 * Copyright (c) 1997, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0, which is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

package org.glassfish.pfl.dynamic.codegen.spi;

import org.glassfish.pfl.dynamic.codegen.impl.ExpressionInternal;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier ;

import java.io.StringWriter ;
import java.io.PrintWriter ;

import java.util.List ;
import java.util.Set ;
import java.util.HashSet ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.Iterator ;

import org.glassfish.pfl.dynamic.copyobject.spi.Immutable ;

Represents the signature of a method, which is sometimes needed for selecting the correct method.
Author:Ken Cavanaugh
/** Represents the signature of a method, which is sometimes needed * for selecting the correct method. * * @author Ken Cavanaugh */
@Immutable public final class Signature { private Type rtype ; private List<Type> types ; private String signature ; private Signature( Type rtype, List<Type> types) { this.rtype = rtype ; this.types = types ; signature = "(" ; if (types != null) for (Type t : types ) { signature += t.signature() ; } signature += ( ")" + rtype.signature() ) ; } public static Signature make( Type rtype, List<Type> types) { // XXX As for Type, should we intern Signature? return new Signature( rtype, types ) ; } public Type returnType() { return rtype ; } public List<Type> argTypes() { return types ; } public int hashCode() { return signature.hashCode() ; } public String toString() { return "Signature[" + signature + "]" ; } public String signature() { return signature ; } public String displayAsMethod() { return displayAsMethod( "" ) ; } public String displayAsMethod( String methodName ) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder() ; if (methodName.length() > 0) { result.append( rtype.name() ) ; result.append( " " ) ; result.append( methodName ) ; } result.append( "(" ) ; boolean first = true ; for (Type t : types) { if (first) first = false ; else result.append( ", " ) ; result.append( t.name() ) ; } result.append( ")" ) ; return result.toString() ; } public boolean equals( Object obj ) { if (!(obj instanceof Signature)) return false ; if (obj == this) return true ; Signature other = Signature.class.cast( obj ) ; return signature.equals( other.signature ) ; } private void checkArgTypeCompatibility( List<Type> atypes ) { checkArgTypeCompatibility( atypes, true ) ; } private boolean checkArgTypeCompatibility( List<Type> atypes, boolean throwsException ) { // Check that the each type in Types is assignment // compatible with each type in this.types Iterator<Type> titer = this.types.iterator() ; Iterator<Type> aiter = atypes.iterator() ; while (titer.hasNext() && aiter.hasNext()) { Type tt = titer.next() ; Type at = aiter.next() ; if (!tt.isMethodInvocationConvertibleFrom( at )) if (throwsException) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Type " + at.name() + " cannot be converted to type " + tt.name() + " by a method invocation conversion" ) ; } else { return false ; } } if (titer.hasNext() != aiter.hasNext()) if (throwsException) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Signature requires " + types.size() + " but " + atypes.size() + " arguments were passed to call" ) ; } else { return false ; } return true ; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Methods for call argument checking // //---------------------------------------------------------------------- static List<Type> getExprTypes( List<Expression> exprs ) { List<Type> result = new ArrayList<Type>() ; for (Expression ex : exprs ) result.add( ((ExpressionInternal)ex).type() ) ; return result ; } private static ClassInfo getClassInfo( Type type ) { ClassInfo cinfo = null ; if (type != null) { cinfo = type.classInfo() ; } return cinfo ; } private void checkCompatibility( Type targetType, String ident, List<Expression> args, boolean isStaticMethod ) { List<Type> atypes = getExprTypes( args ) ; checkArgTypeCompatibility( atypes ) ; ClassInfo cinfo = getClassInfo( targetType ) ; MethodInfo minfo = cinfo.findMethodInfo( ident, this ) ; if (minfo == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Could not find method " + displayAsMethod( ident ) + " in class " + cinfo.name() ) ; if (isStaticMethod != Modifier.isStatic( minfo.modifiers() ) ) { if (isStaticMethod) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Method " + displayAsMethod( ident ) + " is not static" ) ; else throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Method " + displayAsMethod( ident ) + " is static" ) ; } }
Check whether the list of expression in args is statically compatible with this Signature. This means that args and this.types have the same length, and the type of each expression in args is assignment compatible with the corresponding types in this.types. Also, the targetType must actually contain a non-static method of the appropriate signature and name.
  • IllegalArgumentException – if args is not compatible with this.types.
/** Check whether the list of expression in args is statically * compatible with this Signature. This means that * args and this.types have the same length, and the type * of each expression in args is assignment compatible with * the corresponding types in this.types. Also, the targetType * must actually contain a non-static method of the appropriate * signature and name. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if args is not compatible with * this.types. */
public void checkCompatibility( Type targetType, String ident, List<Expression> args ) { checkCompatibility( targetType, ident, args, false ) ; }
Check whether the list of expression in args is statically compatible with this Signature. This means that args and this.types have the same length, and the type of each expression in args is assignment compatible with the corresponding types in this.types. Also, the targetType must actually contain a static method of the appropriate signature and name.
  • IllegalArgumentException – if args is not compatible with this.types.
/** Check whether the list of expression in args is statically * compatible with this Signature. This means that * args and this.types have the same length, and the type * of each expression in args is assignment compatible with * the corresponding types in this.types. Also, the targetType * must actually contain a static method of the appropriate * signature and name. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if args is not compatible with * this.types. */
public void checkStaticCompatibility( Type targetType, String ident, List<Expression> args ) { checkCompatibility( targetType, ident, args, true ) ; }
Check whether the list of expression in args is statically compatible with this Signature. This means that args and this.types have the same length, and the type of each expression in args is assignment compatible with the corresponding types in this.types. Also, the targetType must actually contain a constructor of the appropriate signature and name.
  • IllegalArgumentException – if args is not compatible with this.types.
/** Check whether the list of expression in args is statically * compatible with this Signature. This means that * args and this.types have the same length, and the type * of each expression in args is assignment compatible with * the corresponding types in this.types. Also, the targetType * must actually contain a constructor of the appropriate * signature and name. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if args is not compatible with * this.types. */
public void checkConstructorCompatibility( Type targetType, List<Expression> args ) { List<Type> atypes = getExprTypes( args ) ; checkArgTypeCompatibility( atypes ) ; ClassInfo cinfo = getClassInfo( targetType ) ; MethodInfo minfo = null ; for (MethodInfo info : cinfo.constructorInfo()) { if (this.equals( info.signature())) { minfo = info ; break ; } } if (minfo == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Could not find constructor with signature " + displayAsMethod() + " in class " + cinfo.name() ) ; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Methods for method overload resolution // //---------------------------------------------------------------------- private static Set<MethodInfo> getMethods( Type type, String ident, boolean staticOnly ) { ClassInfo cinfo = getClassInfo( type ) ; final Set<MethodInfo> result = new HashSet<MethodInfo>() ; while (cinfo != null) { Set<MethodInfo> methods = cinfo.methodInfoByName().get( ident ) ; if (methods != null) { for (MethodInfo mi : methods) { // XXX we also need to do accessibility checking here! if (Modifier.isStatic( mi.modifiers() ) == staticOnly) { result.add( mi ) ; } } } cinfo = getClassInfo( cinfo.superType() ) ; } if (result.size() == 0) if (staticOnly) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Type " + type.name() + " does not have any static methods named " + ident ) ; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Type " + type.name() + " does not have any non-static methods named " + ident ) ; } return result ; } private static Set<MethodInfo> getCompatibleMethods( Set<MethodInfo> methods, List<Type> argTypes ) { Set<MethodInfo> compatibleMethods = new HashSet<MethodInfo>() ; for (MethodInfo minfo : methods) { Signature sig = minfo.signature() ; if (sig.checkArgTypeCompatibility( argTypes, false )) compatibleMethods.add( minfo ) ; } return compatibleMethods ; } private static String sprintf( String format, Object... args ) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter() ; PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter( sw ) ; pw.printf( format, args ) ; return sw.toString() ; } private enum CallType { STATIC, NON_STATIC, CONSTRUCTOR } ; private static String getCallTypeString( CallType ct, String ident ) { switch (ct) { case STATIC : return "static method named " + ident ; case NON_STATIC : return "non-static method named " + ident ; case CONSTRUCTOR : return "constructor" ; default : throw new IllegalArgumentException( "getCallTypeString is missing a CallType" ) ; } } private static String getTypeListString( List<Type> types ) { final String start = "(" ; final StringBuilder asb = new StringBuilder() ; asb.append( start ) ; for (Type type : types) { if (asb.length() != start.length()) { asb.append( ", " ) ; } asb.append( type.name() ) ; } asb.append( ")" ) ; return asb.toString() ; } private static String getMethodListString( Set<MethodInfo> mlist ) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder() ; for (MethodInfo m : mlist ) { sb.append( sprintf( "\t%s\n", m.signature().displayAsMethod( m.name() ) ) ) ; } return sb.toString() ; } // Decide which method in compatibleMethods is the best match. private static MethodInfo returnCompatibleMethod( Type type, String ident, List<Type> argTypes, CallType ctype, Set<MethodInfo> compatibleMethods ) { if (compatibleMethods.size() == 0) { String cts = getCallTypeString( ctype, ident ) ; String tls = getTypeListString( argTypes ) ; throw new IllegalArgumentException( sprintf( "Could not find %s in class %s " + "compatible with arguments %s", cts, type.name(), tls ) ); } else if (compatibleMethods.size() == 1) { for (MethodInfo m : compatibleMethods) return m ; } else { // XXX temporary: declare error if more than // one compatible method. Should compute the // greatest lower bound of the compatible methods // and use that, if it exists (it may not). String cts = getCallTypeString( ctype, ident ) ; String tls = getTypeListString( argTypes ) ; String infoList = getMethodListString( compatibleMethods ) ; throw new IllegalArgumentException( sprintf( "Found more than one %s in class %s " + "compatible with arguments %s:\n%s", cts, ident, type.name(), tls, infoList ) ) ; } return null ; } private static Signature fromMethodCallUsingTypes( Type type, String ident, List<Type> types, boolean isStaticCall ) { Set<MethodInfo> methods = getMethods( type, ident, false ) ; Set<MethodInfo> compatibleMethods = getCompatibleMethods( methods, types ) ; MethodInfo minfo = returnCompatibleMethod( type, ident, types, isStaticCall ? CallType.STATIC : CallType.NON_STATIC, compatibleMethods ) ; return minfo.signature() ; } private static Signature fromMethodCall( Type type, String ident, List<Expression> exprs, boolean isStaticCall ) { List<Type> types = getExprTypes( exprs ) ; return fromMethodCallUsingTypes( type, ident, types, isStaticCall ) ; } // API for method overload resolution =========================================== public static Signature fromCall( Type type, String ident, List<Expression> exprs ) { return fromMethodCall( type, ident, exprs, false ) ; } public static Signature fromCallUsingTypes( Type type, String ident, List<Type> types ) { return fromMethodCallUsingTypes( type, ident, types, false ) ; } public static Signature fromStaticCall( Type type, String ident, List<Expression> exprs ) { return fromMethodCall( type, ident, exprs, true ) ; } public static Signature fromStaticCallUsingTypes( Type type, String ident, List<Type> types ) { return fromMethodCallUsingTypes( type, ident, types, true ) ; } public static Signature fromConstructorUsingTypes( Type type, List<Type> types ) { ClassInfo cinfo = getClassInfo( type ) ; Set<MethodInfo> methods = cinfo.constructorInfo() ; if (methods == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Type " + type.name() + " does not have any constructors!" ) ; Set<MethodInfo> compatibleMethods = getCompatibleMethods( methods, types ) ; MethodInfo minfo = returnCompatibleMethod( type, "", types, CallType.CONSTRUCTOR, compatibleMethods ) ; return minfo.signature() ; } public static Signature fromConstructor( Type type, List<Expression> exprs ) { List<Type> types = getExprTypes( exprs ) ; return fromConstructorUsingTypes( type, types ) ; } }