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package org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.renderable;

import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.awt.image.RenderedImage;
import java.awt.image.renderable.RenderContext;

import org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.GraphicsUtil;
import org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.Light;
import org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.PadMode;
import org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.rendered.AffineRed;
import org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.rendered.BumpMap;
import org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.rendered.CachableRed;
import org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.rendered.DiffuseLightingRed;
import org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.rendered.PadRed;

Implementation of the DiffuseLightRable interface.
Author:Vincent Hardy
Version:$Id: DiffuseLightingRable8Bit.java 1733416 2016-03-03 07:07:13Z gadams $
/** * Implementation of the DiffuseLightRable interface. * * @author <a href="mailto:vincent.hardy@eng.sun.com">Vincent Hardy</a> * @version $Id: DiffuseLightingRable8Bit.java 1733416 2016-03-03 07:07:13Z gadams $ */
public class DiffuseLightingRable8Bit extends AbstractColorInterpolationRable implements DiffuseLightingRable {
Surface Scale
/** * Surface Scale */
private double surfaceScale;
Diffuse constant
/** * Diffuse constant */
private double kd;
Light used for the diffuse lighting computations
/** * Light used for the diffuse lighting computations */
private Light light;
Lit Area
/** * Lit Area */
private Rectangle2D litRegion;
The dx/dy to use in user space for the sobel gradient.
/** * The dx/dy to use in user space for the sobel gradient. */
private float [] kernelUnitLength = null; public DiffuseLightingRable8Bit(Filter src, Rectangle2D litRegion, Light light, double kd, double surfaceScale, double [] kernelUnitLength) { super(src, null); setLight(light); setKd(kd); setSurfaceScale(surfaceScale); setLitRegion(litRegion); setKernelUnitLength(kernelUnitLength); }
Returns the source to be filtered
/** * Returns the source to be filtered */
public Filter getSource(){ return (Filter)getSources().get(0); }
Sets the source to be filtered
/** * Sets the source to be filtered */
public void setSource(Filter src){ init(src, null); }
Returns this filter's bounds
/** * Returns this filter's bounds */
public Rectangle2D getBounds2D(){ return (Rectangle2D)(litRegion.clone()); }
Returns this filter's litRegion
/** * Returns this filter's litRegion */
public Rectangle2D getLitRegion(){ return getBounds2D(); }
Set this filter's litRegion
/** * Set this filter's litRegion */
public void setLitRegion(Rectangle2D litRegion){ touch(); this.litRegion = litRegion; }
Returns:Light object used for the diffuse lighting
/** * @return Light object used for the diffuse lighting */
public Light getLight(){ return light; }
  • light – New Light object
/** * @param light New Light object */
public void setLight(Light light){ touch(); this.light = light; }
/** * @return surfaceScale */
public double getSurfaceScale(){ return surfaceScale; }
Sets the surface scale
/** * Sets the surface scale */
public void setSurfaceScale(double surfaceScale){ touch(); this.surfaceScale = surfaceScale; }
Returns:diffuse constant, or kd.
/** * @return diffuse constant, or kd. */
public double getKd(){ return kd; }
Sets the diffuse constant, or kd
/** * Sets the diffuse constant, or kd */
public void setKd(double kd){ touch(); this.kd = kd; }
Returns the min [dx,dy] distance in user space for evalutation of the sobel gradient.
/** * Returns the min [dx,dy] distance in user space for evalutation of * the sobel gradient. */
public double [] getKernelUnitLength() { if (kernelUnitLength == null) return null; double [] ret = new double[2]; ret[0] = kernelUnitLength[0]; ret[1] = kernelUnitLength[1]; return ret; }
Sets the min [dx,dy] distance in user space for evaluation of the sobel gradient. If set to zero or null then device space will be used.
/** * Sets the min [dx,dy] distance in user space for evaluation of the * sobel gradient. If set to zero or null then device space will be used. */
public void setKernelUnitLength(double [] kernelUnitLength) { touch(); if (kernelUnitLength == null) { this.kernelUnitLength = null; return; } if (this.kernelUnitLength == null) this.kernelUnitLength = new float[2]; this.kernelUnitLength[0] = (float)kernelUnitLength[0]; this.kernelUnitLength[1] = (float)kernelUnitLength[1]; } public RenderedImage createRendering(RenderContext rc) { Shape aoi = rc.getAreaOfInterest(); if (aoi == null) aoi = getBounds2D(); Rectangle2D aoiR = aoi.getBounds2D(); Rectangle2D.intersect(aoiR, getBounds2D(), aoiR); AffineTransform at = rc.getTransform(); Rectangle devRect = at.createTransformedShape(aoiR).getBounds(); if(devRect.width == 0 || devRect.height == 0){ return null; } // // DiffuseLightingRed only operates on a scaled space. // The following extracts the scale portion of the // user to device transform // // The source is rendered with the scale-only transform // and the rendered result is used as a bumpMap for the // DiffuseLightingRed filter. // double sx = at.getScaleX(); double sy = at.getScaleY(); double shx = at.getShearX(); double shy = at.getShearY(); double tx = at.getTranslateX(); double ty = at.getTranslateY(); // The Scale is the "hypotonose" of the matrix vectors. double scaleX = Math.sqrt(sx*sx + shy*shy); double scaleY = Math.sqrt(sy*sy + shx*shx); if(scaleX == 0 || scaleY == 0){ // Non invertible transform return null; } // These values represent the scale factor to the intermediate // coordinate system where we will apply our convolution. if (kernelUnitLength != null) { if ((kernelUnitLength[0] > 0) && (scaleX > 1/kernelUnitLength[0])) scaleX = 1/kernelUnitLength[0]; if ((kernelUnitLength[1] > 0) && (scaleY > 1/kernelUnitLength[1])) scaleY = 1/kernelUnitLength[1]; } AffineTransform scale = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(scaleX, scaleY); devRect = scale.createTransformedShape(aoiR).getBounds(); // Grow for surround needs of bump map. aoiR.setRect(aoiR.getX() -(2/scaleX), aoiR.getY() -(2/scaleY), aoiR.getWidth() +(4/scaleX), aoiR.getHeight()+(4/scaleY)); // Build texture from the source rc = (RenderContext)rc.clone(); rc.setAreaOfInterest(aoiR); rc.setTransform(scale); // System.out.println("scaleX / scaleY : " + scaleX + "/" + scaleY); CachableRed cr; cr = GraphicsUtil.wrap(getSource().createRendering(rc)); BumpMap bumpMap = new BumpMap(cr, surfaceScale, scaleX, scaleY); cr = new DiffuseLightingRed(kd, light, bumpMap, devRect, 1/scaleX, 1/scaleY, isColorSpaceLinear()); // Return sheared/rotated tiled image AffineTransform shearAt = new AffineTransform(sx/scaleX, shy/scaleX, shx/scaleY, sy/scaleY, tx, ty); if(!shearAt.isIdentity()) { RenderingHints rh = rc.getRenderingHints(); Rectangle padRect = new Rectangle(devRect.x-1, devRect.y-1, devRect.width+2, devRect.height+2); cr = new PadRed(cr, padRect, PadMode.REPLICATE, rh); cr = new AffineRed(cr, shearAt, rh); } return cr; } }