 * Copyright 2010-2020 Redgate Software Ltd
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.flywaydb.core.internal.parser;

import org.flywaydb.core.api.FlywayException;
import org.flywaydb.core.api.configuration.Configuration;
import org.flywaydb.core.api.logging.Log;
import org.flywaydb.core.api.logging.LogFactory;
import org.flywaydb.core.internal.resource.LoadableResource;
import org.flywaydb.core.internal.resource.Resource;
import org.flywaydb.core.internal.sqlscript.Delimiter;
import org.flywaydb.core.internal.sqlscript.ParsedSqlStatement;
import org.flywaydb.core.internal.sqlscript.SqlStatement;
import org.flywaydb.core.internal.sqlscript.SqlStatementIterator;
import org.flywaydb.core.internal.util.BomStrippingReader;
import org.flywaydb.core.internal.util.IOUtils;
import org.flywaydb.core.internal.util.StringUtils;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

The main parser all database-specific parsers derive from.
/** * The main parser all database-specific parsers derive from. */
public abstract class Parser { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(Parser.class); private final Configuration configuration; private final int peekDepth; private final char identifierQuote; private final char alternativeIdentifierQuote; private final char alternativeStringLiteralQuote; private final Set<String> validKeywords; private final ParsingContext parsingContext; protected Parser(Configuration configuration, ParsingContext parsingContext, int peekDepth) { this.configuration = configuration; this.peekDepth = peekDepth; this.identifierQuote = getIdentifierQuote(); this.alternativeIdentifierQuote = getAlternativeIdentifierQuote(); this.alternativeStringLiteralQuote = getAlternativeStringLiteralQuote(); this.validKeywords = getValidKeywords(); this.parsingContext = parsingContext; } protected Delimiter getDefaultDelimiter() { return Delimiter.SEMICOLON; } protected char getIdentifierQuote() { return '"'; } protected char getAlternativeIdentifierQuote() { return 0; } protected char getAlternativeStringLiteralQuote() { return 0; } protected Set<String> getValidKeywords() { return null; }
Parses this resource into a stream of statements.
  • resource – The resource to parse.
Returns:The statements.
/** * Parses this resource into a stream of statements. * * @param resource The resource to parse. * @return The statements. */
public final SqlStatementIterator parse(final LoadableResource resource) { PositionTracker tracker = new PositionTracker(); Recorder recorder = new Recorder(); ParserContext context = new ParserContext(getDefaultDelimiter()); LOG.debug("Parsing " + resource.getFilename() + " ..."); PeekingReader peekingReader = new PeekingReader( new RecordingReader(recorder, new PositionTrackingReader(tracker, replacePlaceholders( new BomStrippingReader( new BufferedReader(resource.read(), 4096)))))); return new ParserSqlStatementIterator(peekingReader, resource, recorder, tracker, context); }
Configures this reader for placeholder replacement.
  • reader – The original reader.
Returns:The new reader with placeholder replacement.
/** * Configures this reader for placeholder replacement. * * @param reader The original reader. * @return The new reader with placeholder replacement. */
protected Reader replacePlaceholders(Reader reader) { if (configuration.isPlaceholderReplacement()) { return PlaceholderReplacingReader.create( configuration, parsingContext, reader); } return reader; } private SqlStatement getNextStatement(Resource resource, PeekingReader reader, Recorder recorder, PositionTracker tracker, ParserContext context) { resetDelimiter(context); context.setStatementType(StatementType.UNKNOWN); int statementLine = tracker.getLine(); int statementCol = tracker.getCol(); try { List<Token> tokens = new ArrayList<>(); List<Token> keywords = new ArrayList<>(); int statementPos = -1; recorder.start(); int nonCommentPartPos = -1; int nonCommentPartLine = -1; int nonCommentPartCol = -1; StatementType statementType = StatementType.UNKNOWN; Boolean canExecuteInTransaction = null; String simplifiedStatement = ""; do { Token token = readToken(reader, tracker, context); if (token == null) { if (tokens.isEmpty()) { recorder.start(); statementLine = tracker.getLine(); statementCol = tracker.getCol(); simplifiedStatement = ""; } else { recorder.confirm(); } continue; } TokenType tokenType = token.getType(); if (tokenType == TokenType.NEW_DELIMITER) { if (!tokens.isEmpty()) { String sql = recorder.stop(); throw new FlywayException("Delimiter changed inside statement at line " + statementLine + " col " + statementCol + ": " + sql); } context.setDelimiter(new Delimiter(token.getText(), false )); tokens.clear(); recorder.start(); statementLine = tracker.getLine(); statementCol = tracker.getCol(); simplifiedStatement = ""; continue; } if (shouldDiscard(token, nonCommentPartPos >= 0)) { tokens.clear(); recorder.start(); statementLine = tracker.getLine(); statementCol = tracker.getCol(); simplifiedStatement = ""; continue; } if (shouldAdjustBlockDepth(context, token)) { if (tokenType == TokenType.KEYWORD) { keywords.add(token); } adjustBlockDepth(context, tokens, token, reader); } int parensDepth = token.getParensDepth(); int blockDepth = context.getBlockDepth(); if (TokenType.EOF == tokenType || (TokenType.DELIMITER == tokenType && parensDepth == 0 && blockDepth == 0)) { String sql = recorder.stop(); if (TokenType.EOF == tokenType && (sql.length() == 0 || tokens.isEmpty() || nonCommentPartPos < 0)) { return null; } if (canExecuteInTransaction == null) { canExecuteInTransaction = true; } if (TokenType.EOF == tokenType && (parensDepth > 0 || blockDepth > 0)) { throw new FlywayException("Incomplete statement at line " + statementLine + " col " + statementCol + ": " + sql); } return createStatement(reader, recorder, statementPos, statementLine, statementCol, nonCommentPartPos, nonCommentPartLine, nonCommentPartCol, statementType, canExecuteInTransaction, context.getDelimiter(), sql ); } if (nonCommentPartPos < 0 && TokenType.COMMENT != tokenType) { nonCommentPartPos = token.getPos(); nonCommentPartLine = token.getLine(); nonCommentPartCol = token.getCol(); } if (tokens.isEmpty()) { statementPos = token.getPos(); statementLine = token.getLine(); statementCol = token.getCol(); } tokens.add(token); recorder.confirm(); if (keywords.size() <= getTransactionalDetectionCutoff() && (tokenType == TokenType.KEYWORD ) && parensDepth == 0 && (statementType == StatementType.UNKNOWN || canExecuteInTransaction == null)) { if (!simplifiedStatement.isEmpty()) { simplifiedStatement += " "; } simplifiedStatement += keywordToUpperCase(token.getText()); if (statementType == StatementType.UNKNOWN) { if (keywords.size() > getTransactionalDetectionCutoff()) { statementType = StatementType.GENERIC; } else { statementType = detectStatementType(simplifiedStatement); context.setStatementType(statementType); } adjustDelimiter(context, statementType); } if (canExecuteInTransaction == null) { if (keywords.size() > getTransactionalDetectionCutoff()) { canExecuteInTransaction = true; } else { canExecuteInTransaction = detectCanExecuteInTransaction(simplifiedStatement, keywords); } } } } while (true); } catch (Exception e) { IOUtils.close(reader); throw new FlywayException("Unable to parse statement in " + resource.getAbsolutePath() + " at line " + statementLine + " col " + statementCol + ": " + e.getMessage(), e); } } protected boolean shouldAdjustBlockDepth(ParserContext context, Token token) { return (token.getType() == TokenType.KEYWORD && token.getParensDepth() == 0); }
Whether the current set of tokens should be discarded.
  • token – The latest token.
  • nonCommentPartSeen – Whether a non-comment part has already be seen.
Returns:true if it should, false if not.
/** * Whether the current set of tokens should be discarded. * * @param token The latest token. * @param nonCommentPartSeen Whether a non-comment part has already be seen. * @return {@code true} if it should, {@code false} if not. */
protected boolean shouldDiscard(Token token, boolean nonCommentPartSeen) { TokenType tokenType = token.getType(); return (tokenType == TokenType.DELIMITER || tokenType == TokenType.BLANK_LINES) && !nonCommentPartSeen; }
Resets the delimiter to its default value before parsing a new statement.
/** * Resets the delimiter to its default value before parsing a new statement. */
protected void resetDelimiter(ParserContext context) { context.setDelimiter(getDefaultDelimiter()); }
Adjusts the delimiter if necessary for this statement type.
  • statementType – The statement type.
/** * Adjusts the delimiter if necessary for this statement type. * * @param statementType The statement type. */
protected void adjustDelimiter(ParserContext context, StatementType statementType) { }
Returns:The cutoff point in terms of number of tokens after which a statement can no longer be non-transactional.
/** * @return The cutoff point in terms of number of tokens after which a statement can no longer be non-transactional. */
protected int getTransactionalDetectionCutoff() { return 10; } protected void adjustBlockDepth(ParserContext context, List<Token> tokens, Token keyword, PeekingReader reader) throws IOException { } protected static int getLastKeywordIndex(List<Token> tokens) { return getLastKeywordIndex(tokens, tokens.size()); } protected static int getLastKeywordIndex(List<Token> tokens, int endIndex) { for (int i = endIndex - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Token token = tokens.get(i); if (token.getType() == TokenType.KEYWORD) { return i; } } return -1; } static String keywordToUpperCase(String text) { if (!containsLowerCase(text)) { return text; } StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(text.length()); for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) { char c = text.charAt(i); if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') { result.append((char) (c - ('a' - 'A'))); } else { result.append(c); } } return result.toString(); } private static boolean containsLowerCase(String text) { for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) { char c = text.charAt(i); if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') { return true; } } return false; }
Returns the last token at the given parensDepth. Skips comments and blank lines. Will return null if no token found.
/** * Returns the last token at the given parensDepth. Skips comments and blank lines. Will return null if no token found. */
protected static Token getPreviousToken(List<Token> tokens, int parensDepth) { for (int i = tokens.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) { Token previousToken = tokens.get(i); // Only consider tokens at the same parenthesis depth if (previousToken.getParensDepth() != parensDepth) { continue; } // Skip over comments and blank lines if (previousToken.getType() == TokenType.COMMENT || previousToken.getType() == TokenType.BLANK_LINES) { continue; } return previousToken; } return null; }
Returns true if the previous token matches the tokenText
/** * Returns true if the previous token matches the tokenText */
protected static boolean lastTokenIs(List<Token> tokens, int parensDepth, String tokenText) { Token previousToken = getPreviousToken(tokens, parensDepth); if (previousToken == null) { return false; } return tokenText.equals(previousToken.getText()); }
Check if the previous tokens in the statement at the same depth as the current token match the provided regex
/** * Check if the previous tokens in the statement at the same depth as the current token match the provided regex */
protected static boolean doTokensMatchPattern(List<Token> previousTokens, Token current, Pattern regex) { ArrayList<String> tokenStrings = new ArrayList<>(); tokenStrings.add(current.getText()); for (int i = previousTokens.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) { Token prevToken = previousTokens.get(i); if (prevToken.getParensDepth() != current.getParensDepth()) { break; } if (prevToken.getType() == TokenType.KEYWORD) { tokenStrings.add(prevToken.getText()); } } StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = tokenStrings.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) { builder.append(tokenStrings.get(i)); if (i != 0) { builder.append(" "); } } return regex.matcher(builder.toString()).matches(); } protected ParsedSqlStatement createStatement(PeekingReader reader, Recorder recorder, int statementPos, int statementLine, int statementCol, int nonCommentPartPos, int nonCommentPartLine, int nonCommentPartCol, StatementType statementType, boolean canExecuteInTransaction, Delimiter delimiter, String sql ) throws IOException { return new ParsedSqlStatement(statementPos, statementLine, statementCol, sql, delimiter, canExecuteInTransaction ); } protected StatementType detectStatementType(String simplifiedStatement) { return StatementType.UNKNOWN; } protected Boolean detectCanExecuteInTransaction(String simplifiedStatement, List<Token> keywords) { return true; } private Token readToken(PeekingReader reader, PositionTracker tracker, ParserContext context) throws IOException { int pos = tracker.getPos(); int line = tracker.getLine(); int col = tracker.getCol(); String peek = reader.peek(peekDepth); if (peek == null) { return new Token(TokenType.EOF, pos, line, col, null, null, 0); } char c = peek.charAt(0); if (isAlternativeStringLiteral(peek)) { return handleAlternativeStringLiteral(reader, context, pos, line, col); } if (c == '\'') { return handleStringLiteral(reader, context, pos, line, col); } if (c == '(') { context.increaseParensDepth(); reader.swallow(); return null; } if (c == ')') { context.decreaseParensDepth(); reader.swallow(); return null; } if (c == identifierQuote || c == alternativeIdentifierQuote) { reader.swallow(); String text = reader.readUntilExcludingWithEscape(c, true); if (reader.peek('.')) { text = readAdditionalIdentifierParts(reader, c, context.getDelimiter(), context); } return new Token(TokenType.IDENTIFIER, pos, line, col, text, text, context.getParensDepth()); } if (isCommentDirective(peek)) { return handleCommentDirective(reader, context, pos, line, col); } if (isSingleLineComment(peek, context, col)) { reader.swallowUntilExcluding('\n', '\r'); return new Token(TokenType.COMMENT, pos, line, col, null, null, context.getParensDepth()); } if (peek.startsWith("/*")) { reader.swallow(2); reader.swallowUntilExcluding("*/"); reader.swallow(2); return new Token(TokenType.COMMENT, pos, line, col, null, null, context.getParensDepth()); } if (isDigit(c)) { String text = reader.readNumeric(); return new Token(TokenType.NUMERIC, pos, line, col, text, text, context.getParensDepth()); } if (peek.startsWith("B'") || peek.startsWith("E'") || peek.startsWith("X'")) { reader.swallow(2); reader.swallowUntilExcludingWithEscape('\'', true); return new Token(TokenType.STRING, pos, line, col, null, null, context.getParensDepth()); } if (peek.startsWith("U&'")) { reader.swallow(3); reader.swallowUntilExcludingWithEscape('\'', true); return new Token(TokenType.STRING, pos, line, col, null, null, context.getParensDepth()); } if (isDelimiter(peek, context, col)) { return handleDelimiter(reader, context, pos, line, col); } if (c == '_' || context.isLetter(c)) { String text = readKeyword(reader, context.getDelimiter(), context); if (reader.peek('.')) { text += readAdditionalIdentifierParts(reader, identifierQuote, context.getDelimiter(), context); } if (!isKeyword(text)) { return new Token(TokenType.IDENTIFIER, pos, line, col, text, text, context.getParensDepth()); } return handleKeyword(reader, context, pos, line, col, text); } if (StringUtils.isCharAnyOf(c, ",=*.:;[]~+-/%^|?!@$&#<>'{}\\")) { String text = "" + (char) reader.read(); return new Token(TokenType.SYMBOL, pos, line, col, text, text, context.getParensDepth()); } if (c == ' ' || c == '\r' || c == '\u00A0' /* Non-linebreaking space */) { reader.swallow(); return null; } if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) { String text = reader.readWhitespace(); if (containsAtLeast(text, '\n', 2)) { return new Token(TokenType.BLANK_LINES, pos, line, col, null, null, context.getParensDepth()); } return null; } throw new FlywayException("Unknown char " + (char) reader.read() + " encountered on line " + line + " at column " + col); } protected String readKeyword(PeekingReader reader, Delimiter delimiter, ParserContext context) throws IOException { return "" + (char) reader.read() + reader.readKeywordPart(delimiter, context); } protected Token handleDelimiter(PeekingReader reader, ParserContext context, int pos, int line, int col) throws IOException { Delimiter delimiter = context.getDelimiter(); String text = delimiter.getDelimiter(); reader.swallow(text.length()); return new Token(TokenType.DELIMITER, pos, line, col, text, text, context.getParensDepth()); } protected boolean isAlternativeStringLiteral(String peek) { return alternativeStringLiteralQuote != 0 && peek.charAt(0) == alternativeStringLiteralQuote; } protected boolean isDelimiter(String peek, ParserContext context, int col) { Delimiter delimiter = context.getDelimiter(); return peek.startsWith(delimiter.getDelimiter()); } protected boolean isSingleLineComment(String peek, ParserContext context, int col) { return peek.startsWith("--"); }
Checks whether this is a keyword (true) or not (false = identifier, ...).
  • text – The token to check.
Returns:true if it is, false if not.
/** * Checks whether this is a keyword ({@code true}) or not ({@code false} = identifier, ...). * * @param text The token to check. * @return {@code true} if it is, {@code false} if not. */
protected boolean isKeyword(String text) { for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) { char c = text.charAt(i); if (!((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || c == '_')) { return false; } } if (validKeywords != null) { return validKeywords.contains(text); } return true; } @SuppressWarnings("Duplicates") private String readAdditionalIdentifierParts(PeekingReader reader, char quote, Delimiter delimiter, ParserContext context) throws IOException { String result = ""; reader.swallow(); result += "."; if (reader.peek(quote)) { reader.swallow(); result += reader.readUntilExcludingWithEscape(quote, true); } else { result += reader.readKeywordPart(delimiter, context); } if (reader.peek('.')) { reader.swallow(); result += "."; if (reader.peek(quote)) { reader.swallow(); result += reader.readUntilExcludingWithEscape(quote, true); } else { result += reader.readKeywordPart(delimiter, context); } } return result; } protected boolean isCommentDirective(String peek) { return false; } protected Token handleCommentDirective(PeekingReader reader, ParserContext context, int pos, int line, int col) throws IOException { return null; } protected Token handleStringLiteral(PeekingReader reader, ParserContext context, int pos, int line, int col) throws IOException { reader.swallow(); reader.swallowUntilExcludingWithEscape('\'', true); return new Token(TokenType.STRING, pos, line, col, null, null, context.getParensDepth()); } protected Token handleAlternativeStringLiteral(PeekingReader reader, ParserContext context, int pos, int line, int col) throws IOException { return null; } protected Token handleKeyword(PeekingReader reader, ParserContext context, int pos, int line, int col, String keyword) throws IOException { return new Token(TokenType.KEYWORD, pos, line, col, keywordToUpperCase(keyword), keyword, context.getParensDepth()); } private static boolean containsAtLeast(String str, char c, int min) { if (min > str.length()) { return false; } int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { if (str.charAt(i) == c) { count++; if (count >= min) { return true; } } } return false; } protected static boolean keywordIs(String expected, String actual) { if (expected.length() != actual.length()) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < expected.length(); i++) { char ce = expected.charAt(i); char ca = actual.charAt(i); if (ce != ca && ce + ('a' - 'A') != ca) { return false; } } return true; } protected static boolean isDigit(char c) { return c >= '0' && c <= '9'; } public class ParserSqlStatementIterator implements SqlStatementIterator { private final PeekingReader peekingReader; private final LoadableResource resource; private final Recorder recorder; private final PositionTracker tracker; private final ParserContext context; public ParserSqlStatementIterator(PeekingReader peekingReader, LoadableResource resource, Recorder recorder, PositionTracker tracker, ParserContext context) { this.peekingReader = peekingReader; this.resource = resource; this.recorder = recorder; this.tracker = tracker; this.context = context; nextStatement = getNextStatement(resource, peekingReader, recorder, tracker, context); } @Override public void close() { IOUtils.close(peekingReader); } private SqlStatement nextStatement; @Override public boolean hasNext() { return nextStatement != null; } @Override public SqlStatement next() { if (nextStatement == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException("No more statements in " + resource.getFilename()); } SqlStatement result = nextStatement; nextStatement = getNextStatement(resource, peekingReader, recorder, tracker, context); return result; } @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("remove"); } } }