package org.jboss.resteasy.client;

import org.jboss.resteasy.client.core.BaseClientResponse;
import org.jboss.resteasy.client.core.ClientInterceptorRepositoryImpl;
import org.jboss.resteasy.core.interception.ClientExecutionContextImpl;
import org.jboss.resteasy.core.interception.ClientWriterInterceptorContext;
import org.jboss.resteasy.resteasy_jaxrs.i18n.Messages;
import org.jboss.resteasy.specimpl.MultivaluedMapImpl;
import org.jboss.resteasy.specimpl.ResteasyUriBuilder;
import org.jboss.resteasy.spi.Link;
import org.jboss.resteasy.spi.LinkHeader;
import org.jboss.resteasy.spi.ProviderFactoryDelegate;
import org.jboss.resteasy.spi.ResteasyProviderFactory;
import org.jboss.resteasy.spi.StringConverter;
import org.jboss.resteasy.util.Encode;
import org.jboss.resteasy.util.GenericType;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import static org.jboss.resteasy.util.HttpHeaderNames.ACCEPT;

Create a hand coded request to send to the server. You call methods like accept(), body(), pathParameter() etc. to create the state of the request. Then you call a get(), post(), etc. method to execute the request. After an execution of a request, the internal state remains the same. You can invoke the request again. You can clear the request with the clear() method.
Author:Solomon Duskis, Bill Burke
See Also:
Deprecated:The Resteasy client framework in resteasy-jaxrs is replaced by the JAX-RS 2.0 compliant resteasy-client module.
Version:$Revision: 1 $
/** * Create a hand coded request to send to the server. You call methods like accept(), body(), pathParameter() * etc. to create the state of the request. Then you call a get(), post(), etc. method to execute the request. * After an execution of a request, the internal state remains the same. You can invoke the request again. * You can clear the request with the clear() method. * * @deprecated The Resteasy client framework in resteasy-jaxrs is replaced by the JAX-RS 2.0 compliant resteasy-client module. * @author <a href="">Solomon Duskis</a> * @author <a href="">Bill Burke</a> * @version $Revision: 1 $ * * @see <a href="">jaxrs-api</a> * @see */
@Deprecated @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public class ClientRequest extends ClientInterceptorRepositoryImpl implements Cloneable { protected ResteasyProviderFactory providerFactory; protected ResteasyUriBuilder uri; protected ClientExecutor executor; protected MultivaluedMap<String, Object> headers; protected MultivaluedMap<String, String> queryParameters; protected MultivaluedMap<String, String> formParameters; protected MultivaluedMap<String, String> pathParameters; protected MultivaluedMap<String, String> matrixParameters; protected Object body; protected Class bodyType; protected Type bodyGenericType; protected Annotation[] bodyAnnotations; protected MediaType bodyContentType; protected boolean followRedirects; protected String httpMethod; protected String finalUri; protected List<String> pathParameterList; protected LinkHeader linkHeader; protected Map<String, Object> attributes = new HashMap<String, Object>(); private static String defaultExecutorClasss = "org.jboss.resteasy.client.core.executors.ApacheHttpClient4Executor";
Set the default executor class name.
  • classname –
/** * Set the default executor class name. * * @param classname */
public static void setDefaultExecutorClass(String classname) { defaultExecutorClasss = classname; } public static ClientExecutor getDefaultExecutor() { try { Class<?> clazz = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(defaultExecutorClasss); return (ClientExecutor) clazz.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public ClientRequest(String uriTemplate) { this(uriTemplate, getDefaultExecutor()); } public ClientRequest(String uriTemplate, ClientExecutor executor) { this(getBuilder(uriTemplate), executor); } public ClientRequest(UriBuilder uri, ClientExecutor executor) { this(uri, executor, ResteasyProviderFactory.getInstance()); } public ClientRequest(UriBuilder uri, ClientExecutor executor, ResteasyProviderFactory providerFactory) { this.uri = (ResteasyUriBuilder) uri; this.executor = executor; if (providerFactory instanceof ProviderFactoryDelegate) { this.providerFactory = ((ProviderFactoryDelegate) providerFactory) .getDelegate(); } else { this.providerFactory = providerFactory; } }
Clear this request's state so that it can be re-used
/** * Clear this request's state so that it can be re-used */
public void clear() { headers = null; queryParameters = null; formParameters = null; pathParameters = null; matrixParameters = null; body = null; bodyType = null; bodyGenericType = null; bodyAnnotations = null; bodyContentType = null; httpMethod = null; finalUri = null; pathParameterList = null; linkHeader = null; } private static UriBuilder getBuilder(String uriTemplate) { return new ResteasyUriBuilder().uriTemplate(uriTemplate); } public boolean followRedirects() { return followRedirects; } public Map<String, Object> getAttributes() { return attributes; } public ClientRequest followRedirects(boolean followRedirects) { this.followRedirects = followRedirects; return this; } public ClientRequest accept(MediaType accepts) { return header(ACCEPT, accepts.toString()); } public ClientRequest accept(String accept) { String curr = (String) getHeadersAsObjects().getFirst(ACCEPT); if (curr != null) curr += "," + accept; else curr = accept; getHeadersAsObjects().putSingle(ACCEPT, curr); return this; } protected String toString(Object object) { if (object instanceof String) return (String) object; StringConverter converter = providerFactory.getStringConverter(object .getClass()); if (converter != null) return converter.toString(object); else return object.toString(); } protected String toHeaderString(Object object) { return providerFactory.toHeaderString(object); } public ClientRequest addLink(Link link) { if (linkHeader == null) { linkHeader = new LinkHeader(); } linkHeader.getLinks().add(link); return this; } public ClientRequest addLink(String title, String rel, String href, String type) { Link link = new Link(title, rel, href, type, null); return addLink(link); } public ClientRequest formParameter(String parameterName, Object value) { getFormParameters().add(parameterName, toString(value)); return this; } public ClientRequest queryParameter(String parameterName, Object value) { getQueryParameters().add(parameterName, toString(value)); return this; } public ClientRequest matrixParameter(String parameterName, Object value) { getMatrixParameters().add(parameterName, toString(value)); return this; } public ClientRequest header(String headerName, Object value) { getHeadersAsObjects().add(headerName, value); return this; } public ClientRequest cookie(String cookieName, Object value) { return cookie(new Cookie(cookieName, toString(value))); } public ClientRequest cookie(Cookie cookie) { return header(HttpHeaders.COOKIE, cookie); } public ClientRequest pathParameter(String parameterName, Object value) { getPathParameters().add(parameterName, toString(value)); return this; } public ClientRequest pathParameters(Object... values) { for (Object value : values) { getPathParameterList().add(toString(value)); } return this; } public ClientRequest body(String contentType, Object data) { return body(MediaType.valueOf(contentType), data, data.getClass(), null, null); } public ClientRequest body(MediaType contentType, Object data) { return body(contentType, data, data.getClass(), null, null); } public ClientRequest body(MediaType contentType, Object data, GenericType genericType) { return body(contentType, data, genericType.getType(), genericType .getGenericType(), null); } public ClientRequest body(MediaType contentType, Object data, Type genericType) { return body(contentType, data, data.getClass(), genericType, null); } public ClientRequest body(MediaType contentType, Object data, Class type, Type genericType, Annotation[] annotations) { this.body = data; this.bodyContentType = contentType; this.bodyGenericType = genericType; this.bodyType = type; this.bodyAnnotations = annotations; return this; } public ResteasyProviderFactory getProviderFactory() { return providerFactory; } public ClientExecutor getExecutor() { return executor; }
Returns:a copy of all header objects converted to a string
/** * @return a copy of all header objects converted to a string */
public MultivaluedMap<String, String> getHeaders() { MultivaluedMap<String, String> rtn = new MultivaluedMapImpl<String, String>(); if (headers == null) return rtn; for (Map.Entry<String, List<Object>> entry : headers.entrySet()) { for (Object obj : entry.getValue()) { rtn.add(entry.getKey(), toHeaderString(obj)); } } return rtn; } public MultivaluedMap<String, Object> getHeadersAsObjects() { if (headers == null) headers = new MultivaluedMapImpl<String, Object>(); return headers; } public MultivaluedMap<String, String> getQueryParameters() { if (queryParameters == null) queryParameters = new MultivaluedMapImpl<String, String>(); return queryParameters; } public MultivaluedMap<String, String> getFormParameters() { if (formParameters == null) formParameters = new MultivaluedMapImpl<String, String>(); return formParameters; } public MultivaluedMap<String, String> getPathParameters() { if (pathParameters == null) pathParameters = new MultivaluedMapImpl<String, String>(); return pathParameters; } public List<String> getPathParameterList() { if (pathParameterList == null) pathParameterList = new ArrayList<String>(); return pathParameterList; } public MultivaluedMap<String, String> getMatrixParameters() { if (matrixParameters == null) matrixParameters = new MultivaluedMapImpl<String, String>(); return matrixParameters; } public Object getBody() { return body; } public Class getBodyType() { return bodyType; } public Type getBodyGenericType() { return bodyGenericType; } public Annotation[] getBodyAnnotations() { return bodyAnnotations; } public MediaType getBodyContentType() { return bodyContentType; } public String getHttpMethod() { return httpMethod; } public void setHttpMethod(String httpMethod) { this.httpMethod = httpMethod; } public ClientResponse execute() throws Exception { Providers current = ResteasyProviderFactory.getContextData(Providers.class); ResteasyProviderFactory.pushContext(Providers.class, providerFactory); try { if (linkHeader != null) header("Link", linkHeader); if (getReaderInterceptorList().isEmpty()) { setReaderInterceptors(providerFactory.getClientReaderInterceptorRegistry().postMatch(null, null)); } if (getExecutionInterceptorList().isEmpty()) { setExecutionInterceptors(providerFactory .getClientExecutionInterceptorRegistry().bindForList(null, null)); } BaseClientResponse response = null; if (getExecutionInterceptorList().isEmpty()) { response = (BaseClientResponse) executor.execute(this); } else { ClientExecutionContextImpl ctx = new ClientExecutionContextImpl( getExecutionInterceptorList(), executor, this); response = (BaseClientResponse) ctx.proceed(); } response.setAttributes(attributes); response.setReaderInterceptors(getReaderInterceptors()); return response; } finally { ResteasyProviderFactory.popContextData(Providers.class); if (current != null) ResteasyProviderFactory.pushContext(Providers.class, current); } } public void writeRequestBody(MultivaluedMap<String, Object> headers, OutputStream outputStream) throws IOException { if (body == null) { return; } if (getWriterInterceptorList().isEmpty()) { setWriterInterceptors(providerFactory.getClientWriterInterceptorRegistry().postMatch(null, null)); } new ClientWriterInterceptorContext(getWriterInterceptors(), providerFactory, body, bodyType, bodyGenericType, bodyAnnotations, bodyContentType, headers, outputStream, attributes).proceed(); } public ClientResponse get() throws Exception { return httpMethod("GET"); }
Tries to automatically unmarshal to target type.
  • returnType –
Type parameters:
  • <T> –
/** * Tries to automatically unmarshal to target type. * * @param returnType * @param <T> * @return * @throws Exception */
public <T> T getTarget(Class<T> returnType) throws Exception { BaseClientResponse<T> response = (BaseClientResponse<T>) get(returnType); if (response.getStatus() == 204) return null; if (response.getStatus() != 200) throw new ClientResponseFailure(response); T obj = response.getEntity(); if (obj instanceof InputStream) { response.setWasReleased(true); } return obj; }
Templates the returned ClientResponse for easy access to returned entity
  • returnType –
Type parameters:
  • <T> –
/** * Templates the returned ClientResponse for easy access to returned entity * * @param returnType * @param <T> * @return * @throws Exception */
public <T> ClientResponse<T> get(Class<T> returnType) throws Exception { BaseClientResponse response = (BaseClientResponse) get(); response.setReturnType(returnType); return response; } public <T> ClientResponse<T> get(Class<T> returnType, Type genericType) throws Exception { BaseClientResponse response = (BaseClientResponse) get(); response.setReturnType(returnType); response.setGenericReturnType(genericType); return response; } public <T> ClientResponse<T> get(GenericType type) throws Exception { BaseClientResponse response = (BaseClientResponse) get(); response.setReturnType(type.getType()); response.setGenericReturnType(type.getGenericType()); return response; } public ClientResponse head() throws Exception { return httpMethod("HEAD"); } public ClientResponse put() throws Exception { return httpMethod("PUT"); } public <T> ClientResponse<T> put(Class<T> returnType) throws Exception { BaseClientResponse response = (BaseClientResponse) put(); response.setReturnType(returnType); return response; } public <T> ClientResponse<T> put(Class<T> returnType, Type genericType) throws Exception { BaseClientResponse response = (BaseClientResponse) put(); response.setReturnType(returnType); response.setGenericReturnType(genericType); return response; } public <T> ClientResponse<T> put(GenericType type) throws Exception { BaseClientResponse response = (BaseClientResponse) put(); response.setReturnType(type.getType()); response.setGenericReturnType(type.getGenericType()); return response; } public ClientResponse post() throws Exception { return httpMethod("POST"); } public <T> ClientResponse<T> post(Class<T> returnType) throws Exception { BaseClientResponse response = (BaseClientResponse) post(); response.setReturnType(returnType); return response; } public <T> T postTarget(Class<T> returnType) throws Exception { BaseClientResponse<T> response = (BaseClientResponse<T>) post(returnType); if (response.getStatus() == 204) return null; if (response.getStatus() != 200) throw new ClientResponseFailure(response); T obj = response.getEntity(); if (obj instanceof InputStream) { response.setWasReleased(true); } return obj; } public <T> ClientResponse<T> post(Class<T> returnType, Type genericType) throws Exception { BaseClientResponse response = (BaseClientResponse) post(); response.setReturnType(returnType); response.setGenericReturnType(genericType); return response; } public <T> ClientResponse<T> post(GenericType type) throws Exception { BaseClientResponse response = (BaseClientResponse) post(); response.setReturnType(type.getType()); response.setGenericReturnType(type.getGenericType()); return response; }
Automatically does POST/Create pattern. Will throw a ClientResponseFailure if status is something other than 201
Returns:Link to created resource
/** * Automatically does POST/Create pattern. Will throw a ClientResponseFailure * if status is something other than 201 * * @return Link to created resource * @throws Exception * @throws ClientResponseFailure */
public Link create() throws Exception, ClientResponseFailure { BaseClientResponse response = (BaseClientResponse) post(); if (response.getStatus() != 201) throw new ClientResponseFailure(response); return response.getLocationLink(); } public ClientResponse delete() throws Exception { return httpMethod("DELETE"); } public <T> ClientResponse<T> delete(Class<T> returnType) throws Exception { BaseClientResponse response = (BaseClientResponse) delete(); response.setReturnType(returnType); return response; } public <T> ClientResponse<T> delete(Class<T> returnType, Type genericType) throws Exception { BaseClientResponse response = (BaseClientResponse) delete(); response.setReturnType(returnType); response.setGenericReturnType(genericType); return response; } public <T> ClientResponse<T> delete(GenericType type) throws Exception { BaseClientResponse response = (BaseClientResponse) delete(); response.setReturnType(type.getType()); response.setGenericReturnType(type.getGenericType()); return response; } public ClientResponse options() throws Exception { return httpMethod("OPTIONS"); } public <T> ClientResponse<T> options(Class<T> returnType) throws Exception { BaseClientResponse response = (BaseClientResponse) options(); response.setReturnType(returnType); return response; } public <T> ClientResponse<T> options(Class<T> returnType, Type genericType) throws Exception { BaseClientResponse response = (BaseClientResponse) options(); response.setReturnType(returnType); response.setGenericReturnType(genericType); return response; } public <T> ClientResponse<T> options(GenericType type) throws Exception { BaseClientResponse response = (BaseClientResponse) options(); response.setReturnType(type.getType()); response.setGenericReturnType(type.getGenericType()); return response; } public ClientResponse httpMethod(String httpMethod) throws Exception { this.httpMethod = httpMethod; return execute(); } public <T> ClientResponse<T> httpMethod(String method, Class<T> returnType) throws Exception { BaseClientResponse response = (BaseClientResponse) httpMethod(method); response.setReturnType(returnType); return response; } public <T> ClientResponse<T> httpMethod(String method, Class<T> returnType, Type genericType) throws Exception { BaseClientResponse response = (BaseClientResponse) httpMethod(method); response.setReturnType(returnType); response.setGenericReturnType(genericType); return response; } public <T> ClientResponse<T> httpMethod(String method, GenericType type) throws Exception { BaseClientResponse response = (BaseClientResponse) httpMethod(method); response.setReturnType(type.getType()); response.setGenericReturnType(type.getGenericType()); return response; } public void overrideUri(URI uri) { this.uri.uri(uri); }
This method populates all path, matrix, and query parameters and saves it internally. Once its called once it returns the cached value.
/** * This method populates all path, matrix, and query parameters and saves it * internally. Once its called once it returns the cached value. * * @return * @throws Exception */
public String getUri() throws Exception { if (finalUri != null) return finalUri; ResteasyUriBuilder builder = (ResteasyUriBuilder) uri.clone(); if (matrixParameters != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : matrixParameters .entrySet()) { List<String> values = entry.getValue(); for (String value : values) builder.matrixParam(entry.getKey(), value); } } if (queryParameters != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : queryParameters .entrySet()) { List<String> values = entry.getValue(); for (String value : values) builder.clientQueryParam(entry.getKey(), value); } } if (pathParameterList != null && !pathParameterList.isEmpty()) { finalUri =; } else if (pathParameters != null && !pathParameters.isEmpty()) { for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : pathParameters.entrySet()) { List<String> values = entry.getValue(); for (String value : values) { value = Encode.encodePathAsIs(value); builder.substitutePathParam(entry.getKey(), value, true); } } } if (finalUri == null) finalUri =; return finalUri; } public ClientRequest createSubsequentRequest(URI uri) { try { ClientRequest clone = (ClientRequest) this.clone(); clone.clear(); clone.uri = new ResteasyUriBuilder(); clone.uri.uri(uri); return clone; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { // this shouldn't happen throw new RuntimeException(Messages.MESSAGES.clientRequestDoesntSupportClonable()); } } }