/* Copyright (c) 2001-2019, The HSQL Development Group
 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
 * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
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 * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
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package org.hsqldb.persist;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;

import org.hsqldb.Database;
import org.hsqldb.HsqlException;
import org.hsqldb.Session;
import org.hsqldb.error.Error;
import org.hsqldb.error.ErrorCode;
import org.hsqldb.lib.FileAccess;
import org.hsqldb.lib.FileArchiver;
import org.hsqldb.lib.FileUtil;
import org.hsqldb.lib.IntIndex;
import org.hsqldb.map.BitMap;
import org.hsqldb.rowio.RowInputBinary180;
import org.hsqldb.rowio.RowInputBinaryDecode;
import org.hsqldb.rowio.RowInputInterface;
import org.hsqldb.rowio.RowOutputBinary180;
import org.hsqldb.rowio.RowOutputBinaryEncode;
import org.hsqldb.rowio.RowOutputInterface;

Acts as a manager for CACHED table persistence.

This contains the top level functionality. Provides file management services and access.

Author:Fred Toussi (fredt@users dot sourceforge.net)
/** * Acts as a manager for CACHED table persistence.<p> * * This contains the top level functionality. Provides file management services * and access.<p> * * @author Fred Toussi (fredt@users dot sourceforge.net) * @version 2.5.0 * @since 1.7.2 */
public class DataFileCache { protected FileAccess fa; // flags public static final int FLAG_ISSHADOWED = 1; public static final int FLAG_ISSAVED = 2; public static final int FLAG_ROWINFO = 3; public static final int FLAG_190 = 4; public static final int FLAG_HX = 5; // file format fields static final int LONG_EMPTY_SIZE = 4; // empty space size static final int LONG_FREE_POS_POS = 12; // where iFreePos is saved static final int INT_SPACE_PROPS_POS = 20; // space size << 16 + scale static final int INT_SPACE_LIST_POS = 24; // space list static final int FLAGS_POS = 28; static final int MIN_INITIAL_FREE_POS = 32; // public DataSpaceManager spaceManager; static final int initIOBufferSize = 4096; private static final int diskBlockSize = 4096; // protected String dataFileName; protected String backupFileName; protected Database database; protected boolean logEvents = true;
this flag is used externally to determine if a backup is required
/** * this flag is used externally to determine if a backup is required */
protected boolean fileModified; protected boolean cacheModified; protected int dataFileScale; // post opening constant fields protected boolean cacheReadonly; // protected int cachedRowPadding; // protected long initialFreePos; protected long lostSpaceSize; protected long spaceManagerPosition; protected long fileStartFreePosition; protected boolean hasRowInfo = false; protected int storeCount; // reusable input / output streams protected RowInputInterface rowIn; public RowOutputInterface rowOut; // public long maxDataFileSize; // boolean is180; // protected RandomAccessInterface dataFile; protected volatile long fileFreePosition; protected int maxCacheRows; // number of Rows protected long maxCacheBytes; // number of bytes protected Cache cache; // private RAShadowFile shadowFile; // ReadWriteLock lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); Lock readLock = lock.readLock(); Lock writeLock = lock.writeLock(); public DataFileCache(Database db, String baseFileName) { initParams(db, baseFileName, false); cache = new Cache(this); }
used for defrag
/** * used for defrag */
public DataFileCache(Database db, String baseFileName, boolean defrag) { initParams(db, baseFileName, true); cache = new Cache(this); try { dataFile = new RAFileSimple(database.logger, dataFileName, "rw"); } catch (Throwable t) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.FILE_IO_ERROR, t); } initNewFile(); initBuffers(); if (database.logger.getDataFileSpaces() > 0) { spaceManager = new DataSpaceManagerBlocks(this); } else { spaceManager = new DataSpaceManagerSimple(this, false); } }
initial external parameters are set here.
/** * initial external parameters are set here. */
protected void initParams(Database database, String baseFileName, boolean defrag) { this.dataFileName = baseFileName + Logger.dataFileExtension; this.backupFileName = baseFileName + Logger.backupFileExtension; this.database = database; fa = database.logger.getFileAccess(); dataFileScale = database.logger.getDataFileScale(); cachedRowPadding = 8; if (dataFileScale > 8) { cachedRowPadding = dataFileScale; } initialFreePos = MIN_INITIAL_FREE_POS; if (initialFreePos < dataFileScale) { initialFreePos = dataFileScale; } cacheReadonly = database.isFilesReadOnly(); maxCacheRows = database.logger.getCacheMaxRows(); maxCacheBytes = database.logger.getCacheSize(); maxDataFileSize = (long) Integer.MAX_VALUE * dataFileScale * database.logger.getDataFileFactor(); if (defrag) { this.dataFileName = dataFileName + Logger.newFileExtension; this.backupFileName = backupFileName + Logger.newFileExtension; this.maxCacheRows = 1024; this.maxCacheBytes = 1024 * 4096; } }
Opens the *.data file for this cache, setting the variables that allow access to the particular database version of the *.data file.
/** * Opens the *.data file for this cache, setting the variables that * allow access to the particular database version of the *.data file. */
public void open(boolean readonly) { fileFreePosition = initialFreePos; logInfoEvent("dataFileCache open start"); try { boolean isNio = database.logger.propNioDataFile; int fileType; if (database.isFilesInJar()) { fileType = RAFile.DATA_FILE_JAR; } else if (isNio) { fileType = RAFile.DATA_FILE_NIO; } else { fileType = RAFile.DATA_FILE_RAF; } if (readonly || database.isFilesInJar()) { dataFile = RAFile.newScaledRAFile(database, dataFileName, true, fileType); int flags = getFlags(); is180 = !BitMap.isSet(flags, FLAG_190); if (BitMap.isSet(flags, FLAG_HX)) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.WRONG_DATABASE_FILE_VERSION); } dataFile.seek(LONG_FREE_POS_POS); fileFreePosition = dataFile.readLong(); dataFile.seek(INT_SPACE_LIST_POS); spaceManagerPosition = (long) dataFile.readInt() * DataSpaceManager.fixedBlockSizeUnit; initBuffers(); spaceManager = new DataSpaceManagerSimple(this, true); return; } boolean preexists = fa.isStreamElement(dataFileName); boolean isIncremental = database.logger.propIncrementBackup; boolean isSaved = false; if (preexists) { dataFile = new RAFileSimple(database.logger, dataFileName, "r"); long length = dataFile.length(); boolean wrongVersion = false; if (length >= initialFreePos) { int flags = getFlags(); isSaved = BitMap.isSet(flags, FLAG_ISSAVED); isIncremental = BitMap.isSet(flags, FLAG_ISSHADOWED); is180 = !BitMap.isSet(flags, FLAG_190); if (BitMap.isSet(flags, FLAG_HX)) { wrongVersion = true; } } dataFile.close(); if (wrongVersion) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.WRONG_DATABASE_FILE_VERSION); } if (!database.logger.propLargeData) { if (length > (maxDataFileSize / 8) * 7) { database.logger.propLargeData = true; maxDataFileSize = (long) Integer.MAX_VALUE * dataFileScale * database.logger.getDataFileFactor(); } } if (length > maxDataFileSize) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.DATA_FILE_IS_FULL, String.valueOf(maxDataFileSize)); } if (isSaved && isIncremental) { boolean existsBackup = fa.isStreamElement(backupFileName); if (existsBackup) { logInfoEvent( "data file was not modified but inc backup exists"); } } } if (isSaved) { if (isIncremental) { deleteBackup(); } else { boolean existsBackup = fa.isStreamElement(backupFileName); if (!existsBackup) { backupDataFile(false); } } } else { if (isIncremental) { if (preexists) { preexists = restoreBackupIncremental(); if (!preexists) { database.logger.logSevereEvent( "DataFileCache data file modified but no backup exists", null); throw Error.error( ErrorCode.DATA_FILE_BACKUP_MISMATCH); } } } else { preexists = restoreBackup(); } } dataFile = RAFile.newScaledRAFile(database, dataFileName, readonly, fileType); if (preexists) { int flags = getFlags(); is180 = !BitMap.isSet(flags, FLAG_190); dataFile.seek(LONG_EMPTY_SIZE); lostSpaceSize = dataFile.readLong(); dataFile.seek(LONG_FREE_POS_POS); fileFreePosition = dataFile.readLong(); fileStartFreePosition = fileFreePosition; dataFile.seek(INT_SPACE_LIST_POS); spaceManagerPosition = (long) dataFile.readInt() * DataSpaceManager.fixedBlockSizeUnit; openShadowFile(); } else { initNewFile(); } initBuffers(); fileModified = false; cacheModified = false; if (database.logger.getDataFileSpaces() > 0) { spaceManager = new DataSpaceManagerBlocks(this); } else { spaceManager = new DataSpaceManagerSimple(this, false); } logInfoEvent("dataFileCache open end"); } catch (HsqlException e) { throw e; } catch (Throwable t) { logSevereEvent("DataFileCache.open", t); release(); throw Error.error(t, ErrorCode.FILE_IO_ERROR, ErrorCode.M_DataFileCache_open, new Object[] { t.toString(), dataFileName }); } } boolean setDataSpaceManager() { writeLock.lock(); int fileSpaceSize = database.logger.propFileSpaceValue; try { if (fileSpaceSize > 0 && spaceManagerPosition == 0) { spaceManager.reset(); spaceManager = new DataSpaceManagerBlocks(this); return true; } if (fileSpaceSize == 0 && spaceManagerPosition != 0) { spaceManager.reset(); spaceManager = new DataSpaceManagerSimple(this, false); return true; } return false; } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } void openStoredFileAccess(boolean readonly) { fileFreePosition = initialFreePos; logInfoEvent("dataFileCache open start"); try { int fileType = RAFile.DATA_FILE_STORED; if (readonly) { dataFile = RAFile.newScaledRAFile(database, dataFileName, readonly, fileType); dataFile.seek(FLAGS_POS); int flags = dataFile.readInt(); is180 = !BitMap.isSet(flags, FLAG_190); dataFile.seek(LONG_FREE_POS_POS); fileFreePosition = dataFile.readLong(); initBuffers(); return; } boolean preexists = fa.isStreamElement(dataFileName); boolean isIncremental = database.logger.propIncrementBackup; boolean restore = database.getProperties().getDBModified() == HsqlDatabaseProperties.FILES_MODIFIED; if (preexists && restore) { if (isIncremental) { preexists = restoreBackupIncremental(); } else { preexists = restoreBackup(); } } dataFile = RAFile.newScaledRAFile(database, dataFileName, readonly, fileType); if (preexists) { dataFile.seek(LONG_EMPTY_SIZE); lostSpaceSize = dataFile.readLong(); dataFile.seek(LONG_FREE_POS_POS); fileFreePosition = dataFile.readLong(); fileStartFreePosition = fileFreePosition; dataFile.seek(FLAGS_POS); int flags = dataFile.readInt(); is180 = !BitMap.isSet(flags, FLAG_190); openShadowFile(); } else { initNewFile(); } initBuffers(); fileModified = false; cacheModified = false; spaceManager = new DataSpaceManagerSimple(this, false); logInfoEvent("dataFileCache open end"); } catch (Throwable t) { logSevereEvent("dataFileCache open failed", t); release(); throw Error.error(t, ErrorCode.FILE_IO_ERROR, ErrorCode.M_DataFileCache_open, new Object[] { t.toString(), dataFileName }); } } void initNewFile() { try { fileFreePosition = initialFreePos; fileStartFreePosition = initialFreePos; dataFile.seek(LONG_FREE_POS_POS); dataFile.writeLong(fileFreePosition); int spaceProps = dataFileScale; spaceProps |= (database.logger.getDataFileSpaces() << 16); dataFile.seek(INT_SPACE_PROPS_POS); dataFile.writeInt(spaceProps); // set shadowed flag; int flags = 0; if (database.logger.propIncrementBackup) { flags = BitMap.set(flags, FLAG_ISSHADOWED); } flags = BitMap.set(flags, FLAG_ISSAVED); flags = BitMap.set(flags, FLAG_190); setFlags(flags); is180 = false; } catch (Throwable t) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.FILE_IO_ERROR, t); } } private void openShadowFile() { if (database.logger.propIncrementBackup && fileFreePosition != initialFreePos) { shadowFile = new RAShadowFile(database.logger, dataFile, backupFileName, fileFreePosition, 1 << 14); } } void setIncrementBackup(boolean value) { writeLock.lock(); try { setFlag(FLAG_ISSHADOWED, value); fileModified = true; } catch (Throwable t) { logSevereEvent("DataFileCache.setIncrementalBackup", t); } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } }
Restores a compressed backup or the .data file.
/** * Restores a compressed backup or the .data file. */
private boolean restoreBackup() { try { FileAccess fileAccess = database.logger.getFileAccess(); // todo - in case data file cannot be deleted, reset it deleteFile(database, dataFileName); if (fileAccess.isStreamElement(backupFileName)) { FileArchiver.unarchive(backupFileName, dataFileName, fileAccess, FileArchiver.COMPRESSION_ZIP); return true; } return false; } catch (Throwable t) { database.logger.logSevereEvent("DataFileCache.restoreBackup", t); throw Error.error(t, ErrorCode.FILE_IO_ERROR, ErrorCode.M_Message_Pair, new Object[] { t.toString(), backupFileName }); } }
Restores in from an incremental backup
/** * Restores in from an incremental backup */
private boolean restoreBackupIncremental() { try { FileAccess fileAccess = database.logger.getFileAccess(); if (fileAccess.isStreamElement(backupFileName)) { RAShadowFile.restoreFile(database, backupFileName, dataFileName); deleteFile(database, backupFileName); return true; } // this is an anomaly where no backup exists but .data file // modified flag has been set return false; } catch (Throwable e) { database.logger.logSevereEvent( "DataFileCache.restoreBackupIncremental", e); throw Error.error(ErrorCode.FILE_IO_ERROR, e); } }
Abandons changed rows and closes the .data file.
/** * Abandons changed rows and closes the .data file. */
public void release() { writeLock.lock(); try { if (dataFile == null) { return; } if (shadowFile != null) { shadowFile.close(); shadowFile = null; } dataFile.close(); logDetailEvent("dataFileCache file closed"); dataFile = null; } catch (Throwable t) { logSevereEvent("DataFileCache.release", t); } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } }
Writes out all cached rows that have been modified and the free position pointer for the *.data file and then closes the file.
/** * Writes out all cached rows that have been modified and the * free position pointer for the *.data file and then closes the file. */
public void close() { writeLock.lock(); try { if (dataFile == null) { return; } reset(); dataFile.close(); logDetailEvent("dataFileCache file close end"); dataFile = null; boolean empty = fileFreePosition == initialFreePos; if (empty) { deleteFile(); deleteBackup(); } } catch (HsqlException e) { throw e; } catch (Throwable t) { logSevereEvent("DataFileCache.close", t); throw Error.error(t, ErrorCode.FILE_IO_ERROR, ErrorCode.M_DataFileCache_close, new Object[] { t.toString(), dataFileName }); } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } protected void clear() { writeLock.lock(); try { cache.clear(); } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } public void adjustStoreCount(int adjust) { writeLock.lock(); try { storeCount += adjust; } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } public void reopen() { writeLock.lock(); try { openShadowFile(); spaceManager.initialiseSpaces(); } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } }
Commits all the changes to the file
/** * Commits all the changes to the file */
public void reset() { writeLock.lock(); try { if (cacheReadonly) { return; } logInfoEvent("dataFileCache commit start"); spaceManager.reset(); cache.saveAll(); // set empty long lostSize = spaceManager.getLostBlocksSize(); dataFile.seek(LONG_EMPTY_SIZE); dataFile.writeLong(lostSize); // set end dataFile.seek(LONG_FREE_POS_POS); dataFile.writeLong(fileFreePosition); // set space props int spaceProps = dataFileScale; spaceProps |= (database.logger.getDataFileSpaces() << 16); dataFile.seek(INT_SPACE_PROPS_POS); dataFile.writeInt(spaceProps); // set space list int pos = (int) (spaceManagerPosition / DataSpaceManager.fixedBlockSizeUnit); dataFile.seek(INT_SPACE_LIST_POS); dataFile.writeInt(pos); // set saved flag; setFlag(DataFileCache.FLAG_ISSAVED, true); logDetailEvent("file sync end"); fileModified = false; cacheModified = false; fileStartFreePosition = fileFreePosition; if (shadowFile != null) { shadowFile.close(); shadowFile = null; } logInfoEvent("dataFileCache commit end"); } catch (Throwable t) { logSevereEvent("DataFileCache.reset commit", t); throw Error.error(t, ErrorCode.FILE_IO_ERROR, ErrorCode.M_DataFileCache_close, new Object[] { t.toString(), dataFileName }); } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } protected void initBuffers() { if (rowOut == null) { if (is180) { rowOut = new RowOutputBinary180(initIOBufferSize, cachedRowPadding); } else { rowOut = new RowOutputBinaryEncode(database.logger.getCrypto(), initIOBufferSize, cachedRowPadding); } } if (rowIn == null) { if (is180) { rowIn = new RowInputBinary180(new byte[initIOBufferSize]); } else { rowIn = new RowInputBinaryDecode(database.logger.getCrypto(), new byte[initIOBufferSize]); } } } DataFileDefrag defrag(Session session) { writeLock.lock(); try { cache.saveAll(); DataFileDefrag dfd = new DataFileDefrag(database, this); dfd.process(session); close(); cache.clear(); if (!database.logger.propIncrementBackup) { backupNewDataFile(true); } database.schemaManager.setTempIndexRoots(dfd.getIndexRoots()); try { database.logger.log.writeScript(false); } finally { database.schemaManager.setTempIndexRoots(null); } database.getProperties().setProperty( HsqlDatabaseProperties.hsqldb_script_format, database.logger.propScriptFormat); database.getProperties().setDBModified( HsqlDatabaseProperties.FILES_MODIFIED_NEW); database.logger.log.closeLog(); database.logger.log.deleteLog(); database.logger.log.renameNewScript(); renameBackupFile(); renameDataFile(); database.getProperties().setDBModified( HsqlDatabaseProperties.FILES_NOT_MODIFIED); open(false); if (database.logger.log.dbLogWriter != null) { database.logger.log.openLog(); } return dfd; } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } }
Used when a row is deleted as a result of some DML or DDL statement. Removes the row from the cache data structures. Adds the file space for the row to the list of free positions.
/** * Used when a row is deleted as a result of some DML or DDL statement. * Removes the row from the cache data structures. * Adds the file space for the row to the list of free positions. */
public void remove(CachedObject object) { release(object.getPos()); } public void removePersistence(CachedObject object) {} public void add(CachedObject object, boolean keep) { writeLock.lock(); try { cacheModified = true; cache.put(object); if (keep) { object.keepInMemory(true); } if (object.getStorageSize() > initIOBufferSize) { rowOut.reset(object.getStorageSize()); } } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } public CachedObject get(CachedObject object, PersistentStore store, boolean keep) { readLock.lock(); long pos; try { if (object.isInMemory()) { if (keep) { object.keepInMemory(true); } return object; } pos = object.getPos(); if (pos < 0) { return null; } object = cache.get(pos); if (object != null) { if (keep) { object.keepInMemory(true); } return object; } } finally { readLock.unlock(); } return getFromFile(pos, store, keep); } public CachedObject get(long pos, int size, PersistentStore store, boolean keep) { CachedObject object; if (pos < 0) { return null; } readLock.lock(); try { object = cache.get(pos); if (object != null) { if (keep) { object.keepInMemory(true); } return object; } } finally { readLock.unlock(); } return getFromFile(pos, size, store, keep); } public CachedObject get(long pos, PersistentStore store, boolean keep) { CachedObject object; if (pos < 0) { return null; } readLock.lock(); try { object = cache.get(pos); if (object != null) { if (keep) { object.keepInMemory(true); } return object; } } finally { readLock.unlock(); } return getFromFile(pos, store, keep); } private CachedObject getFromFile(long pos, PersistentStore store, boolean keep) { CachedObject object = null; writeLock.lock(); try { object = cache.get(pos); if (object != null) { if (keep) { object.keepInMemory(true); } return object; } for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { try { readObject(pos); object = store.get(rowIn); if (object == null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.GENERAL_IO_ERROR, "position " + pos); } break; } catch (Throwable t) { if (t instanceof OutOfMemoryError) { cache.clearUnchanged(); if (j > 0) { logInfoEvent(dataFileName + " getFromFile out of mem " + pos); HsqlException ex = Error.error(ErrorCode.OUT_OF_MEMORY, t); ex.info = rowIn; throw ex; } } else if (t instanceof HsqlException) { ((HsqlException) t).info = rowIn; throw (HsqlException) t; } else { HsqlException ex = Error.error(ErrorCode.GENERAL_IO_ERROR, t); ex.info = rowIn; throw ex; } } } if (object == null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.DATA_FILE_ERROR); } // for text tables with empty rows at the beginning, // pos may move forward in readObject cache.put(object); if (keep) { object.keepInMemory(true); } store.set(object); return object; } catch (HsqlException e) { logSevereEvent(dataFileName + " getFromFile failed " + pos, e); throw e; } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } private CachedObject getFromFile(long pos, int size, PersistentStore store, boolean keep) { CachedObject object = null; writeLock.lock(); try { object = cache.get(pos); if (object != null) { if (keep) { object.keepInMemory(true); } return object; } for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { try { readObject(pos, size); object = store.get(rowIn); break; } catch (OutOfMemoryError err) { cache.clearUnchanged(); System.gc(); if (j > 0) { logSevereEvent(dataFileName + " getFromFile out of mem " + pos, err); throw err; } } } if (object == null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.DATA_FILE_ERROR); } cache.putUsingReserve(object); if (keep) { object.keepInMemory(true); } store.set(object); return object; } catch (HsqlException e) { logSevereEvent(dataFileName + " getFromFile failed " + pos, e); throw e; } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } RowInputInterface getRaw(long pos) { writeLock.lock(); try { readObject(pos); return rowIn; } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } private void readObject(long pos) { try { dataFile.seek(pos * dataFileScale); int size = dataFile.readInt(); rowIn.resetRow(pos, size); dataFile.read(rowIn.getBuffer(), 4, size - 4); } catch (Throwable t) { logSevereEvent("DataFileCache.readObject", t, pos); HsqlException ex = Error.error(ErrorCode.DATA_FILE_ERROR, t); if (rowIn.getFilePosition() != pos) { rowIn.resetRow(pos, 0); } ex.info = rowIn; throw ex; } } protected void readObject(long pos, int size) { try { rowIn.resetBlock(pos, size); dataFile.seek(pos * dataFileScale); dataFile.read(rowIn.getBuffer(), 0, size); } catch (Throwable t) { logSevereEvent("DataFileCache.readObject", t, pos); HsqlException ex = Error.error(ErrorCode.DATA_FILE_ERROR, t); ex.info = rowIn; throw ex; } } public void releaseRange(long startPos, long limitPos) { writeLock.lock(); try { cacheModified = true; cache.releaseRange(startPos, limitPos); } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } public void releaseRange(IntIndex list, int fileBlockItemCount) { writeLock.lock(); try { cacheModified = true; cache.releaseRange(list, fileBlockItemCount); } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } public CachedObject release(long pos) { writeLock.lock(); try { cacheModified = true; return cache.release(pos); } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } protected void saveRows(CachedObject[] rows, int offset, int count) { if (count == 0) { return; } int pageCount = copyShadow(rows, offset, count); long startTime = cache.saveAllTimer.elapsedTime(); long storageSize = 0; cache.saveAllTimer.start(); if (pageCount > 0) { setFileModified(); } for (int i = offset; i < offset + count; i++) { CachedObject r = rows[i]; saveRowNoLock(r); rows[i] = null; storageSize += r.getStorageSize(); } cache.saveAllTimer.stop(); cache.logSaveRowsEvent(count, storageSize, startTime); }
Writes out the specified Row. Will write only the Nodes or both Nodes and table row data depending on what is not already persisted to disk.
/** * Writes out the specified Row. Will write only the Nodes or both Nodes * and table row data depending on what is not already persisted to disk. */
public void saveRow(CachedObject row) { writeLock.lock(); try { copyShadow(row); setFileModified(); saveRowNoLock(row); } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } public void saveRowOutput(long pos) { try { dataFile.seek(pos * dataFileScale); dataFile.write(rowOut.getOutputStream().getBuffer(), 0, rowOut.getOutputStream().size()); } catch (Throwable t) { logSevereEvent("DataFileCache.saveRowOutput", t, pos); throw Error.error(ErrorCode.DATA_FILE_ERROR, t); } } protected void saveRowNoLock(CachedObject row) { try { rowOut.reset(); row.write(rowOut); dataFile.seek(row.getPos() * dataFileScale); dataFile.write(rowOut.getOutputStream().getBuffer(), 0, rowOut.getOutputStream().size()); row.setChanged(false); } catch (Throwable t) { logSevereEvent("DataFileCache.saveRowNoLock", t, row.getPos()); throw Error.error(ErrorCode.DATA_FILE_ERROR, t); } } protected int copyShadow(CachedObject[] rows, int offset, int count) { int pageCount = 0; if (shadowFile != null) { long time = cache.shadowTimer.elapsedTime(); long seekpos = 0; cache.shadowTimer.start(); try { for (int i = offset; i < offset + count; i++) { CachedObject row = rows[i]; seekpos = row.getPos() * dataFileScale; pageCount += shadowFile.copy(seekpos, row.getStorageSize()); } if (pageCount > 0) { shadowFile.synch(); } } catch (Throwable t) { logSevereEvent("DataFileCache.copyShadow", t, seekpos); throw Error.error(ErrorCode.DATA_FILE_ERROR, t); } cache.shadowTimer.stop(); if (pageCount > 0) { time = cache.shadowTimer.elapsedTime() - time; logDetailEvent("copyShadow [size, time] " + shadowFile.getSavedLength() + " " + time); } } return pageCount; } protected int copyShadow(CachedObject row) { if (shadowFile != null) { long seekpos = row.getPos() * dataFileScale; try { int pageCount = shadowFile.copy(seekpos, row.getStorageSize()); shadowFile.synch(); return pageCount; } catch (Throwable t) { logSevereEvent("DataFileCache.copyShadow", t, row.getPos()); throw Error.error(ErrorCode.DATA_FILE_ERROR, t); } } return 0; }
Saves the *.data file as compressed *.backup.
  • HsqlException –
/** * Saves the *.data file as compressed *.backup. * * @throws HsqlException */
void backupDataFile(boolean newFile) { backupFile(database, dataFileName, backupFileName, newFile); } void backupNewDataFile(boolean newFile) { backupFile(database, dataFileName + Logger.newFileExtension, backupFileName, newFile); } static void backupFile(Database database, String fileName, String backupFileName, boolean newFile) { try { FileAccess fa = database.logger.getFileAccess(); if (database.logger.propIncrementBackup) { if (fa.isStreamElement(backupFileName)) { deleteFile(database, backupFileName); if (fa.isStreamElement(backupFileName)) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.DATA_FILE_ERROR, "cannot delete old backup file"); } } return; } if (fa.isStreamElement(fileName)) { if (newFile) { backupFileName += Logger.newFileExtension; } else { deleteFile(database, backupFileName); if (fa.isStreamElement(backupFileName)) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.DATA_FILE_ERROR, "cannot delete old backup file"); } } FileArchiver.archive(fileName, backupFileName, fa, FileArchiver.COMPRESSION_ZIP); } } catch (Throwable t) { database.logger.logSevereEvent("DataFileCache.backupFile", t); throw Error.error(ErrorCode.DATA_FILE_ERROR, t); } } void renameBackupFile() { renameBackupFile(database, backupFileName); } static void renameBackupFile(Database database, String backupFileName) { FileAccess fileAccess = database.logger.getFileAccess(); if (database.logger.propIncrementBackup) { deleteFile(database, backupFileName); return; } if (fileAccess.isStreamElement(backupFileName + Logger.newFileExtension)) { deleteFile(database, backupFileName); fileAccess.renameElement(backupFileName + Logger.newFileExtension, backupFileName, true); } }
Renames the *.data.new file.
  • HsqlException –
/** * Renames the *.data.new file. * * @throws HsqlException */
void renameDataFile() { renameDataFile(database, dataFileName); } static void renameDataFile(Database database, String dataFileName) { FileAccess fileAccess = database.logger.getFileAccess(); if (fileAccess.isStreamElement(dataFileName + Logger.newFileExtension)) { deleteFile(database, dataFileName); fileAccess.renameElement(dataFileName + Logger.newFileExtension, dataFileName, true); } } void deleteFile() { deleteFile(database, dataFileName); } static void deleteFile(Database database, String fileName) { FileAccess fileAccess = database.logger.getFileAccess(); // first attempt to delete fileAccess.removeElement(fileName); if (fileAccess.isStreamElement(fileName)) { fileAccess.removeElement(fileName); if (fileAccess.isStreamElement(fileName)) { String discardName = FileUtil.newDiscardFileName(fileName); fileAccess.renameElement(fileName, discardName, false); } } } void deleteBackup() { deleteFile(database, backupFileName); }
Delta must always result in block multiples
/** * Delta must always result in block multiples */
public long enlargeFileSpace(long delta) { writeLock.lock(); try { long position = fileFreePosition; if (position + delta > maxDataFileSize) { logSevereEvent("data file reached maximum allowed size: " + dataFileName + " " + maxDataFileSize, null); throw Error.error(ErrorCode.DATA_FILE_IS_FULL); } boolean result = dataFile.ensureLength(position + delta); if (!result) { logSevereEvent("data file cannot be enlarged - disk space: " + dataFileName + " " + (position + delta), null); throw Error.error(ErrorCode.DATA_FILE_IS_FULL); } fileFreePosition += delta; return position; } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } public int capacity() { return maxCacheRows; } public long bytesCapacity() { return maxCacheBytes; } public long getTotalCachedBlockSize() { return cache.getTotalCachedBlockSize(); } public long getLostBlockSize() { return spaceManager.getLostBlocksSize(); } public long getFileFreePos() { return fileFreePosition; } public int getCachedObjectCount() { return cache.size(); } public String getFileName() { return dataFileName; } public int getDataFileScale() { return dataFileScale; } public boolean hasRowInfo() { return hasRowInfo; } public boolean isFileModified() { return fileModified; } public boolean isModified() { return cacheModified; } public boolean isFileOpen() { return dataFile != null; } protected void setFileModified() { try { if (!fileModified) { // unset saved flag; setFlag(FLAG_ISSAVED, false); logDetailEvent("setFileModified flag set "); fileModified = true; } } catch (Throwable t) { logSevereEvent("DataFileCache.setFileModified", t); throw Error.error(ErrorCode.DATA_FILE_ERROR, t); } } int getFlags() throws IOException { dataFile.seek(FLAGS_POS); int flags = dataFile.readInt(); return flags; } void setFlags(int flags) throws IOException { dataFile.seek(FLAGS_POS); dataFile.writeInt(flags); dataFile.synch(); } void setFlag(int singleFlag, boolean val) throws IOException { dataFile.seek(FLAGS_POS); int flags = dataFile.readInt(); flags = val ? BitMap.set(flags, singleFlag) : BitMap.unset(flags, singleFlag); dataFile.seek(FLAGS_POS); dataFile.writeInt(flags); dataFile.synch(); } public boolean isDataReadOnly() { return this.cacheReadonly; } public RAShadowFile getShadowFile() { return shadowFile; } private void logSevereEvent(String message, Throwable t, long position) { if (logEvents) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(message); sb.append(' ').append(position); message = sb.toString(); database.logger.logSevereEvent(message, t); } } public void logSevereEvent(String message, Throwable t) { if (logEvents) { database.logger.logSevereEvent(message, t); } } void logInfoEvent(String message) { if (logEvents) { database.logger.logInfoEvent(message); } } void logDetailEvent(String message) { if (logEvents) { database.logger.logDetailEvent(message); } } }