/* Copyright (c) 2001-2019, The HSQL Development Group
 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
 * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
 * list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
 * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
 * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 * Neither the name of the HSQL Development Group nor the names of its
 * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
 * software without specific prior written permission.

package org.hsqldb.jdbc;

import java.sql.Array;
import java.sql.Blob;
import java.sql.CallableStatement;
import java.sql.Clob;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
import java.sql.NClob;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLClientInfoException;
import java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedException;
//import java.sql.SQLData;
//import java.sql.SQLOutput;
//import java.sql.SQLInput;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.SQLWarning;
import java.sql.SQLXML;
import java.sql.Savepoint;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.Struct;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
// import java.util.logging.Level;
// import java.util.logging.Logger;

import org.hsqldb.ClientConnection;
import org.hsqldb.ClientConnectionHTTP;
import org.hsqldb.DatabaseManager;
import org.hsqldb.DatabaseURL;
import org.hsqldb.HsqlDateTime;
import org.hsqldb.HsqlException;
import org.hsqldb.SessionInterface;
import org.hsqldb.error.ErrorCode;
import org.hsqldb.lib.StringUtil;
import org.hsqldb.persist.HsqlDatabaseProperties;
import org.hsqldb.persist.HsqlProperties;
import org.hsqldb.result.Result;
import org.hsqldb.result.ResultConstants;
import org.hsqldb.result.ResultProperties;
import org.hsqldb.types.Type;

/* $Id: JDBCConnection.java 5968 2019-04-27 12:55:27Z fredt $ */

// fredt@users    20020320 - patch 1.7.0 - JDBC 2 support and error trapping
// campbell-burnet@users 20020509 - added "throws SQLException" to all methods where
//                           it was missing here but specified in the
//                           java.sql.Connection interface,
//                           updated generic documentation to JDK 1.4, and
//                           added JDBC3 methods and docs
// boucherb &
// fredt@users    20020505 - extensive review and update of docs and behaviour
//                           to comply with java.sql specification
// fredt@users    20020830 - patch 487323 by xclayl@users - better synchronization
// fredt@users    20020930 - patch 1.7.1 - support for connection properties
// kneedeepincode@users
//                20021110 - patch 635816 - correction to properties
// unsaved@users  20021113 - patch 1.7.2 - SSL support
// campbell-burnet@users 2003 ??? - patch 1.7.2 - SSL support moved to factory interface
// fredt@users    20030620 - patch 1.7.2 - reworked to use a SessionInterface
// campbell-burnet@users 20030801 - JavaDoc updates to reflect new connection urls
// campbell-burnet@users 20030819 - patch 1.7.2 - partial fix for broken nativeSQL method
// campbell-burnet@users 20030819 - patch 1.7.2 - SQLWarning cases implemented
// campbell-burnet@users 20051207 - 1.9.0       - JDBC 4.0 support - docs and methods
//              - 20060712               - full synch up to Mustang Build 90
// fredt@users    20090810 - 1.9.0       - full review and updates
// Revision 1.23  2006/07/12 12:02:43 boucherb
// patch 1.9.0
// - full synch up to Mustang b90

A connection (session) with a specific database. SQL statements are executed and results are returned within the context of a connection.

A Connection object's database is able to provide information describing its tables, its supported SQL grammar, its stored procedures, the capabilities of this connection, and so on. This information is obtained with the getMetaData method.

(JDBC4 clarification:)

Note: When configuring a Connection, JDBC applications should use the appropriate Connection method such as setAutoCommit or setTransactionIsolation. Applications should not invoke SQL commands directly to change the connection's configuration when there is a JDBC method available. By default a Connection object is in auto-commit mode, which means that it automatically commits changes after executing each statement. If auto-commit mode has been disabled, the method commit must be called explicitly in order to commit changes; otherwise, database changes will not be saved.

A new Connection object created using the JDBC 2.1 core API has an initially empty type map associated with it. A user may enter a custom mapping for a UDT in this type map. When a UDT is retrieved from a data source with the method ResultSet.getObject, the getObject method will check the connection's type map to see if there is an entry for that UDT. If so, the getObject method will map the UDT to the class indicated. If there is no entry, the UDT will be mapped using the standard mapping.

A user may create a new type map, which is a java.util.Map object, make an entry in it, and pass it to the java.sql methods that can perform custom mapping. In this case, the method will use the given type map instead of the one associated with the connection.

For example, the following code fragment specifies that the SQL type ATHLETES will be mapped to the class Athletes in the Java programming language. The code fragment retrieves the type map for the Connection object con, inserts the entry into it, and then sets the type map with the new entry as the connection's type map.

     java.util.Map map = con.getTypeMap();
     map.put("mySchemaName.ATHLETES", Class.forName("Athletes"));

HSQLDB-Specific Information:

To get a Connection to an HSQLDB database, the following code may be used (updated to reflect the most recent recommendations):

When using HSQLDB, the database connection <url> must start with 'jdbc:hsqldb:'

Since 1.7.2, connection properties (<key-value-pairs>) may be appended to the database connection <url>, using the form:


Also since 1.7.2, the allowable forms of the HSQLDB database connection <url> have been extended. However, all legacy forms continue to work, with unchanged semantics. The extensions are as described in the following material.

Network Server Database Connections:

The Server database connection <url> takes one of the two following forms:

  1. 'jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://host[:port][/<alias>][<key-value-pairs>]'
  2. 'jdbc:hsqldb:hsqls://host[:port][/<alias>][<key-value-pairs>]' (with TLS).

The WebServer database connection <url> takes one of two following forms:

  1. 'jdbc:hsqldb:http://host[:port][/<alias>][<key-value-pairs>]'
  2. 'jdbc:hsqldb:https://host[:port][/<alias>][<key-value-pairs>]' (with TLS).

In both network server database connection <url> forms, the optional <alias> component is used to identify one of possibly several database instances available at the indicated host and port. If the <alias> component is omitted, then a connection is made to the network server's default database instance, if such an instance is available.

For more information on server configuration regarding mounting multiple databases and assigning them <alias> values, please read the Java API documentation for Server and related chapters in the general documentation, especially the Advanced Users Guide.

Transient, In-Process Database Connections:

The 100% in-memory (transient, in-process) database connection <url> takes one of the two following forms:

  1. 'jdbc:hsqldb:.[<key-value-pairs>]' (the legacy form, extended)
  2. 'jdbc:hsqldb:mem:<alias>[<key-value-pairs>]' (the new form)

The driver converts the supplied <alias> component to Local.ENGLISH lower case and uses the resulting character sequence as the key used to look up a mem: protocol database instance amongst the collection of all such instances already in existence within the current class loading context in the current JVM. If no such instance exists, one may be automatically created and mapped to the <alias>, as governed by the 'ifexists=true|false' connection property.

The rationale for converting the supplied <alias> component to lower case is to provide consistency with the behavior of res: protocol database connection <url>s, explained further on in this overview.

Persistent, In-Process Database Connections:

The standalone (persistent, in-process) database connection <url> takes one of the three following forms:

  1. 'jdbc:hsqldb:<path>[<key-value-pairs>]' (the legacy form, extended)
  2. 'jdbc:hsqldb:file:<path>[<key-value-pairs>]' (same semantics as the legacy form)
  3. 'jdbc:hsqldb:res:<path>[<key-value-pairs>]' (new form with 'files_in_jar' semantics)

For the persistent, in-process database connection <url>, the <path> component is the path prefix common to all of the files that compose the database.

From 1.7.2, although other files may be involved (such as transient working files and/or TEXT table CSV data source files), the essential set that may, at any particular point in time, compose an HSQLDB database is:

  • <path>.properties
  • <path>.script
  • <path>.log
  • <path>.data
  • <path>.backup
  • <path>.lck

For example: 'jdbc:hsqldb:file:test' connects to a database composed of some subset of the files listed above, where the expansion of <path> is 'test' prefixed with the canonical path of the JVM's effective working directory at the time the designated database is first opened in-process.

Be careful to note that this canonical expansion of <path> is cached by the driver until JVM exit. So, although legacy JVMs tend to fix the reported effective working directory at the one noted upon JVM startup, there is no guarantee that modern JVMs will continue to uphold this behaviour. What this means is there is effectively no guarantee into the future that a relative file: protocol database connection <url> will connect to the same database instance for the life of the JVM. To avoid any future ambiguity issues, it is probably a best practice for clients to attempt to pre-canonicalize the <path> component of file: protocol database connection* <url>s.

Under Windows, 'jdbc:hsqldb:file:c:\databases\test' connects to a database located on drive 'C:' in the directory 'databases', composed of some subset of the files:

Under most variations of UNIX, 'jdbc:hsqldb:file:/databases/test' connects to a database located in the directory 'databases' directly under root, once again composed of some subset of the files:
Some Guidelines:
  1. Both relative and absolute database file paths are supported.
  2. Relative database file paths can be specified in a platform independent manner as: '[dir1/dir2/.../dirn/]<file-name-prefix>'.
  3. Specification of absolute file paths is operating-system specific.
    Please read your OS file system documentation.
  4. Specification of network mounts may be operating-system specific.
    Please read your OS file system documentation.
  5. Special care may be needed w.r.t. file path specifications containing whitespace, mixed-case, special characters and/or reserved file names.
    Please read your OS file system documentation.

Note: Versions of HSQLDB previous to 1.7.0 did not support creating directories along the file path specified in the persistent, in-process mode database connection <url> form, in the case that they did not already exist. Starting with HSQLDB 1.7.0, directories will be created if they do not already exist., but only if HSQLDB is built under a version of the compiler greater than JDK 1.1.x.

res: protocol Connections:

The 'jdbc:hsqldb:res:<path>' database connection <url> has different semantics than the 'jdbc:hsqldb:file:<path>' form. The semantics are similar to those of a 'files_readonly' database, but with some additional points to consider.

Specifically, the '<path>' component of a res: protocol database connection <url> is first converted to lower case with Locale.ENGLISH and only then used to obtain resource URL objects, which in turn are used to read the database files as resources on the class path.

Due to lower case conversion by the driver, res: '<path>' components never find jar resources stored with Locale.ENGLISH mixed case paths. The rationale for converting to lower case is that not all pkzip implementations guarantee path case is preserved when archiving resources, and conversion to lower case seems to be the most common occurrence (although there is also no actual guarantee that the conversion is Locale.ENGLISH).

More importantly, res: '<path>' components must point only to resources contained in one or more jars on the class path. That is, only resources having the jar sub-protocol are considered valid.

This restriction is enforced to avoid the unfortunate situation in which, because res: database instances do not create a <path>.lck file (they are strictly files-read-only) and because the <path> components of res: and file: database URIs are not checked for file system equivalence, it is possible for the same database files to be accessed concurrently by both file: and res: database instances. That is, without this restriction, it is possible that <path>.data and <path>.properties file content may be written by a file: database instance without the knowledge or cooperation of a res: database instance open on the same files, potentially resulting in unexpected database errors, inconsistent operation and/or data corruption.

In short, a res: type database connection <url> is designed specifically to connect to a 'files_in_jar' mode database instance, which in turn is designed specifically to operate under Java WebStart and Java Applet configurations, where co-locating the database files in the jars that make up the WebStart application or Applet avoids the need for special security configuration or code signing.

Note: Since it is difficult and often nearly impossible to determine or control at runtime from where all classes are being loaded or which class loader is doing the loading (and hence how relative path specifications are resolved) under 'files_in_jar' semantics, the <path> component of the res: database connection <url> is always taken to be relative to the default package and resource URL resolution is always performed using the ClassLoader that loads the org.hsqldb.persist.Logger class. That is, if the <path> component does not start with '/', then'/' is prepended when obtaining the resource URLs used to read the database files, and only the effective class path of org.hsqldb.persist.Logger's ClassLoader is searched.

For more information about HSQLDB file structure, various database modes and other attributes such as those controlled through the HSQLDB properties files, please read the general documentation, especially the Advanced Users Guide.

JDBC 4.0 Notes:

Starting with JDBC 4.0 (JDK 1.6), the DriverManager methods getConnection and getDrivers have been enhanced to support the Java Standard Edition Service Provider mechanism. When built under a Java runtime that supports JDBC 4.0, HSQLDB distribution jars containing the Driver implementation also include the file META-INF/services/java.sql.Driver. This file contains the fully qualified class name ('org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCDriver') of the HSQLDB implementation of java.sql.Driver.

Hence, under JDBC 4.0 or greater, applications no longer need to explicitly load the HSQLDB JDBC driver using Class.forName(). Of course, existing programs which do load JDBC drivers using Class.forName() will continue to work without modification.


Author:Campbell Burnet (campbell-burnet@users dot sourceforge.net), Fred Toussi (fredt@users dot sourceforge.net)
See Also:
Since:HSQLDB 1.9.0
/** * <!-- start generic documentation --> * * <P>A connection (session) with a specific * database. SQL statements are executed and results are returned * within the context of a connection. * <P> * A <code>Connection</code> object's database is able to provide information * describing its tables, its supported SQL grammar, its stored * procedures, the capabilities of this connection, and so on. This * information is obtained with the <code>getMetaData</code> method. * * <P>(JDBC4 clarification:) * <P><B>Note:</B> When configuring a <code>Connection</code>, JDBC applications * should use the appropriate <code>Connection</code> method such as * <code>setAutoCommit</code> or <code>setTransactionIsolation</code>. * Applications should not invoke SQL commands directly to change the connection's * configuration when there is a JDBC method available. By default a <code>Connection</code> object is in * auto-commit mode, which means that it automatically commits changes * after executing each statement. If auto-commit mode has been * disabled, the method <code>commit</code> must be called explicitly in * order to commit changes; otherwise, database changes will not be saved. * <P> * A new <code>Connection</code> object created using the JDBC 2.1 core API * has an initially empty type map associated with it. A user may enter a * custom mapping for a UDT in this type map. * When a UDT is retrieved from a data source with the * method <code>ResultSet.getObject</code>, the <code>getObject</code> method * will check the connection's type map to see if there is an entry for that * UDT. If so, the <code>getObject</code> method will map the UDT to the * class indicated. If there is no entry, the UDT will be mapped using the * standard mapping. * <p> * A user may create a new type map, which is a <code>java.util.Map</code> * object, make an entry in it, and pass it to the <code>java.sql</code> * methods that can perform custom mapping. In this case, the method * will use the given type map instead of the one associated with * the connection. * <p> * For example, the following code fragment specifies that the SQL * type <code>ATHLETES</code> will be mapped to the class * <code>Athletes</code> in the Java programming language. * The code fragment retrieves the type map for the <code>Connection * </code> object <code>con</code>, inserts the entry into it, and then sets * the type map with the new entry as the connection's type map. * <pre> * java.util.Map map = con.getTypeMap(); * map.put("mySchemaName.ATHLETES", Class.forName("Athletes")); * con.setTypeMap(map); * </pre> * * <!-- end generic documentation --> * * <!-- start release-specific documentation --> * <div class="ReleaseSpecificDocumentation"> * <h3>HSQLDB-Specific Information:</h3> <p> * * To get a <code>Connection</code> to an HSQLDB database, the * following code may be used (updated to reflect the most recent * recommendations): * * <hr> * * When using HSQLDB, the database connection <b>&lt;url&gt;</b> must start with * <b>'jdbc:hsqldb:'</b><p> * * Since 1.7.2, connection properties (&lt;key-value-pairs&gt;) may be appended * to the database connection <b>&lt;url&gt;</b>, using the form: * * <blockquote> * <b>'&lt;url&gt;[;key=value]*'</b> * </blockquote> <p> * * Also since 1.7.2, the allowable forms of the HSQLDB database connection * <b>&lt;url&gt;</b> have been extended. However, all legacy forms continue * to work, with unchanged semantics. The extensions are as described in the * following material. * * <hr> * * <b>Network Server Database Connections:</b> <p> * * The {@link org.hsqldb.server.Server Server} database connection <b>&lt;url&gt;</b> * takes one of the two following forms: * * <div class="GeneralExample"> * <ol> * <li> <b>'jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://host[:port][/&lt;alias&gt;][&lt;key-value-pairs&gt;]'</b> * * <li> <b>'jdbc:hsqldb:hsqls://host[:port][/&lt;alias&gt;][&lt;key-value-pairs&gt;]'</b> * (with TLS). * </ol> * </div> <p> * * The {@link org.hsqldb.server.WebServer WebServer} database connection <b>&lt;url&gt;</b> * takes one of two following forms: * * <div class="GeneralExample"> * <ol> * <li> <b>'jdbc:hsqldb:http://host[:port][/&lt;alias&gt;][&lt;key-value-pairs&gt;]'</b> * * <li> <b>'jdbc:hsqldb:https://host[:port][/&lt;alias&gt;][&lt;key-value-pairs&gt;]'</b> * (with TLS). * </ol> * </div><p> * * In both network server database connection <b>&lt;url&gt;</b> forms, the * optional <b>&lt;alias&gt;</b> component is used to identify one of possibly * several database instances available at the indicated host and port. If the * <b>&lt;alias&gt;</b> component is omitted, then a connection is made to the * network server's default database instance, if such an instance is * available. <p> * * For more information on server configuration regarding mounting multiple * databases and assigning them <b>&lt;alias&gt;</b> values, please read the * Java API documentation for {@link org.hsqldb.server.Server Server} and related * chapters in the general documentation, especially the <em>Advanced Users * Guide</em>. * * <hr> * * <b>Transient, In-Process Database Connections:</b> <p> * * The 100% in-memory (transient, in-process) database connection * <b>&lt;url&gt;</b> takes one of the two following forms: * * <div class="GeneralExample"> * <ol> * <li> <b>'jdbc:hsqldb:.[&lt;key-value-pairs&gt;]'</b> * (the legacy form, extended) * * <li> <b>'jdbc:hsqldb:mem:&lt;alias&gt;[&lt;key-value-pairs&gt;]'</b> * (the new form) * </ol> * </div> <p> * * The driver converts the supplied <b>&lt;alias&gt;</b> component to * Local.ENGLISH lower case and uses the resulting character sequence as the * key used to look up a <b>mem:</b> protocol database instance amongst the * collection of all such instances already in existence within the current * class loading context in the current JVM. If no such instance exists, one * <em>may</em> be automatically created and mapped to the <b>&lt;alias&gt;</b>, * as governed by the <b>'ifexists=true|false'</b> connection property. <p> * * The rationale for converting the supplied <b>&lt;alias&gt;</b> component to * lower case is to provide consistency with the behavior of <b>res:</b> * protocol database connection <b>&lt;url&gt;</b>s, explained further on in * this overview. * * <hr> * * <b>Persistent, In-Process Database Connections:</b> <p> * * The standalone (persistent, in-process) database connection * <b>&lt;url&gt;</b> takes one of the three following forms: * * <div class="GeneralExample"> * <ol> * <li> <b>'jdbc:hsqldb:&lt;path&gt;[&lt;key-value-pairs&gt;]'</b> * (the legacy form, extended) * * <li> <b>'jdbc:hsqldb:file:&lt;path&gt;[&lt;key-value-pairs&gt;]'</b> * (same semantics as the legacy form) * * <li> <b>'jdbc:hsqldb:res:&lt;path&gt;[&lt;key-value-pairs&gt;]'</b> * (new form with 'files_in_jar' semantics) * </ol> * </div> <p> * * For the persistent, in-process database connection <b>&lt;url&gt;</b>, * the <b>&lt;path&gt;</b> component is the path prefix common to all of * the files that compose the database. <p> * * From 1.7.2, although other files may be involved (such as transient working * files and/or TEXT table CSV data source files), the essential set that may, * at any particular point in time, compose an HSQLDB database is: * * <div class="GeneralExample"> * <ul> * <li>&lt;path&gt;.properties * <li>&lt;path&gt;.script * <li>&lt;path&gt;.log * <li>&lt;path&gt;.data * <li>&lt;path&gt;.backup * <li>&lt;path&gt;.lck * </ul> * </div> <p> * * For example: <b>'jdbc:hsqldb:file:test'</b> connects to a database * composed of some subset of the files listed above, where the expansion * of <b>&lt;path&gt;</b> is <b>'test'</b> prefixed with the canonical path of * the JVM's effective working directory at the time the designated database * is first opened in-process. <p> * * Be careful to note that this canonical expansion of <b>&lt;path&gt;</b> is * cached by the driver until JVM exit. So, although legacy JVMs tend to fix * the reported effective working directory at the one noted upon JVM startup, * there is no guarantee that modern JVMs will continue to uphold this * behaviour. What this means is there is effectively no guarantee into the * future that a relative <b>file:</b> protocol database connection * <b>&lt;url&gt;</b> will connect to the same database instance for the life * of the JVM. To avoid any future ambiguity issues, it is probably a best * practice for clients to attempt to pre-canonicalize the <b>&lt;path&gt;</b> * component of <b>file:</b> protocol database connection* <b>&lt;url&gt;</b>s. * <p> * * Under <em>Windows</em>, * <b>'jdbc:hsqldb:file:c:\databases\test'</b> connects to a database located * on drive <b>'C:'</b> in the directory <b>'databases'</b>, composed * of some subset of the files: * * <pre class="GeneralExample"> * C:\ * +--databases\ * +--test.properties * +--test.script * +--test.log * +--test.data * +--test.backup * +--test.lck * </pre> * * Under most variations of UNIX, <b>'jdbc:hsqldb:file:/databases/test'</b> * connects to a database located in the directory <b>'databases'</b> directly * under root, once again composed of some subset of the files: * * <pre class="GeneralExample"> * * +--databases * +--test.properties * +--test.script * +--test.log * +--test.data * +--test.backup * +--test.lck * </pre> * * <b>Some Guidelines:</b> * * <ol> * <li> Both relative and absolute database file paths are supported. * * <li> Relative database file paths can be specified in a platform independent * manner as: <b>'[dir1/dir2/.../dirn/]&lt;file-name-prefix&gt;'</b>. * * <li> Specification of absolute file paths is operating-system specific.<br> * Please read your OS file system documentation. * * <li> Specification of network mounts may be operating-system specific.<br> * Please read your OS file system documentation. * * <li> Special care may be needed w.r.t. file path specifications * containing whitespace, mixed-case, special characters and/or * reserved file names.<br> * Please read your OS file system documentation. * </ol> <p> * * <b>Note:</b> Versions of HSQLDB previous to 1.7.0 did not support creating * directories along the file path specified in the persistent, in-process mode * database connection <b>&lt;url&gt;</b> form, in the case that they did * not already exist. Starting with HSQLDB 1.7.0, directories <i>will</i> * be created if they do not already exist., but only if HSQLDB is built under * a version of the compiler greater than JDK 1.1.x. * * <hr> * * <b>res: protocol Connections:</b><p> * * The <b>'jdbc:hsqldb:res:&lt;path&gt;'</b> database connection * <b>&lt;url&gt;</b> has different semantics than the * <b>'jdbc:hsqldb:file:&lt;path&gt;'</b> form. The semantics are similar to * those of a <b>'files_readonly'</b> database, but with some additional * points to consider. <p> * * Specifically, the <b>'&lt;path&gt;'</b> component of a <b>res:</b> protocol * database connection <b>&lt;url&gt;</b> is first converted to lower case * with <tt>Locale.ENGLISH</tt> and only then used to obtain resource URL * objects, which in turn are used to read the database files as resources on * the class path. <p> * * Due to lower case conversion by the driver, <b>res:</b> <b>'&lt;path&gt;'</b> * components <em>never</em> find jar resources stored with * <tt>Locale.ENGLISH</tt> mixed case paths. The rationale for converting to * lower case is that not all pkzip implementations guarantee path case is * preserved when archiving resources, and conversion to lower case seems to * be the most common occurrence (although there is also no actual guarantee * that the conversion is <tt>Locale.ENGLISH</tt>).<p> * * More importantly, <b>res:</b> <b>'&lt;path&gt;'</b> components <em>must</em> * point only to resources contained in one or more jars on the class * path. That is, only resources having the jar sub-protocol are considered * valid. <p> * * This restriction is enforced to avoid the unfortunate situation in which, * because <b>res:</b> database instances do not create a <b>&lt;path&gt;</b>.lck * file (they are strictly files-read-only) and because the <b>&lt;path&gt;</b> * components of <b>res:</b> and <b>file:</b> database <tt>URI</tt>s are not * checked for file system equivalence, it is possible for the same database * files to be accessed concurrently by both <b>file:</b> and <b>res:</b> * database instances. That is, without this restriction, it is possible that * <b>&lt;path&gt;</b>.data and <b>&lt;path&gt;</b>.properties file content may * be written by a <b>file:</b> database instance without the knowledge or * cooperation of a <b>res:</b> database instance open on the same files, * potentially resulting in unexpected database errors, inconsistent operation * and/or data corruption. <p> * * In short, a <b>res:</b> type database connection <b>&lt;url&gt;</b> is * designed specifically to connect to a <b>'files_in_jar'</b> mode database * instance, which in turn is designed specifically to operate under * <em>Java WebStart</em> and * <em>Java Applet</em> configurations, * where co-locating the database files in the jars that make up the * <em>WebStart</em> application or Applet avoids the need for special security * configuration or code signing. <p> * * <b>Note:</b> Since it is difficult and often nearly impossible to determine * or control at runtime from where all classes are being loaded or which class * loader is doing the loading (and hence how relative path specifications * are resolved) under <b>'files_in_jar'</b> semantics, the <b>&lt;path&gt;</b> * component of the <b>res:</b> database connection <b>&lt;url&gt;</b> is always * taken to be relative to the default package and resource URL resolution is * always performed using the ClassLoader that loads the * org.hsqldb.persist.Logger class. That is, if the <b>&lt;path&gt;</b> * component does not start with '/', then'/' is prepended when obtaining the * resource URLs used to read the database files, and only the effective class * path of org.hsqldb.persist.Logger's ClassLoader is searched. * * <hr> * * For more information about HSQLDB file structure, various database modes * and other attributes such as those controlled through the HSQLDB properties * files, please read the general documentation, especially the Advanced Users * Guide. <p> * * <b>JDBC 4.0 Notes:</b><p> * * Starting with JDBC 4.0 (JDK 1.6), the <code>DriverManager</code> methods * <code>getConnection</code> and <code>getDrivers</code> have been * enhanced to support the Java Standard Edition Service Provider mechanism. * When built under a Java runtime that supports JDBC 4.0, HSQLDB distribution * jars containing the Driver implementation also include the file * <code>META-INF/services/java.sql.Driver</code>. This file contains the fully * qualified class name ('org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCDriver') of the HSQLDB implementation * of <code>java.sql.Driver</code>. <p> * * Hence, under JDBC 4.0 or greater, applications no longer need to explicitly * load the HSQLDB JDBC driver using <code>Class.forName()</code>. Of course, * existing programs which do load JDBC drivers using * <code>Class.forName()</code> will continue to work without modification. * * <hr> * * (fredt@users)<br> * (campbell-burnet@users)<p> * * </div> <!-- end release-specific documentation --> * @author Campbell Burnet (campbell-burnet@users dot sourceforge.net) * @author Fred Toussi (fredt@users dot sourceforge.net) * @version 2.5.0 * @since HSQLDB 1.9.0 * @see JDBCDriver * @see JDBCStatement * @see JDBCParameterMetaData * @see JDBCCallableStatement * @see JDBCResultSet * @see JDBCDatabaseMetaData * @see java.sql.DriverManager#getConnection * @see java.sql.Statement * @see java.sql.ResultSet * @see java.sql.DatabaseMetaData */
public class JDBCConnection implements Connection { // ----------------------------------- JDBC 1 -------------------------------
Creates a Statement object for sending SQL statements to the database. SQL statements without parameters are normally executed using Statement objects. If the same SQL statement is executed many times, it may be more efficient to use a PreparedStatement object.

Result sets created using the returned Statement object will by default be type TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY and have a concurrency level of CONCUR_READ_ONLY. The holdability of the created result sets can be determined by calling getHoldability.

HSQLDB-Specific Information:

Starting with HSQLDB 1.7.2, support for precompilation at the engine level has been implemented, so it is now much more efficient and performant to use a PreparedStatement object if the same short-running SQL statement is to be executed many times.


  • SQLException – if a database access error occurs (JDBC4 clarification:) or this method is called on a closed connection
See Also:
Returns:a new default Statement object
/** * <!-- start generic documentation --> * * Creates a <code>Statement</code> object for sending * SQL statements to the database. * SQL statements without parameters are normally * executed using <code>Statement</code> objects. If the same SQL statement * is executed many times, it may be more efficient to use a * <code>PreparedStatement</code> object. * <P> * Result sets created using the returned <code>Statement</code> * object will by default be type <code>TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY</code> * and have a concurrency level of <code>CONCUR_READ_ONLY</code>. * The holdability of the created result sets can be determined by * calling {@link #getHoldability}. * * <!-- end generic documentation --> * <!-- start release-specific documentation --> * <div class="ReleaseSpecificDocumentation"> * <h3>HSQLDB-Specific Information:</h3> <p> * * Starting with HSQLDB 1.7.2, support for precompilation at the engine level * has been implemented, so it is now much more efficient and performant * to use a <code>PreparedStatement</code> object if the same short-running * SQL statement is to be executed many times. <p> * * HSQLDB supports <code>TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY</code>, * <code>TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE</code> and <code>CONCUR_READ_ONLY</code> * results. <p> * * </div> <!-- end release-specific documentation --> * * @return a new default <code>Statement</code> object * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs * (JDBC4 clarification:) * or this method is called on a closed connection * @see #createStatement(int,int) * @see #createStatement(int,int,int) */
public synchronized Statement createStatement() throws SQLException { checkClosed(); int props = ResultProperties.getValueForJDBC(JDBCResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, JDBCResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY, rsHoldability); Statement stmt = new JDBCStatement(this, props); return stmt; }
Creates a PreparedStatement object for sending parameterized SQL statements to the database.

A SQL statement with or without IN parameters can be pre-compiled and stored in a PreparedStatement object. This object can then be used to efficiently execute this statement multiple times.

Note: This method is optimized for handling parametric SQL statements that benefit from precompilation. If the driver supports precompilation, the method prepareStatement will send the statement to the database for precompilation. Some drivers may not support precompilation. In this case, the statement may not be sent to the database until the PreparedStatement object is executed. This has no direct effect on users; however, it does affect which methods throw certain SQLException objects.

Result sets created using the returned PreparedStatement object will by default be type TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY and have a concurrency level of CONCUR_READ_ONLY. The holdability of the created result sets can be determined by calling getHoldability.

HSQLDB-Specific Information:

Starting with HSQLDB 1.7.2, support for precompilation at the engine level has been implemented, so it is now much more efficient and performant to use a PreparedStatement object if the same short-running SQL statement is to be executed many times.

The support for and behaviour of PreparedStatement complies with SQL and JDBC standards. Please read the introductory section of the documentation for ${link JDBCParameterMetaData}.

  • sql – an SQL statement that may contain one or more '?' IN parameter placeholders
  • SQLException – if a database access error occurs (JDBC4 clarification:) or this method is called on a closed connection
See Also:
Returns:a new default PreparedStatement object containing the pre-compiled SQL statement
/** * <!-- start generic documentation --> * * Creates a <code>PreparedStatement</code> object for sending * parameterized SQL statements to the database. * <P> * A SQL statement with or without IN parameters can be * pre-compiled and stored in a <code>PreparedStatement</code> object. This * object can then be used to efficiently execute this statement * multiple times. * * <P><B>Note:</B> This method is optimized for handling * parametric SQL statements that benefit from precompilation. If * the driver supports precompilation, * the method <code>prepareStatement</code> will send * the statement to the database for precompilation. Some drivers * may not support precompilation. In this case, the statement may * not be sent to the database until the <code>PreparedStatement</code> * object is executed. This has no direct effect on users; however, it does * affect which methods throw certain <code>SQLException</code> objects. * <P> * Result sets created using the returned <code>PreparedStatement</code> * object will by default be type <code>TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY</code> * and have a concurrency level of <code>CONCUR_READ_ONLY</code>. * The holdability of the created result sets can be determined by * calling {@link #getHoldability}. * * <!-- end generic documentation --> * <!-- start release-specific documentation --> * <div class="ReleaseSpecificDocumentation"> * <h3>HSQLDB-Specific Information:</h3> <p> * * Starting with HSQLDB 1.7.2, support for precompilation at the engine level * has been implemented, so it is now much more efficient and performant * to use a <code>PreparedStatement</code> object if the same short-running * SQL statement is to be executed many times. <p> * * The support for and behaviour of PreparedStatement complies with SQL and * JDBC standards. Please read the introductory section * of the documentation for ${link JDBCParameterMetaData}. <P> * * </div> <!-- end release-specific documentation --> * * @param sql an SQL statement that may contain one or more '?' IN * parameter placeholders * @return a new default <code>PreparedStatement</code> object containing the * pre-compiled SQL statement * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs * (JDBC4 clarification:) * or this method is called on a closed connection * @see #prepareStatement(String,int,int) */
public synchronized PreparedStatement prepareStatement( String sql) throws SQLException { checkClosed(); try { return new JDBCPreparedStatement(this, sql, JDBCResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, JDBCResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY, rsHoldability, ResultConstants.RETURN_NO_GENERATED_KEYS, null, null); } catch (HsqlException e) { throw JDBCUtil.sqlException(e); } }
Creates a CallableStatement object for calling database stored procedures. The CallableStatement object provides methods for setting up its IN and OUT parameters, and methods for executing the call to a stored procedure.

Note: This method is optimized for handling stored procedure call statements. Some drivers may send the call statement to the database when the method prepareCall is done; others may wait until the CallableStatement object is executed. This has no direct effect on users; however, it does affect which method throws certain SQLExceptions.

Result sets created using the returned CallableStatement object will by default be type TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY and have a concurrency level of CONCUR_READ_ONLY. The holdability of the created result sets can be determined by calling getHoldability.

HSQLDB-Specific Information:

Starting with 1.7.2, the support for and behaviour of CallableStatement has changed. Please read the introductory section of the documentation for org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCCallableStatement.

  • sql – an SQL statement that may contain one or more '?' parameter placeholders. (JDBC4 clarification:) Typically this statement is specified using JDBC call escape syntax.
  • SQLException – if a database access error occurs (JDBC4 clarification:) or this method is called on a closed connection
See Also:
Returns:a new default CallableStatement object containing the pre-compiled SQL statement
/** * <!-- start generic documentation --> * * Creates a <code>CallableStatement</code> object for calling * database stored procedures. * The <code>CallableStatement</code> object provides * methods for setting up its IN and OUT parameters, and * methods for executing the call to a stored procedure. * * <P><B>Note:</B> This method is optimized for handling stored * procedure call statements. Some drivers may send the call * statement to the database when the method <code>prepareCall</code> * is done; others * may wait until the <code>CallableStatement</code> object * is executed. This has no * direct effect on users; however, it does affect which method * throws certain SQLExceptions. * <P> * Result sets created using the returned <code>CallableStatement</code> * object will by default be type <code>TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY</code> * and have a concurrency level of <code>CONCUR_READ_ONLY</code>. * The holdability of the created result sets can be determined by * calling {@link #getHoldability}. * * <!-- end generic documentation --> * <!-- start release-specific documentation --> * <div class="ReleaseSpecificDocumentation"> * <h3>HSQLDB-Specific Information:</h3> <p> * * Starting with 1.7.2, the support for and behaviour of * CallableStatement has changed. Please read the introductory section * of the documentation for org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCCallableStatement. * * </div> <!-- end release-specific documentation --> * * @param sql an SQL statement that may contain one or more '?' * parameter placeholders. (JDBC4 clarification:) Typically this statement is specified using JDBC * call escape syntax. * @return a new default <code>CallableStatement</code> object containing the * pre-compiled SQL statement * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs * (JDBC4 clarification:) * or this method is called on a closed connection * @see #prepareCall(String,int,int) */
public synchronized CallableStatement prepareCall( String sql) throws SQLException { CallableStatement stmt; checkClosed(); try { stmt = new JDBCCallableStatement(this, sql, JDBCResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, JDBCResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY, rsHoldability); return stmt; } catch (HsqlException e) { throw JDBCUtil.sqlException(e); } }
Converts the given SQL statement into the system's native SQL grammar. A driver may convert the JDBC SQL grammar into its system's native SQL grammar prior to sending it. This method returns the native form of the statement that the driver would have sent.

HSQLDB-Specific Information:

HSQLDB converts the JDBC SQL grammar into the system's native SQL grammar prior to sending it, if escape processing is set true; this method returns the native form of the statement that the driver would send in place of client-specified JDBC SQL grammar.

Before 1.7.2, escape processing was incomplete and also broken in terms of support for nested escapes.

Starting with 1.7.2, escape processing is complete and handles nesting to arbitrary depth, but enforces a very strict interpretation of the syntax and does not detect or process SQL comments.

In essence, the HSQLDB engine directly handles the prescribed syntax and date / time formats specified internal to the JDBC escapes. It also directly offers the XOpen / ODBC extended scalar functions specified available internal to the {fn ...} JDBC escape. As such, the driver simply removes the curly braces and JDBC escape codes in the simplest and fastest fashion possible, by replacing them with whitespace. But to avoid a great deal of complexity, certain forms of input whitespace are currently not recognised. For instance, the driver handles "{?= call ...}" but not "{ ?= call ...} or "{? = call ...}"

Also, comments embedded in SQL are currently not detected or processed and thus may have unexpected effects on the output of this method, for instance causing otherwise valid SQL to become invalid. It is especially important to be aware of this because escape processing is set true by default for Statement objects and is always set true when producing a PreparedStatement from prepareStatement() or CallableStatement from prepareCall(). Currently, it is simply recommended to avoid submitting SQL having comments containing JDBC escape sequence patterns and/or single or double quotation marks, as this will avoid any potential problems. It is intended to implement a less strict handling of whitespace and proper processing of SQL comments at some point in the near future. In any event, 1.7.2 now correctly processes the following JDBC escape forms to arbitrary nesting depth, but only if the exact whitespace layout described below is used:

  1. {call ...}
  2. {?= call ...}
  3. {fn ...}
  4. {oj ...}
  5. {d ...}
  6. {t ...}
  7. {ts ...}

  • sql – an SQL statement that may contain one or more '?' parameter placeholders
  • SQLException – if a database access error occurs (JDBC4 clarification:) or this method is called on a closed connection
Returns:the native form of this statement
/** * <!-- start generic documentation --> * * Converts the given SQL statement into the system's native SQL grammar. * A driver may convert the JDBC SQL grammar into its system's * native SQL grammar prior to sending it. This method returns the * native form of the statement that the driver would have sent. * * <!-- end generic documentation --> * <!-- start release-specific documentation --> * <div class="ReleaseSpecificDocumentation"> * <h3>HSQLDB-Specific Information:</h3> <p> * * HSQLDB converts the JDBC SQL * grammar into the system's native SQL grammar prior to sending * it, if escape processing is set true; this method returns the * native form of the statement that the driver would send in place * of client-specified JDBC SQL grammar. <p> * * Before 1.7.2, escape processing was incomplete and * also broken in terms of support for nested escapes. <p> * * Starting with 1.7.2, escape processing is complete and handles nesting * to arbitrary depth, but enforces a very strict interpretation of the * syntax and does not detect or process SQL comments. <p> * * In essence, the HSQLDB engine directly handles the prescribed syntax * and date / time formats specified internal to the JDBC escapes. * It also directly offers the XOpen / ODBC extended scalar * functions specified available internal to the {fn ...} JDBC escape. * As such, the driver simply removes the curly braces and JDBC escape * codes in the simplest and fastest fashion possible, by replacing them * with whitespace. * * But to avoid a great deal of complexity, certain forms of input * whitespace are currently not recognised. For instance, * the driver handles "{?= call ...}" but not "{ ?= call ...} or * "{? = call ...}" <p> * * Also, comments embedded in SQL are currently not detected or * processed and thus may have unexpected effects on the output * of this method, for instance causing otherwise valid SQL to become * invalid. It is especially important to be aware of this because escape * processing is set true by default for Statement objects and is always * set true when producing a PreparedStatement from prepareStatement() * or CallableStatement from prepareCall(). Currently, it is simply * recommended to avoid submitting SQL having comments containing JDBC * escape sequence patterns and/or single or double quotation marks, * as this will avoid any potential problems. * * It is intended to implement a less strict handling of whitespace and * proper processing of SQL comments at some point in the near future. * * In any event, 1.7.2 now correctly processes the following JDBC escape * forms to arbitrary nesting depth, but only if the exact whitespace * layout described below is used: * * <ol> * <li>{call ...} * <li>{?= call ...} * <li>{fn ...} * <li>{oj ...} * <li>{d ...} * <li>{t ...} * <li>{ts ...} * </ol> <p> * * </div> <!-- end release-specific documentation --> * * @param sql an SQL statement that may contain one or more '?' * parameter placeholders * @return the native form of this statement * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs * (JDBC4 clarification:) * or this method is called on a closed connection */
public synchronized String nativeSQL( final String sql) throws SQLException { checkClosed(); if (sql == null || sql.length() == 0 || sql.indexOf('{') == -1) { return sql; } boolean changed = false; int state = 0; int len = sql.length(); int nest = 0; StringBuilder sb = null; String msg; //-- final int outside_all = 0; final int outside_escape_inside_single_quotes = 1; final int outside_escape_inside_double_quotes = 2; //-- final int inside_escape = 3; final int inside_escape_inside_single_quotes = 4; final int inside_escape_inside_double_quotes = 5; /** @todo */ // final int inside_single_line_comment = 6; // final int inside_multi_line_comment = 7; // Better than old way for large inputs and for avoiding GC overhead; // toString() reuses internal char[], reducing memory requirement // and garbage items 3:2 int tail = 0; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { char c = sql.charAt(i); switch (state) { case outside_all : // Not inside an escape or quotes if (c == '\'') { state = outside_escape_inside_single_quotes; } else if (c == '"') { state = outside_escape_inside_double_quotes; } else if (c == '{') { if (sb == null) { sb = new StringBuilder(sql.length()); } sb.append(sql, tail, i); i = onStartEscapeSequence(sql, sb, i); tail = i; changed = true; nest++; state = inside_escape; } break; case outside_escape_inside_single_quotes : // inside ' ' only case inside_escape_inside_single_quotes : // inside { } and ' ' if (c == '\'') { state -= 1; } break; case outside_escape_inside_double_quotes : // inside " " only case inside_escape_inside_double_quotes : // inside { } and " " if (c == '"') { state -= 2; } break; case inside_escape : // inside { } if (c == '\'') { state = inside_escape_inside_single_quotes; } else if (c == '"') { state = inside_escape_inside_double_quotes; } else if (c == '}') { sb.append(sql, tail, i); sb.append(' '); i++; tail = i; changed = true; nest--; state = (nest == 0) ? outside_all : inside_escape; } else if (c == '{') { sb.append(sql, tail, i); i = onStartEscapeSequence(sql, sb, i); tail = i; changed = true; nest++; state = inside_escape; } break; default: } } if (!changed) { return sql; } sb.append(sql.substring(tail, sql.length())); return sb.toString(); } /** * @todo - semantics of autocommit regarding commit when the ResultSet is closed */
Sets this connection's auto-commit mode to the given state. If a connection is in auto-commit mode, then all its SQL statements will be executed and committed as individual transactions. Otherwise, its SQL statements are grouped into transactions that are terminated by a call to either the method commit or the method rollback. By default, new connections are in auto-commit mode.

The commit occurs when the statement completes. The time when the statement completes depends on the type of SQL Statement:

  • For DML statements, such as Insert, Update or Delete, and DDL statements, the statement is complete as soon as it has finished executing.
  • For Select statements, the statement is complete when the associated result set is closed.
  • For CallableStatement objects or for statements that return multiple results, the statement is complete when all of the associated result sets have been closed, and all update counts and output parameters have been retrieved.

NOTE: If this method is called during a transaction and the auto-commit mode is changed, the transaction is committed. If setAutoCommit is called and the auto-commit mode is not changed, the call is a no-op.

HSQLDB-Specific Information:

Up to and including HSQLDB 2.0,

  1. All rows of a result set are retrieved internally before the first row can actually be fetched.
    Therefore, a statement can be considered complete as soon as any XXXStatement.executeXXX method returns.

Starting with 2.0, HSQLDB may not return a result set to the network client as a whole; the generic documentation will apply. The fetch size is taken into account (campbell-burnet@users)

  • autoCommit – true to enable auto-commit mode; false to disable it
  • SQLException – if a database access error occurs, (JDBC4 Clarification:) setAutoCommit(true) is called while participating in a distributed transaction, or this method is called on a closed connection
See Also:
/** * <!-- start generic documentation --> * * Sets this connection's auto-commit mode to the given state. * If a connection is in auto-commit mode, then all its SQL * statements will be executed and committed as individual * transactions. Otherwise, its SQL statements are grouped into * transactions that are terminated by a call to either * the method <code>commit</code> or the method <code>rollback</code>. * By default, new connections are in auto-commit * mode. * <P> * The commit occurs when the statement completes. The time when the statement * completes depends on the type of SQL Statement: * <ul> * <li>For DML statements, such as Insert, Update or Delete, and DDL statements, * the statement is complete as soon as it has finished executing. * <li>For Select statements, the statement is complete when the associated result * set is closed. * <li>For <code>CallableStatement</code> objects or for statements that return * multiple results, the statement is complete * when all of the associated result sets have been closed, and all update * counts and output parameters have been retrieved. * </ul> * <P> * <B>NOTE:</B> If this method is called during a transaction and the * auto-commit mode is changed, the transaction is committed. If * <code>setAutoCommit</code> is called and the auto-commit mode is * not changed, the call is a no-op. * * <!-- end generic documentation --> * <!-- start release-specific documentation --> * <div class="ReleaseSpecificDocumentation"> * <h3>HSQLDB-Specific Information:</h3> <p> * * Up to and including HSQLDB 2.0, * * <ol> * <li> All rows of a result set are retrieved internally <em> * before</em> the first row can actually be fetched.<br> * Therefore, a statement can be considered complete as soon as * any XXXStatement.executeXXX method returns. </li> * </ol> * <p> * * Starting with 2.0, HSQLDB may not return a result set to the network * client as a whole; the generic documentation will apply. The fetch * size is taken into account * * (campbell-burnet@users) </div> <!-- end release-specific * documentation --> * * @param autoCommit <code>true</code> to enable auto-commit mode; * <code>false</code> to disable it * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs, * (JDBC4 Clarification:) * setAutoCommit(true) is called while participating in a distributed transaction, * or this method is called on a closed connection * @see #getAutoCommit */
public synchronized void setAutoCommit( boolean autoCommit) throws SQLException { checkClosed(); try { sessionProxy.setAutoCommit(autoCommit); } catch (HsqlException e) { throw JDBCUtil.sqlException(e); } }
Retrieves the current auto-commit mode for this Connection object.
  • SQLException – if a database access error occurs (JDBC4 Clarification:) or this method is called on a closed connection
See Also:
Returns:the current state of this Connection object's auto-commit mode
/** * Retrieves the current auto-commit mode for this <code>Connection</code> * object. * * @return the current state of this <code>Connection</code> object's * auto-commit mode * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs * (JDBC4 Clarification:) * or this method is called on a closed connection * @see #setAutoCommit */
public synchronized boolean getAutoCommit() throws SQLException { checkClosed(); try { return sessionProxy.isAutoCommit(); } catch (HsqlException e) { throw JDBCUtil.sqlException(e); } }
Makes all changes made since the previous commit/rollback permanent and releases any database locks currently held by this Connection object. This method should be used only when auto-commit mode has been disabled.

HSQLDB-Specific Information:

  • SQLException – if a database access error occurs, (JDBC4 Clarification:) this method is called while participating in a distributed transaction, if this method is called on a closed connection or this Connection object is in auto-commit mode
See Also:
/** * <!-- start generic documentation --> * * Makes all changes made since the previous * commit/rollback permanent and releases any database locks * currently held by this <code>Connection</code> object. * This method should be * used only when auto-commit mode has been disabled. * * <!-- end generic documentation --> * <!-- start release-specific documentation --> * <div class="ReleaseSpecificDocumentation"> * <h3>HSQLDB-Specific Information:</h3> <p> * </div><!-- end release-specific documentation --> * * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs, * (JDBC4 Clarification:) * this method is called while participating in a distributed transaction, * if this method is called on a closed connection or this * <code>Connection</code> object is in auto-commit mode * @see #setAutoCommit */
public synchronized void commit() throws SQLException { checkClosed(); try { sessionProxy.commit(false); } catch (HsqlException e) { throw JDBCUtil.sqlException(e); } }
Undoes all changes made in the current transaction and releases any database locks currently held by this Connection object. This method should be used only when auto-commit mode has been disabled.

HSQLDB-Specific Information:

Starting with HSQLDB 1.7.2, savepoints are fully supported both in SQL and via the JDBC interface.

Using SQL, savepoints may be set, released and used in rollback as follows:

SAVEPOINT <savepoint-name>
RELEASE SAVEPOINT <savepoint-name>
ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT <savepoint-name>
  • SQLException – if a database access error occurs, (JDBC4 Clarification:) this method is called while participating in a distributed transaction, this method is called on a closed connection or this Connection object is in auto-commit mode
See Also:
/** * <!-- start generic documentation --> * * Undoes all changes made in the current transaction * and releases any database locks currently held * by this <code>Connection</code> object. This method should be * used only when auto-commit mode has been disabled. * * <!-- end generic documentation --> * <!-- start release-specific documentation --> * <div class="ReleaseSpecificDocumentation"> * <h3>HSQLDB-Specific Information:</h3> <p> * * Starting with HSQLDB 1.7.2, savepoints are fully supported both * in SQL and via the JDBC interface. <p> * * Using SQL, savepoints may be set, released and used in rollback * as follows: * * <pre> * SAVEPOINT &lt;savepoint-name&gt; * RELEASE SAVEPOINT &lt;savepoint-name&gt; * ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT &lt;savepoint-name&gt; * </pre> * * </div> <!-- end release-specific documentation --> * * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs, * (JDBC4 Clarification:) * this method is called while participating in a distributed transaction, * this method is called on a closed connection or this * <code>Connection</code> object is in auto-commit mode * @see #setAutoCommit */
public synchronized void rollback() throws SQLException { checkClosed(); try { sessionProxy.rollback(false); } catch (HsqlException e) { throw JDBCUtil.sqlException(e); } }
Releases this Connection object's database and JDBC resources immediately instead of waiting for them to be automatically released.

Calling the method close on a Connection object that is already closed is a no-op.

It is strongly recommended that an application explicitly commits or rolls back an active transaction prior to calling the close method. If the close method is called and there is an active transaction, the results are implementation-defined.

HSQLDB-Specific Information:

From 1.7.2, HSQLDB INTERNAL Connection objects are not closable from JDBC client code.

  • SQLException – SQLException if a database access error occurs
/** * <!-- start generic documentation --> * * Releases this <code>Connection</code> object's database and JDBC resources * immediately instead of waiting for them to be automatically released. * <P> * Calling the method <code>close</code> on a <code>Connection</code> * object that is already closed is a no-op. * <P> * It is <b>strongly recommended</b> that an application explicitly * commits or rolls back an active transaction prior to calling the * <code>close</code> method. If the <code>close</code> method is called * and there is an active transaction, the results are implementation-defined. * * <!-- end generic documentation --> * <!-- start release-specific documentation --> * <div class="ReleaseSpecificDocumentation"> * <h3>HSQLDB-Specific Information:</h3> <p> * * From 1.7.2, HSQLDB <code>INTERNAL</code> <code>Connection</code> * objects are not closable from JDBC client code. <p> * * </div> <!-- end release-specific documentation --> * * @exception SQLException SQLException if a database access error occurs */
public synchronized void close() throws SQLException { // Changed to synchronized above because // we would not want a sessionProxy.close() // operation to occur concurrently with a // statementXXX.executeXXX operation. if (isInternal || isClosed) { return; } isClosed = true; rootWarning = null; connProperties = null; if (isPooled) { if (poolEventListener != null) { poolEventListener.connectionClosed(); poolEventListener = null; } } else if (sessionProxy != null) { sessionProxy.close(); sessionProxy = null; } }
Retrieves whether this Connection object has been closed. A connection is closed if the method close has been called on it or if certain fatal errors have occurred. This method is guaranteed to return true only when it is called after the method Connection.close has been called.

This method generally cannot be called to determine whether a connection to a database is valid or invalid. A typical client can determine that a connection is invalid by catching any exceptions that might be thrown when an operation is attempted.

Returns:true if this Connection object is closed; false if it is still open
/** * Retrieves whether this <code>Connection</code> object has been * closed. A connection is closed if the method <code>close</code> * has been called on it or if certain fatal errors have occurred. * This method is guaranteed to return <code>true</code> only when * it is called after the method <code>Connection.close</code> has * been called. * <P> * This method generally cannot be called to determine whether a * connection to a database is valid or invalid. A typical client * can determine that a connection is invalid by catching any * exceptions that might be thrown when an operation is attempted. * * @return <code>true</code> if this <code>Connection</code> object * is closed; <code>false</code> if it is still open * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs */
public synchronized boolean isClosed() throws SQLException { return isClosed; } //====================================================================== // Advanced features:
Retrieves a DatabaseMetaData object that contains metadata about the database to which this Connection object represents a connection. The metadata includes information about the database's tables, its supported SQL grammar, its stored procedures, the capabilities of this connection, and so on.

HSQLDB-Specific Information:

HSQLDB 2.0 essentially supports full database metadata.

For discussion in greater detail, please follow the link to the overview for JDBCDatabaseMetaData, below.

  • SQLException – if a database access error occurs (JDBC4 Clarification) or this method is called on a closed connection
See Also:
Returns:a DatabaseMetaData object for this Connection object
/** * <!-- start generic documentation --> * * Retrieves a <code>DatabaseMetaData</code> object that contains * metadata about the database to which this * <code>Connection</code> object represents a connection. * The metadata includes information about the database's * tables, its supported SQL grammar, its stored * procedures, the capabilities of this connection, and so on. * * <!-- end generic documentation --> * <!-- start release-specific documentation --> * <div class="ReleaseSpecificDocumentation"> * <h3>HSQLDB-Specific Information:</h3> <p> * * HSQLDB 2.0 essentially supports full database metadata. <p> * * For discussion in greater detail, please follow the link to the * overview for JDBCDatabaseMetaData, below. * * </div> <!-- end release-specific documentation --> * * @return a <code>DatabaseMetaData</code> object for this * <code>Connection</code> object * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs * (JDBC4 Clarification) * or this method is called on a closed connection * @see JDBCDatabaseMetaData */
public synchronized DatabaseMetaData getMetaData() throws SQLException { checkClosed(); return new JDBCDatabaseMetaData(this); }
Puts this connection in read-only mode as a hint to the driver to enable database optimizations.

Note: This method cannot be called during a transaction.

HSQLDB-Specific Information:

HSQLDB 2.0 supports the SQL standard, which will not allow calls to this method to succeed during a transaction.

Additionally, HSQLDB provides a way to put a whole database in read-only mode. This is done by manually adding the line 'readonly=true' to the database's .properties file while the database is offline. Upon restart, all connections will be readonly, since the entire database will be readonly. To take a database out of readonly mode, simply take the database offline and remove the line 'readonly=true' from the database's .properties file. Upon restart, the database will be in regular (read-write) mode.

When a database is put in readonly mode, its files are opened in readonly mode, making it possible to create CD-based readonly databases. To create a CD-based readonly database that has CACHED tables and whose .data file is suspected of being highly fragmented, it is recommended that the database first be SHUTDOWN COMPACTed before copying the database files to CD. This will reduce the space required and may improve access times against the .data file which holds the CACHED table data.

Starting with 1.7.2, an alternate approach to opimizing the .data file before creating a CD-based readonly database is to issue the CHECKPOINT DEFRAG command followed by SHUTDOWN to take the database offline in preparation to burn the database files to CD.

  • readOnly – true enables read-only mode; false disables it
  • SQLException – if a database access error occurs, this (JDBC4 Clarification:) method is called on a closed connection or this method is called during a transaction
/** * <!-- start generic documentation --> * * Puts this connection in read-only mode as a hint to the driver to enable * database optimizations. * * <P><B>Note:</B> This method cannot be called during a transaction. * * <!-- end generic documentation --> * <!-- start release-specific documentation --> * <div class="ReleaseSpecificDocumentation"> * <h3>HSQLDB-Specific Information:</h3> <p> * * HSQLDB 2.0 supports the SQL standard, which will not allow calls to * this method to succeed during a transaction.<p> * * Additionally, HSQLDB provides a way to put a whole database in * read-only mode. This is done by manually adding the line * 'readonly=true' to the database's .properties file while the * database is offline. Upon restart, all connections will be * readonly, since the entire database will be readonly. To take * a database out of readonly mode, simply take the database * offline and remove the line 'readonly=true' from the * database's .properties file. Upon restart, the database will * be in regular (read-write) mode. <p> * * When a database is put in readonly mode, its files are opened * in readonly mode, making it possible to create CD-based * readonly databases. To create a CD-based readonly database * that has CACHED tables and whose .data file is suspected of * being highly fragmented, it is recommended that the database * first be SHUTDOWN COMPACTed before copying the database * files to CD. This will reduce the space required and may * improve access times against the .data file which holds the * CACHED table data. <p> * * Starting with 1.7.2, an alternate approach to opimizing the * .data file before creating a CD-based readonly database is to issue * the CHECKPOINT DEFRAG command followed by SHUTDOWN to take the * database offline in preparation to burn the database files to CD. <p> * * </div> <!-- end release-specific documentation --> * * @param readOnly <code>true</code> enables read-only mode; * <code>false</code> disables it * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs, this * (JDBC4 Clarification:) * method is called on a closed connection or this * method is called during a transaction */
public synchronized void setReadOnly( boolean readOnly) throws SQLException { checkClosed(); try { sessionProxy.setReadOnlyDefault(readOnly); } catch (HsqlException e) { throw JDBCUtil.sqlException(e); } }
Retrieves whether this Connection object is in read-only mode.
  • SQLException – SQLException if a database access error occurs (JDBC4 Clarification:) or this method is called on a closed connection
Returns:true if this Connection object is read-only; false otherwise
/** * Retrieves whether this <code>Connection</code> * object is in read-only mode. * * @return <code>true</code> if this <code>Connection</code> object * is read-only; <code>false</code> otherwise * @exception SQLException SQLException if a database access error occurs * (JDBC4 Clarification:) * or this method is called on a closed connection */
public synchronized boolean isReadOnly() throws SQLException { checkClosed(); try { return sessionProxy.isReadOnlyDefault(); } catch (HsqlException e) { throw JDBCUtil.sqlException(e); } }
Sets the given catalog name in order to select a subspace of this Connection object's database in which to work.

(JDBC4 Clarification:)

If the driver does not support catalogs, it will silently ignore this request. JDBC 4.1[

Calling setCatalog has no effect on previously created or prepared Statement objects. It is implementation defined whether a DBMS prepare operation takes place immediately when the Connection method prepareStatement or prepareCall is invoked. For maximum portability, setCatalog should be called before a Statement is created or prepared.]

HSQLDB-Specific Information:

HSQLDB supports a single catalog per database. If the given catalog name is not the same as the database catalog name, this method throws an error.

  • catalog – the name of a catalog (subspace in this Connection object's database) in which to work
  • SQLException – if a database access error occurs (JDBC4 Clarification) or this method is called on a closed connection
See Also:
/** * <!-- start generic documentation --> * * Sets the given catalog name in order to select * a subspace of this <code>Connection</code> object's database * in which to work. * <P> * * (JDBC4 Clarification:)<p> * If the driver does not support catalogs, it will * silently ignore this request. * JDBC 4.1[<p> * Calling {@code setCatalog} has no effect on previously created or prepared * {@code Statement} objects. It is implementation defined whether a DBMS * prepare operation takes place immediately when the {@code Connection} * method {@code prepareStatement} or {@code prepareCall} is invoked. * For maximum portability, {@code setCatalog} should be called before a * {@code Statement} is created or prepared.] * * <!-- end generic documentation --> * <!-- start release-specific documentation --> * <div class="ReleaseSpecificDocumentation"> * <h3>HSQLDB-Specific Information:</h3> <p> * * HSQLDB supports a single catalog per database. If the given catalog name * is not the same as the database catalog name, this method throws an * error. <p> * </div> <!-- end release-specific documentation --> * * @param catalog the name of a catalog (subspace in this * <code>Connection</code> object's database) in which to work * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs * (JDBC4 Clarification) * or this method is called on a closed connection * @see #getCatalog */
public synchronized void setCatalog(String catalog) throws SQLException { checkClosed(); try { sessionProxy.setAttribute(SessionInterface.INFO_CATALOG, catalog); } catch (HsqlException e) { throw JDBCUtil.sqlException(e); } }
Retrieves this Connection object's current catalog name.

HSQLDB-Specific Information:

HSQLDB supports a single catalog per database. This method returns the catalog name for the current database error.

  • SQLException – if a database access error occurs (JDBC4 Clarification:) or this method is called on a closed connection
See Also:
Returns:the current catalog name or null if there is none
/** * <!-- start generic documentation --> * * Retrieves this <code>Connection</code> object's current catalog name. * * <!-- end generic documentation --> * <!-- start release-specific documentation --> * <div class="ReleaseSpecificDocumentation"> * <h3>HSQLDB-Specific Information:</h3> <p> * * HSQLDB supports a single catalog per database. This method * returns the catalog name for the current database * error. <p> * * </div> <!-- end release-specific documentation --> * * @return the current catalog name or <code>null</code> if there is none * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs * (JDBC4 Clarification:) * or this method is called on a closed connection * @see #setCatalog */
public synchronized String getCatalog() throws SQLException { checkClosed(); try { return (String) sessionProxy.getAttribute( SessionInterface.INFO_CATALOG); } catch (HsqlException e) { throw JDBCUtil.sqlException(e); } }
Attempts to change the transaction isolation level for this Connection object to the one given. The constants defined in the interface Connection are the possible transaction isolation levels.

Note: If this method is called during a transaction, the result is implementation-defined.

HSQLDB-Specific Information:

HSQLDB 2.0 accepts all isolation levels. Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITED is promoted to Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITED, but the transactions become read only. Calling this method during a transaction always succeeds and the selected isolation level is used from the next transaction.

  • level – one of the following Connection constants: Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED, Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED, Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ, or Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE. (Note that Connection.TRANSACTION_NONE cannot be used because it specifies that transactions are not supported.)
  • SQLException – if a database access error occurs, this (JDBC4 Clarification:) method is called on a closed connection (:JDBC4 End Clarification) or the given parameter is not one of the Connection constants
See Also:
/** * <!-- start generic documentation --> * * Attempts to change the transaction isolation level for this * <code>Connection</code> object to the one given. * The constants defined in the interface <code>Connection</code> * are the possible transaction isolation levels. * <P> * <B>Note:</B> If this method is called during a transaction, the result * is implementation-defined. * * <!-- end generic documentation --> * <!-- start release-specific documentation --> * <div class="ReleaseSpecificDocumentation"> * <h3>HSQLDB-Specific Information:</h3> <p> * * HSQLDB 2.0 accepts all isolation levels. <code>Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITED</code> * is promoted to <code>Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITED, but the transactions become read only</code>. * Calling this method during a transaction always succeeds and the selected * isolation level is used from the next transaction.<p> * * </div> <!-- end release-specific documentation --> * * @param level one of the following <code>Connection</code> constants: * <code>Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED</code>, * <code>Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED</code>, * <code>Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ</code>, or * <code>Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE</code>. * (Note that <code>Connection.TRANSACTION_NONE</code> cannot be used * because it specifies that transactions are not supported.) * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs, this * (JDBC4 Clarification:) * method is called on a closed connection * (:JDBC4 End Clarification) * or the given parameter is not one of the <code>Connection</code> * constants * @see JDBCDatabaseMetaData#supportsTransactionIsolationLevel * @see #getTransactionIsolation */
public synchronized void setTransactionIsolation( int level) throws SQLException { checkClosed(); switch (level) { case TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED : case TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED : case TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ : case TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE : break; default : throw JDBCUtil.invalidArgument(); } try { sessionProxy.setIsolationDefault(level); } catch (HsqlException e) { throw JDBCUtil.sqlException(e); } }
Retrieves this Connection object's current transaction isolation level.

HSQLDB-Specific Information:

HSQLDB 2.0 supports all isolation levels. Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITED is promoted to Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITED.

  • SQLException – if a database access error occurs (JDBC4 Clarification:) or this method is called on a closed connection
See Also:
Returns:the current transaction isolation level, which will be one of the following constants: Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED, Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED, Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ, Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE, or Connection.TRANSACTION_NONE.
/** * <!-- start generic documentation --> * * Retrieves this <code>Connection</code> object's current * transaction isolation level. * * <!-- end generic documentation --> * <!-- start release-specific documentation --> * <div class="ReleaseSpecificDocumentation"> * <h3>HSQLDB-Specific Information:</h3> <p> * * HSQLDB 2.0 supports all isolation levels. <code>Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITED</code> * is promoted to <code>Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITED</code>. * * </div> <!-- end release-specific documentation --> * * @return the current transaction isolation level, which will be one * of the following constants: * <code>Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED</code>, * <code>Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED</code>, * <code>Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ</code>, * <code>Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE</code>, or * <code>Connection.TRANSACTION_NONE</code>. * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs * (JDBC4 Clarification:) * or this method is called on a closed connection * @see JDBCDatabaseMetaData#supportsTransactionIsolationLevel * @see #setTransactionIsolation */
public synchronized int getTransactionIsolation() throws SQLException { checkClosed(); try { return sessionProxy.getIsolation(); } catch (HsqlException e) { throw JDBCUtil.sqlException(e); } }
Retrieves the first warning reported by calls on this Connection object. If there is more than one warning, subsequent warnings will be chained to the first one and can be retrieved by calling the method SQLWarning.getNextWarning on the warning that was retrieved previously.

This method may not be called on a closed connection; doing so will cause an SQLException to be thrown.

Note: Subsequent warnings will be chained to this SQLWarning.

HSQLDB-Specific Information:

HSQLDB produces warnings whenever a createStatement(), prepareStatement() or prepareCall() invocation requests an unsupported but defined combination of result set type, concurrency and holdability, such that another set is substituted.

Other warnings are typically raised during the execution of data change and query statements.

Only the warnings caused by the last operation on this connection are returned by this method. A single operation may return up to 10 chained warnings.

  • SQLException – if a database access error occurs or this method is called on a closed connection
See Also:
Returns:the first SQLWarning object or null if there are none
/** * <!-- start generic documentation --> * * Retrieves the first warning reported by calls on this * <code>Connection</code> object. If there is more than one * warning, subsequent warnings will be chained to the first one * and can be retrieved by calling the method * <code>SQLWarning.getNextWarning</code> on the warning * that was retrieved previously. * <P> * This method may not be * called on a closed connection; doing so will cause an * <code>SQLException</code> to be thrown. * * <P><B>Note:</B> Subsequent warnings will be chained to this * SQLWarning. * * <!-- end generic documentation --> * <!-- start release-specific documentation --> * <div class="ReleaseSpecificDocumentation"> * <h3>HSQLDB-Specific Information:</h3> <p> * * HSQLDB produces warnings whenever a createStatement(), * prepareStatement() or prepareCall() invocation requests an unsupported * but defined combination of result set type, concurrency and holdability, * such that another set is substituted.<p> * Other warnings are typically raised during the execution of data change * and query statements.<p> * * Only the warnings caused by the last operation on this connection are * returned by this method. A single operation may return up to 10 chained * warnings. * * </div> <!-- end release-specific documentation --> * @return the first <code>SQLWarning</code> object or <code>null</code> * if there are none * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs or * this method is called on a closed connection * @see java.sql.SQLWarning */
public synchronized SQLWarning getWarnings() throws SQLException { checkClosed(); return rootWarning; }
Clears all warnings reported for this Connection object. After a call to this method, the method getWarnings returns null until a new warning is reported for this Connection object.

HSQLDB-Specific Information:

The standard behaviour is implemented.

  • SQLException – SQLException if a database access error occurs (JDBC4 Clarification:) or this method is called on a closed connection
/** * <!-- start generic documentation --> * * Clears all warnings reported for this <code>Connection</code> object. * After a call to this method, the method <code>getWarnings</code> * returns <code>null</code> until a new warning is * reported for this <code>Connection</code> object. * * <!-- end generic documentation --> * <!-- start release-specific documentation --> * <div class="ReleaseSpecificDocumentation"> * <h3>HSQLDB-Specific Information:</h3> <p> * * The standard behaviour is implemented. <p> * * </div> <!-- end release-specific documentation --> * * @exception SQLException SQLException if a database access error occurs * (JDBC4 Clarification:) * or this method is called on a closed connection */
public synchronized void clearWarnings() throws SQLException { checkClosed(); rootWarning = null; } //--------------------------JDBC 2.0-----------------------------
Creates a Statement object that will generate ResultSet objects with the given type and concurrency. This method is the same as the createStatement method above, but it allows the default result set type and concurrency to be overridden. The holdability of the created result sets can be determined by calling getHoldability.

HSQLDB-Specific Information:

HSQLDB 2.0 adheres closely to SQL and JDBC standards. The interpretation of of resultSetType and resultSetConcurrency has changed in this version.


If an unsupported combination is requested, a SQLWarning is issued on this Connection and the closest supported combination is used instead.

  • resultSetType – a result set type; one of ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, or ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE
  • resultSetConcurrency – a concurrency type; one of ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY or ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE
  • SQLException – if a database access error occurs, this (JDBC4 Clarification:) method is called on a closed connection (:JDBC4 Clarification) or the given parameters are not ResultSet constants indicating type and concurrency
  • SQLFeatureNotSupportedException – if the JDBC driver does not support this method or this method is not supported for the specified result set type and result set concurrency.
Returns:a new Statement object that will generate ResultSet objects with the given type and concurrency
Since:JDK 1.2
/** * <!-- start generic documentation --> * * Creates a <code>Statement</code> object that will generate * <code>ResultSet</code> objects with the given type and concurrency. * This method is the same as the <code>createStatement</code> method * above, but it allows the default result set * type and concurrency to be overridden. * The holdability of the created result sets can be determined by * calling {@link #getHoldability}. * * <!-- end generic documentation --> * <!-- start release-specific documentation --> * <div class="ReleaseSpecificDocumentation"> * <h3>HSQLDB-Specific Information:</h3> <p> * * HSQLDB 2.0 adheres closely to SQL and JDBC standards. The * interpretation of of resultSetType and resultSetConcurrency has * changed in this version.<p> * * HSQLDB supports <code>TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY</code>, * <code>TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE</code>, * <code>CONCUR_READ_ONLY</code>, * <code>CONCUR_UPDATABLE</code> * results. <p> * * If an unsupported combination is requested, a SQLWarning is issued on * this Connection and the closest supported combination is used instead. <p> * * </div> <!-- end release-specific documentation --> * * @param resultSetType a result set type; one of * <code>ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY</code>, * <code>ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE</code>, or * <code>ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE</code> * @param resultSetConcurrency a concurrency type; one of * <code>ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY</code> or * <code>ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE</code> * @return a new <code>Statement</code> object that will generate * <code>ResultSet</code> objects with the given type and * concurrency * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs, this * (JDBC4 Clarification:) * method is called on a closed connection * (:JDBC4 Clarification) * or the given parameters are not <code>ResultSet</code> * constants indicating type and concurrency * @exception SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the JDBC driver does not support * this method or this method is not supported for the specified result * set type and result set concurrency. * @since JDK 1.2 */
public synchronized Statement createStatement(int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency) throws SQLException { checkClosed(); int props = ResultProperties.getValueForJDBC(resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency, rsHoldability); return new JDBCStatement(this, props); }
Creates a PreparedStatement object that will generate ResultSet objects with the given type and concurrency. This method is the same as the prepareStatement method above, but it allows the default result set type and concurrency to be overridden. (JDBC4 Clarification:) The holdability of the created result sets can be determined by calling getHoldability.

HSQLDB-Specific Information:

HSQLDB 2.0 adheres closely to SQL and JDBC standards. The interpretation of of resultSetType and resultSetConcurrency has changed in this version.


If an unsupported combination is requested, a SQLWarning is issued on this Connection and the closest supported combination is used instead.

  • sql – a String object that is the SQL statement to be sent to the database; may contain one or more '?' IN parameters
  • resultSetType – a result set type; one of ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, or ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE
  • resultSetConcurrency – a concurrency type; one of ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY or ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE
  • SQLException – if a database access error occurs, this (JDBC4 Clarification:) method is called on a closed connection (:JDBC4 Clarification) or the given parameters are not ResultSet constants indicating type and concurrency
  • SQLFeatureNotSupportedException – if the JDBC driver does not support this method or this method is not supported for the specified result set type and result set concurrency.
Returns:a new PreparedStatement object containing the pre-compiled SQL statement that will produce ResultSet objects with the given type and concurrency
Since:JDK 1.2
/** * <!-- start generic documentation --> * * Creates a <code>PreparedStatement</code> object that will generate * <code>ResultSet</code> objects with the given type and concurrency. * This method is the same as the <code>prepareStatement</code> method * above, but it allows the default result set * type and concurrency to be overridden. * (JDBC4 Clarification:) * The holdability of the created result sets can be determined by * calling {@link #getHoldability}. * * <!-- end generic documentation --> * <!-- start release-specific documentation --> * <div class="ReleaseSpecificDocumentation"> * <h3>HSQLDB-Specific Information:</h3> <p> * * HSQLDB 2.0 adheres closely to SQL and JDBC standards. The * interpretation of of resultSetType and resultSetConcurrency has * changed in this version.<p> * * HSQLDB supports <code>TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY</code>, * <code>TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE</code>, * <code>CONCUR_READ_ONLY</code>, * <code>CONCUR_UPDATABLE</code> * results. <p> * * If an unsupported combination is requested, a SQLWarning is issued on * this Connection and the closest supported combination is used instead. <p> * * </div> <!-- end release-specific documentation --> * * @param sql a <code>String</code> object that is the SQL statement to * be sent to the database; may contain one or more '?' IN * parameters * @param resultSetType a result set type; one of * <code>ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY</code>, * <code>ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE</code>, or * <code>ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE</code> * @param resultSetConcurrency a concurrency type; one of * <code>ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY</code> or * <code>ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE</code> * @return a new PreparedStatement object containing the * pre-compiled SQL statement that will produce <code>ResultSet</code> * objects with the given type and concurrency * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs, this * (JDBC4 Clarification:) * method is called on a closed connection * (:JDBC4 Clarification) * or the given parameters are not <code>ResultSet</code> * constants indicating type and concurrency * @exception SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the JDBC driver does not support * this method or this method is not supported for the specified result * set type and result set concurrency. * @since JDK 1.2 */
public synchronized PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency) throws SQLException { checkClosed(); try { return new JDBCPreparedStatement(this, sql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency, rsHoldability, ResultConstants.RETURN_NO_GENERATED_KEYS, null, null); } catch (HsqlException e) { throw JDBCUtil.sqlException(e); } }
Creates a CallableStatement object that will generate ResultSet objects with the given type and concurrency. This method is the same as the prepareCall method above, but it allows the default result set type and concurrency to be overridden. (JDBC4 Clarification:) The holdability of the created result sets can be determined by calling getHoldability.

HSQLDB-Specific Information:

HSQLDB 2.0 adheres closely to SQL and JDBC standards. The interpretation of of resultSetType and resultSetConcurrency has changed in this version.


If an unsupported combination is requested, a SQLWarning is issued on this Connection and the closest supported combination is used instead.

  • sql – a String object that is the SQL statement to be sent to the database; may contain on or more '?' parameters
  • resultSetType – a result set type; one of ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, or ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE
  • resultSetConcurrency – a concurrency type; one of ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY or ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE
  • SQLException – if a database access error occurs, this method (JDBC4 Clarification:) is called on a closed connection (:JDBC4 Clarification) or the given parameters are not ResultSet constants indicating type and concurrency
  • SQLFeatureNotSupportedException – if the JDBC driver does not support this method or this method is not supported for the specified result set type and result set concurrency.
Returns:a new CallableStatement object containing the pre-compiled SQL statement that will produce ResultSet objects with the given type and concurrency
Since:JDK 1.2
/** * <!-- start generic documentation --> * * Creates a <code>CallableStatement</code> object that will generate * <code>ResultSet</code> objects with the given type and concurrency. * This method is the same as the <code>prepareCall</code> method * above, but it allows the default result set * type and concurrency to be overridden. * (JDBC4 Clarification:) * The holdability of the created result sets can be determined by * calling {@link #getHoldability}. * * <!-- end generic documentation --> * <!-- start release-specific documentation --> * <div class="ReleaseSpecificDocumentation"> * <h3>HSQLDB-Specific Information:</h3> <p> * * HSQLDB 2.0 adheres closely to SQL and JDBC standards. The * interpretation of of resultSetType and resultSetConcurrency has * changed in this version.<p> * * HSQLDB supports <code>TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY</code>, * <code>TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE</code>, * <code>CONCUR_READ_ONLY</code>, * <code>CONCUR_UPDATABLE</code> * results. <p> * * If an unsupported combination is requested, a SQLWarning is issued on * this Connection and the closest supported combination is used instead. <p> * * </div> <!-- end release-specific documentation --> * * @param sql a <code>String</code> object that is the SQL statement to * be sent to the database; may contain on or more '?' parameters * @param resultSetType a result set type; one of * <code>ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY</code>, * <code>ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE</code>, or * <code>ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE</code> * @param resultSetConcurrency a concurrency type; one of * <code>ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY</code> or * <code>ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE</code> * @return a new <code>CallableStatement</code> object containing the * pre-compiled SQL statement that will produce <code>ResultSet</code> * objects with the given type and concurrency * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs, this method * (JDBC4 Clarification:) * is called on a closed connection * (:JDBC4 Clarification) * or the given parameters are not <code>ResultSet</code> * constants indicating type and concurrency * @exception SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the JDBC driver does not support * this method or this method is not supported for the specified result * set type and result set concurrency. * @since JDK 1.2 */
public synchronized CallableStatement prepareCall(String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency) throws SQLException { checkClosed(); try { return new JDBCCallableStatement(this, sql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency, rsHoldability); } catch (HsqlException e) { throw JDBCUtil.sqlException(e); } }
Retrieves the Map object associated with this Connection object. Unless the application has added an entry, the type map returned will be empty. JDBC 4.1[

You must invoke setTypeMap after making changes to the Map object returned from getTypeMap as a JDBC driver may create an internal copy of the Map object passed to setTypeMap:

     Map<String,Class<?>> myMap = con.getTypeMap();
     myMap.put("mySchemaName.ATHLETES", Athletes.class);

HSQLDB-Specific Information:

For compatibility, HSQLDB returns an empty map.

See Also:
Returns:the java.util.Map object associated with this Connection object
Since:JDK 1.2
/** * <!-- start generic documentation --> * * Retrieves the <code>Map</code> object associated with this * <code>Connection</code> object. * Unless the application has added an entry, the type map returned * will be empty. * JDBC 4.1[<p> * You must invoke <code>setTypeMap</code> after making changes to the * <code>Map</code> object returned from * <code>getTypeMap</code> as a JDBC driver may create an internal * copy of the <code>Map</code> object passed to <code>setTypeMap</code>: * <pre> * Map&lt;String,Class&lt;?&gt;&gt; myMap = con.getTypeMap(); * myMap.put("mySchemaName.ATHLETES", Athletes.class); * con.setTypeMap(myMap); * </pre>] * <!-- end generic documentation --> * <!-- start release-specific documentation --> * <div class="ReleaseSpecificDocumentation"> * <h3>HSQLDB-Specific Information:</h3> <p> * * For compatibility, HSQLDB returns an empty map. <p> * * </div> <!-- end release-specific documentation --> * * @return the <code>java.util.Map</code> object associated * with this <code>Connection</code> object * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs * (JDBC4 Clarification:) * or this method is called on a closed connection * @exception SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the JDBC driver does not support * this method * @since JDK 1.2 * @see #setTypeMap */
public synchronized java.util .Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Class<?>> getTypeMap() throws SQLException { checkClosed(); return new java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String, java.lang.Class<?>>(); }
Installs the given TypeMap object as the type map for this Connection object. The type map will be used for the custom mapping of SQL structured types and distinct types. JDBC4.1[

You must set the the values for the TypeMap prior to calling setMap as a JDBC driver may create an internal copy of the TypeMap:

     Map myMap<String,Class<?>> = new HashMap<String,Class<?>>();
     myMap.put("mySchemaName.ATHLETES", Athletes.class);

HSQLDB-Specific Information:

HSQLDB does not yet support this feature. Calling this method always throws a SQLException, stating that the function is not supported.

  • map – the java.util.Map object to install as the replacement for this Connection object's default type map
  • SQLException – if a database access error occurs, this (JDBC4 Clarification:) method is called on a closed connection or (:JDBC4 Clarification) the given parameter is not a java.util.Map object
  • SQLFeatureNotSupportedException – if the JDBC driver does not support this method
See Also:
Since:JDK 1.2
/** * <!-- start generic documentation --> * * Installs the given <code>TypeMap</code> object as the type map for * this <code>Connection</code> object. The type map will be used for the * custom mapping of SQL structured types and distinct types. * JDBC4.1[<p> * You must set the the values for the <code>TypeMap</code> prior to * calling <code>setMap</code> as a JDBC driver may create an internal copy * of the <code>TypeMap</code>: * * <pre> * Map myMap&lt;String,Class&lt;?&gt;&gt; = new HashMap&lt;String,Class&lt;?&gt;&gt;(); * myMap.put("mySchemaName.ATHLETES", Athletes.class); * con.setTypeMap(myMap); * </pre>] * <!-- end generic documentation --> * <!-- start release-specific documentation --> * <div class="ReleaseSpecificDocumentation"> * <h3>HSQLDB-Specific Information:</h3> <p> * * HSQLDB does not yet support this feature. Calling this * method always throws a <code>SQLException</code>, stating that * the function is not supported. <p> * * </div> <!-- end release-specific documentation --> * * @param map the <code>java.util.Map</code> object to install * as the replacement for this <code>Connection</code> * object's default type map * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs, this * (JDBC4 Clarification:) * method is called on a closed connection or * (:JDBC4 Clarification) * the given parameter is not a <code>java.util.Map</code> * object * @exception SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the JDBC driver does not support * this method * @since JDK 1.2 * @see #getTypeMap */
public synchronized void setTypeMap(Map<String, Class<?>> map) throws SQLException { checkClosed(); throw JDBCUtil.notSupported(); } //--------------------------JDBC 3.0-----------------------------
(JDBC4 Clarification:) Changes the default holdability of ResultSet objects created using this Connection object to the given holdability. The default holdability of ResultSet objects can be be determined by invoking DatabaseMetaData.getResultSetHoldability.

HSQLDB-Specific Information:

HSQLDB supports this feature.

  • holdability – a ResultSet holdability constant; one of ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT or ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT
  • SQLException – if a database access occurs, this method is called (JDBC4 Clarification:) on a closed connection, or the given parameter (JDBC4 Clarification:) is not a ResultSet constant indicating holdability
  • SQLFeatureNotSupportedException – if the given holdability is not supported
See Also:
Since:JDK 1.4, HSQLDB 1.7.2
/** * <!-- start generic documentation --> * * (JDBC4 Clarification:) * Changes the default holdability of <code>ResultSet</code> objects * created using this <code>Connection</code> object to the given * holdability. The default holdability of <code>ResultSet</code> objects * can be be determined by invoking * {@link DatabaseMetaData#getResultSetHoldability}. * * <!-- end generic documentation --> * <!-- start release-specific documentation --> * <div class="ReleaseSpecificDocumentation"> * <h3>HSQLDB-Specific Information:</h3> <p> * * HSQLDB supports this feature. <p> * </div> <!-- end release-specific documentation --> * * @param holdability a <code>ResultSet</code> holdability constant; one of * <code>ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT</code> or * <code>ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT</code> * @throws SQLException if a database access occurs, this method is called * (JDBC4 Clarification:) * on a closed connection, or the given parameter * (JDBC4 Clarification:) * is not a <code>ResultSet</code> constant indicating holdability * @exception SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the given holdability is not supported * @see #getHoldability * @see DatabaseMetaData#getResultSetHoldability * @see JDBCResultSet * @since JDK 1.4, HSQLDB 1.7.2 */
public synchronized void setHoldability( int holdability) throws SQLException { checkClosed(); switch (holdability) { case JDBCResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT : case JDBCResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT : break; default : throw JDBCUtil.invalidArgument(); } rsHoldability = holdability; }
Retrieves the current holdability of ResultSet objects created using this Connection object.

HSQLDB-Specific Information:

HSQLDB returns the current holdability.


  • SQLException – if a database access error occurs (JDBC4 Clarification:) or this method is called on a closed connection
See Also:
Returns:the holdability, one of ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT or ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT
Since:JDK 1.4, HSQLDB 1.7.2
/** * <!-- start generic documentation --> * * Retrieves the current holdability of <code>ResultSet</code> objects * created using this <code>Connection</code> object. * * <!-- end generic documentation --> * <!-- start release-specific documentation --> * <div class="ReleaseSpecificDocumentation"> * <h3>HSQLDB-Specific Information:</h3> <p> * * HSQLDB returns the current holdability.<p> * * The default is HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT. <p> * * </div> <!-- end release-specific documentation --> * * @return the holdability, one of * <code>ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT</code> or * <code>ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT</code> * @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs * (JDBC4 Clarification:) * or this method is called on a closed connection * @see #setHoldability * @see DatabaseMetaData#getResultSetHoldability * @see JDBCResultSet * @since JDK 1.4, HSQLDB 1.7.2 */
public synchronized int getHoldability() throws SQLException { checkClosed(); return rsHoldability; }
Creates an unnamed savepoint in the current transaction and returns the new Savepoint object that represents it.

(JDBC4 clarification:) if setSavepoint is invoked outside of an active transaction, a transaction will be started at this newly created savepoint.

HSQLDB-Specific Information:

From 2.0, HSQLDB supports this feature.

Note: Unnamed savepoints are not part of the SQL:2003 standard. Use setSavepoint(String name) instead.

  • SQLException – if a database access error occurs, (JDBC4 Clarification:) this method is called while participating in a distributed transaction, this method is called on a closed connection or this Connection object is currently in auto-commit mode
  • SQLFeatureNotSupportedException – if the JDBC driver does not support this method
See Also:
Returns:the new Savepoint object
Since:JDK 1.4, HSQLDB 1.7.2
/** * <!-- start generic documentation --> * * Creates an unnamed savepoint in the current transaction and * returns the new <code>Savepoint</code> object that represents it. * * <p> (JDBC4 clarification:) if setSavepoint is invoked outside of an active transaction, a transaction will be started at this newly created * savepoint. * * <!-- end generic documentation --> * <!-- start release-specific documentation --> * <div class="ReleaseSpecificDocumentation"> * <h3>HSQLDB-Specific Information:</h3> <p> * * From 2.0, HSQLDB supports this feature. <p> * * Note: Unnamed savepoints are not part of the SQL:2003 standard. * Use setSavepoint(String name) instead. <p> * * </div> <!-- end release-specific documentation --> * * @return the new <code>Savepoint</code> object * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs, * (JDBC4 Clarification:) * this method is called while participating in a distributed transaction, * this method is called on a closed connection * or this <code>Connection</code> object is currently in * auto-commit mode * @exception SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the JDBC driver does not support * this method * @see JDBCSavepoint * @see java.sql.Savepoint * @since JDK 1.4, HSQLDB 1.7.2 */
public synchronized Savepoint setSavepoint() throws SQLException { checkClosed(); if (JDBCDatabaseMetaData.JDBC_MAJOR >= 4 && getAutoCommit()) { throw JDBCUtil.sqlException(ErrorCode.X_3B001); } JDBCSavepoint savepoint = new JDBCSavepoint(this); try { sessionProxy.savepoint(savepoint.name); } catch (HsqlException e) { throw JDBCUtil.sqlException(e); } return savepoint; }
Creates a savepoint with the given name in the current transaction and returns the new Savepoint object that represents it.

if setSavepoint is invoked outside of an active transaction, a transaction will be started at this newly created savepoint.

HSQLDB-Specific Information:

Previous to JDBC 4, if the connection is autoCommit, setting a savepoint has no effect, as it is cleared upon the execution of the next transactional statement. When built for JDBC 4, this method throws an SQLException when this Connection object is currently in auto-commit mode, as per the JDBC 4 standard.

  • name – a String containing the name of the savepoint
  • SQLException – if a database access error occurs, (JDBC4 Clarification:) this method is called while participating in a distributed transaction, this method is called on a closed connection or this Connection object is currently in auto-commit mode
  • SQLFeatureNotSupportedException – if the JDBC driver does not support this method
See Also:
Returns:the new Savepoint object
Since:JDK 1.4, HSQLDB 1.7.2
/** * <!-- start generic documentation --> * * Creates a savepoint with the given name in the current transaction * and returns the new <code>Savepoint</code> object that represents it. * * <p> if setSavepoint is invoked outside of an active transaction, a transaction will be started at this newly created * savepoint. * * <!-- end generic documentation --> * * <!-- start release-specific documentation --> * <div class="ReleaseSpecificDocumentation"> * <h3>HSQLDB-Specific Information:</h3> <p> * * Previous to JDBC 4, if the connection is autoCommit, * setting a savepoint has no effect, as it is cleared upon the execution * of the next transactional statement. When built for JDBC 4, this method * throws an SQLException when this <tt>Connection</tt> object is currently * in auto-commit mode, as per the JDBC 4 standard. * </div> <!-- end release-specific documentation --> * * @param name a <code>String</code> containing the name of the savepoint * @return the new <code>Savepoint</code> object * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs, * (JDBC4 Clarification:) * this method is called while participating in a distributed transaction, * this method is called on a closed connection * or this <code>Connection</code> object is currently in * auto-commit mode * @exception SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the JDBC driver does not support * this method * @see JDBCSavepoint * @see java.sql.Savepoint * @since JDK 1.4, HSQLDB 1.7.2 */
public synchronized Savepoint setSavepoint( String name) throws SQLException { checkClosed(); if (JDBCDatabaseMetaData.JDBC_MAJOR >= 4 && getAutoCommit()) { throw JDBCUtil.sqlException(ErrorCode.X_3B001); } if (name == null) { throw JDBCUtil.nullArgument(); } if (name.startsWith("SYSTEM_SAVEPOINT_")) { throw JDBCUtil.invalidArgument(); } try { sessionProxy.savepoint(name); } catch (HsqlException e) { throw JDBCUtil.sqlException(e); } return new JDBCSavepoint(name, this); }
Undoes all changes made after the given Savepoint object was set.

This method should be used only when auto-commit has been disabled.

HSQLDB-Specific Information:

Previous to JDBC 4, JDBCSavepoint objects are valid for the life of the originating Connection object and hence can be used interchangeably, as long as they have equal savepoint names.

When built for JDBC 4, JDBCConnection objects invalidate JDBCSavepoint objects when auto-commit mode is entered as well as when they are used to successfully release or roll back to a named SQL savepoint. As per the JDBC 4 standard, when built for JDBC 4, this method throws an SQLException when this Connection object is currently in auto-commit mode and an invalidated JDBCSavepoint is specified.

  • savepoint – the Savepoint object to roll back to
  • SQLException – if a database access error occurs, this method is called while participating in a distributed transaction, this method is called on a closed connection, the Savepoint object is no longer valid, or this Connection object is currently in auto-commit mode
  • SQLFeatureNotSupportedException – if the JDBC driver does not support this method
See Also:
Since:JDK 1.4, HSQLDB 1.7.2
/** * <!-- start generic documentation --> * * Undoes all changes made after the given <code>Savepoint</code> object * was set. * <P> * This method should be used only when auto-commit has been disabled. * * <!-- end generic documentation --> * <!-- start release-specific documentation --> * <div class="ReleaseSpecificDocumentation"> * <h3>HSQLDB-Specific Information:</h3> <p> * * Previous to JDBC 4, <tt>JDBCSavepoint</tt> objects are valid for the life of * the originating <tt>Connection</tt> object and hence can be used * interchangeably, as long as they have equal savepoint names. <p> * * When built for JDBC 4, <tt>JDBCConnection</tt> objects invalidate * <tt>JDBCSavepoint</tt> objects when auto-commit mode is entered as well * as when they are used to successfully release or roll back to a named SQL * savepoint. As per the JDBC 4 standard, when built for JDBC 4, this * method throws an <tt>SQLException</tt> when this <tt>Connection</tt> * object is currently in auto-commit mode and an invalidated * <tt>JDBCSavepoint</tt> is specified. * </div> <!-- end release-specific documentation --> * * @param savepoint the <code>Savepoint</code> object to roll back to * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs, * this method is called while participating in a distributed transaction, * this method is called on a closed connection, * the <code>Savepoint</code> object is no longer valid, * or this <code>Connection</code> object is currently in * auto-commit mode * @exception SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the JDBC driver does not support * this method * @see JDBCSavepoint * @see java.sql.Savepoint * @see #rollback * @since JDK 1.4, HSQLDB 1.7.2 */
public synchronized void rollback( Savepoint savepoint) throws SQLException { JDBCSavepoint sp; checkClosed(); if (savepoint == null) { throw JDBCUtil.nullArgument(); } if (!(savepoint instanceof JDBCSavepoint)) { throw JDBCUtil.invalidArgument(ErrorCode.X_3B001); } sp = (JDBCSavepoint) savepoint; if (JDBCDatabaseMetaData.JDBC_MAJOR >= 4 && sp.name == null) { throw JDBCUtil.invalidArgument(ErrorCode.X_3B001); } if (this != sp.connection) { throw JDBCUtil.invalidArgument(ErrorCode.X_3B001); } if (JDBCDatabaseMetaData.JDBC_MAJOR >= 4 && getAutoCommit()) { sp.name = null; sp.connection = null; throw JDBCUtil.sqlException(ErrorCode.X_3B001); } try { sessionProxy.rollbackToSavepoint(sp.name); if (JDBCDatabaseMetaData.JDBC_MAJOR >= 4) { sp.connection = null; sp.name = null; } } catch (HsqlException e) { throw JDBCUtil.sqlException(e); } }
Removes the specified Savepoint (JDBC4 Clarification:) and subsequent Savepoint objects from the current transaction. Any reference to the savepoint after it have been removed will cause an SQLException to be thrown. HSLQDB Note:

Previous to JDBC 4, JDBCSavepoint objects are valid for the life of the originating Connection object and hence can be used interchangeably, as long as they have equal savepoint names.

When built for JDBC 4, JDBCConnection objects invalidate JDBCSavepoint objects when auto-commit mode is entered as well as when they are used to successfully release or roll back to a named SQL savepoint. As per the JDBC 4 standard, when built for JDBC 4, this method throws an SQLException when this Connection object is currently in auto-commit mode and when an invalidated JDBCSavepoint is specified.

  • savepoint – the Savepoint object to be removed
  • SQLException – if a database access error occurs, this (JDBC4 Clarification:) method is called on a closed connection or the given Savepoint object is not a valid savepoint in the current transaction
  • SQLFeatureNotSupportedException – if the JDBC driver does not support this method
See Also:
Since:JDK 1.4, HSQLDB 1.7.2
/** * <!-- start generic documentation --> * * Removes the specified <code>Savepoint</code> (JDBC4 Clarification:) and subsequent <code>Savepoint</code> objects from the current * transaction. Any reference to the savepoint after it have been removed * will cause an <code>SQLException</code> to be thrown. * * <!-- end generic documentation --> * * * <b>HSLQDB Note:</b><p> * * Previous to JDBC 4, <tt>JDBCSavepoint</tt> objects are valid for the life of * the originating <tt>Connection</tt> object and hence can be used * interchangeably, as long as they have equal savepoint names. <p> * * When built for JDBC 4, <tt>JDBCConnection</tt> objects invalidate * <tt>JDBCSavepoint</tt> objects when auto-commit mode is entered as well * as when they are used to successfully release or roll back to a named SQL * savepoint. As per the JDBC 4 standard, when built for JDBC 4, this * method throws an <tt>SQLException</tt> when this <tt>Connection</tt> * object is currently in auto-commit mode and when an invalidated * <tt>JDBCSavepoint</tt> is specified. <p> * * @param savepoint the <code>Savepoint</code> object to be removed * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs, this * (JDBC4 Clarification:) * method is called on a closed connection or * the given <code>Savepoint</code> object is not a valid * savepoint in the current transaction * @exception SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the JDBC driver does not support * this method * @see JDBCSavepoint * @see java.sql.Savepoint * @since JDK 1.4, HSQLDB 1.7.2 */
public synchronized void releaseSavepoint( Savepoint savepoint) throws SQLException { JDBCSavepoint sp; Result req; checkClosed(); if (savepoint == null) { throw JDBCUtil.nullArgument(); } if (!(savepoint instanceof JDBCSavepoint)) { throw JDBCUtil.invalidArgument(ErrorCode.X_3B001); } sp = (JDBCSavepoint) savepoint; if (JDBCDatabaseMetaData.JDBC_MAJOR >= 4 && sp.name == null) { throw JDBCUtil.invalidArgument(ErrorCode.X_3B001); } if (this != sp.connection) { throw JDBCUtil.invalidArgument(ErrorCode.X_3B001); } if (JDBCDatabaseMetaData.JDBC_MAJOR >= 4 && getAutoCommit()) { sp.name = null; sp.connection = null; throw JDBCUtil.invalidArgument(ErrorCode.X_3B001); } try { sessionProxy.releaseSavepoint(sp.name); if (JDBCDatabaseMetaData.JDBC_MAJOR >= 4) { sp.connection = null; sp.name = null; } } catch (HsqlException e) { throw JDBCUtil.sqlException(e); } }
Creates a Statement object that will generate ResultSet objects with the given type, concurrency, and holdability. This method is the same as the createStatement method above, but it allows the default result set type, concurrency, and holdability to be overridden.

HSQLDB-Specific Information:

HSQLDB 2.0 adheres closely to SQL and JDBC standards. The interpretation of of resultSetType and resultSetConcurrency has changed in this version.


If an unsupported combination is requested, a SQLWarning is issued on this Connection and the closest supported combination is used instead.

  • resultSetType – one of the following ResultSet constants: ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, or ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE
  • resultSetConcurrency – one of the following ResultSet constants: ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY or ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE
  • resultSetHoldability – one of the following ResultSet constants: ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT or ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT
  • SQLException – if a database access error occurs, this (JDBC4 Clarification:) method is called on a closed connection (:JDBC4 Clarification) or the given parameters are not ResultSet constants indicating type, concurrency, and holdability
  • SQLFeatureNotSupportedException – if the JDBC driver does not support this method or this method is not supported for the specified result set type, result set holdability and result set concurrency.
See Also:
Returns:a new Statement object that will generate ResultSet objects with the given type, concurrency, and holdability
Since:JDK 1.4, HSQLDB 1.7.2
/** * <!-- start generic documentation --> * * Creates a <code>Statement</code> object that will generate * <code>ResultSet</code> objects with the given type, concurrency, * and holdability. * This method is the same as the <code>createStatement</code> method * above, but it allows the default result set * type, concurrency, and holdability to be overridden. * * <!-- end generic documentation --> * <!-- start release-specific documentation --> * <div class="ReleaseSpecificDocumentation"> * <h3>HSQLDB-Specific Information:</h3> <p> * * HSQLDB 2.0 adheres closely to SQL and JDBC standards. The * interpretation of of resultSetType and resultSetConcurrency has * changed in this version.<p> * * HSQLDB supports <code>TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY</code>, * <code>TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE</code>, * <code>CONCUR_READ_ONLY</code>, * <code>CONCUR_UPDATABLE</code> * results. <p> * * If an unsupported combination is requested, a SQLWarning is issued on * this Connection and the closest supported combination is used instead. <p> * * </div> <!-- end release-specific documentation --> * * @param resultSetType one of the following <code>ResultSet</code> * constants: * <code>ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY</code>, * <code>ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE</code>, or * <code>ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE</code> * @param resultSetConcurrency one of the following <code>ResultSet</code> * constants: * <code>ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY</code> or * <code>ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE</code> * @param resultSetHoldability one of the following <code>ResultSet</code> * constants: * <code>ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT</code> or * <code>ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT</code> * @return a new <code>Statement</code> object that will generate * <code>ResultSet</code> objects with the given type, * concurrency, and holdability * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs, this * (JDBC4 Clarification:) * method is called on a closed connection * (:JDBC4 Clarification) * or the given parameters are not <code>ResultSet</code> * constants indicating type, concurrency, and holdability * @exception SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the JDBC driver does not support * this method or this method is not supported for the specified result * set type, result set holdability and result set concurrency. * @see JDBCResultSet * @since JDK 1.4, HSQLDB 1.7.2 */
public synchronized Statement createStatement(int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency, int resultSetHoldability) throws SQLException { checkClosed(); int props = ResultProperties.getValueForJDBC(resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency, resultSetHoldability); return new JDBCStatement(this, props); }
Creates a PreparedStatement object that will generate ResultSet objects with the given type, concurrency, and holdability.

This method is the same as the prepareStatement method above, but it allows the default result set type, concurrency, and holdability to be overridden.

HSQLDB-Specific Information:

HSQLDB 2.0 adheres closely to SQL and JDBC standards. The interpretation of of resultSetType and resultSetConcurrency has changed in this version.


HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT is supported only when CONCUR_READ_ONLY is requested.

If an unsupported combination is requested, a SQLWarning is issued on this Connection and the closest supported combination is used instead.

  • sql – a String object that is the SQL statement to be sent to the database; may contain one or more '?' IN parameters
  • resultSetType – one of the following ResultSet constants: ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, or ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE
  • resultSetConcurrency – one of the following ResultSet constants: ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY or ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE
  • resultSetHoldability – one of the following ResultSet constants: ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT or ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT
  • SQLException – if a database access error occurs, this (JDBC4 Clarification:) method is called on a closed connection (:JDBC4 Clarification) or the given parameters are not ResultSet constants indicating type, concurrency, and holdability
  • SQLFeatureNotSupportedException – if the JDBC driver does not support this method or this method is not supported for the specified result set type, result set holdability and result set concurrency.
See Also:
Returns:a new PreparedStatement object, containing the pre-compiled SQL statement, that will generate ResultSet objects with the given type, concurrency, and holdability
Since:JDK 1.4, HSQLDB 1.7.2
/** * <!-- start generic documentation --> * * Creates a <code>PreparedStatement</code> object that will generate * <code>ResultSet</code> objects with the given type, concurrency, * and holdability. * <P> * This method is the same as the <code>prepareStatement</code> method * above, but it allows the default result set * type, concurrency, and holdability to be overridden. * * <!-- end generic documentation --> * <!-- start release-specific documentation --> * <div class="ReleaseSpecificDocumentation"> * <h3>HSQLDB-Specific Information:</h3> <p> * * HSQLDB 2.0 adheres closely to SQL and JDBC standards. The * interpretation of of resultSetType and resultSetConcurrency has * changed in this version.<p> * * HSQLDB supports <code>TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY</code>, * <code>TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE</code>, * <code>CONCUR_READ_ONLY</code>, * <code>CONCUR_UPDATABLE</code> * results.<p> * <code>HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT</code> is supported only when * <code>CONCUR_READ_ONLY</code> is requested.<p> * * * If an unsupported combination is requested, a SQLWarning is issued on * this Connection and the closest supported combination is used instead. <p> * * </div> <!-- end release-specific documentation --> * * @param sql a <code>String</code> object that is the SQL statement to * be sent to the database; may contain one or more '?' IN * parameters * @param resultSetType one of the following <code>ResultSet</code> * constants: * <code>ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY</code>, * <code>ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE</code>, or * <code>ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE</code> * @param resultSetConcurrency one of the following <code>ResultSet</code> * constants: * <code>ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY</code> or * <code>ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE</code> * @param resultSetHoldability one of the following <code>ResultSet</code> * constants: * <code>ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT</code> or * <code>ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT</code> * @return a new <code>PreparedStatement</code> object, containing the * pre-compiled SQL statement, that will generate * <code>ResultSet</code> objects with the given type, * concurrency, and holdability * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs, this * (JDBC4 Clarification:) * method is called on a closed connection * (:JDBC4 Clarification) * or the given parameters are not <code>ResultSet</code> * constants indicating type, concurrency, and holdability * @exception SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the JDBC driver does not support * this method or this method is not supported for the specified result * set type, result set holdability and result set concurrency. * @see JDBCResultSet * @since JDK 1.4, HSQLDB 1.7.2 */
public synchronized PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency, int resultSetHoldability) throws SQLException { checkClosed(); try { return new JDBCPreparedStatement(this, sql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency, resultSetHoldability, ResultConstants.RETURN_NO_GENERATED_KEYS, null, null); } catch (HsqlException e) { throw JDBCUtil.sqlException(e); } }
Creates a CallableStatement object that will generate ResultSet objects with the given type and concurrency. This method is the same as the prepareCall method above, but it allows the default result set type, result set concurrency type and holdability to be overridden.

HSQLDB-Specific Information:

HSQLDB 2.0 adheres closely to SQL and JDBC standards. The interpretation of of resultSetType and resultSetConcurrency has changed in this version.


If an unsupported combination is requested, a SQLWarning is issued on this Connection and the closest supported combination is used instead.

  • sql – a String object that is the SQL statement to be sent to the database; may contain on or more '?' parameters
  • resultSetType – one of the following ResultSet constants: ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, or ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE
  • resultSetConcurrency – one of the following ResultSet constants: ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY or ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE
  • resultSetHoldability – one of the following ResultSet constants: ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT or ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT
  • SQLException – if a database access error occurs, this (JDBC4 Clarification:) method is called on a closed connection (:JDBC4 Clarification) or the given parameters are not ResultSet constants indicating type, concurrency, and holdability
  • SQLFeatureNotSupportedException – if the JDBC driver does not support this method or this method is not supported for the specified result set type, result set holdability and result set concurrency.
See Also:
Returns:a new CallableStatement object, containing the pre-compiled SQL statement, that will generate ResultSet objects with the given type, concurrency, and holdability
Since:JDK 1.4, HSQLDB 1.7.2
/** * <!-- start generic documentation --> * * Creates a <code>CallableStatement</code> object that will generate * <code>ResultSet</code> objects with the given type and concurrency. * This method is the same as the <code>prepareCall</code> method * above, but it allows the default result set * type, result set concurrency type and holdability to be overridden. * * <!-- end generic documentation --> * <!-- start release-specific documentation --> * <div class="ReleaseSpecificDocumentation"> * <h3>HSQLDB-Specific Information:</h3> <p> * * HSQLDB 2.0 adheres closely to SQL and JDBC standards. The * interpretation of of resultSetType and resultSetConcurrency has * changed in this version.<p> * * HSQLDB supports <code>TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY</code>, * <code>TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE</code>, * <code>CONCUR_READ_ONLY</code>, * <code>CONCUR_UPDATABLE</code> * results. <p> * * If an unsupported combination is requested, a SQLWarning is issued on * this Connection and the closest supported combination is used instead. <p> * * </div> <!-- end release-specific documentation --> * * @param sql a <code>String</code> object that is the SQL statement to * be sent to the database; may contain on or more '?' parameters * @param resultSetType one of the following <code>ResultSet</code> * constants: * <code>ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY</code>, * <code>ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE</code>, or * <code>ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE</code> * @param resultSetConcurrency one of the following <code>ResultSet</code> * constants: * <code>ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY</code> or * <code>ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE</code> * @param resultSetHoldability one of the following <code>ResultSet</code> * constants: * <code>ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT</code> or * <code>ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT</code> * @return a new <code>CallableStatement</code> object, containing the * pre-compiled SQL statement, that will generate * <code>ResultSet</code> objects with the given type, * concurrency, and holdability * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs, this * (JDBC4 Clarification:) * method is called on a closed connection * (:JDBC4 Clarification) * or the given parameters are not <code>ResultSet</code> * constants indicating type, concurrency, and holdability * @exception SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the JDBC driver does not support * this method or this method is not supported for the specified result * set type, result set holdability and result set concurrency. * @see JDBCResultSet * @since JDK 1.4, HSQLDB 1.7.2 */
public synchronized CallableStatement prepareCall(String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency, int resultSetHoldability) throws SQLException { checkClosed(); try { return new JDBCCallableStatement(this, sql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency, resultSetHoldability); } catch (HsqlException e) { throw JDBCUtil.sqlException(e); } }
Creates a default PreparedStatement object that has the capability to retrieve auto-generated keys. The given constant tells the driver whether it should make auto-generated keys available for retrieval. This parameter is ignored if the SQL statement is not an INSERT statement, or an SQL statement able to return auto-generated keys (the list of such statements is vendor-specific).

Note: This method is optimized for handling parametric SQL statements that benefit from pre-compilation. If the driver supports pre-compilation, the method prepareStatement will send the statement to the database for pre-compilation. Some drivers may not support pre-compilation. In this case, the statement may not be sent to the database until the PreparedStatement object is executed. This has no direct effect on users; however, it does affect which methods throw certain SQLExceptions.

Result sets created using the returned PreparedStatement object will by default be type TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY and have a concurrency level of CONCUR_READ_ONLY. (JDBC4 Clarification:) The holdability of the created result sets can be determined by calling getHoldability.

HSQLDB-Specific Information:

Starting with version 2.0, HSQLDB supports returning generated columns with single-row and multi-row INSERT, UPDATE and MERGE statements.

If the table has an IDENTITY or GENERATED column(s) the values for these columns are returned in the next call to getGeneratedKeys() after each execution of the PreparedStatement.

  • sql – an SQL statement that may contain one or more '?' IN parameter placeholders
  • autoGeneratedKeys – a flag indicating whether auto-generated keys should be returned; one of Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS or Statement.NO_GENERATED_KEYS
  • SQLException – if a database access error occurs, this (JDBC4 Clarification:) method is called on a closed connection (:JDBC4 Clarification) or the given parameter is not a Statement constant indicating whether auto-generated keys should be returned
  • SQLFeatureNotSupportedException – if the JDBC driver does not support this method with a constant of Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS
Returns:a new PreparedStatement object, containing the pre-compiled SQL statement, that will have the capability of returning auto-generated keys
Since:JDK 1.4, HSQLDB 1.7.2
/** * <!-- start generic documentation --> * * Creates a default <code>PreparedStatement</code> object that has * the capability to retrieve auto-generated keys. The given constant * tells the driver whether it should make auto-generated keys * available for retrieval. This parameter is ignored if the SQL statement * is not an <code>INSERT</code> statement, or an SQL statement able to return * auto-generated keys (the list of such statements is vendor-specific). * <P> * <B>Note:</B> This method is optimized for handling * parametric SQL statements that benefit from pre-compilation. If * the driver supports pre-compilation, * the method <code>prepareStatement</code> will send * the statement to the database for pre-compilation. Some drivers * may not support pre-compilation. In this case, the statement may * not be sent to the database until the <code>PreparedStatement</code> * object is executed. This has no direct effect on users; however, it does * affect which methods throw certain SQLExceptions. * <P> * Result sets created using the returned <code>PreparedStatement</code> * object will by default be type <code>TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY</code> * and have a concurrency level of <code>CONCUR_READ_ONLY</code>. * (JDBC4 Clarification:) * The holdability of the created result sets can be determined by * calling {@link #getHoldability}. * * <!-- end generic documentation --> * <!-- start release-specific documentation --> * <div class="ReleaseSpecificDocumentation"> * <h3>HSQLDB-Specific Information:</h3> <p> * * Starting with version 2.0, HSQLDB supports returning generated columns * with single-row and multi-row INSERT, UPDATE and MERGE statements. <p> * If the table has an IDENTITY or GENERATED column(s) the values for these * columns are returned in the next call to getGeneratedKeys() after each * execution of the PreparedStatement. * * </div> <!-- end release-specific documentation --> * * @param sql an SQL statement that may contain one or more '?' IN * parameter placeholders * @param autoGeneratedKeys a flag indicating whether auto-generated keys * should be returned; one of * <code>Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS</code> or * <code>Statement.NO_GENERATED_KEYS</code> * @return a new <code>PreparedStatement</code> object, containing the * pre-compiled SQL statement, that will have the capability of * returning auto-generated keys * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs, this * (JDBC4 Clarification:) * method is called on a closed connection * (:JDBC4 Clarification) * or the given parameter is not a <code>Statement</code> * constant indicating whether auto-generated keys should be * returned * @exception SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the JDBC driver does not support * this method with a constant of Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS * @since JDK 1.4, HSQLDB 1.7.2 */
public synchronized PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys) throws SQLException { checkClosed(); try { if (autoGeneratedKeys != ResultConstants.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS && autoGeneratedKeys != ResultConstants.RETURN_NO_GENERATED_KEYS) { throw JDBCUtil.invalidArgument("autoGeneratedKeys"); } return new JDBCPreparedStatement(this, sql, JDBCResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, JDBCResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY, rsHoldability, autoGeneratedKeys, null, null); } catch (HsqlException e) { throw JDBCUtil.sqlException(e); } }
Creates a default PreparedStatement object capable of returning the auto-generated keys designated by the given array. This array contains the indexes of the columns in the target table that contain the auto-generated keys that should be made available. The driver will ignore the array if the SQL statement is not an INSERT statement, or an SQL statement able to return auto-generated keys (the list of such statements is vendor-specific).

An SQL statement with or without IN parameters can be pre-compiled and stored in a PreparedStatement object. This object can then be used to efficiently execute this statement multiple times.

Note: This method is optimized for handling parametric SQL statements that benefit from pre-compilation. If the driver supports pre-compilation, the method prepareStatement will send the statement to the database for pre-compilation. Some drivers may not support pre-compilation. In this case, the statement may not be sent to the database until the PreparedStatement object is executed. This has no direct effect on users; however, it does affect which methods throw certain SQLExceptions.

Result sets created using the returned PreparedStatement object will by default be type TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY and have a concurrency level of CONCUR_READ_ONLY. (JDBC4 Clarification:) The holdability of the created result sets can be determined by calling getHoldability.

HSQLDB-Specific Information:

Starting with version 2.0, HSQLDB supports returning generated columns with single-row and multi-row INSERT, UPDATE and MERGE statements.

The columnIndexes may specify any set of columns of the table.

  • sql – an SQL statement that may contain one or more '?' IN parameter placeholders
  • columnIndexes – an array of column indexes indicating the columns that should be returned from the inserted row or rows
Returns:a new PreparedStatement object, containing the pre-compiled statement, that is capable of returning the auto-generated keys designated by the given array of column indexes
Since:JDK 1.4, HSQLDB 1.7.2
/** * <!-- start generic documentation --> * Creates a default <code>PreparedStatement</code> object capable * of returning the auto-generated keys designated by the given array. * This array contains the indexes of the columns in the target * table that contain the auto-generated keys that should be made * available. The driver will ignore the array if the SQL statement * is not an <code>INSERT</code> statement, or an SQL statement able to return * auto-generated keys (the list of such statements is vendor-specific). * <p> * An SQL statement with or without IN parameters can be * pre-compiled and stored in a <code>PreparedStatement</code> object. This * object can then be used to efficiently execute this statement * multiple times. * <P> * <B>Note:</B> This method is optimized for handling * parametric SQL statements that benefit from pre-compilation. If * the driver supports pre-compilation, * the method <code>prepareStatement</code> will send * the statement to the database for pre-compilation. Some drivers * may not support pre-compilation. In this case, the statement may * not be sent to the database until the <code>PreparedStatement</code> * object is executed. This has no direct effect on users; however, it does * affect which methods throw certain SQLExceptions. * <P> * Result sets created using the returned <code>PreparedStatement</code> * object will by default be type <code>TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY</code> * and have a concurrency level of <code>CONCUR_READ_ONLY</code>. * (JDBC4 Clarification:) * The holdability of the created result sets can be determined by * calling {@link #getHoldability}. * * <!-- end generic documentation --> * <!-- start release-specific documentation --> * <div class="ReleaseSpecificDocumentation"> * <h3>HSQLDB-Specific Information:</h3> <p> * * Starting with version 2.0, HSQLDB supports returning generated columns * with single-row and multi-row INSERT, UPDATE and MERGE statements. <p> * The columnIndexes may specify any set of columns of the table. * * </div> <!-- end release-specific documentation --> * * @param sql an SQL statement that may contain one or more '?' IN * parameter placeholders * @param columnIndexes an array of column indexes indicating the columns * that should be returned from the inserted row or rows * @return a new <code>PreparedStatement</code> object, containing the * pre-compiled statement, that is capable of returning the * auto-generated keys designated by the given array of column * indexes * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs * (JDBC4 Clarification:) * or this method is called on a closed connection * @exception SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the JDBC driver does not support * this method * @since JDK 1.4, HSQLDB 1.7.2 */
public synchronized PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, int[] columnIndexes) throws SQLException { checkClosed(); try { return new JDBCPreparedStatement(this, sql, JDBCResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, JDBCResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY, rsHoldability, ResultConstants.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS_COL_INDEXES, columnIndexes, null); } catch (HsqlException e) { throw JDBCUtil.sqlException(e); } }
Creates a default PreparedStatement object capable of returning the auto-generated keys designated by the given array. This array contains the names of the columns in the target table that contain the auto-generated keys that should be returned. The driver will ignore the array if the SQL statement is not an INSERT statement, or an SQL statement able to return auto-generated keys (the list of such statements is vendor-specific).

An SQL statement with or without IN parameters can be pre-compiled and stored in a PreparedStatement object. This object can then be used to efficiently execute this statement multiple times.

Note: This method is optimized for handling parametric SQL statements that benefit from pre-compilation. If the driver supports pre-compilation, the method prepareStatement will send the statement to the database for pre-compilation. Some drivers may not support pre-compilation. In this case, the statement may not be sent to the database until the PreparedStatement object is executed. This has no direct effect on users; however, it does affect which methods throw certain SQLExceptions.

Result sets created using the returned PreparedStatement object will by default be type TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY and have a concurrency level of CONCUR_READ_ONLY. (JDBC4 Clarification:) The holdability of the created result sets can be determined by calling getHoldability.

HSQLDB-Specific Information:

Starting with version 2.0, HSQLDB supports returning generated columns with single-row and multi-row INSERT, UPDATE and MERGE statements.

The columnNames may specify any set of columns of the table. The names are case-sensitive, unlike column names in ResultSet methods.

  • sql – an SQL statement that may contain one or more '?' IN parameter placeholders
  • columnNames – an array of column names indicating the columns that should be returned from the inserted row or rows
Returns:a new PreparedStatement object, containing the pre-compiled statement, that is capable of returning the auto-generated keys designated by the given array of column names
Since:JDK 1.4, HSQLDB 1.7.2
/** * <!-- start generic documentation --> * * Creates a default <code>PreparedStatement</code> object capable * of returning the auto-generated keys designated by the given array. * This array contains the names of the columns in the target * table that contain the auto-generated keys that should be returned. * The driver will ignore the array if the SQL statement * is not an <code>INSERT</code> statement, or an SQL statement able to return * auto-generated keys (the list of such statements is vendor-specific). * <P> * An SQL statement with or without IN parameters can be * pre-compiled and stored in a <code>PreparedStatement</code> object. This * object can then be used to efficiently execute this statement * multiple times. * <P> * <B>Note:</B> This method is optimized for handling * parametric SQL statements that benefit from pre-compilation. If * the driver supports pre-compilation, * the method <code>prepareStatement</code> will send * the statement to the database for pre-compilation. Some drivers * may not support pre-compilation. In this case, the statement may * not be sent to the database until the <code>PreparedStatement</code> * object is executed. This has no direct effect on users; however, it does * affect which methods throw certain SQLExceptions. * <P> * Result sets created using the returned <code>PreparedStatement</code> * object will by default be type <code>TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY</code> * and have a concurrency level of <code>CONCUR_READ_ONLY</code>. * (JDBC4 Clarification:) * The holdability of the created result sets can be determined by * calling {@link #getHoldability}. * * <!-- end generic documentation --> * <!-- start release-specific documentation --> * <div class="ReleaseSpecificDocumentation"> * <h3>HSQLDB-Specific Information:</h3> <p> * * Starting with version 2.0, HSQLDB supports returning generated columns * with single-row and multi-row INSERT, UPDATE and MERGE statements. <p> * The columnNames may specify any set of columns of the table. The names * are case-sensitive, unlike column names in ResultSet methods. * * </div> <!-- end release-specific documentation --> * * @param sql an SQL statement that may contain one or more '?' IN * parameter placeholders * @param columnNames an array of column names indicating the columns * that should be returned from the inserted row or rows * @return a new <code>PreparedStatement</code> object, containing the * pre-compiled statement, that is capable of returning the * auto-generated keys designated by the given array of column * names * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs * (JDBC4 Clarification:) * or this method is called on a closed connection * @exception SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the JDBC driver does not support * this method * @since JDK 1.4, HSQLDB 1.7.2 */
public synchronized PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, String[] columnNames) throws SQLException { checkClosed(); try { return new JDBCPreparedStatement(this, sql, JDBCResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, JDBCResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY, rsHoldability, ResultConstants.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS_COL_NAMES, null, columnNames); } catch (HsqlException e) { throw JDBCUtil.sqlException(e); } } //------------------------- JDBC 4.0 -----------------------------------
Constructs an object that implements the Clob interface. The object returned initially contains no data. The setAsciiStream, setCharacterStream and setString methods of the Clob interface may be used to add data to the Clob.
  • SQLException – if an object that implements the Clob interface can not be constructed, this method is called on a closed connection or a database access error occurs.
  • SQLFeatureNotSupportedException – if the JDBC driver does not support this data type
Returns:An object that implements the Clob interface
Since:JDK 1.6, HSQLDB 2.0
/** * Constructs an object that implements the <code>Clob</code> interface. The object * returned initially contains no data. The <code>setAsciiStream</code>, * <code>setCharacterStream</code> and <code>setString</code> methods of * the <code>Clob</code> interface may be used to add data to the <code>Clob</code>. * @return An object that implements the <code>Clob</code> interface * @throws SQLException if an object that implements the * <code>Clob</code> interface can not be constructed, this method is * called on a closed connection or a database access error occurs. * @exception SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the JDBC driver does not support * this data type * * @since JDK 1.6, HSQLDB 2.0 */
public Clob createClob() throws SQLException { checkClosed(); return new JDBCClob(); }
Constructs an object that implements the Blob interface. The object returned initially contains no data. The setBinaryStream and setBytes methods of the Blob interface may be used to add data to the Blob.
  • SQLException – if an object that implements the Blob interface can not be constructed, this method is called on a closed connection or a database access error occurs.
  • SQLFeatureNotSupportedException – if the JDBC driver does not support this data type
Returns: An object that implements the Blob interface
Since:JDK 1.6, HSQLDB 2.0
/** * Constructs an object that implements the <code>Blob</code> interface. The object * returned initially contains no data. The <code>setBinaryStream</code> and * <code>setBytes</code> methods of the <code>Blob</code> interface may be used to add data to * the <code>Blob</code>. * @return An object that implements the <code>Blob</code> interface * @throws SQLException if an object that implements the * <code>Blob</code> interface can not be constructed, this method is * called on a closed connection or a database access error occurs. * @exception SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the JDBC driver does not support * this data type * * @since JDK 1.6, HSQLDB 2.0 */
public Blob createBlob() throws SQLException { checkClosed(); return new JDBCBlob(); }
Constructs an object that implements the NClob interface. The object returned initially contains no data. The setAsciiStream, setCharacterStream and setString methods of the NClob interface may be used to add data to the NClob.
  • SQLException – if an object that implements the NClob interface can not be constructed, this method is called on a closed connection or a database access error occurs.
  • SQLFeatureNotSupportedException – if the JDBC driver does not support this data type
Returns:An object that implements the NClob interface
Since:JDK 1.6, HSQLDB 2.0
/** * Constructs an object that implements the <code>NClob</code> interface. The object * returned initially contains no data. The <code>setAsciiStream</code>, * <code>setCharacterStream</code> and <code>setString</code> methods of the <code>NClob</code> interface may * be used to add data to the <code>NClob</code>. * @return An object that implements the <code>NClob</code> interface * @throws SQLException if an object that implements the * <code>NClob</code> interface can not be constructed, this method is * called on a closed connection or a database access error occurs. * @exception SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the JDBC driver does not support * this data type * * @since JDK 1.6, HSQLDB 2.0 */
public NClob createNClob() throws SQLException { checkClosed(); return new JDBCNClob(); }
Constructs an object that implements the SQLXML interface. The object returned initially contains no data. The createXmlStreamWriter object and setString method of the SQLXML interface may be used to add data to the SQLXML object.
  • SQLException – if an object that implements the SQLXML interface can not be constructed, this method is called on a closed connection or a database access error occurs.
  • SQLFeatureNotSupportedException – if the JDBC driver does not support this data type
Returns:An object that implements the SQLXML interface
Since:JDK 1.6, HSQLDB 2.0
/** * Constructs an object that implements the <code>SQLXML</code> interface. The object * returned initially contains no data. The <code>createXmlStreamWriter</code> object and * <code>setString</code> method of the <code>SQLXML</code> interface may be used to add data to the <code>SQLXML</code> * object. * @return An object that implements the <code>SQLXML</code> interface * @throws SQLException if an object that implements the <code>SQLXML</code> interface can not * be constructed, this method is * called on a closed connection or a database access error occurs. * @exception SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the JDBC driver does not support * this data type * @since JDK 1.6, HSQLDB 2.0 */
public SQLXML createSQLXML() throws SQLException { checkClosed(); return new JDBCSQLXML(); } /** @todo: ThreadPool? HsqlTimer with callback? */
Returns true if the connection has not been closed and is still valid. The driver shall submit a query on the connection or use some other mechanism that positively verifies the connection is still valid when this method is called.

The query submitted by the driver to validate the connection shall be executed in the context of the current transaction.

HSQLDB-Specific Information:

HSQLDB uses a maximum timeout of 60 seconds if timeout has be specified as zero.

  • timeout – - The time in seconds to wait for the database operation used to validate the connection to complete. If the timeout period expires before the operation completes, this method returns false. A value of 0 indicates a timeout is not applied to the database operation.
  • SQLException – if the value supplied for timeout is less then 0
See Also:
Returns:true if the connection is valid, false otherwise
Since:JDK 1.6, HSQLDB 2.0
/** * <!-- start generic documentation --> * * Returns true if the connection has not been closed and is still valid. * The driver shall submit a query on the connection or use some other * mechanism that positively verifies the connection is still valid when * this method is called. * <p> * The query submitted by the driver to validate the connection shall be * executed in the context of the current transaction. * * <!-- end generic documentation --> * <!-- start release-specific documentation --> * <div class="ReleaseSpecificDocumentation"> * <h3>HSQLDB-Specific Information:</h3> <p> * * HSQLDB uses a maximum timeout of 60 seconds if timeout has be specified * as zero. * * </div> <!-- end release-specific documentation --> * * @param timeout - The time in seconds to wait for the database operation * used to validate the connection to complete. If * the timeout period expires before the operation * completes, this method returns false. A value of * 0 indicates a timeout is not applied to the * database operation. * * @return true if the connection is valid, false otherwise * @exception SQLException if the value supplied for <code>timeout</code> * is less then 0 * @since JDK 1.6, HSQLDB 2.0 * * @see JDBCDatabaseMetaData#getClientInfoProperties */
public boolean isValid(int timeout) throws SQLException { if (timeout < 0) { throw JDBCUtil.outOfRangeArgument("timeout: " + timeout); } if (this.isInternal) { return true; } else if (!this.isNetConn) { return !this.isClosed(); } else if (this.isClosed()) { return false; } final boolean[] flag = new boolean[] { true }; Thread t = new Thread() { public void run() { try { getMetaData().getDatabaseMajorVersion(); } catch (Throwable e) { flag[0] = false; } } }; if (timeout > 60) { timeout = 60; } // Remember: param is in *seconds* timeout *= 1000; try { t.start(); final long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); t.join(timeout); try { t.setContextClassLoader(null); } catch (Throwable th) { } if (timeout == 0) { return flag[0]; } return flag[0] && (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) < timeout; } catch (Throwable e) { return false; } } /** @todo 20051207 */
Sets the value of the client info property specified by name to the value specified by value.

Applications may use the DatabaseMetaData.getClientInfoProperties method to determine the client info properties supported by the driver and the maximum length that may be specified for each property.

The driver stores the value specified in a suitable location in the database. For example in a special register, session parameter, or system table column. For efficiency the driver may defer setting the value in the database until the next time a statement is executed or prepared. Other than storing the client information in the appropriate place in the database, these methods shall not alter the behavior of the connection in anyway. The values supplied to these methods are used for accounting, diagnostics and debugging purposes only.

The driver shall generate a warning if the client info name specified is not recognized by the driver.

If the value specified to this method is greater than the maximum length for the property the driver may either truncate the value and generate a warning or generate a SQLClientInfoException. If the driver generates a SQLClientInfoException, the value specified was not set on the connection.

The following are standard client info properties. Drivers are not required to support these properties however if the driver supports a client info property that can be described by one of the standard properties, the standard property name should be used.

  • ApplicationName - The name of the application currently utilizing the connection
  • ClientUser - The name of the user that the application using the connection is performing work for. This may not be the same as the user name that was used in establishing the connection.
  • ClientHostname - The host name of the computer the application using the connection is running on.

HSQLDB-Specific Information:

HSQLDB 2.0, throws an SQLClientInfoException when this method is called.

  • name – The name of the client info property to set
  • value – The value to set the client info property to. If the value is null, the current value of the specified property is cleared.

  • SQLClientInfoException – if the database server returns an error while setting the client info value on the database server or this method is called on a closed connection

Since:JDK 1.6, HSQLDB 2.0
/** * Sets the value of the client info property specified by name to the * value specified by value. * <p> * Applications may use the <code>DatabaseMetaData.getClientInfoProperties</code> * method to determine the client info properties supported by the driver * and the maximum length that may be specified for each property. * <p> * The driver stores the value specified in a suitable location in the * database. For example in a special register, session parameter, or * system table column. For efficiency the driver may defer setting the * value in the database until the next time a statement is executed or * prepared. Other than storing the client information in the appropriate * place in the database, these methods shall not alter the behavior of * the connection in anyway. The values supplied to these methods are * used for accounting, diagnostics and debugging purposes only. * <p> * The driver shall generate a warning if the client info name specified * is not recognized by the driver. * <p> * If the value specified to this method is greater than the maximum * length for the property the driver may either truncate the value and * generate a warning or generate a <code>SQLClientInfoException</code>. If the driver * generates a <code>SQLClientInfoException</code>, the value specified was not set on the * connection. * <p> * The following are standard client info properties. Drivers are not * required to support these properties however if the driver supports a * client info property that can be described by one of the standard * properties, the standard property name should be used. * * <ul> * <li>ApplicationName - The name of the application currently utilizing * the connection</li> * <li>ClientUser - The name of the user that the application using * the connection is performing work for. This may * not be the same as the user name that was used * in establishing the connection.</li> * <li>ClientHostname - The host name of the computer the application * using the connection is running on.</li> * </ul> * * <!-- start release-specific documentation --> * <div class="ReleaseSpecificDocumentation"> * <h3>HSQLDB-Specific Information:</h3> <p> * * HSQLDB 2.0, throws an SQLClientInfoException when this method is * called. * </div> * <!-- end release-specific documentation --> * * @param name The name of the client info property to set * @param value The value to set the client info property to. If the * value is null, the current value of the specified * property is cleared. * <p> * @throws SQLClientInfoException if the database server returns an error while * setting the client info value on the database server or this method * is called on a closed connection * <p> * @since JDK 1.6, HSQLDB 2.0 */
public void setClientInfo(String name, String value) throws SQLClientInfoException { SQLClientInfoException ex = new SQLClientInfoException(); ex.initCause(JDBCUtil.notSupported()); throw ex; } /** @todo 20051207 */
Sets the value of the connection's client info properties. The Properties object contains the names and values of the client info properties to be set. The set of client info properties contained in the properties list replaces the current set of client info properties on the connection. If a property that is currently set on the connection is not present in the properties list, that property is cleared. Specifying an empty properties list will clear all of the properties on the connection. See setClientInfo (String, String) for more information.

If an error occurs in setting any of the client info properties, a SQLClientInfoException is thrown. The SQLClientInfoException contains information indicating which client info properties were not set. The state of the client information is unknown because some databases do not allow multiple client info properties to be set atomically. For those databases, one or more properties may have been set before the error occurred.

  • properties – the list of client info properties to set

  • SQLClientInfoException – if the database server returns an error while setting the clientInfo values on the database server or this method is called on a closed connection
See Also:
Since:JDK 1.6, HSQLDB 2.0

/** * Sets the value of the connection's client info properties. The * <code>Properties</code> object contains the names and values of the client info * properties to be set. The set of client info properties contained in * the properties list replaces the current set of client info properties * on the connection. If a property that is currently set on the * connection is not present in the properties list, that property is * cleared. Specifying an empty properties list will clear all of the * properties on the connection. See <code>setClientInfo (String, String)</code> for * more information. * <p> * If an error occurs in setting any of the client info properties, a * <code>SQLClientInfoException</code> is thrown. The <code>SQLClientInfoException</code> * contains information indicating which client info properties were not set. * The state of the client information is unknown because * some databases do not allow multiple client info properties to be set * atomically. For those databases, one or more properties may have been * set before the error occurred. * <p> * * @param properties the list of client info properties to set * <p> * @see java.sql.Connection#setClientInfo(String, String) setClientInfo(String, String) * @since JDK 1.6, HSQLDB 2.0 * <p> * @throws SQLClientInfoException if the database server returns an error while * setting the clientInfo values on the database server or this method * is called on a closed connection * */
public void setClientInfo( Properties properties) throws SQLClientInfoException { if (!this.isClosed && (properties == null || properties.isEmpty())) { return; } SQLClientInfoException ex = new SQLClientInfoException(); if (this.isClosed) { ex.initCause(JDBCUtil.connectionClosedException()); } else { ex.initCause(JDBCUtil.notSupported()); } throw ex; } /** @todo 1.9.0 */
Returns the value of the client info property specified by name. This method may return null if the specified client info property has not been set and does not have a default value. This method will also return null if the specified client info property name is not supported by the driver.

Applications may use the DatabaseMetaData.getClientInfoProperties method to determine the client info properties supported by the driver.

  • name – The name of the client info property to retrieve

  • SQLException – if the database server returns an error when fetching the client info value from the database or this method is called on a closed connection

See Also:
Returns: The value of the client info property specified

Since:JDK 1.6, HSQLDB 2.0
/** * Returns the value of the client info property specified by name. This * method may return null if the specified client info property has not * been set and does not have a default value. This method will also * return null if the specified client info property name is not supported * by the driver. * <p> * Applications may use the <code>DatabaseMetaData.getClientInfoProperties</code> * method to determine the client info properties supported by the driver. * <p> * @param name The name of the client info property to retrieve * <p> * @return The value of the client info property specified * <p> * @throws SQLException if the database server returns an error when * fetching the client info value from the database * or this method is called on a closed connection * <p> * @since JDK 1.6, HSQLDB 2.0 * * @see java.sql.DatabaseMetaData#getClientInfoProperties */
public String getClientInfo(String name) throws SQLException { checkClosed(); return null; } /** @todo - 1.9 */
Returns a list containing the name and current value of each client info property supported by the driver. The value of a client info property may be null if the property has not been set and does not have a default value.

  • SQLException – if the database server returns an error when fetching the client info values from the database or this method is called on a closed connection

Returns: A Properties object that contains the name and current value of each of the client info properties supported by the driver.

Since:JDK 1.6, HSQLDB 2.0
/** * Returns a list containing the name and current value of each client info * property supported by the driver. The value of a client info property * may be null if the property has not been set and does not have a * default value. * <p> * @return A <code>Properties</code> object that contains the name and current value of * each of the client info properties supported by the driver. * <p> * @throws SQLException if the database server returns an error when * fetching the client info values from the database * or this method is called on a closed connection * <p> * @since JDK 1.6, HSQLDB 2.0 */
public Properties getClientInfo() throws SQLException { checkClosed(); return null; } // --------------------------- Added: Mustang Build 80 -------------------------
Factory method for creating Array objects.

Note: When createArrayOf is used to create an array object that maps to a primitive data type, then it is implementation-defined whether the Array object is an array of that primitive data type or an array of Object.

Note: The JDBC driver is responsible for mapping the elements Object array to the default JDBC SQL type defined in java.sql.Types for the given class of Object. The default mapping is specified in Appendix B of the JDBC specification. If the resulting JDBC type is not the appropriate type for the given typeName then it is implementation defined whether an SQLException is thrown or the driver supports the resulting conversion. @param typeName the SQL name of the type the elements of the array map to. The typeName is a database-specific name which may be the name of a built-in type, a user-defined type or a standard SQL type supported by this database. This is the value returned by Array.getBaseTypeName @param elements the elements that populate the returned object @return an Array object whose elements map to the specified SQL type @throws SQLException if a database error occurs, the JDBC type is not appropriate for the typeName and the conversion is not supported, the typeName is null or this method is called on a closed connection @throws SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the JDBC driver does not support this data type @since 1.6

/** * Factory method for creating Array objects. * <p> * <b>Note: </b>When <code>createArrayOf</code> is used to create an array object * that maps to a primitive data type, then it is implementation-defined * whether the <code>Array</code> object is an array of that primitive * data type or an array of <code>Object</code>. * <p> * <b>Note: </b>The JDBC driver is responsible for mapping the elements * <code>Object</code> array to the default JDBC SQL type defined in * java.sql.Types for the given class of <code>Object</code>. The default * mapping is specified in Appendix B of the JDBC specification. If the * resulting JDBC type is not the appropriate type for the given typeName then * it is implementation defined whether an <code>SQLException</code> is * thrown or the driver supports the resulting conversion. * * @param typeName the SQL name of the type the elements of the array map to. The typeName is a * database-specific name which may be the name of a built-in type, a user-defined type or a standard SQL type supported by this database. This * is the value returned by <code>Array.getBaseTypeName</code> * @param elements the elements that populate the returned object * @return an Array object whose elements map to the specified SQL type * @throws SQLException if a database error occurs, the JDBC type is not * appropriate for the typeName and the conversion is not supported, the typeName is null or this method is called on a closed connection * @throws SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the JDBC driver does not support this data type * @since 1.6 */
public Array createArrayOf(String typeName, Object[] elements) throws SQLException { checkClosed(); if (typeName == null) { throw JDBCUtil.nullArgument(); } typeName = typeName.toUpperCase(); int typeNumber = Type.getTypeNr(typeName); if (typeNumber == Integer.MIN_VALUE) { throw JDBCUtil.invalidArgument(typeName); } Type type = Type.getDefaultType(typeNumber); if (type.isArrayType() || type.isLobType() || type.isRowType()) { throw JDBCUtil.invalidArgument(typeName); } Object[] newData = new Object[elements.length]; try { for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { Object o = type.convertJavaToSQL(sessionProxy, elements[i]); newData[i] = type.convertToTypeLimits(sessionProxy, o); } } catch (HsqlException e) { throw JDBCUtil.sqlException(e); } return new JDBCArray(newData, type, this); }
Factory method for creating Struct objects.
  • typeName – the SQL type name of the SQL structured type that this Struct object maps to. The typeName is the name of a user-defined type that has been defined for this database. It is the value returned by Struct.getSQLTypeName.
  • attributes – the attributes that populate the returned object
Returns:a Struct object that maps to the given SQL type and is populated with the given attributes
Since:JDK 1.6_b80, HSQLDB 2.0
/** * Factory method for creating Struct objects. * @param typeName the SQL type name of the SQL structured type that this <code>Struct</code> * object maps to. The typeName is the name of a user-defined type that * has been defined for this database. It is the value returned by * <code>Struct.getSQLTypeName</code>. * @param attributes the attributes that populate the returned object * @return a Struct object that maps to the given SQL type and is populated with the given attributes * @throws SQLException if a database error occurs, the typeName is null or this method is called on a closed connection * @throws SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the JDBC driver does not support this data type * @since JDK 1.6_b80, HSQLDB 2.0 */
public Struct createStruct(String typeName, Object[] attributes) throws SQLException { checkClosed(); throw JDBCUtil.notSupported(); } // ------------------- java.sql.Wrapper implementation ---------------------
Returns an object that implements the given interface to allow access to non-standard methods, or standard methods not exposed by the proxy. If the receiver implements the interface then the result is the receiver or a proxy for the receiver. If the receiver is a wrapper and the wrapped object implements the interface then the result is the wrapped object or a proxy for the wrapped object. Otherwise return the the result of calling unwrap recursively on the wrapped object or a proxy for that result. If the receiver is not a wrapper and does not implement the interface, then an SQLException is thrown.
  • iface – A Class defining an interface that the result must implement.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – by which the return type is inferred from input parameter.
  • SQLException – If no object found that implements the interface
Returns:an object that implements the interface. May be a proxy for the actual implementing object.
Since:JDK 1.6, HSQLDB 2.0
/** * Returns an object that implements the given interface to allow access to * non-standard methods, or standard methods not exposed by the proxy. * * If the receiver implements the interface then the result is the receiver * or a proxy for the receiver. If the receiver is a wrapper * and the wrapped object implements the interface then the result is the * wrapped object or a proxy for the wrapped object. Otherwise return the * the result of calling <code>unwrap</code> recursively on the wrapped object * or a proxy for that result. If the receiver is not a * wrapper and does not implement the interface, then an <code>SQLException</code> is thrown. * * @param <T> by which the return type is inferred from input parameter. * @param iface A Class defining an interface that the result must implement. * @return an object that implements the interface. May be a proxy for the actual implementing object. * @throws java.sql.SQLException If no object found that implements the interface * @since JDK 1.6, HSQLDB 2.0 */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T>T unwrap(java.lang.Class<T> iface) throws java.sql.SQLException { checkClosed(); if (isWrapperFor(iface)) { return (T) this; } throw JDBCUtil.invalidArgument("iface: " + iface); }
Returns true if this either implements the interface argument or is directly or indirectly a wrapper for an object that does. Returns false otherwise. If this implements the interface then return true, else if this is a wrapper then return the result of recursively calling isWrapperFor on the wrapped object. If this does not implement the interface and is not a wrapper, return false. This method should be implemented as a low-cost operation compared to unwrap so that callers can use this method to avoid expensive unwrap calls that may fail. If this method returns true then calling unwrap with the same argument should succeed.
  • iface – a Class defining an interface.
  • SQLException – if an error occurs while determining whether this is a wrapper for an object with the given interface.
Returns:true if this implements the interface or directly or indirectly wraps an object that does.
Since:JDK 1.6, HSQLDB 2.0
/** * Returns true if this either implements the interface argument or is directly or indirectly a wrapper * for an object that does. Returns false otherwise. If this implements the interface then return true, * else if this is a wrapper then return the result of recursively calling <code>isWrapperFor</code> on the wrapped * object. If this does not implement the interface and is not a wrapper, return false. * This method should be implemented as a low-cost operation compared to <code>unwrap</code> so that * callers can use this method to avoid expensive <code>unwrap</code> calls that may fail. If this method * returns true then calling <code>unwrap</code> with the same argument should succeed. * * @param iface a Class defining an interface. * @return true if this implements the interface or directly or indirectly wraps an object that does. * @throws java.sql.SQLException if an error occurs while determining whether this is a wrapper * for an object with the given interface. * @since JDK 1.6, HSQLDB 2.0 */
public boolean isWrapperFor( java.lang.Class<?> iface) throws java.sql.SQLException { checkClosed(); return (iface != null && iface.isAssignableFrom(this.getClass())); } //--------------------------JDBC 4.1 -----------------------------
Sets the given schema name to access.

If the driver does not support schemas, it will silently ignore this request.

Calling setSchema has no effect on previously created or prepared Statement objects. It is implementation defined whether a DBMS prepare operation takes place immediately when the Connection method prepareStatement or prepareCall is invoked. For maximum portability, setSchema should be called before a Statement is created or prepared.

  • schema – the name of a schema in which to work
  • SQLException – if a database access error occurs or this method is called on a closed connection
See Also:
Since:JDK 1.7, HSQLDB 2.0.1
/** * Sets the given schema name to access. * <P> * If the driver does not support schemas, it will * silently ignore this request. * <p> * Calling {@code setSchema} has no effect on previously created or prepared * {@code Statement} objects. It is implementation defined whether a DBMS * prepare operation takes place immediately when the {@code Connection} * method {@code prepareStatement} or {@code prepareCall} is invoked. * For maximum portability, {@code setSchema} should be called before a * {@code Statement} is created or prepared. * * @param schema the name of a schema in which to work * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs * or this method is called on a closed connection * @see #getSchema * @since JDK 1.7, HSQLDB 2.0.1 */
public void setSchema(String schema) throws SQLException { checkClosed(); if (schema == null) { throw JDBCUtil.nullArgument("schema"); } else if (schema.length() == 0) { throw JDBCUtil.invalidArgument("Zero-length schema"); } else { (new JDBCDatabaseMetaData(this)).setConnectionDefaultSchema( schema); } }
Retrieves this Connection object's current schema name.
  • SQLException – if a database access error occurs or this method is called on a closed connection
See Also:
Returns:the current schema name or null if there is none
Since:JDK 1.7 M11 2010/09/10 (b123), HSQLDB 2.0.1
/** * Retrieves this <code>Connection</code> object's current schema name. * * @return the current schema name or <code>null</code> if there is none * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs * or this method is called on a closed connection * @see #setSchema * @since JDK 1.7 M11 2010/09/10 (b123), HSQLDB 2.0.1 */
public String getSchema() throws SQLException { checkClosed(); return new JDBCDatabaseMetaData(this).getConnectionDefaultSchema(); }
Terminates an open connection. Calling abort results in:
  • The connection marked as closed
  • Closes any physical connection to the database
  • Releases resources used by the connection
  • Insures that any thread that is currently accessing the connection will either progress to completion or throw an SQLException.

Calling abort marks the connection closed and releases any resources. Calling abort on a closed connection is a no-op.

It is possible that the aborting and releasing of the resources that are held by the connection can take an extended period of time. When the abort method returns, the connection will have been marked as closed and the Executor that was passed as a parameter to abort may still be executing tasks to release resources.

This method checks to see that there is an SQLPermission object before allowing the method to proceed. If a SecurityManager exists and its checkPermission method denies calling abort, this method throws a java.lang.SecurityException.

  • executor – The Executor implementation which will be used by abort.
  • SQLException – if a database access error occurs or the executor is null,
  • SecurityException – if a security manager exists and its checkPermission method denies calling abort
See Also:
Since:JDK 1.7, HSQLDB 2.0.1
/** * Terminates an open connection. Calling <code>abort</code> results in: * <ul> * <li>The connection marked as closed * <li>Closes any physical connection to the database * <li>Releases resources used by the connection * <li>Insures that any thread that is currently accessing the connection * will either progress to completion or throw an <code>SQLException</code>. * </ul> * <p> * Calling <code>abort</code> marks the connection closed and releases any * resources. Calling <code>abort</code> on a closed connection is a * no-op. * <p> * It is possible that the aborting and releasing of the resources that are * held by the connection can take an extended period of time. When the * <code>abort</code> method returns, the connection will have been marked as * closed and the <code>Executor</code> that was passed as a parameter to abort * may still be executing tasks to release resources. * <p> * This method checks to see that there is an <code>SQLPermission</code> * object before allowing the method to proceed. If a * <code>SecurityManager</code> exists and its * <code>checkPermission</code> method denies calling <code>abort</code>, * this method throws a * <code>java.lang.SecurityException</code>. * @param executor The <code>Executor</code> implementation which will * be used by <code>abort</code>. * @throws java.sql.SQLException if a database access error occurs or * the {@code executor} is {@code null}, * @throws java.lang.SecurityException if a security manager exists and its * <code>checkPermission</code> method denies calling <code>abort</code> * @see SecurityManager#checkPermission * @see java.util.concurrent.Executor * @since JDK 1.7, HSQLDB 2.0.1 */
public void abort( java.util.concurrent.Executor executor) throws SQLException { if (executor == null) { throw JDBCUtil.nullArgument("executor"); } close(); }
Sets the maximum period a Connection or objects created from the Connection will wait for the database to reply to any one request. If any request remains unanswered, the waiting method will return with a SQLException, and the Connection or objects created from the Connection will be marked as closed. Any subsequent use of the objects, with the exception of the close, isClosed or Connection.isValid methods, will result in a SQLException.

Note: This method is intended to address a rare but serious condition where network partitions can cause threads issuing JDBC calls to hang uninterruptedly in socket reads, until the OS TCP-TIMEOUT (typically 10 minutes). This method is related to the abort() method which provides an administrator thread a means to free any such threads in cases where the JDBC connection is accessible to the administrator thread. The setNetworkTimeout method will cover cases where there is no administrator thread, or it has no access to the connection. This method is severe in it's effects, and should be given a high enough value so it is never triggered before any more normal timeouts, such as transaction timeouts.

JDBC driver implementations may also choose to support the setNetworkTimeout method to impose a limit on database response time, in environments where no network is present.

Drivers may internally implement some or all of their API calls with multiple internal driver-database transmissions, and it is left to the driver implementation to determine whether the limit will be applied always to the response to the API call, or to any single request made during the API call.

This method can be invoked more than once, such as to set a limit for an area of JDBC code, and to reset to the default on exit from this area. Invocation of this method has no impact on already outstanding requests.

The Statement.setQueryTimeout() timeout value is independent of the timeout value specified in setNetworkTimeout. If the query timeout expires before the network timeout then the statement execution will be canceled. If the network is still active the result will be that both the statement and connection are still usable. However if the network timeout expires before the query timeout or if the statement timeout fails due to network problems, the connection will be marked as closed, any resources held by the connection will be released and both the connection and statement will be unusable.

When the driver determines that the setNetworkTimeout timeout value has expired, the JDBC driver marks the connection closed and releases any resources held by the connection.

This method checks to see that there is an SQLPermission object before allowing the method to proceed. If a SecurityManager exists and its checkPermission method denies calling setNetworkTimeout, this method throws a java.lang.SecurityException.

  • executor – The Executor implementation which will be used by setNetworkTimeout.
  • milliseconds – The time in milliseconds to wait for the database operation to complete. If the JDBC driver does not support milliseconds, the JDBC driver will round the value up to the nearest second. If the timeout period expires before the operation completes, a SQLException will be thrown. A value of 0 indicates that there is not timeout for database operations.
  • SQLException – if a database access error occurs, this method is called on a closed connection, the executor is null, or the value specified for seconds is less than 0.
  • SecurityException – if a security manager exists and its checkPermission method denies calling setNetworkTimeout.
  • SQLFeatureNotSupportedException – if the JDBC driver does not support this method
See Also:
Since:JDK 1.7 M11 2010/09/10 (b123), HSQLDB 2.0.1
/** * * Sets the maximum period a <code>Connection</code> or * objects created from the <code>Connection</code> * will wait for the database to reply to any one request. If any * request remains unanswered, the waiting method will * return with a <code>SQLException</code>, and the <code>Connection</code> * or objects created from the <code>Connection</code> will be marked as * closed. Any subsequent use of * the objects, with the exception of the <code>close</code>, * <code>isClosed</code> or <code>Connection.isValid</code> * methods, will result in a <code>SQLException</code>. * <p> * <b>Note</b>: This method is intended to address a rare but serious * condition where network partitions can cause threads issuing JDBC calls * to hang uninterruptedly in socket reads, until the OS TCP-TIMEOUT * (typically 10 minutes). This method is related to the * {@link #abort abort() } method which provides an administrator * thread a means to free any such threads in cases where the * JDBC connection is accessible to the administrator thread. * The <code>setNetworkTimeout</code> method will cover cases where * there is no administrator thread, or it has no access to the * connection. This method is severe in it's effects, and should be * given a high enough value so it is never triggered before any more * normal timeouts, such as transaction timeouts. * <p> * JDBC driver implementations may also choose to support the * {@code setNetworkTimeout} method to impose a limit on database * response time, in environments where no network is present. * <p> * Drivers may internally implement some or all of their API calls with * multiple internal driver-database transmissions, and it is left to the * driver implementation to determine whether the limit will be * applied always to the response to the API call, or to any * single request made during the API call. * <p> * * This method can be invoked more than once, such as to set a limit for an * area of JDBC code, and to reset to the default on exit from this area. * Invocation of this method has no impact on already outstanding * requests. * <p> * The {@code Statement.setQueryTimeout()} timeout value is independent of the * timeout value specified in {@code setNetworkTimeout}. If the query timeout * expires before the network timeout then the * statement execution will be canceled. If the network is still * active the result will be that both the statement and connection * are still usable. However if the network timeout expires before * the query timeout or if the statement timeout fails due to network * problems, the connection will be marked as closed, any resources held by * the connection will be released and both the connection and * statement will be unusable. * <p> * When the driver determines that the {@code setNetworkTimeout} timeout * value has expired, the JDBC driver marks the connection * closed and releases any resources held by the connection. * <p> * * This method checks to see that there is an <code>SQLPermission</code> * object before allowing the method to proceed. If a * <code>SecurityManager</code> exists and its * <code>checkPermission</code> method denies calling * <code>setNetworkTimeout</code>, this method throws a * <code>java.lang.SecurityException</code>. * * @param executor The <code>Executor</code> implementation which will * be used by <code>setNetworkTimeout</code>. * @param milliseconds The time in milliseconds to wait for the database * operation * to complete. If the JDBC driver does not support milliseconds, the * JDBC driver will round the value up to the nearest second. If the * timeout period expires before the operation * completes, a SQLException will be thrown. * A value of 0 indicates that there is not timeout for database operations. * @throws java.sql.SQLException if a database access error occurs, this * method is called on a closed connection, * the {@code executor} is {@code null}, * or the value specified for <code>seconds</code> is less than 0. * @throws java.lang.SecurityException if a security manager exists and its * <code>checkPermission</code> method denies calling * <code>setNetworkTimeout</code>. * @exception SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the JDBC driver does not support * this method * @see SecurityManager#checkPermission * @see Statement#setQueryTimeout * @see #getNetworkTimeout * @see #abort * @see java.util.concurrent.Executor * @since JDK 1.7 M11 2010/09/10 (b123), HSQLDB 2.0.1 */
public void setNetworkTimeout(java.util.concurrent.Executor executor, int milliseconds) throws SQLException { checkClosed(); throw JDBCUtil.notSupported(); }
Retrieves the number of milliseconds the driver will wait for a database request to complete. If the limit is exceeded, a SQLException is thrown.
See Also:
Returns:the current timeout limit in milliseconds; zero means there is no limit
Since:JDK 1.7 M11 2010/09/10 (b123), HSQLDB 2.0.1
/** * Retrieves the number of milliseconds the driver will * wait for a database request to complete. * If the limit is exceeded, a * <code>SQLException</code> is thrown. * * @return the current timeout limit in milliseconds; zero means there is * no limit * @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs or * this method is called on a closed <code>Connection</code> * @exception SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the JDBC driver does not support * this method * @see #setNetworkTimeout * @since JDK 1.7 M11 2010/09/10 (b123), HSQLDB 2.0.1 */
public int getNetworkTimeout() throws SQLException { return 0; } //---------------------- internal implementation --------------------------- // -------------------------- Common Attributes ------------------------------
Initial holdability
/** Initial holdability */
int rsHoldability = JDBCResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT;
Properties for the connection
/** Properties for the connection */
HsqlProperties connProperties;
Properties for the session
/** Properties for the session */
HsqlProperties clientProperties;
This connection's interface to the corresponding Session object in the database engine.
/** * This connection's interface to the corresponding Session * object in the database engine. */
SessionInterface sessionProxy;
Is this an internal connection?
/** * Is this an internal connection? */
boolean isInternal;
Is this connection to a network server instance.
/** Is this connection to a network server instance. */
protected boolean isNetConn;
Is this connection closed?
/** * Is this connection closed? */
boolean isClosed;
The first warning in the chain. Null if there are no warnings.
/** The first warning in the chain. Null if there are no warnings. */
private SQLWarning rootWarning;
Synchronizes concurrent modification of the warning chain
/** Synchronizes concurrent modification of the warning chain */
private final Object rootWarning_mutex = new Object();
ID sequence for unnamed savepoints
/** ID sequence for unnamed savepoints */
private int savepointIDSequence;
reuse count in ConnectionPool
/** reuse count in ConnectionPool */
int incarnation;
used by a JDBCPool or other custom ConnectionPool instance
/** used by a JDBCPool or other custom ConnectionPool instance */
boolean isPooled;
used by a JDBCPool or other custom ConnectionPool instance
/** used by a JDBCPool or other custom ConnectionPool instance */
JDBCConnectionEventListener poolEventListener;
connection URL property close_result indicates to close old result when Statement is reused
/** connection URL property close_result indicates to close old result when Statement is reused */
boolean isCloseResultSet;
connection URL property use_column_name indicates to return column name in ResultMetadata
/** connection URL property use_column_name indicates to return column name in ResultMetadata */
boolean isUseColumnName = true;
database property for translation of INTERVAL types to VARCHAR
/** database property for translation of INTERVAL types to VARCHAR */
boolean isTranslateTTIType = true;
connection URL property allow_empty_batch indicates to accept executeBatch() when the batch is empty
/** connection URL property allow_empty_batch indicates to accept executeBatch() when the batch is empty */
boolean isEmptyBatchAllowed = false;
database URL property hsqldb.live_object indicates to store non-serialized object in OTHER columns
/** database URL property hsqldb.live_object indicates to store non-serialized object in OTHER columns */
boolean isStoreLiveObject = false;
Constructs a new external Connection to an HSQLDB Database.

This constructor is called on behalf of the java.sql.DriverManager when getting a Connection for use in normal (external) client code.

Internal client code, that being code located in HSQLDB SQL functions and stored procedures, receives an INTERNAL connection constructed by the JDBCConnection(SessionInterface) constructor.

  • props – A Properties object containing the connection properties
  • SQLException – when the user/password combination is invalid, the connection url is invalid, or the Database is unavailable.

    The Database may be unavailable for a number of reasons, including network problems or the fact that it may already be in use by another process.

/** * Constructs a new external <code>Connection</code> to an HSQLDB * <code>Database</code>. <p> * * This constructor is called on behalf of the * <code>java.sql.DriverManager</code> when getting a * <code>Connection</code> for use in normal (external) * client code. <p> * * Internal client code, that being code located in HSQLDB SQL * functions and stored procedures, receives an INTERNAL * connection constructed by the {@link * #JDBCConnection(org.hsqldb.SessionInterface) * JDBCConnection(SessionInterface)} constructor. <p> * * @param props A <code>Properties</code> object containing the connection * properties * @exception SQLException when the user/password combination is * invalid, the connection url is invalid, or the * <code>Database</code> is unavailable. <p> * * The <code>Database</code> may be unavailable for a number * of reasons, including network problems or the fact that it * may already be in use by another process. */
public JDBCConnection(HsqlProperties props) throws SQLException { String user = props.getProperty("user"); String password = props.getProperty("password"); String connType = props.getProperty("connection_type"); String host = props.getProperty("host"); int port = props.getIntegerProperty("port", 0); String path = props.getProperty("path"); String database = props.getProperty("database"); boolean isTLS = (DatabaseURL.S_HSQLS.equals(connType) || DatabaseURL.S_HTTPS.equals(connType)); boolean isTLSWrapper = props.isPropertyTrue(HsqlDatabaseProperties.url_tls_wrapper, false); isTLSWrapper &= isTLS; if (user == null) { user = "SA"; } if (password == null) { password = ""; } Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); int zoneSeconds = HsqlDateTime.getZoneSeconds(cal); try { if (DatabaseURL.isInProcessDatabaseType(connType)) { /** * @todo - fredt - this should be the only static reference to * a core class (apart form references to the Type package) * from the jdbc package - we might make it dynamic */ sessionProxy = DatabaseManager.newSession(connType, database, user, password, props, null, zoneSeconds); } else if (DatabaseURL.S_HSQL.equals(connType) || DatabaseURL.S_HSQLS.equals(connType)) { sessionProxy = new ClientConnection(host, port, path, database, isTLS, isTLSWrapper, user, password, zoneSeconds); isNetConn = true; } else if (DatabaseURL.S_HTTP.equals(connType) || DatabaseURL.S_HTTPS.equals(connType)) { sessionProxy = new ClientConnectionHTTP(host, port, path, database, isTLS, isTLSWrapper, user, password, zoneSeconds); isNetConn = true; } else { // alias: type not yet implemented throw JDBCUtil.invalidArgument(connType); } sessionProxy.setJDBCConnection(this); connProperties = props; clientProperties = sessionProxy.getClientProperties(); setLocalVariables(); } catch (HsqlException e) { throw JDBCUtil.sqlException(e); } }
Constructs an INTERNAL Connection, using the specified SessionInterface.

This constructor is called only on behalf of an existing Session (the internal parallel of a Connection), to be used as a parameter to a SQL function or stored procedure that needs to execute in the context of that Session.

When a Java SQL function or stored procedure is called and its first parameter is of type Connection, HSQLDB automatically notices this and constructs an INTERNAL Connection using the current Session. HSQLDB then passes this Connection in the first parameter position, moving any other parameter values specified in the SQL statement to the right by one position.

To read more about this, see Routine.


Starting with HSQLDB 1.7.2, INTERNAL connections are not closed by a call to close() or by a SQL DISCONNECT. For HSQLDB developers not involved with writing database internals, this change only applies to connections obtained automatically from the database as the first parameter to Java stored procedures and functions. This is mainly an issue to developers writing custom SQL function and stored procedure libraries for HSQLDB. Presently, it is recommended that SQL function and stored procedure code avoid depending on closing or issuing a DISCONNECT on a connection obtained in this manner.

  • c – the Session requesting the construction of this Connection
See Also:
/** * Constructs an <code>INTERNAL</code> <code>Connection</code>, * using the specified {@link org.hsqldb.SessionInterface * SessionInterface}. <p> * * This constructor is called only on behalf of an existing * <code>Session</code> (the internal parallel of a * <code>Connection</code>), to be used as a parameter to a SQL * function or stored procedure that needs to execute in the context * of that <code>Session</code>. <p> * * When a Java SQL function or stored procedure is called and its * first parameter is of type <code>Connection</code>, HSQLDB * automatically notices this and constructs an <code>INTERNAL</code> * <code>Connection</code> using the current <code>Session</code>. * HSQLDB then passes this <code>Connection</code> in the first * parameter position, moving any other parameter values * specified in the SQL statement to the right by one position. * <p> * * To read more about this, see * {@link org.hsqldb.Routine Routine}. <p> * * <B>Notes:</B> <p> * * Starting with HSQLDB 1.7.2, <code>INTERNAL</code> connections are not * closed by a call to close() or by a SQL DISCONNECT. * * For HSQLDB developers not involved with writing database * internals, this change only applies to connections obtained * automatically from the database as the first parameter to * Java stored procedures and functions. This is mainly an issue * to developers writing custom SQL function and stored procedure * libraries for HSQLDB. Presently, it is recommended that SQL function and * stored procedure code avoid depending on closing or issuing a * DISCONNECT on a connection obtained in this manner. <p> * * @param c the Session requesting the construction of this * Connection * @exception HsqlException never (reserved for future use); * @see org.hsqldb.Routine */
public JDBCConnection(SessionInterface c) { // PRE: SessionInterface is non-null isInternal = true; sessionProxy = c; }
Constructor for use with connection pooling and XA.
  • c – the connection
  • eventListener – the listener
/** * Constructor for use with connection pooling and XA. * * @param c the connection * @param eventListener the listener */
public JDBCConnection(JDBCConnection c, JDBCConnectionEventListener eventListener) { sessionProxy = c.sessionProxy; connProperties = c.connProperties; clientProperties = c.clientProperties; isPooled = true; poolEventListener = eventListener; setLocalVariables(); } private void setLocalVariables() { if (connProperties == null) { return; } isCloseResultSet = connProperties.isPropertyTrue( HsqlDatabaseProperties.url_close_result, false); isUseColumnName = connProperties.isPropertyTrue( HsqlDatabaseProperties.url_get_column_name, true); isEmptyBatchAllowed = connProperties.isPropertyTrue( HsqlDatabaseProperties.url_allow_empty_batch, false); isTranslateTTIType = clientProperties.isPropertyTrue( HsqlDatabaseProperties.jdbc_translate_tti_types, true); isStoreLiveObject = clientProperties.isPropertyTrue( HsqlDatabaseProperties.sql_live_object, false); if (isStoreLiveObject) { String connType = connProperties.getProperty("connection_type"); if(!DatabaseURL.S_MEM.equals(connType)) isStoreLiveObject = false; } } synchronized int getSavepointID() { return savepointIDSequence++; }
Retrieves this connection's JDBC url. This method is in support of the JDBCDatabaseMetaData.getURL() method.
Returns:the database connection url with which this object was constructed
/** * Retrieves this connection's JDBC url. * * This method is in support of the JDBCDatabaseMetaData.getURL() method. * @return the database connection url with which this object was * constructed * @throws SQLException if this connection is closed */
synchronized String getURL() throws SQLException { checkClosed(); return isInternal ? sessionProxy.getInternalConnectionURL() : connProperties.getProperty("url"); }
An internal check for closed connections.

  • SQLException – when the connection is closed
/** * An internal check for closed connections. <p> * * @throws SQLException when the connection is closed */
synchronized void checkClosed() throws SQLException { if (isClosed) { throw JDBCUtil.connectionClosedException(); } }
Adds another SQLWarning to this Connection object's warning chain.
  • w – the SQLWarning to add to the chain
/** * Adds another SQLWarning to this Connection object's warning chain. * * @param w the SQLWarning to add to the chain */
void addWarning(SQLWarning w) { // PRE: w is never null synchronized (rootWarning_mutex) { if (rootWarning == null) { rootWarning = w; } else { rootWarning.setNextWarning(w); } } }
Sets the warning chain
/** * Sets the warning chain */
void setWarnings(SQLWarning w) { synchronized (rootWarning_mutex) { rootWarning = w; } }
Resets this connection so it can be used again. Used when connections are returned to a connection pool.
  • SQLException – if a database access error occurs
/** * Resets this connection so it can be used again. Used when connections are * returned to a connection pool. * * @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs */
public void reset() throws SQLException { try { incarnation++; this.sessionProxy.resetSession(); } catch (HsqlException e) { throw JDBCUtil.sqlException(ErrorCode.X_08006, e.getMessage(), e); } }
Completely closes a pooled connection
/** * Completely closes a pooled connection */
public void closeFully() { try { close(); } catch (Throwable t) { // } try { if (sessionProxy != null) { sessionProxy.close(); sessionProxy = null; } } catch (Throwable t) { // } }
provides cross-package access to the proprietary (i.e. non-JDBC) HSQLDB session interface.

Returns:the underlying sessionProxy for this connection
/** * provides cross-package access to the proprietary (i.e. non-JDBC) * HSQLDB session interface. <P> * * @return the underlying sessionProxy for this connection */
public SessionInterface getSession() { return sessionProxy; }
is called from within nativeSQL when the start of an JDBC escape sequence is encountered
/** * is called from within nativeSQL when the start of an JDBC escape sequence is encountered */
private int onStartEscapeSequence(String sql, StringBuilder sb, int i) throws SQLException { sb.append(' '); i++; i = StringUtil.skipSpaces(sql, i); if (sql.regionMatches(true, i, "fn ", 0, 3) || sql.regionMatches(true, i, "oj ", 0, 3)) { i += 2; } else if (sql.regionMatches(true, i, "ts ", 0, 3)) { sb.append("TIMESTAMP"); i += 2; } else if (sql.regionMatches(true, i, "d ", 0, 2)) { sb.append("DATE"); i++; } else if (sql.regionMatches(true, i, "t ", 0, 2)) { sb.append("TIME"); i++; } else if (sql.regionMatches(true, i, "call ", 0, 5)) { sb.append("CALL"); i += 4; } else if (sql.regionMatches(true, i, "?= call ", 0, 8)) { sb.append("CALL"); i += 7; } else if (sql.regionMatches(true, i, "? = call ", 0, 8)) { sb.append("CALL"); i += 8; } else if (sql.regionMatches(true, i, "escape ", 0, 7)) { i += 6; } else { i--; throw JDBCUtil.sqlException(ErrorCode.JDBC_CONNECTION_NATIVE_SQL, sql.substring(i)); } return i; } }