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package org.apache.batik.transcoder.svg2svg;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.batik.transcoder.ErrorHandler;
import org.apache.batik.transcoder.TranscoderException;
import org.apache.batik.util.SVGConstants;
import org.apache.batik.xml.LexicalUnits;
import org.apache.batik.xml.XMLException;
import org.apache.batik.xml.XMLScanner;

This class represents an SVG source files pretty-printer.
Author:Stephane Hillion
Version:$Id: PrettyPrinter.java 1733416 2016-03-03 07:07:13Z gadams $
/** * This class represents an SVG source files pretty-printer. * * @author <a href="mailto:stephane@hillion.org">Stephane Hillion</a> * @version $Id: PrettyPrinter.java 1733416 2016-03-03 07:07:13Z gadams $ */
public class PrettyPrinter { // The doctype options. public static final int DOCTYPE_CHANGE = 0; public static final int DOCTYPE_REMOVE = 1; public static final int DOCTYPE_KEEP_UNCHANGED = 2;
The document scanner.
/** * The document scanner. */
protected XMLScanner scanner;
The output manager.
/** * The output manager. */
protected OutputManager output;
The writer used to output the document.
/** * The writer used to output the document. */
protected Writer writer;
The error handler.
/** * The error handler. */
protected ErrorHandler errorHandler = SVGTranscoder.DEFAULT_ERROR_HANDLER;
The newline characters.
/** * The newline characters. */
protected String newline = "\n";
Whether the output must be formatted.
/** * Whether the output must be formatted. */
protected boolean format = true;
The tabulation width.
/** * The tabulation width. */
protected int tabulationWidth = 4;
The document width.
/** * The document width. */
protected int documentWidth = 80;
The doctype option.
/** * The doctype option. */
protected int doctypeOption = DOCTYPE_KEEP_UNCHANGED;
The public id.
/** * The public id. */
protected String publicId;
The system id.
/** * The system id. */
protected String systemId;
The XML declaration.
/** * The XML declaration. */
protected String xmlDeclaration;
The type of the current lexical unit.
/** * The type of the current lexical unit. */
protected int type;
Sets the XML declaration text.
/** * Sets the XML declaration text. */
public void setXMLDeclaration(String s) { xmlDeclaration = s; }
Sets the doctype option.
/** * Sets the doctype option. */
public void setDoctypeOption(int i) { doctypeOption = i; }
Sets the public ID.
/** * Sets the public ID. */
public void setPublicId(String s) { publicId = s; }
Sets the system ID.
/** * Sets the system ID. */
public void setSystemId(String s) { systemId = s; }
Sets the newline characters.
/** * Sets the newline characters. */
public void setNewline(String s) { newline = s; }
Returns the newline characters.
/** * Returns the newline characters. */
public String getNewline() { return newline; }
Sets the format attribute.
/** * Sets the format attribute. */
public void setFormat(boolean b) { format = b; }
Returns whether the output must be formatted.
/** * Returns whether the output must be formatted. */
public boolean getFormat() { return format; }
Sets the tabulation width.
/** * Sets the tabulation width. */
public void setTabulationWidth(int i) { tabulationWidth = Math.max(i, 0); }
Returns whether the tabulation width.
/** * Returns whether the tabulation width. */
public int getTabulationWidth() { return tabulationWidth; }
Sets the document width.
/** * Sets the document width. */
public void setDocumentWidth(int i) { documentWidth = Math.max(i, 0); }
Returns whether the document width.
/** * Returns whether the document width. */
public int getDocumentWidth() { return documentWidth; }
Prints an SVG document from the given reader to the given writer.
/** * Prints an SVG document from the given reader to the given writer. */
public void print(Reader r, Writer w) throws TranscoderException, IOException { try { scanner = new XMLScanner(r); output = new OutputManager(this, w); writer = w; type = scanner.next(); printXMLDecl(); misc1: for (;;) { switch (type) { case LexicalUnits.S: output.printTopSpaces(getCurrentValue()); scanner.clearBuffer(); type = scanner.next(); break; case LexicalUnits.COMMENT: output.printComment(getCurrentValue()); scanner.clearBuffer(); type = scanner.next(); break; case LexicalUnits.PI_START: printPI(); break; default: break misc1; } } printDoctype(); misc2: for (;;) { scanner.clearBuffer(); switch (type) { case LexicalUnits.S: output.printTopSpaces(getCurrentValue()); scanner.clearBuffer(); type = scanner.next(); break; case LexicalUnits.COMMENT: output.printComment(getCurrentValue()); scanner.clearBuffer(); type = scanner.next(); break; case LexicalUnits.PI_START: printPI(); break; default: break misc2; } } if (type != LexicalUnits.START_TAG) { throw fatalError("element", null); } printElement(); misc3: for (;;) { switch (type) { case LexicalUnits.S: output.printTopSpaces(getCurrentValue()); scanner.clearBuffer(); type = scanner.next(); break; case LexicalUnits.COMMENT: output.printComment(getCurrentValue()); scanner.clearBuffer(); type = scanner.next(); break; case LexicalUnits.PI_START: printPI(); break; default: break misc3; } } } catch (XMLException e) { errorHandler.fatalError(new TranscoderException(e.getMessage())); } }
Prints the XML declaration.
/** * Prints the XML declaration. */
protected void printXMLDecl() throws TranscoderException, XMLException, IOException { if (xmlDeclaration == null) { if (type == LexicalUnits.XML_DECL_START) { if (scanner.next() != LexicalUnits.S) { throw fatalError("space", null); } char[] space1 = getCurrentValue(); if (scanner.next() != LexicalUnits.VERSION_IDENTIFIER) { throw fatalError("token", new Object[] { "version" }); } type = scanner.next(); char[] space2 = null; if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { space2 = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); } if (type != LexicalUnits.EQ) { throw fatalError("token", new Object[] { "=" }); } type = scanner.next(); char[] space3 = null; if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { space3 = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); } if (type != LexicalUnits.STRING) { throw fatalError("string", null); } char[] version = getCurrentValue(); char versionDelim = scanner.getStringDelimiter(); char[] space4 = null; char[] space5 = null; char[] space6 = null; char[] encoding = null; char encodingDelim = 0; char[] space7 = null; char[] space8 = null; char[] space9 = null; char[] standalone = null; char standaloneDelim = 0; char[] space10 = null; type = scanner.next(); if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { space4 = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); if (type == LexicalUnits.ENCODING_IDENTIFIER) { type = scanner.next(); if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { space5 = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); } if (type != LexicalUnits.EQ) { throw fatalError("token", new Object[] { "=" }); } type = scanner.next(); if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { space6 = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); } if (type != LexicalUnits.STRING) { throw fatalError("string", null); } encoding = getCurrentValue(); encodingDelim = scanner.getStringDelimiter(); type = scanner.next(); if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { space7 = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); } } if (type == LexicalUnits.STANDALONE_IDENTIFIER) { type = scanner.next(); if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { space8 = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); } if (type != LexicalUnits.EQ) { throw fatalError("token", new Object[] { "=" }); } type = scanner.next(); if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { space9 = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); } if (type != LexicalUnits.STRING) { throw fatalError("string", null); } standalone = getCurrentValue(); standaloneDelim = scanner.getStringDelimiter(); type = scanner.next(); if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { space10 = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); } } } if (type != LexicalUnits.PI_END) { throw fatalError("pi.end", null); } output.printXMLDecl(space1, space2, space3, version, versionDelim, space4, space5, space6, encoding, encodingDelim, space7, space8, space9, standalone, standaloneDelim, space10); type = scanner.next(); } } else { output.printString(xmlDeclaration); output.printNewline(); if (type == LexicalUnits.XML_DECL_START) { // Skip the XML declaraction. if (scanner.next() != LexicalUnits.S) { throw fatalError("space", null); } if (scanner.next() != LexicalUnits.VERSION_IDENTIFIER) { throw fatalError("token", new Object[] { "version" }); } type = scanner.next(); if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { type = scanner.next(); } if (type != LexicalUnits.EQ) { throw fatalError("token", new Object[] { "=" }); } type = scanner.next(); if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { type = scanner.next(); } if (type != LexicalUnits.STRING) { throw fatalError("string", null); } type = scanner.next(); if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { type = scanner.next(); if (type == LexicalUnits.ENCODING_IDENTIFIER) { type = scanner.next(); if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { type = scanner.next(); } if (type != LexicalUnits.EQ) { throw fatalError("token", new Object[] { "=" }); } type = scanner.next(); if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { type = scanner.next(); } if (type != LexicalUnits.STRING) { throw fatalError("string", null); } type = scanner.next(); if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { type = scanner.next(); } } if (type == LexicalUnits.STANDALONE_IDENTIFIER) { type = scanner.next(); if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { type = scanner.next(); } if (type != LexicalUnits.EQ) { throw fatalError("token", new Object[] { "=" }); } type = scanner.next(); if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { type = scanner.next(); } if (type != LexicalUnits.STRING) { throw fatalError("string", null); } type = scanner.next(); if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { type = scanner.next(); } } } if (type != LexicalUnits.PI_END) { throw fatalError("pi.end", null); } type = scanner.next(); } } }
Prints a processing instruction.
/** * Prints a processing instruction. */
protected void printPI() throws TranscoderException, XMLException, IOException { char[] target = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); char[] space = {}; if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { space = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); } if (type != LexicalUnits.PI_DATA) { throw fatalError("pi.data", null); } char[] data = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); if (type != LexicalUnits.PI_END) { throw fatalError("pi.end", null); } output.printPI(target, space, data); type = scanner.next(); }
Prints the doctype.
/** * Prints the doctype. */
protected void printDoctype() throws TranscoderException, XMLException, IOException { switch (doctypeOption) { default: if (type == LexicalUnits.DOCTYPE_START) { type = scanner.next(); if (type != LexicalUnits.S) { throw fatalError("space", null); } char[] space1 = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); if (type != LexicalUnits.NAME) { throw fatalError("name", null); } char[] root = getCurrentValue(); char[] space2 = null; String externalId = null; char[] space3 = null; char[] string1 = null; char string1Delim = 0; char[] space4 = null; char[] string2 = null; char string2Delim = 0; char[] space5 = null; type = scanner.next(); if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { space2 = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); switch (type) { case LexicalUnits.PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER: externalId = "PUBLIC"; type = scanner.next(); if (type != LexicalUnits.S) { throw fatalError("space", null); } space3 = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); if (type != LexicalUnits.STRING) { throw fatalError("string", null); } string1 = getCurrentValue(); string1Delim = scanner.getStringDelimiter(); type = scanner.next(); if (type != LexicalUnits.S) { throw fatalError("space", null); } space4 = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); if (type != LexicalUnits.STRING) { throw fatalError("string", null); } string2 = getCurrentValue(); string2Delim = scanner.getStringDelimiter(); type = scanner.next(); if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { space5 = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); } break; case LexicalUnits.SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER: externalId = "SYSTEM"; type = scanner.next(); if (type != LexicalUnits.S) { throw fatalError("space", null); } space3 = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); if (type != LexicalUnits.STRING) { throw fatalError("string", null); } string1 = getCurrentValue(); string1Delim = scanner.getStringDelimiter(); type = scanner.next(); if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { space4 = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); } } } if (doctypeOption == DOCTYPE_CHANGE) { if (publicId != null) { externalId = "PUBLIC"; string1 = publicId.toCharArray(); string1Delim = '"'; if (systemId != null) { string2 = systemId.toCharArray(); string2Delim = '"'; } } else if (systemId != null) { externalId = "SYSTEM"; string1 = systemId.toCharArray(); string1Delim = '"'; string2 = null; } } output.printDoctypeStart(space1, root, space2, externalId, space3, string1, string1Delim, space4, string2, string2Delim, space5); if (type == LexicalUnits.LSQUARE_BRACKET) { output.printCharacter('['); type = scanner.next(); dtd: for (;;) { switch (type) { case LexicalUnits.S: output.printSpaces(getCurrentValue(), true); scanner.clearBuffer(); type = scanner.next(); break; case LexicalUnits.COMMENT: output.printComment(getCurrentValue()); scanner.clearBuffer(); type = scanner.next(); break; case LexicalUnits.PI_START: printPI(); break; case LexicalUnits.PARAMETER_ENTITY_REFERENCE: output.printParameterEntityReference(getCurrentValue()); scanner.clearBuffer(); type = scanner.next(); break; case LexicalUnits.ELEMENT_DECLARATION_START: scanner.clearBuffer(); printElementDeclaration(); break; case LexicalUnits.ATTLIST_START: scanner.clearBuffer(); printAttlist(); break; case LexicalUnits.NOTATION_START: scanner.clearBuffer(); printNotation(); break; case LexicalUnits.ENTITY_START: scanner.clearBuffer(); printEntityDeclaration(); break; case LexicalUnits.RSQUARE_BRACKET: output.printCharacter(']'); scanner.clearBuffer(); type = scanner.next(); break dtd; default: throw fatalError("xml", null); } } } char[] endSpace = null; if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { endSpace = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); } if (type != LexicalUnits.END_CHAR) { throw fatalError("end", null); } type = scanner.next(); output.printDoctypeEnd(endSpace); } else { if (doctypeOption == DOCTYPE_CHANGE) { String externalId = "PUBLIC"; char[] string1 = SVGConstants.SVG_PUBLIC_ID.toCharArray(); char[] string2 = SVGConstants.SVG_SYSTEM_ID.toCharArray(); if (publicId != null) { string1 = publicId.toCharArray(); if (systemId != null) { string2 = systemId.toCharArray(); } } else if (systemId != null) { externalId = "SYSTEM"; string1 = systemId.toCharArray(); string2 = null; } output.printDoctypeStart(new char[] { ' ' }, new char[] { 's', 'v', 'g' }, new char[] { ' ' }, externalId, new char[] { ' ' }, string1, '"', new char[] { ' ' }, string2, '"', null); output.printDoctypeEnd(null); } } break; case DOCTYPE_REMOVE: if (type == LexicalUnits.DOCTYPE_START) { type = scanner.next(); if (type != LexicalUnits.S) { throw fatalError("space", null); } type = scanner.next(); if (type != LexicalUnits.NAME) { throw fatalError("name", null); } type = scanner.next(); if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { type = scanner.next(); switch (type) { case LexicalUnits.PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER: type = scanner.next(); if (type != LexicalUnits.S) { throw fatalError("space", null); } type = scanner.next(); if (type != LexicalUnits.STRING) { throw fatalError("string", null); } type = scanner.next(); if (type != LexicalUnits.S) { throw fatalError("space", null); } type = scanner.next(); if (type != LexicalUnits.STRING) { throw fatalError("string", null); } type = scanner.next(); if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { type = scanner.next(); } break; case LexicalUnits.SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER: type = scanner.next(); if (type != LexicalUnits.S) { throw fatalError("space", null); } type = scanner.next(); if (type != LexicalUnits.STRING) { throw fatalError("string", null); } type = scanner.next(); if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { type = scanner.next(); } } } if (type == LexicalUnits.LSQUARE_BRACKET) { do { type = scanner.next(); } while (type != LexicalUnits.RSQUARE_BRACKET); } if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { type = scanner.next(); } if (type != LexicalUnits.END_CHAR) { throw fatalError("end", null); } } type = scanner.next(); } }
Prints an element.
/** * Prints an element. */
protected String printElement() throws TranscoderException, XMLException, IOException { char[] name = getCurrentValue(); String nameStr = new String(name); List attributes = new LinkedList(); char[] space = null; type = scanner.next(); while (type == LexicalUnits.S) { space = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); if (type == LexicalUnits.NAME) { char[] attName = getCurrentValue(); char[] space1 = null; type = scanner.next(); if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { space1 = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); } if (type != LexicalUnits.EQ) { throw fatalError("token", new Object[] { "=" }); } type = scanner.next(); char[] space2 = null; if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { space2 = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); } if (type != LexicalUnits.STRING && type != LexicalUnits.FIRST_ATTRIBUTE_FRAGMENT) { throw fatalError("string", null); } char valueDelim = scanner.getStringDelimiter(); boolean hasEntityRef = false; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(getCurrentValue()); loop: for (;;) { scanner.clearBuffer(); type = scanner.next(); switch (type) { case LexicalUnits.STRING: case LexicalUnits.FIRST_ATTRIBUTE_FRAGMENT: case LexicalUnits.LAST_ATTRIBUTE_FRAGMENT: case LexicalUnits.ATTRIBUTE_FRAGMENT: sb.append(getCurrentValue()); break; case LexicalUnits.CHARACTER_REFERENCE: hasEntityRef = true; sb.append("&#"); sb.append(getCurrentValue()); sb.append(";"); break; case LexicalUnits.ENTITY_REFERENCE: hasEntityRef = true; sb.append("&"); sb.append(getCurrentValue()); sb.append(";"); break; default: break loop; } } attributes.add(new OutputManager.AttributeInfo(space, attName, space1, space2, new String(sb), valueDelim, hasEntityRef)); space = null; } } output.printElementStart(name, attributes, space); switch (type) { default: throw fatalError("xml", null); case LexicalUnits.EMPTY_ELEMENT_END: output.printElementEnd(null, null); break; case LexicalUnits.END_CHAR: output.printCharacter('>'); type = scanner.next(); printContent(allowSpaceAtStart(nameStr)); if (type != LexicalUnits.END_TAG) { throw fatalError("end.tag", null); } name = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); space = null; if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { space = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); } output.printElementEnd(name, space); if (type != LexicalUnits.END_CHAR) { throw fatalError("end", null); } } type = scanner.next(); return nameStr; } boolean allowSpaceAtStart(String tagName) { return true; /** * This would be a real hack for SVG. This should be * driven by a configuration paramater as well as * needing to be really namespace aware... */ // return !(tagName.equals("tspan")|| // tagName.endsWith(":tspan")); }
Prints the content of an element.
/** * Prints the content of an element. */
protected void printContent(boolean spaceAtStart) throws TranscoderException, XMLException, IOException { boolean preceedingSpace = false; content: for (;;) { switch (type) { case LexicalUnits.COMMENT: output.printComment(getCurrentValue()); scanner.clearBuffer(); type = scanner.next(); preceedingSpace = false; break; case LexicalUnits.PI_START: printPI(); preceedingSpace = false; break; case LexicalUnits.CHARACTER_DATA: preceedingSpace = output.printCharacterData (getCurrentValue(), spaceAtStart, preceedingSpace); scanner.clearBuffer(); type = scanner.next(); spaceAtStart = false; break; case LexicalUnits.CDATA_START: type = scanner.next(); if (type != LexicalUnits.CHARACTER_DATA) { throw fatalError("character.data", null); } output.printCDATASection(getCurrentValue()); if (scanner.next() != LexicalUnits.SECTION_END) { throw fatalError("section.end", null); } scanner.clearBuffer(); type = scanner.next(); preceedingSpace = false; spaceAtStart = false; break; case LexicalUnits.START_TAG: String name = printElement(); spaceAtStart = allowSpaceAtStart(name); break; case LexicalUnits.CHARACTER_REFERENCE: output.printCharacterEntityReference(getCurrentValue(), spaceAtStart, preceedingSpace); scanner.clearBuffer(); type = scanner.next(); spaceAtStart = false; preceedingSpace = false; break; case LexicalUnits.ENTITY_REFERENCE: output.printEntityReference(getCurrentValue(), spaceAtStart); scanner.clearBuffer(); type = scanner.next(); spaceAtStart = false; preceedingSpace = false; break; default: break content; } } }
Prints a notation declaration.
/** * Prints a notation declaration. */
protected void printNotation() throws TranscoderException, XMLException, IOException { int t = scanner.next(); if (t != LexicalUnits.S) { throw fatalError("space", null); } char[] space1 = getCurrentValue(); t = scanner.next(); if (t != LexicalUnits.NAME) { throw fatalError("name", null); } char[] name = getCurrentValue(); t = scanner.next(); if (t != LexicalUnits.S) { throw fatalError("space", null); } char[] space2 = getCurrentValue(); t = scanner.next(); String externalId = null; char[] space3 = null; char[] string1 = null; char string1Delim = 0; char[] space4 = null; char[] string2 = null; char string2Delim = 0; switch (t) { default: throw fatalError("notation.definition", null); case LexicalUnits.PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER: externalId = "PUBLIC"; t = scanner.next(); if (t != LexicalUnits.S) { throw fatalError("space", null); } space3 = getCurrentValue(); t = scanner.next(); if (t != LexicalUnits.STRING) { throw fatalError("string", null); } string1 = getCurrentValue(); string1Delim = scanner.getStringDelimiter(); t = scanner.next(); if (t == LexicalUnits.S) { space4 = getCurrentValue(); t = scanner.next(); if (t == LexicalUnits.STRING) { string2 = getCurrentValue(); string2Delim = scanner.getStringDelimiter(); t = scanner.next(); } } break; case LexicalUnits.SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER: externalId = "SYSTEM"; t = scanner.next(); if (t != LexicalUnits.S) { throw fatalError("space", null); } space3 = getCurrentValue(); t = scanner.next(); if (t != LexicalUnits.STRING) { throw fatalError("string", null); } string1 = getCurrentValue(); string1Delim = scanner.getStringDelimiter(); t = scanner.next(); } char[] space5 = null; if (t == LexicalUnits.S) { space5 = getCurrentValue(); t = scanner.next(); } if (t != LexicalUnits.END_CHAR) { throw fatalError("end", null); } output.printNotation(space1, name, space2, externalId, space3, string1, string1Delim, space4, string2, string2Delim, space5); scanner.next(); }
Prints an ATTLIST declaration.
/** * Prints an ATTLIST declaration. */
protected void printAttlist() throws TranscoderException, XMLException, IOException { type = scanner.next(); if (type != LexicalUnits.S) { throw fatalError("space", null); } char[] space = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); if (type != LexicalUnits.NAME) { throw fatalError("name", null); } char[] name = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); output.printAttlistStart(space, name); while (type == LexicalUnits.S) { space = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); if (type != LexicalUnits.NAME) { break; } name = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); if (type != LexicalUnits.S) { throw fatalError("space", null); } char[] space2 = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); output.printAttName(space, name, space2); switch (type) { case LexicalUnits.CDATA_IDENTIFIER: case LexicalUnits.ID_IDENTIFIER: case LexicalUnits.IDREF_IDENTIFIER: case LexicalUnits.IDREFS_IDENTIFIER: case LexicalUnits.ENTITY_IDENTIFIER: case LexicalUnits.ENTITIES_IDENTIFIER: case LexicalUnits.NMTOKEN_IDENTIFIER: case LexicalUnits.NMTOKENS_IDENTIFIER: output.printCharacters(getCurrentValue()); type = scanner.next(); break; case LexicalUnits.NOTATION_IDENTIFIER: output.printCharacters(getCurrentValue()); type = scanner.next(); if (type != LexicalUnits.S) { throw fatalError("space", null); } output.printSpaces(getCurrentValue(), false); type = scanner.next(); if (type != LexicalUnits.LEFT_BRACE) { throw fatalError("left.brace", null); } type = scanner.next(); List names = new LinkedList(); space = null; if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { space = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); } if (type != LexicalUnits.NAME) { throw fatalError("name", null); } name = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); space2 = null; if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { space2 = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); } names.add(new OutputManager.NameInfo(space, name, space2)); loop: for (;;) { switch (type) { default: break loop; case LexicalUnits.PIPE: type = scanner.next(); space = null; if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { space = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); } if (type != LexicalUnits.NAME) { throw fatalError("name", null); } name = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); space2 = null; if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { space2 = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); } names.add(new OutputManager.NameInfo(space, name, space2)); } } if (type != LexicalUnits.RIGHT_BRACE) { throw fatalError("right.brace", null); } output.printEnumeration(names); type = scanner.next(); break; case LexicalUnits.LEFT_BRACE: type = scanner.next(); names = new LinkedList(); space = null; if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { space = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); } if (type != LexicalUnits.NMTOKEN) { throw fatalError("nmtoken", null); } name = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); space2 = null; if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { space2 = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); } names.add(new OutputManager.NameInfo(space, name, space2)); loop: for (;;) { switch (type) { default: break loop; case LexicalUnits.PIPE: type = scanner.next(); space = null; if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { space = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); } if (type != LexicalUnits.NMTOKEN) { throw fatalError("nmtoken", null); } name = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); space2 = null; if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { space2 = getCurrentValue(); type = scanner.next(); } names.add(new OutputManager.NameInfo(space, name, space2)); } } if (type != LexicalUnits.RIGHT_BRACE) { throw fatalError("right.brace", null); } output.printEnumeration(names); type = scanner.next(); } if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { output.printSpaces(getCurrentValue(), true); type = scanner.next(); } switch (type) { default: throw fatalError("default.decl", null); case LexicalUnits.REQUIRED_IDENTIFIER: case LexicalUnits.IMPLIED_IDENTIFIER: output.printCharacters(getCurrentValue()); type = scanner.next(); break; case LexicalUnits.FIXED_IDENTIFIER: output.printCharacters(getCurrentValue()); type = scanner.next(); if (type != LexicalUnits.S) { throw fatalError("space", null); } output.printSpaces(getCurrentValue(), false); type = scanner.next(); if (type != LexicalUnits.STRING && type != LexicalUnits.FIRST_ATTRIBUTE_FRAGMENT) { throw fatalError("space", null); } case LexicalUnits.STRING: case LexicalUnits.FIRST_ATTRIBUTE_FRAGMENT: output.printCharacter(scanner.getStringDelimiter()); output.printCharacters(getCurrentValue()); loop: for (;;) { type = scanner.next(); switch (type) { case LexicalUnits.STRING: case LexicalUnits.ATTRIBUTE_FRAGMENT: case LexicalUnits.FIRST_ATTRIBUTE_FRAGMENT: case LexicalUnits.LAST_ATTRIBUTE_FRAGMENT: output.printCharacters(getCurrentValue()); break; case LexicalUnits.CHARACTER_REFERENCE: output.printString("&#"); output.printCharacters(getCurrentValue()); output.printCharacter(';'); break; case LexicalUnits.ENTITY_REFERENCE: output.printCharacter('&'); output.printCharacters(getCurrentValue()); output.printCharacter(';'); break; default: break loop; } } output.printCharacter(scanner.getStringDelimiter()); } space = null; } if (type != LexicalUnits.END_CHAR) { throw fatalError("end", null); } output.printAttlistEnd(space); type = scanner.next(); }
Prints an entity declaration.
/** * Prints an entity declaration. */
protected void printEntityDeclaration() throws TranscoderException, XMLException, IOException { writer.write("<!ENTITY"); type = scanner.next(); if (type != LexicalUnits.S) { throw fatalError("space", null); } writer.write(getCurrentValue()); type = scanner.next(); boolean pe = false; switch (type) { default: throw fatalError("xml", null); case LexicalUnits.NAME: writer.write(getCurrentValue()); type = scanner.next(); break; case LexicalUnits.PERCENT: pe = true; writer.write('%'); type = scanner.next(); if (type != LexicalUnits.S) { throw fatalError("space", null); } writer.write(getCurrentValue()); type = scanner.next(); if (type != LexicalUnits.NAME) { throw fatalError("name", null); } writer.write(getCurrentValue()); type = scanner.next(); } if (type != LexicalUnits.S) { throw fatalError("space", null); } writer.write(getCurrentValue()); type = scanner.next(); switch (type) { case LexicalUnits.STRING: case LexicalUnits.FIRST_ATTRIBUTE_FRAGMENT: char sd = scanner.getStringDelimiter(); writer.write(sd); loop: for (;;) { switch (type) { case LexicalUnits.STRING: case LexicalUnits.ATTRIBUTE_FRAGMENT: case LexicalUnits.FIRST_ATTRIBUTE_FRAGMENT: case LexicalUnits.LAST_ATTRIBUTE_FRAGMENT: writer.write(getCurrentValue()); break; case LexicalUnits.ENTITY_REFERENCE: writer.write('&'); writer.write(getCurrentValue()); writer.write(';'); break; case LexicalUnits.PARAMETER_ENTITY_REFERENCE: writer.write('&'); writer.write(getCurrentValue()); writer.write(';'); break; default: break loop; } type = scanner.next(); } writer.write(sd); if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { writer.write(getCurrentValue()); type = scanner.next(); } if (type != LexicalUnits.END_CHAR) { throw fatalError("end", null); } writer.write(">"); type = scanner.next(); return; case LexicalUnits.PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER: writer.write("PUBLIC"); type = scanner.next(); if (type != LexicalUnits.S) { throw fatalError("space", null); } type = scanner.next(); if (type != LexicalUnits.STRING) { throw fatalError("string", null); } writer.write(" \""); writer.write(getCurrentValue()); writer.write("\" \""); type = scanner.next(); if (type != LexicalUnits.S) { throw fatalError("space", null); } type = scanner.next(); if (type != LexicalUnits.STRING) { throw fatalError("string", null); } writer.write(getCurrentValue()); writer.write('"'); break; case LexicalUnits.SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER: writer.write("SYSTEM"); type = scanner.next(); if (type != LexicalUnits.S) { throw fatalError("space", null); } type = scanner.next(); if (type != LexicalUnits.STRING) { throw fatalError("string", null); } writer.write(" \""); writer.write(getCurrentValue()); writer.write('"'); } type = scanner.next(); if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { writer.write(getCurrentValue()); type = scanner.next(); if (!pe && type == LexicalUnits.NDATA_IDENTIFIER) { writer.write("NDATA"); type = scanner.next(); if (type != LexicalUnits.S) { throw fatalError("space", null); } writer.write(getCurrentValue()); type = scanner.next(); if (type != LexicalUnits.NAME) { throw fatalError("name", null); } writer.write(getCurrentValue()); type = scanner.next(); } if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { writer.write(getCurrentValue()); type = scanner.next(); } } if (type != LexicalUnits.END_CHAR) { throw fatalError("end", null); } writer.write('>'); type = scanner.next(); }
Prints an element declaration.
/** * Prints an element declaration. */
protected void printElementDeclaration() throws TranscoderException, XMLException, IOException { writer.write("<!ELEMENT"); type = scanner.next(); if (type != LexicalUnits.S) { throw fatalError("space", null); } writer.write(getCurrentValue()); type = scanner.next(); switch (type) { default: throw fatalError("name", null); case LexicalUnits.NAME: writer.write(getCurrentValue()); } type = scanner.next(); if (type != LexicalUnits.S) { throw fatalError("space", null); } writer.write(getCurrentValue()); switch (type = scanner.next()) { case LexicalUnits.EMPTY_IDENTIFIER: writer.write("EMPTY"); type = scanner.next(); break; case LexicalUnits.ANY_IDENTIFIER: writer.write("ANY"); type = scanner.next(); break; case LexicalUnits.LEFT_BRACE: writer.write('('); type = scanner.next(); if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { writer.write(getCurrentValue()); type = scanner.next(); } mixed: switch (type) { case LexicalUnits.PCDATA_IDENTIFIER: writer.write("#PCDATA"); type = scanner.next(); for (;;) { switch (type) { case LexicalUnits.S: writer.write(getCurrentValue()); type = scanner.next(); break; case LexicalUnits.PIPE: writer.write('|'); type = scanner.next(); if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { writer.write(getCurrentValue()); type = scanner.next(); } if (type != LexicalUnits.NAME) { throw fatalError("name", null); } writer.write(getCurrentValue()); type = scanner.next(); break; case LexicalUnits.RIGHT_BRACE: writer.write(')'); type = scanner.next(); break mixed; } } case LexicalUnits.NAME: case LexicalUnits.LEFT_BRACE: printChildren(); if (type != LexicalUnits.RIGHT_BRACE) { throw fatalError("right.brace", null); } writer.write(')'); type = scanner.next(); if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { writer.write(getCurrentValue()); type = scanner.next(); } switch (type) { case LexicalUnits.QUESTION: writer.write('?'); type = scanner.next(); break; case LexicalUnits.STAR: writer.write('*'); type = scanner.next(); break; case LexicalUnits.PLUS: writer.write('+'); type = scanner.next(); } } } if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { writer.write(getCurrentValue()); type = scanner.next(); } if (type != LexicalUnits.END_CHAR) { throw fatalError("end", null); } writer.write('>'); scanner.next(); }
Prints the children of an element declaration.
/** * Prints the children of an element declaration. */
protected void printChildren() throws TranscoderException, XMLException, IOException { int op = 0; loop: for (;;) { switch (type) { default: throw new RuntimeException("Invalid XML"); case LexicalUnits.NAME: writer.write(getCurrentValue()); type = scanner.next(); break; case LexicalUnits.LEFT_BRACE: writer.write('('); type = scanner.next(); if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { writer.write(getCurrentValue()); type = scanner.next(); } printChildren(); if (type != LexicalUnits.RIGHT_BRACE) { throw fatalError("right.brace", null); } writer.write(')'); type = scanner.next(); } if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { writer.write(getCurrentValue()); type = scanner.next(); } switch (type) { case LexicalUnits.RIGHT_BRACE: break loop; case LexicalUnits.STAR: writer.write('*'); type = scanner.next(); break; case LexicalUnits.QUESTION: writer.write('?'); type = scanner.next(); break; case LexicalUnits.PLUS: writer.write('+'); type = scanner.next(); break; } if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { writer.write(getCurrentValue()); type = scanner.next(); } switch (type) { case LexicalUnits.PIPE: if (op != 0 && op != type) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid XML"); } writer.write('|'); op = type; type = scanner.next(); break; case LexicalUnits.COMMA: if (op != 0 && op != type) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid XML"); } writer.write(','); op = type; type = scanner.next(); } if (type == LexicalUnits.S) { writer.write(getCurrentValue()); type = scanner.next(); } } }
Returns the current lexical unit value.
/** * Returns the current lexical unit value. */
protected char[] getCurrentValue() { int off = scanner.getStart() + scanner.getStartOffset(); int len = scanner.getEnd() + scanner.getEndOffset() - off; char[] result = new char[len]; char[] buffer = scanner.getBuffer(); System.arraycopy( buffer, off, result, 0, len ); return result; }
Creates a transcoder exception.
/** * Creates a transcoder exception. */
protected TranscoderException fatalError(String key, Object[] params) throws TranscoderException { TranscoderException result = new TranscoderException(key); errorHandler.fatalError(result); return result; } }