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package org.apache.poi.sl.draw;

import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Paint;
import java.awt.font.FontRenderContext;
import java.awt.font.LineBreakMeasurer;
import java.awt.font.TextAttribute;
import java.awt.font.TextLayout;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.io.InvalidObjectException;
import java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator;
import java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute;
import java.text.AttributedString;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;

import org.apache.poi.common.usermodel.fonts.FontGroup;
import org.apache.poi.common.usermodel.fonts.FontGroup.FontGroupRange;
import org.apache.poi.common.usermodel.fonts.FontInfo;
import org.apache.poi.sl.usermodel.AutoNumberingScheme;
import org.apache.poi.sl.usermodel.Hyperlink;
import org.apache.poi.sl.usermodel.Insets2D;
import org.apache.poi.sl.usermodel.PaintStyle;
import org.apache.poi.sl.usermodel.PlaceableShape;
import org.apache.poi.sl.usermodel.ShapeContainer;
import org.apache.poi.sl.usermodel.Sheet;
import org.apache.poi.sl.usermodel.Slide;
import org.apache.poi.sl.usermodel.TextParagraph;
import org.apache.poi.sl.usermodel.TextParagraph.BulletStyle;
import org.apache.poi.sl.usermodel.TextParagraph.TextAlign;
import org.apache.poi.sl.usermodel.TextRun;
import org.apache.poi.sl.usermodel.TextRun.FieldType;
import org.apache.poi.sl.usermodel.TextShape;
import org.apache.poi.sl.usermodel.TextShape.TextDirection;
import org.apache.poi.util.Internal;
import org.apache.poi.util.LocaleUtil;
import org.apache.poi.util.POILogFactory;
import org.apache.poi.util.POILogger;
import org.apache.poi.util.Units;

public class DrawTextParagraph implements Drawable {
    private static final POILogger LOG = POILogFactory.getLogger(DrawTextParagraph.class);
Keys for passing hyperlinks to the graphics context
/** Keys for passing hyperlinks to the graphics context */
public static final XlinkAttribute HYPERLINK_HREF = new XlinkAttribute("href"); public static final XlinkAttribute HYPERLINK_LABEL = new XlinkAttribute("label"); protected TextParagraph<?,?,?> paragraph; double x, y; protected List<DrawTextFragment> lines = new ArrayList<>(); protected String rawText; protected DrawTextFragment bullet; protected int autoNbrIdx;
the highest line in this paragraph. Used for line spacing.
/** * the highest line in this paragraph. Used for line spacing. */
protected double maxLineHeight;
Defines an attribute used for storing the hyperlink associated with some renderable text.
/** * Defines an attribute used for storing the hyperlink associated with * some renderable text. */
private static class XlinkAttribute extends Attribute { XlinkAttribute(String name) { super(name); }
Resolves instances being deserialized to the predefined constants.
/** * Resolves instances being deserialized to the predefined constants. */
@Override protected Object readResolve() throws InvalidObjectException { if (HYPERLINK_HREF.getName().equals(getName())) { return HYPERLINK_HREF; } if (HYPERLINK_LABEL.getName().equals(getName())) { return HYPERLINK_LABEL; } throw new InvalidObjectException("unknown attribute name"); } } public DrawTextParagraph(TextParagraph<?,?,?> paragraph) { this.paragraph = paragraph; } public void setPosition(double x, double y) { // TODO: replace it, by applyTransform???? this.x = x; this.y = y; } public double getY() { return y; }
Sets the auto numbering index of the handled paragraph
  • index – the auto numbering index
/** * Sets the auto numbering index of the handled paragraph * @param index the auto numbering index */
public void setAutoNumberingIdx(int index) { autoNbrIdx = index; } @Override public void draw(Graphics2D graphics){ if (lines.isEmpty()) { return; } double penY = y; boolean firstLine = true; int indentLevel = paragraph.getIndentLevel(); Double leftMargin = paragraph.getLeftMargin(); if (leftMargin == null) { // if the marL attribute is omitted, then a value of 347663 is implied leftMargin = Units.toPoints(347663L*indentLevel); } Double indent = paragraph.getIndent(); if (indent == null) { indent = Units.toPoints(347663L*indentLevel); } if (isHSLF()) { // special handling for HSLF indent -= leftMargin; } // Double rightMargin = paragraph.getRightMargin(); // if (rightMargin == null) { // rightMargin = 0d; // } //The vertical line spacing Double spacing = paragraph.getLineSpacing(); if (spacing == null) { spacing = 100d; } for(DrawTextFragment line : lines){ double penX; if(firstLine) { if (!isEmptyParagraph()) { // TODO: find out character style for empty, but bulleted/numbered lines bullet = getBullet(graphics, line.getAttributedString().getIterator()); } if (bullet != null){ bullet.setPosition(x+leftMargin+indent, penY); bullet.draw(graphics); // don't let text overlay the bullet and advance by the bullet width double bulletWidth = bullet.getLayout().getAdvance() + 1; penX = x + Math.max(leftMargin, leftMargin+indent+bulletWidth); } else { penX = x + leftMargin; } } else { penX = x + leftMargin; } Rectangle2D anchor = DrawShape.getAnchor(graphics, paragraph.getParentShape()); // Insets are already applied on DrawTextShape.drawContent // but (outer) anchor need to be adjusted Insets2D insets = paragraph.getParentShape().getInsets(); double leftInset = insets.left; double rightInset = insets.right; TextAlign ta = paragraph.getTextAlign(); if (ta == null) { ta = TextAlign.LEFT; } switch (ta) { case CENTER: penX += (anchor.getWidth() - line.getWidth() - leftInset - rightInset - leftMargin) / 2; break; case RIGHT: penX += (anchor.getWidth() - line.getWidth() - leftInset - rightInset); break; default: break; } line.setPosition(penX, penY); line.draw(graphics); if(spacing > 0) { // If linespacing >= 0, then linespacing is a percentage of normal line height. penY += spacing*0.01* line.getHeight(); } else { // negative value means absolute spacing in points penY += -spacing; } firstLine = false; } y = penY - y; } public float getFirstLineLeading() { return (lines.isEmpty()) ? 0 : lines.get(0).getLeading(); } public float getFirstLineHeight() { return (lines.isEmpty()) ? 0 : lines.get(0).getHeight(); } public float getLastLineHeight() { return (lines.isEmpty()) ? 0 : lines.get(lines.size()-1).getHeight(); } public boolean isEmptyParagraph() { return (lines.isEmpty() || rawText.trim().isEmpty()); } @Override public void applyTransform(Graphics2D graphics) { } @Override public void drawContent(Graphics2D graphics) { }
break text into lines, each representing a line of text that fits in the wrapping width
  • graphics – The drawing context for computing text-lengths.
/** * break text into lines, each representing a line of text that fits in the wrapping width * * @param graphics The drawing context for computing text-lengths. */
protected void breakText(Graphics2D graphics){ lines.clear(); DrawFactory fact = DrawFactory.getInstance(graphics); StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); AttributedString at = getAttributedString(graphics, text); boolean emptyParagraph = text.toString().trim().isEmpty(); AttributedCharacterIterator it = at.getIterator(); LineBreakMeasurer measurer = new LineBreakMeasurer(it, graphics.getFontRenderContext()); for (;;) { int startIndex = measurer.getPosition(); // add a pixel to compensate rounding errors double wrappingWidth = getWrappingWidth(lines.isEmpty(), graphics) + 1; // shape width can be smaller that the sum of insets (this was proved by a test file) if(wrappingWidth < 0) { wrappingWidth = 1; } int nextBreak = text.indexOf("\n", startIndex + 1); if (nextBreak == -1) { nextBreak = it.getEndIndex(); } TextLayout layout = measurer.nextLayout((float)wrappingWidth, nextBreak, true); if (layout == null) { // layout can be null if the entire word at the current position // does not fit within the wrapping width. Try with requireNextWord=false. layout = measurer.nextLayout((float)wrappingWidth, nextBreak, false); } if(layout == null) { // exit if can't break any more break; } int endIndex = measurer.getPosition(); // skip over new line breaks (we paint 'clear' text runs not starting or ending with \n) if(endIndex < it.getEndIndex() && text.charAt(endIndex) == '\n'){ measurer.setPosition(endIndex + 1); } TextAlign hAlign = paragraph.getTextAlign(); if(hAlign == TextAlign.JUSTIFY || hAlign == TextAlign.JUSTIFY_LOW) { layout = layout.getJustifiedLayout((float)wrappingWidth); } AttributedString str = (emptyParagraph) ? null // we will not paint empty paragraphs : new AttributedString(it, startIndex, endIndex); DrawTextFragment line = fact.getTextFragment(layout, str); lines.add(line); maxLineHeight = Math.max(maxLineHeight, line.getHeight()); if(endIndex == it.getEndIndex()) { break; } } rawText = text.toString(); } protected DrawTextFragment getBullet(Graphics2D graphics, AttributedCharacterIterator firstLineAttr) { BulletStyle bulletStyle = paragraph.getBulletStyle(); if (bulletStyle == null) { return null; } String buCharacter; AutoNumberingScheme ans = bulletStyle.getAutoNumberingScheme(); if (ans != null) { buCharacter = ans.format(autoNbrIdx); } else { buCharacter = bulletStyle.getBulletCharacter(); } if (buCharacter == null) { return null; } PlaceableShape<?,?> ps = getParagraphShape(); PaintStyle fgPaintStyle = bulletStyle.getBulletFontColor(); Paint fgPaint; if (fgPaintStyle == null) { fgPaint = (Paint)firstLineAttr.getAttribute(TextAttribute.FOREGROUND); } else { fgPaint = new DrawPaint(ps).getPaint(graphics, fgPaintStyle); } float fontSize = (Float)firstLineAttr.getAttribute(TextAttribute.SIZE); Double buSz = bulletStyle.getBulletFontSize(); if (buSz == null) { buSz = 100d; } if (buSz > 0) { fontSize *= buSz* 0.01; } else { fontSize = (float)-buSz; } String buFontStr = bulletStyle.getBulletFont(); if (buFontStr == null) { buFontStr = paragraph.getDefaultFontFamily(); } assert(buFontStr != null); FontInfo buFont = new DrawFontInfo(buFontStr); DrawFontManager dfm = DrawFactory.getInstance(graphics).getFontManager(graphics); // TODO: check font group defaulting to Symbol buFont = dfm.getMappedFont(graphics, buFont); AttributedString str = new AttributedString(dfm.mapFontCharset(graphics,buFont,buCharacter)); str.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FOREGROUND, fgPaint); str.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FAMILY, buFont.getTypeface()); str.addAttribute(TextAttribute.SIZE, fontSize); TextLayout layout = new TextLayout(str.getIterator(), graphics.getFontRenderContext()); DrawFactory fact = DrawFactory.getInstance(graphics); return fact.getTextFragment(layout, str); } protected String getRenderableText(Graphics2D graphics, TextRun tr) { if (tr.getFieldType() == FieldType.SLIDE_NUMBER) { Slide<?,?> slide = (Slide<?,?>)graphics.getRenderingHint(Drawable.CURRENT_SLIDE); return (slide == null) ? "" : Integer.toString(slide.getSlideNumber()); } return getRenderableText(tr); } @Internal public String getRenderableText(final TextRun tr) { final String txtSpace = tr.getRawText().replace("\t", tab2space(tr)).replace('\u000b', '\n'); final Locale loc = LocaleUtil.getUserLocale(); switch (tr.getTextCap()) { case ALL: return txtSpace.toUpperCase(loc); case SMALL: return txtSpace.toLowerCase(loc); default: return txtSpace; } }
Replace a tab with the effective number of white spaces.
/** * Replace a tab with the effective number of white spaces. */
private String tab2space(TextRun tr) { AttributedString string = new AttributedString(" "); String fontFamily = tr.getFontFamily(); if (fontFamily == null) { fontFamily = "Lucida Sans"; } string.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FAMILY, fontFamily); Double fs = tr.getFontSize(); if (fs == null) { fs = 12d; } string.addAttribute(TextAttribute.SIZE, fs.floatValue()); TextLayout l = new TextLayout(string.getIterator(), new FontRenderContext(null, true, true)); double wspace = l.getAdvance(); Double tabSz = paragraph.getDefaultTabSize(); if (tabSz == null) { tabSz = wspace*4; } int numSpaces = (int)Math.ceil(tabSz / wspace); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for(int i = 0; i < numSpaces; i++) { buf.append(' '); } return buf.toString(); }
Returns wrapping width to break lines in this paragraph
  • firstLine – whether the first line is breaking
Returns: wrapping width in points
/** * Returns wrapping width to break lines in this paragraph * * @param firstLine whether the first line is breaking * * @return wrapping width in points */
protected double getWrappingWidth(boolean firstLine, Graphics2D graphics){ TextShape<?,?> ts = paragraph.getParentShape(); // internal margins for the text box Insets2D insets = ts.getInsets(); double leftInset = insets.left; double rightInset = insets.right; int indentLevel = paragraph.getIndentLevel(); if (indentLevel == -1) { // default to 0, if indentLevel is not set indentLevel = 0; } Double leftMargin = paragraph.getLeftMargin(); if (leftMargin == null) { // if the marL attribute is omitted, then a value of 347663 is implied leftMargin = Units.toPoints(347663L*(indentLevel+1)); } Double indent = paragraph.getIndent(); if (indent == null) { indent = Units.toPoints(347663L*indentLevel); } Double rightMargin = paragraph.getRightMargin(); if (rightMargin == null) { rightMargin = 0d; } Rectangle2D anchor = DrawShape.getAnchor(graphics, ts); TextDirection textDir = ts.getTextDirection(); double width; if (!ts.getWordWrap()) { Dimension pageDim = ts.getSheet().getSlideShow().getPageSize(); // if wordWrap == false then we return the advance to the (right) border of the sheet switch (textDir) { default: width = pageDim.getWidth() - anchor.getX(); break; case VERTICAL: width = pageDim.getHeight() - anchor.getX(); break; case VERTICAL_270: width = anchor.getX(); break; } } else { switch (textDir) { default: width = anchor.getWidth() - leftInset - rightInset - leftMargin - rightMargin; break; case VERTICAL: case VERTICAL_270: width = anchor.getHeight() - leftInset - rightInset - leftMargin - rightMargin; break; } if (firstLine && !isHSLF()) { if (bullet != null){ if (indent > 0) { width -= indent; } } else { if (indent > 0) { width -= indent; // first line indentation } else if (indent < 0) { // hanging indentation: the first line start at the left margin width += leftMargin; } } } } return width; } private static class AttributedStringData { Attribute attribute; Object value; int beginIndex, endIndex; AttributedStringData(Attribute attribute, Object value, int beginIndex, int endIndex) { this.attribute = attribute; this.value = value; this.beginIndex = beginIndex; this.endIndex = endIndex; } }
Helper method for paint style relative to bounds, e.g. gradient paint
/** * Helper method for paint style relative to bounds, e.g. gradient paint */
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private PlaceableShape<?,?> getParagraphShape() { return new PlaceableShape(){ @Override public ShapeContainer<?,?> getParent() { return null; } @Override public Rectangle2D getAnchor() { return paragraph.getParentShape().getAnchor(); } @Override public void setAnchor(Rectangle2D anchor) {} @Override public double getRotation() { return 0; } @Override public void setRotation(double theta) {} @Override public void setFlipHorizontal(boolean flip) {} @Override public void setFlipVertical(boolean flip) {} @Override public boolean getFlipHorizontal() { return false; } @Override public boolean getFlipVertical() { return false; } @Override public Sheet<?,?> getSheet() { return paragraph.getParentShape().getSheet(); } }; } protected AttributedString getAttributedString(Graphics2D graphics, StringBuilder text){ List<AttributedStringData> attList = new ArrayList<>(); if (text == null) { text = new StringBuilder(); } PlaceableShape<?,?> ps = getParagraphShape(); DrawFontManager dfm = DrawFactory.getInstance(graphics).getFontManager(graphics); assert(dfm != null); for (TextRun run : paragraph){ String runText = getRenderableText(graphics, run); // skip empty runs if (runText.isEmpty()) { continue; } // user can pass an custom object to convert fonts runText = dfm.mapFontCharset(graphics, run.getFontInfo(null), runText); int beginIndex = text.length(); text.append(runText); int endIndex = text.length(); PaintStyle fgPaintStyle = run.getFontColor(); Paint fgPaint = new DrawPaint(ps).getPaint(graphics, fgPaintStyle); attList.add(new AttributedStringData(TextAttribute.FOREGROUND, fgPaint, beginIndex, endIndex)); Double fontSz = run.getFontSize(); if (fontSz == null) { fontSz = paragraph.getDefaultFontSize(); } attList.add(new AttributedStringData(TextAttribute.SIZE, fontSz.floatValue(), beginIndex, endIndex)); if(run.isBold()) { attList.add(new AttributedStringData(TextAttribute.WEIGHT, TextAttribute.WEIGHT_BOLD, beginIndex, endIndex)); } if(run.isItalic()) { attList.add(new AttributedStringData(TextAttribute.POSTURE, TextAttribute.POSTURE_OBLIQUE, beginIndex, endIndex)); } if(run.isUnderlined()) { attList.add(new AttributedStringData(TextAttribute.UNDERLINE, TextAttribute.UNDERLINE_ON, beginIndex, endIndex)); attList.add(new AttributedStringData(TextAttribute.INPUT_METHOD_UNDERLINE, TextAttribute.UNDERLINE_LOW_TWO_PIXEL, beginIndex, endIndex)); } if(run.isStrikethrough()) { attList.add(new AttributedStringData(TextAttribute.STRIKETHROUGH, TextAttribute.STRIKETHROUGH_ON, beginIndex, endIndex)); } if(run.isSubscript()) { attList.add(new AttributedStringData(TextAttribute.SUPERSCRIPT, TextAttribute.SUPERSCRIPT_SUB, beginIndex, endIndex)); } if(run.isSuperscript()) { attList.add(new AttributedStringData(TextAttribute.SUPERSCRIPT, TextAttribute.SUPERSCRIPT_SUPER, beginIndex, endIndex)); } Hyperlink<?,?> hl = run.getHyperlink(); if (hl != null) { attList.add(new AttributedStringData(HYPERLINK_HREF, hl.getAddress(), beginIndex, endIndex)); attList.add(new AttributedStringData(HYPERLINK_LABEL, hl.getLabel(), beginIndex, endIndex)); } processGlyphs(graphics, dfm, attList, beginIndex, run, runText); } // ensure that the paragraph contains at least one character // We need this trick to correctly measure text if (text.length() == 0) { Double fontSz = paragraph.getDefaultFontSize(); text.append(" "); attList.add(new AttributedStringData(TextAttribute.SIZE, fontSz.floatValue(), 0, 1)); } AttributedString string = new AttributedString(text.toString()); for (AttributedStringData asd : attList) { string.addAttribute(asd.attribute, asd.value, asd.beginIndex, asd.endIndex); } return string; }
Processing the glyphs is done in two steps.
  • determine the font group - a text run can have different font groups. Depending on the chars, the correct font group needs to be used
  • See Also:
    /** * Processing the glyphs is done in two steps. * <li>determine the font group - a text run can have different font groups. Depending on the chars, * the correct font group needs to be used * * @see <a href="https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/officeinteroperability/2013/04/22/office-open-xml-themes-schemes-and-fonts/">Office Open XML Themes, Schemes, and Fonts</a> */
    private void processGlyphs(Graphics2D graphics, DrawFontManager dfm, List<AttributedStringData> attList, final int beginIndex, TextRun run, String runText) { // determine font group ranges of the textrun to focus the fallback handling only on that font group List<FontGroupRange> ttrList = FontGroup.getFontGroupRanges(runText); int rangeBegin = 0; for (FontGroupRange ttr : ttrList) { FontInfo fiRun = run.getFontInfo(ttr.getFontGroup()); if (fiRun == null) { // if the font group specific font wasn't defined, fallback to LATIN fiRun = run.getFontInfo(FontGroup.LATIN); } FontInfo fiMapped = dfm.getMappedFont(graphics, fiRun); FontInfo fiFallback = dfm.getFallbackFont(graphics, fiRun); assert(fiFallback != null); if (fiMapped == null) { fiMapped = dfm.getMappedFont(graphics, new DrawFontInfo(paragraph.getDefaultFontFamily())); } if (fiMapped == null) { fiMapped = fiFallback; } Font fontMapped = dfm.createAWTFont(graphics, fiMapped, 10, run.isBold(), run.isItalic()); Font fontFallback = dfm.createAWTFont(graphics, fiFallback, 10, run.isBold(), run.isItalic()); // check for unsupported characters and add a fallback font for these final int rangeLen = ttr.getLength(); int partEnd = rangeBegin; while (partEnd<rangeBegin+rangeLen) { // start with the assumption that the font is able to display the chars int partBegin = partEnd; partEnd = nextPart(fontMapped, runText, partBegin, rangeBegin+rangeLen, true); // Now we have 3 cases: // (a) the first part couldn't be displayed, // (b) only part of the text run could be displayed // (c) or all chars can be displayed (default) if (partBegin < partEnd) { // handle (b) and (c) attList.add(new AttributedStringData(TextAttribute.FAMILY, fontMapped.getFontName(Locale.ROOT), beginIndex+partBegin, beginIndex+partEnd)); if (LOG.check(POILogger.DEBUG)) { LOG.log(POILogger.DEBUG, "mapped: ",fontMapped.getFontName(Locale.ROOT)," ",(beginIndex+partBegin)," ",(beginIndex+partEnd)," - ",runText.substring(beginIndex+partBegin, beginIndex+partEnd)); } } // fallback for unsupported glyphs partBegin = partEnd; partEnd = nextPart(fontMapped, runText, partBegin, rangeBegin+rangeLen, false); if (partBegin < partEnd) { // handle (a) and (b) attList.add(new AttributedStringData(TextAttribute.FAMILY, fontFallback.getFontName(Locale.ROOT), beginIndex+partBegin, beginIndex+partEnd)); if (LOG.check(POILogger.DEBUG)) { LOG.log(POILogger.DEBUG, "fallback: ",fontFallback.getFontName(Locale.ROOT)," ",(beginIndex+partBegin)," ",(beginIndex+partEnd)," - ",runText.substring(beginIndex+partBegin, beginIndex+partEnd)); } } } rangeBegin += rangeLen; } } private static int nextPart(Font fontMapped, String runText, int beginPart, int endPart, boolean isDisplayed) { int rIdx = beginPart; while (rIdx < endPart) { int codepoint = runText.codePointAt(rIdx); if (fontMapped.canDisplay(codepoint) != isDisplayed) { break; } rIdx += Character.charCount(codepoint); } return rIdx; }
    Returns:true if the HSLF implementation is used
    /** * @return {@code true} if the HSLF implementation is used */
    protected boolean isHSLF() { return DrawShape.isHSLF(paragraph.getParentShape()); } }