 * Copyright (c) 2012, 2019 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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package org.glassfish.jersey.internal.routing;

import org.glassfish.jersey.message.MessageBodyWorkers;
import org.glassfish.jersey.message.WriterModel;
import org.glassfish.jersey.message.internal.AcceptableMediaType;
import org.glassfish.jersey.message.internal.MediaTypes;

import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Response;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.List;

Utility class containing methods used on both client and server side for determining media type of a response based on provided MessageBodyWorkers.
/** * Utility class containing methods used on both client and server side for determining media type of a response based * on provided {@link MessageBodyWorkers}. */
public class ContentTypeDeterminer { protected ContentTypeDeterminer(MessageBodyWorkers workers) { this.workers = workers; } protected MessageBodyWorkers workers;
Determine the MediaType of the Response based on writers suitable for the given entity class, pre-selected method and acceptable media types.
  • entityClass – entity class to determine the media type for.
  • entityType – entity type for writers.
  • selectedMethod – pre-selected (invoked) method.
  • acceptableMediaTypes – acceptable media types from request.
  • methodProducesTypes – media types producible by resource method
Returns: media type of the response.
/** * Determine the {@link MediaType} of the {@link Response} based on writers suitable for the given entity class, * pre-selected method and acceptable media types. * * @param entityClass entity class to determine the media type for. * @param entityType entity type for writers. * @param selectedMethod pre-selected (invoked) method. * @param acceptableMediaTypes acceptable media types from request. * @param methodProducesTypes media types producible by resource method * @return media type of the response. */
protected MediaType determineResponseMediaType( final Class<?> entityClass, final Type entityType, final RequestSpecificConsumesProducesAcceptor<?> selectedMethod, final List<AcceptableMediaType> acceptableMediaTypes, final List<MediaType> methodProducesTypes, final Annotation[] handlingMethodAnnotations) { // Entity class can be null when considering HEAD method || empty entity. final Class<?> responseEntityClass = entityClass; // Applicable entity providers final List<WriterModel> writersForEntityType = workers.getWritersModelsForType(responseEntityClass); CombinedMediaType selected = null; for (final MediaType acceptableMediaType : acceptableMediaTypes) { for (final MediaType methodProducesType : methodProducesTypes) { if (!acceptableMediaType.isCompatible(methodProducesType)) { // no need to go deeper if acceptable and method produces type are incompatible continue; } // Use writers suitable for entity class to determine the media type. for (final WriterModel model : writersForEntityType) { for (final MediaType writerProduces : model.declaredTypes()) { if (!writerProduces.isCompatible(acceptableMediaType) || !methodProducesType.isCompatible(writerProduces)) { continue; } final CombinedMediaType.EffectiveMediaType effectiveProduces = new CombinedMediaType.EffectiveMediaType( MediaTypes.mostSpecific(methodProducesType, writerProduces), false); final CombinedMediaType candidate = CombinedMediaType.create(acceptableMediaType, effectiveProduces); if (candidate != CombinedMediaType.NO_MATCH) { // Look for a better compatible worker. if (selected == null || CombinedMediaType.COMPARATOR.compare(candidate, selected) < 0) { if (model.isWriteable( responseEntityClass, entityType, handlingMethodAnnotations, candidate.getCombinedType())) { selected = candidate; } } } } } } } // Found media type for current writer. if (selected != null) { return selected.getCombinedType(); } // If the media type couldn't be determined, choose pre-selected one and wait whether interceptors change the mediaType // so it can be written. return selectedMethod.getProduces().getCombinedType(); } }