 * Copyright 2010-2020 Redgate Software Ltd
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.flywaydb.commandline;

import com.google.gson.Gson;
import com.google.gson.GsonBuilder;
import org.flywaydb.commandline.ConsoleLog.Level;
import org.flywaydb.core.Flyway;
import org.flywaydb.core.api.*;
import org.flywaydb.core.api.logging.Log;
import org.flywaydb.core.api.logging.LogCreator;
import org.flywaydb.core.api.logging.LogFactory;
import org.flywaydb.core.internal.configuration.ConfigUtils;
import org.flywaydb.core.internal.info.MigrationInfoDumper;
import org.flywaydb.core.internal.jdbc.DriverDataSource;
import org.flywaydb.core.internal.license.VersionPrinter;
import org.flywaydb.core.internal.output.ErrorOutput;
import org.flywaydb.core.internal.util.ClassUtils;
import org.flywaydb.core.internal.util.StringUtils;

import java.io.*;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption;
import java.util.*;

Main class and central entry point of the Flyway command-line tool.
/** * Main class and central entry point of the Flyway command-line tool. */
public class Main { private static Log LOG; static LogCreator getLogCreator(CommandLineArguments commandLineArguments) { // JSON output uses a different mechanism, so we do not create any loggers if (commandLineArguments.shouldOutputJson()) { return MultiLogCreator.empty(); } List<LogCreator> logCreators = new ArrayList<>(); logCreators.add(new ConsoleLogCreator(commandLineArguments)); if (commandLineArguments.isOutputFileSet() || commandLineArguments.isLogFilepathSet()) { logCreators.add(new FileLogCreator(commandLineArguments)); } return new MultiLogCreator(logCreators); }
Initializes the logging.
/** * Initializes the logging. */
static void initLogging(CommandLineArguments commandLineArguments) { LogCreator logCreator = getLogCreator(commandLineArguments); LogFactory.setFallbackLogCreator(logCreator); LOG = LogFactory.getLog(Main.class); }
Main method.
  • args – The command-line arguments.
/** * Main method. * * @param args The command-line arguments. */
public static void main(String[] args) { CommandLineArguments commandLineArguments = new CommandLineArguments(args); initLogging(commandLineArguments); try { commandLineArguments.validate(LOG); if (commandLineArguments.shouldPrintVersionAndExit()) { printVersion(); System.exit(0); } if (commandLineArguments.hasOperation("help") || commandLineArguments.shouldPrintUsage()) { printUsage(); return; } Map<String, String> envVars = ConfigUtils.environmentVariablesToPropertyMap(); Map<String, String> config = new HashMap<>(); initializeDefaults(config, commandLineArguments); loadConfigurationFromConfigFiles(config, commandLineArguments, envVars); if (commandLineArguments.isWorkingDirectorySet()) { makeRelativeLocationsBasedOnWorkingDirectory(commandLineArguments, config); } config.putAll(envVars); config = overrideConfiguration(config, commandLineArguments.getConfiguration()); if (!commandLineArguments.shouldSuppressPrompt()) { promptForCredentialsIfMissing(config); } ConfigUtils.dumpConfiguration(config); ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); List<File> jarFiles = new ArrayList<>(); jarFiles.addAll(getJdbcDriverJarFiles()); jarFiles.addAll(getJavaMigrationJarFiles(config)); if (!jarFiles.isEmpty()) { classLoader = ClassUtils.addJarsOrDirectoriesToClasspath(classLoader, jarFiles); } filterProperties(config); Flyway flyway = Flyway.configure(classLoader).configuration(config).load(); for (String operation : commandLineArguments.getOperations()) { executeOperation(flyway, operation, commandLineArguments); } } catch (Exception e) { if (commandLineArguments.shouldOutputJson()) { ErrorOutput errorOutput = ErrorOutput.fromException(e); printJson(commandLineArguments, errorOutput); } else { if (commandLineArguments.getLogLevel() == Level.DEBUG) { LOG.error("Unexpected error", e); } else { LOG.error(getMessageFromException(e)); } } System.exit(1); } } private static void makeRelativeLocationsBasedOnWorkingDirectory(CommandLineArguments commandLineArguments, Map<String, String> config) { String[] locations = config.get(ConfigUtils.LOCATIONS).split(","); for (int i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) { if (locations[i].startsWith(Location.FILESYSTEM_PREFIX)) { String newLocation = locations[i].substring(Location.FILESYSTEM_PREFIX.length()); File file = new File(newLocation); if (!file.isAbsolute()) { file = new File(commandLineArguments.getWorkingDirectory(), newLocation); } locations[i] = Location.FILESYSTEM_PREFIX + file.getAbsolutePath(); } } config.put(ConfigUtils.LOCATIONS, StringUtils.arrayToCommaDelimitedString(locations)); } private static Map<String, String> overrideConfiguration(Map<String, String> existingConfiguration, Map<String, String> newConfiguration) { Map<String, String> combinedConfiguration = new HashMap<>(); combinedConfiguration.putAll(existingConfiguration); combinedConfiguration.putAll(newConfiguration); return combinedConfiguration; } static String getMessageFromException(Exception e) { if (e instanceof FlywayException) { return e.getMessage(); } else { return e.toString(); } }
Executes this operation on this Flyway instance.
  • flyway – The Flyway instance.
  • operation – The operation to execute.
/** * Executes this operation on this Flyway instance. * * @param flyway The Flyway instance. * @param operation The operation to execute. */
private static void executeOperation(Flyway flyway, String operation, CommandLineArguments commandLineArguments) { if ("clean".equals(operation)) { flyway.clean(); } else if ("baseline".equals(operation)) { flyway.baseline(); } else if ("migrate".equals(operation)) { flyway.migrate(); } else if ("undo".equals(operation)) { flyway.undo(); } else if ("validate".equals(operation)) { flyway.validate(); } else if ("info".equals(operation)) { MigrationInfoService info = flyway.info(); MigrationInfo current = info.current(); MigrationVersion currentSchemaVersion = current == null ? MigrationVersion.EMPTY : current.getVersion(); MigrationVersion schemaVersionToOutput = currentSchemaVersion == null ? MigrationVersion.EMPTY : currentSchemaVersion; LOG.info("Schema version: " + schemaVersionToOutput); LOG.info(""); LOG.info(MigrationInfoDumper.dumpToAsciiTable(info.all())); if (commandLineArguments.shouldOutputJson()) { printJson(commandLineArguments, info.getInfoOutput()); } } else if ("repair".equals(operation)) { flyway.repair(); } else { LOG.error("Invalid operation: " + operation); printUsage(); System.exit(1); } } private static void printJson(CommandLineArguments commandLineArguments, Object object) { String json = convertObjectToJsonString(object); if (commandLineArguments.isOutputFileSet()) { Path path = Paths.get(commandLineArguments.getOutputFile()); byte[] bytes = json.getBytes(); try { Files.write(path, bytes, StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING, StandardOpenOption.CREATE); } catch (IOException e) { throw new FlywayException("Could not write to output file " + commandLineArguments.getOutputFile(), e); } } System.out.println(json); } private static String convertObjectToJsonString(Object object) { Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().disableHtmlEscaping().create(); return gson.toJson(object); }
Initializes the config with the default configuration for the command-line tool.
  • config – The config object to initialize.
/** * Initializes the config with the default configuration for the command-line tool. * * @param config The config object to initialize. */
private static void initializeDefaults(Map<String, String> config, CommandLineArguments commandLineArguments) { // To maintain override order, return extension value first if present String workingDirectory = commandLineArguments.isWorkingDirectorySet() ? commandLineArguments.getWorkingDirectory() : getInstallationDir(); config.put(ConfigUtils.LOCATIONS, "filesystem:" + new File(workingDirectory, "sql").getAbsolutePath()); config.put(ConfigUtils.JAR_DIRS, new File(workingDirectory, "jars").getAbsolutePath()); }
Filters there properties to remove the Flyway Commandline-specific ones.
  • config – The properties to filter.
/** * Filters there properties to remove the Flyway Commandline-specific ones. * * @param config The properties to filter. */
private static void filterProperties(Map<String, String> config) { config.remove(ConfigUtils.JAR_DIRS); config.remove(ConfigUtils.CONFIG_FILES); config.remove(ConfigUtils.CONFIG_FILE_ENCODING); }
Prints the version number on the console.
/** * Prints the version number on the console. */
private static void printVersion() { VersionPrinter.printVersionOnly(); LOG.info(""); LOG.debug("Java " + System.getProperty("java.version") + " (" + System.getProperty("java.vendor") + ")"); LOG.debug(System.getProperty("os.name") + " " + System.getProperty("os.version") + " " + System.getProperty("os.arch") + "\n"); }
Prints the usage instructions on the console.
/** * Prints the usage instructions on the console. */
private static void printUsage() { LOG.info("Usage"); LOG.info("====="); LOG.info(""); LOG.info("flyway [options] command"); LOG.info(""); LOG.info("By default, the configuration will be read from conf/flyway.conf."); LOG.info("Options passed from the command-line override the configuration."); LOG.info(""); LOG.info("Commands"); LOG.info("--------"); LOG.info("migrate : Migrates the database"); LOG.info("clean : Drops all objects in the configured schemas"); LOG.info("info : Prints the information about applied, current and pending migrations"); LOG.info("validate : Validates the applied migrations against the ones on the classpath"); LOG.info("undo : [" + "pro] Undoes the most recently applied versioned migration"); LOG.info("baseline : Baselines an existing database at the baselineVersion"); LOG.info("repair : Repairs the schema history table"); LOG.info(""); LOG.info("Options (Format: -key=value)"); LOG.info("-------"); LOG.info("driver : Fully qualified classname of the JDBC driver"); LOG.info("url : Jdbc url to use to connect to the database"); LOG.info("user : User to use to connect to the database"); LOG.info("password : Password to use to connect to the database"); LOG.info("connectRetries : Maximum number of retries when attempting to connect to the database"); LOG.info("initSql : SQL statements to run to initialize a new database connection"); LOG.info("schemas : Comma-separated list of the schemas managed by Flyway"); LOG.info("table : Name of Flyway's schema history table"); LOG.info("locations : Classpath locations to scan recursively for migrations"); LOG.info("resolvers : Comma-separated list of custom MigrationResolvers"); LOG.info("skipDefaultResolvers : Skips default resolvers (jdbc, sql and Spring-jdbc)"); LOG.info("sqlMigrationPrefix : File name prefix for versioned SQL migrations"); LOG.info("undoSqlMigrationPrefix : [" + "pro] File name prefix for undo SQL migrations"); LOG.info("repeatableSqlMigrationPrefix : File name prefix for repeatable SQL migrations"); LOG.info("sqlMigrationSeparator : File name separator for SQL migrations"); LOG.info("sqlMigrationSuffixes : Comma-separated list of file name suffixes for SQL migrations"); LOG.info("stream : [" + "pro] Stream SQL migrations when executing them"); LOG.info("batch : [" + "pro] Batch SQL statements when executing them"); LOG.info("mixed : Allow mixing transactional and non-transactional statements"); LOG.info("encoding : Encoding of SQL migrations"); LOG.info("placeholderReplacement : Whether placeholders should be replaced"); LOG.info("placeholders : Placeholders to replace in sql migrations"); LOG.info("placeholderPrefix : Prefix of every placeholder"); LOG.info("placeholderSuffix : Suffix of every placeholder"); LOG.info("installedBy : Username that will be recorded in the schema history table"); LOG.info("target : Target version up to which Flyway should use migrations"); LOG.info("outOfOrder : Allows migrations to be run \"out of order\""); LOG.info("callbacks : Comma-separated list of FlywayCallback classes"); LOG.info("skipDefaultCallbacks : Skips default callbacks (sql)"); LOG.info("validateOnMigrate : Validate when running migrate"); LOG.info("validateMigrationNaming : Validate file names of SQL migrations (including callbacks)"); LOG.info("ignoreMissingMigrations : Allow missing migrations when validating"); LOG.info("ignoreIgnoredMigrations : Allow ignored migrations when validating"); LOG.info("ignorePendingMigrations : Allow pending migrations when validating"); LOG.info("ignoreFutureMigrations : Allow future migrations when validating"); LOG.info("cleanOnValidationError : Automatically clean on a validation error"); LOG.info("cleanDisabled : Whether to disable clean"); LOG.info("baselineVersion : Version to tag schema with when executing baseline"); LOG.info("baselineDescription : Description to tag schema with when executing baseline"); LOG.info("baselineOnMigrate : Baseline on migrate against uninitialized non-empty schema"); LOG.info("configFiles : Comma-separated list of config files to use"); LOG.info("configFileEncoding : Encoding to use when loading the config files"); LOG.info("jarDirs : Comma-separated list of dirs for Jdbc drivers & Java migrations"); LOG.info("dryRunOutput : [" + "pro] File where to output the SQL statements of a migration dry run"); LOG.info("errorOverrides : [" + "pro] Rules to override specific SQL states and errors codes"); LOG.info("oracle.sqlplus : [" + "pro] Enable Oracle SQL*Plus command support"); LOG.info("licenseKey : [" + "pro] Your Flyway license key"); LOG.info("color : Whether to colorize output. Values: always, never, or auto (default)"); LOG.info("outputFile : Send output to the specified file alongside the console"); LOG.info(""); LOG.info("Flags"); LOG.info("-----"); LOG.info("-X : Print debug output"); LOG.info("-q : Suppress all output, except for errors and warnings"); LOG.info("-n : Suppress prompting for a user and password"); LOG.info("-v : Print the Flyway version and exit"); LOG.info("-? : Print this usage info and exit"); LOG.info("-json : Print the output in JSON format"); LOG.info("-community : Run the Flyway Community Edition (default)"); LOG.info("-pro : Run the Flyway Pro Edition"); LOG.info("-enterprise : Run the Flyway Enterprise Edition"); LOG.info(""); LOG.info("Example"); LOG.info("-------"); LOG.info("flyway -user=myuser -password=s3cr3t -url=jdbc:h2:mem -placeholders.abc=def migrate"); LOG.info(""); LOG.info("More info at https://flywaydb.org/documentation/commandline"); }
Gets the jar files of all the JDBC drivers contained in the drivers folder.
Returns:The jar files.
/** * Gets the jar files of all the JDBC drivers contained in the drivers folder. * * @return The jar files. */
private static List<File> getJdbcDriverJarFiles() { File driversDir = new File(getInstallationDir(), "drivers"); File[] files = driversDir.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.endsWith(".jar"); } }); // see javadoc of listFiles(): null if given path is not a real directory if (files == null) { LOG.debug("Directory for Jdbc Drivers not found: " + driversDir.getAbsolutePath()); return Collections.emptyList(); } return Arrays.asList(files); }
Gets all the jar files contained in the jars folder. (For Java Migrations)
  • config – The configured properties.
Returns:The jar files.
/** * Gets all the jar files contained in the jars folder. (For Java Migrations) * * @param config The configured properties. * @return The jar files. */
private static List<File> getJavaMigrationJarFiles(Map<String, String> config) { String jarDirs = config.get(ConfigUtils.JAR_DIRS); if (!StringUtils.hasLength(jarDirs)) { return Collections.emptyList(); } jarDirs = jarDirs.replace(File.pathSeparator, ","); String[] dirs = StringUtils.tokenizeToStringArray(jarDirs, ","); List<File> jarFiles = new ArrayList<>(); for (String dirName : dirs) { File dir = new File(dirName); File[] files = dir.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.endsWith(".jar"); } }); // see javadoc of listFiles(): null if given path is not a real directory if (files == null) { LOG.error("Directory for Java Migrations not found: " + dirName); System.exit(1); } jarFiles.addAll(Arrays.asList(files)); } return jarFiles; }
Loads the configuration from the various possible locations.
  • config – The properties object to load to configuration into.
  • commandLineArguments – The command-line arguments passed in.
  • envVars – The environment variables, converted into properties.
/** * Loads the configuration from the various possible locations. * * @param config The properties object to load to configuration into. * @param commandLineArguments The command-line arguments passed in. * @param envVars The environment variables, converted into properties. */
/* private -> for testing */ static void loadConfigurationFromConfigFiles(Map<String, String> config, CommandLineArguments commandLineArguments, Map<String, String> envVars) { String encoding = determineConfigurationFileEncoding(commandLineArguments, envVars); File installationDir = new File(getInstallationDir()); config.putAll(ConfigUtils.loadDefaultConfigurationFiles(installationDir, encoding)); for (File configFile : determineConfigFilesFromArgs(commandLineArguments, envVars)) { config.putAll(ConfigUtils.loadConfigurationFile(configFile, encoding, true)); } config.putAll(readConfigFromInputStream(System.in)); } private static Map<String, String> readConfigFromInputStream(InputStream inputStream) { Map<String, String> config = new HashMap<>(); try { // System.in.available() : returns an estimate of the number of bytes that can be read (or skipped over) from this input stream // Used to check if there is any data in the stream if (inputStream != null && inputStream.available() > 0) { BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream)); LOG.debug("Attempting to load configuration from standard input"); if (bufferedReader.ready()) { Map<String, String> configurationFromStandardInput = ConfigUtils.readConfiguration(bufferedReader); if (configurationFromStandardInput.isEmpty()) { LOG.debug("Empty configuration provided from standard input"); } else { LOG.info("Loaded configuration from standard input"); config.putAll(configurationFromStandardInput); } } else { LOG.debug("Could not load configuration from standard input"); } } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.debug("Could not load configuration from standard input " + e.getMessage()); } return config; }
If no user or password has been provided, prompt for it. If you want to avoid the prompt, pass in an empty user or password.
  • config – The properties object to load to configuration into.
/** * If no user or password has been provided, prompt for it. If you want to avoid the prompt, * pass in an empty user or password. * * @param config The properties object to load to configuration into. */
private static void promptForCredentialsIfMissing(Map<String, String> config) { Console console = System.console(); if (console == null) { // We are running in an automated build. Prompting is not possible. return; } if (!config.containsKey(ConfigUtils.URL)) { // URL is not set. We are doomed for failure anyway. return; } String url = config.get(ConfigUtils.URL); if (!config.containsKey(ConfigUtils.USER) && needsUser(url)) { config.put(ConfigUtils.USER, console.readLine("Database user: ")); } if (!config.containsKey(ConfigUtils.PASSWORD) && needsPassword(url)) { char[] password = console.readPassword("Database password: "); config.put(ConfigUtils.PASSWORD, password == null ? "" : String.valueOf(password)); } }
Detect whether the JDBC URL specifies a known authentication mechanism that does not need a username.
/** * Detect whether the JDBC URL specifies a known authentication mechanism that does not need a username. */
private static boolean needsUser(String url) { return DriverDataSource.detectUserRequiredByUrl(url); }
Detect whether the JDBC URL specifies a known authentication mechanism that does not need a password.
/** * Detect whether the JDBC URL specifies a known authentication mechanism that does not need a password. */
private static boolean needsPassword(String url) { return DriverDataSource.detectPasswordRequiredByUrl(url); }
Determines the files to use for loading the configuration.
  • commandLineArguments – The command-line arguments passed in.
  • envVars – The environment variables converted to Flyway properties.
Returns:The configuration files.
/** * Determines the files to use for loading the configuration. * * @param commandLineArguments The command-line arguments passed in. * @param envVars The environment variables converted to Flyway properties. * @return The configuration files. */
private static List<File> determineConfigFilesFromArgs(CommandLineArguments commandLineArguments, Map<String, String> envVars) { List<File> configFiles = new ArrayList<>(); String workingDirectory = commandLineArguments.isWorkingDirectorySet() ? commandLineArguments.getWorkingDirectory() : null; if (envVars.containsKey(ConfigUtils.CONFIG_FILES)) { for (String file : StringUtils.tokenizeToStringArray(envVars.get(ConfigUtils.CONFIG_FILES), ",")) { configFiles.add(new File(workingDirectory, file)); } return configFiles; } for (String file : commandLineArguments.getConfigFiles()) { configFiles.add(new File(workingDirectory, file)); } return configFiles; }
Returns:The installation directory of the Flyway Command-line tool.
/** * @return The installation directory of the Flyway Command-line tool. */
@SuppressWarnings("ConstantConditions") private static String getInstallationDir() { String path = ClassUtils.getLocationOnDisk(Main.class); return new File(path) // jar file .getParentFile() // edition dir .getParentFile() // lib dir .getParentFile() // installation dir .getAbsolutePath(); }
Determines the encoding to use for loading the configuration.
  • commandLineArguments – The command-line arguments passed in.
  • envVars – The environment variables converted to Flyway properties.
Returns:The encoding. (default: UTF-8)
/** * Determines the encoding to use for loading the configuration. * * @param commandLineArguments The command-line arguments passed in. * @param envVars The environment variables converted to Flyway properties. * @return The encoding. (default: UTF-8) */
private static String determineConfigurationFileEncoding(CommandLineArguments commandLineArguments, Map<String, String> envVars) { if (envVars.containsKey(ConfigUtils.CONFIG_FILE_ENCODING)) { return envVars.get(ConfigUtils.CONFIG_FILE_ENCODING); } if (commandLineArguments.isConfigFileEncodingSet()) { return commandLineArguments.getConfigFileEncoding(); } return "UTF-8"; } }