Copyright (c) 2000, 2015 IBM Corporation and others. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 Contributors: IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation Isaac Pacht ( - fix for bug 206540 Anton Leherbauer (Wind River) - [305858] Allow Builder to return null rule James Blackburn (Broadcom) - [306822] Provide Context for Builder getRule() Broadcom Corporation - ongoing development Lars Vogel - Bug 473427
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2015 IBM Corporation and others. * * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation * Isaac Pacht ( - fix for bug 206540 * Anton Leherbauer (Wind River) - [305858] Allow Builder to return null rule * James Blackburn (Broadcom) - [306822] Provide Context for Builder getRule() * Broadcom Corporation - ongoing development * Lars Vogel <> - Bug 473427 *******************************************************************************/
package; import java.util.*; import java.util.function.Supplier; import; import org.eclipse.core.internal.dtree.DeltaDataTree; import org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.*; import org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.ComputeProjectOrder.Digraph; import org.eclipse.core.internal.utils.Messages; import org.eclipse.core.internal.utils.Policy; import org.eclipse.core.internal.watson.ElementTree; import org.eclipse.core.resources.*; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*; import*; import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS; import org.osgi.framework.Bundle; public class BuildManager implements ICoreConstants, IManager, ILifecycleListener { private static final String BUILDER_INIT = "BuilderInitInfo"; //$NON-NLS-1$
Cache used to optimize the common case of an autobuild against a workspace where only a single project has changed (and hence only a single delta is interesting).
/** * Cache used to optimize the common case of an autobuild against * a workspace where only a single project has changed (and hence * only a single delta is interesting). */
static class DeltaCache<E> { private final Map<IPath, E> deltas = new HashMap<>(); private ElementTree newTree; private ElementTree oldTree; public void flush() { deltas.clear(); this.oldTree = null; this.newTree = null; }
Returns the cached resource delta for the given project and trees, or calls calculator to compute a new delta if there is no matching one in the cache.
/** * Returns the cached resource delta for the given project and trees, or * calls calculator to compute a new delta if there is no matching one in the cache. */
public E computeIfAbsent(IPath project, ElementTree anOldTree, ElementTree aNewTree, Supplier<E> calculator) { if (!(areEqual(this.oldTree, anOldTree) && areEqual(this.newTree, aNewTree))) { this.oldTree = anOldTree; this.newTree = aNewTree; deltas.clear(); } return deltas.computeIfAbsent(project, p -> calculator.get()); } private static boolean areEqual(ElementTree cached, ElementTree requested) { return !ElementTree.hasChanges(requested, cached, ResourceComparator.getBuildComparator(), true); } }
These builders are added to build tables in place of builders that couldn't be instantiated
/** * These builders are added to build tables in place of builders that couldn't be instantiated */
class MissingBuilder extends IncrementalProjectBuilder { private boolean hasBeenBuilt = false; private String name; MissingBuilder(String name) { = name; }
Log an exception on the first build, and silently do nothing on subsequent builds.
/** * Log an exception on the first build, and silently do nothing on subsequent builds. */
@Override protected IProject[] build(int kind, Map<String, String> args, IProgressMonitor monitor) { if (!hasBeenBuilt && Policy.DEBUG_BUILD_FAILURE) { hasBeenBuilt = true; String msg = NLS.bind(Messages.events_skippingBuilder, name, getProject().getName()); Policy.log(IStatus.WARNING, msg, null); } return null; } String getName() { return name; } @Override public ISchedulingRule getRule(int kind, Map<String, String> args) { return null; } } private static final int TOTAL_BUILD_WORK = Policy.totalWork * 1000; //the job for performing background autobuild final AutoBuildJob autoBuildJob; private final Set<IProject> builtProjects = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<>()); //the following four fields only apply for the lifetime of a single builder invocation. protected final Set<InternalBuilder> currentBuilders; private DeltaDataTree currentDelta; private ElementTree currentLastBuiltTree; private ElementTree currentTree;
Caches the IResourceDelta for a pair of trees
/** * Caches the IResourceDelta for a pair of trees */
final private DeltaCache<IResourceDelta> deltaCache = new DeltaCache<>();
Caches the DeltaDataTree used to determine if a build is necessary
/** * Caches the DeltaDataTree used to determine if a build is necessary */
final private DeltaCache<DeltaDataTree> deltaTreeCache = new DeltaCache<>(); private ILock lock; //used for the build cycle looping mechanism private boolean rebuildRequested = false; private final Bundle systemBundle = Platform.getBundle("org.eclipse.osgi"); //$NON-NLS-1$ // protects against concurrent access of session stored builders during builder initialization private Object builderInitializationLock = new Object(); //used for debug/trace timing private long timeStamp = -1; private long overallTimeStamp = -1; private Workspace workspace; public BuildManager(Workspace workspace, ILock workspaceLock) { this.workspace = workspace; this.currentBuilders = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<>()); this.autoBuildJob = new AutoBuildJob(workspace); this.lock = workspaceLock; InternalBuilder.buildManager = this; } private void basicBuild(int trigger, IncrementalProjectBuilder builder, Map<String, String> args, MultiStatus status, IProgressMonitor monitor) { InternalBuilder currentBuilder = builder; // downcast to make package methods visible try { currentBuilders.add(currentBuilder); //clear any old requests to forget built state currentBuilder.clearLastBuiltStateRequests(); // Figure out want kind of build is needed boolean clean = trigger == IncrementalProjectBuilder.CLEAN_BUILD; currentLastBuiltTree = currentBuilder.getLastBuiltTree(); // Does the build command respond to this trigger? boolean isBuilding = builder.getCommand().isBuilding(trigger); // If no tree is available we have to do a full build if (!clean && currentLastBuiltTree == null) { // Bug 306746 - Don't promote build to FULL_BUILD if builder doesn't AUTO_BUILD if (trigger == IncrementalProjectBuilder.AUTO_BUILD && !isBuilding) return; // Without a build tree the build is promoted to FULL_BUILD trigger = IncrementalProjectBuilder.FULL_BUILD; isBuilding = isBuilding || builder.getCommand().isBuilding(trigger); } //don't build if this builder doesn't respond to the trigger if (!isBuilding) { if (clean) currentBuilder.setLastBuiltTree(null); return; } // For incremental builds, grab a pointer to the current state before computing the delta currentTree = ((trigger == IncrementalProjectBuilder.FULL_BUILD) || clean) ? null : workspace.getElementTree(); int depth = -1; ISchedulingRule rule = null; try { //short-circuit if none of the projects this builder cares about have changed. if (!needsBuild(currentBuilder, trigger)) { //use up the progress allocated for this builder monitor.beginTask("", 1); //$NON-NLS-1$ monitor.done(); return; } rule = builder.getRule(trigger, args); String name = currentBuilder.getLabel(); String message; if (name != null) { message = NLS.bind(Messages.events_invoking_2, name, builder.getProject().getFullPath()); } else { message = NLS.bind(Messages.events_invoking_1, builder.getProject().getFullPath()); } monitor.subTask(message); hookStartBuild(builder, trigger); // Make the current tree immutable before releasing the WS lock if (rule != null && currentTree != null) { workspace.newWorkingTree(); } //release workspace lock while calling builders depth = getWorkManager().beginUnprotected(); // Acquire the rule required for running this builder if (rule != null) { Job.getJobManager().beginRule(rule, monitor); // Now that we've acquired the rule, changes may have been made concurrently, ensure we're pointing at the // correct currentTree so delta contains concurrent changes made in areas guarded by the scheduling rule if (currentTree != null) currentTree = workspace.getElementTree(); } //do the build, trigger, args, status, monitor)); } finally { // Re-acquire the WS lock, then release the scheduling rule if (depth >= 0) { getWorkManager().endUnprotected(depth); } if (rule != null) { Job.getJobManager().endRule(rule); } // Be sure to clean up after ourselves. if (clean || currentBuilder.wasForgetStateRequested()) { currentBuilder.setLastBuiltTree(null); } else if (currentBuilder.wasRememberStateRequested()) { // If remember last build state, and FULL_BUILD // last tree must be set to => null for next build if (trigger == IncrementalProjectBuilder.FULL_BUILD) { currentBuilder.setLastBuiltTree(null); } // else don't modify the last built tree } else { // remember the current state as the last built state. ElementTree lastTree = workspace.getElementTree(); lastTree.immutable(); currentBuilder.setLastBuiltTree(lastTree); } hookEndBuild(builder); } } finally { currentBuilders.remove(currentBuilder); currentTree = null; currentLastBuiltTree = null; currentDelta = null; } } protected void basicBuild(IBuildConfiguration buildConfiguration, int trigger, IBuildContext context, ICommand[] commands, MultiStatus status, IProgressMonitor monitor) { try { for (int i = 0; i < commands.length; i++) { checkCanceled(trigger, monitor); BuildCommand command = (BuildCommand) commands[i]; IProgressMonitor sub = Policy.subMonitorFor(monitor, 1); IncrementalProjectBuilder builder = getBuilder(buildConfiguration, command, i, status, context); if (builder != null) basicBuild(trigger, builder, command.getArguments(false), status, sub); } } catch (CoreException e) { status.add(e.getStatus()); } }
Runs all builders on the given project config.
Returns:A status indicating if the build succeeded or failed
/** * Runs all builders on the given project config. * @return A status indicating if the build succeeded or failed */
private IStatus basicBuild(IBuildConfiguration buildConfiguration, int trigger, IBuildContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor) { try { hookStartBuild(new IBuildConfiguration[] {buildConfiguration}, trigger); MultiStatus status = new MultiStatus(ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES, IResourceStatus.INTERNAL_ERROR, Messages.events_errors, null); basicBuild(buildConfiguration, trigger, context, status, monitor); return status; } finally { hookEndBuild(trigger); } } private void basicBuild(final IBuildConfiguration buildConfiguration, final int trigger, final IBuildContext context, final MultiStatus status, final IProgressMonitor monitor) { try { final IProject project = buildConfiguration.getProject(); final ICommand[] commands; if (project.isAccessible()) commands = ((Project) project).internalGetDescription().getBuildSpec(false); else commands = null; int work = commands == null ? 0 : commands.length; monitor.beginTask(NLS.bind(Messages.events_building_1, project.getFullPath()), work); if (work == 0) return; ISafeRunnable code = new ISafeRunnable() { @Override public void handleException(Throwable e) { if (e instanceof OperationCanceledException) { if (Policy.DEBUG_BUILD_INVOKING) Policy.debug("Build canceled"); //$NON-NLS-1$ throw (OperationCanceledException) e; } // don't log the is already being logged in Workspace#run // should never get here because the lower-level build code wrappers // builder exceptions in core exceptions if required. String errorText = e.getMessage(); if (errorText == null) errorText = NLS.bind(Messages.events_unknown, e.getClass().getName(), project.getName()); status.add(new Status(IStatus.WARNING, ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES, IResourceStatus.INTERNAL_ERROR, errorText, e)); } @Override public void run() throws Exception { basicBuild(buildConfiguration, trigger, context, commands, status, monitor); } };; } finally { monitor.done(); } }
Runs the builder with the given name on the given project config.
Returns:A status indicating if the build succeeded or failed
/** * Runs the builder with the given name on the given project config. * @return A status indicating if the build succeeded or failed */
private IStatus basicBuild(IBuildConfiguration buildConfiguration, int trigger, String builderName, Map<String, String> args, IProgressMonitor monitor) { final IProject project = buildConfiguration.getProject(); monitor = Policy.monitorFor(monitor); try { String message = NLS.bind(Messages.events_building_1, project.getFullPath()); monitor.beginTask(message, 1); try { hookStartBuild(new IBuildConfiguration[] {buildConfiguration}, trigger); MultiStatus status = new MultiStatus(ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES, IResourceStatus.INTERNAL_ERROR, Messages.events_errors, null); ICommand command = getCommand(project, builderName, args); try { IBuildContext context = new BuildContext(buildConfiguration); IncrementalProjectBuilder builder = getBuilder(buildConfiguration, command, -1, status, context); if (builder != null) basicBuild(trigger, builder, args, status, Policy.subMonitorFor(monitor, 1)); } catch (CoreException e) { status.add(e.getStatus()); } return status; } finally { hookEndBuild(trigger); } } finally { monitor.done(); } }
Loop the workspace build until no more builders request a rebuild.
/** * Loop the workspace build until no more builders request a rebuild. */
private void basicBuildLoop(IBuildConfiguration[] configs, IBuildConfiguration[] requestedConfigs, int trigger, MultiStatus status, IProgressMonitor monitor) { int projectWork = configs.length > 0 ? TOTAL_BUILD_WORK / configs.length : 0; int maxIterations = workspace.getDescription().getMaxBuildIterations(); if (maxIterations <= 0) maxIterations = 1; rebuildRequested = true; for (int iter = 0; rebuildRequested && iter < maxIterations; iter++) { rebuildRequested = false; builtProjects.clear(); for (IBuildConfiguration config : configs) { if (config.getProject().isAccessible()) { IBuildContext context = new BuildContext(config, requestedConfigs, configs); basicBuild(config, trigger, context, status, Policy.subMonitorFor(monitor, projectWork)); builtProjects.add(config.getProject()); } } //subsequent builds should always be incremental trigger = IncrementalProjectBuilder.INCREMENTAL_BUILD; } }
Runs all builders on all the given project configs, in the order that they are given.
Returns:A status indicating if the build succeeded or failed
/** * Runs all builders on all the given project configs, in the order that * they are given. * @return A status indicating if the build succeeded or failed */
public IStatus build(IBuildConfiguration[] configs, IBuildConfiguration[] requestedConfigs, int trigger, IProgressMonitor monitor) { monitor = Policy.monitorFor(monitor); try { monitor.beginTask(Messages.events_building_0, TOTAL_BUILD_WORK); try { hookStartBuild(configs, trigger); MultiStatus status = new MultiStatus(ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES, IResourceStatus.BUILD_FAILED, Messages.events_errors, null); basicBuildLoop(configs, requestedConfigs, trigger, status, monitor); return status; } finally { hookEndBuild(trigger); } } finally { endBuild(trigger, monitor); } }
Runs all builders on all the given project configs, in the order that they are given.
  • buildJobGroup –
Returns:A status indicating if the build succeeded or failed
/** * Runs all builders on all the given project configs, in the order that * they are given. * @param buildJobGroup * @return A status indicating if the build succeeded or failed */
public IStatus buildParallel(Digraph<IBuildConfiguration> configs, IBuildConfiguration[] requestedConfigs, int trigger, JobGroup buildJobGroup, IProgressMonitor monitor) { monitor = Policy.monitorFor(monitor); try { monitor.beginTask(Messages.events_building_0, TOTAL_BUILD_WORK); try { builtProjects.clear(); hookStartBuild( ->[]::new), trigger); MultiStatus status = new MultiStatus(ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES, IResourceStatus.BUILD_FAILED, Messages.events_errors, null); parallelBuildLoop(configs, requestedConfigs, trigger, buildJobGroup, status, monitor); return status; } finally { hookEndBuild(trigger); } } finally { endBuild(trigger, monitor); } } private void endBuild(int trigger, IProgressMonitor monitor) { boolean cancelledBuild = monitor.isCanceled(); monitor.done(); if (trigger == IncrementalProjectBuilder.INCREMENTAL_BUILD || trigger == IncrementalProjectBuilder.FULL_BUILD) { autoBuildJob.avoidBuild(); } else if (cancelledBuild) { // Bug 538789: if a build was explicitly cancelled, don't trigger auto-build jobs until a build is requested autoBuildJob.avoidBuildIfNotInterrupted(); } } private void parallelBuildLoop(final Digraph<IBuildConfiguration> configs, IBuildConfiguration[] requestedConfigs, int trigger, JobGroup buildJobGroup, MultiStatus status, IProgressMonitor monitor) { final int projectWork = configs.vertexList.size() > 0 ? TOTAL_BUILD_WORK / configs.vertexList.size() : 0; builtProjects.clear(); final GraphProcessor<IBuildConfiguration> graphProcessor = new GraphProcessor<>(configs, IBuildConfiguration.class, (config, graphCrawler) -> { IBuildContext context = new BuildContext(config, requestedConfigs, graphCrawler.getSequentialOrder()); // TODO consider passing Digraph to BuildConfig? try { workspace.prepareOperation(null, monitor); workspace.beginOperation(false); basicBuild(config, trigger, context, status, Policy.subMonitorFor(monitor, projectWork)); workspace.endOperation(null, false); builtProjects.add(config.getProject()); } catch (CoreException ex) { status.add(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES, ex.getMessage(), ex)); } }, config -> getRule(config, trigger, null, Collections.emptyMap()), buildJobGroup); graphProcessor.processGraphWithParallelJobs(); try { Job.getJobManager().join(graphProcessor, monitor); } catch (OperationCanceledException | InterruptedException e) { status.add(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES, e.getMessage(), e)); } }
Runs the builder with the given name on the given project config.
Returns:A status indicating if the build succeeded or failed
/** * Runs the builder with the given name on the given project config. * @return A status indicating if the build succeeded or failed */
public IStatus build(IBuildConfiguration buildConfiguration, int trigger, String builderName, Map<String, String> args, IProgressMonitor monitor) { monitor = Policy.monitorFor(monitor); if (builderName == null) { IBuildContext context = new BuildContext(buildConfiguration); return basicBuild(buildConfiguration, trigger, context, monitor); } return basicBuild(buildConfiguration, trigger, builderName, args, monitor); }
Cancel the build if the user has canceled or if an auto-build has been interrupted.
/** * Cancel the build if the user has canceled or if an auto-build has been interrupted. */
private void checkCanceled(int trigger, IProgressMonitor monitor) { //if the system is shutting down, don't build if (systemBundle.getState() == Bundle.STOPPING) throw new OperationCanceledException(); Policy.checkCanceled(monitor); //check for auto-cancel only if we are auto-building if (trigger != IncrementalProjectBuilder.AUTO_BUILD) return; //check for request to interrupt the auto-build if (autoBuildJob.isInterrupted()) throw new OperationCanceledException(); }
Creates and returns an ArrayList of BuilderPersistentInfo. The list includes entries for all builders for all configs that are in the builder spec, and that have a last built state, even if they have not been instantiated this session. e.g. For a project with 3 builders, 2 build configurations and the second builder doesn't support configurations. The returned List of BuilderInfos is ordered: builder_id, config_name,builder_index builder_1, config_1, 1 builder_1, config_2, 1 builder_2, null, 2 builder_3, config_1, 3 builder_3, config_1, 3
/** * Creates and returns an ArrayList of BuilderPersistentInfo. * The list includes entries for all builders for all configs that are * in the builder spec, and that have a last built state, even if they * have not been instantiated this session. * * e.g. * For a project with 3 builders, 2 build configurations and the second * builder doesn't support configurations. * The returned List of BuilderInfos is ordered: * builder_id, config_name,builder_index * builder_1, config_1, 1 * builder_1, config_2, 1 * builder_2, null, 2 * builder_3, config_1, 3 * builder_3, config_1, 3 * */
public ArrayList<BuilderPersistentInfo> createBuildersPersistentInfo(IProject project) throws CoreException { /* get the old builders (those not yet instantiated) */ ArrayList<BuilderPersistentInfo> oldInfos = getBuildersPersistentInfo(project); ProjectDescription desc = ((Project) project).internalGetDescription(); ICommand[] commands = desc.getBuildSpec(false); if (commands.length == 0) return null; IBuildConfiguration[] configs = project.getBuildConfigs(); /* build the new list */ ArrayList<BuilderPersistentInfo> newInfos = new ArrayList<>(commands.length * configs.length); for (int i = 0; i < commands.length; i++) { BuildCommand command = (BuildCommand) commands[i]; String builderName = command.getBuilderName(); // If the builder doesn't support configurations, only 1 delta tree to persist boolean supportsConfigs = command.supportsConfigs(); int numberConfigs = supportsConfigs ? configs.length : 1; for (int j = 0; j < numberConfigs; j++) { IBuildConfiguration config = configs[j]; BuilderPersistentInfo info = null; IncrementalProjectBuilder builder = ((BuildCommand) commands[i]).getBuilder(config); if (builder == null) { // if the builder was not instantiated, use the old info if any. if (oldInfos != null) info = getBuilderInfo(oldInfos, builderName, supportsConfigs ? config.getName() : null, i); } else if (!(builder instanceof MissingBuilder)) { ElementTree oldTree = ((InternalBuilder) builder).getLastBuiltTree(); //don't persist build state for builders that have no last built state if (oldTree != null) { // if the builder was instantiated, construct a memento with the important info info = new BuilderPersistentInfo(project.getName(), supportsConfigs ? config.getName() : null, builderName, i); info.setLastBuildTree(oldTree); info.setInterestingProjects(((InternalBuilder) builder).getInterestingProjects()); } } if (info != null) newInfos.add(info); } } return newInfos; } private String debugBuilder() { return currentBuilders == null ? "<no builder>" : currentBuilders.getClass().getName(); //$NON-NLS-1$ } private String debugProject() { if (currentBuilders == null) return "<no project>"; //$NON-NLS-1$ return "[" + -> builder.getProject().getFullPath().toString()).collect(Collectors.joining(",")) + "]"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ }
Returns a string representation of a build trigger for debugging purposes.
  • trigger – The trigger to compute a representation of
Returns:A string describing the trigger.
/** * Returns a string representation of a build trigger for debugging purposes. * @param trigger The trigger to compute a representation of * @return A string describing the trigger. */
private String debugTrigger(int trigger) { switch (trigger) { case IncrementalProjectBuilder.FULL_BUILD : return "FULL_BUILD"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case IncrementalProjectBuilder.CLEAN_BUILD : return "CLEAN_BUILD"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case IncrementalProjectBuilder.AUTO_BUILD : case IncrementalProjectBuilder.INCREMENTAL_BUILD : default : return "INCREMENTAL_BUILD"; //$NON-NLS-1$ } }
The outermost workspace operation has finished. Do an autobuild if necessary.
/** * The outermost workspace operation has finished. Do an autobuild if necessary. */
public void endTopLevel(boolean needsBuild) {; }
Returns the value of the boolean configuration element attribute with the given name, or false if the attribute is missing.
/** * Returns the value of the boolean configuration element attribute with the * given name, or <code>false</code> if the attribute is missing. */
private boolean getBooleanAttribute(IConfigurationElement element, String name) { String valueString = element.getAttribute(name); return valueString != null && valueString.equalsIgnoreCase(Boolean.TRUE.toString()); }
Returns the builder instance corresponding to the given command, or null if the builder was not valid.
  • buildConfiguration – The project config this builder corresponds to
  • command – The build command
  • buildSpecIndex – The index of this builder in the build spec, or -1 if the index is unknown
  • status – MultiStatus for collecting errors
/** * Returns the builder instance corresponding to the given command, or * <code>null</code> if the builder was not valid. * @param buildConfiguration The project config this builder corresponds to * @param command The build command * @param buildSpecIndex The index of this builder in the build spec, or -1 if * the index is unknown * @param status MultiStatus for collecting errors */
private IncrementalProjectBuilder getBuilder(IBuildConfiguration buildConfiguration, ICommand command, int buildSpecIndex, MultiStatus status) throws CoreException { BuildCommand buildCommand = (BuildCommand) command; InternalBuilder result = buildCommand.getBuilder(buildConfiguration); String builderName = command.getBuilderName(); IProject project = buildConfiguration.getProject(); if (result == null) { // Synchronized builderInitializationLock blocks below are used to avoid // locking during initializeBuilder() call and to make sure two threads // trying to init the same builder in parallel will get properly // initialized builder without deadlocks or ConcurrentModificationException // See bug 538102 and bug 517411. BuilderPersistentInfo info; synchronized (builderInitializationLock) { // get the map of builders to get the last built tree BuilderPersistentInfo builderInitInProgress = getBuilderInitInfo(project, builderName); if (builderInitInProgress != null) { info = builderInitInProgress; } else { info = removePersistentBuilderInfo(builderName, buildConfiguration, buildSpecIndex); setBuilderInitInfo(project, builderName, info); } } result = buildCommand.getBuilder(buildConfiguration); if (result == null) { // Not synchronized on builderInitializationLock to avoid deadlocks if the builder init code // requests a lock held by another thread which may be waiting on builderInitializationLock result = initializeBuilder(command, builderName, buildConfiguration, info, status); } synchronized (builderInitializationLock) { // the build command holds only one builder per configuration // so query the builder for the configuration once more, // in case another builder was added since we last checked InternalBuilder other = buildCommand.getBuilder(buildConfiguration); if (other == null) { buildCommand.addBuilder(buildConfiguration, (IncrementalProjectBuilder) result); } else { result = other; } setBuilderInitInfo(project, builderName, null); } } // Ensure the build configuration stays fresh for non-config aware builders result.setBuildConfig(buildConfiguration); if (!validateNature(result, builderName)) { //skip this builder and null its last built tree because it is invalid //if the nature gets added or re-enabled a full build will be triggered result.setLastBuiltTree(null); return null; } return (IncrementalProjectBuilder) result; }
Returns the builder instance corresponding to the given command, or null if the builder was not valid, and sets its context to the one supplied.
  • buildConfiguration – The project config this builder corresponds to
  • command – The build command
  • buildSpecIndex – The index of this builder in the build spec, or -1 if the index is unknown
  • status – MultiStatus for collecting errors
/** * Returns the builder instance corresponding to the given command, or * <code>null</code> if the builder was not valid, and sets its context * to the one supplied. * * @param buildConfiguration The project config this builder corresponds to * @param command The build command * @param buildSpecIndex The index of this builder in the build spec, or -1 if * the index is unknown * @param status MultiStatus for collecting errors */
private IncrementalProjectBuilder getBuilder(IBuildConfiguration buildConfiguration, ICommand command, int buildSpecIndex, MultiStatus status, IBuildContext context) throws CoreException { InternalBuilder builder = getBuilder(buildConfiguration, command, buildSpecIndex, status); if (builder != null) builder.setContext(context); return (IncrementalProjectBuilder) builder; }
Removes the builder persistent info from the map corresponding to the given builder name, configuration name and build spec index, or null if not found
  • configName – or null if the builder doesn't support configurations
  • buildSpecIndex – The index in the build spec, or -1 if unknown
/** * Removes the builder persistent info from the map corresponding to the * given builder name, configuration name and build spec index, or <code>null</code> if not found * * @param configName or null if the builder doesn't support configurations * @param buildSpecIndex The index in the build spec, or -1 if unknown */
private BuilderPersistentInfo getBuilderInfo(ArrayList<BuilderPersistentInfo> infos, String builderName, String configName, int buildSpecIndex) { //try to match on builder index, but if not match is found, use the builder name and config name //this is because older workspace versions did not store builder infos in build spec order BuilderPersistentInfo nameMatch = null; for (BuilderPersistentInfo info : infos) { // match on name, config name and build spec index if known // Note: the config name may be null for builders that don't support configurations, or old workspaces if (info.getBuilderName().equals(builderName) && (info.getConfigName() == null || info.getConfigName().equals(configName))) { //we have found a match on name alone if (nameMatch == null) nameMatch = info; //see if the index matches if (buildSpecIndex == -1 || info.getBuildSpecIndex() == -1 || buildSpecIndex == info.getBuildSpecIndex()) return info; } } //no exact index match, so return name match, if any return nameMatch; }
Returns a list of BuilderPersistentInfo. The list includes entries for all builders that are in the builder spec, and that have a last built state but have not been instantiated this session.
/** * Returns a list of BuilderPersistentInfo. * The list includes entries for all builders that are in the builder spec, * and that have a last built state but have not been instantiated this session. */
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) public ArrayList<BuilderPersistentInfo> getBuildersPersistentInfo(IProject project) throws CoreException { return (ArrayList<BuilderPersistentInfo>) project.getSessionProperty(K_BUILD_LIST); }
Returns a build command for the given builder name and project. First looks for matching command in the project's build spec. If none is found, a new command is created and returned. This is necessary because allows a builder to be executed that is not in the build spec.
/** * Returns a build command for the given builder name and project. * First looks for matching command in the project's build spec. If none * is found, a new command is created and returned. This is necessary * because allows a builder to be executed that is not in the * build spec. */
private ICommand getCommand(IProject project, String builderName, Map<String, String> args) { ICommand[] buildSpec = ((Project) project).internalGetDescription().getBuildSpec(false); for (ICommand element : buildSpec) if (element.getBuilderName().equals(builderName)) return element; //none found, so create a new command BuildCommand result = new BuildCommand(); result.setBuilderName(builderName); result.setArguments(args); return result; }
Gets a workspace delta for a given project, based on the state of the workspace tree the last time the current builder was run.

Returns null if:

  • The state of the workspace is unknown.
  • The current builder has not indicated that it is interested in deltas for the given project.
  • If the project does not exist.

Deltas are computed once and cached for efficiency.

  • project – the project to get a delta for
/** * Gets a workspace delta for a given project, based on the state of the workspace * tree the last time the current builder was run. * <p> * Returns null if: * <ul> * <li> The state of the workspace is unknown. </li> * <li> The current builder has not indicated that it is interested in deltas * for the given project. </li> * <li> If the project does not exist. </li> * </ul> * <p> * Deltas are computed once and cached for efficiency. * * @param project the project to get a delta for */
IResourceDelta getDelta(IProject project) { try { lock.acquire(); if (currentTree == null) { if (Policy.DEBUG_BUILD_FAILURE) Policy.debug("Build: no tree for delta " + debugBuilder() + " [" + debugProject() + "]"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ return null; } Set<InternalBuilder> interestedBuilders = getInterestedBuilders(project); //check if this builder has indicated it cares about this project if (interestedBuilders.isEmpty()) { if (Policy.DEBUG_BUILD_FAILURE) Policy.debug("Build: project not interesting for current builders " + debugBuilder() + " [" + debugProject() + "] " + project.getFullPath()); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ return null; } //check if this project has changed if (currentDelta != null && currentDelta.findNodeAt(project.getFullPath()) == null) { //if the project never existed (not in delta and not in current tree), return null if (!project.exists()) return null; //just return an empty delta rooted at this project return ResourceDeltaFactory.newEmptyDelta(project); } //now check against the cache IResourceDelta resultDelta = deltaCache.computeIfAbsent(project.getFullPath(), currentLastBuiltTree, currentTree, () -> { long startTime = 0L; if (Policy.DEBUG_BUILD_DELTA) { startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Policy.debug("Computing delta for project: " + project.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$ } IResourceDelta result = ResourceDeltaFactory.computeDelta(workspace, currentLastBuiltTree, currentTree, project.getFullPath(), -1); if (Policy.DEBUG_BUILD_FAILURE && result == null) Policy.debug("Build: no delta " + debugBuilder() + " [" + debugProject() + "] " + project.getFullPath()); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ if (Policy.DEBUG_BUILD_DELTA) Policy.debug("Finished computing delta, time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + "ms" + ((ResourceDelta) result).toDeepDebugString()); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ return result; }); return resultDelta; } finally { lock.release(); } }
Returns the safe runnable instance for invoking a builder
  • currentBuilder –
/** * Returns the safe runnable instance for invoking a builder * @param currentBuilder */
private ISafeRunnable getSafeRunnable(final InternalBuilder currentBuilder, final int trigger, final Map<String, String> args, final MultiStatus status, final IProgressMonitor monitor) { return new ISafeRunnable() { @Override public void handleException(Throwable e) { if (e instanceof OperationCanceledException) { if (Policy.DEBUG_BUILD_INVOKING) Policy.debug("Build canceled"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //just discard built state when a builder cancels, to ensure //that it is called again on the very next build. currentBuilder.forgetLastBuiltState(); throw (OperationCanceledException) e; } //ResourceStats.buildException(e); // don't log the is already being logged in SafeRunner#run //add a generic message to the MultiStatus String builderName = currentBuilder.getLabel(); if (builderName == null || builderName.length() == 0) builderName = currentBuilder.getClass().getName(); String pluginId = currentBuilder.getPluginId(); String message = NLS.bind(Messages.events_builderError, builderName, currentBuilder.getProject().getName()); status.add(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, pluginId, IResourceStatus.BUILD_FAILED, message, e)); //add the exception status to the MultiStatus if (e instanceof CoreException) status.add(((CoreException) e).getStatus()); } @Override public void run() throws Exception { IProject[] prereqs = null; //invoke the appropriate build method depending on the trigger if (trigger != IncrementalProjectBuilder.CLEAN_BUILD) prereqs =, args, monitor); else currentBuilder.clean(monitor); if (prereqs == null) prereqs = new IProject[0]; currentBuilder.setInterestingProjects(prereqs.clone()); } }; }
We know the work manager is always available in the middle of a build.
/** * We know the work manager is always available in the middle of * a build. */
private WorkManager getWorkManager() { try { return workspace.getWorkManager(); } catch (CoreException e) { //cannot happen } //avoid compile error return null; } @Override public void handleEvent(LifecycleEvent event) { IProject project = null; switch (event.kind) { case LifecycleEvent.PRE_PROJECT_DELETE : case LifecycleEvent.PRE_PROJECT_MOVE : project = (IProject) event.resource; //make sure the builder persistent info is deleted for the project move case if (project.isAccessible()) setBuildersPersistentInfo(project, null); } }
Returns true if at least one of the given project's configs have been built during this build cycle; and false otherwise.
/** * Returns true if at least one of the given project's configs have been built * during this build cycle; and false otherwise. */
boolean hasBeenBuilt(IProject project) { return builtProjects.contains(project); }
Hook for adding trace options and debug information at the end of a build. This hook is called after each builder instance is called.
/** * Hook for adding trace options and debug information at the end of a build. * This hook is called after each builder instance is called. */
private void hookEndBuild(IncrementalProjectBuilder builder) { if (ResourceStats.TRACE_BUILDERS) ResourceStats.endBuild(); if (!Policy.DEBUG_BUILD_INVOKING || timeStamp == -1) return; //builder wasn't called or we are not debugging Policy.debug("Builder finished: " + toString(builder) + " time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - timeStamp) + "ms"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ timeStamp = -1; }
Hook for adding trace options and debug information at the end of a build. This hook is called at the end of a build cycle invoked by calling a build API method.
/** * Hook for adding trace options and debug information at the end of a build. * This hook is called at the end of a build cycle invoked by calling a * build API method. */
private void hookEndBuild(int trigger) { builtProjects.clear(); deltaCache.flush(); deltaTreeCache.flush(); //ensure autobuild runs after a clean if (trigger == IncrementalProjectBuilder.CLEAN_BUILD) autoBuildJob.forceBuild(); if (Policy.DEBUG_BUILD_INVOKING) { Policy.debug("Top-level build-end time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - overallTimeStamp)); //$NON-NLS-1$ overallTimeStamp = -1; } }
Hook for adding trace options and debug information at the start of a build. This hook is called before each builder instance is called.
/** * Hook for adding trace options and debug information at the start of a build. * This hook is called before each builder instance is called. */
private void hookStartBuild(IncrementalProjectBuilder builder, int trigger) { if (ResourceStats.TRACE_BUILDERS) ResourceStats.startBuild(builder); if (Policy.DEBUG_BUILD_INVOKING) { timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); Policy.debug("Invoking (" + debugTrigger(trigger) + ") on builder: " + toString(builder)); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } }
Hook for adding trace options and debug information at the start of a build. This hook is called when a build API method is called, before any builders start running.
/** * Hook for adding trace options and debug information at the start of a build. * This hook is called when a build API method is called, before any builders * start running. */
private void hookStartBuild(IBuildConfiguration[] configs, int trigger) { if (Policy.DEBUG_BUILD_STACK) Policy.debug(new RuntimeException("Starting build: " + debugTrigger(trigger))); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (Policy.DEBUG_BUILD_INVOKING) { overallTimeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Top-level build-start of: "); //$NON-NLS-1$ for (IBuildConfiguration config : configs) sb.append(config).append(", "); //$NON-NLS-1$ sb.append(debugTrigger(trigger)); Policy.debug(sb.toString()); } }
Instantiates the builder with the given name. If the builder, its plugin, or its nature is missing, create a placeholder builder to takes its place. This is needed to generate appropriate exceptions when somebody tries to invoke the builder, and to prevent trying to instantiate it every time a build is run. This method NEVER returns null.
/** * Instantiates the builder with the given name. If the builder, its plugin, or its nature * is missing, create a placeholder builder to takes its place. This is needed to generate * appropriate exceptions when somebody tries to invoke the builder, and to * prevent trying to instantiate it every time a build is run. * This method NEVER returns null. */
private InternalBuilder initializeBuilder(ICommand command, String builderName, IBuildConfiguration buildConfiguration, BuilderPersistentInfo info, MultiStatus status) { IProject project = buildConfiguration.getProject(); InternalBuilder builder = null; try { builder = instantiateBuilder(builderName); } catch (CoreException e) { status.add(new ResourceStatus(IResourceStatus.BUILD_FAILED, project.getFullPath(), NLS.bind(Messages.events_instantiate_1, builderName), e)); status.add(e.getStatus()); } if (builder == null) { //unable to create the builder, so create a placeholder to fill in for it builder = new MissingBuilder(builderName); } if (info != null) { ElementTree tree = info.getLastBuiltTree(); if (tree != null) { builder.setLastBuiltTree(tree); } builder.setInterestingProjects(info.getInterestingProjects()); } builder.setCommand(command); builder.setBuildConfig(buildConfiguration); builder.startupOnInitialize(); return builder; } private BuilderPersistentInfo removePersistentBuilderInfo(String builderName, IBuildConfiguration buildConfiguration, int buildSpecIndex) throws CoreException { IProject project = buildConfiguration.getProject(); ArrayList<BuilderPersistentInfo> infos = getBuildersPersistentInfo(project); if (infos != null) { BuilderPersistentInfo info = getBuilderInfo(infos, builderName, buildConfiguration.getName(), buildSpecIndex); if (info != null) { infos.remove(info); // delete the build map if it's now empty if (infos.isEmpty()) { setBuildersPersistentInfo(project, null); } return info; } } return null; }
Instantiates and returns the builder with the given name. If the builder, its plugin, or its nature is missing, returns null.
/** * Instantiates and returns the builder with the given name. If the builder, its plugin, or its nature * is missing, returns null. */
private IncrementalProjectBuilder instantiateBuilder(String builderName) throws CoreException { IExtension extension = Platform.getExtensionRegistry().getExtension(ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES, ResourcesPlugin.PT_BUILDERS, builderName); if (extension == null) return null; IConfigurationElement[] configs = extension.getConfigurationElements(); if (configs.length == 0) return null; String natureId = null; if (getBooleanAttribute(configs[0], "hasNature")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ //find the nature that owns this builder String builderId = extension.getUniqueIdentifier(); natureId = workspace.getNatureManager().findNatureForBuilder(builderId); if (natureId == null) return null; } //The nature exists, or this builder doesn't specify a nature InternalBuilder builder = (InternalBuilder) configs[0].createExecutableExtension("run"); //$NON-NLS-1$ builder.setPluginId(extension.getContributor().getName()); builder.setLabel(extension.getLabel()); builder.setNatureId(natureId); builder.setCallOnEmptyDelta(getBooleanAttribute(configs[0], "callOnEmptyDelta")); //$NON-NLS-1$ return (IncrementalProjectBuilder) builder; }
Another thread is attempting to modify the workspace. Cancel the autobuild and wait until it completes.
/** * Another thread is attempting to modify the workspace. Cancel the * autobuild and wait until it completes. */
public void interrupt() { autoBuildJob.interrupt(); }
Returns whether an autobuild is pending (requested but not yet completed).
/** * Returns whether an autobuild is pending (requested but not yet completed). */
public boolean isAutobuildBuildPending() { return autoBuildJob.getState() != Job.NONE; }
Returns true if the current builder is interested in changes to the given project, and false otherwise.
/** * Returns true if the current builder is interested in changes * to the given project, and false otherwise. */
private boolean isInterestingProject(InternalBuilder currentBuilder, IProject project) { if (project.equals(currentBuilder.getProject())) return true; IProject[] interestingProjects = currentBuilder.getInterestingProjects(); for (IProject interestingProject : interestingProjects) { if (interestingProject.equals(project)) { return true; } } return false; } private Set<InternalBuilder> getInterestedBuilders(final IProject project) { final Set<InternalBuilder> res = new HashSet<>(); for (final InternalBuilder builder : this.currentBuilders) { if (isInterestingProject(builder, project)) { res.add(builder); } } return res; }
Returns true if the given builder needs to be invoked, and false otherwise. The algorithm is to compute the intersection of the set of build configs that have changed since the last build, and the set of build configs this builder cares about. This is an optimization, under the assumption that computing the forward delta once (not the resource delta) is more efficient than computing project deltas and invoking builders for projects that haven't changed.
/** * Returns true if the given builder needs to be invoked, and false * otherwise. * * The algorithm is to compute the intersection of the set of build configs that * have changed since the last build, and the set of build configs this builder * cares about. This is an optimization, under the assumption that computing * the forward delta once (not the resource delta) is more efficient than * computing project deltas and invoking builders for projects that haven't * changed. */
private boolean needsBuild(InternalBuilder builder, int trigger) { //on some triggers we build regardless of the delta switch (trigger) { case IncrementalProjectBuilder.CLEAN_BUILD : return true; case IncrementalProjectBuilder.FULL_BUILD : return true; case IncrementalProjectBuilder.INCREMENTAL_BUILD : for (InternalBuilder currentBuilder : this.currentBuilders) { if (currentBuilder.callOnEmptyDelta()) { return true; } } //fall through and check if there is a delta } //compute the delta since the last built state ElementTree oldTree = builder.getLastBuiltTree(); ElementTree newTree = workspace.getElementTree(); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); currentDelta = deltaTreeCache.computeIfAbsent(null, oldTree, newTree, () -> { if (Policy.DEBUG_BUILD_NEEDED) { String message = "Checking if need to build. Starting delta computation between: " + oldTree + " and " //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ + newTree; Policy.debug(message); } DeltaDataTree computed = newTree.getDataTree().forwardDeltaWith(oldTree.getDataTree(), ResourceComparator.getBuildComparator()); if (Policy.DEBUG_BUILD_NEEDED) Policy.debug("End delta computation. (" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + "ms)."); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ return computed; }); //search for the builder's project if (currentDelta.findNodeAt(builder.getProject().getFullPath()) != null) { if (Policy.DEBUG_BUILD_NEEDED) Policy.debug(toString(builder) + " needs building because of changes in: " + builder.getProject().getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$ return true; } //search for builder's interesting projects IProject[] projects = builder.getInterestingProjects(); for (IProject project : projects) { if (currentDelta.findNodeAt(project.getFullPath()) != null) { if (Policy.DEBUG_BUILD_NEEDED) Policy.debug(toString(builder) + " needs building because of changes in: " + project.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$ return true; } } return false; }
Removes all builders with the given ID from the build spec. Does nothing if there were no such builders in the spec
/** * Removes all builders with the given ID from the build spec. * Does nothing if there were no such builders in the spec */
private void removeBuilders(IProject project, String builderId) throws CoreException { IProjectDescription desc = project.getDescription(); ICommand[] oldSpec = desc.getBuildSpec(); int oldLength = oldSpec.length; if (oldLength == 0) return; int remaining = 0; //null out all commands that match the builder to remove for (int i = 0; i < oldSpec.length; i++) { if (oldSpec[i].getBuilderName().equals(builderId)) oldSpec[i] = null; else remaining++; } //check if any were actually removed if (remaining == oldSpec.length) return; ICommand[] newSpec = new ICommand[remaining]; for (int i = 0, newIndex = 0; i < oldLength; i++) { if (oldSpec[i] != null) newSpec[newIndex++] = oldSpec[i]; } desc.setBuildSpec(newSpec); project.setDescription(desc, IResource.NONE, null); }
Hook for builders to request a rebuild.
/** * Hook for builders to request a rebuild. */
void requestRebuild() { rebuildRequested = true; }
Sets the builder infos for the given build config. The builder infos are an ArrayList of BuilderPersistentInfo. The list includes entries for all builders that are in the builder spec, and that have a last built state, even if they have not been instantiated this session.
/** * Sets the builder infos for the given build config. The builder infos are * an ArrayList of BuilderPersistentInfo. * The list includes entries for all builders that are * in the builder spec, and that have a last built state, even if they * have not been instantiated this session. */
public void setBuildersPersistentInfo(IProject project, List<BuilderPersistentInfo> list) { try { project.setSessionProperty(K_BUILD_LIST, list); } catch (CoreException e) { //project is missing -- build state will be lost //can't throw an exception because this happens on startup logProjectAccessError(project, e, "Project missing in setBuildersPersistentInfo"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } private void setBuilderInitInfo(IProject project, String builderName, BuilderPersistentInfo info) { try { project.setSessionProperty(keyForBuilderInfo(builderName), info); } catch (CoreException e) { //project is missing -- build state will be lost //can't throw an exception because this happens on startup logProjectAccessError(project, e, "Project missing in setBuilderInitInfo"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } private BuilderPersistentInfo getBuilderInitInfo(IProject project, String builderName) { try { return (BuilderPersistentInfo) project.getSessionProperty(keyForBuilderInfo(builderName)); } catch (CoreException e) { //project is missing -- build state will be lost //can't throw an exception because this happens on startup logProjectAccessError(project, e, "Project missing in getBuilderInitInfo"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } return null; } private void logProjectAccessError(IProject project, CoreException e, String message) { Policy.log(new ResourceStatus(IStatus.ERROR, 1, project.getFullPath(), message, e)); } private static QualifiedName keyForBuilderInfo(String builderName) { return new QualifiedName(ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES, BUILDER_INIT + builderName); } @Override public void shutdown(IProgressMonitor monitor) { autoBuildJob.cancel(); } @Override public void startup(IProgressMonitor monitor) { workspace.addLifecycleListener(this); }
Returns a string representation of the given builder. For debugging purposes only.
/** * Returns a string representation of the given builder. * For debugging purposes only. */
private String toString(InternalBuilder builder) { String name = builder.getClass().getName(); name = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); if (builder instanceof MissingBuilder) name = name + ": '" + ((MissingBuilder) builder).getName() + "'"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ return name + "(" + builder.getBuildConfig() + ")"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ }
Returns true if the nature membership rules are satisfied for the given builder extension on the given project, and false otherwise. A builder that does not specify that it belongs to a nature is always valid. A builder extension that belongs to a nature can be invalid for the following reasons:
  • The nature that owns the builder does not exist on the given project
  • The nature that owns the builder is disabled on the given project
Furthermore, if the nature that owns the builder does not exist on the project, that builder will be removed from the build spec. Note: This method only validates nature constraints that can vary at runtime. Additional checks are done in the instantiateBuilder method for constraints that cannot vary once the plugin registry is initialized.
/** * Returns true if the nature membership rules are satisfied for the given * builder extension on the given project, and false otherwise. A builder that * does not specify that it belongs to a nature is always valid. A builder * extension that belongs to a nature can be invalid for the following reasons: * <ul> * <li>The nature that owns the builder does not exist on the given project</li> * <li>The nature that owns the builder is disabled on the given project</li> * </ul> * Furthermore, if the nature that owns the builder does not exist on the project, * that builder will be removed from the build spec. * * Note: This method only validates nature constraints that can vary at runtime. * Additional checks are done in the instantiateBuilder method for constraints * that cannot vary once the plugin registry is initialized. */
private boolean validateNature(InternalBuilder builder, String builderId) throws CoreException { String nature = builder.getNatureId(); if (nature == null) return true; IProject project = builder.getProject(); if (!project.hasNature(nature)) { //remove this builder from the build spec removeBuilders(project, builderId); return false; } return project.isNatureEnabled(nature); }
Returns the scheduling rule that is required for building the project.
/** * Returns the scheduling rule that is required for building the project. */
public ISchedulingRule getRule(IBuildConfiguration buildConfiguration, int trigger, String builderName, Map<String, String> buildArgs) { IProject project = buildConfiguration.getProject(); MultiStatus status = new MultiStatus(ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES, IResourceStatus.INTERNAL_ERROR, Messages.events_errors, null); if (builderName == null) { final ICommand[] commands; if (project.isAccessible()) { Set<ISchedulingRule> rules = new HashSet<>(); commands = ((Project) project).internalGetDescription().getBuildSpec(false); boolean hasNullBuildRule = false; BuildContext context = new BuildContext(buildConfiguration); for (int i = 0; i < commands.length; i++) { BuildCommand command = (BuildCommand) commands[i]; Map<String, String> allArgs = command.getArguments(true); if (allArgs == null) { allArgs = buildArgs; } else if (buildArgs != null) { allArgs.putAll(buildArgs); } try { IncrementalProjectBuilder builder = getBuilder(buildConfiguration, command, i, status, context); if (builder != null) { ISchedulingRule builderRule = builder.getRule(trigger, allArgs); if (builderRule != null) rules.add(builderRule); else hasNullBuildRule = true; } } catch (CoreException e) { status.add(e.getStatus()); } } if (rules.isEmpty()) return null; // Bug 306824 - Builders returning a null rule can't work safely if other builders require a non-null rule // Be pessimistic and fall back to the default build rule (workspace root) in this case. if (!hasNullBuildRule) return new MultiRule(rules.toArray(new ISchedulingRule[rules.size()])); } } else { // Returns the derived resources for the specified builderName ICommand command = getCommand(project, builderName, buildArgs); Map<String, String> allArgs = new HashMap<>(); if (command.getArguments() != null) { allArgs.putAll(command.getArguments()); } if (buildArgs != null) { allArgs.putAll(buildArgs); } try { IncrementalProjectBuilder builder = getBuilder(buildConfiguration, command, -1, status); if (builder != null) return builder.getRule(trigger, allArgs); } catch (CoreException e) { status.add(e.getStatus()); } } // Log any errors if (!status.isOK()) Policy.log(status); return workspace.getRoot(); } }