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package org.glassfish.jersey.server.internal.routing;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import javax.ws.rs.HttpMethod;
import javax.ws.rs.NotAcceptableException;
import javax.ws.rs.NotAllowedException;
import javax.ws.rs.NotSupportedException;
import javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestContext;
import javax.ws.rs.core.GenericType;
import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Response;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Response.Status;

import org.glassfish.jersey.internal.guava.Primitives;
import org.glassfish.jersey.internal.routing.ContentTypeDeterminer;
import org.glassfish.jersey.internal.routing.CombinedMediaType;
import org.glassfish.jersey.internal.routing.RequestSpecificConsumesProducesAcceptor;
import org.glassfish.jersey.message.MessageBodyWorkers;
import org.glassfish.jersey.message.ReaderModel;
import org.glassfish.jersey.message.WriterModel;
import org.glassfish.jersey.message.internal.AcceptableMediaType;
import org.glassfish.jersey.message.internal.MediaTypes;
import org.glassfish.jersey.server.ContainerRequest;
import org.glassfish.jersey.server.ContainerResponse;
import org.glassfish.jersey.server.internal.LocalizationMessages;
import org.glassfish.jersey.server.internal.process.RequestProcessingContext;
import org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.Invocable;
import org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.Parameter;
import org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.ResourceMethod;

A single router responsible for selecting a single method from all the methods bound to the same routed request path. The method selection algorithm selects the handling method based on the HTTP request method name, requested media type as well as defined resource method media type capabilities.
Author:Jakub Podlesak, Marek Potociar
/** * A single router responsible for selecting a single method from all the methods * bound to the same routed request path. * * The method selection algorithm selects the handling method based on the HTTP request * method name, requested media type as well as defined resource method media type * capabilities. * * @author Jakub Podlesak * @author Marek Potociar */
final class MethodSelectingRouter extends ContentTypeDeterminer implements Router { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(MethodSelectingRouter.class.getName()); private static final Comparator<ConsumesProducesAcceptor> CONSUMES_PRODUCES_ACCEPTOR_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<ConsumesProducesAcceptor>() { @Override public int compare(final ConsumesProducesAcceptor o1, final ConsumesProducesAcceptor o2) { // Make sure that annotated (@Consumes, @Produces) goes first. final ResourceMethod model1 = o1.methodRouting.method; final ResourceMethod model2 = o2.methodRouting.method; // @Consumes on method. int compared = compare(model1.getConsumedTypes(), model2.getConsumedTypes()); if (compared != 0) { return compared; } compared = compare(model1.getProducedTypes(), model2.getProducedTypes()); if (compared != 0) { return compared; } compared = MediaTypes.PARTIAL_ORDER_COMPARATOR.compare(o1.consumes.getMediaType(), o2.consumes.getMediaType()); if (compared != 0) { return compared; } return MediaTypes.PARTIAL_ORDER_COMPARATOR.compare(o1.produces.getMediaType(), o2.produces.getMediaType()); } private int compare(List<MediaType> mediaTypeList1, List<MediaType> mediaTypeList2) { mediaTypeList1 = mediaTypeList1.isEmpty() ? MediaTypes.WILDCARD_TYPE_SINGLETON_LIST : mediaTypeList1; mediaTypeList2 = mediaTypeList2.isEmpty() ? MediaTypes.WILDCARD_TYPE_SINGLETON_LIST : mediaTypeList2; return MediaTypes.MEDIA_TYPE_LIST_COMPARATOR.compare(mediaTypeList1, mediaTypeList2); } }; private final Map<String, List<ConsumesProducesAcceptor>> consumesProducesAcceptors; private final Router router;
Create a new MethodSelectingRouter for all the methods on the same path. The router selects the method that best matches the request based on produce/consume information from the resource method models.
  • workers – message body workers.
  • methodRoutings – [method model, method methodAcceptorPair] pairs.
/** * Create a new {@code MethodSelectingRouter} for all the methods on the same path. * * The router selects the method that best matches the request based on * produce/consume information from the resource method models. * * @param workers message body workers. * @param methodRoutings [method model, method methodAcceptorPair] pairs. */
MethodSelectingRouter(MessageBodyWorkers workers, List<MethodRouting> methodRoutings) { super(workers); this.consumesProducesAcceptors = new HashMap<>(); final Set<String> httpMethods = new HashSet<>(); for (final MethodRouting methodRouting : methodRoutings) { final String httpMethod = methodRouting.method.getHttpMethod(); httpMethods.add(httpMethod); List<ConsumesProducesAcceptor> httpMethodBoundAcceptors = consumesProducesAcceptors.get(httpMethod); if (httpMethodBoundAcceptors == null) { httpMethodBoundAcceptors = new LinkedList<>(); consumesProducesAcceptors.put(httpMethod, httpMethodBoundAcceptors); } addAllConsumesProducesCombinations(httpMethodBoundAcceptors, methodRouting); } // Sort acceptors for added HTTP methods - primary based on @Consumes, @Produces present on method, secondary on consumes, // produces values of the acceptor. for (final String httpMethod : httpMethods) { Collections.sort(consumesProducesAcceptors.get(httpMethod), CONSUMES_PRODUCES_ACCEPTOR_COMPARATOR); } if (!consumesProducesAcceptors.containsKey(HttpMethod.HEAD)) { this.router = createHeadEnrichedRouter(); } else { this.router = createInternalRouter(); } } Set<String> getHttpMethods() { return consumesProducesAcceptors.keySet(); }
Represents a 1-1-1 relation between input and output media type and an methodAcceptorPair.

E.g. for a single resource method

  public String myGetMethod() {
    return "S";
the following two relations would be generated:
consumes produces method
*/* text/plain myGetMethod
*/* text/html myGetMethod
/** * Represents a 1-1-1 relation between input and output media type and an methodAcceptorPair. * <p>E.g. for a single resource method * <pre> * &#064;Consumes("&#042;/&#042;") * &#064;Produces("text/plain","text/html") * &#064;GET * public String myGetMethod() { * return "S"; * } * </pre> * the following two relations would be generated: * <table> * <tr> * <th>consumes</th> * <th>produces</th> * <th>method</th> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>&#042;/&#042;</td> * <td>text/plain</td> * <td>myGetMethod</td> * </td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>&#042;/&#042;</td> * <td>text/html</td> * <td>myGetMethod</td> * </td> * </tr> * </table> */
private static class ConsumesProducesAcceptor { final CombinedMediaType.EffectiveMediaType consumes; final CombinedMediaType.EffectiveMediaType produces; final MethodRouting methodRouting; private ConsumesProducesAcceptor( CombinedMediaType.EffectiveMediaType consumes, CombinedMediaType.EffectiveMediaType produces, MethodRouting methodRouting) { this.methodRouting = methodRouting; this.consumes = consumes; this.produces = produces; }
Determines whether this ConsumesProducesAcceptor router can process the request.
  • requestContext – The request to be tested.
Returns:True if the request can be processed by this router, false otherwise.
/** * Determines whether this {@code ConsumesProducesAcceptor} router can process the {@code request}. * * @param requestContext The request to be tested. * @return True if the {@code request} can be processed by this router, false otherwise. */
boolean isConsumable(ContainerRequest requestContext) { MediaType contentType = requestContext.getMediaType(); return contentType == null || consumes.getMediaType().isCompatible(contentType); } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("%s->%s:%s", consumes.getMediaType(), produces.getMediaType(), methodRouting); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("RedundantIfStatement") public boolean equals(final Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (!(o instanceof ConsumesProducesAcceptor)) { return false; } final ConsumesProducesAcceptor that = (ConsumesProducesAcceptor) o; if (consumes != null ? !consumes.equals(that.consumes) : that.consumes != null) { return false; } if (methodRouting != null ? !methodRouting.equals(that.methodRouting) : that.methodRouting != null) { return false; } if (produces != null ? !produces.equals(that.produces) : that.produces != null) { return false; } return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = consumes != null ? consumes.hashCode() : 0; result = 31 * result + (produces != null ? produces.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (methodRouting != null ? methodRouting.hashCode() : 0); return result; } }
Helper class to select matching resource method to be invoked.
/** * Helper class to select matching resource method to be invoked. */
private static class MethodSelector { RequestSpecificConsumesProducesAcceptor<MethodRouting> selected; List<RequestSpecificConsumesProducesAcceptor> sameFitnessAcceptors; MethodSelector(RequestSpecificConsumesProducesAcceptor<MethodRouting> i) { selected = i; sameFitnessAcceptors = null; } void consider(RequestSpecificConsumesProducesAcceptor<MethodRouting> i) { final int theLessTheBetter = i.compareTo(selected); if (theLessTheBetter < 0) { selected = i; sameFitnessAcceptors = null; } else { if (theLessTheBetter == 0 && (selected.getMethodRouting() != i.getMethodRouting())) { getSameFitnessList().add(i); } } } List<RequestSpecificConsumesProducesAcceptor> getSameFitnessList() { if (sameFitnessAcceptors == null) { sameFitnessAcceptors = new LinkedList<>(); } return sameFitnessAcceptors; } } private Router createInternalRouter() { return new Router() { @Override public Continuation apply(RequestProcessingContext requestContext) { return Continuation.of(requestContext, getMethodRouter(requestContext)); } }; } @Override public Continuation apply(RequestProcessingContext requestContext) { return router.apply(requestContext); } private void addAllConsumesProducesCombinations(final List<ConsumesProducesAcceptor> acceptors, final MethodRouting methodRouting) { final ResourceMethod resourceMethod = methodRouting.method; final Set<MediaType> effectiveInputTypes = new LinkedHashSet<>(); boolean consumesFromWorkers = fillMediaTypes(effectiveInputTypes, resourceMethod, resourceMethod.getConsumedTypes(), true); final Set<MediaType> effectiveOutputTypes = new LinkedHashSet<>(); boolean producesFromWorkers = fillMediaTypes(effectiveOutputTypes, resourceMethod, resourceMethod.getProducedTypes(), false); final Set<ConsumesProducesAcceptor> acceptorSet = new HashSet<>(); for (MediaType consumes : effectiveInputTypes) { for (MediaType produces : effectiveOutputTypes) { acceptorSet.add(new ConsumesProducesAcceptor( new CombinedMediaType.EffectiveMediaType(consumes, consumesFromWorkers), new CombinedMediaType.EffectiveMediaType(produces, producesFromWorkers), methodRouting)); } } acceptors.addAll(acceptorSet); } private boolean fillMediaTypes(final Set<MediaType> effectiveTypes, final ResourceMethod resourceMethod, final List<MediaType> methodTypes, final boolean inputTypes) { // Add method types to the resulting list iff there is more than just */* if (methodTypes.size() > 1 || !methodTypes.contains(MediaType.WILDCARD_TYPE)) { effectiveTypes.addAll(methodTypes); } boolean mediaTypesFromWorkers = effectiveTypes.isEmpty(); if (mediaTypesFromWorkers) { final Invocable invocableMethod = resourceMethod.getInvocable(); // If not predefined from method - get it from workers. if (inputTypes) { fillInputTypesFromWorkers(effectiveTypes, invocableMethod); } else { fillOutputTypesFromWorkers(effectiveTypes, invocableMethod.getRawResponseType()); } mediaTypesFromWorkers = !effectiveTypes.isEmpty(); // If still empty - get all available. if (!mediaTypesFromWorkers) { if (inputTypes) { effectiveTypes.addAll(workers.getMessageBodyReaderMediaTypesByType(Object.class)); } else { effectiveTypes.addAll(workers.getMessageBodyWriterMediaTypesByType(Object.class)); } mediaTypesFromWorkers = true; } } return mediaTypesFromWorkers; } private void fillOutputTypesFromWorkers(final Set<MediaType> effectiveOutputTypes, final Class<?> returnEntityType) { effectiveOutputTypes.addAll(workers.getMessageBodyWriterMediaTypesByType(returnEntityType)); } private void fillInputTypesFromWorkers(final Set<MediaType> effectiveInputTypes, final Invocable invocableMethod) { for (Parameter p : invocableMethod.getParameters()) { if (p.getSource() == Parameter.Source.ENTITY) { effectiveInputTypes.addAll(workers.getMessageBodyReaderMediaTypesByType(p.getRawType())); // there's at most one entity parameter break; } } } private Parameter getEntityParam(final Invocable invocable) { for (final Parameter parameter : invocable.getParameters()) { if (parameter.getSource() == Parameter.Source.ENTITY && !ContainerRequestContext.class.isAssignableFrom(parameter.getRawType())) { // there's at most one entity parameter return parameter; } } return null; } private List<Router> getMethodRouter(final RequestProcessingContext context) { final ContainerRequest request = context.request(); final List<ConsumesProducesAcceptor> acceptors = consumesProducesAcceptors.get(request.getMethod()); if (acceptors == null) { throw new NotAllowedException( Response.status(Status.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED).allow(consumesProducesAcceptors.keySet()).build()); } final List<ConsumesProducesAcceptor> satisfyingAcceptors = new LinkedList<>(); final Set<ResourceMethod> differentInvokableMethods = Collections.newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap<>()); for (ConsumesProducesAcceptor cpi : acceptors) { if (cpi.isConsumable(request)) { satisfyingAcceptors.add(cpi); differentInvokableMethods.add(cpi.methodRouting.method); } } if (satisfyingAcceptors.isEmpty()) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } final List<AcceptableMediaType> acceptableMediaTypes = request.getQualifiedAcceptableMediaTypes(); final MediaType requestContentType = request.getMediaType(); final MediaType effectiveContentType = requestContentType == null ? MediaType.WILDCARD_TYPE : requestContentType; final MethodSelector methodSelector = selectMethod(acceptableMediaTypes, satisfyingAcceptors, effectiveContentType, differentInvokableMethods.size() == 1); if (methodSelector.selected != null) { final RequestSpecificConsumesProducesAcceptor<MethodRouting> selected = methodSelector.selected; if (methodSelector.sameFitnessAcceptors != null) { reportMethodSelectionAmbiguity(acceptableMediaTypes, methodSelector.selected, methodSelector.sameFitnessAcceptors); } context.push(new Function<ContainerResponse, ContainerResponse>() { @Override public ContainerResponse apply(final ContainerResponse responseContext) { // we only need to compute and set the effective media type if: // - it hasn't been set already, and // - either there is an entity, or we are responding to a HEAD request if (responseContext.getMediaType() == null && ((responseContext.hasEntity() || HttpMethod.HEAD.equals(request.getMethod())))) { MediaType effectiveResponseType = determineResponseMediaType( responseContext.getEntityClass(), responseContext.getEntityType(), methodSelector.selected, acceptableMediaTypes); if (MediaTypes.isWildcard(effectiveResponseType)) { if (effectiveResponseType.isWildcardType() || "application".equalsIgnoreCase(effectiveResponseType.getType())) { effectiveResponseType = MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_TYPE; } else { throw new NotAcceptableException(); } } responseContext.setMediaType(effectiveResponseType); } return responseContext; } }); return selected.getMethodRouting().routers; } throw new NotAcceptableException(); }
Determine the MediaType of the Response based on writers suitable for the given entity class, pre-selected method and acceptable media types.
  • entityClass – entity class to determine the media type for.
  • entityType – entity type for writers.
  • selectedMethod – pre-selected (invoked) method.
  • acceptableMediaTypes – acceptable media types from request.
Returns:media type of the response.
/** * Determine the {@link MediaType} of the {@link Response} based on writers suitable for the given entity class, * pre-selected method and acceptable media types. * * @param entityClass entity class to determine the media type for. * @param entityType entity type for writers. * @param selectedMethod pre-selected (invoked) method. * @param acceptableMediaTypes acceptable media types from request. * @return media type of the response. */
private MediaType determineResponseMediaType( final Class<?> entityClass, final Type entityType, final RequestSpecificConsumesProducesAcceptor<MethodRouting> selectedMethod, final List<AcceptableMediaType> acceptableMediaTypes) { // Return pre-selected MediaType. if (usePreSelectedMediaType(selectedMethod, acceptableMediaTypes)) { return selectedMethod.getProduces().getCombinedType(); } final ResourceMethod resourceMethod = selectedMethod.getMethodRouting().method; final Invocable invocable = resourceMethod.getInvocable(); // Entity class can be null when considering HEAD method || empty entity. final Class<?> responseEntityClass = entityClass == null ? invocable.getRawRoutingResponseType() : entityClass; final Method handlingMethod = invocable.getHandlingMethod(); // Media types producible by method. final List<MediaType> methodProducesTypes = !resourceMethod.getProducedTypes().isEmpty() ? resourceMethod.getProducedTypes() : Collections.singletonList(MediaType.WILDCARD_TYPE); return super.determineResponseMediaType(responseEntityClass, entityType, selectedMethod, acceptableMediaTypes, methodProducesTypes, handlingMethod.getDeclaredAnnotations()); } private static boolean usePreSelectedMediaType(final RequestSpecificConsumesProducesAcceptor<MethodRouting> selectedMethod, final List<AcceptableMediaType> acceptableMediaTypes) { // Resource method is annotated with @Produces and this annotation contains only one MediaType. if (!selectedMethod.producesFromProviders() && selectedMethod.getMethodRouting().method.getProducedTypes().size() == 1) { return true; } // There is only one (non-wildcard) acceptable media type - at this point the pre-selected method has to be chosen so // there are compatible writers (not necessarily writeable ones). return acceptableMediaTypes.size() == 1 && !MediaTypes.isWildcard(acceptableMediaTypes.get(0)); } private boolean isWriteable(final RequestSpecificConsumesProducesAcceptor<MethodRouting> candidate) { final Invocable invocable = candidate.getMethodRouting().method.getInvocable(); final Class<?> responseType = Primitives.wrap(invocable.getRawRoutingResponseType()); if (Response.class.isAssignableFrom(responseType) || Void.class.isAssignableFrom(responseType)) { return true; } final Type genericType = invocable.getRoutingResponseType(); final Type genericReturnType = genericType instanceof GenericType ? ((GenericType) genericType).getType() : genericType; for (final WriterModel model : workers.getWritersModelsForType(responseType)) { if (model.isWriteable( responseType, genericReturnType, invocable.getHandlingMethod().getDeclaredAnnotations(), candidate.getProduces().getCombinedType())) { return true; } } return false; } private boolean isReadable(final RequestSpecificConsumesProducesAcceptor<MethodRouting> candidate) { final Invocable invocable = candidate.getMethodRouting().method.getInvocable(); final Method handlingMethod = invocable.getHandlingMethod(); final Parameter entityParam = getEntityParam(invocable); if (entityParam == null) { return true; } else { final Class<?> entityType = entityParam.getRawType(); for (final ReaderModel model : workers.getReaderModelsForType(entityType)) { if (model.isReadable( entityType, entityParam.getType(), handlingMethod.getDeclaredAnnotations(), candidate.getConsumes().getCombinedType())) { return true; } } } return false; }
Select method to be invoked. Method is chosen among the given set of acceptors (if they are compatible with acceptable media types).
  • acceptableMediaTypes – media types acceptable by the client.
  • satisfyingAcceptors – pre-computed acceptors.
  • effectiveContentType – media type of incoming entity.
  • singleInvokableMethod – flag determining whether only one method to be invoked has been found among satisfying acceptors.
Returns:method to be invoked.
/** * Select method to be invoked. Method is chosen among the given set of acceptors (if they are compatible with acceptable * media types). * * @param acceptableMediaTypes media types acceptable by the client. * @param satisfyingAcceptors pre-computed acceptors. * @param effectiveContentType media type of incoming entity. * @param singleInvokableMethod flag determining whether only one method to be invoked has been found among satisfying * acceptors. * @return method to be invoked. */
private MethodSelector selectMethod(final List<AcceptableMediaType> acceptableMediaTypes, final List<ConsumesProducesAcceptor> satisfyingAcceptors, final MediaType effectiveContentType, final boolean singleInvokableMethod) { // Selected method we have a reader and writer for. final MethodSelector method = new MethodSelector(null); // If we cannot find a writer at this point use the best alternative. final MethodSelector alternative = new MethodSelector(null); for (final MediaType acceptableMediaType : acceptableMediaTypes) { for (final ConsumesProducesAcceptor satisfiable : satisfyingAcceptors) { final CombinedMediaType produces = CombinedMediaType.create(acceptableMediaType, satisfiable.produces); if (produces != CombinedMediaType.NO_MATCH) { final CombinedMediaType consumes = CombinedMediaType.create(effectiveContentType, satisfiable.consumes); final RequestSpecificConsumesProducesAcceptor<MethodRouting> candidate = new RequestSpecificConsumesProducesAcceptor<>( consumes, produces, satisfiable.produces.isDerived(), satisfiable.methodRouting); if (singleInvokableMethod) { // Only one possible method and it's compatible. return new MethodSelector(candidate); } else if (candidate.compareTo(method.selected) < 0) { // Candidate is better than the previous one. if (method.selected == null || candidate.getMethodRouting().method != method.selected.getMethodRouting().method) { // No candidate so far or better candidate. if (isReadable(candidate) && isWriteable(candidate)) { method.consider(candidate); } else { alternative.consider(candidate); } } else { // Same resource method - better candidate, no need to compare anything else. method.consider(candidate); } } } } } return method.selected != null ? method : alternative; } private void reportMethodSelectionAmbiguity(List<AcceptableMediaType> acceptableTypes, RequestSpecificConsumesProducesAcceptor<MethodRouting> selected, List<RequestSpecificConsumesProducesAcceptor> sameFitnessAcceptors) { if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { StringBuilder msgBuilder = new StringBuilder(LocalizationMessages.AMBIGUOUS_RESOURCE_METHOD(acceptableTypes)).append('\n'); msgBuilder.append('\t').append(selected.getMethodRouting().method).append('\n'); final Set<ResourceMethod> reportedMethods = new HashSet<>(); reportedMethods.add(selected.getMethodRouting().method); for (RequestSpecificConsumesProducesAcceptor<MethodRouting> i : sameFitnessAcceptors) { if (!reportedMethods.contains(i.getMethodRouting().method)) { msgBuilder.append('\t').append(i.getMethodRouting().method).append('\n'); } reportedMethods.add(i.getMethodRouting().method); } LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, msgBuilder.toString()); } } private Router createHeadEnrichedRouter() { return new Router() { @Override public Continuation apply(final RequestProcessingContext context) { final ContainerRequest request = context.request(); if (HttpMethod.HEAD.equals(request.getMethod())) { request.setMethodWithoutException(HttpMethod.GET); context.push( new Function<ContainerResponse, ContainerResponse>() { @Override public ContainerResponse apply(final ContainerResponse responseContext) { responseContext.getRequestContext().setMethodWithoutException(HttpMethod.HEAD); return responseContext; } } ); } return Continuation.of(context, getMethodRouter(context)); } }; } }