package org.jruby.runtime.callsite;

import org.jruby.RubySymbol;
import org.jruby.runtime.Helpers;
import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;
import org.jruby.RubyClass;
import org.jruby.internal.runtime.methods.DynamicMethod;

import static org.jruby.RubyBasicObject.getMetaClass;

public class RespondToCallSite extends MonomorphicCallSite {
    private volatile RespondToTuple respondToTuple = RespondToTuple.NULL_CACHE;
    private final String respondToName;
    private RubySymbol respondToNameSym;

    private static class RespondToTuple {
        static final RespondToTuple NULL_CACHE = new RespondToTuple("", true, CacheEntry.NULL_CACHE, CacheEntry.NULL_CACHE);
        public final String name;
        public final boolean checkVisibility;
        public final CacheEntry respondToMethod;
        public final CacheEntry entry;
        public final IRubyObject respondsTo;
        public final boolean respondsToBoolean;
        public RespondToTuple(String name, boolean checkVisibility, CacheEntry respondToMethod, CacheEntry entry, IRubyObject respondsTo) {
   = name;
            this.checkVisibility = checkVisibility;
            this.respondToMethod = respondToMethod;
            this.entry = entry;
            this.respondsTo = respondsTo;
            this.respondsToBoolean = respondsTo.isTrue();

        public RespondToTuple(String name, boolean checkVisibility, CacheEntry respondToMethod, CacheEntry entry) {
   = name;
            this.checkVisibility = checkVisibility;
            this.respondToMethod = respondToMethod;
            this.entry = entry;
            this.respondsTo = null;
            this.respondsToBoolean = false;

        public boolean cacheOk(RubyClass klass) {
            return respondToMethod.typeOk(klass) && entry.typeOk(klass);

    public RespondToCallSite() {
        respondToName = null;

    public RespondToCallSite(String name) {
        respondToName = name;

    public IRubyObject call(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self, IRubyObject name) { 
        RubyClass klass = getMetaClass(self);
        RespondToTuple tuple = respondToTuple;
        if (tuple.cacheOk(klass)) {
            String strName = name.asJavaString();
            if (strName.equals( && tuple.checkVisibility) return tuple.respondsTo;
        // go through normal call logic, which will hit overridden cacheAndCall
        return, caller, self, name);

    public IRubyObject call(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self, IRubyObject name, IRubyObject bool) {
        RubyClass klass = getMetaClass(self);
        RespondToTuple tuple = respondToTuple;
        if (tuple.cacheOk(klass)) {
            String strName = name.asJavaString();
            if (strName.equals( && !bool.isTrue() == tuple.checkVisibility) return tuple.respondsTo;
        // go through normal call logic, which will hit overridden cacheAndCall
        return, caller, self, name, bool);

    public boolean respondsTo(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self) {
        RubyClass klass = getMetaClass(self);
        RespondToTuple tuple = respondToTuple;
        if (tuple.cacheOk(klass)) {
            String strName = respondToName;
            if (strName.equals( && tuple.checkVisibility) return tuple.respondsToBoolean;
        // go through normal call logic, which will hit overridden cacheAndCall
        return, caller, self, getRespondToNameSym(context)).isTrue();

    public boolean respondsTo(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self, boolean includePrivate) {
        RubyClass klass = getMetaClass(self);
        RespondToTuple tuple = respondToTuple;
        if (tuple.cacheOk(klass)) {
            String strName = respondToName;
            if (strName.equals( && !includePrivate == tuple.checkVisibility) return tuple.respondsToBoolean;
        // go through normal call logic, which will hit overridden cacheAndCall
        return, caller, self, getRespondToNameSym(context), context.runtime.newBoolean(includePrivate)).isTrue();

    private RubySymbol getRespondToNameSym(ThreadContext context) {
        RubySymbol sym = respondToNameSym;
        if (sym == null) {
            respondToNameSym = sym = context.runtime.newSymbol(respondToName);
        return sym;

    protected IRubyObject cacheAndCall(IRubyObject caller, RubyClass selfType, ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, IRubyObject arg) {
        CacheEntry entry = selfType.searchWithCache(methodName);
        final DynamicMethod method = entry.method;
        if (methodMissing(method, caller)) {
            return callMethodMissing(context, self, selfType, method, arg);

        // alternate logic to cache the result of respond_to if it's the standard one
        if (method.isBuiltin()) {
            String name = arg.asJavaString();
            RespondToTuple tuple = recacheRespondsTo(entry, name, selfType, true, context);

            // only cache if it does respond_to? OR there's no custom respond_to_missing? logic
            if (tuple.respondsTo.isTrue() ||
                    selfType.searchWithCache("respond_to_missing?").method == context.runtime.getRespondToMissingMethod()) {
                respondToTuple = tuple;
                return tuple.respondsTo;

        // normal logic if it's not the builtin respond_to? method
        entry = setCache(entry, self); // cache = entry;
        return, self, entry.sourceModule, methodName, arg);

    protected IRubyObject cacheAndCall(IRubyObject caller, RubyClass selfType, ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) {
        CacheEntry entry = selfType.searchWithCache(methodName);
        final DynamicMethod method = entry.method;
        if (methodMissing(method, caller)) {
            return callMethodMissing(context, self, selfType, method, arg0, arg1);

        // alternate logic to cache the result of respond_to if it's the standard one
        if (method.equals(context.runtime.getRespondToMethod())) {
            String name = arg0.asJavaString();
            RespondToTuple tuple = recacheRespondsTo(entry, name, selfType, !arg1.isTrue(), context);

            // only cache if it does respond_to? OR there's no custom respond_to_missing? logic
            if (tuple.respondsTo.isTrue() ||
                    selfType.searchWithCache("respond_to_missing?").method == context.runtime.getRespondToMissingMethod()) {
                respondToTuple = tuple;
                return tuple.respondsTo;

        // normal logic if it's not the builtin respond_to? method
        entry = setCache(entry, self); // cache = entry;
        return, self, entry.sourceModule, methodName, arg0, arg1);

    private static RespondToTuple recacheRespondsTo(CacheEntry respondToMethod, String newString, RubyClass klass, boolean checkVisibility, ThreadContext context) {
        CacheEntry respondToLookupResult = klass.searchWithCache(newString);
        boolean respondsTo = Helpers.respondsToMethod(respondToLookupResult.method, checkVisibility);

        return new RespondToTuple(newString, checkVisibility, respondToMethod, respondToLookupResult, context.runtime.newBoolean(respondsTo));