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package org.apache.lucene.facet.taxonomy;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.lucene.facet.FacetsCollector.MatchingDocs;
import org.apache.lucene.facet.FacetsCollector;
import org.apache.lucene.facet.FacetsConfig;
import org.apache.lucene.index.BinaryDocValues;
import org.apache.lucene.search.DocIdSetIterator;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;

Aggregates sum of int values previously indexed with FloatAssociationFacetField, assuming the default encoding. @lucene.experimental
/** Aggregates sum of int values previously indexed with * {@link FloatAssociationFacetField}, assuming the default * encoding. * * @lucene.experimental */
public class TaxonomyFacetSumFloatAssociations extends FloatTaxonomyFacets {
Create TaxonomyFacetSumFloatAssociations against the default index field.
/** Create {@code TaxonomyFacetSumFloatAssociations} against * the default index field. */
public TaxonomyFacetSumFloatAssociations(TaxonomyReader taxoReader, FacetsConfig config, FacetsCollector fc) throws IOException { this(FacetsConfig.DEFAULT_INDEX_FIELD_NAME, taxoReader, config, fc); }
Create TaxonomyFacetSumFloatAssociations against the specified index field.
/** Create {@code TaxonomyFacetSumFloatAssociations} against * the specified index field. */
public TaxonomyFacetSumFloatAssociations(String indexFieldName, TaxonomyReader taxoReader, FacetsConfig config, FacetsCollector fc) throws IOException { super(indexFieldName, taxoReader, config); sumValues(fc.getMatchingDocs()); } private final void sumValues(List<MatchingDocs> matchingDocs) throws IOException { //System.out.println("count matchingDocs=" + matchingDocs + " facetsField=" + facetsFieldName); for(MatchingDocs hits : matchingDocs) { BinaryDocValues dv = hits.context.reader().getBinaryDocValues(indexFieldName); if (dv == null) { // this reader does not have DocValues for the requested category list continue; } DocIdSetIterator docs = hits.bits.iterator(); int doc; while ((doc = docs.nextDoc()) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) { //System.out.println(" doc=" + doc); // TODO: use OrdinalsReader? we'd need to add a // BytesRef getAssociation()? if (dv.docID() < doc) { dv.advance(doc); } if (dv.docID() == doc) { final BytesRef bytesRef = dv.binaryValue(); byte[] bytes = bytesRef.bytes; int end = bytesRef.offset + bytesRef.length; int offset = bytesRef.offset; while (offset < end) { int ord = ((bytes[offset]&0xFF) << 24) | ((bytes[offset+1]&0xFF) << 16) | ((bytes[offset+2]&0xFF) << 8) | (bytes[offset+3]&0xFF); offset += 4; int value = ((bytes[offset]&0xFF) << 24) | ((bytes[offset+1]&0xFF) << 16) | ((bytes[offset+2]&0xFF) << 8) | (bytes[offset+3]&0xFF); offset += 4; values[ord] += Float.intBitsToFloat(value); } } } } } }