 * Copyright (c) 1997, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0, which is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

package org.glassfish.pfl.dynamic.codegen.spi;

import java.util.Collections ;
import java.util.Map ;
import java.util.Set ;
import java.util.HashMap ;
import java.util.WeakHashMap ;

import java.lang.reflect.Modifier ;

import org.glassfish.pfl.dynamic.copyobject.spi.Immutable ;

import org.glassfish.pfl.dynamic.codegen.impl.Identifier ;
import org.glassfish.pfl.dynamic.codegen.impl.ClassInfoReflectiveImpl ;
import org.glassfish.pfl.dynamic.codegen.impl.CurrentClassLoader ;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.contain.Pair;

Representation of Types (no generic support) used for codegen API.
Author:Ken Cavanaugh
/** Representation of Types (no generic support) used for * codegen API. * * @author Ken Cavanaugh */
@Immutable public class Type { enum Sort { PRIMITIVE, ARRAY, CLASS } ; private String name ; // fully qualified name private String packageName ; // package name: "" if none private String className ; // simple name of class (no package) private String signature ; private int size ; private Sort sort ; private boolean isNumber ; private int wideningNumber ; private Type memberType ; // The ClassInfo for this class, constructed on request // from either the generator (if specified) or reflectively // (if generator == null). This must not (indirectly) // reference a ClassLoader! // ClassInfo may be obtained in one of several ways: // 1. This Type was obtained from the Type(ClassGenerator) constructor. // 2. This Type was obtained from the type(Class) static method, and // the Class represented a Reference type (not an array or primitive). // 3. This Type was obtained from a Class name, and a ClassLoader is // used to load the actual Class object, which represents a Class, // and not an array or primitive. See the classInfo( ClassLoader ) method. private ClassInfo classInfo ; // The class for this type, if this Type was constructed // from a Class instead of a ClassGenerator. private Class<?> typeClass ; // The constructor is private since all Types are either well-known // constants, or created through factory methods. private Type( String name, String signature, int size, boolean isNumber, Sort sort, int wideningNumber, Type memberType ) { this.name = name ; Pair<String,String> parts = Identifier.splitFQN( name ) ; this.packageName = parts.first() ; this.className = parts.second() ; this.signature = signature ; this.size = size ; this.isNumber = isNumber ; this.sort = sort ; this.wideningNumber = wideningNumber ; this.memberType = memberType ; this.classInfo = null ; } private Type( String name, String signature, int size, boolean isNumber, Sort sort, int wideningNumber ) { this( name, signature, size, isNumber, sort, wideningNumber, null ) ; } private static ThreadLocal<Map<Class,Type>> classMap = new ThreadLocal<Map<Class,Type>>() { @Override public Map<Class,Type> initialValue() { return new WeakHashMap<Class,Type>() ; } } ; private static ThreadLocal<Map<String,Type>> classNameMap = new ThreadLocal<Map<String,Type>>() { @Override public Map<String,Type> initialValue() { return new WeakHashMap<String,Type>() ; } } ; private static Map<Class,Type> ptcToType = new HashMap<Class,Type>() ;
This method is only intended for internal use. It is public because the implementation that needs this is in a different package.
/** This method is only intended for internal use. It is public because the * implementation that needs this is in a different package. */
public static final void clearCaches() { classMap.get().clear() ; classNameMap.get().clear() ; } // -------------------------------------------- // Constants for commonly used types. // -------------------------------------------- /* Void and Null are special types. void is needed so that all * methods have a return type. null is needed so that the null constant * can be correctly typed in expressions. But NULL may not be used * as a type in a declaration. */ private static final Type myVoid = new Type( "void", "V", 0, false, Sort.PRIMITIVE, -1 ) ; private static final Type myNull = new Type( "NULL", "N", 1, false, Sort.PRIMITIVE, -1 ) ; private static final Type myBoolean = new Type( "boolean", "Z", 1, false, Sort.PRIMITIVE, -1 ) ; private static final Type myByte = new Type( "byte", "B", 1, true, Sort.PRIMITIVE, 1 ) ; private static final Type myChar = new Type( "char", "C", 1, true, Sort.PRIMITIVE, 2 ) ; private static final Type myShort = new Type( "short", "S", 1, true, Sort.PRIMITIVE, 2 ) ; private static final Type myInt = new Type( "int", "I", 1, true, Sort.PRIMITIVE, 3 ) ; private static final Type myLong = new Type( "long", "J", 2, true, Sort.PRIMITIVE, 4 ) ; private static final Type myFloat = new Type( "float", "F", 1, true, Sort.PRIMITIVE, 5 ) ; private static final Type myDouble = new Type( "double", "D", 2, true, Sort.PRIMITIVE, 6 ) ; static { ptcToType.put( boolean.class, myBoolean ) ; ptcToType.put( byte.class, myByte ) ; ptcToType.put( char.class, myChar ) ; ptcToType.put( short.class, myShort ) ; ptcToType.put( int.class, myInt ) ; ptcToType.put( long.class, myLong ) ; ptcToType.put( float.class, myFloat ) ; ptcToType.put( double.class, myDouble ) ; ptcToType.put( void.class, myVoid ) ; // Make this immutable! ptcToType = Collections.unmodifiableMap( ptcToType ) ; } private static final Type myObject = _class( "java.lang.Object" ) ; private static final Type myString = _class( "java.lang.String" ) ; private static final Type myClass = _class( "java.lang.Class" ) ; private static final Type myCloneable = _class( "java.lang.Cloneable" ) ; // -------------------------------------------- // Various static factories and accessors for obtaining Types // -------------------------------------------- public static Type _array( Type memberType ) { String name = memberType.name() + "[]" ; Type result = classNameMap.get().get( name ) ; if (result == null) { result = new Type( name, "[" + memberType.signature, 1, false, Sort.ARRAY, -1, memberType ) ; classNameMap.get().put( name, result ) ; } return result ; }
Return a codegen Type representing a class with the given name. This is not bound to a specific Class object until/unless getTypeClass is called.
/** Return a codegen Type representing a class with the given name. * This is not bound to a specific Class object until/unless getTypeClass is called. */
public static Type _class( String name ) { Type result = classNameMap.get().get( name ) ; if (result == null) { // XXX Check for name being valid fully qualified Java identifier result = new Type( name, "L" + name.replace( '.', '/' ) + ";", 1, false, Sort.CLASS, -1 ) ; classNameMap.get().put( name, result ) ; } return result ; } public static Type _classGenerator( ClassGenerator cg ) { Type result = _class( cg.name() ) ; result.classInfo = cg ; return result ; } // Return whether a class is a standard part of the JDK, which is // always loaded by the bootstrap classloader. private static boolean classIsStandard( Class cls ) { String name = cls.getName() ; return name.startsWith("java.") || name.startsWith("javax.") ; }
Return the codegen Type that corresponds to the Java (non-generic) Type represented by cls.
/** Return the codegen Type that corresponds to the Java (non-generic) * Type represented by cls. */
public static synchronized Type type( Class cls ) { // Handle primitive type first if (cls.isPrimitive()) { Type type = ptcToType.get( cls ) ; assert type != null ; return type ; } // Now use non-primitive class cache Type result = classMap.get().get( cls ) ; if (result == null) { if (cls.isArray()) { result = _array(type(cls.getComponentType())) ; } else { result = _class(cls.getName()) ; } result.typeClass = cls ; classMap.get().put( cls, result ) ; if (classIsStandard(cls)) { // Standard classes have names that are the same in every // ClassLoader (unless someone does something really weird // with a ClassLoader). classNameMap.get().put( cls.getName(), result ) ; } } return result ; } public static Type _void() { return myVoid ; } public static Type _null() { return myNull ; } public static Type _boolean() { return myBoolean ; } public static Type _byte() { return myByte ; } public static Type _char() { return myChar ; } public static Type _short() { return myShort ; } public static Type _int() { return myInt ; } public static Type _long() { return myLong ; } public static Type _float() { return myFloat ; } public static Type _double() { return myDouble ; } public static Type _Object() { return myObject ; } public static Type _String() { return myString ; } public static Type _Class() { return myClass ; } public static Type _Cloneable() { return myCloneable ; } // -------------------------------------------- // Public Type methods // -------------------------------------------- public boolean isPrimitive() { return sort == Sort.PRIMITIVE ; } public boolean isArray() { return sort == Sort.ARRAY ; } public Type memberType() { if (isArray()) return memberType ; else throw new IllegalStateException( "memberType() only valid for Array types" ) ; }
Number of 32 bit words occupied by this type if primitive, or 0 if non-primitive.
/** Number of 32 bit words occupied by this type * if primitive, or 0 if non-primitive. */
public int size() { return this.size ; } public String signature() { return this.signature ; } public String name() { return this.name ; } public String packageName() { return packageName ; } public String className() { return className ; } public boolean isNumber() { return this.isNumber ; } public Class<?> getTypeClass() { if (typeClass == null) { try { typeClass = Class.forName( name, true, CurrentClassLoader.get() ) ; } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { IllegalArgumentException exc = new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot load class for type " + name ) ; exc.initCause( cnfe ) ; throw exc ; } // Now that the name has been resolved to a specific Class, // make it available from _type( Class ). classMap.get().put( typeClass, this ) ; } return typeClass ; } public ClassInfo classInfo() { if (classInfo == null) { if (isArray()) throw new IllegalStateException( "Cannot get ClassInfo for array type " + name ) ; if (isPrimitive()) throw new IllegalStateException( "Cannot get ClassInfo for primitive type " + name ) ; classInfo = new ClassInfoReflectiveImpl( this ) ; } return classInfo ; } @Override public int hashCode() { return name.hashCode() ; } @Override public String toString() { return "Type[" + name + "," + signature + "," + size + "," + sort + "]" ; } @Override public boolean equals( Object obj ) { if (!(obj instanceof Type)) return false ; if (obj == this) return true ; Type other = Type.class.cast( obj ) ; return signature.equals( other.signature ) ; }
Return true iff there is a primitive narrowing conversion from Type t to this type.
/** Return true iff there is a primitive narrowing conversion * from Type t to this type. */
public boolean hasPrimitiveNarrowingConversionFrom( Type t ) { if (isPrimitive()) { if (!t.isPrimitive()) return false ; if ((wideningNumber < 0) || (t.wideningNumber < 0)) return false ; // Handle byte -> char as a special case if (t == myByte) return this == myChar ; if (t == this) return false ; return t.wideningNumber >= wideningNumber ; } return false ; }
Return true iff there is a primitive widening conversion from Type t to this type.
/** Return true iff there is a primitive widening conversion * from Type t to this type. */
public boolean hasPrimitiveWideningConversionFrom( Type t ) { if (isPrimitive()) { if (!t.isPrimitive()) return false ; if ((wideningNumber < 0) || (t.wideningNumber < 0)) return false ; // Not permitted, because bytes are signed and chars aren't if ((t == myByte) && (this == myChar)) return false ; return t.wideningNumber < wideningNumber ; } return false ; } private boolean returnTypeCollision( Set<MethodInfo> set1, Set<MethodInfo> set2 ) { for (MethodInfo mi1 : set1) { for (MethodInfo mi2 : set2) { if (mi1.signature().equals( mi2.signature() )) if (!mi1.returnType().equals( mi2.returnType() )) return true ; } } return false ; } private boolean noMethodConflicts( Type t1, Type t2 ) { ClassInfo c1 = null ; ClassInfo c2 = null ; c1 = t1.classInfo() ; c2 = t2.classInfo() ; // Check that there is no method in common between c1 and c2 // with the same name and signature, but difference return types. // Such a method would make it impossible to create an interface // that extends both c1 and c2. for (String name : c1.methodInfoByName().keySet()) { if (c2.methodInfoByName().containsKey( name )) { Set<MethodInfo> set1 = c1.methodInfoByName().get( name ) ; Set<MethodInfo> set2 = c2.methodInfoByName().get( name ) ; if (returnTypeCollision( set1, set2 )) return false ; } } return true ; } // Should only be called for reference types private boolean isSubclass( Type t ) { return classInfo().isSubclass( t.classInfo() ) ; } private boolean isInterface() { if (isArray() || isPrimitive()) return false ; return classInfo().isInterface() ; } private int modifiers() { return classInfo().modifiers() ; }
Return true iff there is a reference narrowing conversion from Type t to this type.
/** Return true iff there is a reference narrowing conversion * from Type t to this type. */
public boolean hasReferenceNarrowingConversionFrom( Type t ) { // This only applies to reference types. if (isPrimitive() || t.isPrimitive()) return false ; // JLS 5.1.5 bullets 3,4, plus object case of bullet 1. // These all imply that there is a narrowing reference // conversion from Object to any reference type. if (t.equals( _Object())) { return true ; } // t is either interface, class, or array. if (t.isInterface()) { if (isArray()) { return false ; } else { if (!isInterface()) { if (!Modifier.isFinal( modifiers())) { // JLS 5.1.5 bullet 5 return true ; } else if (isSubclass( t )) { // JLS 5.1.5 bullet 6 return true ; } } else { // from interface to interface // JLS 5.1.5 bullet 7 if (!t.isSubclass( this ) && noMethodConflicts( t, this )) return true ; } } } else if (t.isArray()) { if (isArray()) { // JLS 5.1.5 bullet 8 return memberType().hasReferenceNarrowingConversionFrom( t.memberType ) ; } else { return false ; } } else { // t is a class if (isArray()) return false ; // JLS 5.1.5 bullet 1 if (isSubclass(t)) { return true ; } // JLS 5.1.5 bullet 2 if (!isInterface() && !Modifier.isFinal(t.modifiers()) && !t.isSubclass(this)) { return true ; } } return false ; }
Return true iff there is a reference widening conversion from Type t to this type.
/** Return true iff there is a reference widening conversion * from Type t to this type. */
public boolean hasReferenceWideningConversionFrom( Type t ) { if (isPrimitive() || t.isPrimitive()) return false ; if (this.equals( _Object() )) return true ; if (t.equals( _null() )) return true ; if (t.isArray()) { if (this.equals( myCloneable )) return true ; if (isArray() && !memberType().isPrimitive()) return memberType().isMethodInvocationConvertibleFrom( t.memberType() ) ; else return false ; } // If t is a class, and this is an array, no conversion exists. if (isArray()) return false ; // handle non-array reference case // return true if t is a subclass of this, // or t is a subinterface of this return t.isSubclass( this ) ; }
Return true iff there is an assignment conversion from Type t to this type.
/** Return true iff there is an assignment conversion from * Type t to this type. */
public boolean isAssignmentConvertibleFrom( Type t ) { if (equals( t )) return true ; if (hasPrimitiveWideningConversionFrom( t )) return true ; if (hasReferenceWideningConversionFrom( t )) return true ; return false ; }
Return true iff there is a casting conversion from Type t to this type.
/** Return true iff there is a casting conversion from * Type t to this type. */
public boolean isCastingConvertibleFrom( Type t ) { if (equals( t )) return true ; if (hasPrimitiveWideningConversionFrom( t )) return true ; if (hasReferenceWideningConversionFrom( t )) return true ; if (hasPrimitiveNarrowingConversionFrom( t )) return true ; if (hasReferenceNarrowingConversionFrom( t )) return true ; return false ; }
Return the type that is a unary promotion of this type.
/** Return the type that is a unary promotion of this * type. */
public Type unaryPromotion() { if (!isNumber()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Only number types have unary promotions" ) ; // JLS 5.6.1 bullet 1 if (equals( _byte() )) return _int() ; // JLS 5.6.1 bullet 1 if (equals( _short() )) return _int() ; // JLS 5.6.1 bullet 1 if (equals( _char() )) return _int() ; // JLS 5.6.1 bullet 2 return this ; }
Return the type that is the binary promotion of this type and Type t.
/** Return the type that is the binary promotion of this * type and Type t. */
public Type binaryPromotion( Type t ) { if (!isNumber() || !t.isNumber()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Only number types have binary promotions" ) ; // JLS 5.6.2 bullet 1 if (equals(_double()) || t.equals(_double())) return _double() ; // JLS 5.6.2 bullet 2 if (equals(_float()) || t.equals(_float())) return _float() ; // JLS 5.6.2 bullet 3 if (equals(_long()) || t.equals(_long())) return _long() ; // JLS 5.6.2 bullet 4 return _int() ; }
Return true iff one of the following statements is true:
  1. this.equals( t ) .
  2. There is a widening primitive conversion from Type t to this Type (see JLS 5.1.2).
  3. There is a widening reference conversion from Type t to this Type (see JLS 5.1.4).
This is similar to Class.isAssignmentCompatibleFrom, but also handles widening primitive conversions. Throws NullPointerException if t == null.
/** Return true iff one of the following statements is true: * <ol> * <li>this.equals( t ) . * <li>There is a widening primitive conversion from Type t * to this Type (see JLS 5.1.2). * <li>There is a widening reference conversion from Type t * to this Type (see JLS 5.1.4). * </ol> * This is similar to Class.isAssignmentCompatibleFrom, but * also handles widening primitive conversions. Throws * NullPointerException if t == null. */
public boolean isMethodInvocationConvertibleFrom( Type t ) { if (t == null) throw new NullPointerException() ; if (this.equals(t)) return true ; if (isPrimitive()) { return hasPrimitiveWideningConversionFrom( t ) ; } return hasReferenceWideningConversionFrom( t ) ; } }