/* Copyright (c) 2001-2019, The HSQL Development Group
 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
 * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
 * list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
 * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
 * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 * Neither the name of the HSQL Development Group nor the names of its
 * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
 * software without specific prior written permission.

package org.hsqldb.cmdline;

import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.io.StringReader;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException;

import org.hsqldb.cmdline.sqltool.Calculator;
import org.hsqldb.cmdline.sqltool.FileRecordReader;
import org.hsqldb.cmdline.sqltool.SqlFileScanner;
import org.hsqldb.cmdline.sqltool.Token;
import org.hsqldb.cmdline.sqltool.TokenList;
import org.hsqldb.cmdline.sqltool.TokenSource;
import org.hsqldb.lib.AppendableException;
import org.hsqldb.lib.FrameworkLogger;
import org.hsqldb.lib.RCData;
import org.hsqldb.lib.StringUtil;

/* $Id: SqlFile.java 5995 2019-06-01 19:06:14Z fredt $ */

Encapsulation of SQL text and the environment under which it will executed with a JDBC Connection. 'SqlInputStream' would be a more precise name, but the content we are talking about here is what is colloqially known as the contents of "SQL file"s.

The file src/org/hsqldb/sample/SqlFileEmbedder.java in the HSQLDB distribution provides an example for using SqlFile to execute SQL files directly from your own Java classes.

The complexities of passing userVars and macros maps are to facilitate strong scoping (among blocks and nested scripts).

Some implementation comments and variable names use keywords based on the following definitions.

  • COMMAND = Statement || SpecialCommand || BufferCommand
  • Statement = SQL statement like "SQL Statement;"
  • SpecialCommand = Special Command like "\x arg..."
  • BufferCommand = Editing/buffer command like ":s/this/that/"

When entering SQL statements, you are always "appending" to the "immediate" command (not the "buffer", which is a different thing). All you can do to the immediate command is append new lines to it, execute it, or save it to buffer. When you are entering a buffer edit command like ":s/this/that/", your immediate command is the buffer-edit-command. The buffer is the command string that you are editing. The buffer usually contains either an exact copy of the last command executed or sent to buffer by entering a blank line, but BUFFER commands can change the contents of the buffer.

In general, the special commands mirror those of Postgresql's psql, but SqlFile handles command editing very differently than Postgresql does, in part because of Java's lack of support for raw tty I/O. The \p special command, in particular, is very different from psql's.

Buffer commands are unique to SQLFile. The ":" commands allow you to edit the buffer and to execute the buffer.

\d commands are very poorly supported for Mysql because (a) Mysql lacks most of the most basic JDBC support elements, and the most basic role and schema features, and (b) to access the Mysql data dictionary, one must change the database instance (to do that would require work to restore the original state and could have disastrous effects upon transactions).

The process*() methods, other than processBuffHist() ALWAYS execute on "buffer", and expect it to contain the method specific prefix (if any).

The input/output Reader/Stream are generally managed by the caller. An exception is that the input reader may be closed automatically or on demand by the user, since in some cases this class builds the Reader. There is no corresponding functionality for output since the user always has control over that object (which may be null or System.out).

Author:Blaine Simpson (blaine dot simpson at admc dot com)
See Also:
Version:$Revision: 5995 $, $Date: 2019-06-01 15:06:14 -0400 (Sat, 01 Jun 2019) $
/** * Encapsulation of SQL text and the environment under which it will executed * with a JDBC Connection. * 'SqlInputStream' would be a more precise name, but the content we are * talking about here is what is colloqially known as the contents of * "SQL file"s. * <P> * The file <CODE>src/org/hsqldb/sample/SqlFileEmbedder.java</CODE> * in the HSQLDB distribution provides an example for using SqlFile to * execute SQL files directly from your own Java classes. * <P> * The complexities of passing userVars and macros maps are to facilitate * strong scoping (among blocks and nested scripts). * <P> * Some implementation comments and variable names use keywords based * on the following definitions. <UL> * <LI> COMMAND = Statement || SpecialCommand || BufferCommand * <LI>Statement = SQL statement like "SQL Statement;" * <LI>SpecialCommand = Special Command like "\x arg..." * <LI>BufferCommand = Editing/buffer command like ":s/this/that/" * </UL> * <P> * When entering SQL statements, you are always "appending" to the * "immediate" command (not the "buffer", which is a different thing). * All you can do to the immediate command is append new lines to it, * execute it, or save it to buffer. * When you are entering a buffer edit command like ":s/this/that/", * your immediate command is the buffer-edit-command. The buffer * is the command string that you are editing. * The buffer usually contains either an exact copy of the last command * executed or sent to buffer by entering a blank line, * but BUFFER commands can change the contents of the buffer. * <P> * In general, the special commands mirror those of Postgresql's psql, * but SqlFile handles command editing very differently than Postgresql * does, in part because of Java's lack of support for raw tty I/O. * The \p special command, in particular, is very different from psql's. * <P> * Buffer commands are unique to SQLFile. The ":" commands allow * you to edit the buffer and to execute the buffer. * <P> * \d commands are very poorly supported for Mysql because * (a) Mysql lacks most of the most basic JDBC support elements, and * the most basic role and schema features, and * (b) to access the Mysql data dictionary, one must change the database * instance (to do that would require work to restore the original state * and could have disastrous effects upon transactions). * <P> * The process*() methods, other than processBuffHist() ALWAYS execute * on "buffer", and expect it to contain the method specific prefix * (if any). * <P> * The input/output Reader/Stream are generally managed by the caller. * An exception is that the input reader may be closed automatically or on * demand by the user, since in some cases this class builds the Reader. * There is no corresponding functionality for output since the user always * has control over that object (which may be null or System.out). * * @see <a href="../../../../util-guide/sqltool-chapt.html" target="guide"> * The SqlTool chapter of the * HyperSQL Utilities Guide</a> * @see org.hsqldb.sample.SqlFileEmbedder * @version $Revision: 5995 $, $Date: 2019-06-01 15:06:14 -0400 (Sat, 01 Jun 2019) $ * @author Blaine Simpson (blaine dot simpson at admc dot com) */
public class SqlFile { private enum Recursion { FILE, IF, WHILE, FOREACH, FOR, FORROWS } private static FrameworkLogger logger = FrameworkLogger.getLog(SqlFile.class); private static final int DEFAULT_HISTORY_SIZE = 40; private boolean executing; private boolean permitEmptySqlStatements; private boolean interactive; private String primaryPrompt = "sql> "; private static String rawPrompt; private static Method createArrayOfMethod; private String contPrompt = " +> "; private boolean htmlMode; private TokenList history;
Platform-specific line separator
/** Platform-specific line separator */
public static final String LS = System.getProperty("line.separator"); private int maxHistoryLength = 1; // TODO: Implement PL variable to interactively change history length. // Study to be sure this won't cause state inconsistencies. private boolean reportTimes; private Reader reader; // Reader serves the auxiliary purpose of null meaning execute() // has finished. private String inputStreamLabel; private URL atBase; private boolean dsvTrimAll; private boolean ignoreBangStatus; private boolean allQuoted; private boolean doPrepare; private static String DSV_X_SYNTAX_MSG; private static String DSV_M_SYNTAX_MSG; private static String nobufferYetString; private String prepareVar; private int dsvRecordsPerCommit = 0; static String DEFAULT_FILE_ENCODING = System.getProperty("file.encoding"); // These settings are never null private String nullRepToken; // May be "" private String nullRepHtml; // May be "" private String dsvColDelim; // May NOT be "" private String dsvColSplitter; // May NOT be "" private String dsvRowDelim; // May NOT be "" private String dsvRowSplitter; // May NOT be "" private String dsvConstCols; // May NOT be "" private String dsvSkipPrefix; // May not be "" // Following may be null but not "" private String dsvSkipCols; private String dsvTargetFile; private String dsvTargetTable; private String dsvRejectFile; private String dsvRejectReport; private String topHtmlFile; private String bottomHtmlFile; private SimpleDateFormat timestampFormat;
N.b. javax.util.regex Optional capture groups (...)? are completely unpredictable wrt whether you get a null capture group vs. no capture. Must always check count!
/** * N.b. javax.util.regex Optional capture groups (...)? are completely * unpredictable wrt whether you get a null capture group vs. no capture. * Must always check count! */
private static Pattern varPattern = Pattern.compile("\\*?[a-zA-Z]\\w*"); private static Pattern wordAndDotPattern = Pattern.compile("[\\w.]+"); private static Pattern specialPattern = Pattern.compile("(\\S+)(?:\\s(.*))?"); private static Pattern plPattern = Pattern.compile("(.*\\S)?\\s*"); private static Pattern mathAsgnPattern = Pattern.compile( "\\(\\(\\s*([a-zA-Z]\\w*)\\s*([-+*/%][-+=])\\s*(.+?)?\\s*\\)\\)\\s*"); private static Pattern mathPattern = Pattern.compile( "\\(\\(\\s*([a-zA-Z]\\w*)\\s*=\\s*(.+?)?\\s*\\)\\)\\s*"); private static Pattern foreachPattern = Pattern.compile("foreach\\s+(\\S+)\\s*\\(([^)]+)\\)\\s*"); private static Pattern forrowsPattern = Pattern.compile("forrows((?:\\s+[a-zA-Z]\\w*)*)\\s*"); private static Pattern forPattern = Pattern.compile( "for\\s+(\\(\\(.+\\)\\))?\\s*(\\([^)]+\\))\\s*(\\(\\(.+\\)\\))\\s*"); private static Pattern ifwhilePattern = Pattern.compile("\\S+\\s*\\(([^)]*)\\)\\s*"); private static Pattern inlineifPattern = Pattern.compile("(if\\s*\\([^)]*\\))(.*\\S.*)"); private static Pattern varsetPattern = Pattern.compile("(\\S+)\\s*([=_~:])(.*)?"); private static Pattern substitutionPattern = Pattern.compile("(\\S)(.+?)\\1(.*?)\\1(.+?)?\\s*"); // Note that this pattern does not include the leading ":s". private static Pattern slashHistoryPattern = Pattern.compile("\\s*/([^/]+)/\\s*(\\S.*)?"); private static Pattern historyPattern = Pattern.compile("\\s*(-?\\d+)?\\s*(\\S.*)?"); // Note that this pattern does not include the leading ":". private static Pattern wincmdPattern; private static Pattern useMacroPattern = Pattern.compile("(\\w+)(\\s.*[^;])?(;?)"); private static Pattern useFnPattern = Pattern.compile("(\\w+\\()\\s*([^;)]*?)\\s*\\)(.*)"); private static Pattern legacyEditMacroPattern = Pattern.compile("(\\w+(?:\\(\\))?)\\s*:(.*)"); private static Pattern editMacroPattern = Pattern.compile(":\\s(\\w+(?:\\(\\))?)(?:\\s(.*))?"); private static Pattern spMacroPattern = Pattern.compile("(\\w+(?:\\(\\))?)\\s+([*\\\\])(.*\\S)"); private static Pattern sqlMacroPattern = Pattern.compile("(\\w+(?:\\(\\))?)\\s+(.*\\S)"); private static Pattern integerPattern = Pattern.compile("\\d+"); private static Pattern nameValPairPattern = Pattern.compile("\\s*(\\w+)\\s*=(.*)"); // Specifically permits 0-length values, but not names. private static Pattern dotPattern = Pattern.compile("(\\w*)\\.(\\w*)"); private static Pattern commitOccursPattern = Pattern.compile("(?is)(?:set\\s+autocommit.*)|(commit\\s*)"); private static Pattern logPattern = Pattern.compile("(?i)(FINER|WARNING|SEVERE|INFO|FINEST)\\s+(.*\\S)"); private static Pattern arrayPattern = Pattern.compile("ARRAY\\s*\\[\\s*(.*\\S)?\\s*\\]"); private static Pattern fnParamPat = Pattern.compile("\\*\\{(:)?(\\d+)\\}"); static final Pattern URL_WITH_PROTO_RE = Pattern.compile("[a-z]{2,}:.+"); private static Map<String, Pattern> nestingPLCommands = new HashMap<String, Pattern>(); private static Map<String, Pattern> inlineNestPLCommands = new HashMap<String, Pattern>(); static { nestingPLCommands.put("if", ifwhilePattern); nestingPLCommands.put("while", ifwhilePattern); nestingPLCommands.put("foreach", foreachPattern); nestingPLCommands.put("forrows", forrowsPattern); nestingPLCommands.put("for", forPattern); inlineNestPLCommands.put("if", inlineifPattern); if (System.getProperty("os.name").startsWith("Windows")) wincmdPattern = Pattern.compile("([^\"]+)?(\"[^\"]*\")?"); rawPrompt = SqltoolRB.rawmode_prompt.getString() + "> "; DSV_OPTIONS_TEXT = SqltoolRB.dsv_options.getString(); D_OPTIONS_TEXT = SqltoolRB.d_options.getString(); DSV_X_SYNTAX_MSG = SqltoolRB.dsv_x_syntax.getString(); DSV_M_SYNTAX_MSG = SqltoolRB.dsv_m_syntax.getString(); nobufferYetString = SqltoolRB.nobuffer_yet.getString(); try { SqlFile.createArrayOfMethod = Connection.class.getDeclaredMethod( "createArrayOf", String.class, Object[].class); } catch (Exception expectedException) { // Purposeful no-op. Leave createArrayOfMethod null. } } // This can throw a runtime exception, but since the pattern // Strings are constant, one test run of the program will tell // if the patterns are good. private boolean removeEmptyVars() { String sysP = System.getProperty("sqltool.REMOVE_EMPTY_VARS"); return sysP != null && Boolean.parseBoolean(sysP); }
Encapsulate updating local variables which depend upon PL variables.

Right now this is called whenever the user variable map is changed. It would be more efficient to do it JIT by keeping track of when the vars may be "dirty" by a variable map change, and having all methods that use the settings call a conditional updater, but that is less reliable since there is no way to guarantee that the vars are not used without checking. TODO: Could do what is needed by making a Map subclass with overridden setters which enforce dirtiness.

/** * Encapsulate updating local variables which depend upon PL variables. * <P> * Right now this is called whenever the user variable map is changed. * It would be more efficient to do it JIT by keeping track of when * the vars may be "dirty" by a variable map change, and having all * methods that use the settings call a conditional updater, but that * is less reliable since there is no way to guarantee that the vars * are not used without checking. * TODO: Could do what is needed by making a Map subclass with * overridden setters which enforce dirtiness. * <P/> */
private void updateUserSettings() { // Unset those system userVars where empty string makes no sense. String varVal; if (shared.userVars.containsKey("NULL") || shared.userVars.containsKey("*NULL")) { errprintln(SqltoolRB.null_assignment.getString()); shared.userVars.remove("NULL"); shared.userVars.remove("*NULL"); } for (String noEmpty : new String[] { "DSV_SKIP_COLS", "DSV_COL_DELIM", "TIMESTAMP_FORMAT", "DSV_COL_SPLITTER", "DSV_ROW_DELIM", "DSV_ROW_SPLITTER", "DSV_TARGET_FILE", "DSV_TARGET_TABLE", "DSV_CONST_COLS", "DSV_REJECT_FILE", "DSV_REJECT_REPORT", "DSV_RECORDS_PER_COMMIT", }) { varVal = shared.userVars.get('*' + noEmpty); if (varVal == null || varVal.length() > 0) { continue; } if (!removeEmptyVars()) { errprintln(SqltoolRB.auto_unset_warning.getString(noEmpty)); } shared.userVars.remove('*' + noEmpty); } // Null/empty policy of *DSV_SKIP_PREFIX variable is very different // from that of our dsvSkipPrefix local variable. // *DSV... null -> dsv* default // *DSV... "" -> dsv* null // There is no dsv* of "" dsvSkipPrefix = SqlFile.convertEscapes( shared.userVars.get("*DSV_SKIP_PREFIX")); if (dsvSkipPrefix == null) { dsvSkipPrefix = DEFAULT_SKIP_PREFIX; } else if (dsvSkipPrefix.length() < 1) { dsvSkipPrefix = null; } dsvSkipCols = shared.userVars.get("*DSV_SKIP_COLS"); dsvTrimAll = Boolean.parseBoolean( shared.userVars.get("*DSV_TRIM_ALL")); ignoreBangStatus = Boolean.parseBoolean( shared.userVars.get("*IGNORE_BANG_STATUS")); allQuoted = Boolean.parseBoolean( shared.userVars.get("*ALL_QUOTED")); dsvColDelim = SqlFile.convertEscapes( shared.userVars.get("*DSV_COL_DELIM")); if (dsvColDelim == null) dsvColDelim = DEFAULT_COL_DELIM; dsvColSplitter = shared.userVars.get("*DSV_COL_SPLITTER"); if (dsvColSplitter == null) dsvColSplitter = DEFAULT_COL_SPLITTER; dsvRowDelim = SqlFile.convertEscapes( shared.userVars.get("*DSV_ROW_DELIM")); if (dsvRowDelim == null) dsvRowDelim = DEFAULT_ROW_DELIM; dsvRowSplitter = shared.userVars.get("*DSV_ROW_SPLITTER"); if (dsvRowSplitter == null) dsvRowSplitter = DEFAULT_ROW_SPLITTER; dsvTargetFile = shared.userVars.get("*DSV_TARGET_FILE"); dsvTargetTable = shared.userVars.get("*DSV_TARGET_TABLE"); dsvConstCols = shared.userVars.get("*DSV_CONST_COLS"); dsvRejectFile = shared.userVars.get("*DSV_REJECT_FILE"); dsvRejectReport = shared.userVars.get("*DSV_REJECT_REPORT"); topHtmlFile = shared.userVars.get("*TOP_HTMLFRAG_FILE"); bottomHtmlFile = shared.userVars.get("*BOTTOM_HTMLFRAG_FILE"); dsvRecordsPerCommit = 0; if (shared.userVars.get("*DSV_RECORDS_PER_COMMIT") != null) try { dsvRecordsPerCommit = Integer.parseInt( shared.userVars.get("*DSV_RECORDS_PER_COMMIT")); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { errprintln(SqltoolRB.reject_rpc.getString( shared.userVars.get("*DSV_RECORDS_PER_COMMIT"))); shared.userVars.remove("*DSV_RECORDS_PER_COMMIT"); } nullRepToken = convertEscapes(shared.userVars.get("*NULL_REP_TOKEN")); if (nullRepToken == null) nullRepToken = DEFAULT_NULL_REP; nullRepHtml = shared.userVars.get("*NULL_REP_HTML"); if (nullRepHtml == null) nullRepHtml = DEFAULT_NULL_HTML; timestampFormat = null; String formatString = shared.userVars.get("*TIMESTAMP_FORMAT"); if (formatString != null) try { timestampFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(formatString); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { errprintln(SqltoolRB.bad_time_format.getString( formatString, iae.getMessage())); shared.userVars.remove("*TIMESTAMP_FORMAT"); } }
Private class to "share" attributes among a family of SqlFile instances.
/** * Private class to "share" attributes among a family of SqlFile instances. */
private static class SharedFields { /* Since SqlTool can run against different versions of HSQLDB (plus * against any JDBC database), it can't make assumptions about * commands which may cause implicit commits, or commit state * requirements with specific databases may have for specific SQL * statements. Therefore, we just assume that any statement other * than COMMIT or SET AUTOCOMMIT causes an implicit COMMIT (the * Java API spec mandates that setting AUTOCOMMIT causes an implicit * COMMIT, regardless of whether turning AUTOCOMMIT on or off). */ boolean possiblyUncommitteds; Connection jdbcConn; // Since we enforce non-null mapping values, userVars.get(key) of null // always means that that the map does not contain the specified key. Map<String, String> userVars = new HashMap<String, String>(); Map<String, Token> macros = new HashMap<String, Token>(); PrintStream psStd; SharedFields(PrintStream psStd) { this.psStd = psStd; } String encoding; } private SharedFields shared; private static final String DIVIDER = "-----------------------------------------------------------------" + "-----------------------------------------------------------------"; // Needs to be at least as wide as the widest field or header displayed. private static final String revString = "$Revision: 5995 $"; private static final int revStringLength = revString.length(); private static final String revnum = (revStringLength - " $".length() > "$Revision: ".length()) ? revString.substring("$Revision: ".length(), revStringLength - " $".length()) : "<UNTRACKED>"; private static String DSV_OPTIONS_TEXT; private static String D_OPTIONS_TEXT;
Convenience wrapper for the SqlFile(File, String) constructor
  • inputFile – input file
See Also:
/** * Convenience wrapper for the SqlFile(File, String) constructor * @param inputFile input file * @throws IOException on read errors * @see #SqlFile(File, String) */
public SqlFile(final File inputFile) throws IOException { this(new URL("file", null, inputFile.getPath()), null); } public SqlFile(final URL inputUrl) throws IOException { this(inputUrl, null); }
Convenience wrapper for the SqlFile(File, String, boolean) constructor
  • inputFile – the input File
  • encoding – is applied to both the given File and other files read in or written out. Null will use your env+JVM settings.
See Also:
/** * Convenience wrapper for the SqlFile(File, String, boolean) constructor * * @param inputFile the input File * @param encoding is applied to both the given File and other files read * in or written out. Null will use your env+JVM settings. * @throws IOException on read errors * @see #SqlFile(File, String, boolean) */
public SqlFile(final File inputFile, final String encoding) throws IOException { this(new URL("file", null, inputFile.getPath()), encoding, false); } public SqlFile(final URL inputUrl, final String encoding) throws IOException { this(inputUrl, encoding, false); }
Constructor for non-interactive usage with a SQL file, using the specified encoding and sending normal output to stdout.
  • inputFile – the input File
  • encoding – is applied to the given File and other files read in or written out. Null will use your env+JVM settings.
  • interactive – If true, prompts are printed, the interactive Special commands are enabled, and continueOnError defaults to true.
See Also:
/** * Constructor for non-interactive usage with a SQL file, using the * specified encoding and sending normal output to stdout. * * @param inputFile the input File * @param encoding is applied to the given File and other files * read in or written out. Null will use your env+JVM settings. * @param interactive If true, prompts are printed, the interactive * Special commands are enabled, and * continueOnError defaults to true. * @throws IOException on read errors * @see #SqlFile(Reader, String, PrintStream, String, boolean, File) */
public SqlFile(final File inputFile, final String encoding, final boolean interactive) throws IOException { this(new URL("file", null, inputFile.getPath()), encoding, interactive); } public SqlFile(final URL inputUrl, final String encoding, final boolean interactive) throws IOException { this(new InputStreamReader(inputUrl.openStream(), (encoding == null) ? DEFAULT_FILE_ENCODING : encoding), inputUrl.toString(), System.out, encoding, interactive, inputUrl); }
Constructor for interactive usage with stdin/stdout
  • encoding – is applied to other files read in or written out (but not to stdin or stdout). Null will use your env+JVM settings.
  • interactive – If true, prompts are printed, the interactive Special commands are enabled, and continueOnError defaults to true.
See Also:
/** * Constructor for interactive usage with stdin/stdout * * @param encoding is applied to other files read in or written out (but * not to stdin or stdout). * Null will use your env+JVM settings. * @param interactive If true, prompts are printed, the interactive * Special commands are enabled, and * continueOnError defaults to true. * @throws IOException on read errors * @see #SqlFile(Reader, String, PrintStream, String, boolean, File) */
public SqlFile(final String encoding, final boolean interactive) throws IOException { this((encoding == null) ? new InputStreamReader(System.in) : new InputStreamReader(System.in, encoding), "<stdin>", System.out, encoding, interactive, (URL) null); }
Legacy constructor. See following constructor for documentation.
/** * Legacy constructor. See following constructor for documentation. * */
public SqlFile(final Reader reader, final String inputStreamLabel, final PrintStream psStd, final String encoding, final boolean interactive, final File atBaseFile) throws IOException { this(reader, inputStreamLabel, psStd, encoding, interactive, atBaseFile == null ? ((URL) null) : new URL("file", null, atBaseFile.getPath())); }
Instantiate a SqlFile instance for SQL input from 'reader'. After any needed customization, the SQL can be executed by the execute method.

Most Special Commands and many Buffer commands are only for interactive use.

This program never writes to an error stream (stderr or alternative). All meta messages and error messages are written using the logging facility.

  • reader – Source for the SQL to be executed. Caller is responsible for setting up encoding. (the 'encoding' parameter will NOT be applied to this reader).
  • inputStreamLabel – the lable
  • psStd – PrintStream for normal output. If null, normal output will be discarded. Caller is responsible for settingup encoding (the 'encoding' parameter will NOT be applied to this stream).
  • encoding – the encoding
  • interactive – If true, prompts are printed, the interactive Special commands are enabled, and continueOnError defaults to true.
  • atBase – the base dir
See Also:
/** * Instantiate a SqlFile instance for SQL input from 'reader'. * * After any needed customization, the SQL can be executed by the * execute method. * <P> * Most Special Commands and many Buffer commands are only for * interactive use. * </P> <P> * This program never writes to an error stream (stderr or alternative). * All meta messages and error messages are written using the logging * facility. * </P> * * @param reader Source for the SQL to be executed. * Caller is responsible for setting up encoding. * (the 'encoding' parameter will NOT be applied * to this reader). * @param inputStreamLabel the lable * @param psStd PrintStream for normal output. * If null, normal output will be discarded. * Caller is responsible for settingup encoding * (the 'encoding' parameter will NOT be applied * to this stream). * @param encoding the encoding * @param interactive If true, prompts are printed, the interactive * Special commands are enabled, and * continueOnError defaults to true. * @param atBase the base dir * @throws IOException on read errors * @see #execute() */
public SqlFile(final Reader reader, final String inputStreamLabel, final PrintStream psStd, final String encoding, final boolean interactive, final URL atBase) throws IOException { this(reader, inputStreamLabel, atBase); try { shared = new SharedFields(psStd); try { String hostName = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName(); shared.userVars.put("*HOSTNAME", hostName); shared.userVars.put( "*HOST", hostName.replaceFirst("[.].*$", "")); } catch (UnknownHostException uhe) { // Purposefully empty. // We made a best effort but can't populate the *HOST variables. } shared.userVars.put( "*START_TIME", (new java.util.Date()).toString()); shared.userVars.put("*REVISION", revnum); shared.userVars.put("?", ""); shared.userVars.put("#", "0"); setEncoding(encoding); this.interactive = interactive; continueOnError = this.interactive; if (interactive) { history = new TokenList(); maxHistoryLength = DEFAULT_HISTORY_SIZE; } // Updates local vars basd on * shared.userVars // even when (like now) these are all defaults. } catch (IOException ioe) { closeReader(); throw ioe; } catch (RuntimeException re) { closeReader(); throw re; } }
Wrapper for SqlFile(SqlFile, Reader, String)
See Also:
  • SqlFile(SqlFile, Reader, String)
/** * Wrapper for SqlFile(SqlFile, Reader, String) * * @see #SqlFile(SqlFile, Reader, String) */
private SqlFile(final SqlFile parentSqlFile, final URL inputUrl) throws IOException { this(parentSqlFile, new InputStreamReader(inputUrl.openStream(), (parentSqlFile.shared.encoding == null) ? DEFAULT_FILE_ENCODING : parentSqlFile.shared.encoding), inputUrl.toString(), inputUrl); }
Constructor for recursion
/** * Constructor for recursion */
private SqlFile(final SqlFile parentSqlFile, final Reader reader, final String inputStreamLabel, final URL atBase) throws MalformedURLException { this(reader, inputStreamLabel, atBase); try { recursed = Recursion.FILE; shared = parentSqlFile.shared; // shared.userVars.put("?", ""); Don't destroy this useful value! interactive = false; continueOnError = parentSqlFile.continueOnError; // Nested input is non-interactive because it just can't work to // have user append to edit buffer, and displaying prompts would // be misleading and inappropriate; yet we will inherit the current // continueOnError behavior. } catch (RuntimeException re) { closeReader(); throw re; } }
Base Constructor which every other Constructor starts with
/** * Base Constructor which every other Constructor starts with */
private SqlFile(final Reader reader, final String inputStreamLabel, final URL atBase) throws MalformedURLException { logger.privlog(Level.FINER, "<init>ting SqlFile instance", null, 2, FrameworkLogger.class); if (reader == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("'reader' may not be null"); if (inputStreamLabel == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "'inputStreamLabel' may not be null"); // Don't try to verify reader.ready() here, since we require it to be // reayd to read only in execute(), plus in many caess it's useful for // execute() to block. this.reader = reader; this.inputStreamLabel = inputStreamLabel; this.atBase = (atBase == null) ? new URL("file", null, ".") : atBase; } public void setConnection(final Connection jdbcConn) { if (jdbcConn == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "We don't yet support unsetting the JDBC Connection"); shared.jdbcConn = jdbcConn; } public Connection getConnection() { return shared.jdbcConn; } public void setContinueOnError(final boolean continueOnError) { this.continueOnError = continueOnError; } public void setMaxHistoryLength(final int maxHistoryLength) { if (executing) throw new IllegalStateException( "Can't set maxHistoryLength after execute() has been called"); if (reader == null) throw new IllegalStateException( "Can't set maxHistoryLength execute() has run"); this.maxHistoryLength = maxHistoryLength; } public void addMacros(final Map<String, Token> newMacros) { shared.macros.putAll(newMacros); } public void addUserVars(final Map<String, String> newUserVars) { for (String val : newUserVars.values()) { if (val == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Null mapping values not allowed"); } shared.userVars.putAll(newUserVars); List<String> strangeVars = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String name : newUserVars.keySet()) if (!name.equals("?") && !name.equals("#") && !varPattern.matcher(name).matches()) strangeVars.add(name); if (strangeVars.size() > 0) errprintln(SqltoolRB.varname_warning.getString( strangeVars.toString())); sqlExpandMode = null; }
Get a reference to the user variable map. Since you are getting a reference to the private map used inside this class, update this map with great caution and attention to lifecycle handling of the variable map.
Returns:user variable map
/** * Get a reference to the user variable map. * * Since you are getting a reference to the private map used inside this * class, update this map with great caution and attention to lifecycle * handling of the variable map. * * @return user variable map */
public Map<String, String> getUserVars() { return shared.userVars; } public Map<String, Token> getMacros() { // Consider whether safer to return a deep copy. Probably. return shared.macros; }
This sets the instance variable and the corresponding PL variable.
  • newEncoding – may be null to revert to using defaults again.
/** * This sets the instance variable and the corresponding PL variable. * * @param newEncoding may be null to revert to using defaults again. */
private void setEncoding(final String newEncoding) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { if (newEncoding == null || newEncoding.length() < 1) { shared.encoding = null; shared.userVars.remove("*ENCODING"); return; } if (!Charset.isSupported(newEncoding)) throw new UnsupportedEncodingException(newEncoding); shared.userVars.put("*ENCODING", newEncoding); shared.encoding = newEncoding; } // So we can tell how to handle quit and break commands. private Recursion recursed; private PrintWriter pwQuery; private PrintWriter pwDsv; private boolean continueOnError; /* * This is reset upon each execute() invocation (to true if interactive, * false otherwise). */ private SqlFileScanner scanner; private Token buffer, prevToken; private boolean preempt; private String lastSqlStatement; private boolean autoClose = true; private boolean csvStyleQuoting;
Specify whether the supplied or generated input Reader should automatically be closed by the execute() method.

execute() will close the Reader by default (i.e. 'autoClose' defaults to true). You may want to set this to false if you want to stop execution with \q or similar, then continue using the Reader or underlying Stream.

The caller is always responsible for closing the output object (if any) used by SqlFile.

  • autoClose – boolean
/** * Specify whether the supplied or generated input Reader should * automatically be closed by the execute() method. * <P> * execute() will close the Reader by default (i.e. 'autoClose' defaults * to true). * You may want to set this to false if you want to stop execution with * \q or similar, then continue using the Reader or underlying Stream. * <P> * The caller is always responsible for closing the output object (if any) * used by SqlFile. * * @param autoClose boolean */
public void setAutoClose(final boolean autoClose) { this.autoClose = autoClose; }
Process all the commands from the file or Reader associated with "this" object. SQL commands in the content get executed against the current JDBC data source connection.
  • SQLException – thrown by JDBC driver. Only possible if in "\c false" mode.
  • SqlToolError – all other errors. This includes including QuitNow, BreakException, ContinueException for recursive calls only.
/** * Process all the commands from the file or Reader associated with * "this" object. * SQL commands in the content get executed against the current JDBC * data source connection. * * @throws SQLException thrown by JDBC driver. * Only possible if in "\c false" mode. * @throws SqlToolError all other errors. * This includes including QuitNow, BreakException, * ContinueException for recursive calls only. */
synchronized public void execute() throws SqlToolError, SQLException { if (reader == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Can't call execute() " + "more than once for a single SqlFile instance"); updateUserSettings(); try { scanner = new SqlFileScanner(reader); scanner.setStdPrintStream(shared.psStd); scanner.setRawLeadinPrompt(SqltoolRB.raw_leadin.getString()); if (interactive) { stdprintln(SqltoolRB.SqlFile_banner.getString(revnum)); scanner.setRawPrompt(rawPrompt); scanner.setSqlPrompt(contPrompt); scanner.setSqltoolPrompt(primaryPrompt); scanner.setInteractive(true); if (shared.jdbcConn == null) stdprintln(SqltoolRB.suggest_j.getString()); stdprint(primaryPrompt); } scanpass(scanner); } finally { try { closeQueryOutputStream(); if (autoClose) closeReader(); } finally { reader = null; // Encourage GC of buffers } } }
Close the reader. The execute method will run this automatically, by default.
/** * Close the reader. * * The execute method will run this automatically, by default. */
public void closeReader() { if (reader == null) return; try { if (scanner != null) try { scanner.yyclose(); } catch (IOException ioe) { errprintln(SqltoolRB.pipeclose_failure.getString(ioe)); } try { reader.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { // Purposefully empty. // The reader will usually already be closed at this point. } } finally { reader = null; // Encourage GC of buffers } }
If command is not an inline-nest command, returns null;
Returns:Matcher which has already successfully .matched() or null
/** * If command is not an inline-nest command, returns null; * * @return Matcher which has already successfully .matched() or null */
private Matcher inlineNestMatcher(Token token) throws BadSpecial { if (token.type != Token.PL_TYPE) return null; // The scanner assures that val is non-null for PL_TYPEs. String commandWord = token.val.replaceFirst("\\s.*", ""); if (!inlineNestPLCommands.containsKey(commandWord)) return null; Pattern pattern = inlineNestPLCommands.get(commandWord); Matcher m = pattern.matcher(token.val); return m.matches() ? m : null; }
Returns normalized nesting command String, like "if" or "foreach". If command is not a nesting command, returns null; If there's a proper command String, but the entire PL command is malformatted, throws.
/** * Returns normalized nesting command String, like "if" or "foreach". * If command is not a nesting command, returns null; * If there's a proper command String, but the entire PL command is * malformatted, throws. */
private String nestingCommand(final Token token) throws BadSpecial { if (token.type != Token.PL_TYPE) return null; // The scanner assures that val is non-null for PL_TYPEs. String commandWord = token.val.replaceFirst("\\s.*", ""); if (!nestingPLCommands.containsKey(commandWord)) return null; Pattern pattern = nestingPLCommands.get(commandWord); if (pattern.matcher(token.val).matches()) return commandWord; throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.pl_malformat.getString()); }
Sets sqlExpandMode to true if any end-user userVar is set.
/** * Sets sqlExpandMode to true if any end-user userVar is set. */
private void setSqlExpandMode() { for (String key : shared.userVars.keySet()) { if (key.charAt(0) != '*' && !key.equals("?") && !key.equals("#")) { sqlExpandMode = Boolean.TRUE; return; } } sqlExpandMode = Boolean.FALSE; } synchronized protected void scanpass(final TokenSource ts) throws SqlToolError, SQLException { boolean rollbackUncoms = true; String nestingCommand; Matcher inlineNestMatcher; Token token = null; sqlExpandMode = null; try { while (true) try { if (preempt) { token = buffer; preempt = false; } else { token = ts.yylex(); logger.finest("SqlFile got new token: " + token); } if (token == null) break; inlineNestMatcher = inlineNestMatcher(token); if (inlineNestMatcher != null) { processInlineBlock(token, inlineNestMatcher.group(1), inlineNestMatcher.group(2)); processBlock(token); continue; } nestingCommand = nestingCommand(token); if (nestingCommand != null) { if (token.nestedBlock == null) token.nestedBlock = seekTokenSource(nestingCommand); /* This command (and the same recursive call inside * of the seekTokenSource() method) ensure that all * "blocks" are tokenized immediately as block * commands are encountered, and the blocks are * tokenized in their entirety all the way to the * leaves. */ processBlock(token); /* processBlock recurses through scanpass(), * which processes the nested commands which have * (in all cases) already beeen tokenized. */ continue; } switch (token.type) { case Token.SYNTAX_ERR_TYPE: throw new SqlToolError( SqltoolRB.input_malformat.getString()); // Will get here if Scanner can't match input to any // known command type. // An easy way to get here is to start a command with // quotes. case Token.UNTERM_TYPE: throw new SqlToolError( SqltoolRB.input_unterminated.getString( token.val)); case Token.RAW_TYPE: case Token.RAWEXEC_TYPE: /* * A real problem in this block is that the Scanner * has already displayed the next prompt at this * point. We handle this specially within this * block, but if we throw, the handler will not * know that the prompt has to be re-displayed. * I.e., KNOWN ISSUE: For some errors caught during * raw command execution, interactive users will not * get a prompt to tell them to proceed. */ if (token.val == null) token.val = ""; /* * Don't have time know to figure out whether it would * ever be useful to send just (non-zero) whitespace * to the DB. Prohibiting for now. */ if (token.val.trim().length() < 1) throw new SqlToolError( SqltoolRB.raw_empty.getString()); int receivedType = token.type; token.type = Token.SQL_TYPE; if (setBuf(token) && receivedType == Token.RAW_TYPE && interactive) { stdprintln(""); stdprintln(SqltoolRB.raw_movedtobuffer.getString()); stdprint(primaryPrompt); // All of these stdprint*'s are to work around a // very complicated issue where the Scanner // has already displayed the next prompt before // we can display our status message. } if (receivedType == Token.RAWEXEC_TYPE) { historize(); ResultSet rs = null; Statement statement = processSQL(); if (statement != null) { try { rs = statement.getResultSet(); displaySqlResults( statement, rs, null, null, true); } finally { assert statement != null; try { statement.close(); } catch (SQLException nse) { // Purposefully doing nothing } finally { statement = null; } } } } continue; case Token.MACRO_TYPE: processMacro(token); continue; case Token.PL_TYPE: // Storing prevToken as an attempted hack prevToken = buffer; setBuf(token); historize(); processPL(); continue; case Token.SPECIAL_TYPE: // Storing prevToken as an attempted hack prevToken = buffer; setBuf(token); historize(); processSpecial(null); continue; case Token.EDIT_TYPE: // Scanner only returns EDIT_TYPEs in interactive mode processBuffHist(token); continue; case Token.BUFFER_TYPE: token.type = Token.SQL_TYPE; if (setBuf(token)) stdprintln( SqltoolRB.input_movedtobuffer.getString()); continue; case Token.SQL_TYPE: if (token.val == null) token.val = ""; setBuf(token); historize(); ResultSet rs = null; Statement statement = processSQL(); if (statement != null) { try { rs = statement.getResultSet(); displaySqlResults( statement, rs, null, null, true); } finally { assert statement != null; try { statement.close(); } catch (SQLException nse) { // Purposefully doing nothing } finally { statement = null; } } } continue; default: assert false : "Internal assertion failed. Unexpected token type: " + token.getTypeString(); } } catch (BadSpecial bs) { // BadSpecials ALWAYS have non-null getMessage(). assert token != null; errprintln(SqltoolRB.errorat.getString( inputStreamLabel, Integer.toString(token.line), token.reconstitute(), bs.getMessage(), bs.getMessage())); Throwable cause = bs.getCause(); if (cause != null) errprintln(SqltoolRB.causereport.getString(cause)); if (!continueOnError) throw new SqlToolError(bs); } catch (SQLException se) { //se.printStackTrace(); assert token != null; errprintln("SQL " + SqltoolRB.errorat.getString( inputStreamLabel, Integer.toString(token.line), lastSqlStatement, se.getMessage())); // It's possible that we could have // SQLException.getMessage() == null, but if so, I think // it reasonable to show "null". That's a DB inadequacy. if (!continueOnError) throw se; } catch (BreakException be) { String msg = be.getMessage(); if (recursed != null) { rollbackUncoms = false; // Recursion level will exit by rethrowing the BE. // We set rollbackUncoms to false because only the // top level should detect break errors and // possibly roll back. } else if (msg == null || msg.equals("file")) { break; } else { errprintln(SqltoolRB.break_unsatisfied.getString(msg)); } if (recursed != null || !continueOnError) throw be; } catch (ContinueException ce) { String msg = ce.getMessage(); if (recursed != null) { rollbackUncoms = false; } else { errprintln(SqltoolRB.continue_unsatisfied.getString(msg)); } if (recursed != null || !continueOnError) throw ce; } catch (QuitNow qn) { throw qn; } catch (SqlToolError ste) { assert token != null; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(SqltoolRB.errorat.getString( /* WARNING: I have removed an extra LS appended to * non-null ste.getMessages() below because I believe that * it is unnecessary (and causes inconsistent blank lines * to be written). * If I am wrong and this is needed for Scanner display or * something, restore it. */ (new String[] { inputStreamLabel, Integer.toString(token.line), ((token.val == null) ? "" : token.reconstitute()), ((ste.getMessage() == null) ? "" : ste.getMessage()) }) )); Throwable cause = ste.getCause(); errprintln((cause == null) ? sb.toString() : SqltoolRB.causereport.getString(cause)); if (!continueOnError) throw ste; } rollbackUncoms = false; // Exiting gracefully, so don't roll back. } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new SqlToolError( SqltoolRB.primaryinput_accessfail.getString(), ioe); } catch (QuitNow qn) { if (recursed != null) throw qn; // Will rollback if conditions otherwise require. // Otherwise top level will decide based upon qn.getMessage(). rollbackUncoms = (qn.getMessage() != null); if (rollbackUncoms) { errprintln(SqltoolRB.aborting.getString(qn.getMessage())); throw new SqlToolError(qn.getMessage()); } return; } finally { if (fetchingVar != null) { errprintln(SqltoolRB.plvar_set_incomplete.getString( fetchingVar)); fetchingVar = null; rollbackUncoms = true; } if (shared.jdbcConn != null) { if (shared.jdbcConn.getAutoCommit()) shared.possiblyUncommitteds = false; if (rollbackUncoms && shared.possiblyUncommitteds) { errprintln(SqltoolRB.rollingback.getString()); shared.jdbcConn.rollback(); shared.possiblyUncommitteds = false; } } } }
Utility nested Exception class for internal use only. Do not instantiate with null message.
/** * Utility nested Exception class for internal use only. * * Do not instantiate with null message. */
private static class BadSpecial extends AppendableException { static final long serialVersionUID = 7162440064026570590L; BadSpecial(final String s) { super(s); assert s != null: "Must construct BadSpecials with non-null message"; } BadSpecial(final String s, final Throwable t) { super(s, t); assert s != null: "Must construct BadSpecials with non-null message"; } }
Utility nested Exception class for internal use. This must extend SqlToolError because it has to percolate up from recursions of SqlTool.execute(), yet SqlTool.execute() is public. Therefore, external users have no reason to specifically handle QuitNow.
/** * Utility nested Exception class for internal use. * This must extend SqlToolError because it has to percolate up from * recursions of SqlTool.execute(), yet SqlTool.execute() is public. * Therefore, external users have no reason to specifically handle * QuitNow. */
private static class QuitNow extends SqlToolError { static final long serialVersionUID = 1811094258670900488L; public QuitNow(final String s) { super(s); } public QuitNow() { super(); } }
Utility nested Exception class for internal use. This must extend SqlToolError because it has to percolate up from recursions of SqlTool.execute(), yet SqlTool.execute() is public. Therefore, external users have no reason to specifically handle BreakException.
/** * Utility nested Exception class for internal use. * This must extend SqlToolError because it has to percolate up from * recursions of SqlTool.execute(), yet SqlTool.execute() is public. * Therefore, external users have no reason to specifically handle * BreakException. */
private static class BreakException extends SqlToolError { static final long serialVersionUID = 351150072817675994L; public BreakException() { super(); } public BreakException(final String s) { super(s); } }
Utility nested Exception class for internal use. This must extend SqlToolError because it has to percolate up from recursions of SqlTool.execute(), yet SqlTool.execute() is public. Therefore, external users have no reason to specifically handle ContinueException.
/** * Utility nested Exception class for internal use. * This must extend SqlToolError because it has to percolate up from * recursions of SqlTool.execute(), yet SqlTool.execute() is public. * Therefore, external users have no reason to specifically handle * ContinueException. */
private static class ContinueException extends SqlToolError { static final long serialVersionUID = 5064604160827106014L; public ContinueException() { super(); } public ContinueException(final String s) { super(s); } }
Utility nested Exception class for internal use only.
/** * Utility nested Exception class for internal use only. */
private static class BadSubst extends Exception { static final long serialVersionUID = 7325933736897253269L; BadSubst(final String s) { super(s); } }
Utility nested Exception class for internal use only.
/** * Utility nested Exception class for internal use only. */
private static class RowError extends AppendableException { static final long serialVersionUID = 754346434606022750L; RowError(final String s) { super(s); } /* Unused so far RowError(Throwable t) { this(null, t); } */ RowError(final String s, final Throwable t) { super(s, t); } }
Process a Buffer/History Command. Due to the nature of the goal here, we don't trim() "other" like we do for other kinds of commands.
  • token – Complete command, less the leading ':' character.
/** * Process a Buffer/History Command. * * Due to the nature of the goal here, we don't trim() "other" like * we do for other kinds of commands. * * @param token Complete command, less the leading ':' character. * @throws SQLException thrown by JDBC driver. * @throws BadSpecial special-command-specific errors. * @throws SqlToolError all other errors. */
private void processBuffHist(final Token token) throws BadSpecial, SQLException, SqlToolError { if (token.val.length() < 1) throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.bufhist_unspecified.getString()); // First handle the simple cases where user may not specify a // command number. char commandChar = token.val.charAt(0); String other = token.val.substring(1); if (other.trim().length() == 0) other = null; switch (commandChar) { case 'l' : case 'b' : if (other != null) throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.special_extrachars.getString("l", other)); if (buffer == null) { stdprintln(nobufferYetString); } else { stdprintln(SqltoolRB.editbuffer_contents.getString( buffer.reconstitute())); } return; case 'h' : if (other != null) throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.special_extrachars.getString("h", other)); showHistory(); return; case '?' : stdprintln(SqltoolRB.buffer_help.getString()); return; } Integer histNum = null; Matcher hm = slashHistoryPattern.matcher(token.val); if (hm.matches()) { histNum = historySearch(hm.group(1)); if (histNum == null) { stdprintln(SqltoolRB.substitution_nomatch.getString()); return; } } else { hm = historyPattern.matcher(token.val); if (!hm.matches()) throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.edit_malformat.getString()); // Empirically, I find that this pattern always captures two // groups. Unfortunately, there's no way to guarantee that :( . histNum = ((hm.group(1) == null || hm.group(1).length() < 1) ? null : Integer.valueOf(hm.group(1))); } if (hm.groupCount() != 2) throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.edit_malformat.getString()); // Empirically, I find that this pattern always captures two // groups. Unfortunately, there's no way to guarantee that :( . commandChar = ((hm.group(2) == null || hm.group(2).length() < 1) ? '\0' : hm.group(2).charAt(0)); other = ((commandChar == '\0') ? null : hm.group(2).substring(1)); if (other != null && other.trim().length() < 1) other = null; Token targetCommand = ((histNum == null) ? null : commandFromHistory(histNum.intValue())); // Every command below depends upon buffer content. switch (commandChar) { case '\0' : // Special token set above. Just history recall. setBuf(targetCommand); stdprintln(SqltoolRB.buffer_restored.getString( buffer.reconstitute())); return; case ';' : if (other != null) throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.special_extrachars.getString(";", other)); if (targetCommand != null) setBuf(targetCommand); if (buffer == null) throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.nobuffer_yet.getString()); stdprintln(SqltoolRB.buffer_executing.getString( buffer.reconstitute())); preempt = true; return; case 'a' : if (targetCommand == null) targetCommand = buffer; if (targetCommand == null) throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.nobuffer_yet.getString()); boolean doExec = false; if (other != null) { if (other.trim().charAt(other.trim().length() - 1) == ';') { other = other.substring(0, other.lastIndexOf(';')); if (other.trim().length() < 1) throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.append_empty.getString()); doExec = true; } } Token newToken = new Token(targetCommand.type, targetCommand.val, targetCommand.line); if (other != null) newToken.val += other; setBuf(newToken); if (doExec) { stdprintln(SqltoolRB.buffer_executing.getString( buffer.reconstitute())); preempt = true; return; } if (interactive) scanner.setMagicPrefix( newToken.reconstitute()); switch (newToken.type) { case Token.SQL_TYPE: scanner.setRequestedState(SqlFileScanner.SQL); break; case Token.SPECIAL_TYPE: scanner.setRequestedState(SqlFileScanner.SPECIAL); break; case Token.PL_TYPE: scanner.setRequestedState(SqlFileScanner.PL); break; default: assert false: "Internal assertion failed. " + "Appending to unexpected type: " + newToken.getTypeString(); } scanner.setCommandBuffer(newToken.val); return; case 'w' : if (targetCommand == null) targetCommand = buffer; if (targetCommand == null) throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.nobuffer_yet.getString()); if (other == null) throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.destfile_demand.getString()); File targetFile = dereferenceAtToFile(dereference(other.trim(), false)); // Dereference and trim the target file name // This is the only case where we dereference a : command. PrintWriter pw = null; try { pw = new PrintWriter( new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream(targetFile, true), (shared.encoding == null) ? DEFAULT_FILE_ENCODING : shared.encoding) // Appendmode so can append to an SQL script. ); pw.println(targetCommand.reconstitute(true)); pw.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.file_appendfail.getString( targetFile.getAbsolutePath()), e); } finally { if (pw != null) try { pw.close(); } finally { pw = null; // Encourage GC of buffers } } return; case 's' : boolean modeExecute = false; boolean modeGlobal = false; if (targetCommand == null) targetCommand = buffer; if (targetCommand == null) throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.nobuffer_yet.getString()); try { if (other == null || other.length() < 3) throw new BadSubst( SqltoolRB.substitution_malformat.getString()); Matcher m = substitutionPattern.matcher(other); if (!m.matches()) throw new BadSubst( SqltoolRB.substitution_malformat.getString()); // Note that this pattern does not include the leading ':'. assert m.groupCount() > 2 && m.groupCount() < 5 : "Internal assertion failed. " + "Matched substitution pattern, but captured " + m.groupCount() + " groups"; String optionGroup = ( (m.groupCount() > 3 && m.group(4) != null) ? m.group(4) : null); if (optionGroup != null) { if (optionGroup.indexOf(';') > -1) { modeExecute = true; optionGroup = optionGroup.replaceFirst(";", ""); } if (optionGroup.indexOf('g') > -1) { modeGlobal = true; optionGroup = optionGroup.replaceFirst("g", ""); } } Matcher bufferMatcher = Pattern.compile("(?s" + ((optionGroup == null) ? "" : optionGroup) + ')' + m.group(2)).matcher(targetCommand.val); Token newBuffer = new Token(targetCommand.type, (modeGlobal ? bufferMatcher.replaceAll(m.group(3)) : bufferMatcher.replaceFirst(m.group(3))), targetCommand.line); if (newBuffer.val.equals(targetCommand.val)) { stdprintln(SqltoolRB.substitution_nomatch.getString()); return; } setBuf(newBuffer); stdprintln(modeExecute ? SqltoolRB.buffer_executing.getString( buffer.reconstitute()) : SqltoolRB.editbuffer_contents.getString( buffer.reconstitute()) ); } catch (PatternSyntaxException pse) { throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.substitution_syntax.getString(), pse); } catch (BadSubst badswitch) { throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.substitution_syntax.getString()); } if (modeExecute) preempt = true; return; } throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.buffer_unknown.getString( Character.toString(commandChar))); } private void enforce1charSpecial(final String tokenString, final char command) throws BadSpecial { if (tokenString.length() != 1) throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.special_extrachars.getString( Character.toString(command), tokenString.substring(1))); }
Process a Special Command.
  • inString – TRIMMED, no-null command (without leading \), or null to operate on buffer.
/** * Process a Special Command. * * @param inString TRIMMED, no-null command (without leading \), * or null to operate on buffer. * @throws SQLException thrown by JDBC driver. * @throws BadSpecial special-command-specific errors. * @throws SqlToolError all other errors, plus QuitNow, * BreakException, ContinueException. */
private void processSpecial(final String inString) throws BadSpecial, QuitNow, SQLException, SqlToolError { String string = (inString == null) ? buffer.val : inString; if (string.length() < 1) throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.special_unspecified.getString()); Matcher m = specialPattern.matcher(dereference(string, false)); if (!m.matches()) throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.special_malformat.getString()); // I think it's impossible to get here, since the pattern is // so liberal. assert m.groupCount() > 0 && m.groupCount() < 3: "Internal assertion failed. Pattern matched, yet captured " + m.groupCount() + " groups"; String arg1 = m.group(1); // If other count > 1 and group(2) not null, then it is non-empty. String other = ((m.groupCount() > 1) ? m.group(2) : null); switch (arg1.charAt(0)) { case 'q' : enforce1charSpecial(arg1, 'q'); if (other != null) throw new QuitNow(other.trim()); throw new QuitNow(); case 'H' : case 'h' : enforce1charSpecial(arg1, 'h'); htmlMode = (other == null) ? (!htmlMode) : Boolean.parseBoolean(other.trim()); shared.psStd.println(SqltoolRB.html_mode.getString( Boolean.toString(htmlMode))); return; case 'm' : if (arg1.equals("m?") || arg1.equals("mq?") || (other != null && other.trim().equals("?") && (arg1.equals("m") || arg1.equals("mq")))) { stdprintln(DSV_OPTIONS_TEXT + LS + DSV_M_SYNTAX_MSG); return; } shared.userVars.remove("?"); requireConnection(); if ((!arg1.equals("mq") && arg1.length() != 1) || other == null) throw new BadSpecial(DSV_M_SYNTAX_MSG); other = other.trim(); String skipPrefix = dsvSkipPrefix; if (other.charAt(other.length() - 1) == '*') { other = other.substring(0, other.length()-1).trim(); if (other.length() < 1) throw new BadSpecial(DSV_M_SYNTAX_MSG); skipPrefix = null; } csvStyleQuoting = arg1.equals("mq"); try { importDsv(dereferenceAtToUrl(other), skipPrefix); } finally { csvStyleQuoting = false; } shared.userVars.put("?", ""); return; case 'x' : if (arg1.equals("x?") || arg1.equals("xq?") || (other != null && other.trim().equals("?") && (arg1.equals("x") || arg1.equals("xq")))) { stdprintln(DSV_OPTIONS_TEXT + LS + DSV_X_SYNTAX_MSG); return; } shared.userVars.remove("?"); requireConnection(); try { if ((!arg1.equals("xq") && arg1.length() != 1) || other == null) throw new BadSpecial(DSV_X_SYNTAX_MSG); String tableName = null; StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); // Due to regex, other does contain at least one \S. if (other.trim().charAt(0) == ':') { // Case 1: Query from Edit-buffer if (prevToken == null) throw new BadSpecial(nobufferYetString); query.append(prevToken.val) .append(other.substring(other.indexOf(':')+1)); } else if (wordAndDotPattern.matcher( other.trim()).matches()) { // Case 2: Table name specified tableName = other.trim(); query.append("SELECT * FROM ").append(tableName); } else { // Case 3: Explicit in-line query query.append(other.trim()); } if (dsvTargetFile == null && tableName == null) throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.dsv_targetfile_demand.getString()); ResultSet rs = null; Statement st = null; File dsvFile = null; csvStyleQuoting = arg1.equals("xq"); try { dsvFile = dsvTargetFile == null ? new File(tableName + (csvStyleQuoting ? ".csv" : ".dsv")) : dereferenceAtToFile(dsvTargetFile); pwDsv = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream(dsvFile), (shared.encoding == null) ? DEFAULT_FILE_ENCODING : shared.encoding)); st = shared.jdbcConn.createStatement(); rs = st.executeQuery(query.toString()); List<Integer> colList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); int[] incCols = null; if (dsvSkipCols != null) { Set<String> skipCols = new HashSet<String>(); for (String s : dsvSkipCols.split( "\\Q" + dsvColDelim, -1)) { // Don't know if better to use dsvColDelim or // dsvColSplitter. Going with former, since the // latter should not need to be set for eXporting // (only importing). skipCols.add(s.trim().toLowerCase()); } ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); for (int i = 1; i <= rsmd.getColumnCount(); i++) { if (!skipCols.remove(rsmd.getColumnName(i) .toLowerCase())) colList.add(Integer.valueOf(i)); } if (colList.size() < 1) throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.dsv_nocolsleft.getString( dsvSkipCols)); if (skipCols.size() > 0) throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.dsv_skipcols_missing.getString( skipCols.toString())); incCols = new int[colList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < incCols.length; i++) incCols[i] = colList.get(i).intValue(); } displaySqlResults(st, rs, incCols, null, true); } finally { csvStyleQuoting = false; if (rs != null) try { rs.close(); } catch (SQLException se) { // Purposefully empty } finally { rs = null; } if (st != null) try { st.close(); } catch (SQLException se) { // Purposefully empty } finally { st = null; } } pwDsv.flush(); stdprintln(SqltoolRB.file_wrotechars.getString( Long.toString(dsvFile.length()), dsvFile.toString())); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.file_writefail.getString( other), e); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.file_writefail.getString( other), e); } finally { // Reset all state changes if (pwDsv != null) try { pwDsv.close(); } finally { pwDsv = null; // Encourage GC of buffers } } return; case 'd' : if (arg1.equals("d?") || (arg1.equals("d") && other != null && other.trim().equals("?"))) { stdprintln(D_OPTIONS_TEXT); return; } requireConnection(); if (arg1.length() == 2) { listTables(arg1.charAt(1), (other == null) ? null : other.trim()); return; } if (arg1.length() == 1 && other != null) try { other = other.trim(); int space = other.indexOf(' '); if (space < 0) { describe(other, null); } else { describe(other.substring(0, space), other.substring(space + 1).trim()); } return; } catch (SQLException se) { throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.metadata_fetch_fail.getString(), se); } throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.special_d_like.getString()); case 'o' : boolean addFooter = arg1.equals("oc"); if (addFooter) arg1 = "o"; enforce1charSpecial(arg1, 'o'); if (other == null) { if (pwQuery == null) throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.outputfile_nonetoclose.getString()); if (addFooter) writeFooter(pwQuery, "(the HTML report file)"); closeQueryOutputStream(); return; } other = other.trim(); if (pwQuery != null) { shared.psStd.println( SqltoolRB.outputfile_reopening.getString()); closeQueryOutputStream(); } File file = dereferenceAtToFile(other); boolean preExists = file.exists(); try { pwQuery = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream(file, true), (shared.encoding == null) ? DEFAULT_FILE_ENCODING : shared.encoding)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.file_writefail.getString( file.getAbsolutePath()), e); } /* Opening in append mode, so it's possible that we will * be adding superfluous <HTML> and <BODY> tags. * I think that browsers can handle that */ if (htmlMode && !preExists) writeHeader(pwQuery, file.getPath()); pwQuery.flush(); return; case 'i' : enforce1charSpecial(arg1, 'i'); if (other == null) throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.sqlfile_name_demand.getString()); other = other.trim(); sqlExpandMode = null; try { new SqlFile(this, dereferenceAtToUrl(other)).execute(); } catch (ContinueException ce) { throw ce; } catch (BreakException be) { String beMessage = be.getMessage(); // Handle "file" and plain breaks (by doing nothing) if (beMessage != null && !beMessage.equals("file")) throw be; } catch (QuitNow qn) { throw qn; } catch (Exception e) { throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.sqlfile_execute_fail.getString(other), e); } updateUserSettings(); return; case 'p' : if (arg1.equals("pr")) { if (other == null) { if (shared.psStd != null) shared.psStd.println(); if (pwQuery != null) { pwQuery.println(); pwQuery.flush(); } } else { shared.psStd.println(other); if (pwQuery != null) { pwQuery.println(other); pwQuery.flush(); } } return; } if (arg1.equals("pn")) { // No-op if other == null if (other != null) stdprint(other, true); return; } enforce1charSpecial(arg1, 'p'); if (other == null) { stdprintln(true); } else { stdprintln(other, true); } return; case 'l' : if ((arg1.equals("l?") && other == null) || (arg1.equals("l") && other != null && other.equals("?"))) { stdprintln(SqltoolRB.log_syntax.getString()); } else { enforce1charSpecial(arg1, 'l'); Matcher logMatcher = ((other == null) ? null : logPattern.matcher(other.trim())); if (logMatcher == null || (!logMatcher.matches())) throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.log_syntax_error.getString()); String levelString = logMatcher.group(1); Level level = null; if (levelString.equalsIgnoreCase("FINER")) level = Level.FINER; else if (levelString.equalsIgnoreCase("WARNING")) level = Level.WARNING; else if (levelString.equalsIgnoreCase("SEVERE")) level = Level.SEVERE; else if (levelString.equalsIgnoreCase("INFO")) level = Level.INFO; else if (levelString.equalsIgnoreCase("FINEST")) level = Level.FINEST; assert level != null: "Internal assertion failed. " + " Unexpected Level string: " + levelString; logger.enduserlog(level, logMatcher.group(2)); } return; case 'a' : requireConnection(); enforce1charSpecial(arg1, 'a'); if (other != null) { other = other.trim(); shared.jdbcConn.setAutoCommit( Boolean.parseBoolean(other)); shared.possiblyUncommitteds = false; } stdprintln(SqltoolRB.a_setting.getString( Boolean.toString(shared.jdbcConn.getAutoCommit()))); return; case 'j' : try { enforce1charSpecial(arg1, 'j'); String urlid = null; String acct = null; String pwd = null; String url = null; boolean goalAutoCommit = false; String[] tokens = (other == null) ? (new String[0]) : other.trim().split("\\s+", 3); switch (tokens.length) { case 0: break; case 1: urlid = tokens[0]; break; case 2: acct = tokens[0]; pwd = ""; // default password to "" url = tokens[1]; break; case 3: acct = tokens[0]; pwd = tokens[1]; url = tokens[2]; break; default: assert false; } if (tokens.length > 0) { // Close current connection if (shared.jdbcConn != null) try { goalAutoCommit = shared.jdbcConn.getAutoCommit(); shared.jdbcConn.close(); shared.possiblyUncommitteds = false; shared.jdbcConn = null; stdprintln(SqltoolRB.disconnect_success.getString()); } catch (SQLException se) { throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.disconnect_failure.getString(), se); } } if (urlid != null || acct != null) try { if (urlid != null) { shared.jdbcConn = new RCData(new File( SqlTool.DEFAULT_RCFILE), urlid).getConnection(); } else if (acct != null) { shared.jdbcConn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, acct, pwd); } shared.possiblyUncommitteds = false; shared.jdbcConn.setAutoCommit(goalAutoCommit); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.connect_failure.getString(), e); } displayConnBanner(); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); return; } return; case 'v' : requireConnection(); enforce1charSpecial(arg1, 'v'); if (other != null) { other = other.trim(); if (integerPattern.matcher(other).matches()) { shared.jdbcConn.setTransactionIsolation( Integer.parseInt(other)); } else { RCData.setTI(shared.jdbcConn, other); } } stdprintln(SqltoolRB.transiso_report.getString( (shared.jdbcConn.isReadOnly() ? "R/O " : "R/W "), RCData.tiToString( shared.jdbcConn.getTransactionIsolation()))); return; case '=' : requireConnection(); enforce1charSpecial(arg1, '='); shared.jdbcConn.commit(); shared.possiblyUncommitteds = false; stdprintln(SqltoolRB.committed.getString()); return; case 'b' : if (arg1.length() == 1) { if (other != null) throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.special_b_malformat.getString()); fetchBinary = true; return; } if (arg1.charAt(1) == 'p') { if (other != null) throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.special_b_malformat.getString()); doPrepare = true; return; } if ((arg1.charAt(1) != 'd' && arg1.charAt(1) != 'l') || other == null) throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.special_b_malformat.getString()); other = other.trim(); try { if (arg1.charAt(1) == 'd') { dump(dereferenceAtToFile(other)); } else { binBuffer = SqlFile.loadBinary(dereferenceAtToUrl(other)); stdprintln(SqltoolRB.binary_loadedbytesinto.getString( binBuffer.length)); } } catch (BadSpecial bs) { throw bs; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.binary_filefail.getString( other), ioe); } return; case 't' : enforce1charSpecial(arg1, '='); if (other != null) // But remember that we have to abort on some I/O errors. reportTimes = Boolean.parseBoolean(other.trim()); stdprintln(SqltoolRB.exectime_reporting.getString( Boolean.toString(reportTimes))); return; case 'c' : enforce1charSpecial(arg1, '='); if (other != null) // But remember that we have to abort on some I/O errors. continueOnError = Boolean.parseBoolean(other.trim()); stdprintln(SqltoolRB.c_setting.getString( Boolean.toString(continueOnError))); return; case '?' : stdprintln(SqltoolRB.special_help.getString()); return; case '!' : /* N.b. This DOES NOT HANDLE UNIX shell wildcards, since there * is no UNIX shell involved. * Doesn't make sense to incur overhead of a shell without * stdin capability. * Could pipe System.in to the forked process, but that's * probably not worth the effort due to Java's terrible * and inescapable System.in buffering. I.e., the forked * program or shell wouldn't get stdin until user hits Enter. * * I'd like to execute the user's default shell if they * ran "\!" with no argument, but (a) there is no portable * way to determine the user's default or login shell; and * (b) shell is useless without stdin ability. */ InputStream stream; byte[] ba = new byte[1024]; String extCommand = ((arg1.length() == 1) ? "" : arg1.substring(1)) + ((arg1.length() > 1 && other != null) ? " " : "") + ((other == null) ? "" : other.trim()); if (extCommand.trim().length() < 1) throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.bang_incomplete.getString()); Process proc = null; try { Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); proc = ((wincmdPattern == null) ? runtime.exec(extCommand) : runtime.exec(genWinArgs(extCommand)) ); proc.getOutputStream().close(); int i; stream = proc.getInputStream(); while ((i = stream.read(ba)) > 0) stdprint(new String(ba, 0, i)); stream.close(); stream = proc.getErrorStream(); String s; while ((i = stream.read(ba)) > 0) { s = new String(ba, 0, i); if (s.endsWith(LS)) { // This block just prevents logging of // double-line-breaks. if (s.length() == LS.length()) continue; s = s.substring(0, s.length() - LS.length()); } logger.severe(s); } stream.close(); stream = null; // Encourage buffer GC if (proc.waitFor() != 0 && !ignoreBangStatus) throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.bang_command_fail.getString( extCommand)); } catch (BadSpecial bs) { throw bs; } catch (Exception e) { throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.bang_command_fail.getString( extCommand), e); } finally { if (proc != null) proc.destroy(); } return; } throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.special_unknown.getString( Character.toString(arg1.charAt(0)))); } private static final char[] nonVarChars = { ' ', '\t', '=', '}', '\n', '\r', '\f' };
Returns index specifying 1 past end of a variable name.
  • inString – String containing a variable name
  • startIndex – Index within inString where the variable name begins
Returns:Index within inString, 1 past end of the variable name
/** * Returns index specifying 1 past end of a variable name. * * @param inString String containing a variable name * @param startIndex Index within inString where the variable name begins * @return Index within inString, 1 past end of the variable name */
static int pastName(final String inString, final int startIndex) { String workString = inString.substring(startIndex); int e = inString.length(); // Index 1 past end of var name. int nonVarIndex; for (char nonVarChar : nonVarChars) { nonVarIndex = workString.indexOf(nonVarChar); if (nonVarIndex > -1 && nonVarIndex < e) e = nonVarIndex; } return startIndex + e; }
Deference *{} PL variables and ${} System Property variables.
  • SqlToolError –
/** * Deference *{} PL variables and ${} System Property variables. * * @throws SqlToolError */
private String dereference(final String inString, final boolean permitAlias) throws SqlToolError { if (inString.length() < 1) return inString; /* TODO: Rewrite using java.util.regex. */ String varName, varValue; StringBuffer expandBuffer = new StringBuffer(inString); int b, e; // begin and end of name. end really 1 PAST name int iterations; if (permitAlias && inString.trim().charAt(0) == '/') { int slashIndex = inString.indexOf('/'); e = SqlFile.pastName(inString.substring(slashIndex + 1), 0); // In this case, e is the exact length of the var name. if (e < 1) throw new SqlToolError(SqltoolRB.plalias_malformat.getString()); varName = inString.substring(slashIndex + 1, slashIndex + 1 + e); varValue = shared.userVars.get(varName); if (varValue == null) throw new SqlToolError( SqltoolRB.plvar_undefined.getString(varName)); expandBuffer.replace(slashIndex, slashIndex + 1 + e, shared.userVars.get(varName)); } String s; boolean permitUnset; // Permit unset with: ${:varname} // Prohibit unset with : ${varnam} iterations = 0; while (true) { s = expandBuffer.toString(); b = s.indexOf("${"); if (b < 0) break; // No more unexpanded variable uses e = s.indexOf('}', b + 2); if (e == b + 2) throw new SqlToolError(SqltoolRB.sysprop_empty.getString()); if (e < 0) throw new SqlToolError( SqltoolRB.sysprop_unterminated.getString()); permitUnset = (s.charAt(b + 2) == ':'); varName = s.substring(b + (permitUnset ? 3 : 2), e); if (iterations++ > 10000) throw new SqlToolError(SqltoolRB.var_infinite.getString(varName)); varValue = System.getProperty(varName); if (varValue == null) { if (permitUnset) { varValue = ""; } else { throw new SqlToolError( SqltoolRB.sysprop_undefined.getString(varName)); } } expandBuffer.replace(b, e + 1, varValue); } iterations = 0; while (true) { s = expandBuffer.toString(); b = s.indexOf("*{"); if (b < 0) break; // No more unexpanded variable uses e = s.indexOf('}', b + 2); if (e == b + 2) throw new SqlToolError(SqltoolRB.plvar_nameempty.getString()); if (e < 0) throw new SqlToolError( SqltoolRB.plvar_unterminated.getString()); permitUnset = (s.charAt(b + 2) == ':'); varName = s.substring(b + (permitUnset ? 3 : 2), e); if (iterations++ > 100000) throw new SqlToolError( SqltoolRB.var_infinite.getString(varName)); // TODO: Use a smarter algorithm to handle (or prohibit) // recursion without this clumsy detection tactic. varValue = shared.userVars.get(varName); if (varValue == null) { // Key not in map, since never null vals. if (varName.equals("*TIMESTAMP")) { if (timestampFormat == null) throw new SqlToolError( SqltoolRB.no_timestamp_format.getString()); varValue = timestampFormat.format(new java.util.Date()); } else if (varName.equals("*SCRIPT")) { varValue = inputStreamLabel; } else if (varName.equals("*SCRIPT_FILE")) { varValue = inputStreamLabel.replaceFirst("^.*[/\\\\]", ""); } else if (varName.equals("*SCRIPT_BASE")) { varValue = inputStreamLabel.replaceFirst("^.*[/\\\\]", "") .replaceFirst("[.][^.]*$", ""); } else { if (!permitUnset) throw new SqlToolError( SqltoolRB.plvar_undefined.getString(varName)); varValue = ""; } } expandBuffer.replace(b, e + 1, varValue); } return expandBuffer.toString(); } private Boolean sqlExpandMode; // Null indicates dirty. // PL variable name currently awaiting query output. private String fetchingVar; private boolean silentFetch; private boolean fetchBinary;
Process a block PL command like "if" or "foreach".
  • SQLException – only if thrown by *forrows processing.
/** * Process a block PL command like "if" or "foreach". * * @throws SQLException only if thrown by *forrows processing. */
private void processBlock(final Token token) throws BadSpecial, SqlToolError, SQLException { Matcher m = plPattern.matcher(dereference(token.val, false)); if (!m.matches()) throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.pl_malformat.getString()); // I think it's impossible to get here, since the pattern is // so liberal. if (m.groupCount() < 1 || m.group(1) == null) { stdprintln(SqltoolRB.deprecated_noop.getString("*")); return; } String[] tokens = m.group(1).split("\\s+", -1); if (tokens[0].equals("for")) { Matcher forM = forPattern.matcher( dereference(token.val, false)); if (!forM.matches()) throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.pl_malformat_specific.getString("for")); assert forM.groupCount() == 2 || forM.groupCount() == 3: "Internal assertion failed. " + "forh pattern matched, but captured " + forM.groupCount() + " groups"; String iterableAssignmentStr = forM.group(forM.groupCount()); String logicalExprStr = forM.group(forM.groupCount() - 1); String initAssignmentStr = (forM.groupCount() < 3 || forM.group(1) == null || forM.group(1).trim().length() < 1) ? null : forM.group(1); if (initAssignmentStr != null) try { Matcher mathMatcher = mathAsgnPattern.matcher(initAssignmentStr); if (mathMatcher.matches()) { shared.userVars.put(mathMatcher.group(1), Long.toString( Calculator.reassignValue(mathMatcher.group(1), shared.userVars, mathMatcher.group(2), (mathMatcher.groupCount() < 3) ? null : mathMatcher.group(3)))); } else { mathMatcher = mathPattern.matcher(initAssignmentStr); if (mathMatcher.matches()) shared.userVars.put(mathMatcher.group(1), Long.toString( new Calculator(((mathMatcher.groupCount() > 1 && mathMatcher.group(2) != null) ? mathMatcher.group(2) : ""), shared.userVars).reduce(0, false))); } sqlExpandMode = null; } catch (RuntimeException re) { throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.math_expr_fail.getString(re)); } String[] values = logicalExprStr.substring(1, logicalExprStr.length() - 1) .replaceAll("!([a-zA-Z0-9*])", "! $1"). replaceAll("([a-zA-Z0-9*])!", "$1 !").split("\\s+", -1); try { while (eval(values)) { Recursion origRecursed = recursed; recursed = Recursion.FOR; try { scanpass(token.nestedBlock.dup()); } catch (ContinueException ce) { String ceMessage = ce.getMessage(); if (ceMessage != null && !ceMessage.equals("for")) throw ce; } finally { recursed = origRecursed; } try { Matcher mathMatcher = mathAsgnPattern.matcher(iterableAssignmentStr); if (mathMatcher.matches()) { shared.userVars.put( mathMatcher.group(1), Long.toString( Calculator.reassignValue( mathMatcher.group(1), shared.userVars, mathMatcher.group(2), (mathMatcher.groupCount() < 3) ? null : mathMatcher.group(3)))); } else { mathMatcher = mathPattern.matcher(iterableAssignmentStr); if (mathMatcher.matches()) shared.userVars.put( mathMatcher.group(1), Long.toString( new Calculator( ((mathMatcher.groupCount() > 1 && mathMatcher.group(2) != null) ? mathMatcher.group(2) : ""), shared.userVars).reduce(0, false))); } } catch (RuntimeException re) { throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.math_expr_fail.getString(re)); } // No updateUserSettings since can't modify *System vars sqlExpandMode = null; } } catch (BreakException be) { String beMessage = be.getMessage(); // Handle "for" and plain breaks (by doing nothing) if (beMessage != null && !beMessage.equals("for")) throw be; } catch (QuitNow qn) { throw qn; } catch (RuntimeException re) { throw re; // Unrecoverable } catch (Exception e) { throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.pl_block_fail.getString(), e); } finally { // If we haven't instantiated a new SqlTool, then the following // are unnecessary. TODO: Test this and remove if unnecessary. updateUserSettings(); sqlExpandMode = null; } return; } if (tokens[0].equals("forrows")) { Matcher forrowsM = forrowsPattern.matcher( dereference(token.val, false)); if (!forrowsM.matches()) throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.pl_malformat_specific.getString("forrows")); String[] vars = (forrowsM.groupCount() > 0 && forrowsM.group(1) != null && forrowsM.group(1).length() > 0) ? forrowsM.group(1).trim().split("\\s+") : null; String[] origVals = (vars == null) ? null : new String[vars.length]; if (origVals != null) for (int i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) origVals[i] = shared.userVars.get(vars[i]); TokenList dupNesteds = token.nestedBlock.dup(); if (dupNesteds.size() < 1) // TODO: Define message. Used to test for <2. Don't know if // it's possible for it to be < 1. throw new BadSpecial("Empty forrows loop"); Token queryToken = dupNesteds.remove(0); if (queryToken.type != Token.SQL_TYPE) // TODO: Define message throw new BadSpecial("*forrows command not followed " + "immediately by an SQL statement"); setBuf(queryToken); List<String[]> rowData = new ArrayList<String[]>(); ResultSet rs = null; int colCount = 0; Statement statement = processSQL(); if (statement == null) // TODO: Define message throw new BadSpecial("Failed to prepare SQL for loop"); shared.userVars.put("#", "0"); shared.userVars.remove("*ROWS"); List<String> dsvRows = new ArrayList<String>(); try { rs = statement.getResultSet(); shared.userVars.put("#", Integer.toString(rowData.size())); ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); colCount = rsmd.getColumnCount(); if (vars != null && vars.length > colCount) // TODO: Define message throw new BadSpecial("*forrows command specifies " + vars.length + " variables, but query pulled only " + colCount + " columns"); if (colCount < 1) return; String[] rowCells; while (rs.next()) { rowCells = new String[colCount]; rowData.add(rowCells); for (int i = 1; i <= colCount; i++) rowCells[i-1] = rs.getString(i); } } finally { try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); } catch (SQLException nse) { // Purposefully doing nothing } finally { rs = null; } try { statement.close(); } catch (SQLException nse) { // Purposefully doing nothing } finally { statement = null; } } lastSqlStatement = null; // Done with SQL shared.userVars.put("#", Integer.toString(rowData.size())); if (rowData.size() > 0) { String firstVal = rowData.get(0)[0]; String lastVal = rowData.get(rowData.size()-1)[colCount - 1]; shared.userVars.put("?", (lastVal == null) ? nullRepToken : lastVal); if (fetchingVar != null) { if (firstVal == null) shared.userVars.remove(fetchingVar); else shared.userVars.put(fetchingVar, firstVal); updateUserSettings(); sqlExpandMode = null; fetchingVar = null; } } else { shared.userVars.put("?", ""); } StringBuilder rowBuilder = new StringBuilder(); String rowVal; try { for (String[] cells : rowData) { if (cells.length == 1) { rowVal = (cells[0] == null) ? nullRepToken : cells[0]; } else { rowBuilder.setLength(0); for (String s : cells) { if (rowBuilder.length() > 0) rowBuilder.append(dsvColDelim); rowBuilder.append((s == null) ? nullRepToken : s); } rowVal = rowBuilder.toString(); } shared.userVars.put("*ROW", rowVal); dsvRows.add(shared.userVars.get("*ROW")); if (vars != null) for (int i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) if (cells[i] == null) shared.userVars.remove(vars[i]); else shared.userVars.put(vars[i], cells[i]); updateUserSettings(); Recursion origRecursed = recursed; recursed = Recursion.FORROWS; try { scanpass(dupNesteds.dup()); } catch (ContinueException ce) { String ceMessage = ce.getMessage(); if (ceMessage != null && !ceMessage.equals("forrows")) throw ce; } finally { recursed = origRecursed; } } } catch (BreakException be) { String beMessage = be.getMessage(); // Handle "forrows" and plain breaks (by doing nothing) if (beMessage != null && !beMessage.equals("forrows")) throw be; } catch (QuitNow qn) { throw qn; } catch (RuntimeException re) { throw re; // Unrecoverable } catch (Exception e) { throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.pl_block_fail.getString(), e); } finally { shared.userVars.remove("*ROW"); if (origVals != null) for (int i = 1; i < origVals.length; i++) if (origVals[i] == null) shared.userVars.remove(vars[i]); else shared.userVars.put(vars[i], origVals[i]); // Simply want to do String.join(delim, strings), but that's // not in Java until v8. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String dsvRow : dsvRows) { if (sb.length() > 0) sb.append(dsvRowDelim); sb.append(dsvRow); } shared.userVars.put("*ROWS", sb.toString()); updateUserSettings(); sqlExpandMode = null; } return; } if (tokens[0].equals("foreach")) { Matcher foreachM = foreachPattern.matcher( dereference(token.val, false)); if (!foreachM.matches()) throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.pl_malformat_specific.getString("foreach")); if (foreachM.groupCount() != 2) assert foreachM.groupCount() == 2: "Internal assertion failed. " + "foreach pattern matched, but captured " + foreachM.groupCount() + " groups"; String varName = foreachM.group(1); if (varName.indexOf(':') > -1) throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.plvar_nocolon.getString()); if (!varPattern.matcher(varName).matches()) errprintln(SqltoolRB.varname_warning.getString(varName)); String[] values = foreachM.group(2).split("\\s+", -1); String origval = shared.userVars.get(varName); try { for (String val : values) { // val may never be null shared.userVars.put(varName, val); updateUserSettings(); Recursion origRecursed = recursed; recursed = Recursion.FOREACH; try { scanpass(token.nestedBlock.dup()); } catch (ContinueException ce) { String ceMessage = ce.getMessage(); if (ceMessage != null && !ceMessage.equals("foreach")) throw ce; } finally { recursed = origRecursed; } } } catch (BreakException be) { String beMessage = be.getMessage(); // Handle "foreach" and plain breaks (by doing nothing) if (beMessage != null && !beMessage.equals("foreach")) throw be; } catch (QuitNow qn) { throw qn; } catch (RuntimeException re) { throw re; // Unrecoverable } catch (Exception e) { throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.pl_block_fail.getString(), e); } finally { if (origval == null) { shared.userVars.remove(varName); } else { shared.userVars.put(varName, origval); } updateUserSettings(); sqlExpandMode = null; } return; } if (tokens[0].equals("if") || tokens[0].equals("while")) { Matcher ifwhileM= ifwhilePattern.matcher( dereference(token.val, false)); if (!ifwhileM.matches()) throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.ifwhile_malformat.getString()); assert ifwhileM.groupCount() == 1: "Internal assertion failed. " + "if/while pattern matched, but captured " + ifwhileM.groupCount() + " groups"; String[] values = ifwhileM.group(1).replaceAll("!([a-zA-Z0-9*])", "! $1"). replaceAll("([a-zA-Z0-9*])!", "$1 !").split("\\s+", -1); if (tokens[0].equals("if")) { try { // Provisionally 'else'. Will be nulled if it is not: Token elseToken = (token.nestedBlock.size() < 1) ? null : token.nestedBlock.get( token.nestedBlock.size() - 1); if (elseToken != null && (elseToken.type != Token.PL_TYPE || !elseToken.val.equals("else"))) elseToken = null; //if (elseToken != null) //token.nestedBlock.remove(token.nestedBlock.size() - 1); Token recurseToken = eval(values) ? token : elseToken; if (recurseToken != null) { Recursion origRecursed = recursed; recursed = Recursion.IF; try { scanpass(recurseToken.nestedBlock.dup()); } finally { recursed = origRecursed; } } } catch (BreakException be) { String beMessage = be.getMessage(); // Handle "if" and plain breaks (by doing nothing) if (beMessage == null || !beMessage.equals("if")) throw be; } catch (ContinueException ce) { throw ce; } catch (QuitNow qn) { throw qn; } catch (BadSpecial bs) { bs.appendMessage( SqltoolRB.pl_malformat_specific.getString("if")); throw bs; } catch (RuntimeException re) { throw re; // Unrecoverable } catch (Exception e) { throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.pl_block_fail.getString(), e); } } else if (tokens[0].equals("while")) { try { while (eval(values)) { Recursion origRecursed = recursed; recursed = Recursion.WHILE; try { scanpass(token.nestedBlock.dup()); } catch (ContinueException ce) { String ceMessage = ce.getMessage(); if (ceMessage != null && !ceMessage.equals("while")) throw ce; } finally { recursed = origRecursed; } } } catch (BreakException be) { String beMessage = be.getMessage(); // Handle "while" and plain breaks (by doing nothing) if (beMessage != null && !beMessage.equals("while")) throw be; } catch (QuitNow qn) { throw qn; } catch (BadSpecial bs) { bs.appendMessage( SqltoolRB.pl_malformat_specific.getString("while")); throw bs; } catch (RuntimeException re) { throw re; // Unrecoverable } catch (Exception e) { throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.pl_block_fail.getString(), e); } } else { assert false: SqltoolRB.pl_unknown.getString(tokens[0]); } return; } throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.pl_unknown.getString(tokens[0])); }
Process a Non-Block Process Language Command. Nesting not supported yet.
  • BadSpecial – special-command-specific errors.
  • SqlToolError – all other errors, plus BreakException and ContinueException.
/** * Process a Non-Block Process Language Command. * Nesting not supported yet. * * @throws BadSpecial special-command-specific errors. * @throws SqlToolError all other errors, plus BreakException and * ContinueException. */
private void processPL() throws BadSpecial, SqlToolError { String string = buffer.val; String dereffed = dereference(string, false); Matcher mathMatcher = mathAsgnPattern.matcher(dereffed); if (mathMatcher.matches()) try { shared.userVars.put(mathMatcher.group(1), Long.toString( Calculator.reassignValue(mathMatcher.group(1), shared.userVars, mathMatcher.group(2), (mathMatcher.groupCount() < 3) ? null : mathMatcher.group(3)))); // No updateUserSettings since can't modify *System vars sqlExpandMode = null; return; } catch (RuntimeException re) { throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.math_expr_fail.getString(re)); } mathMatcher = mathPattern.matcher(dereffed); if (mathMatcher.matches()) try { shared.userVars.put(mathMatcher.group(1), Long.toString( new Calculator(((mathMatcher.groupCount() > 1 && mathMatcher.group(2) != null) ? mathMatcher.group(2) : ""), shared.userVars).reduce(0, false))); // No updateUserSettings since can't modify *System vars sqlExpandMode = null; return; } catch (RuntimeException re) { throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.math_expr_fail.getString(re)); } Matcher m = plPattern.matcher(dereffed); if (!m.matches()) throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.pl_malformat.getString()); // I think it's impossible to get here, since the pattern is // so liberal. if (m.groupCount() < 1 || m.group(1) == null) { stdprintln(SqltoolRB.deprecated_noop.getString("*")); return; } String[] tokens = m.group(1).split("\\s+", -1); if (tokens[0].charAt(0) == '?') { String remainder = tokens[0].substring(1); String msg = null; if (remainder.startsWith("assign") || (tokens.length > 1 && tokens[1].startsWith("assign"))) msg = SqltoolRB.pl_assign.getString(); else if (remainder.equals("control") || (tokens.length > 1 && tokens[1].equals("control"))) msg = SqltoolRB.pl_control.getString(); else msg = SqltoolRB.pl_help.getString(); stdprintln(msg); return; } if (tokens[0].equals("else")) { if (recursed != Recursion.IF) throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.else_without_if.getString()); return; } if (tokens[0].equals("end")) throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.end_noblock.getString()); if (tokens[0].equals("continue")) { if (tokens.length > 1) { if (tokens.length == 2 && (tokens[1].equals("foreach") || tokens[1].equals("forrows") || tokens[1].equals("for") || tokens[1].equals("while"))) throw new ContinueException(tokens[1]); throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.continue_syntax.getString()); } throw new ContinueException(); } if (tokens[0].equals("return")) { if (tokens.length > 1) throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.break_syntax.getString()); throw new BreakException("file"); } if (tokens[0].equals("break")) { if (tokens.length > 1) { if (tokens.length == 2 && (tokens[1].equals("foreach") || tokens[1].equals("forrows") || tokens[1].equals("while") || tokens[1].equals("for") || tokens[1].equals("file"))) throw new BreakException(tokens[1]); throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.break_syntax.getString()); } throw new BreakException(); } if (tokens[0].equals("list") || tokens[0].equals("listvalues") || tokens[0].equals("listsysprops")) { boolean sysProps =tokens[0].equals("listsysprops"); String s; boolean doValues = (tokens[0].equals("listvalues") || sysProps); // Always list System Property values. // They are unlikely to be very long, like PL variables may be. if (tokens.length == 1) { stdprint(formatNicely( (sysProps ? System.getProperties() : shared.userVars), doValues)); } else { if (doValues) { stdprintln(SqltoolRB.pl_list_parens.getString()); } else { stdprintln(SqltoolRB.pl_list_lengths.getString()); } for (String token : tokens) { s = (String) (sysProps ? System.getProperties() : shared.userVars).get(token); if (s == null) continue; stdprintln(" " + token + ": " + (doValues ? ("(" + s + ')') : Integer.toString(s.length()))); } } return; } if (tokens[0].equals("dump") || tokens[0].equals("load")) { if (tokens.length != 3) throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.dumpload_malformat.getString()); String varName = tokens[1]; if (varName.indexOf(':') > -1) throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.plvar_nocolon.getString()); if (tokens[0].equals("dump")) { File dlFile = dereferenceAtToFile(tokens[2]); try { dump(varName, dlFile); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.dumpload_fail.getString( varName, dlFile.toString()), ioe); } } else { URL url = dereferenceAtToUrl(tokens[2]); try { load(varName, url, shared.encoding); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.dumpload_fail.getString( varName, url.toString()), ioe); } } return; } if (tokens[0].equals("prepare")) { if (tokens.length != 2) throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.pl_malformat_specific.getString("prepare")); if (shared.userVars.get(tokens[1]) == null) throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.plvar_undefined.getString(tokens[1])); prepareVar = tokens[1]; doPrepare = true; return; } if (tokens[0].equals("-")) { // We do not consider it an error to remove a non-existent // variable. if (tokens.length != 2) throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.pl_unset_nomoreargs.getString()); if (fetchingVar != null && fetchingVar.equals(tokens[1])) fetchingVar = null; if (tokens[1].equals("*ENCODING")) try { // Special case so we can proactively prohibit encodings // which will not work, so we'll always be confident // that 'encoding' value is always good. setEncoding(m.group(3)); return; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException use) { // Impossible to get here. Satisfy compiler. throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.encode_fail.getString(m.group(3))); } shared.userVars.remove(tokens[1]); updateUserSettings(); sqlExpandMode = null; return; } String derefed = dereference(string, false); m = varsetPattern.matcher(derefed); if (!m.matches()) throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.pl_unknown.getString(tokens[0])); assert m.groupCount() > 1 && m.groupCount() < 4: "varset pattern matched but captured " + m.groupCount() + " groups"; String varName = m.group(1); // Test for ambiguous form: * VARNAME_ // Ambibuous whether _ is part of varname or operator. if (derefed.trim().equals(varName + '_')) throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.pl_unknown.getString(tokens[0])); if (varName.indexOf(':') > -1) throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.plvar_nocolon.getString()); if (!varPattern.matcher(varName).matches()) errprintln(SqltoolRB.varname_warning.getString(varName)); switch (m.group(2).charAt(0)) { case ':' : if (prevToken == null) throw new BadSpecial(nobufferYetString); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); switch (prevToken.type) { case Token.PL_TYPE: sb.append('*'); break; case Token.SPECIAL_TYPE: sb.append('\\'); break; default: // Intentionally empty } sb.append(prevToken.val); if (m.groupCount() > 2 && m.group(3) != null) sb.append(m.group(3)); shared.userVars.put(varName, sb.toString()); updateUserSettings(); sqlExpandMode = null; return; case '_' : silentFetch = true; // Purposefully fall through to next case case '~' : // TODO: Condsider limiting fetchingVars to User variables // (as opposed to *SYSTEM variables). // That would eliminate some updateUserSettings calls. if (m.groupCount() > 2 && m.group(3) != null && m.group(3).trim().length() > 0) { throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.plvar_tildedash_nomoreargs.getString( m.group(3).trim())); } shared.userVars.remove(varName); updateUserSettings(); sqlExpandMode = null; fetchingVar = varName; return; case '=' : if (fetchingVar != null && fetchingVar.equals(varName)) fetchingVar = null; String varVal = (m.groupCount() > 2 && m.group(3) != null) ? m.group(3).replaceFirst("^\\s+", "") : null; if (varVal != null && varVal.length() < 1) varVal = null; if (varName.equals("*ENCODING")) try { // Special case so we can proactively prohibit encodings // which will not work, so we'll always be confident // that 'encoding' value is always good. setEncoding(varVal.trim()); return; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException use) { throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.encode_fail.getString(varVal)); } if (varVal == null) { if (removeEmptyVars()) { stdprintln(SqltoolRB. remove_empty_vars_suggestset.getString()); shared.userVars.remove(varName); } else { shared.userVars.put(varName, ""); } } else { shared.userVars.put(varName, varVal); } updateUserSettings(); sqlExpandMode = null; return; } throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.pl_unknown.getString(tokens[0])); // I think this would already be caught in the setvar block above. }
Wrapper methods so don't need to call x(..., false) in most cases.
/** * Wrapper methods so don't need to call x(..., false) in most cases. */
/* Unused. Enable when/if need. private void stdprintln() { stdprintln(false); } */ private void stdprint(final String s) { stdprint(s, false); } private void stdprintln(final String s) { stdprintln(s, false); }
Encapsulates normal output. Conditionally HTML-ifies output.
/** * Encapsulates normal output. * * Conditionally HTML-ifies output. */
private void stdprintln(final boolean queryOutput) { if (shared.psStd != null) { if (htmlMode) { shared.psStd.println("<BR>"); } else { shared.psStd.println(); } } if (queryOutput && pwQuery != null) { if (htmlMode) { pwQuery.println("<BR>"); } else { pwQuery.println(); } pwQuery.flush(); } }
Encapsulates error output. Conditionally HTML-ifies error output.
/** * Encapsulates error output. * * Conditionally HTML-ifies error output. */
private void errprintln(final String s) { if (pwQuery != null && htmlMode) { pwQuery.println("<DIV class=\"sqltool-error\"><CODE>" + SqlFile.escapeHtml(s) + "</CODE></DIV>"); pwQuery.flush(); } if (shared.psStd != null && htmlMode) { shared.psStd.println("<DIV class=\"sqltool-error\"><CODE>" + SqlFile.escapeHtml(s) + "</CODE></DIV>"); } else { logger.privlog(Level.SEVERE, s, null, 4, SqlFile.class); /* Only consistent way we can log source location is to log * the caller of SqlFile. * This seems acceptable, since the location being reported * here is not the source of the problem anyways. */ } }
Encapsulates normal output. Conditionally HTML-ifies output.
/** * Encapsulates normal output. * * Conditionally HTML-ifies output. */
private void stdprint(String s, boolean queryOutput) { if (shared.psStd != null) shared.psStd.print( htmlMode ? ("<P>" + SqlFile.escapeHtml(s) + "</P>") : s); if (queryOutput && pwQuery != null) { pwQuery.print( htmlMode ? ("<P>" + SqlFile.escapeHtml(s) + "</P>") : s); pwQuery.flush(); } }
Encapsulates normal output. Conditionally HTML-ifies output.
/** * Encapsulates normal output. * * Conditionally HTML-ifies output. */
private void stdprintln(String s, boolean queryOutput) { shared.psStd.println( htmlMode ? ("<P>" + SqlFile.escapeHtml(s) + "</P>") : s); if (queryOutput && pwQuery != null) { pwQuery.println( htmlMode ? ("<P>" + SqlFile.escapeHtml(s) + "</P>") : s); pwQuery.flush(); } } // Just because users may be used to seeing "[null]" in normal // SqlFile output, we use the same default value for null in DSV // files, but this DSV null representation can be changed to anything. private static final String DEFAULT_NULL_REP = "[null]"; private static final String DEFAULT_NULL_HTML = "&Oslash;"; private static final String DEFAULT_ROW_DELIM = LS; private static final String DEFAULT_ROW_SPLITTER = "\\r\\n|\\r|\\n"; private static final String DEFAULT_COL_DELIM = "|"; private static final String DEFAULT_COL_SPLITTER = "\\|"; private static final String DEFAULT_SKIP_PREFIX = "#"; private static final int DEFAULT_ELEMENT = 0, HSQLDB_ELEMENT = 1, ORACLE_ELEMENT = 2 ; // These do not specify order listed, just inclusion. private static final int[] listMDSchemaCols = { 1 }; private static final int[] listMDIndexCols = { 2, 6, 3, 9, 4, 10, 11 };
Column numbering starting at 1.
/** Column numbering starting at 1. */
private static final int[][] listMDTableCols = { { 2, 3 }, // Default { 2, 3 }, // HSQLDB { 2, 3 }, // Oracle };
SYS and SYSTEM are the only base system accounts in Oracle, however, from an empirical perspective, all of these other accounts are system accounts because
  • they are hidden from the casual user
  • they are created by the installer at installation-time
  • they are used automatically by the Oracle engine when the specific Oracle sub-product is used
  • the accounts should not be messed with by database users
  • the accounts should certainly not be used if the specific Oracle sub-product is going to be used.
General advice: If you aren't going to use an Oracle sub-product, then don't install it! Don't blindly accept default when running OUI. If users also see accounts that they didn't create with names like SCOTT, ADAMS, JONES, CLARK, BLAKE, OE, PM, SH, QS, QS_*, these contain sample data and the schemas can safely be removed.
/** * SYS and SYSTEM are the only base system accounts in Oracle, however, * from an empirical perspective, all of these other accounts are * system accounts because <UL> * <LI> they are hidden from the casual user * <LI> they are created by the installer at installation-time * <LI> they are used automatically by the Oracle engine when the * specific Oracle sub-product is used * <LI> the accounts should not be <I>messed with</I> by database users * <LI> the accounts should certainly not be used if the specific * Oracle sub-product is going to be used. * </UL> * * General advice: If you aren't going to use an Oracle sub-product, * then <B>don't install it!</B> * Don't blindly accept default when running OUI. * * If users also see accounts that they didn't create with names like * SCOTT, ADAMS, JONES, CLARK, BLAKE, OE, PM, SH, QS, QS_*, these * contain sample data and the schemas can safely be removed. */
private static final String[] oracleSysSchemas = { "SYS", "SYSTEM", "OUTLN", "DBSNMP", "OUTLN", "MDSYS", "ORDSYS", "ORDPLUGINS", "CTXSYS", "DSSYS", "PERFSTAT", "WKPROXY", "WKSYS", "WMSYS", "XDB", "ANONYMOUS", "ODM", "ODM_MTR", "OLAPSYS", "TRACESVR", "REPADMIN" }; public String getCurrentSchema() throws BadSpecial, SqlToolError { requireConnection(); Statement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { st = shared.jdbcConn.createStatement(); rs = st.executeQuery("VALUES CURRENT_SCHEMA"); if (!rs.next()) throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.no_vendor_schemaspt.getString()); String currentSchema = rs.getString(1); if (currentSchema == null) throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.schemaname_retrieval_fail.getString()); return currentSchema; } catch (SQLException se) { throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.no_vendor_schemaspt.getString()); } finally { if (rs != null) try { rs.close(); } catch (SQLException se) { // Purposefully doing nothing } finally { rs = null; } if (st != null) try { st.close(); } catch (SQLException se) { // Purposefully doing nothing } finally { st = null; } } }
Lists available database tables. Filter handling is admittedly inconsistent, both wrt pattern matching (java.util.regex vs. DB-implemented matching) and which columns the filter is matched against. The former is because, for performance and because the DB should know best how to supply the desired results, we need to let the database do filtering if at all possible. In many cases, the DB does not have a filter option, so we have to filter ourselves. For the latter, we have no control over which columsn the DB matches agains, plus the displaySqlResults() method in this class can only match against all columns (only reason not to add column-specific filtering is to keep the complexity manageable).
  • BadSpecial – usually wrap a cause (which cause is a SQLException in some cases).
  • SqlToolError – passed through from other methods in this class.
/** * Lists available database tables. * * Filter handling is admittedly inconsistent, both wrt pattern * matching (java.util.regex vs. DB-implemented matching) and * which columns the filter is matched against. * The former is because, for performance and because the DB should * know best how to supply the desired results, we need to let the * database do filtering if at all possible. * In many cases, the DB does not have a filter option, so we have * to filter ourselves. * For the latter, we have no control over which columsn the DB * matches agains, plus the displaySqlResults() method in this class * can only match against all columns (only reason not to add * column-specific filtering is to keep the complexity manageable). * * @throws BadSpecial usually wrap a cause (which cause is a * SQLException in some cases). * @throws SqlToolError passed through from other methods in this class. */
private void listTables(final char c, final String inFilter) throws BadSpecial, SqlToolError { requireConnection(); String schema = null; int[] listSet = null; String[] types = null; /** For workaround for \T for Oracle */ String[] additionalSchemas = null; /** This is for specific non-getTable() queries */ Statement statement = null; ResultSet rs = null; String narrower = ""; /* * Doing case-sensitive filters now, for greater portability. String filter = ((inFilter == null) ? null : inFilter.toUpperCase()); */ String filter = inFilter; try { DatabaseMetaData md = shared.jdbcConn.getMetaData(); String dbProductName = md.getDatabaseProductName(); int majorVersion = 0; int minorVersion = 0; // We only use majorVersion and minorVersion for HyperSQL so far // The calls avoided here avoid problems with non-confirmant drivers if (dbProductName.indexOf("HSQL") > -1) try { majorVersion = md.getDatabaseMajorVersion(); minorVersion = md.getDatabaseMinorVersion(); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) { // It seems that Sun's JDBC/ODBC bridge throws here majorVersion = 2; minorVersion = 0; } //System.err.println("DB NAME = (" + dbProductName + ')'); // Database-specific table filtering. /* 3 Types of actions: * 1) Special handling. Return from the "case" block directly. * 2) Execute a specific query. Set statement in the "case". * 3) Otherwise, set filter info for dbmd.getTable() in the * "case". */ types = new String[1]; switch (c) { case '*' : types = null; break; case 'S' : if (dbProductName.indexOf("Oracle") > -1) { if (interactive) errprintln(SqltoolRB.vendor_oracle_dS.getString()); types[0] = "TABLE"; schema = "SYS"; additionalSchemas = oracleSysSchemas; } else { types[0] = "SYSTEM TABLE"; } break; case 's' : if (dbProductName.indexOf("HSQL") > -1) { // HSQLDB does not consider Sequences as "tables", // hence we do not list them in // DatabaseMetaData.getTables(). if (filter != null) { Matcher matcher = dotPattern.matcher(filter); if (matcher.matches()) { filter = (matcher.group(2).length() > 0) ? matcher.group(2) : null; narrower = "\nWHERE sequence_schema = '" + ((matcher.group(1).length() > 0) ? matcher.group(1) : getCurrentSchema()) + "'"; } } statement = shared.jdbcConn.createStatement(); statement.execute( "SELECT sequence_schema, sequence_name FROM " + "information_schema." + ((minorVersion> 8 || majorVersion > 1) ? "sequences" : "system_sequences") + narrower); } else { types[0] = "SEQUENCE"; } break; case 'r' : if (dbProductName.indexOf("HSQL") > -1) { statement = shared.jdbcConn.createStatement(); statement.execute( "SELECT authorization_name FROM information_schema." + ((minorVersion> 8 || majorVersion > 1) ? "authorizations" : "system_authorizations") + "\nWHERE authorization_type = 'ROLE'\n" + "ORDER BY authorization_name"); } else if (dbProductName.indexOf( "Adaptive Server Enterprise") > -1) { // This is the basic Sybase server. Sybase also has // their "Anywhere", ASA (for embedded), and replication // databases, but I don't know the Metadata strings for // those. statement = shared.jdbcConn.createStatement(); statement.execute( "SELECT name FROM syssrvroles ORDER BY name"); } else if (dbProductName.indexOf( "Apache Derby") > -1) { throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.vendor_derby_dr.getString()); } else { throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.vendor_nosup_d.getString("r")); } break; case 'u' : if (dbProductName.indexOf("HSQL") > -1) { statement = shared.jdbcConn.createStatement(); statement.execute("SELECT " + ((minorVersion> 8 || majorVersion > 1) ? "user_name" : "user") + ", admin FROM " + "information_schema.system_users\n" + "ORDER BY user_name"); } else if (dbProductName.indexOf("Oracle") > -1) { statement = shared.jdbcConn.createStatement(); statement.execute( "SELECT username, created FROM all_users " + "ORDER BY username"); } else if (dbProductName.indexOf("PostgreSQL") > -1) { statement = shared.jdbcConn.createStatement(); statement.execute( "SELECT usename, usesuper FROM pg_catalog.pg_user " + "ORDER BY usename"); } else if (dbProductName.indexOf( "Adaptive Server Enterprise") > -1) { // This is the basic Sybase server. Sybase also has // their "Anywhere", ASA (for embedded), and replication // databases, but I don't know the Metadata strings for // those. statement = shared.jdbcConn.createStatement(); statement.execute( "SELECT name, accdate, fullname FROM syslogins " + "ORDER BY name"); } else if (dbProductName.indexOf( "Apache Derby") > -1) { throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.vendor_derby_du.getString()); } else { throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.vendor_nosup_d.getString("u")); } break; case 'a' : if (dbProductName.indexOf("HSQL") > -1 && (minorVersion < 9 && majorVersion < 2)) { // HSQLDB after 1.8 doesn't support any type of aliases // Earlier HSQLDB Aliases are not the same things as // the aliases listed in DatabaseMetaData.getTables(). if (filter != null) { Matcher matcher = dotPattern.matcher(filter); if (matcher.matches()) { filter = (matcher.group(2).length() > 0) ? matcher.group(2) : null; narrower = "\nWHERE alias_schema = '" + ((matcher.group(1).length() > 0) ? matcher.group(1) : getCurrentSchema()) + "'"; } } statement = shared.jdbcConn.createStatement(); statement.execute( "SELECT alias_schem, alias FROM " + "information_schema.system_aliases" + narrower); } else { types[0] = "ALIAS"; } break; case 't' : excludeSysSchemas = (dbProductName.indexOf("Oracle") > -1); types[0] = "TABLE"; break; case 'v' : types[0] = "VIEW"; break; case 'c' : rs = md.getCatalogs(); if (rs == null) throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.metadata_fetch_fail.getString()); displaySqlResults(null, rs, listMDSchemaCols, filter, false); return; case 'n' : rs = md.getSchemas(); if (rs == null) throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.metadata_fetch_fail.getString()); displaySqlResults(null, rs, listMDSchemaCols, filter, false); return; case 'i' : // Some databases require to specify table, some don't. /* if (filter == null) { throw new BadSpecial("You must specify the index's " + "table as argument to \\di"); } */ String table = null; if (filter != null) { Matcher matcher = dotPattern.matcher(filter); if (matcher.matches()) { table = (matcher.group(2).length() > 0) ? matcher.group(2) : null; schema = (matcher.group(1).length() > 0) ? matcher.group(1) : getCurrentSchema(); } else { table = filter; } filter = null; } // N.b. Oracle incorrectly reports the INDEX SCHEMA as // the TABLE SCHEMA. The Metadata structure seems to // be designed with the assumption that the INDEX schema // will be the same as the TABLE schema. rs = md.getIndexInfo(null, schema, table, false, true); if (rs == null) throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.metadata_fetch_fail.getString()); displaySqlResults(null, rs, listMDIndexCols, null, false); return; default : throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.special_d_unknown.getString( Character.toString(c)) + LS + D_OPTIONS_TEXT); } if (statement == null) { if (dbProductName.indexOf("HSQL") > -1) { listSet = listMDTableCols[HSQLDB_ELEMENT]; } else if (dbProductName.indexOf("Oracle") > -1) { listSet = listMDTableCols[ORACLE_ELEMENT]; } else { listSet = listMDTableCols[DEFAULT_ELEMENT]; } if (schema == null && filter != null) { Matcher matcher = dotPattern.matcher(filter); if (matcher.matches()) { filter = (matcher.group(2).length() > 0) ? matcher.group(2) : null; schema = (matcher.group(1).length() > 0) ? matcher.group(1) : getCurrentSchema(); } } } rs = ((statement == null) ? md.getTables(null, schema, null, types) : statement.getResultSet()); if (rs == null) throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.metadata_fetch_fail.getString()); displaySqlResults(statement, rs, listSet, filter, false); if (additionalSchemas != null) { for (String additionalSchema : additionalSchemas) { /* * Inefficient, but we have to do each successful query * twice in order to prevent calling displaySqlResults * for empty/non-existent schemas */ rs = md.getTables(null, additionalSchema, null, types); assert rs != null; if (!rs.next()) continue; displaySqlResults( null, md.getTables(null, additionalSchema, null, types), listSet, filter, false); } } } catch (SQLException se) { throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.metadata_fetch_fail.getString(), se); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.metadata_fetch_fail.getString(), npe); } finally { excludeSysSchemas = false; if (rs != null) { try { rs.close(); } catch (SQLException se) { // We already got what we want from it, or have/are // processing a more specific error. } finally { rs = null; } } if (statement != null) try { statement.close(); } catch (SQLException se) { // Purposefully doing nothing } finally { statement = null; } } } private boolean excludeSysSchemas;
Process the contents of Edit Buffer as an SQL Statement
Returns:an open SQL Statement or null.
/** * Process the contents of Edit Buffer as an SQL Statement * * @return an open SQL Statement or null. * @throws SQLException thrown by JDBC driver. * @throws SqlToolError all other errors. */
private Statement processSQL() throws SQLException, SqlToolError { shared.userVars.remove("?"); requireConnection(); assert buffer != null: "Internal assertion failed. No buffer in processSQL()."; assert buffer.type == Token.SQL_TYPE: "Internal assertion failed. " + "Token type " + buffer.getTypeString() + " in processSQL()."; // No reason to check autoCommit constantly. If we need to roll // back, we will check the autocommit state at that time. if (sqlExpandMode == null) setSqlExpandMode(); lastSqlStatement = sqlExpandMode.booleanValue() ? dereference(buffer.val, true) : buffer.val; // Above is the only case where we deference conditionally. // For :, \, * commands we either always do or always don't. // N.b. "lastSqlStatement" is a misnomer only inside this method. // Outside of this method, this var references the "last" SQL // statement which we attempted to execute. if ((!permitEmptySqlStatements) && buffer.val == null || buffer.val.trim().length() < 1) throw new SqlToolError(SqltoolRB.sqlstatement_empty.getString()); // There is nothing inherently wrong with issuing // an empty command, like to test DB server health. // But, this check effectively catches many syntax // errors early. Statement statement = null; long startTime = 0; if (reportTimes) startTime = (new java.util.Date()).getTime(); try { if (doPrepare) { if (lastSqlStatement.indexOf('?') < 1) { lastSqlStatement = null; throw new SqlToolError(SqltoolRB.prepare_demandqm.getString()); } doPrepare = false; PreparedStatement ps = shared.jdbcConn.prepareStatement(lastSqlStatement); statement = ps; if (prepareVar == null) { if (binBuffer == null) { lastSqlStatement = null; throw new SqlToolError( SqltoolRB.binbuffer_empty.getString()); } ps.setBytes(1, binBuffer); } else { String val = shared.userVars.get(prepareVar); if (val == null) { lastSqlStatement = null; throw new SqlToolError( SqltoolRB.plvar_undefined.getString(prepareVar)); } prepareVar = null; ps.setString(1, val); } ps.executeUpdate(); } else { statement = shared.jdbcConn.createStatement(); statement.execute(lastSqlStatement); } // We close SQL resources for following catches. // If we return resources, we obviously do not close them. // User already being notified about the problem so don't clutter // with details about close failures. } catch (SQLException se) { if (statement != null) try { statement.close(); } catch (SQLException sen) { // Intentionally empty. See preceding comment } finally { statement = null; } throw se; // rethrow } catch (SqlToolError ste) { if (statement != null) try { statement.close(); } catch (SQLException sen) { // Intentionally empty. See preceding comment } finally { statement = null; } throw ste; // rethrow } finally { if (reportTimes) { long elapsed = (new java.util.Date().getTime()) - startTime; //condlPrintln("</TABLE>", true); condlPrintln(SqltoolRB.exectime_report.getString( (int) elapsed), false); } } /* This catches about the only very safe way to know a COMMIT * is not needed. */ try { shared.possiblyUncommitteds = !shared.jdbcConn.getAutoCommit() && !commitOccursPattern.matcher(lastSqlStatement).matches(); } catch (java.sql.SQLException se) { // The thing about this block is, we can't clean up resources // because our connection has been severed. We just notify and // return. // If connection is closed by instance shutdown or whatever, we'll // get here. lastSqlStatement = null; // I forget what this is for try { shared.jdbcConn.close(); } catch (Exception anye) { // Intentionally empty } shared.jdbcConn = null; shared.possiblyUncommitteds = false; stdprintln(SqltoolRB.disconnect_success.getString()); return null; } return statement; }
Display the given result set or update count for user and closes the supplied JDBC resources. The last 3 params are to narrow down records and columns where that can not be done with a where clause (like in metadata queries).

Caller is responsible for closing any passed Statement or ResultSet.
  • statement – The SQL Statement that the result set is for. This is so we can get the statement's update count, and so we can close it. Can be null if you don't want either of those things.
  • r – The ResultSet to display and close.
  • incCols – Optional list of which columns to include (i.e., if given, then other columns will be skipped).
  • filterString – Optional filter. Rows are skipped which to not contain this substring in ANY COLUMN. (Should add another param to specify targeted columns).
  • updateStatus – status
/** * Display the given result set or update count for user and closes the * supplied JDBC resources. * The last 3 params are to narrow down records and columns where * that can not be done with a where clause (like in metadata queries). * <P/> * Caller is responsible for closing any passed Statement or ResultSet. * * @param statement The SQL Statement that the result set is for. * This is so we can get the statement's update count, * and so we can close it. * Can be null if you don't want either of those things. * @param r The ResultSet to display and close. * @param incCols Optional list of which columns to include (i.e., if * given, then other columns will be skipped). * @param filterString Optional filter. Rows are skipped which to not * contain this substring in ANY COLUMN. * (Should add another param to specify targeted columns). * @param updateStatus status * @throws SQLException thrown by JDBC driver. * @throws SqlToolError all other errors. */
private void displaySqlResults(Statement statement, ResultSet r, final int[] incCols, final String filterString, final boolean updateStatus) throws SQLException, SqlToolError { try { if (pwDsv != null && csvStyleQuoting && (dsvColDelim.indexOf('"') > -1 || dsvRowDelim.indexOf('"') > -1)) throw new SqlToolError(SqltoolRB.dsv_q_nodblquote.getString()); java.sql.Timestamp ts; int dotAt; int updateCount = (statement == null) ? -1 : statement .getUpdateCount(); boolean silent = silentFetch; boolean binary = fetchBinary; Pattern filter = null; silentFetch = false; fetchBinary = false; if (filterString != null) try { filter = Pattern.compile(filterString); } catch (PatternSyntaxException pse) { throw new SqlToolError(SqltoolRB.regex_malformat.getString(pse)); } if (excludeSysSchemas && interactive) stdprintln(SqltoolRB.vendor_nosup_sysschemas.getString()); switch (updateCount) { case -1 : if (r == null) { if (interactive) stdprintln(SqltoolRB.noresult.getString(), true); break; } shared.userVars.put("#", "0"); ResultSetMetaData m = r.getMetaData(); int cols = m.getColumnCount(); int incCount = (incCols == null) ? cols : incCols .length; String val; List<String[]> rows = new ArrayList<String[]>(); String[] headerArray = null; String[] fieldArray; int[] maxWidth = new int[incCount]; int insi; boolean skip; boolean isValNull; // STEP 1: GATHER DATA if (!htmlMode) for (int i = 0; i < maxWidth.length; i++) maxWidth[i] = 0; boolean[] rightJust = new boolean[incCount]; int[] dataType = new int[incCount]; boolean[] autonulls = new boolean[incCount]; insi = -1; headerArray = new String[incCount]; for (int i = 1; i <= cols; i++) { if (incCols != null) { skip = true; for (int j = 0; j < incCols.length; j++) if (i == incCols[j]) skip = false; if (skip) continue; } headerArray[++insi] = (pwDsv != null && csvStyleQuoting && allQuoted) ? ('"' + m.getColumnLabel(i) + '"') : m.getColumnLabel(i); dataType[insi] = m.getColumnType(i); rightJust[insi] = false; autonulls[insi] = true; // This is what we want for java.sql.Types.ARRAY : switch (dataType[insi]) { case java.sql.Types.BIGINT : case java.sql.Types.BIT : case java.sql.Types.DECIMAL : case java.sql.Types.DOUBLE : case java.sql.Types.FLOAT : case java.sql.Types.INTEGER : case java.sql.Types.NUMERIC : case java.sql.Types.REAL : case java.sql.Types.SMALLINT : case java.sql.Types.TINYINT : rightJust[insi] = true; break; case java.sql.Types.VARBINARY : case java.sql.Types.VARCHAR : case java.sql.Types.BLOB : case java.sql.Types.CLOB : case java.sql.Types.LONGVARBINARY : case java.sql.Types.LONGVARCHAR : autonulls[insi] = false; break; default: break; } if (htmlMode) continue; if (headerArray[insi] != null && headerArray[insi].length() > maxWidth[insi]) maxWidth[insi] = headerArray[insi].length(); } boolean filteredOut; while (r.next()) { fieldArray = new String[incCount]; insi = -1; filteredOut = filter != null; for (int i = 1; i <= cols; i++) { // This is the only case where we can save a data // read by recognizing we don't need this datum early. if (incCols != null) { skip = true; for (int incCol : incCols) if (i == incCol) skip = false; if (skip) continue; } // This row may still be ditched, but it is now // certain that we need to increment the fieldArray // index. ++insi; if (!SqlFile.canDisplayType(dataType[insi])) binary = true; val = null; isValNull = true; if (!binary) { /* * The special formatting for all time-related * fields is because the most popular current * databases are extremely inconsistent about * what resolution is returned for the same types. * In my experience so far, Dates MAY have * resolution down to second, but only TIMESTAMPs * support sub-second res. (and always can). * On top of that there is no consistency across * getObject().toString(). Oracle doesn't even * implement it for their custom TIMESTAMP type. */ switch (dataType[insi]) { case org.hsqldb.types.Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIME_ZONE: case org.hsqldb.types.Types.SQL_TIME_WITH_TIME_ZONE: case java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP: case java.sql.Types.DATE: case java.sql.Types.TIME: ts = r.getTimestamp(i); isValNull = r.wasNull(); val = ((ts == null) ? null : ts.toString()); // Following block truncates non-zero // sub-seconds from time types OTHER than // TIMESTAMP. if (dataType[insi] != java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP && dataType[insi] != org.hsqldb.types.Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIME_ZONE && val != null) { dotAt = val.lastIndexOf('.'); for (int z = dotAt + 1; z < val.length(); z++) if (val.charAt(z) != '0') { dotAt = 0; break; } if (dotAt > 1) val = val.substring(0, dotAt); } break; default: val = r.getString(i); isValNull = r.wasNull(); // If we tried to get a String but it // failed, try getting it with a String // Stream if (val == null) try { val = streamToString( r.getAsciiStream(i), shared.encoding); isValNull = r.wasNull(); } catch (Exception e) { // This isn't an error. // We are attempting to do a stream // fetch if-and-only-if the column // supports it. } } } if (binary || (val == null && !isValNull)) { if (pwDsv != null) throw new SqlToolError( SqltoolRB.dsv_bincol.getString()); // DB has a value but we either explicitly want // it as binary, or we failed to get it as String. try { binBuffer = SqlFile.streamToBytes(r.getBinaryStream(i)); isValNull = r.wasNull(); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new SqlToolError( SqltoolRB.streamread_failure.getString(), ioe); } stdprintln(SqltoolRB.binbuf_write.getString( Integer.toString(binBuffer.length), headerArray[insi], SqlFile.sqlTypeToString(dataType[insi]) )); if (updateStatus) shared.userVars.put("?", ""); if (fetchingVar != null) { shared.userVars.put(fetchingVar, ""); updateUserSettings(); sqlExpandMode = null; fetchingVar = null; } lastSqlStatement = null; return; } if (excludeSysSchemas && val != null && i == 2) for (String oracleSysSchema : oracleSysSchemas) if (val.equals(oracleSysSchema)) { filteredOut = true; break; } // nullRepToken may never be null if (updateStatus) shared.userVars.put("?", ((val == null) ? nullRepToken : val)); if (fetchingVar != null) { if (val == null) shared.userVars.remove(fetchingVar); else shared.userVars.put(fetchingVar, val); updateUserSettings(); sqlExpandMode = null; fetchingVar = null; } if (silent) { // N.b. we ignore rows after first row returned shared.userVars.put("#", "1"); lastSqlStatement = null; return; } // We do not omit rows here. We collect information // so we can make the decision after all rows are // read in. if (filter != null && (val == null || filter.matcher(val).find())) filteredOut = false; /////////////////////////////// // A little tricky here. fieldArray[] MUST get set. if (val == null && pwDsv == null) { if (dataType[insi] == java.sql.Types.VARCHAR) { fieldArray[insi] = htmlMode ? "\u0000" : nullRepToken; } else { fieldArray[insi] = ""; } } else { fieldArray[insi] = val; } /////////////////////////////// if (htmlMode || pwDsv != null) continue; if (fieldArray[insi].length() > maxWidth[insi]) maxWidth[insi] = fieldArray[insi].length(); } if (!filteredOut) rows.add(fieldArray); } if (updateStatus && !shared.userVars.containsKey("?")) shared.userVars.put("?", ""); if (fetchingVar != null) { shared.userVars.remove(fetchingVar); updateUserSettings(); sqlExpandMode = null; fetchingVar = null; } shared.userVars.put("#", Integer.toString(rows.size())); // STEP 2: DISPLAY DATA (= 2a OR 2b) // STEP 2a (Non-DSV) if (pwDsv == null) { condlPrintln("<TABLE class=\"sqltool\"><THEAD>", true); if (incCount > 1) { condlPrint(SqlFile.htmlRow(COL_HEAD) + LS + PRE_TD, true); for (int i = 0; i < headerArray.length; i++) { condlPrint("<TH>" + SqlFile.escapeHtml(headerArray[i]) + "</TH>", true); condlPrint(((i > 0) ? " " : "") + ((i < headerArray.length - 1 || rightJust[i]) ? StringUtil.toPaddedString( headerArray[i], maxWidth[i], ' ', !rightJust[i]) : headerArray[i]) , false); } condlPrintln(LS + PRE_TR + "</TR>", true); condlPrintln("", false); if (!htmlMode) { for (int i = 0; i < headerArray.length; i++) condlPrint(((i > 0) ? " " : "") + SqlFile.divider( maxWidth[i]), false); condlPrintln("", false); } } condlPrintln("</THEAD><TBODY>", true); for (int i = 0; i < rows.size(); i++) { condlPrint(SqlFile.htmlRow(((i % 2) == 0) ? COL_EVEN : COL_ODD) + LS + PRE_TD, true); fieldArray = rows.get(i); for (int j = 0; j < fieldArray.length; j++) { condlPrint("<TD" + (rightJust[j] ? " class=\"sqltool-right\"" : "") + ">" + (fieldArray[j].equals("\u0000") ? nullRepHtml : SqlFile.escapeHtml(fieldArray[j])) + "</TD>", true); condlPrint(((j > 0) ? " " : "") + ((j < fieldArray.length - 1 || rightJust[j]) ? StringUtil.toPaddedString( fieldArray[j], maxWidth[j], ' ', !rightJust[j]) : fieldArray[j]) , false); } condlPrintln(LS + PRE_TR + "</TR>", true); condlPrintln("", false); } condlPrintln("</TBODY></TABLE>", true); if (interactive && rows.size() != 1) stdprintln(LS + SqltoolRB.rows_fetched.getString( rows.size()), true); break; } // STEP 2b (DSV) if (incCount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < headerArray.length; i++) { dsvSafe(headerArray[i]); pwDsv.print(headerArray[i]); if (i < headerArray.length - 1) pwDsv.print(dsvColDelim); } pwDsv.print(dsvRowDelim); } if (csvStyleQuoting) { Pattern delimPat = Pattern.compile(dsvColDelim); for (String[] fArray : rows) for (int j = 0; j < fArray.length; j++) if (fArray[j] != null && (allQuoted || fArray[j].indexOf('"') > -1 || fArray[j].indexOf(dsvColDelim) > -1)) fArray[j] = '"' + fArray[j].replace("\"", "\"\"") + '"'; } for (String[] fArray : rows) { for (int j = 0; j < fArray.length; j++) { if (pwDsv == null) dsvSafe(fArray[j]); pwDsv.print((fArray[j] == null) ? (autonulls[j] ? "" : nullRepToken) : fArray[j]); if (j < fArray.length - 1) pwDsv.print(dsvColDelim); } pwDsv.print(dsvRowDelim); } stdprintln(SqltoolRB.rows_fetched_dsv.getString(rows.size())); // Undecided about whether should display row count here when // in non-interactive mode break; default : if (updateStatus) shared.userVars.put("?", Integer.toString(updateCount)); if (fetchingVar != null) { shared.userVars.put( fetchingVar, Integer.toString(updateCount)); fetchingVar = null; updateUserSettings(); sqlExpandMode = null; } if (updateCount != 0 && interactive) stdprintln((updateCount == 1) ? SqltoolRB.row_update_singular.getString() : SqltoolRB.row_update_multiple.getString(updateCount)); break; } lastSqlStatement = null; // Clear this only if we don't error out } finally { if (r != null) try { r.close(); } catch (SQLException se) { logger.warning("Failed to close SQL result set: " + se); } finally { r = null; } if (statement != null) try { statement.close(); } catch (SQLException se) { logger.warning("Failed to close SQL statement: " + se); } finally { statement = null; } } } private static final int COL_HEAD = 0, COL_ODD = 1, COL_EVEN = 2 ; private static final String PRE_TR = " "; private static final String PRE_TD = " ";
Print a properly formatted HTML <TR> command for the given situation.
  • colType – Column type: COL_HEAD, COL_ODD or COL_EVEN.
/** * Print a properly formatted HTML &lt;TR&gt; command for the given * situation. * * @param colType Column type: COL_HEAD, COL_ODD or COL_EVEN. */
private static String htmlRow(final int colType) { switch (colType) { case COL_HEAD : return PRE_TR + "<TR>"; case COL_ODD : return PRE_TR + "<TR class=\"sqltool-odd\">"; case COL_EVEN : return PRE_TR + "<TR class=\"sqltool-even\">"; } return null; }
Returns a divider of hypens of requested length.
  • len – Length of output String.
/** * Returns a divider of hypens of requested length. * * @param len Length of output String. */
private static String divider(final int len) { return (len > DIVIDER.length()) ? DIVIDER : DIVIDER.substring(0, len); }
Display command history.
/** * Display command history. */
private void showHistory() throws BadSpecial { if (history == null) throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.history_unavailable.getString()); if (history.size() < 1) throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.history_none.getString()); if (shared.psStd == null) return; // Input can be dual-purpose, i.e. the script can be intended for // both interactive and non-interactive usage. Token token; for (int i = 0; i < history.size(); i++) { token = history.get(i); shared.psStd.println("#" + (i + oldestHist) + " or " + (i - history.size()) + ':'); shared.psStd.println(token.reconstitute()); } if (buffer != null) shared.psStd.println(SqltoolRB.editbuffer_contents.getString( buffer.reconstitute())); shared.psStd.println(); shared.psStd.println(SqltoolRB.buffer_instructions.getString()); }
Return a Command from command history.
/** * Return a Command from command history. */
private Token commandFromHistory(final int inIndex) throws BadSpecial { int index = inIndex; // Just to quiet compiler warnings. if (history == null) throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.history_unavailable.getString()); if (index == 0) throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.history_number_req.getString()); if (index > 0) { // Positive command# given index -= oldestHist; if (index < 0) throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.history_backto.getString(oldestHist)); if (index >= history.size()) throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.history_upto.getString( history.size() + oldestHist - 1)); } else { // Negative command# given index += history.size(); if (index < 0) throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.history_back.getString(history.size())); } return history.get(index); }
Search Command History for a regex match.
Returns:Absolute command number, if any match.
/** * Search Command History for a regex match. * * @return Absolute command number, if any match. */
private Integer historySearch(final String findRegex) throws BadSpecial { if (history == null) throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.history_unavailable.getString()); Pattern pattern = null; try { pattern = Pattern.compile("(?ims)" + findRegex); } catch (PatternSyntaxException pse) { throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.regex_malformat.getString(pse)); } // Make matching more liberal. Users can customize search behavior // by using "(?-OPTIONS)" or (?OPTIONS) in their regexes. for (int index = history.size() - 1; index >= 0; index--) if (pattern.matcher((history.get(index)).val).find()) return Integer.valueOf(index + oldestHist); return null; }
Set buffer, unless the given token equals what is already in the buffer.
/** * Set buffer, unless the given token equals what is already in the * buffer. */
private boolean setBuf(final Token newBuffer) { if (buffer != null && buffer.equals(newBuffer)) return false; switch (newBuffer.type) { case Token.SQL_TYPE: case Token.PL_TYPE: case Token.SPECIAL_TYPE: break; default: assert false: "Internal assertion failed. " + "Attempted to add command type " + newBuffer.getTypeString() + " to buffer"; } buffer = new Token(newBuffer.type, newBuffer.val, newBuffer.line); // System.err.println("Buffer is now (" + buffer + ')'); return true; } int oldestHist = 1;
Add a command onto the history list.
/** * Add a command onto the history list. */
private boolean historize() { if (history == null || buffer == null) return false; if (history.size() > 0 && history.get(history.size() - 1).equals(buffer)) // Don't store two consecutive commands that are exactly the same. return false; history.add(buffer); if (history.size() <= maxHistoryLength) return true; history.remove(0); oldestHist++; return true; }
Describe the columns of specified table.
  • tableName – Table that will be described.
  • filter – Optional regex to filter by. By default, will match only against the column name. Prefix with "/" to match against the entire output line.
/** * Describe the columns of specified table. * * @param tableName Table that will be described. * @param filter Optional regex to filter by. * By default, will match only against the column name. * Prefix with "/" to match against the entire output line. */
private void describe(final String tableName, final String filterString) throws SQLException { assert shared.jdbcConn != null: "Somehow got to 'describe' even though we have no Conn"; /* * Doing case-sensitive filters now, for greater portability. String filter = ((inFilter == null) ? null : inFilter.toUpperCase()); */ Pattern filter = null; boolean filterMatchesAll = false; // match filter against all cols. List<String[]> rows = new ArrayList<String[]>(); String[] headerArray = { SqltoolRB.describe_table_name.getString(), SqltoolRB.describe_table_datatype.getString(), SqltoolRB.describe_table_width.getString(), SqltoolRB.describe_table_nonulls.getString(), SqltoolRB.describe_table_precision.getString(), SqltoolRB.describe_table_scale.getString(), }; String[] fieldArray; int[] maxWidth = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; boolean[] rightJust = { false, false, true, false, true, true }; int precision, scale; if (filterString != null) try { filterMatchesAll = (filterString.charAt(0) == '/'); filter = Pattern.compile(filterMatchesAll ? filterString.substring(1) : filterString); } catch (PatternSyntaxException pse) { throw new SQLException(SqltoolRB.regex_malformat.getString(pse)); // This is obviously not a SQLException. // Perhaps change input parameter to a Pattern to require // caller to compile the pattern? } for (int i = 0; i < headerArray.length; i++) { if (htmlMode) continue; if (headerArray[i].length() > maxWidth[i]) maxWidth[i] = headerArray[i].length(); } ResultSet r = null; Statement statement = shared.jdbcConn.createStatement(); // STEP 1: GATHER DATA try { statement.execute("SELECT * FROM " + tableName + " WHERE 1 = 2"); r = statement.getResultSet(); ResultSetMetaData m = r.getMetaData(); int cols = m.getColumnCount(); for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++) { fieldArray = new String[6]; precision = m.getPrecision(i + 1); scale = m.getScale(i + 1); fieldArray[0] = m.getColumnName(i + 1); if (filter != null && (!filterMatchesAll) && !filter.matcher(fieldArray[0]).find()) continue; fieldArray[1] = m.getColumnTypeName(i + 1); fieldArray[2] = Integer.toString(m.getColumnDisplaySize(i + 1)); fieldArray[3] = ((m.isNullable(i + 1) == java.sql.ResultSetMetaData.columnNullable) ? "" : "*"); fieldArray[4] = (precision == 0) ? "" :Integer.toString(precision); fieldArray[5] = (scale == 0) ? "" :Integer.toString(scale); if (filter != null && filterMatchesAll && !filter.matcher(fieldArray[0] + ' ' + fieldArray[1] + ' ' + fieldArray[2] + ' ' + fieldArray[3]).find()) continue; rows.add(fieldArray); for (int j = 0; j < fieldArray.length; j++) if (fieldArray[j].length() > maxWidth[j]) maxWidth[j] = fieldArray[j].length(); } // STEP 2: DISPLAY DATA condlPrint("<TABLE class=\"sqltool sqltool-describe\"><THEAD>" + LS + SqlFile.htmlRow(COL_HEAD) + LS + PRE_TD, true); for (int i = 0; i < headerArray.length; i++) { condlPrint("<TH>" + SqlFile.escapeHtml(headerArray[i]) + "</TH>", true); condlPrint(((i > 0) ? " " : "") + ((i < headerArray.length - 1 || rightJust[i]) ? StringUtil.toPaddedString( headerArray[i], maxWidth[i], ' ', !rightJust[i]) : headerArray[i]) , false); } condlPrintln(LS + PRE_TR + "</TR>", true); condlPrintln("", false); condlPrintln("</THEAD><TBODY>", true); if (!htmlMode) { for (int i = 0; i < headerArray.length; i++) condlPrint(((i > 0) ? " " : "") + SqlFile.divider(maxWidth[i]), false); condlPrintln("", false); } for (int i = 0; i < rows.size(); i++) { condlPrint(SqlFile.htmlRow( ((i % 2) == 0) ? COL_EVEN : COL_ODD) + LS + PRE_TD, true); fieldArray = rows.get(i); for (int j = 0; j < fieldArray.length; j++) { condlPrint("<TD" + (rightJust[j] ? " class=\"sqltool-right\"" : "") + ">" + SqlFile.escapeHtml(fieldArray[j]) + "</TD>", true); condlPrint(((j > 0) ? " " : "") + ((j < fieldArray.length - 1 || rightJust[j]) ? StringUtil.toPaddedString( fieldArray[j], maxWidth[j], ' ', !rightJust[j]) : fieldArray[j]) , false); } condlPrintln(LS + PRE_TR + "</TR>", true); condlPrintln("", false); } condlPrintln(LS + "</TBODY></TABLE>", true); } finally { if (r != null) try { r.close(); } catch (SQLException nse) { // intentionally empty; } finally { r = null; } if (statement != null) try { statement.close(); } catch (SQLException nse) { // intentionally empty; } finally { statement = null; } } }
Unset variables are permitted in expressions as long as use the short *VARNAME form.
/** * Unset variables are permitted in expressions as long as use * the short *VARNAME form. */
private boolean eval(final String[] inTokens) throws BadSpecial { /* TODO: Rewrite using java.util.regex. */ // dereference *VARNAME variables. // N.b. we work with a "copy" of the tokens. boolean negate = inTokens.length > 0 && inTokens[0].equals("!"); String[] tokens = new String[negate ? (inTokens.length - 1) : inTokens.length]; String inToken; for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { inToken = inTokens[i + (negate ? 1 : 0)]; if (inToken.length() > 1 && inToken.charAt(0) == '*') { tokens[i] = shared.userVars.get(inToken.substring(1)); } else { tokens[i] = inTokens[i + (negate ? 1 : 0)]; } } if (tokens.length == 1) return (tokens[0] != null && tokens[0].length() > 0 && !tokens[0].equals("0")) ^ negate; if (tokens.length == 3) { if (tokens[1] == null) throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.logical_unrecognized.getString()); if (tokens[1].equals("!=") || tokens[1].equals("<>") || tokens[1].equals("><")) { negate = !negate; tokens[1] = "=="; } if (tokens[1].equals(">=") || tokens[1].equals("=>")) { negate = !negate; tokens[1] = "<"; } if (tokens[1].equals("<=") || tokens[1].equals("=<")) { negate = !negate; tokens[1] = ">"; } if (tokens[1].equals("==")) { if (tokens[0] == null || tokens[2] == null) return (tokens[0] == null && tokens[2] == null) ^ negate; return tokens[0].equals(tokens[2]) ^ negate; } char c1 = (tokens[0] == null || tokens[0].length() < 1) ? '\0' : tokens[0].charAt(0); char c2 = (tokens[2] == null || tokens[2].length() < 1) ? '\0' : tokens[2].charAt(0); if (tokens[1].equals(">")) { if (tokens[0] == null || tokens[2] == null) return !negate; if (c1 == '-' && c2 == '-') { negate = !negate; } else if (c1 == '-') { return negate; } else if (c2 == '-') { return !negate; } return (tokens[0].length() > tokens[2].length() || ((tokens[0].length() == tokens[2].length()) && tokens[0].compareTo(tokens[2]) > 0)) ^ negate; } if (tokens[1].equals("<")) { if (tokens[0] == null || tokens[2] == null) return !negate; if (c1 == '-' && c2 == '-') { negate = !negate; } else if (c1 == '-') { return !negate; } else if (c2 == '-') { return negate; } return (tokens[2].length() > tokens[0].length() || ((tokens[2].length() == tokens[0].length()) && tokens[2].compareTo(tokens[0]) > 0)) ^ negate; } } throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.logical_unrecognized.getString()); } private void closeQueryOutputStream() { if (pwQuery == null) return; try { if (htmlMode) { pwQuery.flush(); } } finally { try { pwQuery.close(); } finally { pwQuery = null; // Encourage GC of buffers } } }
Print to psStd and possibly pwQuery iff current HTML mode matches supplied printHtml. The condlPrint methods do not escape HTML like the stdprint methods do.
/** * Print to psStd and possibly pwQuery iff current HTML mode matches * supplied printHtml. * * The condlPrint methods do not escape HTML like the stdprint methods do. */
private void condlPrintln(final String s, final boolean printHtml) { if ((printHtml && !htmlMode) || (htmlMode && !printHtml)) return; if (shared.psStd != null) shared.psStd.println(s); if (pwQuery != null) { pwQuery.println(s); pwQuery.flush(); } }
Print to psStd and possibly pwQuery iff current HTML mode matches supplied printHtml. The condlPrint methods do not escape HTML like the stdprint methods do.
/** * Print to psStd and possibly pwQuery iff current HTML mode matches * supplied printHtml. * * The condlPrint methods do not escape HTML like the stdprint methods do. */
private void condlPrint(final String s, final boolean printHtml) { if ((printHtml && !htmlMode) || (htmlMode && !printHtml)) return; if (shared.psStd != null) shared.psStd.print(s); if (pwQuery != null) { pwQuery.print(s); pwQuery.flush(); } } private String formatNicely(final Map<?, ?> map, final boolean withValues) { String s; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); if (withValues) { SqlFile.appendLine(sb, SqltoolRB.pl_list_parens.getString()); } else { SqlFile.appendLine(sb, SqltoolRB.pl_list_lengths.getString()); } for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : new TreeMap<Object, Object>(map).entrySet()) { s = (String) entry.getValue(); SqlFile.appendLine(sb, " " + (String) entry.getKey() + ": " + (withValues ? ("(" + s + ')') : Integer.toString( s.length()))); } return sb.toString(); }
Ascii file dump. dumpFile must not be null.
/** * Ascii file dump. * * dumpFile must not be null. */
private void dump(final String varName, final File dumpFile) throws IOException, BadSpecial { String val = shared.userVars.get(varName); if (val == null) throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.plvar_undefined.getString(varName)); OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream(dumpFile), (shared.encoding == null) ? DEFAULT_FILE_ENCODING : shared.encoding); try { osw.write(val); if (val.length() > 0) { char lastChar = val.charAt(val.length() - 1); if (lastChar != '\n' && lastChar != '\r') osw.write(LS); } osw.flush(); } finally { try { osw.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { // Intentionally empty } finally { osw = null; // Encourage GC of buffers } } // Since opened in overwrite mode, since we didn't exception out, // we can be confident that we wrote all the bytest in the file. stdprintln(SqltoolRB.file_wrotechars.getString( Long.toString(dumpFile.length()), dumpFile.toString())); } byte[] binBuffer;
Binary file dump dumpFile must not be null.
/** * Binary file dump * * dumpFile must not be null. */
private void dump(final File dumpFile) throws IOException, BadSpecial { if (binBuffer == null) throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.binbuffer_empty.getString()); int len = 0; FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(dumpFile); try { fos.write(binBuffer); len = binBuffer.length; binBuffer = null; fos.flush(); } finally { try { fos.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { // Intentionally empty } finally { fos = null; // Encourage GC of buffers } } stdprintln(SqltoolRB.file_wrotechars.getString( len, dumpFile.toString())); }
As the name says... This method always closes the input stream.
  • is – InputStream
  • cs – String
/** * As the name says... * * This method always closes the input stream. * * @param is InputStream * @param cs String * @throws IOException on read errors * @return String */
public String streamToString(InputStream is, final String cs) throws IOException { byte[] ba = null; int bytesread = 0; int retval; try { try { ba = new byte[is.available()]; } catch (RuntimeException re) { throw new IOException(SqltoolRB.read_toobig.getString()); } while (bytesread < ba.length && (retval = is.read( ba, bytesread, ba.length - bytesread)) > 0) { bytesread += retval; } if (bytesread != ba.length) throw new IOException( SqltoolRB.read_partial.getString(bytesread, ba.length)); try { return (cs == null) ? (new String(ba)) : (new String(ba, cs)); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) { throw new IOException( SqltoolRB.encode_fail.getString(uee)); } catch (RuntimeException re) { throw new IOException(SqltoolRB.read_convertfail.getString()); } } finally { try { is.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { // intentionally empty } finally { is = null; // Encourage GC of buffers. // Modification of input param will elicit a compiler warning. // N.b. the caller reference will remain non-null. } } }
Ascii file load.
/** * Ascii file load. */
private void load(final String varName, final URL asciiUrl, final String cs) throws IOException { String string = streamToString(asciiUrl.openStream(), cs); // The streamToString() method ensures that the Stream gets closed shared.userVars.put(varName, string); if (!varPattern.matcher(varName).matches()) errprintln(SqltoolRB.varname_warning.getString(varName)); updateUserSettings(); sqlExpandMode = null; }
As the name says...
  • is – input
/** * As the name says... * * @param is input * @throws IOException on read errors * @return byte[] */
public static byte[] streamToBytes(final InputStream is) throws IOException { byte[] xferBuffer = new byte[10240]; byte[] outBytes = null; int i; ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { while ((i = is.read(xferBuffer)) > 0) baos.write(xferBuffer, 0, i); outBytes = baos.toByteArray(); } finally { baos = null; // Encourage buffer GC } return outBytes; }
Legacy function.. See following function for documentatin.
/** * Legacy function.. * See following function for documentatin. */
public static byte[] loadBinary(final File binFile) throws IOException { return loadBinary(new URL("file", null, binFile.getPath())); }
Binary file load
  • binUrl – url
Returns:The bytes which are the content of the file
/** * Binary file load * * @return The bytes which are the content of the file * @throws IOException on read errors * @param binUrl url */
public static byte[] loadBinary(final URL binUrl) throws IOException { byte[] xferBuffer = new byte[10240]; byte[] outBytes = null; ByteArrayOutputStream baos; int i; InputStream fis = binUrl.openStream(); try { baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); while ((i = fis.read(xferBuffer)) > 0) baos.write(xferBuffer, 0, i); outBytes = baos.toByteArray(); } finally { try { fis.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { // intentionally empty } finally { fis = null; // Encourage GC of buffers baos = null; // Encourage GC of buffers } } return outBytes; }
This method is used to tell SqlFile whether this Sql Type must ALWAYS be loaded to the binary buffer without displaying.

N.b.: If this returns "true" for a type, then the user can never "see" values for these columns. Therefore, if a type may-or-may-not-be displayable, better to return false here and let the user choose. In general, if there is a toString() operator for this Sql Type then return false, since the JDBC driver should know how to make the value displayable.

  • i – JDBC type number
See Also:
/** * This method is used to tell SqlFile whether this Sql Type must * ALWAYS be loaded to the binary buffer without displaying. * <P> * N.b.: If this returns "true" for a type, then the user can never * "see" values for these columns. * Therefore, if a type may-or-may-not-be displayable, better to return * false here and let the user choose. * In general, if there is a toString() operator for this Sql Type * then return false, since the JDBC driver should know how to make the * value displayable. * </P> * * @param i JDBC type number * @return boolean * @see <A href="http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/jdbc/basics/retrieving.html">http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/jdbc/basics/retrieving.html * The table on this page lists the most common SqlTypes, all of which * must implement toString()</A> * @see java.sql.Types */
public static boolean canDisplayType(final int i) { /* I don't now about some of the more obscure types, like REF and * DATALINK */ switch (i) { //case java.sql.Types.BINARY : case java.sql.Types.BLOB : case java.sql.Types.JAVA_OBJECT : //case java.sql.Types.LONGVARBINARY : //case java.sql.Types.LONGVARCHAR : case java.sql.Types.OTHER : case java.sql.Types.STRUCT : //case java.sql.Types.VARBINARY : return false; } return true; } // won't compile with JDK 1.4 without these private static final int JDBC3_BOOLEAN = 16; private static final int JDBC3_DATALINK = 70;
Return a String representation of the specified java.sql.Types type.
  • i – int
/** * Return a String representation of the specified java.sql.Types type. * * @param i int * @return String */
public static String sqlTypeToString(final int i) { switch (i) { case java.sql.Types.ARRAY : return "ARRAY"; case java.sql.Types.BIGINT : return "BIGINT"; case java.sql.Types.BINARY : return "BINARY"; case java.sql.Types.BIT : return "BIT"; case java.sql.Types.BLOB : return "BLOB"; case JDBC3_BOOLEAN : return "BOOLEAN"; case java.sql.Types.CHAR : return "CHAR"; case java.sql.Types.CLOB : return "CLOB"; case JDBC3_DATALINK : return "DATALINK"; case java.sql.Types.DATE : return "DATE"; case java.sql.Types.DECIMAL : return "DECIMAL"; case java.sql.Types.DISTINCT : return "DISTINCT"; case java.sql.Types.DOUBLE : return "DOUBLE"; case java.sql.Types.FLOAT : return "FLOAT"; case java.sql.Types.INTEGER : return "INTEGER"; case java.sql.Types.JAVA_OBJECT : return "JAVA_OBJECT"; case java.sql.Types.LONGVARBINARY : return "LONGVARBINARY"; case java.sql.Types.LONGVARCHAR : return "LONGVARCHAR"; case java.sql.Types.NULL : return "NULL"; case java.sql.Types.NUMERIC : return "NUMERIC"; case java.sql.Types.OTHER : return "OTHER"; case java.sql.Types.REAL : return "REAL"; case java.sql.Types.REF : return "REF"; case java.sql.Types.SMALLINT : return "SMALLINT"; case java.sql.Types.STRUCT : return "STRUCT"; case java.sql.Types.TIME : return "TIME"; case java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP : return "TIMESTAMP"; case java.sql.Types.TINYINT : return "TINYINT"; case java.sql.Types.VARBINARY : return "VARBINARY"; case java.sql.Types.VARCHAR : return "VARCHAR"; case org.hsqldb.types.Types.SQL_TIME_WITH_TIME_ZONE : return "SQL_TIME_WITH_TIME_ZONE"; case org.hsqldb.types.Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIME_ZONE : return "SQL_TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIME_ZONE"; } return "Unknown type " + i; }
Validate that String is safe to write TO DSV file.
  • s – String
  • SqlToolError – if validation fails.
/** * Validate that String is safe to write TO DSV file. * * @throws SqlToolError if validation fails. * @param s String */
public void dsvSafe(final String s) throws SqlToolError { assert pwDsv != null && dsvColDelim != null && dsvRowDelim != null && nullRepToken != null: "Assertion failed. \n" + "dsvSafe called when DSV settings are incomplete"; if (s == null) return; if (s.indexOf(dsvColDelim) > 0) throw new SqlToolError( SqltoolRB.dsv_coldelim_present.getString(dsvColDelim)); if (s.indexOf(dsvRowDelim) > 0) throw new SqlToolError( SqltoolRB.dsv_rowdelim_present.getString(dsvRowDelim)); if (s.trim().equals(nullRepToken)) // The trim() is to avoid the situation where the contents of a // field "looks like" the null-rep token. throw new SqlToolError( SqltoolRB.dsv_nullrep_present.getString(nullRepToken)); }
Translates user-supplied escapes into the traditionaly corresponding corresponding binary characters. Allowed sequences:
  • \0\d+ (an octal digit)
  • \[0-9]\d* (a decimal digit)
  • \[Xx][0-9]{2} (a hex digit)
  • \n Newline (Ctrl-J)
  • \r Carriage return (Ctrl-M)
  • \t Horizontal tab (Ctrl-I)
  • \f Form feed (Ctrl-L)
Java 1.4 String methods will make this into a 1 or 2 line task.
  • inString – input string
Returns:converted string
/** * Translates user-supplied escapes into the traditionaly corresponding * corresponding binary characters. * * Allowed sequences: * <UL> * <LI>\0\d+ (an octal digit) * <LI>\[0-9]\d* (a decimal digit) * <LI>\[Xx][0-9]{2} (a hex digit) * <LI>\n Newline (Ctrl-J) * <LI>\r Carriage return (Ctrl-M) * <LI>\t Horizontal tab (Ctrl-I) * <LI>\f Form feed (Ctrl-L) * </UL> * * Java 1.4 String methods will make this into a 1 or 2 line task. * * @param inString input string * @return converted string */
public static String convertEscapes(final String inString) { if (inString == null) return null; return convertNumericEscapes( convertEscapes(convertEscapes(convertEscapes(convertEscapes( convertEscapes(inString, "\\n", "\n"), "\\r", "\r"), "\\t", "\t"), "\\\\", "\\"), "\\f", "\f") ); }
  • string – Non-null String to modify.
/** * @param string Non-null String to modify. */
private static String convertNumericEscapes(final String string) { String workString = string; int i = 0; for (char dig = '0'; dig <= '9'; dig++) { while ((i = workString.indexOf("\\" + dig, i)) > -1 && i < workString.length() - 1) workString = convertNumericEscape(string, i); while ((i = workString.indexOf("\\x" + dig, i)) > -1 && i < workString.length() - 1) workString = convertNumericEscape(string, i); while ((i = workString.indexOf("\\X" + dig, i)) > -1 && i < workString.length() - 1) workString = convertNumericEscape(string, i); } return workString; }
@offset Position of the leading \.
/** * @offset Position of the leading \. */
private static String convertNumericEscape( final String string, final int offset) { int post = -1; int firstDigit = -1; int radix = -1; if (Character.toUpperCase(string.charAt(offset + 1)) == 'X') { firstDigit = offset + 2; radix = 16; post = firstDigit + 2; if (post > string.length()) post = string.length(); } else { firstDigit = offset + 1; radix = (Character.toUpperCase(string.charAt(firstDigit)) == '0') ? 8 : 10; post = firstDigit + 1; while (post < string.length() && Character.isDigit(string.charAt(post))) post++; } return string.substring(0, offset) + ((char) Integer.parseInt(string.substring(firstDigit, post), radix)) + string.substring(post); }
  • string – Non-null String to modify.
  • from – String
  • to – String
/** * * @param string Non-null String to modify. * @param from String * @param to String * @return String */
private static String convertEscapes( final String string, final String from, final String to) { String workString = string; int i = 0; int fromLen = from.length(); while ((i = workString.indexOf(from, i)) > -1 && i < workString.length() - 1) workString = workString.substring(0, i) + to + workString.substring(i + fromLen); return workString; } private void checkFor02(final String s) throws SqlToolError { try { if (csvStyleQuoting && s.indexOf('\u0002') > -1) throw new SqlToolError( SqltoolRB.csv_coldelim_present.getString("\\u0002")); } catch (RuntimeException re) { throw new SqlToolError(SqltoolRB.read_convertfail.getString(), re); } }
Convert CSV 'line' into DSV 'lines'.
  • s – String
  • lineNum – int
/** * Convert CSV 'line' into DSV 'lines'. * * @param s String * @param lineNum int * @throws SqlToolError * @return String */
private String preprocessCsvQuoting(final String s, final int lineNum) throws SqlToolError { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int offset, segLen, prevOffset; if (s.indexOf('"') < 0) return s.replaceAll(dsvColSplitter, "\u0002"); prevOffset = -1; SEEK_QUOTEDFIELD: while (prevOffset < s.length() - 1) { // Get start of next quoted field: offset = s.indexOf('"', prevOffset + 1); segLen = ((offset < 0) ? s.length() : offset) - (prevOffset + 1); if (segLen > 0) // Here we insert non-quoted segments, replacing all // dsvColSplitters. sb.append(s.substring( prevOffset + 1, prevOffset + 1 + segLen) .replaceAll(dsvColSplitter, "\u0002")); if (offset < 0) break; // Done with line prevOffset = offset; while ((offset = s.indexOf( '"', prevOffset + 1)) > -1) { if (offset - prevOffset > 1) // Here we insert quoted segments without any "s. sb.append(s.substring( prevOffset + 1, offset)); prevOffset = offset; if (s.length() < offset + 2 || s.charAt(offset + 1) != '"') // Field terminated continue SEEK_QUOTEDFIELD; // Field-internal "" prevOffset++; sb.append('"'); } throw new SqlToolError( SqltoolRB.csv_quote_unterminated.getString(lineNum)); } return sb.toString(); }
Name is self-explanatory.
  • fileUrl – String
  • skipPrefix – String
  • SqlToolError – Would prefer to throw an internal exception, but we want this method to have external visibility.
/** * Name is self-explanatory. * * @param fileUrl String * @param skipPrefix String * @throws SqlToolError Would prefer to throw an internal exception, * but we want this method to have external * visibility. */
public void importDsv(final URL fileUrl, final String skipPrefix) throws SqlToolError { /* * If there is user demand, open file in random access mode so don't * need to load 2 copies of the entire file into memory. * This will be difficult because can't use standard Java language * features to search through a character array for multi-character * substrings. */ requireConnection(); /* To make string comparisons, contains() methods, etc. a little * simpler and concise, just switch all column names to lower-case. * This is ok since we acknowledge up front that DSV import/export * assume no special characters or escaping in column names. */ if (csvStyleQuoting && (dsvColSplitter.indexOf('"') > -1 || dsvRowSplitter.indexOf('"') > -1)) throw new SqlToolError(SqltoolRB.dsv_q_nodblquote.getString()); Matcher matcher; SortedMap<String, String> constColMap = null; if (dsvConstCols != null) { // We trim col. names, but not values. Must allow users to // specify values as spaces, empty string, null. // We do not support CVS-quoted style constColMap String. // Must be specified in DSV style. constColMap = new TreeMap<String, String>(); for (String constPair : dsvConstCols.split(dsvColSplitter, -1)) { matcher = nameValPairPattern.matcher(constPair); if (!matcher.matches()) throw new SqlToolError( SqltoolRB.dsv_constcols_nullcol.getString()); constColMap.put(matcher.group(1).toLowerCase(), ((matcher.groupCount() < 2 || matcher.group(2) == null) ? "" : matcher.group(2))); } } Set<String> skipCols = null; if (dsvSkipCols != null) { // We do not support CVS-quoted style skipCols String. // Must be specified in DSV style. skipCols = new HashSet<String>(); for (String skipCol : dsvSkipCols.split(dsvColSplitter, -1)) skipCols.add(skipCol.trim().toLowerCase()); } FileRecordReader dsvReader = null; try { dsvReader = new FileRecordReader(fileUrl, dsvRowSplitter, (shared.encoding == null) ? DEFAULT_FILE_ENCODING : shared.encoding); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) { throw new SqlToolError(uee); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new SqlToolError(SqltoolRB.file_readfail.getString( fileUrl.toString())); } catch (PatternSyntaxException pse) { throw new SqlToolError( SqltoolRB.regex_malformat.getString(dsvRowSplitter)); } int retval; String dateString; List<String> headerList = new ArrayList<String>(); String tableName = dsvTargetTable; // First read one until we get one header line int lineCount = 0; String trimmedLine = null; boolean switching = false; int headerOffset = 0; // Used to offset read-start of header record String curLine = null; // Val will be replaced 4 lines down // This is just to quiet compiler warning try { while (true) { try { curLine = dsvReader.nextRecord(); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new SqlToolError(ioe); } if (curLine == null) throw new SqlToolError(SqltoolRB.dsv_header_none.getString()); checkFor02(curLine); lineCount++; trimmedLine = curLine.trim(); if (trimmedLine.length() < 1 || (skipPrefix != null && trimmedLine.startsWith(skipPrefix))) continue; if (trimmedLine.startsWith("targettable=")) { if (tableName == null) tableName = trimmedLine.substring( "targettable=".length()).trim(); continue; } if (trimmedLine.equals("headerswitch{")) { if (tableName == null) throw new SqlToolError( SqltoolRB.dsv_header_noswitchtarg.getString( lineCount)); switching = true; continue; } if (trimmedLine.equals("}")) throw new SqlToolError( SqltoolRB.dsv_header_noswitchmatch.getString(lineCount)); if (!switching) break; int colonAt = trimmedLine.indexOf(':'); if (colonAt < 1 || colonAt == trimmedLine.length() - 1) throw new SqlToolError( SqltoolRB.dsv_header_nonswitched.getString(lineCount)); String headerName = trimmedLine.substring(0, colonAt).trim(); // Need to be sure here that tableName is not null (in // which case it would be determined later on by the file name). if (headerName.equals("*") || headerName.equalsIgnoreCase(tableName)){ headerOffset = 1 + curLine.indexOf(':'); break; } // Skip non-matched header line } if (csvStyleQuoting) curLine = preprocessCsvQuoting(curLine, lineCount); String headerLine = curLine.substring(headerOffset); String colName; String[] cols = headerLine.split( (csvStyleQuoting ? "\u0002" : dsvColSplitter), -1); Set<String> usedCols = new HashSet<String>(); // Checks for dup cols for (String col : cols) { if (col.length() < 1) throw new SqlToolError(SqltoolRB.dsv_nocolheader.getString( headerList.size() + 1, lineCount)); colName = col.trim().toLowerCase(); if (colName.equals("-") || (skipCols != null && skipCols.remove(colName)) || (constColMap != null && constColMap.containsKey(colName))) colName = null; headerList.add(colName); if (colName == null) continue; if (usedCols.contains(colName.toLowerCase())) throw new SqlToolError( SqltoolRB.import_col_dup.getString(colName)); usedCols.add(colName.toLowerCase()); } if (skipCols != null && skipCols.size() > 0) throw new SqlToolError(SqltoolRB.dsv_skipcols_missing.getString( skipCols.toString())); boolean oneCol = false; // At least 1 non-null column for (String header : headerList) if (header != null) { oneCol = true; break; } if (oneCol == false) // Difficult call, but I think in any real-world situation, the // user will want to know if they are inserting records with no // data from their input file. throw new SqlToolError( SqltoolRB.dsv_nocolsleft.getString(dsvSkipCols)); int inputColHeadCount = headerList.size(); if (constColMap != null) headerList.addAll(constColMap.keySet()); String[] headers = headerList.toArray(new String[0]); // headers contains input headers + all constCols, some of these // values may be nulls. if (tableName == null) { tableName = dsvReader.getName(); int i = tableName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (i > 0) tableName = tableName.substring(0, i); } StringBuffer tmpSb = new StringBuffer(); List<String> tmpList = new ArrayList<String>(); int skippers = 0; for (String header : headers) { if (header == null) { skippers++; continue; } if (tmpSb.length() > 0) tmpSb.append(", "); tmpSb.append(header); tmpList.add(header); } boolean[] autonulls = new boolean[headers.length - skippers]; boolean[] parseDate = new boolean[autonulls.length]; boolean[] parseBool = new boolean[autonulls.length]; char[] readFormat = new char[autonulls.length]; String[] insertFieldName = tmpList.toArray(new String[] {}); // Remember that the headers array has all columns in DSV file, // even skipped columns. // The autonulls array only has columns that we will insert into. StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("INSERT INTO " + tableName + " (" + tmpSb + ") VALUES ("); StringBuffer typeQuerySb = new StringBuffer("SELECT " + tmpSb + " FROM " + tableName + " WHERE 1 = 2"); try { // THIS THROWING!!!!: ResultSetMetaData rsmd = shared.jdbcConn.createStatement().executeQuery( typeQuerySb.toString()).getMetaData(); if (rsmd.getColumnCount() != autonulls.length) { System.err.println("C23"); throw new SqlToolError( SqltoolRB.dsv_metadata_mismatch.getString()); } // Don't know if it's possible to get here. // If so, it's probably a SqlTool problem, not a user or // data problem. // Should be researched and either return a user-friendly // message or a RuntimeExceptin. for (int i = 0; i < autonulls.length; i++) { autonulls[i] = true; parseDate[i] = false; parseBool[i] = false; readFormat[i] = 's'; // regular Strings switch(rsmd.getColumnType(i + 1)) { case java.sql.Types.BIT : autonulls[i] = true; readFormat[i] = 'b'; break; case java.sql.Types.LONGVARBINARY : case java.sql.Types.VARBINARY : case java.sql.Types.BINARY : autonulls[i] = true; readFormat[i] = 'x'; break; case java.sql.Types.BOOLEAN: parseBool[i] = true; break; case java.sql.Types.ARRAY : autonulls[i] = true; readFormat[i] = 'a'; break; case java.sql.Types.VARCHAR : case java.sql.Types.BLOB : case java.sql.Types.CLOB : case java.sql.Types.LONGVARCHAR : autonulls[i] = false; // This means to preserve white space and to insert // "" for "". Otherwise we trim white space and // insert null for \s*. break; case java.sql.Types.DATE: case java.sql.Types.TIME: case java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP: case org.hsqldb.types.Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIME_ZONE: case org.hsqldb.types.Types.SQL_TIME_WITH_TIME_ZONE: parseDate[i] = true; break; default: break; } } } catch (SQLException se) { throw new SqlToolError(SqltoolRB.query_metadatafail.getString( typeQuerySb.toString()), se); } for (int i = 0; i < autonulls.length; i++) { if (i > 0) sb.append(", "); sb.append('?'); } // Initialize REJECT file(s) int rejectCount = 0; File rejectFile = null; File rejectReportFile = null; PrintWriter rejectWriter = null; PrintWriter rejectReportWriter = null; try { if (dsvRejectFile != null) try { rejectFile = dereferenceAtToFile(dsvRejectFile); rejectWriter = new PrintWriter( new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(rejectFile), (shared.encoding == null) ? DEFAULT_FILE_ENCODING : shared.encoding)); rejectWriter.print(headerLine + dsvRowDelim); } catch (BadSpecial bs) { throw new SqlToolError(SqltoolRB.dsv_rejectfile_setupfail.getString( dsvRejectFile), bs); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new SqlToolError(SqltoolRB.dsv_rejectfile_setupfail.getString( dsvRejectFile), ioe); } if (dsvRejectReport != null) try { rejectReportFile = dereferenceAtToFile(dsvRejectReport); rejectReportWriter = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream(rejectReportFile), (shared.encoding == null) ? DEFAULT_FILE_ENCODING : shared.encoding)); boolean setTitle = !shared.userVars.containsKey("REPORT_TITLE"); if (setTitle) shared.userVars.put("REPORT_TITLE", "SqlTool " + (csvStyleQuoting ? "CSV" : "DSV") + " Reject Report"); try { writeHeader(rejectReportWriter, dsvRejectReport); } finally { if (setTitle) shared.userVars.remove("REPORT_TITLE"); } rejectReportWriter.println(SqltoolRB.rejectreport_top.getString( dsvReader.toString(), ((rejectFile == null) ? SqltoolRB.none.getString() : rejectFile.getPath()), ((rejectFile == null) ? null : rejectFile.getPath()))); } catch (BadSpecial bs) { throw new SqlToolError( SqltoolRB.dsv_rejectreport_setupfail.getString( dsvRejectReport), bs); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new SqlToolError( SqltoolRB.dsv_rejectreport_setupfail.getString( dsvRejectReport), ioe); } int recCount = 0; int skipCount = 0; PreparedStatement ps = null; boolean importAborted = false; boolean doResetAutocommit = false; try { doResetAutocommit = dsvRecordsPerCommit > 0 && shared.jdbcConn.getAutoCommit(); if (doResetAutocommit) shared.jdbcConn.setAutoCommit(false); } catch (SQLException se) { throw new SqlToolError( SqltoolRB.rpc_autocommit_failure.getString(), se); } // We're now assured that if dsvRecordsPerCommit is > 0, then // autocommit is off. try { try { ps = shared.jdbcConn.prepareStatement(sb.toString() + ')'); } catch (SQLException se) { throw new SqlToolError( SqltoolRB.insertion_preparefail.getString( sb.toString()), se); } String[] dataVals = new String[autonulls.length]; // Length is number of cols to insert INTO, not nec. # in DSV file. int readColCount; int storeColCount; Matcher arMatcher; String currentFieldName = null; String[] arVals; // Insert data rows 1-row-at-a-time while (true) try { try { try { curLine = dsvReader.nextRecord(); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new SqlToolError(ioe); } if (curLine == null) break; checkFor02(curLine); if (csvStyleQuoting) curLine = preprocessCsvQuoting(curLine, ++lineCount); trimmedLine = curLine.trim(); if (trimmedLine.length() < 1) continue; // Silently skip blank lines if (skipPrefix != null && trimmedLine.startsWith(skipPrefix)) { skipCount++; continue; } if (switching) { if (trimmedLine.equals("}")) { switching = false; continue; } int colonAt = trimmedLine.indexOf(':'); if (colonAt < 1 || colonAt == trimmedLine.length() - 1) throw new SqlToolError( SqltoolRB.dsv_header_matchernonhead.getString( lineCount)); continue; } // Finished using "trimmed" line now. Whitespace is // meaningful hereafter. // Finally we will attempt to add a record! recCount++; // Remember that recCount counts both inserts + rejects readColCount = 0; storeColCount = 0; cols = curLine.split( (csvStyleQuoting ? "\u0002" : dsvColSplitter), -1); for (String col : cols) { if (readColCount == inputColHeadCount) throw new RowError( SqltoolRB.dsv_colcount_mismatch.getString( inputColHeadCount, 1 + readColCount)); if (headers[readColCount++] != null) dataVals[storeColCount++] = dsvTrimAll ? col.trim() : col; } if (readColCount < inputColHeadCount) throw new RowError( SqltoolRB.dsv_colcount_mismatch.getString( inputColHeadCount, readColCount)); /* Already checked for readColCount too high in prev. block */ if (constColMap != null) for (String val : constColMap.values()) dataVals[storeColCount++] = val; if (storeColCount != dataVals.length) throw new RowError( SqltoolRB.dsv_insertcol_mismatch.getString( dataVals.length, storeColCount)); for (int i = 0; i < dataVals.length; i++) { currentFieldName = insertFieldName[i]; if (autonulls[i]) dataVals[i] = dataVals[i].trim(); // N.b. WE SPECIFICALLY DO NOT HANDLE TIMES WITHOUT // DATES, LIKE "3:14:00", BECAUSE, WHILE THIS MAY BE // USEFUL AND EFFICIENT, IT IS NOT PORTABLE. //System.err.println("ps.setString(" + i + ", " // + dataVals[i] + ')'); if (parseDate[i]) { if ((dataVals[i].length() < 1 && autonulls[i]) || dataVals[i].equals(nullRepToken)) { ps.setTimestamp(i + 1, null); } else { // BEWARE: This may not work for some non-US // date/time formats. if (dataVals[i].indexOf(':') > 0 && dataVals[i].indexOf('-') > 0) { dateString = dataVals[i]; } else if (dataVals[i].indexOf(':') < 1) { dateString = dataVals[i] + " 0:00:00"; } else if (dataVals[i].indexOf('-') < 1) { dateString = "0000-00-00 " + dataVals[i]; } else { dateString = null; // To shut up compiler assert false: "Unexpected date/time val: " + dataVals[i]; } try { ps.setTimestamp(i + 1, java.sql.Timestamp.valueOf(dateString)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw new RowError( SqltoolRB.time_bad.getString( dateString), iae); } } } else if (parseBool[i]) { if ((dataVals[i].length() < 1 && autonulls[i]) || dataVals[i].equals(nullRepToken)) { ps.setNull(i + 1, java.sql.Types.BOOLEAN); } else { try { ps.setBoolean(i + 1, Boolean.parseBoolean(dataVals[i])); // Boolean... is equivalent to Java 4's // Boolean.parseBoolean(). } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw new RowError( SqltoolRB.boolean_bad.getString( dataVals[i]), iae); } } } else { switch (readFormat[i]) { case 'b': ps.setBytes( i + 1, (dataVals[i].length() < 1) ? null : SqlFile.bitCharsToBytes( dataVals[i])); break; case 'x': ps.setBytes( i + 1, (dataVals[i].length() < 1) ? null : SqlFile.hexCharOctetsToBytes( dataVals[i])); break; case 'a' : if (SqlFile.createArrayOfMethod == null) throw new SqlToolError( SqltoolRB.arrayimp_jvmreq .getString()); if (dataVals[i].length() < 1) { ps.setArray(i + 1, null); break; } arMatcher = arrayPattern.matcher(dataVals[i]); if (!arMatcher.matches()) throw new RowError( SqltoolRB.arrayval_malformat .getString(dataVals[i])); arVals = (arMatcher.group(1) == null) ? (new String[0]) : arMatcher.group(1).split("\\s*,\\s*"); // N.b. THIS DOES NOT HANDLE commas WITHIN // Array ELEMENT VALUES. try { ps.setArray(i + 1, (java.sql.Array) SqlFile.createArrayOfMethod.invoke( shared.jdbcConn, "VARCHAR", arVals)); } catch (IllegalAccessException iae) { throw new RuntimeException(iae); } catch (InvocationTargetException ite) { if (ite.getCause() != null && ite.getCause() instanceof AbstractMethodError) throw new SqlToolError( SqltoolRB.sqlarray_badjvm .getString()); throw new RuntimeException(ite); } // createArrayOf method is Java-6-specific! break; default: ps.setString( i + 1, (((dataVals[i].length() < 1 && autonulls[i]) || dataVals[i].equals(nullRepToken)) ? null : dataVals[i])); } } currentFieldName = null; } retval = ps.executeUpdate(); if (retval != 1) throw new RowError( SqltoolRB.inputrec_modified.getString(retval)); if (dsvRecordsPerCommit > 0 && (recCount - rejectCount) % dsvRecordsPerCommit == 0) { shared.jdbcConn.commit(); shared.possiblyUncommitteds = false; } else { shared.possiblyUncommitteds = true; } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new RowError(null, nfe); } catch (SQLException se) { throw new RowError(null, se); } } catch (RowError re) { rejectCount++; if (rejectWriter != null || rejectReportWriter != null) { if (rejectWriter != null) rejectWriter.print(curLine + dsvRowDelim); if (rejectReportWriter != null) genRejectReportRecord(rejectReportWriter, rejectCount, lineCount, currentFieldName, re.getMessage(), re.getCause()); } else { importAborted = true; throw new SqlToolError( SqltoolRB.dsv_recin_fail.getString( lineCount, currentFieldName) + ((re.getMessage() == null) ? "" : (" " + re.getMessage())), re.getCause()); } } } finally { if (ps != null) try { ps.close(); } catch (SQLException se) { // We already got what we want from it, or have/are // processing a more specific error. } finally { ps = null; // Encourage GC of buffers } try { if (dsvRecordsPerCommit > 0 && (recCount - rejectCount) % dsvRecordsPerCommit != 0) { // To be consistent, if *DSV_RECORDS_PER_COMMIT is set, we // always commit all inserted records. // This little block commits any straggler commits since the // last commit. shared.jdbcConn.commit(); shared.possiblyUncommitteds = false; } if (doResetAutocommit) shared.jdbcConn.setAutoCommit(true); } catch (SQLException se) { throw new SqlToolError( SqltoolRB.rpc_commit_failure.getString(), se); } String summaryString = null; if (recCount > 0) { summaryString = SqltoolRB.dsv_import_summary.getString( ((skipPrefix == null) ? "" : ("'" + skipPrefix + "'-")), Integer.toString(skipCount), Integer.toString(rejectCount), Integer.toString(recCount - rejectCount), (importAborted ? "importAborted" : null)); stdprintln(summaryString); } try { if (recCount > rejectCount && dsvRecordsPerCommit < 1 && !shared.jdbcConn.getAutoCommit()) stdprintln(SqltoolRB.insertions_notcommitted.getString()); } catch (SQLException se) { stdprintln(SqltoolRB.autocommit_fetchfail.getString()); stdprintln(SqltoolRB.insertions_notcommitted.getString()); // No reason to throw here. If user attempts to use the // connection for anything significant, we will throw then. } if (rejectWriter != null) rejectWriter.flush(); if (rejectReportWriter != null && rejectCount > 0) { rejectReportWriter.println( SqltoolRB.rejectreport_bottom.getString( summaryString, revnum)); writeFooter(rejectReportWriter, dsvRejectReport); rejectReportWriter.flush(); } } } finally { if (rejectWriter != null) try { rejectWriter.close(); } finally { rejectWriter = null; // Encourage GC of buffers } if (rejectReportWriter != null) try { rejectReportWriter.close(); } finally { rejectReportWriter = null; // Encourage GC of buffers } if (rejectCount == 0) { if (rejectFile != null && rejectFile.exists() && !rejectFile.delete()) errprintln(SqltoolRB.dsv_rejectfile_purgefail.getString( rejectFile.toString())); if (rejectReportFile != null && !rejectReportFile.delete()) errprintln(SqltoolRB.dsv_rejectreport_purgefail.getString( rejectReportFile.toString())); // These are trivial errors. } } } finally { if (dsvReader.isOpen()) try { dsvReader.close(); } catch (Exception ioe) { // Just log it logger.error( SqltoolRB.inputfile_closefail.getString() + ": " + ioe); } } } protected static void appendLine(final StringBuffer sb, final String s) { sb.append(s + LS); }
Does a poor-man's parse of a MSDOS command line and parses it into a WIndows cmd.exe invocation to approximate.
  • monolithic – String
/** * Does a poor-man's parse of a MSDOS command line and parses it into a * WIndows cmd.exe invocation to approximate. * * @param monolithic String * @return String[] */
private static String[] genWinArgs(final String monolithic) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); list.add("cmd.exe"); list.add("/y"); list.add("/c"); Matcher m = wincmdPattern.matcher(monolithic); while (m.find()) for (int i = 1; i <= m.groupCount(); i++) { if (m.group(i) == null) continue; if (m.group(i).length() > 1 && m.group(i).charAt(0) == '"') { list.add(m.group(i).substring(1, m.group(i).length() - 1)); continue; } list.addAll(Arrays.asList(m.group(i).split("\\s+", -1))); } return list.toArray(new String[] {}); } private void genRejectReportRecord(final PrintWriter pw, final int rCount, final int lCount, final String field, final String eMsg, final Throwable cause) { pw.println(SqltoolRB.rejectreport_row.getString( "sqltool-" + ((rCount % 2 == 0) ? "even" : "odd"), Integer.toString(rCount), Integer.toString(lCount), ((field == null) ? "" : field), (((eMsg == null) ? "" : eMsg) + ((eMsg == null || cause == null) ? "" : "<HR/>") + ((cause == null) ? "" : ( (cause instanceof SQLException && cause.getMessage() != null) ? cause.getMessage() : cause.toString() ) ) ))); }
Parses input into command tokens, but does not perform the commands (unless you consider parsing blocks of nested commands to be "performing" a command).

Throws only if I/O error or if nestingCommand != null and EOF encountered before end of entire file (encountered at any level of recursion).

Exceptions thrown within this method percolate right up to the external call (in scanpass), regardless of ContinueOnErr setting. This is because it's impossible to know when to terminate blocks if there is a parsing error.

Only a separate SqlFile invocation (incl. \i command) will cause a seekTokenSource exception to be handled at a level other than the very top.

  • nestingCommand – Set to null to read scanner until EOF.
/** * Parses input into command tokens, but does not perform the commands * (unless you consider parsing blocks of nested commands to be "performing" * a command). * * <p> Throws only if I/O error or if nestingCommand != null and EOF * encountered before end of entire file (encountered at any level of * recursion). * * <p> Exceptions thrown within this method percolate right up to the * external call (in scanpass), regardless of ContinueOnErr setting. This is * because it's impossible to know when to terminate blocks if there is a * parsing error. * * <p> Only a separate SqlFile invocation (incl. \i command) will cause a * seekTokenSource exception to be handled at a level other than the very * top. * * @param nestingCommand Set to null to read scanner until EOF. * @throws BadSpecial * @throws IOException * @throws SqlToolError * @return TokenList */
private TokenList seekTokenSource(final String nestingCommand) throws BadSpecial, IOException, SqlToolError { Token token; TokenList newTS = new TokenList(); Pattern endPattern = null; Pattern elsePattern = null; if (nestingCommand != null) if (nestingCommand.equals("if")) { endPattern = Pattern.compile("end\\s+" + nestingCommand); elsePattern = Pattern.compile("else"); } else if (nestingCommand.equals("else")) { endPattern = Pattern.compile("end\\s+if"); } else { endPattern = Pattern.compile("end\\s+" + nestingCommand); } String subNestingCommand; Matcher inlineNestMatcher; while ((token = scanner.yylex()) != null) { if (endPattern != null && token.type == Token.PL_TYPE && endPattern.matcher(token.val).matches()) return newTS; if (elsePattern != null && token.type == Token.PL_TYPE && elsePattern.matcher(token.val).matches()) { assert token.nestedBlock == null: "else statement's .nested block not null"; token.nestedBlock = seekTokenSource("else"); newTS.add(token); return newTS; } inlineNestMatcher = inlineNestMatcher(token); if (inlineNestMatcher != null) { processInlineBlock(token, inlineNestMatcher.group(1), inlineNestMatcher.group(2)); } else { subNestingCommand = nestingCommand(token); if (subNestingCommand != null) token.nestedBlock = seekTokenSource(subNestingCommand); } newTS.add(token); } if (nestingCommand == null) return newTS; throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.pl_block_unterminated.getString(nestingCommand)); }
We want leading space to be trimmed. Leading space should probably not be trimmed, but it is trimmed now (by the Scanner).
  • defToken – Token
/** * We want leading space to be trimmed. Leading space should probably not be * trimmed, but it is trimmed now (by the Scanner). * * @param defToken Token * @throws BadSpecial */
private void processMacro(final Token defToken) throws BadSpecial { Matcher matcher; Token macroToken; if (defToken.val.length() < 1) throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.macro_tip.getString()); int newType = -1; StringBuffer newVal = new StringBuffer(); switch (defToken.val.charAt(0)) { case '?': stdprintln(SqltoolRB.macro_help.getString()); break; case ':': matcher = editMacroPattern.matcher(defToken.val); if (!matcher.matches()) throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.macro_malformat.getString()); if (buffer == null) { stdprintln(nobufferYetString); return; } newVal.append(buffer.val); if (matcher.groupCount() > 1 && matcher.group(2) != null && matcher.group(2).length() > 0) newVal.append(matcher.group(2)); newType = buffer.type; if (newVal.length() < 1) throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.macrodef_empty.getString()); if (newVal.charAt(newVal.length() - 1) == ';') throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.macrodef_semi.getString()); shared.macros.put(matcher.group(1), new Token(buffer.type, newVal, defToken.line)); break; case '=': String defString = defToken.val; defString = defString.substring(1).trim(); if (defString.length() < 1) { for (Map.Entry<String, Token> entry : shared.macros.entrySet()) stdprintln(entry.getKey() + " = " + entry.getValue().reconstitute()); break; } matcher = legacyEditMacroPattern.matcher(defString); if (matcher.matches()) { if (buffer == null) { stdprintln(nobufferYetString); return; } newVal.append(buffer.val); if (matcher.groupCount() > 1 && matcher.group(2) != null && matcher.group(2).length() > 0) newVal.append(matcher.group(2)); newType = buffer.type; } else { matcher = spMacroPattern.matcher(defString); if (matcher.matches()) { newVal.append(matcher.group(3)); newType = (matcher.group(2).equals("*") ? Token.PL_TYPE : Token.SPECIAL_TYPE); } else { matcher = sqlMacroPattern.matcher(defString); if (!matcher.matches()) throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.macro_malformat.getString()); newVal.append(matcher.group(2)); newType = Token.SQL_TYPE; } } if (newVal.length() < 1) throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.macrodef_empty.getString()); if (newVal.charAt(newVal.length() - 1) == ';') throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.macrodef_semi.getString()); shared.macros.put(matcher.group(1), new Token(newType, newVal, defToken.line)); break; default: matcher = useFnPattern.matcher(defToken.val); if (matcher.matches()) { macroToken = shared.macros.get(matcher.group(1) + ')'); if (macroToken == null) throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.macro_undefined.getString( matcher.group(1) + "...)")); String[] splitVars = null; if (matcher.groupCount() > 1 && matcher.group(2) != null && matcher.group(2).length() > 0) { //buffer.val += matcher.group(2); splitVars = matcher.group(2).split("\\s*,\\s*", -1); } else { splitVars = new String[0]; } String thirdGroup = (matcher.groupCount() > 2 && matcher.group(3) != null) ? matcher.group(3) : null; preempt = thirdGroup != null && thirdGroup.endsWith(";"); if (preempt) { if (thirdGroup.length() == 1) { thirdGroup = null; } else { thirdGroup = thirdGroup.substring(0, thirdGroup.length() - 1); } } Matcher templateM = fnParamPat.matcher(macroToken.val); int prevEnd = 0; String varVal; int varNum; setBuf(macroToken); buffer.val = ""; buffer.line = defToken.line; while (templateM.find()) { buffer.val += macroToken.val .substring(prevEnd, templateM.start()); varNum = Integer.parseInt( templateM.group(templateM.groupCount())); varVal = (varNum > 0 && varNum <= splitVars.length) ? splitVars[varNum-1] : null; if (varVal == null && (templateM.groupCount() < 2 || templateM.group(1) == null || templateM.group(1).length() < 1)) throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.plvar_undefined.getString( templateM.group(templateM.groupCount()))); if (varVal != null) buffer.val += varVal; prevEnd = templateM.end(); } buffer.val += macroToken.val.substring(prevEnd); if (thirdGroup != null) buffer.val += thirdGroup; return; } matcher = useMacroPattern.matcher(defToken.val); if (!matcher.matches()) throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.macro_malformat.getString()); macroToken = shared.macros.get(matcher.group(1)); if (macroToken == null) throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.macro_undefined.getString( matcher.group(1))); setBuf(macroToken); buffer.line = defToken.line; if (matcher.groupCount() > 1 && matcher.group(2) != null && matcher.group(2).length() > 0) buffer.val += matcher.group(2); preempt = matcher.group(matcher.groupCount()).equals(";"); } }
Convert a String to a byte array by interpreting every 2 characters as an octal byte value.
  • hexChars – String
/** * Convert a String to a byte array by interpreting every 2 characters as an * octal byte value. * * @param hexChars String * @return byte[] */
public static byte[] hexCharOctetsToBytes(final String hexChars) { int chars = hexChars.length(); if (chars != (chars / 2) * 2) throw new NumberFormatException("Hex character lists contains " + "an odd number of characters: " + chars); byte[] ba = new byte[chars/2]; int offset = 0; char c; int octet; for (int i = 0; i < chars; i++) { octet = 0; c = hexChars.charAt(i); if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') { octet += 10 + c - 'a'; } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') { octet += 10 + c - 'A'; } else if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { octet += c - '0'; } else { throw new NumberFormatException( "Non-hex character in input at offset " + i + ": " + c); } octet = octet << 4; c = hexChars.charAt(++i); if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') { octet += 10 + c - 'a'; } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') { octet += 10 + c - 'A'; } else if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { octet += c - '0'; } else { throw new NumberFormatException( "Non-hex character in input at offset " + i + ": " + c); } ba[offset++] = (byte) octet; } assert ba.length == offset: "Internal accounting problem. Expected to fill buffer of " + "size "+ ba.length + ", but wrote only " + offset + " bytes"; return ba; }
Just a stub for now.
  • hexChars – String
/** * Just a stub for now. * * @param hexChars String * @return byte[] */
public static byte[] bitCharsToBytes(final String hexChars) { if (hexChars == null) throw new NullPointerException(); // To shut up compiler warn throw new NumberFormatException( "Sorry. Bit exporting not supported yet"); } private void requireConnection() throws SqlToolError { if (shared.jdbcConn == null) throw new SqlToolError(SqltoolRB.no_required_conn.getString()); }
Returns a String report for the specified JDBC Connection. For databases with poor JDBC support, you won't get much detail.
  • c – Connection
/** * Returns a String report for the specified JDBC Connection. For databases * with poor JDBC support, you won't get much detail. * * @param c Connection * @return String */
public static String getBanner(final Connection c) { try { DatabaseMetaData md = c.getMetaData(); return (md == null) ? null : SqltoolRB.jdbc_established.getString( md.getDatabaseProductName(), md.getDatabaseProductVersion(), md.getUserName(), (c.isReadOnly() ? "R/O " : "R/W ") + RCData.tiToString( c.getTransactionIsolation())); } catch (SQLException se) { return null; } } private void displayConnBanner() { String msg = (shared.jdbcConn == null) ? SqltoolRB.disconnected_msg.getString() : SqlFile.getBanner(shared.jdbcConn); stdprintln((msg == null) ? SqltoolRB.connected_fallbackmsg.getString() : msg); } private URL dereferenceAtToUrl(final String s) throws BadSpecial { try { if (s.indexOf('@') != 0) return SqlFile.URL_WITH_PROTO_RE.matcher(s).matches() ? new URL(s) : new URL("file", null, s); if (atBase == null) throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.illegal_at.getString()); return (s.length() > 2 && (s.charAt(1) == '/' || s.charAt(1) == '\\')) ? new URL(atBase, s.substring(2)) : new URL(atBase.getProtocol(), atBase.getHost(), atBase.getFile() + s.substring(1)); } catch (MalformedURLException mue) { throw new BadSpecial(mue.getMessage()); } } private File dereferenceAtToFile(final String s) throws BadSpecial { if (s.indexOf('@') != 0) return new File(s); if (atBase == null) throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.illegal_at.getString()); if (atBase.getProtocol() != "file") throw new BadSpecial(SqltoolRB.desturl_nowrite.getString( atBase.toString())); try { return new File(((s.length() > 2 && (s.charAt(1) == '/' || s.charAt(1) == '\\')) ? new URL(atBase, s.substring(2)) : new URL(atBase.getProtocol(), atBase.getHost(), atBase.getFile() + s.substring(1))).getPath()); } catch (MalformedURLException mue) { throw new BadSpecial(mue.getMessage()); } }
Escaping rules taken from 'Reserved Characters in HTML table at http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_entities.asp
  • s – String
/** * Escaping rules taken from 'Reserved Characters in HTML table at * http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_entities.asp * * @param s String * @return String */
public static String escapeHtml(final String s) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); char[] charArray = s.toCharArray(); for (char c : charArray) switch (c) { case '"': sb.append("&quot;"); break; case '\'': // This case not supported by Commons Lang's escapeHtml sb.append("&apos;"); break; case '&': sb.append("&amp;"); break; case '<': sb.append("&lt;"); break; case '>': sb.append("&gt;"); break; default: sb.append(c); } return sb.toString(); }
  • pWriter – PrintWriter
  • filePath – only used for error reporting.
/** * * @param pWriter PrintWriter * @param filePath only used for error reporting. * @throws BadSpecial * @throws SqlToolError */
private void writeHeader(final PrintWriter pWriter, final String filePath) throws BadSpecial, SqlToolError { char[] readBfr = new char[1024]; int i; StringWriter sWriter = new StringWriter(); InputStreamReader isr = null; String str; try { InputStream is = (topHtmlFile == null) ? getClass().getResourceAsStream( "sqltool/top-boilerplate.html") : new FileInputStream(topHtmlFile); if (is == null) throw new IOException("Missing resource: " + ((topHtmlFile == null) ? topHtmlFile : "sqltool/top-boilerplate")); isr = new InputStreamReader(is); while ((i = isr.read(readBfr)) > -1) sWriter.write(readBfr, 0, i); readBfr = null; str = sWriter.toString(); sWriter.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BadSpecial( SqltoolRB.file_writefail.getString(filePath), e); } finally { try { if (isr != null) isr.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { // TODO: Throw appropriate exception } } pWriter.write(dereference(str.replaceAll("\\r?\\n", LS), true)); }
  • pwQuery – the writer
  • filePath – only used for error reporting.
/** * @param pwQuery the writer * @param filePath only used for error reporting. * @throws SqlToolError */
private void writeFooter(final PrintWriter pwQuery, final String filePath) throws SqlToolError { char[] readBfr = new char[1024]; int i; StringWriter sWriter = new StringWriter(); InputStreamReader isr = null; String str; try { InputStream is = (bottomHtmlFile == null) ? getClass().getResourceAsStream( "sqltool/bottom-boilerplate.html") : new FileInputStream(bottomHtmlFile); if (is == null) throw new IOException("Missing resource: " + ((bottomHtmlFile == null) ? bottomHtmlFile : "sqltool/bottom-boilerplate")); isr = new InputStreamReader(is); while ((i = isr.read(readBfr)) > -1) sWriter.write(readBfr, 0, i); readBfr = null; str = sWriter.toString(); sWriter.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SqlToolError( SqltoolRB.file_writefail.getString(filePath), e); } finally { try { if (isr != null) isr.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { // TODO: Throw appropriate exception } } pwQuery.write(dereference(str.replaceAll("\\r?\\n", LS), true)); } private void processInlineBlock(final Token t, final String ifCmdText, final String nestingText) throws BadSpecial, IOException, SqlToolError { assert t.nestedBlock == null: "Inline-nest command has .nestBlock pre-populated"; SqlFileScanner storedScanner = scanner; try { scanner = new SqlFileScanner(new StringReader(nestingText + '\n')); scanner.setStdPrintStream(shared.psStd); scanner.setRawLeadinPrompt(""); scanner.setInteractive(interactive); t.nestedBlock = seekTokenSource(null); } finally { scanner = storedScanner; } t.val = ifCmdText; } }