 * Copyright (c) 1997, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0, which is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

package org.glassfish.pfl.dynamic.codegen.impl;

import java.lang.reflect.Modifier ;

import java.util.List ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;

import org.glassfish.pfl.dynamic.codegen.spi.Type ;
import org.glassfish.pfl.dynamic.codegen.spi.Variable ;

// Visitor that creates the labels given by the 
// returnLabel .
// It also prepares Variables for code generation.
// The basic idea is that this visitor should set up (almost?)
// all of the required attributes that are processed in the
// byte code generator visitor.
// Another job here: perform all necessary numeric coercions
// by re-writing the tree.

Visitor that can prepare an AST for bytecode generation, or verify that an AST has been correctly prepared.
/** Visitor that can prepare an AST for bytecode generation, * or verify that an AST has been correctly prepared. */
public class ASMSetupVisitor extends TreeWalker { public enum Mode { PREPARE, VERIFY } ;
Defines the context in which a variable occurs. This information is used to properly annotate the Variable so that the correct code can be generated.
  • REFERENCE is used whenever an occurrence of a Variable (actually a VariableDelegateImpl) is simply a reference to an existing variable definition.
  • DEFINE_LOCAL is used when a local variable is introduced in a method. Space must be allocated for locals, but no initialization is required.
  • DEFINE_LOCAL_DEFINITION is used when a local variable is introduced in a DefinitionStatement. Space is allocated, and the value of the expression is stored in the variable.
/** Defines the context in which a variable occurs. This information * is used to properly annotate the Variable so that the correct code * can be generated. * <ul> * <li>REFERENCE is used whenever an occurrence of a Variable * (actually a VariableDelegateImpl) is simply a reference to an * existing variable definition. * <li>DEFINE_LOCAL is used when a local variable is introduced in * a method. Space must be allocated for locals, but no initialization * is required. * <li>DEFINE_LOCAL_DEFINITION is used when a local variable is * introduced in a DefinitionStatement. Space is allocated, and the * value of the expression is stored in the variable. * </ul> */
Class used to represnt an AST verification error
/** Class used to represnt an AST verification error */
public static class ErrorReport { // The node in which the error was detected public Node node ; // A description of the error public String msg ; } public List<ErrorReport> getVerificationErrors() { return errors ; } private void verificationError( Node node, String msg ) { ErrorReport report = new ErrorReport() ; report.node = node ; report.msg = msg ; errors.add( report ) ; } private VariableContext variableDefiningContext ; private Mode mode ; // SlotAllocator for current MethodGenerator, if any private SlotAllocator slotAllocator ; // List of verification errors if running in verification mode. // Note that verification here simply means verifying that this // visitor has correctly annotated the AST. private List<ErrorReport> errors ; public ASMSetupVisitor( TreeWalkerContext context ) { this( context, Mode.PREPARE ) ; } public ASMSetupVisitor( TreeWalkerContext context, Mode mode ) { super( context ) ; context.push( this ) ; variableDefiningContext = VariableContext.REFERENCE ; this.mode = mode ; slotAllocator = null ; errors = new ArrayList<ErrorReport>() ; } private boolean preparing() { return mode == Mode.PREPARE ; } // Class used to allocate slots for local variables static class SlotAllocator { private static int id = 0 ; private int myId = id++ ; // Slot 0 always contains the "this" reference. private int current = 1 ; // next slot to allocate public int getSlot( Type type ) { int result = current ; current += type.size() ; return result ; } @Override public String toString() { return "SlotAllocator(" + myId + ")[current=" + current + "]" ; } } @Override public boolean preClassGenerator( ClassGeneratorImpl arg ) { return true ; } // Make sure that all non-abstract methods have a return // label. The returnLabel is also the next node for the last // statement in the method. Also, make sure that all // method arguments are properly allocated. @Override public boolean preMethodGenerator( MethodGenerator arg ) { slotAllocator = new SlotAllocator() ; for (Variable var : arg.arguments()) { ASMUtil.requiredEmitterType.set((VariableInternal) var, ASMUtil.RequiredEmitterType.NONE); } return !Modifier.isAbstract( arg.modifiers() ) ; } @Override public boolean methodGeneratorBeforeArguments( MethodGenerator arg ) { variableDefiningContext = VariableContext.DEFINE_LOCAL ; return true ; } @Override public void methodGeneratorAfterArguments( MethodGenerator arg ) { variableDefiningContext = VariableContext.REFERENCE ; } @Override public void postMethodGenerator( MethodGenerator arg ) { // Lastly, allocate a slot to hold the return value, if not void. // This happens after all parameters and local variables have been // allocated. if (!arg.returnType().equals( Type._void() )) { Variable var ; if (preparing()) { var = arg.body().exprFactory().variable( arg.returnType(), "$$_returnVariable_$$" ) ; ASMUtil.returnVariable.set( arg, var ) ; } else { var = ASMUtil.returnVariable.get( arg ) ; } defineLocalVariable( var ) ; } slotAllocator = null ; } // Variables are defined only in a few places: // 1. In MethodGenerator. This includes arguments // and a local Variable to hold the return value // (if the return type is not void). // 2. In BlockStatement. // 3. In TryStatement (for catch branches). // In addition, each finally clause requires a // Variable to hold any uncaught exceptions while // processing the finally block. We also need a // local to hold a return address for the finally // handler. // // Note that these cases are all handled the same way: // we just need to allocate a stack slot to hold // the variable. This is done as follows: // 1. slot 0 is always "this" // 2. slots 1-n are used to hold parameters 1-n // (but note that long and doubles take 2 slots) // 3. All subsequent slots are used to hold any other locals. // // This visitor needs to allocate all stack slots for // local variables. It also needs to allocate the // emitStore/emitLoad attributes for each Variable // definition. @Override public boolean classGeneratorBeforeFields( ClassGeneratorImpl arg ) { return true ; } @Override public void classGeneratorBeforeInitializer( ClassGeneratorImpl arg ) { variableDefiningContext = VariableContext.REFERENCE ; } @Override public void classGeneratorBeforeMethod( ClassGeneratorImpl arg ) { variableDefiningContext = VariableContext.REFERENCE ; } @Override public void classGeneratorBeforeConstructor( ClassGeneratorImpl arg ) { variableDefiningContext = VariableContext.REFERENCE ; } @Override public void postClassGenerator( ClassGeneratorImpl arg ) { variableDefiningContext = VariableContext.REFERENCE ; } // BlockStatement @Override public boolean preBlockStatement( BlockStatement arg ) { ASMUtil.lastStatement.set( arg, null ) ; return true ; } @Override public void blockStatementBeforeBodyStatement( BlockStatement arg, Statement stmt ) { Statement lastStatement = ASMUtil.lastStatement.get( arg ) ; if (lastStatement != null) { ASMUtil.next.set(lastStatement, stmt); } ASMUtil.lastStatement.set( arg, stmt ) ; } @Override public void postBlockStatement( BlockStatement arg ) { } // DefinitionStatement @Override public boolean preDefinitionStatement( DefinitionStatement arg ) { variableDefiningContext = VariableContext.DEFINE_LOCAL_DEFINITION ; if (preparing()) { ASMUtil.requiredEmitterType.set( (VariableInternal)arg.var(), ASMUtil.RequiredEmitterType.SETTER ) ; } else { if (ASMUtil.requiredEmitterType.get( (VariableInternal)arg.var()) != ASMUtil.RequiredEmitterType.SETTER ) { verificationError(arg, "Variable of definition statement should have " + "requiredEmitterType true"); } } return true ; } @Override public boolean definitionStatementBeforeExpr( DefinitionStatement arg ) { variableDefiningContext = VariableContext.REFERENCE ; return true ; } @Override public boolean preTryStatement( TryStatement arg ) { if (!arg.finalPart().isEmpty()) { // Allocate local variables for the uncaught // exception and the return address. Variable ucVar = arg.bodyPart().exprFactory().variable( Type._class( "java.lang.Throwable" ), "$$_uncaughtException_$$" ) ; defineLocalVariable( ucVar ) ; ASMUtil.uncaughtException.set( arg, ucVar ) ; Variable raVar = arg.bodyPart().exprFactory().variable( Type._Object(), "$$_returnAddress_$$" ) ; defineLocalVariable( raVar ) ; ASMUtil.returnAddress.set( arg, raVar ) ; } return true ; } // This is a defining context for Variable var, so mark and // process it as such. If this try statement has a finally // block, we also need two additional local variables: // One that can contains the return address for a JSR to // a finally block, and another for the uncaught exception // handler (catch uncaught exception, JSR to finally, and // re-throw the exception). @Override public void tryStatementBeforeBlock( TryStatement arg, Type type, Variable var, BlockStatement block ) { ASMUtil.requiredEmitterType.set( (VariableInternal)var, ASMUtil.RequiredEmitterType.NONE ) ; defineLocalVariable( var ) ; } @Override public boolean tryStatementBeforeFinalPart( TryStatement arg ) { return true ; } @Override public void postTryStatement( TryStatement arg ) { } @Override public boolean preAssignmentStatement( AssignmentStatement arg ) { ExpressionInternal left = arg.left() ; assert left.isAssignable() ; if (preparing()) { ASMUtil.requiredEmitterType.set( left, ASMUtil.RequiredEmitterType.SETTER ) ; } else { if (ASMUtil.requiredEmitterType.get(left) != ASMUtil.RequiredEmitterType.SETTER ) { verificationError(arg, "Left side of assignment statement should have " + "requiredEmitterType SETTER"); } } return true ; } @Override public boolean preNonStaticFieldAccessExpression( ExpressionFactory.NonStaticFieldAccessExpression arg ) { initializeEmitter( arg ) ; return true ; } @Override public boolean preStaticFieldAccessExpression( ExpressionFactory.StaticFieldAccessExpression arg ) { initializeEmitter( arg ) ; return true ; } @Override public boolean preArrayIndexExpression( ExpressionFactory.ArrayIndexExpression arg ) { initializeEmitter( arg ) ; return true ; } // Note that the only difference between the three versions // of the initializeEmitter method is that the makeEmitter // call is also overloaded based on the static argument type. private void initializeEmitter( ExpressionFactory.NonStaticFieldAccessExpression arg ) { ASMUtil.RequiredEmitterType ret = ASMUtil.requiredEmitterType.get( arg ) ; EmitterFactory.Emitter em = null ; if (ret != ASMUtil.RequiredEmitterType.NONE) { em = EmitterFactory.makeEmitter(arg, ret == ASMUtil.RequiredEmitterType.SETTER); } handleEmitter( arg, em ) ; } private void initializeEmitter( ExpressionFactory.StaticFieldAccessExpression arg ) { ASMUtil.RequiredEmitterType ret = ASMUtil.requiredEmitterType.get( arg ) ; EmitterFactory.Emitter em = null ; if (ret != ASMUtil.RequiredEmitterType.NONE) { em = EmitterFactory.makeEmitter(arg, ret == ASMUtil.RequiredEmitterType.SETTER); } handleEmitter( arg, em ) ; } private void initializeEmitter( ExpressionFactory.ArrayIndexExpression arg ) { ASMUtil.RequiredEmitterType ret = ASMUtil.requiredEmitterType.get( arg ) ; EmitterFactory.Emitter em = null ; if (ret != ASMUtil.RequiredEmitterType.NONE) { em = EmitterFactory.makeEmitter(arg, ret == ASMUtil.RequiredEmitterType.SETTER); } handleEmitter( arg, em ) ; } private void compareEmitter( String nodeType, Node arg, EmitterFactory.Emitter expected, EmitterFactory.Emitter actual ) { boolean error ; if (actual == null) { error = expected != null; } else { error = !(actual.equals(expected)); } if (error) { verificationError(arg, "Incorrect " + nodeType + ": expected " + expected + ", but found " + actual); } } private void handleEmitter( Node arg, EmitterFactory.Emitter em ) { if (preparing()) { ASMUtil.emitter.set( arg, em ) ; } else { EmitterFactory.Emitter lem = ASMUtil.emitter.get( arg ) ; compareEmitter( "emitter", arg, em, lem ) ; } } private void initializeVariableEmitter( Variable param ) { VariableInternal arg = (VariableInternal)param ; // Define the emitter attribute for this Variable. EmitterFactory.Emitter em = null ; ASMUtil.RequiredEmitterType ret = ASMUtil.requiredEmitterType.get( arg ) ; if (ret != ASMUtil.RequiredEmitterType.NONE) { if (ret == ASMUtil.RequiredEmitterType.SETTER) { em = ASMUtil.setEmitter.get( arg ) ; } else { em = ASMUtil.getEmitter.get( arg ) ; } handleEmitter( arg, em ) ; } } // Use this method to define local variables outside of // the Visitor. private void defineLocalVariable( Variable arg ) { allocateLocalVariable( arg ) ; finishVariableDefinition( arg ) ; } private void allocateLocalVariable( Variable param ) { VariableInternal arg = (VariableInternal)param ; // Get a slot from the slot allocator and use it to // set the getEmitter and setEmitter attributes. assert slotAllocator != null ; int sfs = slotAllocator.getSlot( arg.type() ) ; if (preparing()) { ASMUtil.stackFrameSlot.set( arg, sfs ) ; } else { int slot = ASMUtil.stackFrameSlot.get( arg ) ; if (slot != sfs) { verificationError(arg, "Expected stackFrameSlot to be " + sfs + ", was " + slot); } } } private void finishVariableDefinition( Variable param ) { VariableInternal arg = (VariableInternal)param ; // Either parent is class, and we can use the class info to // set the getEmitter and setEmitter attributes, or not, // in which case the stackFrameSlot attribute is set. // EmitterFactory uses this // information to construct the correct emitter. EmitterFactory.Emitter getter = EmitterFactory.makeEmitter( arg, false ) ; EmitterFactory.Emitter setter = EmitterFactory.makeEmitter( arg, true ) ; if (preparing()) { ASMUtil.getEmitter.set( arg, getter ) ; ASMUtil.setEmitter.set( arg, setter ) ; } else { EmitterFactory.Emitter lgetter = ASMUtil.getEmitter.get( arg ) ; compareEmitter( "getEmitter", arg, getter, lgetter ) ; EmitterFactory.Emitter lsetter = ASMUtil.setEmitter.get( arg ) ; compareEmitter( "setEmitter", arg, setter, lsetter ) ; } } @Override public boolean preVariable( Variable arg ) { switch (variableDefiningContext) { case REFERENCE : // Note that a reference to a definition is // copied, and the definition has requiredEmitterType // set to NONE, so we need to make sure that ALL // references are set to GETTER. The setters are // handled in those particular conxtexts where they // occur. ASMUtil.requiredEmitterType.set( (VariableInternal)arg, ASMUtil.RequiredEmitterType.GETTER ) ; // Only variable references should be labelled initializeVariableEmitter( arg ) ; break ; case DEFINE_LOCAL : defineLocalVariable( arg ) ; break ; case DEFINE_LOCAL_DEFINITION: defineLocalVariable( arg ) ; initializeVariableEmitter( arg ) ; break ; // added for fixing Issue 611 default : // Added only in case VariableContext gets more // values in the future assert false ; // should never get here! } return false ; // We don't need postVariable here. } @Override public boolean preBinaryOperatorExpression( ExpressionFactory.BinaryOperatorExpression arg ) { // XXX if the type of arg.left and arg.right are both numeric but not the same, // label arg with the type required for coercion. return true ; } @Override public void binaryOperatorExpressionBeforeRight( ExpressionFactory.BinaryOperatorExpression arg ) { } @Override public void postBinaryOperatorExpression( ExpressionFactory.BinaryOperatorExpression arg ) { postExpression( arg ) ; } /** public void visitBinaryOperatorExpression( ExpressionFactory.BinaryOperatorExpression arg ) { if (preBinaryOperatorExpression( arg )) { try { arg.left().accept( context.current() ) ; binaryOperatorExpressionBeforeRight( arg ) ; arg.right().accept( context.current() ) ; } finally { postBinaryOperatorExpression( arg ) ; } } } */ }