package org.bouncycastle.cms;


import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1ObjectIdentifier;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1OctetString;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.cms.ContentInfo;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.cms.DigestedData;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.AlgorithmIdentifier;
import org.bouncycastle.operator.DigestCalculator;
import org.bouncycastle.operator.DigestCalculatorProvider;
import org.bouncycastle.operator.OperatorCreationException;
import org.bouncycastle.util.Arrays;
import org.bouncycastle.util.Encodable;

containing class for an CMS Digested Data object
    CMSDigestedData cd = new CMSDigestedData(inputStream);
/** * containing class for an CMS Digested Data object * <pre> * CMSDigestedData cd = new CMSDigestedData(inputStream); * * * process(cd.getContent()); * </pre> */
public class CMSDigestedData implements Encodable { private ContentInfo contentInfo; private DigestedData digestedData; public CMSDigestedData( byte[] compressedData) throws CMSException { this(CMSUtils.readContentInfo(compressedData)); } public CMSDigestedData( InputStream compressedData) throws CMSException { this(CMSUtils.readContentInfo(compressedData)); } public CMSDigestedData( ContentInfo contentInfo) throws CMSException { this.contentInfo = contentInfo; try { this.digestedData = DigestedData.getInstance(contentInfo.getContent()); } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new CMSException("Malformed content.", e); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new CMSException("Malformed content.", e); } } public ASN1ObjectIdentifier getContentType() { return contentInfo.getContentType(); } public AlgorithmIdentifier getDigestAlgorithm() { return digestedData.getDigestAlgorithm(); }
Return the digested content
  • CMSException – if there is an exception un-compressing the data.
Returns:the digested content
/** * Return the digested content * * @return the digested content * @throws CMSException if there is an exception un-compressing the data. */
public CMSProcessable getDigestedContent() throws CMSException { ContentInfo content = digestedData.getEncapContentInfo(); try { return new CMSProcessableByteArray(content.getContentType(), ((ASN1OctetString)content.getContent()).getOctets()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CMSException("exception reading digested stream.", e); } }
return the ContentInfo
/** * return the ContentInfo */
public ContentInfo toASN1Structure() { return contentInfo; }
return the ASN.1 encoded representation of this object.
/** * return the ASN.1 encoded representation of this object. */
public byte[] getEncoded() throws IOException { return contentInfo.getEncoded(); } public boolean verify(DigestCalculatorProvider calculatorProvider) throws CMSException { try { ContentInfo content = digestedData.getEncapContentInfo(); DigestCalculator calc = calculatorProvider.get(digestedData.getDigestAlgorithm()); OutputStream dOut = calc.getOutputStream(); dOut.write(((ASN1OctetString)content.getContent()).getOctets()); return Arrays.areEqual(digestedData.getDigest(), calc.getDigest()); } catch (OperatorCreationException e) { throw new CMSException("unable to create digest calculator: " + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CMSException("unable process content: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } }