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package org.apache.batik.transcoder.svg2svg;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.batik.xml.XMLUtilities;

This class is responsible of the output of XML constructs.
Author:Stephane Hillion
Version:$Id: OutputManager.java 1804130 2017-08-04 14:41:11Z ssteiner $
/** * This class is responsible of the output of XML constructs. * * @author <a href="mailto:stephane@hillion.org">Stephane Hillion</a> * @version $Id: OutputManager.java 1804130 2017-08-04 14:41:11Z ssteiner $ */
public class OutputManager {
The pretty printer.
/** * The pretty printer. */
protected PrettyPrinter prettyPrinter;
The writer used to output the tokens.
/** * The writer used to output the tokens. */
protected Writer writer;
The indentation level.
/** * The indentation level. */
protected int level;
The margin.
/** * The margin. */
protected StringBuffer margin = new StringBuffer();
The current line.
/** * The current line. */
protected int line = 1;
The current column.
/** * The current column. */
protected int column;
The xml:space values.
/** * The xml:space values. */
protected List xmlSpace = new LinkedList(); { xmlSpace.add(Boolean.FALSE); }
Whether the next markup can be indented.
/** * Whether the next markup can be indented. */
protected boolean canIndent = true;
The elements starting lines.
/** * The elements starting lines. */
protected List startingLines = new LinkedList();
Whether the attribute layout must be done on a single line.
/** * Whether the attribute layout must be done on a single line. */
protected boolean lineAttributes = false;
Creates a new output manager.
  • pp – The PrettyPrinter used for formatting the output.
  • w – The Writer to write the output to.
/** * Creates a new output manager. * @param pp The PrettyPrinter used for formatting the output. * @param w The Writer to write the output to. */
public OutputManager(PrettyPrinter pp, Writer w) { prettyPrinter = pp; writer = w; }
Prints a single character.
/** * Prints a single character. */
public void printCharacter(char c) throws IOException { if (c == 10) { printNewline(); } else { column++; writer.write(c); } }
Prints a newline.
/** * Prints a newline. */
public void printNewline() throws IOException { String nl = prettyPrinter.getNewline(); for (int i = 0; i < nl.length(); i++) { writer.write(nl.charAt(i)); } column = 0; line++; }
Prints a string.
/** * Prints a string. */
public void printString(String s) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { printCharacter(s.charAt(i)); } }
Prints a char array.
/** * Prints a char array. */
public void printCharacters(char[] ca) throws IOException { for (char aCa : ca) { printCharacter(aCa); } }
Prints white spaces.
  • text – The space text.
  • opt – whether the space is optional.
/** * Prints white spaces. * @param text The space text. * @param opt whether the space is optional. */
public void printSpaces(char[] text, boolean opt) throws IOException { if (prettyPrinter.getFormat()) { if (!opt) { printCharacter(' '); } } else { printCharacters(text); } }
Prints top level white spaces.
  • text – The space text.
/** * Prints top level white spaces. * @param text The space text. */
public void printTopSpaces(char[] text) throws IOException { if (prettyPrinter.getFormat()) { int nl = newlines(text); for (int i = 0; i < nl; i++) { printNewline(); } } else { printCharacters(text); } }
Prints a comment.
  • text – The comment text.
/** * Prints a comment. * @param text The comment text. */
public void printComment(char[] text) throws IOException { if (prettyPrinter.getFormat()) { if (canIndent) { printNewline(); printString(margin.toString()); } printString("<!--"); if (column + text.length + 3 < prettyPrinter.getDocumentWidth()) { printCharacters(text); } else { formatText(text, margin.toString(), false); printCharacter(' '); } if (column + 3 > prettyPrinter.getDocumentWidth()) { printNewline(); printString(margin.toString()); } printString("-->"); } else { printString("<!--"); printCharacters(text); printString("-->"); } }
Prints an XML declaration.
/** * Prints an XML declaration. */
public void printXMLDecl(char[] space1, char[] space2, char[] space3, char[] version, char versionDelim, char[] space4, char[] space5, char[] space6, char[] encoding, char encodingDelim, char[] space7, char[] space8, char[] space9, char[] standalone, char standaloneDelim, char[] space10) throws IOException { printString("<?xml"); printSpaces(space1, false); printString("version"); if (space2 != null) { printSpaces(space2, true); } printCharacter('='); if (space3 != null) { printSpaces(space3, true); } printCharacter(versionDelim); printCharacters(version); printCharacter(versionDelim); if (space4 != null) { printSpaces(space4, false); if (encoding != null) { printString("encoding"); if (space5 != null) { printSpaces(space5, true); } printCharacter('='); if (space6 != null) { printSpaces(space6, true); } printCharacter(encodingDelim); printCharacters(encoding); printCharacter(encodingDelim); if (space7 != null) { printSpaces(space7, standalone == null); } } if (standalone != null) { printString("standalone"); if (space8 != null) { printSpaces(space8, true); } printCharacter('='); if (space9 != null) { printSpaces(space9, true); } printCharacter(standaloneDelim); printCharacters(standalone); printCharacter(standaloneDelim); if (space10 != null) { printSpaces(space10, true); } } } printString("?>"); }
Prints a processing instruction.
/** * Prints a processing instruction. */
public void printPI(char[] target, char[] space, char[] data) throws IOException { if (prettyPrinter.getFormat()) { if (canIndent) { printNewline(); printString(margin.toString()); } } printString("<?"); printCharacters(target); printSpaces(space, false); printCharacters(data); printString("?>"); }
Prints the portion of the doctype before '['.
/** * Prints the portion of the doctype before '['. */
public void printDoctypeStart(char[] space1, char[] root, char[] space2, String externalId, char[] space3, char[] string1, char string1Delim, char[] space4, char[] string2, char string2Delim, char[] space5) throws IOException { if (prettyPrinter.getFormat()) { printString("<!DOCTYPE"); printCharacter(' '); printCharacters(root); if (space2 != null) { printCharacter(' '); printString(externalId); printCharacter(' '); printCharacter(string1Delim); printCharacters(string1); printCharacter(string1Delim); if (space4 != null) { if (string2 != null) { if (column + string2.length + 3 > prettyPrinter.getDocumentWidth()) { printNewline(); for (int i = 0; i < prettyPrinter.getTabulationWidth(); i++) { printCharacter(' '); } } else { printCharacter(' '); } printCharacter(string2Delim); printCharacters(string2); printCharacter(string2Delim); printCharacter(' '); } } } } else { printString("<!DOCTYPE"); printSpaces(space1, false); printCharacters(root); if (space2 != null) { printSpaces(space2, false); printString(externalId); printSpaces(space3, false); printCharacter(string1Delim); printCharacters(string1); printCharacter(string1Delim); if (space4 != null) { printSpaces(space4, string2 == null); if (string2 != null) { printCharacter(string2Delim); printCharacters(string2); printCharacter(string2Delim); if (space5 != null) { printSpaces(space5, true); } } } } } }
Prints the portion of the doctype after ']'.
/** * Prints the portion of the doctype after ']'. */
public void printDoctypeEnd(char[] space) throws IOException { if (space != null) { printSpaces(space, true); } printCharacter('>'); }
Prints a parameter entity reference.
/** * Prints a parameter entity reference. */
public void printParameterEntityReference(char[] name) throws IOException { printCharacter('%'); printCharacters(name); printCharacter(';'); }
Prints an entity reference.
/** * Prints an entity reference. */
public void printEntityReference(char[] name, boolean first) throws IOException { if ((prettyPrinter.getFormat()) && (xmlSpace.get(0) != Boolean.TRUE) && first) { printNewline(); printString(margin.toString()); } printCharacter('&'); printCharacters(name); printCharacter(';'); }
Prints a character entity reference.
/** * Prints a character entity reference. */
public void printCharacterEntityReference (char[] code, boolean first, boolean preceedingSpace) throws IOException { if ((prettyPrinter.getFormat()) && (xmlSpace.get(0) != Boolean.TRUE)) { if (first) { printNewline(); printString(margin.toString()); } else if (preceedingSpace) { int endCol = column + code.length + 3; if (endCol > prettyPrinter.getDocumentWidth()){ printNewline(); printString(margin.toString()); } else { printCharacter(' '); } } } printString("&#"); printCharacters(code); printCharacter(';'); }
Prints the start of an element.
/** * Prints the start of an element. */
public void printElementStart(char[] name, List attributes, char[] space) throws IOException { xmlSpace.add(0, xmlSpace.get(0)); startingLines.add(0, line); if (prettyPrinter.getFormat()) { if (canIndent) { printNewline(); printString(margin.toString()); } } printCharacter('<'); printCharacters(name); if (prettyPrinter.getFormat()) { Iterator it = attributes.iterator(); if (it.hasNext()) { AttributeInfo ai = (AttributeInfo)it.next(); if (ai.isAttribute("xml:space")) { xmlSpace.set(0, (ai.value.equals("preserve") ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE)); } printCharacter(' '); printCharacters(ai.name); printCharacter('='); printCharacter(ai.delimiter); printString(ai.value); printCharacter(ai.delimiter); } while (it.hasNext()) { AttributeInfo ai = (AttributeInfo)it.next(); if (ai.isAttribute("xml:space")) { xmlSpace.set(0, (ai.value.equals("preserve") ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE)); } int len = ai.name.length + ai.value.length() + 4; if (lineAttributes || len + column > prettyPrinter.getDocumentWidth()) { printNewline(); printString(margin.toString()); for (int i = 0; i < name.length + 2; i++) { printCharacter(' '); } } else { printCharacter(' '); } printCharacters(ai.name); printCharacter('='); printCharacter(ai.delimiter); printString(ai.value); printCharacter(ai.delimiter); } } else { for (Object attribute : attributes) { AttributeInfo ai = (AttributeInfo) attribute; if (ai.isAttribute("xml:space")) { xmlSpace.set(0, (ai.value.equals("preserve") ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE)); } printSpaces(ai.space, false); printCharacters(ai.name); if (ai.space1 != null) { printSpaces(ai.space1, true); } printCharacter('='); if (ai.space2 != null) { printSpaces(ai.space2, true); } printCharacter(ai.delimiter); printString(ai.value); printCharacter(ai.delimiter); } } if (space != null) { printSpaces(space, true); } level++; for (int i = 0; i < prettyPrinter.getTabulationWidth(); i++) { margin.append(' '); } canIndent = true; }
Prints the end of an element.
/** * Prints the end of an element. */
public void printElementEnd(char[] name, char[] space) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < prettyPrinter.getTabulationWidth(); i++) { margin.deleteCharAt(0); } level--; if (name != null) { if (prettyPrinter.getFormat()) { if (xmlSpace.get(0) != Boolean.TRUE && (line != (Integer) startingLines.get(0) || column + name.length + 3 >= prettyPrinter.getDocumentWidth())) { printNewline(); printString(margin.toString()); } } printString("</"); printCharacters(name); if (space != null) { printSpaces(space, true); } printCharacter('>'); } else { printString("/>"); } startingLines.remove(0); xmlSpace.remove(0); }
Prints the character data of an element content.
/** * Prints the character data of an element content. */
public boolean printCharacterData(char[] data, boolean first, boolean preceedingSpace) throws IOException { if (!prettyPrinter.getFormat()) { printCharacters(data); return false; } canIndent = true; if (isWhiteSpace(data)) { int nl = newlines(data); for (int i = 0; i < nl - 1; i++) { printNewline(); } return true; } if (xmlSpace.get(0) == Boolean.TRUE) { printCharacters(data); canIndent = false; return false; } if (first) { printNewline(); printString(margin.toString()); } return formatText(data, margin.toString(), preceedingSpace); }
Prints a CDATA section.
/** * Prints a CDATA section. */
public void printCDATASection(char[] data) throws IOException { printString("<![CDATA["); printCharacters(data); printString("]]>"); }
Prints a notation declaration.
/** * Prints a notation declaration. */
public void printNotation(char[] space1, char[] name, char[] space2, String externalId, char[] space3, char[] string1, char string1Delim, char[] space4, char[] string2, char string2Delim, char[] space5) throws IOException { writer.write("<!NOTATION"); printSpaces(space1, false); writer.write(name); printSpaces(space2, false); writer.write(externalId); printSpaces(space3, false); writer.write(string1Delim); writer.write(string1); writer.write(string1Delim); if (space4 != null) { printSpaces(space4, false); if (string2 != null) { writer.write(string2Delim); writer.write(string2); writer.write(string2Delim); } } if (space5 != null) { printSpaces(space5, true); } writer.write('>'); }
Prints an attribute list declaration start.
/** * Prints an attribute list declaration start. */
public void printAttlistStart(char[] space, char[] name) throws IOException { writer.write("<!ATTLIST"); printSpaces(space, false); writer.write(name); }
Prints an attribute list declaration end.
/** * Prints an attribute list declaration end. */
public void printAttlistEnd(char[] space) throws IOException { if (space != null) { printSpaces(space, false); } writer.write('>'); }
Prints an attribute declaration start.
/** * Prints an attribute declaration start. */
public void printAttName(char[] space1, char[] name, char[] space2) throws IOException { printSpaces(space1, false); writer.write(name); printSpaces(space2, false); }
Prints an enumeration.
/** * Prints an enumeration. */
public void printEnumeration(List names) throws IOException { writer.write('('); Iterator it = names.iterator(); NameInfo ni = (NameInfo)it.next(); if (ni.space1 != null) { printSpaces(ni.space1, true); } writer.write(ni.name); if (ni.space2 != null) { printSpaces(ni.space2, true); } while (it.hasNext()) { writer.write('|'); ni = (NameInfo)it.next(); if (ni.space1 != null) { printSpaces(ni.space1, true); } writer.write(ni.name); if (ni.space2 != null) { printSpaces(ni.space2, true); } } writer.write(')'); }
Returns the number of newlines in the given char array.
/** * Returns the number of newlines in the given char array. */
protected int newlines(char[] text) { int result = 0; for (char aText : text) { if (aText == 10) { result++; } } return result; }
Tells whether the given character represents white spaces.
/** * Tells whether the given character represents white spaces. */
protected boolean isWhiteSpace(char[] text) { for (char aText : text) { if (!XMLUtilities.isXMLSpace(aText)) { return false; } } return true; }
Formats the given text.
/** * Formats the given text. */
protected boolean formatText(char[] text, String margin, boolean preceedingSpace) throws IOException { int i = 0; boolean startsWithSpace = preceedingSpace; loop: while (i < text.length) { for (;;) { if (i >= text.length) { break loop; } if (!XMLUtilities.isXMLSpace(text[i])) { break; } startsWithSpace = true; i++; } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (;;) { if (i >= text.length || XMLUtilities.isXMLSpace(text[i])) { break; } sb.append(text[i++]); } if (sb.length() == 0) { return startsWithSpace; } if (startsWithSpace) { // Consider reformatting ws so things look nicer. int endCol = column + sb.length(); if ((endCol >= prettyPrinter.getDocumentWidth() - 1) && ((margin.length() + sb.length() < prettyPrinter.getDocumentWidth() - 1) || (margin.length() < column))) { printNewline(); printString(margin); } else if (column > margin.length()) { // Don't print space at start of new line. printCharacter(' '); } } printString(sb.toString()); startsWithSpace = false; } return startsWithSpace; }
To store the informations about a name.
/** * To store the informations about a name. */
public static class NameInfo {
The space before the name.
/** * The space before the name. */
public char[] space1;
The name.
/** * The name. */
public char[] name;
The space after the name
/** * The space after the name */
public char[] space2;
Creates a new NameInfo.
/** * Creates a new NameInfo. */
public NameInfo(char[] sp1, char[] nm, char[] sp2) { space1 = sp1; name = nm; space2 = sp2; } }
To store the informations about an attribute.
/** * To store the informations about an attribute. */
public static class AttributeInfo {
The space before the name.
/** * The space before the name. */
public char[] space;
The attribute name.
/** * The attribute name. */
public char[] name;
The space before '='.
/** * The space before '='. */
public char[] space1;
The space after '='.
/** * The space after '='. */
public char[] space2;
The attribute value.
/** * The attribute value. */
public String value;
The attribute value delimiter.
/** * The attribute value delimiter. */
public char delimiter;
Whether the attribute value contains entity references.
/** * Whether the attribute value contains entity references. */
public boolean entityReferences;
Creates a new AttributeInfo.
/** * Creates a new AttributeInfo. */
public AttributeInfo(char[] sp, char[] n, char[] sp1, char[] sp2, String val, char delim, boolean entity) { space = sp; name = n; space1 = sp1; space2 = sp2; value = val; delimiter = delim; entityReferences = entity; }
Tells whether the name of the attribute represented by this class equals the given string.
/** * Tells whether the name of the attribute represented by this class * equals the given string. */
public boolean isAttribute(String s) { if (name.length == s.length()) { for (int i = 0; i < name.length; i++) { if (name[i] != s.charAt(i)) { return false; } } return true; } return false; } } }