 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.jdbi.v3.core;

import java.io.Closeable;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.config.ConfigRegistry;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.config.Configurable;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.extension.ExtensionMethod;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.extension.Extensions;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.extension.NoSuchExtensionException;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.statement.Batch;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.statement.Call;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.statement.PreparedBatch;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.statement.Query;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.statement.Script;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.statement.StatementBuilder;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.statement.Update;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.transaction.TransactionException;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.transaction.TransactionHandler;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.transaction.TransactionIsolationLevel;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.transaction.UnableToManipulateTransactionIsolationLevelException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;

This represents a connection to the database system. It is a wrapper around a JDBC Connection object. Handle provides essential methods for transaction management, statement creation, and other operations tied to the database session.
/** * This represents a connection to the database system. It is a wrapper around * a JDBC Connection object. Handle provides essential methods for transaction * management, statement creation, and other operations tied to the database session. */
public class Handle implements Closeable, Configurable<Handle> { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Handle.class); private final TransactionHandler transactions; private final Connection connection; private final boolean forceEndTransactions; private ThreadLocal<ConfigRegistry> config; private ThreadLocal<ExtensionMethod> extensionMethod; private StatementBuilder statementBuilder; private boolean closed = false; Handle(ConfigRegistry config, TransactionHandler transactions, StatementBuilder statementBuilder, Connection connection) { this.transactions = transactions; this.connection = connection; this.config = ThreadLocal.withInitial(() -> config); this.extensionMethod = new ThreadLocal<>(); this.statementBuilder = statementBuilder; this.forceEndTransactions = !transactions.isInTransaction(this); } @Override public ConfigRegistry getConfig() { return config.get(); } void setConfig(ConfigRegistry config) { this.config.set(config); } void setConfigThreadLocal(ThreadLocal<ConfigRegistry> config) { this.config = config; }
Get the JDBC Connection this Handle uses.
Returns:the JDBC Connection this Handle uses
/** * Get the JDBC Connection this Handle uses. * * @return the JDBC Connection this Handle uses */
public Connection getConnection() { return this.connection; }
Returns:the current StatementBuilder
/** * @return the current {@link StatementBuilder} */
public StatementBuilder getStatementBuilder() { return statementBuilder; }
Specify the statement builder to use for this handle.
  • builder – StatementBuilder to be used
/** * Specify the statement builder to use for this handle. * @param builder StatementBuilder to be used * @return this */
public Handle setStatementBuilder(StatementBuilder builder) { this.statementBuilder = builder; return this; }
Closes the handle, its connection, and any other database resources it is holding.
  • CloseException – if any resources throw exception while closing
  • TransactionException – if called while the handle has a transaction open. The open transaction will be rolled back.
/** * Closes the handle, its connection, and any other database resources it is holding. * * @throws CloseException if any resources throw exception while closing * @throws TransactionException if called while the handle has a transaction open. The open transaction will be * rolled back. */
@Override public void close() { if (closed) { return; } boolean wasInTransaction = isInTransaction() && forceEndTransactions && config.get().get(Handles.class).isForceEndTransactions(); extensionMethod.remove(); config.remove(); if (wasInTransaction) { rollback(); } Throwable suppressed = null; try { statementBuilder.close(getConnection()); } catch (Throwable t) { suppressed = t; } try { connection.close(); if (wasInTransaction) { TransactionException txe = new TransactionException("Improper transaction handling detected: A Handle with an open " + "transaction was closed. Transactions must be explicitly committed or rolled back " + "before closing the Handle. " + "Jdbi has rolled back this transaction automatically. " + "This check may be disabled by calling getConfig(Handles.class).setForceEndTransactions(false)."); if (suppressed != null) { txe.addSuppressed(suppressed); } throw txe; } } catch (SQLException e) { CloseException ce = new CloseException("Unable to close Connection", e); if (suppressed != null) { ce.addSuppressed(suppressed); } throw ce; } finally { LOG.trace("Handle [{}] released", this); closed = true; } }
Returns:whether the Handle is closed
/** * @return whether the Handle is closed */
public boolean isClosed() { return closed; }
Convenience method which creates a query with the given positional arguments
  • sql – SQL or named statement
  • args – arguments to bind positionally
Returns:query object
/** * Convenience method which creates a query with the given positional arguments * @param sql SQL or named statement * @param args arguments to bind positionally * @return query object */
public Query select(String sql, Object... args) { Query query = this.createQuery(sql); int position = 0; for (Object arg : args) { query.bind(position++, arg); } return query; }
Execute a SQL statement, and return the number of rows affected by the statement.
  • sql – the SQL statement to execute, using positional parameters (if any)
  • args – positional arguments
Returns:the number of rows affected
/** * Execute a SQL statement, and return the number of rows affected by the statement. * * @param sql the SQL statement to execute, using positional parameters (if any) * @param args positional arguments * * @return the number of rows affected */
public int execute(String sql, Object... args) { Update stmt = createUpdate(sql); int position = 0; for (Object arg : args) { stmt.bind(position++, arg); } return stmt.execute(); }
Create a non-prepared (no bound parameters, but different SQL) batch statement.
See Also:
Returns:empty batch
/** * Create a non-prepared (no bound parameters, but different SQL) batch statement. * @return empty batch * @see Handle#prepareBatch(String) */
public Batch createBatch() { return new Batch(this); }
Prepare a batch to execute. This is for efficiently executing more than one of the same statements with different parameters bound.
  • sql – the batch SQL
Returns:a batch which can have "statements" added
/** * Prepare a batch to execute. This is for efficiently executing more than one * of the same statements with different parameters bound. * * @param sql the batch SQL * @return a batch which can have "statements" added */
public PreparedBatch prepareBatch(String sql) { return new PreparedBatch(this, sql); }
Create a call to a stored procedure.
  • sql – the stored procedure sql
Returns:the Call
/** * Create a call to a stored procedure. * * @param sql the stored procedure sql * * @return the Call */
public Call createCall(String sql) { return new Call(this, sql); }
Return a Query instance that executes a statement with bound parameters and maps the result set into Java types.
  • sql – SQL that may return results
Returns:a Query builder
/** * Return a Query instance that executes a statement * with bound parameters and maps the result set into Java types. * @param sql SQL that may return results * @return a Query builder */
public Query createQuery(String sql) { return new Query(this, sql); }
Creates a Script from the given SQL script.
  • sql – the SQL script
Returns:the created Script
/** * Creates a Script from the given SQL script. * * @param sql the SQL script * * @return the created Script */
public Script createScript(String sql) { return new Script(this, sql); }
Create an Insert or Update statement which returns the number of rows modified.
  • sql – the statement sql
Returns:the Update builder
/** * Create an Insert or Update statement which returns the number of rows modified. * * @param sql the statement sql * * @return the Update builder */
public Update createUpdate(String sql) { return new Update(this, sql); }
Returns:whether the handle is in a transaction. Delegates to the underlying TransactionHandler.
/** * @return whether the handle is in a transaction. Delegates to the underlying * {@link TransactionHandler}. */
public boolean isInTransaction() { return transactions.isInTransaction(this); }
Start a transaction.
Returns:the same handle
/** * Start a transaction. * * @return the same handle */
public Handle begin() { transactions.begin(this); LOG.trace("Handle [{}] begin transaction", this); return this; }
Commit a transaction.
Returns:the same handle
/** * Commit a transaction. * * @return the same handle */
public Handle commit() { final long start = System.nanoTime(); transactions.commit(this); LOG.trace("Handle [{}] commit transaction in {}ms", this, (System.nanoTime() - start) / 1000000L); return this; }
Rollback a transaction.
Returns:the same handle
/** * Rollback a transaction. * * @return the same handle */
public Handle rollback() { final long start = System.nanoTime(); transactions.rollback(this); LOG.trace("Handle [{}] rollback transaction in {}ms", this, ((System.nanoTime() - start) / 1000000L)); return this; }
Rollback a transaction to a named savepoint.
  • savepointName – the name of the savepoint, previously declared with savepoint
Returns:the same handle
/** * Rollback a transaction to a named savepoint. * * @param savepointName the name of the savepoint, previously declared with {@link Handle#savepoint} * * @return the same handle */
public Handle rollbackToSavepoint(String savepointName) { final long start = System.nanoTime(); transactions.rollbackToSavepoint(this, savepointName); LOG.trace("Handle [{}] rollback to savepoint \"{}\" in {}ms", this, savepointName, ((System.nanoTime() - start) / 1000000L)); return this; }
Create a transaction savepoint with the name provided.
  • name – The name of the savepoint
Returns:The same handle
/** * Create a transaction savepoint with the name provided. * * @param name The name of the savepoint * @return The same handle */
public Handle savepoint(String name) { transactions.savepoint(this, name); LOG.trace("Handle [{}] savepoint \"{}\"", this, name); return this; }
Release a previously created savepoint.
  • savepointName – the name of the savepoint to release
Returns:the same handle
/** * Release a previously created savepoint. * * @param savepointName the name of the savepoint to release * @return the same handle */
public Handle release(String savepointName) { transactions.releaseSavepoint(this, savepointName); LOG.trace("Handle [{}] release savepoint \"{}\"", this, savepointName); return this; }
See Also:
  • isReadOnly.isReadOnly()
Returns:whether the connection is in read-only mode
/** * @see Connection#isReadOnly() * @return whether the connection is in read-only mode */
public boolean isReadOnly() { try { return connection.isReadOnly(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new UnableToManipulateTransactionIsolationLevelException("Could not getReadOnly", e); } }
Set the Handle readOnly. This acts as a hint to the database to improve performance or concurrency. May not be called in an active transaction!
  • readOnly – whether the Handle is readOnly
See Also:
  • setReadOnly.setReadOnly(boolean)
Returns:this Handle
/** * Set the Handle readOnly. * This acts as a hint to the database to improve performance or concurrency. * * May not be called in an active transaction! * * @see Connection#setReadOnly(boolean) * @param readOnly whether the Handle is readOnly * @return this Handle */
public Handle setReadOnly(boolean readOnly) { try { connection.setReadOnly(readOnly); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new UnableToManipulateTransactionIsolationLevelException("Could not setReadOnly", e); } return this; }
Executes callback in a transaction, and returns the result of the callback.
  • callback – a callback which will receive an open handle, in a transaction.
Type parameters:
  • <R> – type returned by callback
  • <X> – exception type thrown by the callback, if any
  • X – any exception thrown by the callback
Returns:value returned from the callback
/** * Executes <code>callback</code> in a transaction, and returns the result of the callback. * * @param callback a callback which will receive an open handle, in a transaction. * @param <R> type returned by callback * @param <X> exception type thrown by the callback, if any * * @return value returned from the callback * * @throws X any exception thrown by the callback */
public <R, X extends Exception> R inTransaction(HandleCallback<R, X> callback) throws X { return transactions.inTransaction(this, callback); }
Executes callback in a transaction.
  • callback – a callback which will receive an open handle, in a transaction.
Type parameters:
  • <X> – exception type thrown by the callback, if any
  • X – any exception thrown by the callback
/** * Executes <code>callback</code> in a transaction. * * @param callback a callback which will receive an open handle, in a transaction. * @param <X> exception type thrown by the callback, if any * * @throws X any exception thrown by the callback */
public <X extends Exception> void useTransaction(final HandleConsumer<X> callback) throws X { transactions.inTransaction(this, handle -> { callback.useHandle(handle); return null; }); }
Executes callback in a transaction, and returns the result of the callback.

This form accepts a transaction isolation level which will be applied to the connection for the scope of this transaction, after which the original isolation level will be restored.

  • level – the transaction isolation level which will be applied to the connection for the scope of this transaction, after which the original isolation level will be restored.
  • callback – a callback which will receive an open handle, in a transaction.
Type parameters:
  • <R> – type returned by callback
  • <X> – exception type thrown by the callback, if any
  • X – any exception thrown by the callback
Returns:value returned from the callback
/** * Executes <code>callback</code> in a transaction, and returns the result of the callback. * * <p> * This form accepts a transaction isolation level which will be applied to the connection * for the scope of this transaction, after which the original isolation level will be restored. * </p> * @param level the transaction isolation level which will be applied to the connection for the scope of this * transaction, after which the original isolation level will be restored. * @param callback a callback which will receive an open handle, in a transaction. * @param <R> type returned by callback * @param <X> exception type thrown by the callback, if any * * @return value returned from the callback * * @throws X any exception thrown by the callback */
public <R, X extends Exception> R inTransaction(TransactionIsolationLevel level, HandleCallback<R, X> callback) throws X { try (TransactionResetter tr = new TransactionResetter(getTransactionIsolationLevel())) { setTransactionIsolation(level); return transactions.inTransaction(this, level, callback); } }
Executes callback in a transaction.

This form accepts a transaction isolation level which will be applied to the connection for the scope of this transaction, after which the original isolation level will be restored.

  • level – the transaction isolation level which will be applied to the connection for the scope of this transaction, after which the original isolation level will be restored.
  • callback – a callback which will receive an open handle, in a transaction.
Type parameters:
  • <X> – exception type thrown by the callback, if any
  • X – any exception thrown by the callback
/** * Executes <code>callback</code> in a transaction. * * <p> * This form accepts a transaction isolation level which will be applied to the connection * for the scope of this transaction, after which the original isolation level will be restored. * </p> * @param level the transaction isolation level which will be applied to the connection for the scope of this * transaction, after which the original isolation level will be restored. * @param callback a callback which will receive an open handle, in a transaction. * @param <X> exception type thrown by the callback, if any * @throws X any exception thrown by the callback */
public <X extends Exception> void useTransaction(TransactionIsolationLevel level, HandleConsumer<X> callback) throws X { inTransaction(level, handle -> { callback.useHandle(handle); return null; }); }
Set the transaction isolation level on the underlying connection.
  • level – the isolation level to use
/** * Set the transaction isolation level on the underlying connection. * * @param level the isolation level to use */
public void setTransactionIsolation(TransactionIsolationLevel level) { setTransactionIsolation(level.intValue()); }
Set the transaction isolation level on the underlying connection.
  • level – the isolation level to use
/** * Set the transaction isolation level on the underlying connection. * * @param level the isolation level to use */
public void setTransactionIsolation(int level) { try { if (connection.getTransactionIsolation() == level) { // already set, noop return; } connection.setTransactionIsolation(level); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new UnableToManipulateTransactionIsolationLevelException(level, e); } }
Obtain the current transaction isolation level.
Returns:the current isolation level on the underlying connection
/** * Obtain the current transaction isolation level. * * @return the current isolation level on the underlying connection */
public TransactionIsolationLevel getTransactionIsolationLevel() { try { return TransactionIsolationLevel.valueOf(connection.getTransactionIsolation()); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new UnableToManipulateTransactionIsolationLevelException("unable to access current setting", e); } }
Create a Jdbi extension object of the specified type bound to this handle. The returned extension's lifecycle is coupled to the lifecycle of this handle. Closing the handle will render the extension unusable.
  • extensionType – the extension class
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the extension type
Returns:the new extension object bound to this handle
/** * Create a Jdbi extension object of the specified type bound to this handle. The returned extension's lifecycle is * coupled to the lifecycle of this handle. Closing the handle will render the extension unusable. * * @param extensionType the extension class * @param <T> the extension type * @return the new extension object bound to this handle */
public <T> T attach(Class<T> extensionType) { return getConfig(Extensions.class) .findFor(extensionType, ConstantHandleSupplier.of(this)) .orElseThrow(() -> new NoSuchExtensionException("Extension not found: " + extensionType)); }
Returns:the extension method currently bound to the handle's context
/** * @return the extension method currently bound to the handle's context */
public ExtensionMethod getExtensionMethod() { return extensionMethod.get(); } void setExtensionMethod(ExtensionMethod extensionMethod) { this.extensionMethod.set(extensionMethod); } void setExtensionMethodThreadLocal(ThreadLocal<ExtensionMethod> extensionMethod) { this.extensionMethod = requireNonNull(extensionMethod); } private class TransactionResetter implements Closeable { private final TransactionIsolationLevel initial; TransactionResetter(TransactionIsolationLevel initial) { this.initial = initial; } @Override public void close() { setTransactionIsolation(initial); } } }