package org.jruby.javasupport;

 * Version: EPL 2.0/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
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 * Copyright (C) 2006 Thomas E Enebo <>
 * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
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import java.util.List;

import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.RubyArray;
import org.jruby.RubyInstanceConfig;
import org.jruby.RubyInteger;
import org.jruby.RubyModule;
import org.jruby.RubyObjectAdapter;
import org.jruby.RubyRuntimeAdapter;
import org.jruby.RubyString;
import org.jruby.ast.Node;
import org.jruby.runtime.Block;
import org.jruby.runtime.Helpers;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;
import org.jruby.util.UriLikePathHelper;

Utility functions to help embedders out. These function consolidate logic that is used between BSF and JSR 223. People who are embedding JRuby 'raw' should use these as well. If at a later date, we discover a flaw or change how we do things, this utility class should provide some insulation. Example: Ruby runtime = JavaEmbedUtils.initialize(new ArrayList()); RubyRuntimeAdapter evaler = JavaEmbedUtils.newRuntimeAdapter(); IRubyObject rubyObject = evaler.parse(runtime, expr.toString(), file, line).run()); SomeClassOrInterface javaObject = (SomeClassOrInterface) JavaEmbedUtils.rubyToJava(rubyObject); runtime.terminate();
/** * Utility functions to help embedders out. These function consolidate logic that is * used between BSF and JSR 223. People who are embedding JRuby 'raw' should use these * as well. If at a later date, we discover a flaw or change how we do things, this * utility class should provide some insulation. * * Example: * Ruby runtime = JavaEmbedUtils.initialize(new ArrayList()); * RubyRuntimeAdapter evaler = JavaEmbedUtils.newRuntimeAdapter(); * IRubyObject rubyObject = evaler.parse(runtime, expr.toString(), file, line).run()); * SomeClassOrInterface javaObject = (SomeClassOrInterface) JavaEmbedUtils.rubyToJava(rubyObject); * runtime.terminate(); */
public class JavaEmbedUtils {
Get an instance of a JRuby runtime. Provide any loadpaths you want used at startup.
  • loadPaths – to specify where to look for Ruby modules.
Returns:an instance
/** * Get an instance of a JRuby runtime. Provide any loadpaths you want used at startup. * * @param loadPaths to specify where to look for Ruby modules. * @return an instance */
public static Ruby initialize(List<String> loadPaths) { return initialize(loadPaths, new RubyInstanceConfig()); }
Get an instance of a JRuby runtime.
  • loadPaths – additional load paths you wish to add
  • config – a runtime configuration instance
Returns:an instance
/** * Get an instance of a JRuby runtime. * @param loadPaths additional load paths you wish to add * @param config a runtime configuration instance * @return an instance */
public static Ruby initialize(List<String> loadPaths, RubyInstanceConfig config) { Ruby runtime = Ruby.newInstance(config); runtime.getLoadService().addPaths(loadPaths); runtime.getLoadService().require("java"); return runtime; } public static RubyObjectAdapter newObjectAdapter() { return new RubyObjectAdapter() { public boolean isKindOf(IRubyObject value, RubyModule rubyModule) { return rubyModule.isInstance(value); } public IRubyObject setInstanceVariable(IRubyObject obj, String variableName, IRubyObject value) { return obj.getInstanceVariables().setInstanceVariable(variableName, value); } public IRubyObject[] convertToJavaArray(IRubyObject array) { return ((RubyArray) array).toJavaArray(); } public RubyInteger convertToRubyInteger(IRubyObject obj) { return obj.convertToInteger(); } public IRubyObject getInstanceVariable(IRubyObject obj, String variableName) { return obj.getInstanceVariables().getInstanceVariable(variableName); } public RubyString convertToRubyString(IRubyObject obj) { return obj.convertToString(); } public IRubyObject callMethod(IRubyObject receiver, String methodName) { return receiver.callMethod(receiver.getRuntime().getCurrentContext(), methodName); } public IRubyObject callMethod(IRubyObject receiver, String methodName, IRubyObject singleArg) { return receiver.callMethod(receiver.getRuntime().getCurrentContext(), methodName, singleArg); } public IRubyObject callMethod(IRubyObject receiver, String methodName, IRubyObject[] args) { return receiver.callMethod(receiver.getRuntime().getCurrentContext(), methodName, args); } public IRubyObject callMethod(IRubyObject receiver, String methodName, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) { return receiver.callMethod(receiver.getRuntime().getCurrentContext(), methodName, args, block); } public IRubyObject callSuper(IRubyObject receiver, IRubyObject[] args) { return Helpers.invokeSuper(receiver.getRuntime().getCurrentContext(), receiver, args, Block.NULL_BLOCK); } public IRubyObject callSuper(IRubyObject receiver, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) { return Helpers.invokeSuper(receiver.getRuntime().getCurrentContext(), receiver, args, block); } }; } public static RubyRuntimeAdapter newRuntimeAdapter() { return new RubyRuntimeAdapter() {
Evaluate a script and return the last value in the script.
  • runtime – to invoke the script under
  • script – to be evaluated
Returns:the last value of the script
/** * Evaluate a script and return the last value in the script. * @param runtime to invoke the script under * @param script to be evaluated * @return the last value of the script */
public IRubyObject eval(Ruby runtime, String script) { return runtime.evalScriptlet(script); }
Parse the script and return an object which can be run(). This allows the script to be parsed once and evaluated many times.
  • runtime – to parse the script under
  • script – to be parsed
  • filename – the filename to display for parse errors and backtraces
  • lineNumber – the linenumber to display for parse errors and backtraces
Returns:an object which can be run
/** * Parse the script and return an object which can be run(). This allows the script * to be parsed once and evaluated many times. * @param runtime to parse the script under * @param script to be parsed * @param filename the filename to display for parse errors and backtraces * @param lineNumber the linenumber to display for parse errors and backtraces * @return an object which can be run */
public EvalUnit parse(Ruby runtime, String script, String filename, int lineNumber) { return new InterpretedEvalUnit(runtime, runtime.parseEval(script, filename, null, lineNumber)); }
Parse the script and return an object which can be run(). This allows the script to be parsed once and evaluated many times.
  • runtime – to parse the script under
  • in – the script as an inputstream to be parsed
  • filename – the filename to display for parse errors and backtraces
  • lineNumber – the linenumber to display for parse errors and backtraces
Returns:an object which can be run
/** * Parse the script and return an object which can be run(). This allows the script * to be parsed once and evaluated many times. * @param runtime to parse the script under * @param in the script as an inputstream to be parsed * @param filename the filename to display for parse errors and backtraces * @param lineNumber the linenumber to display for parse errors and backtraces * @return an object which can be run */
public EvalUnit parse(Ruby runtime, InputStream in, String filename, int lineNumber) { return new InterpretedEvalUnit(runtime, runtime.parseFile(in, filename, null, lineNumber)); } }; }
All implementers can be run and will return the last value in the evaluation unit.
/** * All implementers can be run and will return the last value in the evaluation unit. */
public static interface EvalUnit {
Returns:results of executing this evaluation unit.
/** * @return results of executing this evaluation unit. */
public IRubyObject run(); }
An evaluation unit which is based on running JRuby's interpreter (as opposed to the compiler).
/** * An evaluation unit which is based on running JRuby's interpreter (as opposed to the * compiler). */
public static class InterpretedEvalUnit implements EvalUnit { private final Ruby runtime; private final Node node; protected InterpretedEvalUnit(Ruby runtime, Node node) { this.runtime = runtime; this.node = node; } public IRubyObject run() { return runtime.runInterpreter(node); } }
Dispose of the runtime you initialized.
  • runtime – to be disposed of
/** * Dispose of the runtime you initialized. * * @param runtime to be disposed of */
public static void terminate(Ruby runtime) { runtime.tearDown(); }
Convenience function for embedders
  • runtime – environment where the invoke will occur
  • receiver – is the instance that will receive the method call
  • method – is method to be called
  • args – are the arguments to the method
  • returnType – is the type we want it to conform to
Returns:the result of the invocation.
/** * Convenience function for embedders * * @param runtime environment where the invoke will occur * @param receiver is the instance that will receive the method call * @param method is method to be called * @param args are the arguments to the method * @param returnType is the type we want it to conform to * @return the result of the invocation. */
public static Object invokeMethod(Ruby runtime, Object receiver, String method, Object[] args, Class returnType) { IRubyObject rubyReceiver = receiver != null ? JavaUtil.convertJavaToRuby(runtime, receiver) : runtime.getTopSelf(); IRubyObject[] rubyArgs = JavaUtil.convertJavaArrayToRuby(runtime, args); // Create Ruby proxies for any input arguments that are not primitives. for (int i = 0; i < rubyArgs.length; i++) { IRubyObject obj = rubyArgs[i]; if (obj instanceof JavaObject) rubyArgs[i] = Java.wrap(runtime, obj); } IRubyObject result = rubyReceiver.callMethod(runtime.getCurrentContext(), method, rubyArgs); return rubyToJava(runtime, result, returnType); }
Convert a Ruby object to a Java object.
/** * Convert a Ruby object to a Java object. */
public static Object rubyToJava(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject value, Class type) { return value.toJava(type); }
Convert the Ruby object to a Java Object.
  • value – to be converted
Returns:the converted object
/** * Convert the Ruby object to a Java Object. * @param value to be converted * @return the converted object */
public static Object rubyToJava(IRubyObject value) { return value.toJava(Object.class); }
Convert a java object to a Ruby object.
/** * Convert a java object to a Ruby object. */
public static IRubyObject javaToRuby(Ruby runtime, Object value) { if (value instanceof IRubyObject) return (IRubyObject) value; IRubyObject result = JavaUtil.convertJavaToUsableRubyObject(runtime, value); return result instanceof JavaObject ? Java.wrap(runtime, result) : result; } public static IRubyObject javaToRuby(Ruby runtime, boolean value) { return javaToRuby(runtime, value ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE); } public static IRubyObject javaToRuby(Ruby runtime, byte value) { return javaToRuby(runtime, Byte.valueOf(value)); } public static IRubyObject javaToRuby(Ruby runtime, char value) { return javaToRuby(runtime, Character.valueOf(value)); } public static IRubyObject javaToRuby(Ruby runtime, double value) { return javaToRuby(runtime, new Double(value)); } public static IRubyObject javaToRuby(Ruby runtime, float value) { return javaToRuby(runtime, new Float(value)); } public static IRubyObject javaToRuby(Ruby runtime, int value) { return javaToRuby(runtime, Integer.valueOf(value)); } public static IRubyObject javaToRuby(Ruby runtime, long value) { return javaToRuby(runtime, Long.valueOf(value)); } public static IRubyObject javaToRuby(Ruby runtime, short value) { return javaToRuby(runtime, Short.valueOf(value)); } }