 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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 * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
 * statements applied by the authors.  All third-party contributions are
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package org.hibernate.jpa.internal.schemagen;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceException;

import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.boot.registry.classloading.spi.ClassLoaderService;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration;
import org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect;
import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.connections.spi.ConnectionProvider;
import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.dialect.spi.DatabaseMetaDataDialectResolutionInfoAdapter;
import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.dialect.spi.DialectFactory;
import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.dialect.spi.DialectResolutionInfo;
import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.dialect.spi.DialectResolutionInfoSource;
import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.JdbcConnectionAccess;
import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.JdbcServices;
import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlStatementLogger;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.StringHelper;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.config.ConfigurationHelper;
import org.hibernate.jpa.AvailableSettings;
import org.hibernate.jpa.SchemaGenAction;
import org.hibernate.jpa.SchemaGenSource;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Table;
import org.hibernate.service.ServiceRegistry;
import org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.ImportSqlCommandExtractor;

import org.jboss.logging.Logger;

Class responsible for the JPA-defined schema generation behavior.
Author:Steve Ebersole
/** * Class responsible for the JPA-defined schema generation behavior. * * @author Steve Ebersole */
public class JpaSchemaGenerator { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger( JpaSchemaGenerator.class ); private JpaSchemaGenerator() { } public static void performGeneration(Configuration hibernateConfiguration, ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) { new Generation( serviceRegistry ).execute( hibernateConfiguration ); }
Defines the process of performing a schema generation
/** * Defines the process of performing a schema generation */
public static class Generation { private final ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry; private final ImportSqlCommandExtractor scriptCommandExtractor; private final ClassLoaderService classLoaderService;
Constructs a generation process
  • serviceRegistry – The Hibernate service registry to use
/** * Constructs a generation process * * @param serviceRegistry The Hibernate service registry to use */
public Generation(ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) { this.serviceRegistry = serviceRegistry; this.scriptCommandExtractor = serviceRegistry.getService( ImportSqlCommandExtractor.class ); this.classLoaderService = serviceRegistry.getService( ClassLoaderService.class ); }
Perform the generation, as indicated by the settings
  • hibernateConfiguration – The hibernate configuration
/** * Perform the generation, as indicated by the settings * * @param hibernateConfiguration The hibernate configuration */
public void execute(Configuration hibernateConfiguration) { // First, determine the actions (if any) to be performed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ final SchemaGenAction databaseAction = SchemaGenAction.interpret( hibernateConfiguration.getProperty( AvailableSettings.SCHEMA_GEN_DATABASE_ACTION ) ); final SchemaGenAction scriptsAction = SchemaGenAction.interpret( hibernateConfiguration.getProperty( AvailableSettings.SCHEMA_GEN_SCRIPTS_ACTION ) ); if ( databaseAction == SchemaGenAction.NONE && scriptsAction == SchemaGenAction.NONE ) { // no actions needed log.debug( "No actions specified; doing nothing" ); return; } // Figure out the JDBC Connection context, if any ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ final JdbcConnectionContext jdbcConnectionContext = determineAppropriateJdbcConnectionContext( hibernateConfiguration, serviceRegistry ); try { final Dialect dialect = determineDialect( jdbcConnectionContext, hibernateConfiguration, serviceRegistry ); // determine sources ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ final List<GenerationSource> createSourceList = databaseAction.includesCreate() || scriptsAction.includesCreate() ? buildCreateSourceList( hibernateConfiguration, dialect ) : Collections.<GenerationSource>emptyList(); final List<GenerationSource> dropSourceList = databaseAction.includesDrop() || scriptsAction.includesDrop() ? buildDropSourceList( hibernateConfiguration, dialect ) : Collections.<GenerationSource>emptyList(); // determine targets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ final GenerationTarget databaseTarget = new GenerationTargetToDatabase( jdbcConnectionContext, databaseAction ); final Object createScriptTargetSetting = hibernateConfiguration.getProperties().get( AvailableSettings.SCHEMA_GEN_SCRIPTS_CREATE_TARGET ); final Object dropScriptTargetSetting = hibernateConfiguration.getProperties().get( AvailableSettings.SCHEMA_GEN_SCRIPTS_DROP_TARGET ); final GenerationTarget scriptsTarget = new GenerationTargetToScript( interpretScriptTargetSetting( createScriptTargetSetting, scriptsAction.includesCreate(), AvailableSettings.SCHEMA_GEN_SCRIPTS_CREATE_TARGET ), interpretScriptTargetSetting( dropScriptTargetSetting, scriptsAction.includesDrop(), AvailableSettings.SCHEMA_GEN_SCRIPTS_DROP_TARGET ), scriptsAction ); final List<GenerationTarget> targets = Arrays.asList( databaseTarget, scriptsTarget ); // See if native Hibernate schema generation has also been requested and warn the user if so... final String hbm2ddl = hibernateConfiguration.getProperty( org.hibernate.cfg.AvailableSettings.HBM2DDL_AUTO ); if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( hbm2ddl ) ) { log.warnf( "Hibernate hbm2ddl-auto setting was specified [%s] in combination with JPA schema-generation; " + "combination will likely cause trouble", hbm2ddl ); } // finally, do the generation try { doGeneration( createSourceList, dropSourceList, targets ); } finally { releaseTargets( targets ); releaseSources( createSourceList ); releaseSources( dropSourceList ); } } finally { releaseJdbcConnectionContext( jdbcConnectionContext ); } } private ScriptTargetOutput interpretScriptTargetSetting( Object scriptTargetSetting, boolean actionIndicatedScripting, String settingName) { if ( actionIndicatedScripting ) { if ( scriptTargetSetting == null ) { throw new PersistenceException( "Scripting was requested, but no target was specified" ); } if ( Writer.class.isInstance( scriptTargetSetting ) ) { return new ScriptTargetOutputToWriter( (Writer) scriptTargetSetting ); } else { final String scriptTargetSettingString = scriptTargetSetting.toString(); try { final URL url = new URL( scriptTargetSettingString ); return new ScriptTargetOutputToUrl( url ); } catch (MalformedURLException ignore) { } return new ScriptTargetOutputToFile( new File( scriptTargetSettingString ) ); } } else { if ( scriptTargetSetting != null ) { // the wording in the spec hints that this maybe should be an error, but does not explicitly // call out an exception to use. log.debugf( "Value was specified for '%s' [%s], but scripting action was not requested", settingName, scriptTargetSetting ); } return NoOpScriptTargetOutput.INSTANCE; } } private static class NoOpScriptTargetOutput implements ScriptTargetOutput {
Singleton access
/** * Singleton access */
public static final NoOpScriptTargetOutput INSTANCE = new NoOpScriptTargetOutput(); @Override public void accept(String command) { } @Override public void release() { } } private List<GenerationSource> buildCreateSourceList(Configuration hibernateConfiguration, Dialect dialect) { final List<GenerationSource> generationSourceList = new ArrayList<GenerationSource>(); // If we are asked to perform CREATE SCHEMA commands do them first ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ final boolean createSchemas = ConfigurationHelper.getBoolean( AvailableSettings.SCHEMA_GEN_CREATE_SCHEMAS, hibernateConfiguration.getProperties(), false ); if ( createSchemas ) { generationSourceList.add( new CreateSchemaCommandSource( hibernateConfiguration, dialect ) ); } // Next figure out the intended sources of generation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SchemaGenSource sourceType = SchemaGenSource.interpret( hibernateConfiguration.getProperty( AvailableSettings.SCHEMA_GEN_CREATE_SOURCE ) ); final Object createScriptSourceSetting = hibernateConfiguration.getProperties().get( AvailableSettings.SCHEMA_GEN_CREATE_SCRIPT_SOURCE ); if ( sourceType == null ) { if ( createScriptSourceSetting != null ) { sourceType = SchemaGenSource.SCRIPT; } else { sourceType = SchemaGenSource.METADATA; } } final boolean includesScripts = sourceType != SchemaGenSource.METADATA; if ( includesScripts && createScriptSourceSetting == null ) { throw new PersistenceException( "Schema generation configuration indicated to include CREATE scripts, but no script was specified" ); } final ScriptSourceInput scriptSourceInput = includesScripts ? interpretScriptSourceSetting( createScriptSourceSetting ) : null; if ( sourceType == SchemaGenSource.METADATA ) { generationSourceList.add( new GenerationSourceFromMetadata( hibernateConfiguration, dialect, true ) ); } else if ( sourceType == SchemaGenSource.SCRIPT ) { generationSourceList.add( new GenerationSourceFromScript( scriptSourceInput, scriptCommandExtractor ) ); } else if ( sourceType == SchemaGenSource.METADATA_THEN_SCRIPT ) { generationSourceList.add( new GenerationSourceFromMetadata( hibernateConfiguration, dialect, true ) ); generationSourceList.add( new GenerationSourceFromScript( scriptSourceInput, scriptCommandExtractor ) ); } else if ( sourceType == SchemaGenSource.SCRIPT_THEN_METADATA ) { generationSourceList.add( new GenerationSourceFromScript( scriptSourceInput, scriptCommandExtractor ) ); generationSourceList.add( new GenerationSourceFromMetadata( hibernateConfiguration, dialect, true ) ); } // finally, see if there is an import script specified ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ final Object importScriptSetting = hibernateConfiguration.getProperties().get( AvailableSettings.SCHEMA_GEN_LOAD_SCRIPT_SOURCE ); if ( importScriptSetting != null ) { final ScriptSourceInput importScriptInput = interpretScriptSourceSetting( importScriptSetting ); generationSourceList.add( new ImportScriptSource( importScriptInput, scriptCommandExtractor ) ); } return generationSourceList; } private ScriptSourceInput interpretScriptSourceSetting(Object scriptSourceSetting) { if ( Reader.class.isInstance( scriptSourceSetting ) ) { return new ScriptSourceInputFromReader( (Reader) scriptSourceSetting ); } else { final String scriptSourceSettingString = scriptSourceSetting.toString(); log.debugf( "Attempting to resolve script source setting : %s", scriptSourceSettingString ); // setting could be either: // 1) string URL representation (i.e., "file://...") // 2) relative file path (resource lookup) // 3) absolute file path log.trace( "Trying as URL..." ); // ClassLoaderService.locateResource() first tries the given resource name as url form... final URL url = classLoaderService.locateResource( scriptSourceSettingString ); if ( url != null ) { return new ScriptSourceInputFromUrl( url ); } // assume it is a File path final File file = new File( scriptSourceSettingString ); return new ScriptSourceInputFromFile( file ); } } private List<GenerationSource> buildDropSourceList(Configuration hibernateConfiguration, Dialect dialect) { final List<GenerationSource> generationSourceList = new ArrayList<GenerationSource>(); SchemaGenSource sourceType = SchemaGenSource.interpret( hibernateConfiguration.getProperty( AvailableSettings.SCHEMA_GEN_DROP_SOURCE ) ); final Object dropScriptSourceSetting = hibernateConfiguration.getProperties().get( AvailableSettings.SCHEMA_GEN_DROP_SCRIPT_SOURCE ); if ( sourceType == null ) { if ( dropScriptSourceSetting != null ) { sourceType = SchemaGenSource.SCRIPT; } else { sourceType = SchemaGenSource.METADATA; } } final boolean includesScripts = sourceType != SchemaGenSource.METADATA; if ( includesScripts && dropScriptSourceSetting == null ) { throw new PersistenceException( "Schema generation configuration indicated to include CREATE scripts, but no script was specified" ); } final ScriptSourceInput scriptSourceInput = includesScripts ? interpretScriptSourceSetting( dropScriptSourceSetting ) : null; if ( sourceType == SchemaGenSource.METADATA ) { generationSourceList.add( new GenerationSourceFromMetadata( hibernateConfiguration, dialect, false ) ); } else if ( sourceType == SchemaGenSource.SCRIPT ) { generationSourceList.add( new GenerationSourceFromScript( scriptSourceInput, scriptCommandExtractor ) ); } else if ( sourceType == SchemaGenSource.METADATA_THEN_SCRIPT ) { generationSourceList.add( new GenerationSourceFromMetadata( hibernateConfiguration, dialect, false ) ); generationSourceList.add( new GenerationSourceFromScript( scriptSourceInput, scriptCommandExtractor ) ); } else if ( sourceType == SchemaGenSource.SCRIPT_THEN_METADATA ) { generationSourceList.add( new GenerationSourceFromScript( scriptSourceInput, scriptCommandExtractor ) ); generationSourceList.add( new GenerationSourceFromMetadata( hibernateConfiguration, dialect, false ) ); } return generationSourceList; } } private static JdbcConnectionContext determineAppropriateJdbcConnectionContext( Configuration hibernateConfiguration, ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) { final SqlStatementLogger sqlStatementLogger = serviceRegistry.getService( JdbcServices.class ).getSqlStatementLogger(); // see if a specific connection has been provided: final Connection providedConnection = (Connection) hibernateConfiguration.getProperties().get( AvailableSettings.SCHEMA_GEN_CONNECTION ); if ( providedConnection != null ) { return new JdbcConnectionContext( new ProvidedJdbcConnectionAccess( providedConnection ), sqlStatementLogger ); } final ConnectionProvider connectionProvider = serviceRegistry.getService( ConnectionProvider.class ); if ( connectionProvider != null ) { return new JdbcConnectionContext( new ConnectionProviderJdbcConnectionAccess( connectionProvider ), sqlStatementLogger ); } // otherwise, return a no-op impl return new JdbcConnectionContext( null, sqlStatementLogger ) { @Override public Connection getJdbcConnection() { throw new PersistenceException( "No connection information supplied" ); } }; } private static Dialect determineDialect( final JdbcConnectionContext jdbcConnectionContext, final Configuration hibernateConfiguration, ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) { return serviceRegistry.getService( DialectFactory.class ).buildDialect( hibernateConfiguration.getProperties(), new DialectResolutionInfoSource() { @Override public DialectResolutionInfo getDialectResolutionInfo() { // if the application supplied database name/version info, use that final String explicitDbName = hibernateConfiguration.getProperty( AvailableSettings.SCHEMA_GEN_DB_NAME ); if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( explicitDbName ) ) { final String explicitDbMajor = hibernateConfiguration.getProperty( AvailableSettings.SCHEMA_GEN_DB_MAJOR_VERSION ); final String explicitDbMinor = hibernateConfiguration.getProperty( AvailableSettings.SCHEMA_GEN_DB_MINOR_VERSION ); return new DialectResolutionInfo() { @Override public String getDatabaseName() { return explicitDbName; } @Override public int getDatabaseMajorVersion() { return StringHelper.isEmpty( explicitDbMajor ) ? NO_VERSION : Integer.parseInt( explicitDbMajor ); } @Override public int getDatabaseMinorVersion() { return StringHelper.isEmpty( explicitDbMinor ) ? NO_VERSION : Integer.parseInt( explicitDbMinor ); } @Override public String getDriverName() { return null; } @Override public int getDriverMajorVersion() { return NO_VERSION; } @Override public int getDriverMinorVersion() { return NO_VERSION; } }; } // otherwise look at the connection, if provided (if not provided the call to // getJdbcConnection will already throw a meaningful exception) try { return new DatabaseMetaDataDialectResolutionInfoAdapter( jdbcConnectionContext.getJdbcConnection().getMetaData() ); } catch ( SQLException sqlException ) { throw new HibernateException( "Unable to access java.sql.DatabaseMetaData to determine appropriate Dialect to use", sqlException ); } } } ); } private static void doGeneration( List<GenerationSource> createSourceList, List<GenerationSource> dropSourceList, List<GenerationTarget> targets) { for ( GenerationTarget target : targets ) { for ( GenerationSource source : dropSourceList ) { target.acceptDropCommands( source.getCommands() ); } for ( GenerationSource source : createSourceList ) { target.acceptCreateCommands( source.getCommands() ); } } } private static void releaseSources(List<GenerationSource> generationSourceList ) { for ( GenerationSource source : generationSourceList ) { try { source.release(); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug( "Problem releasing generation source : " + e.toString() ); } } } private static void releaseTargets(List<GenerationTarget> generationTargetList) { for ( GenerationTarget target : generationTargetList ) { try { target.release(); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug( "Problem releasing generation target : " + e.toString() ); } } } private static void releaseJdbcConnectionContext(JdbcConnectionContext jdbcConnectionContext) { try { jdbcConnectionContext.release(); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug( "Unable to release JDBC connection after generation" ); } } private static class CreateSchemaCommandSource implements GenerationSource { private final List<String> commands; private CreateSchemaCommandSource(Configuration hibernateConfiguration, Dialect dialect) { // NOTES: // 1) catalogs are currently not handled here at all // 2) schemas for sequences are not handled here at all // Both of these are handle-able on the metamodel codebase final HashSet<String> schemas = new HashSet<String>(); // final HashSet<String> catalogs = new HashSet<String>(); final Iterator<Table> tables = hibernateConfiguration.getTableMappings(); while ( tables.hasNext() ) { final Table table = tables.next(); // catalogs.add( table.getCatalog() ); schemas.add( table.getSchema() ); } // final Iterator<IdentifierGenerator> generators = hibernateConfiguration.iterateGenerators( dialect ); // while ( generators.hasNext() ) { // final IdentifierGenerator generator = generators.next(); // if ( PersistentIdentifierGenerator.class.isInstance( generator ) ) { //// catalogs.add( ( (PersistentIdentifierGenerator) generator ).getCatalog() ); // schemas.add( ( (PersistentIdentifierGenerator) generator ).getSchema() ); // } // } // if ( schemas.isEmpty() && catalogs.isEmpty() ) { if ( schemas.isEmpty() ) { commands = Collections.emptyList(); return; } commands = new ArrayList<String>(); for ( String schema : schemas ) { commands.add( dialect.getCreateSchemaCommand( schema ) ); } // generate "create catalog" commands } @Override public Iterable<String> getCommands() { return commands; } @Override public void release() { // nothing to do } } private static class ImportScriptSource implements GenerationSource { private final ScriptSourceInput sourceReader; private final ImportSqlCommandExtractor scriptCommandExtractor; public ImportScriptSource(ScriptSourceInput sourceReader, ImportSqlCommandExtractor scriptCommandExtractor) { this.sourceReader = sourceReader; this.scriptCommandExtractor = scriptCommandExtractor; } @Override public Iterable<String> getCommands() { return sourceReader.read( scriptCommandExtractor ); } @Override public void release() { sourceReader.release(); } }
Defines access to a JDBC Connection explicitly provided to us by the application
/** * Defines access to a JDBC Connection explicitly provided to us by the application */
private static class ProvidedJdbcConnectionAccess implements JdbcConnectionAccess { private final Connection jdbcConnection; private final boolean wasInitiallyAutoCommit; private ProvidedJdbcConnectionAccess(Connection jdbcConnection) { this.jdbcConnection = jdbcConnection; boolean wasInitiallyAutoCommit; try { wasInitiallyAutoCommit = jdbcConnection.getAutoCommit(); if ( ! wasInitiallyAutoCommit ) { try { jdbcConnection.setAutoCommit( true ); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new PersistenceException( String.format( "Could not set provided connection [%s] to auto-commit mode" + " (needed for schema generation)", jdbcConnection ), e ); } } } catch (SQLException ignore) { wasInitiallyAutoCommit = false; } log.debugf( "wasInitiallyAutoCommit=%s", wasInitiallyAutoCommit ); this.wasInitiallyAutoCommit = wasInitiallyAutoCommit; } @Override public Connection obtainConnection() throws SQLException { return jdbcConnection; } @Override public void releaseConnection(Connection connection) throws SQLException { // NOTE : reset auto-commit, but *do not* close the Connection. The application handed us this connection if ( ! wasInitiallyAutoCommit ) { try { if ( jdbcConnection.getAutoCommit() ) { jdbcConnection.setAutoCommit( false ); } } catch (SQLException e) { log.info( "Was unable to reset JDBC connection to no longer be in auto-commit mode" ); } } } @Override public boolean supportsAggressiveRelease() { return false; } }
Defines access to a JDBC Connection through the defined ConnectionProvider
/** * Defines access to a JDBC Connection through the defined ConnectionProvider */
private static class ConnectionProviderJdbcConnectionAccess implements JdbcConnectionAccess { private final ConnectionProvider connectionProvider; private final Connection jdbcConnection; private final boolean wasInitiallyAutoCommit; private ConnectionProviderJdbcConnectionAccess(ConnectionProvider connectionProvider) { this.connectionProvider = connectionProvider; try { this.jdbcConnection = connectionProvider.getConnection(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new PersistenceException( "Unable to obtain JDBC Connection", e ); } boolean wasInitiallyAutoCommit; try { wasInitiallyAutoCommit = jdbcConnection.getAutoCommit(); if ( ! wasInitiallyAutoCommit ) { try { jdbcConnection.setAutoCommit( true ); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new PersistenceException( String.format( "Could not set provided connection [%s] to auto-commit mode" + " (needed for schema generation)", jdbcConnection ), e ); } } } catch (SQLException ignore) { wasInitiallyAutoCommit = false; } log.debugf( "wasInitiallyAutoCommit=%s", wasInitiallyAutoCommit ); this.wasInitiallyAutoCommit = wasInitiallyAutoCommit; } @Override public Connection obtainConnection() throws SQLException { return jdbcConnection; } @Override public void releaseConnection(Connection connection) throws SQLException { if ( connection != this.jdbcConnection ) { throw new PersistenceException( String.format( "Connection [%s] passed back to %s was not the one obtained [%s] from it", connection, ConnectionProviderJdbcConnectionAccess.class.getName(), jdbcConnection ) ); } // Reset auto-commit if ( ! wasInitiallyAutoCommit ) { try { if ( jdbcConnection.getAutoCommit() ) { jdbcConnection.setAutoCommit( false ); } } catch (SQLException e) { log.info( "Was unable to reset JDBC connection to no longer be in auto-commit mode" ); } } // Release the connection connectionProvider.closeConnection( jdbcConnection ); } @Override public boolean supportsAggressiveRelease() { return false; } } }