0) { buf.append(sign); } if (width > 0 && (flags & FLAG_MINUS) == 0) { buf.fill('0', width); width = 0; } // now some data... buf.append(digits[0]); boolean dotToPrint = isSharp || (precision > 0 && decDigits > 0); if (dotToPrint) { buf.append(args.getDecimalSeparator()); // '.' } if (precision > 0 && decDigits > 0) { buf.append(digits, 1, decDigits); precision -= decDigits; } if (precision > 0 && isSharp) { buf.fill('0', precision); } writeExp(buf, exponent, expChar); if (width > 0) { buf.fill(' ', width); } } else { // decimal form, like (but not *just* like!) 'f' intDigits = Math.max(0,Math.min(nDigits + exponent,nDigits)); intZeroes = Math.max(0,exponent); intLength = intDigits + intZeroes; decDigits = nDigits - intDigits; decZeroes = Math.max(0,-(decDigits + exponent)); decLength = decZeroes + decDigits; precision = Math.max(0,precision - intLength); if (precision < decDigits) { int n = round(digits,nDigits,intDigits+precision-1,precision!=0); if (n > nDigits) { // digits array shifted, update all nDigits = n; intDigits = Math.max(0,Math.min(nDigits + exponent,nDigits)); intLength = intDigits + intZeroes; decDigits = nDigits - intDigits; decZeroes = Math.max(0,-(decDigits + exponent)); precision = Math.max(0,precision-1); } decDigits = precision; decLength = decZeroes + decDigits; } len += intLength; if (decLength > 0) { len += decLength + 1; } else { if ((flags & FLAG_SHARP) != 0) { len++; // will have a trailing '.' if (precision > 0) { // g fills trailing zeroes if # len += precision; } } } width -= len; if (width > 0 && (flags & (FLAG_ZERO|FLAG_MINUS)) == 0) { buf.fill(' ', width); width = 0; } if (sign != 0) { buf.append(sign); } if (width > 0 && (flags & FLAG_MINUS) == 0) { buf.fill('0', width); width = 0; } // now some data... if (intLength > 0){ if (intDigits > 0) { // s/b true, since intLength > 0 buf.append(digits, 0, intDigits); } if (intZeroes > 0) { buf.fill('0', intZeroes); } } else { // always need at least a 0 buf.append('0'); } if (decLength > 0 || (flags & FLAG_SHARP) != 0) { buf.append(args.getDecimalSeparator()); } if (decLength > 0) { if (decZeroes > 0) { buf.fill('0', decZeroes); precision -= decZeroes; } if (decDigits > 0) { buf.append(digits, intDigits, decDigits); precision -= decDigits; } if ((flags & FLAG_SHARP) != 0 && precision > 0) { buf.fill('0', precision); } } if ((flags & FLAG_SHARP) != 0 && precision > 0) buf.fill('0', precision); if (width > 0) buf.fill(' ', width); } break; case 'f': intDigits = Math.max(0,Math.min(nDigits + exponent,nDigits)); intZeroes = Math.max(0,exponent); intLength = intDigits + intZeroes; decDigits = nDigits - intDigits; decZeroes = Math.max(0,-(decDigits + exponent)); decLength = decZeroes + decDigits; if (precision < decLength) { if (precision < decZeroes) { decDigits = 0; decZeroes = precision; } else { int n = round(digits, nDigits, intDigits+precision-decZeroes-1, false); if (n > nDigits) { // digits arr shifted, update all nDigits = n; intDigits = Math.max(0,Math.min(nDigits + exponent,nDigits)); intLength = intDigits + intZeroes; decDigits = nDigits - intDigits; decZeroes = Math.max(0,-(decDigits + exponent)); decLength = decZeroes + decDigits; } decDigits = precision - decZeroes; } decLength = decZeroes + decDigits; } if (precision > 0) { len += Math.max(1,intLength) + 1 + precision; // (1|intlen).prec } else { len += Math.max(1,intLength); // (1|intlen) if ((flags & FLAG_SHARP) != 0) { len++; // will have a trailing '.' } } width -= len; if (width > 0 && (flags & (FLAG_ZERO|FLAG_MINUS)) == 0) { buf.fill(' ', width); width = 0; } if (sign != 0) { buf.append(sign); } if (width > 0 && (flags & FLAG_MINUS) == 0) { buf.fill('0', width); width = 0; } // now some data... if (intLength > 0){ if (intDigits > 0) { // s/b true, since intLength > 0 buf.append(digits, 0, intDigits); } if (intZeroes > 0) { buf.fill('0', intZeroes); } } else { // always need at least a 0 buf.append('0'); } if (precision > 0 || (flags & FLAG_SHARP) != 0) { buf.append(args.getDecimalSeparator()); } if (precision > 0) { if (decZeroes > 0) { buf.fill('0', decZeroes); precision -= decZeroes; } if (decDigits > 0) { buf.append(digits, intDigits, decDigits); precision -= decDigits; } // fill up the rest with zeroes if (precision > 0) { buf.fill('0', precision); } } if (width > 0) { buf.fill(' ', width); } break; case 'E': case 'e': // intDigits isn't used here, but if it were, it would be 1 /* intDigits = 1; */ decDigits = nDigits - 1; if (precision < decDigits) { int n = round(digits,nDigits,precision,precision!=0); if (n > nDigits) { nDigits = n; } decDigits = Math.min(nDigits - 1,precision); } exponent += nDigits - 1; boolean isSharp = (flags & FLAG_SHARP) != 0; // deal with length/width len++; // first digit is always printed // MRI behavior: Be default, 2 digits // in the exponent. Use 3 digits // only when necessary. // See comment for writeExp method for more details. if (exponent > 99) { len += 5; // 5 -> e+nnn / e-nnn } else { len += 4; // 4 -> e+nn / e-nn } if (precision > 0) { // '.' and all precision digits printed len += 1 + precision; } else if (isSharp) { len++; // in this mode, '.' is always printed } width -= len; if (width > 0 && (flags & (FLAG_ZERO|FLAG_MINUS)) == 0) { buf.fill(' ', width); width = 0; } if (sign != 0) { buf.append(sign); } if (width > 0 && (flags & FLAG_MINUS) == 0) { buf.fill('0', width); width = 0; } // now some data... buf.append(digits[0]); if (precision > 0) { buf.append(args.getDecimalSeparator()); // '.' if (decDigits > 0) { buf.append(digits,1,decDigits); precision -= decDigits; } if (precision > 0) buf.fill('0', precision); } else if ((flags & FLAG_SHARP) != 0) { buf.append(args.getDecimalSeparator()); } writeExp(buf, exponent, expChar); if (width > 0) buf.fill(' ', width); break; } // switch (format char E,e,f,G,g,a,A) offset++; incomplete = false; break; } // block (case E,e,f,G,g,a,A) } // switch (each format char in spec) } // for (each format spec) // equivalent to MRI case '\0': if (incomplete) { if (flags == FLAG_NONE) { // dangling '%' char if (format[length - 1] == '%') raiseArgumentError(args,ERR_INCOMPLETE_FORMAT_SPEC); buf.append('%'); } else { raiseArgumentError(args,ERR_ILLEGAL_FORMAT_CHAR); } } } // main while loop (offset < length) // MRI behavior: validate only the unnumbered arguments if (args.positionIndex >= 0 && args.nextIndex < args.length) { if (args.runtime.isDebug()) { args.raiseArgumentError("too many arguments for format string"); } else if (args.runtime.isVerbose()) { args.warn(ID.TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS, "too many arguments for format string"); } } return tainted; } public static NumberFormat getNumberFormat(Locale locale) { Map<Locale, NumberFormat> numberFormats = LOCALE_NUMBER_FORMATS.get(); if (numberFormats == null) { numberFormats = new HashMap<Locale, NumberFormat>(4); LOCALE_NUMBER_FORMATS.set(numberFormats); } NumberFormat format = numberFormats.get(locale); if ( format == null ) { format = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(locale); numberFormats.put(locale, format); } return format; } public static DecimalFormatSymbols getDecimalFormat(Locale locale) { Map<Locale, DecimalFormatSymbols> decimalFormats = LOCALE_DECIMAL_FORMATS.get(); if (decimalFormats == null) { decimalFormats = new HashMap<Locale, DecimalFormatSymbols>(4); LOCALE_DECIMAL_FORMATS.set(decimalFormats); } DecimalFormatSymbols format = decimalFormats.get(locale); if (format == null) { format = new DecimalFormatSymbols(locale); decimalFormats.put(locale, format); } return format; } private static void writeExp(ByteList buf, int exponent, byte expChar) { // Unfortunately, the number of digits in the exponent is // not clearly defined in Ruby documentation. This is a // platform/version-dependent behavior. On Linux/Mac/Cygwin/*nix, // two digits are used. On Windows, 3 digits are used. // It is desirable for JRuby to have consistent behavior, and // the two digits behavior was selected. This is also in sync // with "Java-native" sprintf behavior (java.util.Formatter). buf.append(expChar); // E or e buf.append(exponent >= 0 ? '+' : '-'); if (exponent < 0) { exponent = -exponent; } if (exponent > 99) { buf.append(exponent / 100 + '0'); buf.append(exponent % 100 / 10 + '0'); } else { buf.append(exponent / 10 + '0'); } buf.append(exponent % 10 + '0'); } // debugging code, keeping for now /* private static final void showLiteral(byte[] format, int start, int offset) { System.out.println("literal: ["+ new String(format,start,offset-start)+ "], " + " s="+ start + " o="+ offset); } // debugging code, keeping for now private static final void showVals(byte[] format,int start,int offset, byte fchar, int flags, int width, int precision, Object arg) { System.out.println(new StringBuffer() .append("value: ").append(new String(format,start,offset-start+1)).append('\n') .append("type: ").append((char)fchar).append('\n') .append("start: ").append(start).append('\n') .append("length: ").append(offset-start).append('\n') .append("flags: ").append(Integer.toBinaryString(flags)).append('\n') .append("width: ").append(width).append('\n') .append("precision: ").append(precision).append('\n') .append("arg: ").append(arg).append('\n') .toString()); } */ private static void raiseArgumentError(Args args, String message) { args.raiseArgumentError(message); } private static void warning(ID id, Args args, String message) { args.warning(id, message); } private static void checkOffset(Args args, int offset, int length, String message) { if (offset >= length) { raiseArgumentError(args, message); } } private static int[] GETASTER(final Args args, final byte[] format, int offset, final int length, final boolean width) { checkOffset(args, ++offset, length, ERR_MALFORMED_STAR_NUM); final int mark = offset; int number = 0; byte fchar = '\0'; final String errMessage = width ? "width too big" : "prec too big"; for (; offset < length && isDigit(fchar = format[offset]); offset++) { number = extendWidth(args, number, fchar, errMessage); } checkOffset(args, offset, length, ERR_MALFORMED_STAR_NUM); IRubyObject tmp; if (fchar == '$') { tmp = args.getPositionArg(number); offset++; } else { tmp = args.getNextArg(); offset = mark; } return new int[] { offset, args.intValue(tmp) }; // [ offset, prec/width ] } private static int extendWidth(Args args, int oldWidth, byte newChar, final String errMessage) { int newWidth = oldWidth * 10 + (newChar - '0'); if (newWidth / 10 != oldWidth) raiseArgumentError(args,errMessage); return newWidth; } private static boolean isDigit(byte aChar) { return (aChar >= '0' && aChar <= '9'); } private static boolean isPrintable(byte aChar) { return (aChar > 32 && aChar < 127); } private static int skipSignBits(byte[] bytes, int base) { int skip = 0; int length = bytes.length; byte b; switch(base) { case 2: for ( ; skip < length && bytes[skip] == '1'; skip++ ) {} break; case 8: if (length > 0 && bytes[0] == '3') skip++; for ( ; skip < length && bytes[skip] == '7'; skip++ ) {} break; case 10: if (length > 0 && bytes[0] == '-') skip++; break; case 16: for ( ; skip < length && ((b = bytes[skip]) == 'f' || b == 'F'); skip++ ) {} } return skip; } private static int round(byte[] bytes, final int nDigits, int roundPos, boolean roundDown) { final int nextPos = roundPos + 1; if (nextPos >= nDigits) return nDigits; if (bytes[nextPos] < '5') return nDigits; if (roundPos < 0) { // "%.0f" % 0.99 System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, bytes, 1, nDigits); bytes[0] = '1'; return nDigits + 1; } if (bytes[nextPos] == '5') { if (nextPos == nDigits - 1) { if (roundDown || (bytes[roundPos] - '0') % 2 == 0) { return nDigits; // round down (half-to-even) } } // we only need to apply half-to-even rounding // if we're at last pos (^^ above) 0.25 -> 0.2 // or all that is left are zeros 0.2500 -> 0.2 but 0.2501 -> 0.3 int i = nextPos; while (++i < nDigits) { if (bytes[i] != '0') { break; } } if (i == nDigits - 1 && (bytes[i] == '0')) { if ((bytes[roundPos] - '0') % 2 == 0) { return nDigits; // round down (half-to-even) } } } bytes[roundPos] += 1; while (bytes[roundPos] > '9') { bytes[roundPos] = '0'; roundPos--; if (roundPos >= 0) { bytes[roundPos] += 1; } else { System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, bytes, 1, nDigits); bytes[0] = '1'; return nDigits + 1; } } return nDigits; } private static byte[] getFixnumBytes(final long val, int base, boolean sign, boolean upper) { // limit the length of negatives if possible (also faster) if (val >= Integer.MIN_VALUE && val <= Integer.MAX_VALUE) { if (sign) { return ConvertBytes.intToByteArray((int) val, base, upper); } switch (base) { case 2: return ConvertBytes.intToBinaryBytes((int) val); case 8: return ConvertBytes.intToOctalBytes((int) val); case 10: default: return ConvertBytes.intToCharBytes((int) val); case 16: return ConvertBytes.intToHexBytes((int) val, upper); } } else { if (sign) { return ConvertBytes.longToByteArray(val,base,upper); } switch (base) { case 2: return ConvertBytes.longToBinaryBytes(val); case 8: return ConvertBytes.longToOctalBytes(val); case 10: default: return ConvertBytes.longToCharBytes(val); case 16: return ConvertBytes.longToHexBytes(val, upper); } } } private static byte[] getBignumBytes(final BigInteger val, int base, boolean sign, boolean upper) { if (sign || base == 10 || val.signum() >= 0) { return stringToBytes(val.toString(base),upper); } // negative values switch (base) { case 2: return ConvertBytes.twosComplementToBinaryBytes(val.toByteArray()); case 8: return ConvertBytes.twosComplementToOctalBytes(val.toByteArray()); case 16: return ConvertBytes.twosComplementToHexBytes(val.toByteArray(), upper); default: return stringToBytes(val.toString(base), upper); } } private static byte[] getUnsignedNegativeBytes(final long val) { // calculation for negatives when %u specified // for values >= Integer.MIN_VALUE * 2, MRI uses (the equivalent of) // long neg_u = (((long)Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1) << 1) + val // for smaller values, BigInteger math is required to conform to MRI's // result. // relatively cheap test for 32-bit values if (val >= Long.MIN_VALUE << 1) { return ConvertBytes.longToCharBytes(((Long.MAX_VALUE + 1L) << 1) + val); } return getUnsignedNegativeBytes(BigInteger.valueOf(val)); } private static byte[] getUnsignedNegativeBytes(final BigInteger val) { int shift = 0; // go through negated powers of 32 until we find one small enough for (BigInteger minus = BIG_MINUS_64; val.compareTo(minus) < 0 ; minus = minus.shiftLeft(32), shift++) {} // add to the corresponding positive power of 32 for the result. // meaningful? no. conformant? yes. I just write the code... BigInteger nPower32 = shift > 0 ? BIG_64.shiftLeft(32 * shift) : BIG_64; return stringToBytes(nPower32.add(val).toString()); } private static byte[] stringToBytes(CharSequence s, boolean upper) { if (upper) { int len = s.length(); byte[] bytes = new byte[len]; for (int i = len; --i >= 0; ) { int b = (byte)((int)s.charAt(i) & (int)0xff); if (b >= 'a' && b <= 'z') { bytes[i] = (byte)(b & ~0x20); } else { bytes[i] = (byte)b; } } return bytes; } return stringToBytes(s); } private static byte[] stringToBytes(CharSequence s) { return ByteList.plain(s); } }