package org.jboss.resteasy.core;

import org.jboss.resteasy.core.interception.PreMatchContainerRequestContext;
import org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.server.servlet.Cleanable;
import org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.server.servlet.Cleanables;
import org.jboss.resteasy.resteasy_jaxrs.i18n.LogMessages;
import org.jboss.resteasy.resteasy_jaxrs.i18n.Messages;
import org.jboss.resteasy.specimpl.BuiltResponse;
import org.jboss.resteasy.specimpl.RequestImpl;
import org.jboss.resteasy.spi.Failure;
import org.jboss.resteasy.spi.HttpRequest;
import org.jboss.resteasy.spi.HttpRequestPreprocessor;
import org.jboss.resteasy.spi.HttpResponse;
import org.jboss.resteasy.spi.InternalDispatcher;
import org.jboss.resteasy.spi.InternalServerErrorException;
import org.jboss.resteasy.spi.Registry;
import org.jboss.resteasy.spi.ResteasyAsynchronousContext;
import org.jboss.resteasy.spi.ResteasyConfiguration;
import org.jboss.resteasy.spi.ResteasyProviderFactory;
import org.jboss.resteasy.spi.UnhandledException;
import org.jboss.resteasy.util.HttpHeaderNames;


import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

Author:Bill Burke
Version:$Revision: 1 $
/** * @author <a href="">Bill Burke</a> * @version $Revision: 1 $ */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public class SynchronousDispatcher implements Dispatcher { protected ResteasyProviderFactory providerFactory; protected Registry registry; protected List<HttpRequestPreprocessor> requestPreprocessors = new ArrayList<HttpRequestPreprocessor>(); protected Map<Class, Object> defaultContextObjects = new HashMap<Class, Object>(); protected Set<String> unwrappedExceptions = new HashSet<String>(); protected boolean bufferExceptionEntityRead = false; protected boolean bufferExceptionEntity = true; public SynchronousDispatcher(ResteasyProviderFactory providerFactory) { this.providerFactory = providerFactory; this.registry = new ResourceMethodRegistry(providerFactory); defaultContextObjects.put(Providers.class, providerFactory); defaultContextObjects.put(Registry.class, registry); defaultContextObjects.put(Dispatcher.class, this); defaultContextObjects.put(InternalDispatcher.class, InternalDispatcher.getInstance()); } public SynchronousDispatcher(ResteasyProviderFactory providerFactory, ResourceMethodRegistry registry) { this(providerFactory); this.registry = registry; defaultContextObjects.put(Registry.class, registry); } public ResteasyProviderFactory getProviderFactory() { return providerFactory; } public Registry getRegistry() { return registry; } public Map<Class, Object> getDefaultContextObjects() { return defaultContextObjects; } public Set<String> getUnwrappedExceptions() { return unwrappedExceptions; } public Response preprocess(HttpRequest request) { Response aborted = null; try { for (HttpRequestPreprocessor preprocessor : this.requestPreprocessors) { preprocessor.preProcess(request); } ContainerRequestFilter[] requestFilters = providerFactory.getContainerRequestFilterRegistry().preMatch(); // FIXME: support async PreMatchContainerRequestContext requestContext = new PreMatchContainerRequestContext(request, requestFilters, null); aborted = requestContext.filter(); } catch (Exception e) { //logger.error("Failed in preprocess, mapping exception", e); aborted = new ExceptionHandler(providerFactory, unwrappedExceptions).handleException(request, e); } return aborted; }
Call pre-process ContainerRequestFilters.
  • request – http request
  • response – http response
  • continuation – runnable
/** * Call pre-process ContainerRequestFilters. * * @param request http request * @param response http response * @param continuation runnable */
protected void preprocess(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response, Runnable continuation) { Response aborted = null; PreMatchContainerRequestContext requestContext = null; try { for (HttpRequestPreprocessor preprocessor : this.requestPreprocessors) { preprocessor.preProcess(request); } ContainerRequestFilter[] requestFilters = providerFactory.getContainerRequestFilterRegistry().preMatch(); requestContext = new PreMatchContainerRequestContext(request, requestFilters, () -> {; return null; }); aborted = requestContext.filter(); } catch (Exception e) { //logger.error("Failed in preprocess, mapping exception", e); // we only want to catch exceptions happening in the filters, not in the continuation if(requestContext == null || !requestContext.startedContinuation()) { writeException(request, response, e, t -> {}); return; } else { rethrow(e); } } if (aborted != null) { writeResponse(request, response, aborted); return; } } public static <T extends Throwable> void rethrow(Throwable t) throws T { throw (T)t; } @Deprecated public void writeException(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response, Throwable e) { writeException(request, response, e, t -> {}); } public void writeException(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response, Throwable e, Consumer<Throwable> onComplete) { if (!bufferExceptionEntityRead) { bufferExceptionEntityRead = true; ResteasyConfiguration context = ResteasyProviderFactory.getContextData(ResteasyConfiguration.class); if (context != null) { String s = context.getParameter("resteasy.buffer.exception.entity"); if (s != null) { bufferExceptionEntity = Boolean.parseBoolean(s); } } } if (response.isCommitted()) { LogMessages.LOGGER.debug(Messages.MESSAGES.responseIsCommitted()); onComplete.accept(null); return; } Response handledResponse = new ExceptionHandler(providerFactory, unwrappedExceptions).handleException(request, e); if (handledResponse == null) throw new UnhandledException(e); if (!bufferExceptionEntity) { response.getOutputHeaders().add("resteasy.buffer.exception.entity", "false"); } try { ServerResponseWriter.writeNomapResponse(((BuiltResponse) handledResponse), request, response, providerFactory, onComplete); } catch (Exception e1) { throw new UnhandledException(e1); } } public void invoke(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response) { try { pushContextObjects(request, response); preprocess(request, response, () -> { ResourceInvoker invoker = null; try { try { invoker = getInvoker(request); } catch (Exception exception) { //logger.error("getInvoker() failed mapping exception", exception); writeException(request, response, exception, t -> {}); return; } invoke(request, response, invoker); } finally { // we're probably clearing it twice but still required clearContextData(); } }); } finally { clearContextData(); } }
Propagate NotFoundException. This is used for Filters.
  • request – http request
  • response – http response
/** * Propagate NotFoundException. This is used for Filters. * * @param request http request * @param response http response */
public void invokePropagateNotFound(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response) throws NotFoundException { try { pushContextObjects(request, response); preprocess(request, response, () -> { ResourceInvoker invoker = null; try { try { invoker = getInvoker(request); } catch (Exception failure) { if (failure instanceof NotFoundException) { throw ((NotFoundException) failure); } else { //logger.error("getInvoker() failed mapping exception", failure); writeException(request, response, failure, t->{}); return; } } invoke(request, response, invoker); } finally { // we're probably clearing it twice but still required clearContextData(); } }); } finally { clearContextData(); } } public ResourceInvoker getInvoker(HttpRequest request) throws Failure { LogMessages.LOGGER.pathInfo(request.getUri().getPath()); if (!request.isInitial()) { throw new InternalServerErrorException(Messages.MESSAGES.isNotInitialRequest(request.getUri().getPath())); } ResourceInvoker invoker = registry.getResourceInvoker(request); if (invoker == null) { throw new NotFoundException(Messages.MESSAGES.unableToFindJaxRsResource(request.getUri().getPath())); } return invoker; } public void pushContextObjects(final HttpRequest request, final HttpResponse response) { Map contextDataMap = ResteasyProviderFactory.getContextDataMap(); contextDataMap.put(HttpRequest.class, request); contextDataMap.put(HttpResponse.class, response); contextDataMap.put(HttpHeaders.class, request.getHttpHeaders()); contextDataMap.put(UriInfo.class, request.getUri()); contextDataMap.put(Request.class, new RequestImpl(request, response)); contextDataMap.put(ResteasyAsynchronousContext.class, request.getAsyncContext()); ResourceContext resourceContext = new ResourceContext() { @Override public <T> T getResource(Class<T> resourceClass) { return providerFactory.injectedInstance(resourceClass, request, response); } @Override public <T> T initResource(T resource) { providerFactory.injectProperties(resource, request, response); return resource; } }; contextDataMap.put(ResourceContext.class, resourceContext); contextDataMap.putAll(defaultContextObjects); contextDataMap.put(Cleanables.class, new Cleanables()); contextDataMap.put(PostResourceMethodInvokers.class, new PostResourceMethodInvokers()); } public Response internalInvocation(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response, Object entity) { // be extra careful in the clean up process. Only pop if there was an // equivalent push. ResteasyProviderFactory.addContextDataLevel(); boolean pushedBody = false; try { MessageBodyParameterInjector.pushBody(entity); pushedBody = true; ResourceInvoker invoker = getInvoker(request); if (invoker != null) { pushContextObjects(request, response); return execute(request, response, invoker); } // this should never happen, since getInvoker should throw an exception // if invoker is null return null; } finally { ResteasyProviderFactory.removeContextDataLevel(); if (pushedBody) { MessageBodyParameterInjector.popBody(); } } } public void clearContextData() { Cleanables cleanables = ResteasyProviderFactory.getContextData(Cleanables.class); if (cleanables != null) { for (Iterator<Cleanable> it = cleanables.getCleanables().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { try {; } catch(Exception e) { // Empty } } } ResteasyProviderFactory.clearContextData(); // just in case there were internalDispatches that need to be cleaned up MessageBodyParameterInjector.clearBodies(); }
Return a response wither from an invoke or exception handling.
  • request – http request
  • response – http response
  • invoker – resource invoker
/** * Return a response wither from an invoke or exception handling. * * @param request http request * @param response http response * @param invoker resource invoker * @return response */
public Response execute(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response, ResourceInvoker invoker) { Response jaxrsResponse = null; try { jaxrsResponse = invoker.invoke(request, response); if (request.getAsyncContext().isSuspended()) { /** * Callback by the initial calling thread. This callback will probably do nothing in an asynchronous environment * but will be used to simulate AsynchronousResponse in vanilla Servlet containers that do not support * asychronous HTTP. * */ request.getAsyncContext().getAsyncResponse().initialRequestThreadFinished(); jaxrsResponse = null; // we're handing response asynchronously } } catch (Exception e) { //logger.error("invoke() failed mapping exception", e); jaxrsResponse = new ExceptionHandler(providerFactory, unwrappedExceptions).handleException(request, e); if (jaxrsResponse == null) throw new UnhandledException(e); } return jaxrsResponse; }
Invoke and write response.
  • request – http request
  • response – http response
  • invoker – resource invoker
/** * Invoke and write response. * * @param request http request * @param response http response * @param invoker resource invoker */
public void invoke(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response, ResourceInvoker invoker) { Response jaxrsResponse = null; try { jaxrsResponse = invoker.invoke(request, response); if (request.getAsyncContext().isSuspended()) { /** * Callback by the initial calling thread. This callback will probably do nothing in an asynchronous environment * but will be used to simulate AsynchronousResponse in vanilla Servlet containers that do not support * asychronous HTTP. * */ request.getAsyncContext().getAsyncResponse().initialRequestThreadFinished(); jaxrsResponse = null; // we're handing response asynchronously } } catch (Exception e) { //logger.error("invoke() failed mapping exception", e); writeException(request, response, e, t->{}); return; } if (jaxrsResponse != null) writeResponse(request, response, jaxrsResponse); } @Deprecated public void asynchronousDelivery(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response, Response jaxrsResponse) throws IOException { asynchronousDelivery(request, response, jaxrsResponse, t -> {}); } public void asynchronousDelivery(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response, Response jaxrsResponse, Consumer<Throwable> onComplete) throws IOException { if (jaxrsResponse == null) return; try { pushContextObjects(request, response); ServerResponseWriter.writeNomapResponse((BuiltResponse) jaxrsResponse, request, response, providerFactory, onComplete); } finally { ResteasyProviderFactory.removeContextDataLevel(); } } public void unhandledAsynchronousException(HttpResponse response, Throwable ex) { LogMessages.LOGGER.unhandledAsynchronousException(ex); // unhandled exceptions need to be processed as they can't be thrown back to the servlet container if (!response.isCommitted()) { try { response.reset(); response.sendError(500); } catch (IOException e) { } } } @Deprecated public void asynchronousExceptionDelivery(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response, Throwable exception) { asynchronousExceptionDelivery(request, response, exception, t -> {}); } public void asynchronousExceptionDelivery(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response, Throwable exception, Consumer<Throwable> onComplete) { try { pushContextObjects(request, response); writeException(request, response, exception, t -> { if(t != null) unhandledAsynchronousException(response, t); onComplete.accept(null); ResteasyProviderFactory.removeContextDataLevel(); }); } catch (Throwable ex) { onComplete.accept(ex); unhandledAsynchronousException(response, ex); } } protected void writeResponse(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response, Response jaxrsResponse) { try { ServerResponseWriter.writeNomapResponse((BuiltResponse) jaxrsResponse, request, response, providerFactory, t -> { if(t != null) writeException(request, response, t, t2 -> {}); }); } catch (Exception e) { //logger.error("writeResponse() failed mapping exception", e); writeException(request, response, e, t -> {}); } } public void addHttpPreprocessor(HttpRequestPreprocessor httpPreprocessor) { requestPreprocessors.add(httpPreprocessor); } }