 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.jdbi.v3.core.result;

import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.stream.Collector;
import java.util.stream.Stream;

import org.jdbi.v3.core.collector.ElementTypeNotFoundException;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.collector.NoSuchCollectorException;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.config.Configurable;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.generic.GenericType;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.mapper.ColumnMapper;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.mapper.GenericMapMapperFactory;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.mapper.MapMapper;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.mapper.NoSuchMapperException;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.mapper.RowMapper;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.mapper.RowViewMapper;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.mapper.SingleColumnMapper;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.mapper.reflect.BeanMapper;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.qualifier.QualifiedType;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.result.internal.RowViewImpl;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.statement.StatementContext;
import org.jdbi.v3.meta.Beta;

Provides access to the contents of a ResultSet by mapping to Java types.
/** * Provides access to the contents of a {@link ResultSet} by mapping to Java types. */
public interface ResultBearing {
Returns a ResultBearing backed by the given result set supplier and context.
  • resultSetSupplier – result set supplier
  • ctx – the statement context
Returns:a ResultBearing
/** * Returns a ResultBearing backed by the given result set supplier and context. * * @param resultSetSupplier result set supplier * @param ctx the statement context * @return a ResultBearing */
static ResultBearing of(Supplier<ResultSet> resultSetSupplier, StatementContext ctx) { return new ResultBearing() { @Override public <R> R scanResultSet(ResultSetScanner<R> mapper) { try { return mapper.scanResultSet(resultSetSupplier, ctx); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new ResultSetException("Error reading result set", e, ctx); } } }; }
Invokes the mapper with a result set supplier, and returns the value returned by the mapper.
  • mapper – result set scanner
Type parameters:
  • <R> – result type returned by the mapper.
Returns:the value returned by the mapper.
/** * Invokes the mapper with a result set supplier, and returns the value returned by the mapper. * @param mapper result set scanner * @param <R> result type returned by the mapper. * @return the value returned by the mapper. */
<R> R scanResultSet(ResultSetScanner<R> mapper);
Maps this result set to a ResultIterable of the given element type.
  • type – the type to map the result set rows to
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the type to map the result set rows to
See Also:
Returns:a ResultIterable of the given type.
/** * Maps this result set to a {@link ResultIterable} of the given element type. * * @param type the type to map the result set rows to * @param <T> the type to map the result set rows to * @return a {@link ResultIterable} of the given type. * @see Configurable#registerRowMapper(RowMapper) * @see Configurable#registerRowMapper(org.jdbi.v3.core.mapper.RowMapperFactory) * @see Configurable#registerColumnMapper(org.jdbi.v3.core.mapper.ColumnMapperFactory) * @see Configurable#registerColumnMapper(ColumnMapper) */
default <T> ResultIterable<T> mapTo(Class<T> type) { return mapTo(QualifiedType.of(type)); }
Maps this result set to a ResultIterable of the given element type.
  • type – the type to map the result set rows to
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the type to map the result set rows to
See Also:
Returns:a ResultIterable of the given type.
/** * Maps this result set to a {@link ResultIterable} of the given element type. * * @param type the type to map the result set rows to * @param <T> the type to map the result set rows to * @return a {@link ResultIterable} of the given type. * @see Configurable#registerRowMapper(RowMapper) * @see Configurable#registerRowMapper(org.jdbi.v3.core.mapper.RowMapperFactory) * @see Configurable#registerColumnMapper(org.jdbi.v3.core.mapper.ColumnMapperFactory) * @see Configurable#registerColumnMapper(ColumnMapper) */
default <T> ResultIterable<T> mapTo(GenericType<T> type) { return mapTo(QualifiedType.of(type)); }
Maps this result set to a ResultIterable of the given element type.
  • type – the type to map the result set rows to
See Also:
Returns:a ResultIterable of the given type.
/** * Maps this result set to a {@link ResultIterable} of the given element type. * * @param type the type to map the result set rows to * @return a {@link ResultIterable} of the given type. * @see Configurable#registerRowMapper(RowMapper) * @see Configurable#registerRowMapper(org.jdbi.v3.core.mapper.RowMapperFactory) * @see Configurable#registerColumnMapper(org.jdbi.v3.core.mapper.ColumnMapperFactory) * @see Configurable#registerColumnMapper(ColumnMapper) */
default ResultIterable<?> mapTo(Type type) { return mapTo(QualifiedType.of(type)); }
Maps this result set to a ResultIterable of the given qualified element type.
  • type – the qualified type to map the result set rows to
See Also:
Returns:a ResultIterable of the given type.
/** * Maps this result set to a {@link ResultIterable} of the given qualified element type. * * @param type the qualified type to map the result set rows to * @return a {@link ResultIterable} of the given type. * @see Configurable#registerRowMapper(RowMapper) * @see Configurable#registerRowMapper(org.jdbi.v3.core.mapper.RowMapperFactory) * @see Configurable#registerColumnMapper(org.jdbi.v3.core.mapper.ColumnMapperFactory) * @see Configurable#registerColumnMapper(ColumnMapper) */
@Beta default <T> ResultIterable<T> mapTo(QualifiedType<T> type) { return scanResultSet((supplier, ctx) -> { RowMapper<T> mapper = ctx.findMapperFor(type) .orElseThrow(() -> new NoSuchMapperException("No mapper registered for type " + type)); return ResultIterable.of(supplier, mapper, ctx); }); }
Maps this result set to a ResultIterable of the given element type, using BeanMapper.
  • type – the bean type to map the result set rows to
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the bean type to map the result set rows to
Returns:a ResultIterable of the given type.
/** * Maps this result set to a {@link ResultIterable} of the given element type, using {@link BeanMapper}. * * @param type the bean type to map the result set rows to * @param <T> the bean type to map the result set rows to * @return a {@link ResultIterable} of the given type. */
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") default <T> ResultIterable<T> mapToBean(Class<T> type) { return map(BeanMapper.of(type)); }
Maps this result set to a ResultIterable of Map<String,Object>. Keys are column names, and values are column values.
Returns:a ResultIterable<Map<String,Object>>.
/** * Maps this result set to a {@link ResultIterable} of {@code Map<String,Object>}. Keys are column names, and * values are column values. * * @return a {@link ResultIterable ResultIterable&lt;Map&lt;String,Object&gt;&gt;}. */
default ResultIterable<Map<String, Object>> mapToMap() { return map(new MapMapper()); }
Maps this result set to a Map of String and the given value class.
  • valueType – the class to map the resultset columns to
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the value type
See Also:
Returns:a Map of String and the given type.
/** * Maps this result set to a {@link Map} of {@link String} and the given value class. * * @param <T> the value type * @param valueType the class to map the resultset columns to * @return a {@link Map} of String and the given type. * @see Configurable#registerColumnMapper(ColumnMapper) */
@Beta default <T> ResultIterable<Map<String, T>> mapToMap(Class<T> valueType) { return scanResultSet((supplier, ctx) -> ResultIterable.of(supplier, GenericMapMapperFactory.getMapperForValueType(valueType, ctx.getConfig()), ctx)); }
Maps this result set to a Map of String and the given value type.
  • valueType – the type to map the resultset columns to
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the value type
See Also:
Returns:a Map of String and the given type.
/** * Maps this result set to a {@link Map} of {@link String} and the given value type. * * @param <T> the value type * @param valueType the type to map the resultset columns to * @return a {@link Map} of String and the given type. * @see Configurable#registerColumnMapper(ColumnMapper) */
@Beta default <T> ResultIterable<Map<String, T>> mapToMap(GenericType<T> valueType) { return scanResultSet((supplier, ctx) -> ResultIterable.of(supplier, GenericMapMapperFactory.getMapperForValueType(valueType, ctx.getConfig()), ctx)); }
Maps this result set to a ResultIterable, using the given column mapper.
  • mapper – column mapper used to map the first column of each row
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the type to map the result set rows to
Returns:a ResultIterable of type <T>.
/** * Maps this result set to a {@link ResultIterable}, using the given column mapper. * * @param mapper column mapper used to map the first column of each row * @param <T> the type to map the result set rows to * @return a {@link ResultIterable} of type {@code <T>}. */
default <T> ResultIterable<T> map(ColumnMapper<T> mapper) { return map(new SingleColumnMapper<>(mapper)); }
Maps this result set to a ResultIterable, using the given row mapper.
  • mapper – mapper used to map each row
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the type to map the result set rows to
Returns:a ResultIterable of type <T>.
/** * Maps this result set to a {@link ResultIterable}, using the given row mapper. * * @param mapper mapper used to map each row * @param <T> the type to map the result set rows to * @return a {@link ResultIterable} of type {@code <T>}. */
default <T> ResultIterable<T> map(RowMapper<T> mapper) { return scanResultSet((supplier, ctx) -> ResultIterable.of(supplier, mapper, ctx)); }
Maps this result set to a ResultIterable, using the given RowViewMapper. This overload only exists to allow RowViewMapper as the type of a lambda expression.
  • mapper – RowViewMapper used to map each row
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the type to map the result set rows to
Returns:a ResultIterable of type <T>.
/** * Maps this result set to a {@link ResultIterable}, using the given {@link RowViewMapper}. * This overload only exists to allow RowViewMapper as the type of a lambda expression. * * @param mapper RowViewMapper used to map each row * @param <T> the type to map the result set rows to * @return a {@link ResultIterable} of type {@code <T>}. */
default <T> ResultIterable<T> map(RowViewMapper<T> mapper) { return map((RowMapper<T>) mapper); }
Reduce the result rows using the given row reducer.
  • reducer – the row reducer.
Type parameters:
  • <C> – Mutable result container type
  • <R> – Result element type
See Also:
Returns:the stream of result elements
/** * Reduce the result rows using the given row reducer. * * @param reducer the row reducer. * @param <C> Mutable result container type * @param <R> Result element type * @return the stream of result elements * @see RowReducer */
default <C, R> Stream<R> reduceRows(RowReducer<C, R> reducer) { return scanResultSet((supplier, ctx) -> { try (ResultSet rs = supplier.get()) { RowView rowView = new RowViewImpl(rs, ctx); C container = reducer.container(); while (rs.next()) { reducer.accumulate(container, rowView); } return reducer.stream(container); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new UnableToProduceResultException(e, ctx); } finally { ctx.close(); } }); }
Reduce the result rows using a Map<K, V> as the result container.
  • accumulator – accumulator function which gathers data from each RowView into the result map.
Type parameters:
  • <K> – map key type
  • <V> – map value type
Returns:the stream of elements in the container's Map.values() collection, in the order they were inserted.
/** * Reduce the result rows using a {@link Map Map&lt;K, V&gt;} as the * result container. * * @param accumulator accumulator function which gathers data from each * {@link RowView} into the result map. * @param <K> map key type * @param <V> map value type * @return the stream of elements in the container's {@link Map#values()} * collection, in the order they were inserted. */
default <K, V> Stream<V> reduceRows(BiConsumer<Map<K, V>, RowView> accumulator) { return reduceRows((LinkedHashMapRowReducer<K, V>) accumulator::accept); }
Reduce the results. Using a BiFunction<U, RowView, U>, repeatedly combine query results until only a single value remains.
  • seed – the U to combine with the first result
  • accumulator – the function to apply repeatedly
Type parameters:
  • <U> – the type of the accumulator
Returns:the final U
/** * Reduce the results. Using a {@code BiFunction<U, RowView, U>}, repeatedly * combine query results until only a single value remains. * * @param <U> the type of the accumulator * @param seed the {@code U} to combine with the first result * @param accumulator the function to apply repeatedly * @return the final {@code U} */
default <U> U reduceRows(U seed, BiFunction<U, RowView, U> accumulator) { return scanResultSet((supplier, ctx) -> { try (ResultSet rs = supplier.get()) { RowView rv = new RowViewImpl(rs, ctx); U result = seed; while (rs.next()) { result = accumulator.apply(result, rv); } return result; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new UnableToProduceResultException(e, ctx); } finally { ctx.close(); } }); }
Reduce the results. Using a ResultSetAccumulator, repeatedly combine query results until only a single value remains.
  • seed – the U to combine with the first result
  • accumulator – the function to apply repeatedly
Type parameters:
  • <U> – the accumulator type
Returns:the final U
/** * Reduce the results. Using a {@code ResultSetAccumulator}, repeatedly * combine query results until only a single value remains. * * @param <U> the accumulator type * @param seed the {@code U} to combine with the first result * @param accumulator the function to apply repeatedly * @return the final {@code U} */
default <U> U reduceResultSet(U seed, ResultSetAccumulator<U> accumulator) { return scanResultSet((supplier, ctx) -> { try (ResultSet rs = supplier.get()) { U result = seed; while (rs.next()) { result = accumulator.apply(result, rs, ctx); } return result; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new UnableToProduceResultException(e, ctx); } finally { ctx.close(); } }); }
Collect the results using the given collector. Do not attempt to accumulate the RowView objects into the result--they are only valid within the Collector.accumulator() function. Instead, extract mapped types from the RowView by calling RowView.getRow() or RowView.getColumn().
  • collector – the collector to collect the result rows.
Type parameters:
  • <A> – the mutable accumulator type used by the collector.
  • <R> – the result type returned by the collector.
Returns:the result of the collection
/** * Collect the results using the given collector. Do not attempt to accumulate the * {@link RowView} objects into the result--they are only valid within the * {@link Collector#accumulator()} function. Instead, extract mapped types from the * RowView by calling {@code RowView.getRow()} or {@code RowView.getColumn()}. * * @param collector the collector to collect the result rows. * @param <A> the mutable accumulator type used by the collector. * @param <R> the result type returned by the collector. * @return the result of the collection */
default <A, R> R collectRows(Collector<RowView, A, R> collector) { return scanResultSet((supplier, ctx) -> { try (ResultSet rs = supplier.get()) { RowView rv = new RowViewImpl(rs, ctx); A acc = collector.supplier().get(); BiConsumer<A, RowView> consumer = collector.accumulator(); while (rs.next()) { consumer.accept(acc, rv); } return collector.finisher().apply(acc); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new UnableToProduceResultException(e, ctx); } finally { ctx.close(); } }); }
Collect the results into a container of the given type. A collector must be registered for the container type, which knows the element type for the container. A mapper must be registered for the element type.

This method is equivalent to ResultBearing.mapTo(elementType).collect(containerCollector).

  • containerType – the container type into which results will be collected
Type parameters:
  • <R> – the result container type
Returns:a container into which result rows have been collected
/** * Collect the results into a container of the given type. A collector * must be registered for the container type, which knows the element type * for the container. A mapper must be registered for the element type. * <p> * This method is equivalent to {@code ResultBearing.mapTo(elementType).collect(containerCollector)}. * </p> * @param containerType the container type into which results will be collected * @param <R> the result container type * @return a container into which result rows have been collected */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") default <R> R collectInto(Class<R> containerType) { return (R) collectInto((Type) containerType); }
Collect the results into a container of the given generic type. A collector must be registered for the container type, which knows the element type for the container. A mapper must be registered for the element type.

This method is equivalent to ResultBearing.mapTo(elementType).collect(containerCollector).


Map<Long, User> usersById = handle.createQuery("select * from user")
    .configure(MapEntryMappers.class, cfg -> cfg.setKeyColumn("id"))
    .collectInto(new GenericType<Map<Long, User>>() {});
  • containerType – the container type into which results will be collected
Type parameters:
  • <R> – the result container type
Returns:a container into which result rows have been collected
/** * Collect the results into a container of the given generic type. A collector * must be registered for the container type, which knows the element type * for the container. A mapper must be registered for the element type. * <p> * This method is equivalent to {@code ResultBearing.mapTo(elementType).collect(containerCollector)}. * </p> * <p> * Example: * </p> * <pre> * Map&lt;Long, User&gt; usersById = handle.createQuery("select * from user") * .configure(MapEntryMappers.class, cfg -&gt; cfg.setKeyColumn("id")) * .collectInto(new GenericType&lt;Map&lt;Long, User&gt;&gt;() {}); * </pre> * * @param containerType the container type into which results will be collected * @param <R> the result container type * @return a container into which result rows have been collected */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") default <R> R collectInto(GenericType<R> containerType) { return (R) collectInto(containerType.getType()); }
Collect the results into a container of the given type. A collector must be registered for the container type, which knows the element type for the container. A mapper must be registered for the element type.

This method is equivalent to ResultBearing.mapTo(elementType).collect(containerCollector).

  • containerType – the container type into which results will be collected
Returns:a container into which result rows have been collected
/** * Collect the results into a container of the given type. A collector * must be registered for the container type, which knows the element type * for the container. A mapper must be registered for the element type. * <p> * This method is equivalent to {@code ResultBearing.mapTo(elementType).collect(containerCollector)}. * </p> * * @param containerType the container type into which results will be collected * @return a container into which result rows have been collected */
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) default Object collectInto(Type containerType) { return scanResultSet((rs, ctx) -> { Collector collector = ctx.findCollectorFor(containerType) .orElseThrow(() -> new NoSuchCollectorException("No collector registered for container type " + containerType)); Type elementType = ctx.findElementTypeFor(containerType) .orElseThrow(() -> new ElementTypeNotFoundException("Unknown element type for container type " + containerType)); RowMapper<?> mapper = ctx.findMapperFor(elementType) .orElseThrow(() -> new NoSuchMapperException("No mapper registered for element type " + elementType)); return ResultIterable.of(rs, mapper, ctx).collect(collector); }); } }