 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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package org.apache.lucene.queryparser.simple;

import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Term;
import org.apache.lucene.search.BooleanClause;
import org.apache.lucene.search.BooleanQuery;
import org.apache.lucene.search.BoostQuery;
import org.apache.lucene.search.FuzzyQuery;
import org.apache.lucene.search.MatchAllDocsQuery;
import org.apache.lucene.search.MatchNoDocsQuery;
import org.apache.lucene.search.PrefixQuery;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Query;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.QueryBuilder;
import org.apache.lucene.util.automaton.LevenshteinAutomata;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Map;

SimpleQueryParser is used to parse human readable query syntax.

The main idea behind this parser is that a person should be able to type whatever they want to represent a query, and this parser will do its best to interpret what to search for no matter how poorly composed the request may be. Tokens are considered to be any of a term, phrase, or subquery for the operations described below. Whitespace including ' ' '\n' '\r' and '\t' and certain operators may be used to delimit tokens ( ) + | " .

Any errors in query syntax will be ignored and the parser will attempt to decipher what it can; however, this may mean odd or unexpected results.

Query Operators

  • '+' specifies AND operation: token1+token2
  • '|' specifies OR operation: token1|token2
  • '-' negates a single token: -token0
  • '"' creates phrases of terms: "term1 term2 ..."
  • '*' at the end of terms specifies prefix query: term*
  • '~N' at the end of terms specifies fuzzy query: term~1
  • '~N' at the end of phrases specifies near query: "term1 term2"~5
  • '(' and ')' specifies precedence: token1 + (token2 | token3)

The default operator is OR if no other operator is specified. For example, the following will OR token1 and token2 together: token1 token2

Normal operator precedence will be simple order from right to left. For example, the following will evaluate token1 OR token2 first, then AND with token3:

token1 | token2 + token3

An individual term may contain any possible character with certain characters requiring escaping using a '\'. The following characters will need to be escaped in terms and phrases: + | " ( ) ' \

The '-' operator is a special case. On individual terms (not phrases) the first character of a term that is - must be escaped; however, any '-' characters beyond the first character do not need to be escaped. For example:

  • -term1 -- Specifies NOT operation against term1
  • \-term1 -- Searches for the term -term1.
  • term-1 -- Searches for the term term-1.
  • term\-1 -- Searches for the term term-1.

The '*' operator is a special case. On individual terms (not phrases) the last character of a term that is '*' must be escaped; however, any '*' characters before the last character do not need to be escaped:

  • term1* -- Searches for the prefix term1
  • term1\* -- Searches for the term term1*
  • term*1 -- Searches for the term term*1
  • term\*1 -- Searches for the term term*1

Note that above examples consider the terms before text processing.

/** * SimpleQueryParser is used to parse human readable query syntax. * <p> * The main idea behind this parser is that a person should be able to type * whatever they want to represent a query, and this parser will do its best * to interpret what to search for no matter how poorly composed the request * may be. Tokens are considered to be any of a term, phrase, or subquery for the * operations described below. Whitespace including ' ' '\n' '\r' and '\t' * and certain operators may be used to delimit tokens ( ) + | " . * <p> * Any errors in query syntax will be ignored and the parser will attempt * to decipher what it can; however, this may mean odd or unexpected results. * <p> * <b>Query Operators</b> * <ul> * <li>'{@code +}' specifies {@code AND} operation: <tt>token1+token2</tt> * <li>'{@code |}' specifies {@code OR} operation: <tt>token1|token2</tt> * <li>'{@code -}' negates a single token: <tt>-token0</tt> * <li>'{@code "}' creates phrases of terms: <tt>"term1 term2 ..."</tt> * <li>'{@code *}' at the end of terms specifies prefix query: <tt>term*</tt> * <li>'{@code ~}N' at the end of terms specifies fuzzy query: <tt>term~1</tt> * <li>'{@code ~}N' at the end of phrases specifies near query: <tt>"term1 term2"~5</tt> * <li>'{@code (}' and '{@code )}' specifies precedence: <tt>token1 + (token2 | token3)</tt> * </ul> * <p> * The {@link #setDefaultOperator default operator} is {@code OR} if no other operator is specified. * For example, the following will {@code OR} {@code token1} and {@code token2} together: * <tt>token1 token2</tt> * <p> * Normal operator precedence will be simple order from right to left. * For example, the following will evaluate {@code token1 OR token2} first, * then {@code AND} with {@code token3}: * <blockquote>token1 | token2 + token3</blockquote> * <b>Escaping</b> * <p> * An individual term may contain any possible character with certain characters * requiring escaping using a '{@code \}'. The following characters will need to be escaped in * terms and phrases: * {@code + | " ( ) ' \} * <p> * The '{@code -}' operator is a special case. On individual terms (not phrases) the first * character of a term that is {@code -} must be escaped; however, any '{@code -}' characters * beyond the first character do not need to be escaped. * For example: * <ul> * <li>{@code -term1} -- Specifies {@code NOT} operation against {@code term1} * <li>{@code \-term1} -- Searches for the term {@code -term1}. * <li>{@code term-1} -- Searches for the term {@code term-1}. * <li>{@code term\-1} -- Searches for the term {@code term-1}. * </ul> * <p> * The '{@code *}' operator is a special case. On individual terms (not phrases) the last * character of a term that is '{@code *}' must be escaped; however, any '{@code *}' characters * before the last character do not need to be escaped: * <ul> * <li>{@code term1*} -- Searches for the prefix {@code term1} * <li>{@code term1\*} -- Searches for the term {@code term1*} * <li>{@code term*1} -- Searches for the term {@code term*1} * <li>{@code term\*1} -- Searches for the term {@code term*1} * </ul> * <p> * Note that above examples consider the terms before text processing. */
public class SimpleQueryParser extends QueryBuilder {
Map of fields to query against with their weights
/** Map of fields to query against with their weights */
protected final Map<String,Float> weights;
flags to the parser (to turn features on/off)
/** flags to the parser (to turn features on/off) */
protected final int flags;
Enables AND operator (+)
/** Enables {@code AND} operator (+) */
public static final int AND_OPERATOR = 1<<0;
Enables NOT operator (-)
/** Enables {@code NOT} operator (-) */
public static final int NOT_OPERATOR = 1<<1;
Enables OR operator (|)
/** Enables {@code OR} operator (|) */
public static final int OR_OPERATOR = 1<<2;
Enables PREFIX operator (*)
/** Enables {@code PREFIX} operator (*) */
public static final int PREFIX_OPERATOR = 1<<3;
Enables PHRASE operator (")
/** Enables {@code PHRASE} operator (") */
public static final int PHRASE_OPERATOR = 1<<4;
Enables PRECEDENCE operators: ( and )
/** Enables {@code PRECEDENCE} operators: {@code (} and {@code )} */
public static final int PRECEDENCE_OPERATORS = 1<<5;
Enables ESCAPE operator (\)
/** Enables {@code ESCAPE} operator (\) */
public static final int ESCAPE_OPERATOR = 1<<6;
Enables WHITESPACE operators: ' ' '\n' '\r' '\t'
/** Enables {@code WHITESPACE} operators: ' ' '\n' '\r' '\t' */
public static final int WHITESPACE_OPERATOR = 1<<7;
Enables FUZZY operators: (~) on single terms
/** Enables {@code FUZZY} operators: (~) on single terms */
public static final int FUZZY_OPERATOR = 1<<8;
Enables NEAR operators: (~) on phrases
/** Enables {@code NEAR} operators: (~) on phrases */
public static final int NEAR_OPERATOR = 1<<9; private BooleanClause.Occur defaultOperator = BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD;
Creates a new parser searching over a single field.
/** Creates a new parser searching over a single field. */
public SimpleQueryParser(Analyzer analyzer, String field) { this(analyzer, Collections.singletonMap(field, 1.0F)); }
Creates a new parser searching over multiple fields with different weights.
/** Creates a new parser searching over multiple fields with different weights. */
public SimpleQueryParser(Analyzer analyzer, Map<String, Float> weights) { this(analyzer, weights, -1); }
Creates a new parser with custom flags used to enable/disable certain features.
/** Creates a new parser with custom flags used to enable/disable certain features. */
public SimpleQueryParser(Analyzer analyzer, Map<String, Float> weights, int flags) { super(analyzer); this.weights = weights; this.flags = flags; }
Parses the query text and returns parsed query
/** Parses the query text and returns parsed query */
public Query parse(String queryText) { if ("*".equals(queryText.trim())) { return new MatchAllDocsQuery(); } char data[] = queryText.toCharArray(); char buffer[] = new char[data.length]; State state = new State(data, buffer, 0, data.length); parseSubQuery(state); if (state.top == null) { return new MatchNoDocsQuery("empty string passed to query parser"); } else { return state.top; } } private void parseSubQuery(State state) { while (state.index < state.length) { if (state.data[state.index] == '(' && (flags & PRECEDENCE_OPERATORS) != 0) { // the beginning of a subquery has been found consumeSubQuery(state); } else if (state.data[state.index] == ')' && (flags & PRECEDENCE_OPERATORS) != 0) { // this is an extraneous character so it is ignored ++state.index; } else if (state.data[state.index] == '"' && (flags & PHRASE_OPERATOR) != 0) { // the beginning of a phrase has been found consumePhrase(state); } else if (state.data[state.index] == '+' && (flags & AND_OPERATOR) != 0) { // an and operation has been explicitly set // if an operation has already been set this one is ignored // if a term (or phrase or subquery) has not been found yet the // operation is also ignored since there is no previous // term (or phrase or subquery) to and with if (state.currentOperation == null && state.top != null) { state.currentOperation = BooleanClause.Occur.MUST; } ++state.index; } else if (state.data[state.index] == '|' && (flags & OR_OPERATOR) != 0) { // an or operation has been explicitly set // if an operation has already been set this one is ignored // if a term (or phrase or subquery) has not been found yet the // operation is also ignored since there is no previous // term (or phrase or subquery) to or with if (state.currentOperation == null && state.top != null) { state.currentOperation = BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD; } ++state.index; } else if (state.data[state.index] == '-' && (flags & NOT_OPERATOR) != 0) { // a not operator has been found, so increase the not count // two not operators in a row negate each other ++state.not; ++state.index; // continue so the not operator is not reset // before the next character is determined continue; } else if ((state.data[state.index] == ' ' || state.data[state.index] == '\t' || state.data[state.index] == '\n' || state.data[state.index] == '\r') && (flags & WHITESPACE_OPERATOR) != 0) { // ignore any whitespace found as it may have already been // used a delimiter across a term (or phrase or subquery) // or is simply extraneous ++state.index; } else { // the beginning of a token has been found consumeToken(state); } // reset the not operator as even whitespace is not allowed when // specifying the not operation for a term (or phrase or subquery) state.not = 0; } } private void consumeSubQuery(State state) { assert (flags & PRECEDENCE_OPERATORS) != 0; int start = ++state.index; int precedence = 1; boolean escaped = false; while (state.index < state.length) { if (!escaped) { if (state.data[state.index] == '\\' && (flags & ESCAPE_OPERATOR) != 0) { // an escape character has been found so // whatever character is next will become // part of the subquery unless the escape // character is the last one in the data escaped = true; ++state.index; continue; } else if (state.data[state.index] == '(') { // increase the precedence as there is a // subquery in the current subquery ++precedence; } else if (state.data[state.index] == ')') { --precedence; if (precedence == 0) { // this should be the end of the subquery // all characters found will used for // creating the subquery break; } } } escaped = false; ++state.index; } if (state.index == state.length) { // a closing parenthesis was never found so the opening // parenthesis is considered extraneous and will be ignored state.index = start; } else if (state.index == start) { // a closing parenthesis was found immediately after the opening // parenthesis so the current operation is reset since it would // have been applied to this subquery state.currentOperation = null; ++state.index; } else { // a complete subquery has been found and is recursively parsed by // starting over with a new state object State subState = new State(state.data, state.buffer, start, state.index); parseSubQuery(subState); buildQueryTree(state, subState.top); ++state.index; } } private void consumePhrase(State state) { assert (flags & PHRASE_OPERATOR) != 0; int start = ++state.index; int copied = 0; boolean escaped = false; boolean hasSlop = false; while (state.index < state.length) { if (!escaped) { if (state.data[state.index] == '\\' && (flags & ESCAPE_OPERATOR) != 0) { // an escape character has been found so // whatever character is next will become // part of the phrase unless the escape // character is the last one in the data escaped = true; ++state.index; continue; } else if (state.data[state.index] == '"') { // if there are still characters after the closing ", check for a // tilde if (state.length > (state.index + 1) && state.data[state.index+1] == '~' && (flags & NEAR_OPERATOR) != 0) { state.index++; // check for characters after the tilde if (state.length > (state.index + 1)) { hasSlop = true; } break; } else { // this should be the end of the phrase // all characters found will used for // creating the phrase query break; } } } escaped = false; state.buffer[copied++] = state.data[state.index++]; } if (state.index == state.length) { // a closing double quote was never found so the opening // double quote is considered extraneous and will be ignored state.index = start; } else if (state.index == start) { // a closing double quote was found immediately after the opening // double quote so the current operation is reset since it would // have been applied to this phrase state.currentOperation = null; ++state.index; } else { // a complete phrase has been found and is parsed through // through the analyzer from the given field String phrase = new String(state.buffer, 0, copied); Query branch; if (hasSlop) { branch = newPhraseQuery(phrase, parseFuzziness(state)); } else { branch = newPhraseQuery(phrase, 0); } buildQueryTree(state, branch); ++state.index; } } private void consumeToken(State state) { int copied = 0; boolean escaped = false; boolean prefix = false; boolean fuzzy = false; while (state.index < state.length) { if (!escaped) { if (state.data[state.index] == '\\' && (flags & ESCAPE_OPERATOR) != 0) { // an escape character has been found so // whatever character is next will become // part of the term unless the escape // character is the last one in the data escaped = true; prefix = false; ++state.index; continue; } else if (tokenFinished(state)) { // this should be the end of the term // all characters found will used for // creating the term query break; } else if (copied > 0 && state.data[state.index] == '~' && (flags & FUZZY_OPERATOR) != 0) { fuzzy = true; break; } // wildcard tracks whether or not the last character // was a '*' operator that hasn't been escaped // there must be at least one valid character before // searching for a prefixed set of terms prefix = copied > 0 && state.data[state.index] == '*' && (flags & PREFIX_OPERATOR) != 0; } escaped = false; state.buffer[copied++] = state.data[state.index++]; } if (copied > 0) { final Query branch; if (fuzzy && (flags & FUZZY_OPERATOR) != 0) { String token = new String(state.buffer, 0, copied); int fuzziness = parseFuzziness(state); // edit distance has a maximum, limit to the maximum supported fuzziness = Math.min(fuzziness, LevenshteinAutomata.MAXIMUM_SUPPORTED_DISTANCE); if (fuzziness == 0) { branch = newDefaultQuery(token); } else { branch = newFuzzyQuery(token, fuzziness); } } else if (prefix) { // if a term is found with a closing '*' it is considered to be a prefix query // and will have prefix added as an option String token = new String(state.buffer, 0, copied - 1); branch = newPrefixQuery(token); } else { // a standard term has been found so it will be run through // the entire analysis chain from the specified schema field String token = new String(state.buffer, 0, copied); branch = newDefaultQuery(token); } buildQueryTree(state, branch); } } private static BooleanQuery addClause(BooleanQuery bq, Query query, BooleanClause.Occur occur) { BooleanQuery.Builder newBq = new BooleanQuery.Builder(); newBq.setMinimumNumberShouldMatch(bq.getMinimumNumberShouldMatch()); for (BooleanClause clause : bq) { newBq.add(clause); } newBq.add(query, occur); return newBq.build(); } // buildQueryTree should be called after a term, phrase, or subquery // is consumed to be added to our existing query tree // this method will only add to the existing tree if the branch contained in state is not null private void buildQueryTree(State state, Query branch) { if (branch != null) { // modify our branch to a BooleanQuery wrapper for not // this is necessary any time a term, phrase, or subquery is negated if (state.not % 2 == 1) { BooleanQuery.Builder nq = new BooleanQuery.Builder(); nq.add(branch, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST_NOT); nq.add(new MatchAllDocsQuery(), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); branch = nq.build(); } // first term (or phrase or subquery) found and will begin our query tree if (state.top == null) { state.top = branch; } else { // more than one term (or phrase or subquery) found // set currentOperation to the default if no other operation is explicitly set if (state.currentOperation == null) { state.currentOperation = defaultOperator; } // operational change requiring a new parent node // this occurs if the previous operation is not the same as current operation // because the previous operation must be evaluated separately to preserve // the proper precedence and the current operation will take over as the top of the tree if (state.previousOperation != state.currentOperation) { BooleanQuery.Builder bq = new BooleanQuery.Builder(); bq.add(state.top, state.currentOperation); state.top = bq.build(); } // reset all of the state for reuse state.top = addClause((BooleanQuery) state.top, branch, state.currentOperation); state.previousOperation = state.currentOperation; } // reset the current operation as it was intended to be applied to // the incoming term (or phrase or subquery) even if branch was null // due to other possible errors state.currentOperation = null; } }
Helper parsing fuzziness from parsing state
Returns:slop/edit distance, 0 in the case of non-parsing slop/edit string
/** * Helper parsing fuzziness from parsing state * @return slop/edit distance, 0 in the case of non-parsing slop/edit string */
private int parseFuzziness(State state) { char slopText[] = new char[state.length]; int slopLength = 0; if (state.data[state.index] == '~') { while (state.index < state.length) { state.index++; // it's possible that the ~ was at the end, so check after incrementing // to make sure we don't go out of bounds if (state.index < state.length) { if (tokenFinished(state)) { break; } slopText[slopLength] = state.data[state.index]; slopLength++; } } int fuzziness = 0; try { String fuzzyString = new String(slopText, 0, slopLength); if ("".equals(fuzzyString)) { // Use automatic fuzziness, ~2 fuzziness = 2; } else { fuzziness = Integer.parseInt(fuzzyString); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // swallow number format exceptions parsing fuzziness } // negative -> 0 if (fuzziness < 0) { fuzziness = 0; } return fuzziness; } return 0; }
Helper returning true if the state has reached the end of token.
/** * Helper returning true if the state has reached the end of token. */
private boolean tokenFinished(State state) { if ((state.data[state.index] == '"' && (flags & PHRASE_OPERATOR) != 0) || (state.data[state.index] == '|' && (flags & OR_OPERATOR) != 0) || (state.data[state.index] == '+' && (flags & AND_OPERATOR) != 0) || (state.data[state.index] == '(' && (flags & PRECEDENCE_OPERATORS) != 0) || (state.data[state.index] == ')' && (flags & PRECEDENCE_OPERATORS) != 0) || ((state.data[state.index] == ' ' || state.data[state.index] == '\t' || state.data[state.index] == '\n' || state.data[state.index] == '\r') && (flags & WHITESPACE_OPERATOR) != 0)) { return true; } return false; }
Factory method to generate a standard query (no phrase or prefix operators).
/** * Factory method to generate a standard query (no phrase or prefix operators). */
protected Query newDefaultQuery(String text) { BooleanQuery.Builder bq = new BooleanQuery.Builder(); for (Map.Entry<String,Float> entry : weights.entrySet()) { Query q = createBooleanQuery(entry.getKey(), text, defaultOperator); if (q != null) { float boost = entry.getValue(); if (boost != 1f) { q = new BoostQuery(q, boost); } bq.add(q, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); } } return simplify(bq.build()); }
Factory method to generate a fuzzy query.
/** * Factory method to generate a fuzzy query. */
protected Query newFuzzyQuery(String text, int fuzziness) { BooleanQuery.Builder bq = new BooleanQuery.Builder(); for (Map.Entry<String,Float> entry : weights.entrySet()) { final String fieldName = entry.getKey(); final BytesRef term = getAnalyzer().normalize(fieldName, text); Query q = new FuzzyQuery(new Term(fieldName, term), fuzziness); float boost = entry.getValue(); if (boost != 1f) { q = new BoostQuery(q, boost); } bq.add(q, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); } return simplify(bq.build()); }
Factory method to generate a phrase query with slop.
/** * Factory method to generate a phrase query with slop. */
protected Query newPhraseQuery(String text, int slop) { BooleanQuery.Builder bq = new BooleanQuery.Builder(); for (Map.Entry<String,Float> entry : weights.entrySet()) { Query q = createPhraseQuery(entry.getKey(), text, slop); if (q != null) { float boost = entry.getValue(); if (boost != 1f) { q = new BoostQuery(q, boost); } bq.add(q, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); } } return simplify(bq.build()); }
Factory method to generate a prefix query.
/** * Factory method to generate a prefix query. */
protected Query newPrefixQuery(String text) { BooleanQuery.Builder bq = new BooleanQuery.Builder(); for (Map.Entry<String,Float> entry : weights.entrySet()) { final String fieldName = entry.getKey(); final BytesRef term = getAnalyzer().normalize(fieldName, text); Query q = new PrefixQuery(new Term(fieldName, term)); float boost = entry.getValue(); if (boost != 1f) { q = new BoostQuery(q, boost); } bq.add(q, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); } return simplify(bq.build()); }
Helper to simplify boolean queries with 0 or 1 clause
/** * Helper to simplify boolean queries with 0 or 1 clause */
protected Query simplify(BooleanQuery bq) { if (bq.clauses().isEmpty()) { return null; } else if (bq.clauses().size() == 1) { return bq.clauses().iterator().next().getQuery(); } else { return bq; } }
Returns the implicit operator setting, which will be either SHOULD or MUST.
/** * Returns the implicit operator setting, which will be * either {@code SHOULD} or {@code MUST}. */
public BooleanClause.Occur getDefaultOperator() { return defaultOperator; }
Sets the implicit operator setting, which must be either SHOULD or MUST.
/** * Sets the implicit operator setting, which must be * either {@code SHOULD} or {@code MUST}. */
public void setDefaultOperator(BooleanClause.Occur operator) { if (operator != BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD && operator != BooleanClause.Occur.MUST) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid operator: only SHOULD or MUST are allowed"); } this.defaultOperator = operator; } static class State { final char[] data; // the characters in the query string final char[] buffer; // a temporary buffer used to reduce necessary allocations int index; int length; BooleanClause.Occur currentOperation; BooleanClause.Occur previousOperation; int not; Query top; State(char[] data, char[] buffer, int index, int length) { this.data = data; this.buffer = buffer; this.index = index; this.length = length; } } }