 *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 *  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 *  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 *  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 *  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.
package org.apache.coyote;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.StringReader;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

import javax.servlet.WriteListener;

import org.apache.juli.logging.Log;
import org.apache.juli.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.B2CConverter;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.MessageBytes;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.http.MimeHeaders;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.http.parser.MediaType;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.res.StringManager;

Response object.
Author:James Duncan Davidson [duncan@eng.sun.com], Jason Hunter [jch@eng.sun.com], James Todd [gonzo@eng.sun.com], Harish Prabandham, Hans Bergsten [hans@gefionsoftware.com], Remy Maucherat
/** * Response object. * * @author James Duncan Davidson [duncan@eng.sun.com] * @author Jason Hunter [jch@eng.sun.com] * @author James Todd [gonzo@eng.sun.com] * @author Harish Prabandham * @author Hans Bergsten [hans@gefionsoftware.com] * @author Remy Maucherat */
public final class Response { private static final StringManager sm = StringManager.getManager(Response.class); private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Response.class); // ----------------------------------------------------- Class Variables
Default locale as mandated by the spec.
/** * Default locale as mandated by the spec. */
private static final Locale DEFAULT_LOCALE = Locale.getDefault(); // ----------------------------------------------------- Instance Variables
Status code.
/** * Status code. */
int status = 200;
Status message.
/** * Status message. */
String message = null;
Response headers.
/** * Response headers. */
final MimeHeaders headers = new MimeHeaders(); private Supplier<Map<String,String>> trailerFieldsSupplier = null;
Associated output buffer.
/** * Associated output buffer. */
OutputBuffer outputBuffer;
/** * Notes. */
final Object notes[] = new Object[Constants.MAX_NOTES];
Committed flag.
/** * Committed flag. */
volatile boolean committed = false;
Action hook.
/** * Action hook. */
volatile ActionHook hook;
HTTP specific fields.
/** * HTTP specific fields. */
String contentType = null; String contentLanguage = null; Charset charset = null; // Retain the original name used to set the charset so exactly that name is // used in the ContentType header. Some (arguably non-specification // compliant) user agents are very particular String characterEncoding = null; long contentLength = -1; private Locale locale = DEFAULT_LOCALE; // General informations private long contentWritten = 0; private long commitTime = -1;
Holds request error exception.
/** * Holds request error exception. */
Exception errorException = null;
With the introduction of async processing and the possibility of non-container threads calling sendError() tracking the current error state and ensuring that the correct error page is called becomes more complicated. This state attribute helps by tracking the current error state and informing callers that attempt to change state if the change was successful or if another thread got there first.
The state machine is very simple:
0 - NONE
  -->---->-- >NONE
  |   |        |
  |   |        | setError()
  ^   ^        |
  |   |       \|/
  |   |-<-NOT_REPORTED
  |            |
  ^            | report()
  |            |
  |           \|/
/** * With the introduction of async processing and the possibility of * non-container threads calling sendError() tracking the current error * state and ensuring that the correct error page is called becomes more * complicated. This state attribute helps by tracking the current error * state and informing callers that attempt to change state if the change * was successful or if another thread got there first. * * <pre> * The state machine is very simple: * * 0 - NONE * 1 - NOT_REPORTED * 2 - REPORTED * * * -->---->-- >NONE * | | | * | | | setError() * ^ ^ | * | | \|/ * | |-<-NOT_REPORTED * | | * ^ | report() * | | * | \|/ * |----<----REPORTED * </pre> */
private final AtomicInteger errorState = new AtomicInteger(0); Request req; // ------------------------------------------------------------- Properties public Request getRequest() { return req; } public void setRequest( Request req ) { this.req=req; } public void setOutputBuffer(OutputBuffer outputBuffer) { this.outputBuffer = outputBuffer; } public MimeHeaders getMimeHeaders() { return headers; } protected void setHook(ActionHook hook) { this.hook = hook; } // -------------------- Per-Response "notes" -------------------- public final void setNote(int pos, Object value) { notes[pos] = value; } public final Object getNote(int pos) { return notes[pos]; } // -------------------- Actions -------------------- public void action(ActionCode actionCode, Object param) { if (hook != null) { if (param == null) { hook.action(actionCode, this); } else { hook.action(actionCode, param); } } } // -------------------- State -------------------- public int getStatus() { return status; }
Set the response status.
  • status – The status value to set
/** * Set the response status. * * @param status The status value to set */
public void setStatus(int status) { this.status = status; }
Get the status message.
Returns:The message associated with the current status
/** * Get the status message. * * @return The message associated with the current status */
public String getMessage() { return message; }
Set the status message.
  • message – The status message to set
/** * Set the status message. * * @param message The status message to set */
public void setMessage(String message) { this.message = message; } public boolean isCommitted() { return committed; } public void setCommitted(boolean v) { if (v && !this.committed) { this.commitTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } this.committed = v; }
Return the time the response was committed (based on System.currentTimeMillis).
Returns:the time the response was committed
/** * Return the time the response was committed (based on System.currentTimeMillis). * * @return the time the response was committed */
public long getCommitTime() { return commitTime; } // -----------------Error State --------------------
Set the error Exception that occurred during request processing.
  • ex – The exception that occurred
/** * Set the error Exception that occurred during request processing. * * @param ex The exception that occurred */
public void setErrorException(Exception ex) { errorException = ex; }
Get the Exception that occurred during request processing.
Returns:The exception that occurred
/** * Get the Exception that occurred during request processing. * * @return The exception that occurred */
public Exception getErrorException() { return errorException; } public boolean isExceptionPresent() { return ( errorException != null ); }
Set the error flag.
Returns:false if the error flag was already set
/** * Set the error flag. * * @return <code>false</code> if the error flag was already set */
public boolean setError() { return errorState.compareAndSet(0, 1); }
Error flag accessor.
Returns:true if the response has encountered an error
/** * Error flag accessor. * * @return <code>true</code> if the response has encountered an error */
public boolean isError() { return errorState.get() > 0; } public boolean isErrorReportRequired() { return errorState.get() == 1; } public boolean setErrorReported() { return errorState.compareAndSet(1, 2); } // -------------------- Methods -------------------- public void reset() throws IllegalStateException { if (committed) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } recycle(); } // -------------------- Headers --------------------
Does the response contain the given header.
Warning: This method always returns false for Content-Type and Content-Length.
  • name – The name of the header of interest
Returns:true if the response contains the header.
/** * Does the response contain the given header. * <br> * Warning: This method always returns <code>false</code> for Content-Type * and Content-Length. * * @param name The name of the header of interest * * @return {@code true} if the response contains the header. */
public boolean containsHeader(String name) { return headers.getHeader(name) != null; } public void setHeader(String name, String value) { char cc=name.charAt(0); if( cc=='C' || cc=='c' ) { if( checkSpecialHeader(name, value) ) return; } headers.setValue(name).setString( value); } public void addHeader(String name, String value) { addHeader(name, value, null); } public void addHeader(String name, String value, Charset charset) { char cc=name.charAt(0); if( cc=='C' || cc=='c' ) { if( checkSpecialHeader(name, value) ) return; } MessageBytes mb = headers.addValue(name); if (charset != null) { mb.setCharset(charset); } mb.setString(value); } public void setTrailerFields(Supplier<Map<String, String>> supplier) { AtomicBoolean trailerFieldsSupported = new AtomicBoolean(false); action(ActionCode.IS_TRAILER_FIELDS_SUPPORTED, trailerFieldsSupported); if (!trailerFieldsSupported.get()) { throw new IllegalStateException(sm.getString("response.noTrailers.notSupported")); } this.trailerFieldsSupplier = supplier; } public Supplier<Map<String, String>> getTrailerFields() { return trailerFieldsSupplier; }
Set internal fields for special header names. Called from set/addHeader. Return true if the header is special, no need to set the header.
/** * Set internal fields for special header names. * Called from set/addHeader. * Return true if the header is special, no need to set the header. */
private boolean checkSpecialHeader( String name, String value) { // XXX Eliminate redundant fields !!! // ( both header and in special fields ) if( name.equalsIgnoreCase( "Content-Type" ) ) { setContentType( value ); return true; } if( name.equalsIgnoreCase( "Content-Length" ) ) { try { long cL=Long.parseLong( value ); setContentLength( cL ); return true; } catch( NumberFormatException ex ) { // Do nothing - the spec doesn't have any "throws" // and the user might know what he's doing return false; } } return false; }
Signal that we're done with the headers, and body will follow. Any implementation needs to notify ContextManager, to allow interceptors to fix headers.
/** Signal that we're done with the headers, and body will follow. * Any implementation needs to notify ContextManager, to allow * interceptors to fix headers. */
public void sendHeaders() { action(ActionCode.COMMIT, this); setCommitted(true); } // -------------------- I18N -------------------- public Locale getLocale() { return locale; }
Called explicitly by user to set the Content-Language and the default encoding.
  • locale – The locale to use for this response
/** * Called explicitly by user to set the Content-Language and the default * encoding. * * @param locale The locale to use for this response */
public void setLocale(Locale locale) { if (locale == null) { return; // throw an exception? } // Save the locale for use by getLocale() this.locale = locale; // Set the contentLanguage for header output contentLanguage = locale.toLanguageTag(); }
Return the content language.
Returns:The language code for the language currently associated with this response
/** * Return the content language. * * @return The language code for the language currently associated with this * response */
public String getContentLanguage() { return contentLanguage; }
Overrides the character encoding used in the body of the response. This method must be called prior to writing output using getWriter().
  • characterEncoding – The name of character encoding.
/** * Overrides the character encoding used in the body of the response. This * method must be called prior to writing output using getWriter(). * * @param characterEncoding The name of character encoding. * * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException If the specified name is not * recognised */
public void setCharacterEncoding(String characterEncoding) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { if (isCommitted()) { return; } if (characterEncoding == null) { return; } this.charset = B2CConverter.getCharset(characterEncoding); this.characterEncoding = characterEncoding; } public Charset getCharset() { return charset; }
Returns:The name of the current encoding
/** * @return The name of the current encoding */
public String getCharacterEncoding() { return characterEncoding; }
Sets the content type. This method must preserve any response charset that may already have been set via a call to response.setContentType(), response.setLocale(), or response.setCharacterEncoding().
  • type – the content type
/** * Sets the content type. * * This method must preserve any response charset that may already have * been set via a call to response.setContentType(), response.setLocale(), * or response.setCharacterEncoding(). * * @param type the content type */
public void setContentType(String type) { if (type == null) { this.contentType = null; return; } MediaType m = null; try { m = MediaType.parseMediaType(new StringReader(type)); } catch (IOException e) { // Ignore - null test below handles this } if (m == null) { // Invalid - Assume no charset and just pass through whatever // the user provided. this.contentType = type; return; } this.contentType = m.toStringNoCharset(); String charsetValue = m.getCharset(); if (charsetValue != null) { charsetValue = charsetValue.trim(); if (charsetValue.length() > 0) { try { charset = B2CConverter.getCharset(charsetValue); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { log.warn(sm.getString("response.encoding.invalid", charsetValue), e); } } } } public void setContentTypeNoCharset(String type) { this.contentType = type; } public String getContentType() { String ret = contentType; if (ret != null && charset != null) { ret = ret + ";charset=" + characterEncoding; } return ret; } public void setContentLength(long contentLength) { this.contentLength = contentLength; } public int getContentLength() { long length = getContentLengthLong(); if (length < Integer.MAX_VALUE) { return (int) length; } return -1; } public long getContentLengthLong() { return contentLength; }
Write a chunk of bytes.
  • chunk – The ByteBuffer to write
  • IOException – If an I/O error occurs during the write
/** * Write a chunk of bytes. * * @param chunk The ByteBuffer to write * * @throws IOException If an I/O error occurs during the write */
public void doWrite(ByteBuffer chunk) throws IOException { int len = chunk.remaining(); outputBuffer.doWrite(chunk); contentWritten += len - chunk.remaining(); } // -------------------- public void recycle() { contentType = null; contentLanguage = null; locale = DEFAULT_LOCALE; charset = null; characterEncoding = null; contentLength = -1; status = 200; message = null; committed = false; commitTime = -1; errorException = null; errorState.set(0); headers.clear(); trailerFieldsSupplier = null; // Servlet 3.1 non-blocking write listener listener = null; fireListener = false; registeredForWrite = false; // update counters contentWritten=0; }
Bytes written by application - i.e. before compression, chunking, etc.
Returns:The total number of bytes written to the response by the application. This will not be the number of bytes written to the network which may be more or less than this value.
/** * Bytes written by application - i.e. before compression, chunking, etc. * * @return The total number of bytes written to the response by the * application. This will not be the number of bytes written to the * network which may be more or less than this value. */
public long getContentWritten() { return contentWritten; }
Bytes written to socket - i.e. after compression, chunking, etc.
  • flush – Should any remaining bytes be flushed before returning the total? If false bytes remaining in the buffer will not be included in the returned value
Returns:The total number of bytes written to the socket for this response
/** * Bytes written to socket - i.e. after compression, chunking, etc. * * @param flush Should any remaining bytes be flushed before returning the * total? If {@code false} bytes remaining in the buffer will * not be included in the returned value * * @return The total number of bytes written to the socket for this response */
public long getBytesWritten(boolean flush) { if (flush) { action(ActionCode.CLIENT_FLUSH, this); } return outputBuffer.getBytesWritten(); } /* * State for non-blocking output is maintained here as it is the one point * easily reachable from the CoyoteOutputStream and the Processor which both * need access to state. */ volatile WriteListener listener; private boolean fireListener = false; private boolean registeredForWrite = false; private final Object nonBlockingStateLock = new Object(); public WriteListener getWriteListener() { return listener; } public void setWriteListener(WriteListener listener) { if (listener == null) { throw new NullPointerException( sm.getString("response.nullWriteListener")); } if (getWriteListener() != null) { throw new IllegalStateException( sm.getString("response.writeListenerSet")); } // Note: This class is not used for HTTP upgrade so only need to test // for async AtomicBoolean result = new AtomicBoolean(false); action(ActionCode.ASYNC_IS_ASYNC, result); if (!result.get()) { throw new IllegalStateException( sm.getString("response.notAsync")); } this.listener = listener; // The container is responsible for the first call to // listener.onWritePossible(). If isReady() returns true, the container // needs to call listener.onWritePossible() from a new thread. If // isReady() returns false, the socket will be registered for write and // the container will call listener.onWritePossible() once data can be // written. if (isReady()) { synchronized (nonBlockingStateLock) { // Ensure we don't get multiple write registrations if // ServletOutputStream.isReady() returns false during a call to // onDataAvailable() registeredForWrite = true; // Need to set the fireListener flag otherwise when the // container tries to trigger onWritePossible, nothing will // happen fireListener = true; } action(ActionCode.DISPATCH_WRITE, null); if (!ContainerThreadMarker.isContainerThread()) { // Not on a container thread so need to execute the dispatch action(ActionCode.DISPATCH_EXECUTE, null); } } } public boolean isReady() { if (listener == null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(sm.getString("response.notNonBlocking")); } return false; } // Assume write is not possible boolean ready = false; synchronized (nonBlockingStateLock) { if (registeredForWrite) { fireListener = true; return false; } ready = checkRegisterForWrite(); fireListener = !ready; } return ready; } public boolean checkRegisterForWrite() { AtomicBoolean ready = new AtomicBoolean(false); synchronized (nonBlockingStateLock) { if (!registeredForWrite) { action(ActionCode.NB_WRITE_INTEREST, ready); registeredForWrite = !ready.get(); } } return ready.get(); } public void onWritePossible() throws IOException { // Any buffered data left over from a previous non-blocking write is // written in the Processor so if this point is reached the app is able // to write data. boolean fire = false; synchronized (nonBlockingStateLock) { registeredForWrite = false; if (fireListener) { fireListener = false; fire = true; } } if (fire) { listener.onWritePossible(); } } }