 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
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package org.apache.lucene.search.join;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.LongFunction;

import org.apache.lucene.document.DoublePoint;
import org.apache.lucene.document.FloatPoint;
import org.apache.lucene.document.IntPoint;
import org.apache.lucene.document.LongPoint;
import org.apache.lucene.index.BinaryDocValues;
import org.apache.lucene.index.DocValues;
import org.apache.lucene.index.DocValuesType;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.index.NumericDocValues;
import org.apache.lucene.index.OrdinalMap;
import org.apache.lucene.index.SortedDocValues;
import org.apache.lucene.index.SortedNumericDocValues;
import org.apache.lucene.index.SortedSetDocValues;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Collector;
import org.apache.lucene.search.IndexSearcher;
import org.apache.lucene.search.MatchNoDocsQuery;
import org.apache.lucene.search.PointInSetQuery;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Query;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Scorable;
import org.apache.lucene.search.SimpleCollector;
import org.apache.lucene.search.join.DocValuesTermsCollector.Function;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;

Utility for query time joining.
/** * Utility for query time joining. * * @lucene.experimental */
public final class JoinUtil { // No instances allowed private JoinUtil() { }
Method for query time joining.

Execute the returned query with a IndexSearcher to retrieve all documents that have the same terms in the to field that match with documents matching the specified fromQuery and have the same terms in the from field.

In the case a single document relates to more than one document the multipleValuesPerDocument option should be set to true. When the multipleValuesPerDocument is set to true only the the score from the first encountered join value originating from the 'from' side is mapped into the 'to' side. Even in the case when a second join value related to a specific document yields a higher score. Obviously this doesn't apply in the case that ScoreMode.None is used, since no scores are computed at all.

Memory considerations: During joining all unique join values are kept in memory. On top of that when the scoreMode isn't set to ScoreMode.None a float value per unique join value is kept in memory for computing scores. When scoreMode is set to ScoreMode.Avg also an additional integer value is kept in memory per unique join value.

  • fromField – The from field to join from
  • multipleValuesPerDocument – Whether the from field has multiple terms per document
  • toField – The to field to join to
  • fromQuery – The query to match documents on the from side
  • fromSearcher – The searcher that executed the specified fromQuery
  • scoreMode – Instructs how scores from the fromQuery are mapped to the returned query
Returns:a Query instance that can be used to join documents based on the terms in the from and to field
/** * Method for query time joining. * <p> * Execute the returned query with a {@link IndexSearcher} to retrieve all documents that have the same terms in the * to field that match with documents matching the specified fromQuery and have the same terms in the from field. * <p> * In the case a single document relates to more than one document the <code>multipleValuesPerDocument</code> option * should be set to true. When the <code>multipleValuesPerDocument</code> is set to <code>true</code> only the * the score from the first encountered join value originating from the 'from' side is mapped into the 'to' side. * Even in the case when a second join value related to a specific document yields a higher score. Obviously this * doesn't apply in the case that {@link ScoreMode#None} is used, since no scores are computed at all. * <p> * Memory considerations: During joining all unique join values are kept in memory. On top of that when the scoreMode * isn't set to {@link ScoreMode#None} a float value per unique join value is kept in memory for computing scores. * When scoreMode is set to {@link ScoreMode#Avg} also an additional integer value is kept in memory per unique * join value. * * @param fromField The from field to join from * @param multipleValuesPerDocument Whether the from field has multiple terms per document * @param toField The to field to join to * @param fromQuery The query to match documents on the from side * @param fromSearcher The searcher that executed the specified fromQuery * @param scoreMode Instructs how scores from the fromQuery are mapped to the returned query * @return a {@link Query} instance that can be used to join documents based on the * terms in the from and to field * @throws IOException If I/O related errors occur */
public static Query createJoinQuery(String fromField, boolean multipleValuesPerDocument, String toField, Query fromQuery, IndexSearcher fromSearcher, ScoreMode scoreMode) throws IOException { final GenericTermsCollector termsWithScoreCollector; if (multipleValuesPerDocument) { Function<SortedSetDocValues> mvFunction = DocValuesTermsCollector.sortedSetDocValues(fromField); termsWithScoreCollector = GenericTermsCollector.createCollectorMV(mvFunction, scoreMode); } else { Function<BinaryDocValues> svFunction = DocValuesTermsCollector.binaryDocValues(fromField); termsWithScoreCollector = GenericTermsCollector.createCollectorSV(svFunction, scoreMode); } return createJoinQuery(multipleValuesPerDocument, toField, fromQuery, fromField, fromSearcher, scoreMode, termsWithScoreCollector); }
Method for query time joining for numeric fields. It supports multi- and single- values longs, ints, floats and longs. All considerations from createJoinQuery(String, boolean, String, Query, IndexSearcher, ScoreMode) are applicable here too, though memory consumption might be higher.

  • fromField – The from field to join from
  • multipleValuesPerDocument – Whether the from field has multiple terms per document when true fromField might be DocValuesType.SORTED_NUMERIC, otherwise fromField should be DocValuesType.NUMERIC
  • toField – The to field to join to, should be IntPoint, LongPoint, FloatPoint or DoublePoint.
  • numericType – either Integer, Long, Float or Double it should correspond to toField types
  • fromQuery – The query to match documents on the from side
  • fromSearcher – The searcher that executed the specified fromQuery
  • scoreMode – Instructs how scores from the fromQuery are mapped to the returned query
Returns:a Query instance that can be used to join documents based on the terms in the from and to field
/** * Method for query time joining for numeric fields. It supports multi- and single- values longs, ints, floats and longs. * All considerations from {@link JoinUtil#createJoinQuery(String, boolean, String, Query, IndexSearcher, ScoreMode)} are applicable here too, * though memory consumption might be higher. * <p> * * @param fromField The from field to join from * @param multipleValuesPerDocument Whether the from field has multiple terms per document * when true fromField might be {@link DocValuesType#SORTED_NUMERIC}, * otherwise fromField should be {@link DocValuesType#NUMERIC} * @param toField The to field to join to, should be {@link IntPoint}, {@link LongPoint}, {@link FloatPoint} * or {@link DoublePoint}. * @param numericType either {@link java.lang.Integer}, {@link java.lang.Long}, {@link java.lang.Float} * or {@link java.lang.Double} it should correspond to toField types * @param fromQuery The query to match documents on the from side * @param fromSearcher The searcher that executed the specified fromQuery * @param scoreMode Instructs how scores from the fromQuery are mapped to the returned query * @return a {@link Query} instance that can be used to join documents based on the * terms in the from and to field * @throws IOException If I/O related errors occur */
public static Query createJoinQuery(String fromField, boolean multipleValuesPerDocument, String toField, Class<? extends Number> numericType, Query fromQuery, IndexSearcher fromSearcher, ScoreMode scoreMode) throws IOException { TreeSet<Long> joinValues = new TreeSet<>(); Map<Long, Float> aggregatedScores = new HashMap<>(); Map<Long, Integer> occurrences = new HashMap<>(); boolean needsScore = scoreMode != ScoreMode.None; BiConsumer<Long, Float> scoreAggregator; if (scoreMode == ScoreMode.Max) { scoreAggregator = (key, score) -> { Float currentValue = aggregatedScores.putIfAbsent(key, score); if (currentValue != null) { aggregatedScores.put(key, Math.max(currentValue, score)); } }; } else if (scoreMode == ScoreMode.Min) { scoreAggregator = (key, score) -> { Float currentValue = aggregatedScores.putIfAbsent(key, score); if (currentValue != null) { aggregatedScores.put(key, Math.min(currentValue, score)); } }; } else if (scoreMode == ScoreMode.Total) { scoreAggregator = (key, score) -> { Float currentValue = aggregatedScores.putIfAbsent(key, score); if (currentValue != null) { aggregatedScores.put(key, currentValue + score); } }; } else if (scoreMode == ScoreMode.Avg) { scoreAggregator = (key, score) -> { Float currentSore = aggregatedScores.putIfAbsent(key, score); if (currentSore != null) { aggregatedScores.put(key, currentSore + score); } Integer currentOccurrence = occurrences.putIfAbsent(key, 1); if (currentOccurrence != null) { occurrences.put(key, ++currentOccurrence); } }; } else { scoreAggregator = (key, score) -> { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }; } LongFunction<Float> joinScorer; if (scoreMode == ScoreMode.Avg) { joinScorer = (joinValue) -> { Float aggregatedScore = aggregatedScores.get(joinValue); Integer occurrence = occurrences.get(joinValue); return aggregatedScore / occurrence; }; } else { joinScorer = aggregatedScores::get; } Collector collector; if (multipleValuesPerDocument) { collector = new SimpleCollector() { SortedNumericDocValues sortedNumericDocValues; Scorable scorer; @Override public void collect(int doc) throws IOException { if (sortedNumericDocValues.advanceExact(doc)) { for (int i = 0, count = sortedNumericDocValues.docValueCount(); i < count; i++) { long value = sortedNumericDocValues.nextValue(); joinValues.add(value); if (needsScore) { scoreAggregator.accept(value, scorer.score()); } } } } @Override protected void doSetNextReader(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException { sortedNumericDocValues = DocValues.getSortedNumeric(context.reader(), fromField); } @Override public void setScorer(Scorable scorer) throws IOException { this.scorer = scorer; } @Override public org.apache.lucene.search.ScoreMode scoreMode() { return needsScore ? org.apache.lucene.search.ScoreMode.COMPLETE : org.apache.lucene.search.ScoreMode.COMPLETE_NO_SCORES; } }; } else { collector = new SimpleCollector() { NumericDocValues numericDocValues; Scorable scorer; private int lastDocID = -1; private boolean docsInOrder(int docID) { if (docID < lastDocID) { throw new AssertionError("docs out of order: lastDocID=" + lastDocID + " vs docID=" + docID); } lastDocID = docID; return true; } @Override public void collect(int doc) throws IOException { assert docsInOrder(doc); long value = 0; if (numericDocValues.advanceExact(doc)) { value = numericDocValues.longValue(); } joinValues.add(value); if (needsScore) { scoreAggregator.accept(value, scorer.score()); } } @Override protected void doSetNextReader(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException { numericDocValues = DocValues.getNumeric(context.reader(), fromField); lastDocID = -1; } @Override public void setScorer(Scorable scorer) throws IOException { this.scorer = scorer; } @Override public org.apache.lucene.search.ScoreMode scoreMode() { return needsScore ? org.apache.lucene.search.ScoreMode.COMPLETE : org.apache.lucene.search.ScoreMode.COMPLETE_NO_SCORES; } }; } fromSearcher.search(fromQuery, collector); Iterator<Long> iterator = joinValues.iterator(); final int bytesPerDim; final BytesRef encoded = new BytesRef(); final PointInSetIncludingScoreQuery.Stream stream; if (Integer.class.equals(numericType)) { bytesPerDim = Integer.BYTES; stream = new PointInSetIncludingScoreQuery.Stream() { @Override public BytesRef next() { if (iterator.hasNext()) { long value = iterator.next(); IntPoint.encodeDimension((int) value, encoded.bytes, 0); if (needsScore) { score = joinScorer.apply(value); } return encoded; } else { return null; } } }; } else if (Long.class.equals(numericType)) { bytesPerDim = Long.BYTES; stream = new PointInSetIncludingScoreQuery.Stream() { @Override public BytesRef next() { if (iterator.hasNext()) { long value = iterator.next(); LongPoint.encodeDimension(value, encoded.bytes, 0); if (needsScore) { score = joinScorer.apply(value); } return encoded; } else { return null; } } }; } else if (Float.class.equals(numericType)) { bytesPerDim = Float.BYTES; stream = new PointInSetIncludingScoreQuery.Stream() { @Override public BytesRef next() { if (iterator.hasNext()) { long value = iterator.next(); FloatPoint.encodeDimension(Float.intBitsToFloat((int) value), encoded.bytes, 0); if (needsScore) { score = joinScorer.apply(value); } return encoded; } else { return null; } } }; } else if (Double.class.equals(numericType)) { bytesPerDim = Double.BYTES; stream = new PointInSetIncludingScoreQuery.Stream() { @Override public BytesRef next() { if (iterator.hasNext()) { long value = iterator.next(); DoublePoint.encodeDimension(Double.longBitsToDouble(value), encoded.bytes, 0); if (needsScore) { score = joinScorer.apply(value); } return encoded; } else { return null; } } }; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("unsupported numeric type, only Integer, Long, Float and Double are supported"); } encoded.bytes = new byte[bytesPerDim]; encoded.length = bytesPerDim; if (needsScore) { return new PointInSetIncludingScoreQuery(scoreMode, fromQuery, multipleValuesPerDocument, toField, bytesPerDim, stream) { @Override protected String toString(byte[] value) { return toString.apply(value, numericType); } }; } else { return new PointInSetQuery(toField, 1, bytesPerDim, stream) { @Override protected String toString(byte[] value) { return PointInSetIncludingScoreQuery.toString.apply(value, numericType); } }; } } private static Query createJoinQuery(boolean multipleValuesPerDocument, String toField, Query fromQuery, String fromField, IndexSearcher fromSearcher, ScoreMode scoreMode, final GenericTermsCollector collector) throws IOException { fromSearcher.search(fromQuery, collector); switch (scoreMode) { case None: return new TermsQuery(toField, collector.getCollectedTerms(), fromField, fromQuery, fromSearcher.getTopReaderContext().id()); case Total: case Max: case Min: case Avg: return new TermsIncludingScoreQuery( scoreMode, toField, multipleValuesPerDocument, collector.getCollectedTerms(), collector.getScoresPerTerm(), fromField, fromQuery, fromSearcher.getTopReaderContext().id() ); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(Locale.ROOT, "Score mode %s isn't supported.", scoreMode)); } }
  • joinField – The SortedDocValues field containing the join values
  • fromQuery – The query containing the actual user query. Also the fromQuery can only match "from" documents.
  • toQuery – The query identifying all documents on the "to" side.
  • searcher – The index searcher used to execute the from query
  • scoreMode – Instructs how scores from the fromQuery are mapped to the returned query
  • ordinalMap – The ordinal map constructed over the joinField. In case of a single segment index, no ordinal map needs to be provided.
Returns:a Query instance that can be used to join documents based on the join field
/** * Delegates to {@link #createJoinQuery(String, Query, Query, IndexSearcher, ScoreMode, OrdinalMap, int, int)}, * but disables the min and max filtering. * * @param joinField The {@link SortedDocValues} field containing the join values * @param fromQuery The query containing the actual user query. Also the fromQuery can only match "from" documents. * @param toQuery The query identifying all documents on the "to" side. * @param searcher The index searcher used to execute the from query * @param scoreMode Instructs how scores from the fromQuery are mapped to the returned query * @param ordinalMap The ordinal map constructed over the joinField. In case of a single segment index, no ordinal map * needs to be provided. * @return a {@link Query} instance that can be used to join documents based on the join field * @throws IOException If I/O related errors occur */
public static Query createJoinQuery(String joinField, Query fromQuery, Query toQuery, IndexSearcher searcher, ScoreMode scoreMode, OrdinalMap ordinalMap) throws IOException { return createJoinQuery(joinField, fromQuery, toQuery, searcher, scoreMode, ordinalMap, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); }
A query time join using global ordinals over a dedicated join field. This join has certain restrictions and requirements: 1) A document can only refer to one other document. (but can be referred by one or more documents) 2) Documents on each side of the join must be distinguishable. Typically this can be done by adding an extra field that identifies the "from" and "to" side and then the fromQuery and toQuery must take the this into account. 3) There must be a single sorted doc values join field used by both the "from" and "to" documents. This join field should store the join values as UTF-8 strings. 4) An ordinal map must be provided that is created on top of the join field. Note: min and max filtering and the avg score mode will require this join to keep track of the number of times a document matches per join value. This will increase the per join cost in terms of execution time and memory.
  • joinField – The SortedDocValues field containing the join values
  • fromQuery – The query containing the actual user query. Also the fromQuery can only match "from" documents.
  • toQuery – The query identifying all documents on the "to" side.
  • searcher – The index searcher used to execute the from query
  • scoreMode – Instructs how scores from the fromQuery are mapped to the returned query
  • ordinalMap – The ordinal map constructed over the joinField. In case of a single segment index, no ordinal map needs to be provided.
  • min – Optionally the minimum number of "from" documents that are required to match for a "to" document to be a match. The min is inclusive. Setting min to 0 and max to Interger.MAX_VALUE disables the min and max "from" documents filtering
  • max – Optionally the maximum number of "from" documents that are allowed to match for a "to" document to be a match. The max is inclusive. Setting min to 0 and max to Interger.MAX_VALUE disables the min and max "from" documents filtering
Returns:a Query instance that can be used to join documents based on the join field
/** * A query time join using global ordinals over a dedicated join field. * * This join has certain restrictions and requirements: * 1) A document can only refer to one other document. (but can be referred by one or more documents) * 2) Documents on each side of the join must be distinguishable. Typically this can be done by adding an extra field * that identifies the "from" and "to" side and then the fromQuery and toQuery must take the this into account. * 3) There must be a single sorted doc values join field used by both the "from" and "to" documents. This join field * should store the join values as UTF-8 strings. * 4) An ordinal map must be provided that is created on top of the join field. * * Note: min and max filtering and the avg score mode will require this join to keep track of the number of times * a document matches per join value. This will increase the per join cost in terms of execution time and memory. * * @param joinField The {@link SortedDocValues} field containing the join values * @param fromQuery The query containing the actual user query. Also the fromQuery can only match "from" documents. * @param toQuery The query identifying all documents on the "to" side. * @param searcher The index searcher used to execute the from query * @param scoreMode Instructs how scores from the fromQuery are mapped to the returned query * @param ordinalMap The ordinal map constructed over the joinField. In case of a single segment index, no ordinal map * needs to be provided. * @param min Optionally the minimum number of "from" documents that are required to match for a "to" document * to be a match. The min is inclusive. Setting min to 0 and max to <code>Interger.MAX_VALUE</code> * disables the min and max "from" documents filtering * @param max Optionally the maximum number of "from" documents that are allowed to match for a "to" document * to be a match. The max is inclusive. Setting min to 0 and max to <code>Interger.MAX_VALUE</code> * disables the min and max "from" documents filtering * @return a {@link Query} instance that can be used to join documents based on the join field * @throws IOException If I/O related errors occur */
public static Query createJoinQuery(String joinField, Query fromQuery, Query toQuery, IndexSearcher searcher, ScoreMode scoreMode, OrdinalMap ordinalMap, int min, int max) throws IOException { int numSegments = searcher.getIndexReader().leaves().size(); final long valueCount; if (numSegments == 0) { return new MatchNoDocsQuery("JoinUtil.createJoinQuery with no segments"); } else if (numSegments == 1) { // No need to use the ordinal map, because there is just one segment. ordinalMap = null; LeafReader leafReader = searcher.getIndexReader().leaves().get(0).reader(); SortedDocValues joinSortedDocValues = leafReader.getSortedDocValues(joinField); if (joinSortedDocValues != null) { valueCount = joinSortedDocValues.getValueCount(); } else { return new MatchNoDocsQuery("JoinUtil.createJoinQuery: no join values"); } } else { if (ordinalMap == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("OrdinalMap is required, because there is more than 1 segment"); } valueCount = ordinalMap.getValueCount(); } final Query rewrittenFromQuery = searcher.rewrite(fromQuery); final Query rewrittenToQuery = searcher.rewrite(toQuery); GlobalOrdinalsWithScoreCollector globalOrdinalsWithScoreCollector; switch (scoreMode) { case Total: globalOrdinalsWithScoreCollector = new GlobalOrdinalsWithScoreCollector.Sum(joinField, ordinalMap, valueCount, min, max); break; case Min: globalOrdinalsWithScoreCollector = new GlobalOrdinalsWithScoreCollector.Min(joinField, ordinalMap, valueCount, min, max); break; case Max: globalOrdinalsWithScoreCollector = new GlobalOrdinalsWithScoreCollector.Max(joinField, ordinalMap, valueCount, min, max); break; case Avg: globalOrdinalsWithScoreCollector = new GlobalOrdinalsWithScoreCollector.Avg(joinField, ordinalMap, valueCount, min, max); break; case None: if (min <= 0 && max == Integer.MAX_VALUE) { GlobalOrdinalsCollector globalOrdinalsCollector = new GlobalOrdinalsCollector(joinField, ordinalMap, valueCount); searcher.search(rewrittenFromQuery, globalOrdinalsCollector); return new GlobalOrdinalsQuery(globalOrdinalsCollector.getCollectorOrdinals(), joinField, ordinalMap, rewrittenToQuery, rewrittenFromQuery, searcher.getTopReaderContext().id()); } else { globalOrdinalsWithScoreCollector = new GlobalOrdinalsWithScoreCollector.NoScore(joinField, ordinalMap, valueCount, min, max); break; } default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(Locale.ROOT, "Score mode %s isn't supported.", scoreMode)); } searcher.search(rewrittenFromQuery, globalOrdinalsWithScoreCollector); return new GlobalOrdinalsWithScoreQuery(globalOrdinalsWithScoreCollector, scoreMode, joinField, ordinalMap, rewrittenToQuery, rewrittenFromQuery, min, max, searcher.getTopReaderContext().id()); } }