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package org.apache.batik.bridge;

import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
import java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent;
import org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMMouseEvent;
import org.apache.batik.dom.events.NodeEventTarget;
import org.apache.batik.dom.util.DOMUtilities;
import org.apache.batik.gvt.GraphicsNode;
import org.apache.batik.gvt.event.EventDispatcher;
import org.apache.batik.gvt.event.GraphicsNodeKeyEvent;
import org.apache.batik.gvt.event.GraphicsNodeKeyListener;
import org.apache.batik.gvt.event.GraphicsNodeMouseEvent;
import org.apache.batik.gvt.event.GraphicsNodeMouseListener;
import org.apache.batik.gvt.text.GVTAttributedCharacterIterator;
import org.apache.batik.util.SVGConstants;
import org.apache.batik.constants.XMLConstants;

import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.events.DocumentEvent;
import org.w3c.dom.events.Event;
import org.w3c.dom.events.EventListener;
import org.w3c.dom.events.EventTarget;

This class is responsible of tracking GraphicsNodeMouseEvent and fowarding them to the DOM as regular DOM MouseEvent.
Author:Thierry Kormann
Version:$Id: BridgeEventSupport.java 1851346 2019-01-15 13:41:00Z ssteiner $
/** * This class is responsible of tracking GraphicsNodeMouseEvent and * fowarding them to the DOM as regular DOM MouseEvent. * * @author <a href="mailto:tkormann@ilog.fr">Thierry Kormann</a> * @version $Id: BridgeEventSupport.java 1851346 2019-01-15 13:41:00Z ssteiner $ */
public abstract class BridgeEventSupport implements SVGConstants { public static final AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute TEXT_COMPOUND_ID = GVTAttributedCharacterIterator.TextAttribute.TEXT_COMPOUND_ID; protected BridgeEventSupport() {}
Is called only for the root element in order to dispatch GVT events to the DOM.
/** * Is called only for the root element in order to dispatch GVT * events to the DOM. */
public static void addGVTListener(BridgeContext ctx, Document doc) { UserAgent ua = ctx.getUserAgent(); if (ua != null) { EventDispatcher dispatcher = ua.getEventDispatcher(); if (dispatcher != null) { final Listener listener = new Listener(ctx, ua); dispatcher.addGraphicsNodeMouseListener(listener); dispatcher.addGraphicsNodeKeyListener(listener); // add an unload listener on the SVGDocument to remove // that listener for dispatching events EventListener l = new GVTUnloadListener(dispatcher, listener); NodeEventTarget target = (NodeEventTarget)doc; target.addEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "SVGUnload", l, false, null); storeEventListenerNS (ctx, target, XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "SVGUnload", l, false); } } }
Calls storeEventListener on the given BridgeContext.
/** * Calls storeEventListener on the given BridgeContext. */
protected static void storeEventListener(BridgeContext ctx, EventTarget e, String t, EventListener l, boolean c) { ctx.storeEventListener(e, t, l, c); }
Calls storeEventListenerNS on the given BridgeContext.
/** * Calls storeEventListenerNS on the given BridgeContext. */
protected static void storeEventListenerNS(BridgeContext ctx, EventTarget e, String n, String t, EventListener l, boolean c) { ctx.storeEventListenerNS(e, n, t, l, c); } protected static class GVTUnloadListener implements EventListener { protected EventDispatcher dispatcher; protected Listener listener; public GVTUnloadListener(EventDispatcher dispatcher, Listener listener) { this.dispatcher = dispatcher; this.listener = listener; } public void handleEvent(Event evt) { dispatcher.removeGraphicsNodeMouseListener(listener); dispatcher.removeGraphicsNodeKeyListener(listener); NodeEventTarget et = (NodeEventTarget) evt.getTarget(); et.removeEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "SVGUnload", this, false); } }
A GraphicsNodeMouseListener that dispatch DOM events accordingly.
/** * A GraphicsNodeMouseListener that dispatch DOM events accordingly. */
protected static class Listener implements GraphicsNodeMouseListener, GraphicsNodeKeyListener { protected BridgeContext context; protected UserAgent ua; protected Element lastTargetElement; protected boolean isDown; public Listener(BridgeContext ctx, UserAgent u) { context = ctx; ua = u; } // Key -------------------------------------------------------------
Invoked when a key has been pressed.
  • evt – the graphics node key event
/** * Invoked when a key has been pressed. * @param evt the graphics node key event */
public void keyPressed(GraphicsNodeKeyEvent evt) { // XXX isDown is not preventing key repeats if (!isDown) { isDown = true; dispatchKeyEvent("keydown", evt); } if (evt.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.CHAR_UNDEFINED) { // We will not get a KEY_TYPED event for this char // so generate a keypress event here. dispatchKeyEvent("keypress", evt); } }
Invoked when a key has been released.
  • evt – the graphics node key event
/** * Invoked when a key has been released. * @param evt the graphics node key event */
public void keyReleased(GraphicsNodeKeyEvent evt) { dispatchKeyEvent("keyup", evt); isDown = false; }
Invoked when a key has been typed.
  • evt – the graphics node key event
/** * Invoked when a key has been typed. * @param evt the graphics node key event */
public void keyTyped(GraphicsNodeKeyEvent evt) { dispatchKeyEvent("keypress", evt); }
Dispatch a DOM 2 Draft Key event.
/** * Dispatch a DOM 2 Draft Key event. */
protected void dispatchKeyEvent(String eventType, GraphicsNodeKeyEvent evt) { FocusManager fmgr = context.getFocusManager(); if (fmgr == null) return; Element targetElement = (Element)fmgr.getCurrentEventTarget(); if (targetElement == null) { targetElement = context.getDocument().getDocumentElement(); } DocumentEvent d = (DocumentEvent)targetElement.getOwnerDocument(); DOMKeyEvent keyEvt = (DOMKeyEvent)d.createEvent("KeyEvents"); keyEvt.initKeyEvent(eventType, true, true, evt.isControlDown(), evt.isAltDown(), evt.isShiftDown(), evt.isMetaDown(), mapKeyCode(evt.getKeyCode()), evt.getKeyChar(), null); try { ((EventTarget)targetElement).dispatchEvent(keyEvt); } catch (RuntimeException e) { ua.displayError(e); } }
The java KeyEvent keyCodes and the DOMKeyEvent keyCodes map except for the VK_ENTER code (which has a different value in DOM and the VK_KANA_LOCK and VK_INPUT_METHOD_ON_OFF which have no DOM equivalent.
/** * The java KeyEvent keyCodes and the DOMKeyEvent keyCodes * map except for the VK_ENTER code (which has a different value * in DOM and the VK_KANA_LOCK and VK_INPUT_METHOD_ON_OFF which * have no DOM equivalent. */
protected final int mapKeyCode(int keyCode) { switch (keyCode) { case KeyEvent.VK_ENTER: return DOMKeyEvent.DOM_VK_ENTER; case KeyEvent.VK_KANA_LOCK: return DOMKeyEvent.DOM_VK_UNDEFINED; case KeyEvent.VK_INPUT_METHOD_ON_OFF: return DOMKeyEvent.DOM_VK_UNDEFINED; default: return keyCode; } } // Mouse ----------------------------------------------------------- public void mouseClicked(GraphicsNodeMouseEvent evt) { dispatchMouseEvent("click", evt, true); } public void mousePressed(GraphicsNodeMouseEvent evt) { dispatchMouseEvent("mousedown", evt, true); } public void mouseReleased(GraphicsNodeMouseEvent evt) { dispatchMouseEvent("mouseup", evt, true); } public void mouseEntered(GraphicsNodeMouseEvent evt) { Point clientXY = evt.getClientPoint(); GraphicsNode node = evt.getGraphicsNode(); Element targetElement = getEventTarget(node, evt.getPoint2D()); Element relatedElement = getRelatedElement(evt); dispatchMouseEvent("mouseover", targetElement, relatedElement, clientXY, evt, true); } public void mouseExited(GraphicsNodeMouseEvent evt) { Point clientXY = evt.getClientPoint(); // Get the 'new' node for the DOM event. GraphicsNode node = evt.getRelatedNode(); Element targetElement = getEventTarget(node, evt.getPoint2D()); if (lastTargetElement != null) { dispatchMouseEvent("mouseout", lastTargetElement, // target targetElement, // relatedTarget clientXY, evt, true); lastTargetElement = null; } } public void mouseDragged(GraphicsNodeMouseEvent evt) { dispatchMouseEvent("mousemove", evt, false); } public void mouseMoved(GraphicsNodeMouseEvent evt) { Point clientXY = evt.getClientPoint(); GraphicsNode node = evt.getGraphicsNode(); Element targetElement = getEventTarget(node, evt.getPoint2D()); Element holdLTE = lastTargetElement; if (holdLTE != targetElement) { if (holdLTE != null) { dispatchMouseEvent("mouseout", holdLTE, // target targetElement, // relatedTarget clientXY, evt, true); } if (targetElement != null) { dispatchMouseEvent("mouseover", targetElement, // target holdLTE, // relatedTarget clientXY, evt, true); } } dispatchMouseEvent("mousemove", targetElement, // target null, // relatedTarget clientXY, evt, false); }
Dispatches a DOM MouseEvent according to the specified parameters.
  • eventType – the event type
  • evt – the GVT GraphicsNodeMouseEvent
  • cancelable – true means the event is cancelable
/** * Dispatches a DOM MouseEvent according to the specified * parameters. * * @param eventType the event type * @param evt the GVT GraphicsNodeMouseEvent * @param cancelable true means the event is cancelable */
protected void dispatchMouseEvent(String eventType, GraphicsNodeMouseEvent evt, boolean cancelable) { Point clientXY = evt.getClientPoint(); GraphicsNode node = evt.getGraphicsNode(); Element targetElement = getEventTarget(node, evt.getPoint2D()); Element relatedElement = getRelatedElement(evt); dispatchMouseEvent(eventType, targetElement, relatedElement, clientXY, evt, cancelable); }
Dispatches a DOM MouseEvent according to the specified parameters.
  • eventType – the event type
  • targetElement – the target of the event
  • relatedElement – the related target if any
  • clientXY – the mouse coordinates in the client space
  • evt – the GVT GraphicsNodeMouseEvent
  • cancelable – true means the event is cancelable
/** * Dispatches a DOM MouseEvent according to the specified * parameters. * * @param eventType the event type * @param targetElement the target of the event * @param relatedElement the related target if any * @param clientXY the mouse coordinates in the client space * @param evt the GVT GraphicsNodeMouseEvent * @param cancelable true means the event is cancelable */
protected void dispatchMouseEvent(String eventType, Element targetElement, Element relatedElement, Point clientXY, GraphicsNodeMouseEvent evt, boolean cancelable) { if (targetElement == null) { return; } /* if (relatedElement != null) { System.out.println ("dispatching "+eventType+ " target:"+targetElement.getLocalName()+ " relatedElement:"+relatedElement.getLocalName()); } else { System.out.println ("dispatching "+eventType+ " target:"+targetElement.getLocalName()); } */ Point screenXY = evt.getScreenPoint(); // create the coresponding DOM MouseEvent DocumentEvent d = (DocumentEvent)targetElement.getOwnerDocument(); DOMMouseEvent mouseEvt = (DOMMouseEvent)d.createEvent("MouseEvents"); String modifiers = DOMUtilities.getModifiersList(evt.getLockState(), evt.getModifiers()); mouseEvt.initMouseEventNS(XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, eventType, true, cancelable, null, evt.getClickCount(), screenXY.x, screenXY.y, clientXY.x, clientXY.y, (short) (evt.getButton() - 1), (EventTarget)relatedElement, modifiers); try { ((EventTarget)targetElement).dispatchEvent(mouseEvt); } catch (RuntimeException e) { ua.displayError(e); } finally { lastTargetElement = targetElement; } }
Returns the related element according to the specified event.
  • evt – the GVT GraphicsNodeMouseEvent
/** * Returns the related element according to the specified event. * * @param evt the GVT GraphicsNodeMouseEvent */
protected Element getRelatedElement(GraphicsNodeMouseEvent evt) { GraphicsNode relatedNode = evt.getRelatedNode(); Element relatedElement = null; if (relatedNode != null) { relatedElement = context.getElement(relatedNode); } return relatedElement; }
Returns the element that is the target of the specified event or null if any.
  • node – the graphics node that received the event
  • pt – the mouse coordinates in the GVT tree space
/** * Returns the element that is the target of the specified * event or null if any. * * @param node the graphics node that received the event * @param pt the mouse coordinates in the GVT tree space */
protected Element getEventTarget(GraphicsNode node, Point2D pt) { Element target = context.getElement(node); // Lookup inside the text element children to see if the target // is a tspan or textPath if (target != null && node instanceof TextNode) { TextNode textNode = (TextNode)node; List list = textNode.getTextRuns(); if (list != null){ float x = (float)pt.getX(); float y = (float)pt.getY(); for (Object aList : list) { StrokingTextPainter.TextRun run = (StrokingTextPainter.TextRun) aList; AttributedCharacterIterator aci = run.getACI(); TextSpanLayout layout = run.getLayout(); TextHit textHit = layout.hitTestChar(x, y); Rectangle2D bounds = layout.getBounds2D(); if ((textHit != null) && (bounds != null) && bounds.contains(x, y)) { SoftReference sr; sr = (SoftReference) aci.getAttribute (TEXT_COMPOUND_ID); Object delimiter = sr.get(); if (delimiter instanceof Element) { return (Element) delimiter; } } } } } return target; } } }