 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.lucene.util;

import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.lucene.index.Term;
import org.apache.lucene.search.BooleanClause;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Query;
import org.apache.lucene.search.QueryVisitor;

Estimates the size (memory representation) of Java objects.

This class uses assumptions that were discovered for the Hotspot virtual machine. If you use a non-OpenJDK/Oracle-based JVM, the measurements may be slightly wrong.

See Also:
/** * Estimates the size (memory representation) of Java objects. * <p> * This class uses assumptions that were discovered for the Hotspot * virtual machine. If you use a non-OpenJDK/Oracle-based JVM, * the measurements may be slightly wrong. * * @see #shallowSizeOf(Object) * @see #shallowSizeOfInstance(Class) * * @lucene.internal */
public final class RamUsageEstimator {
One kilobyte bytes.
/** One kilobyte bytes. */
public static final long ONE_KB = 1024;
One megabyte bytes.
/** One megabyte bytes. */
public static final long ONE_MB = ONE_KB * ONE_KB;
One gigabyte bytes.
/** One gigabyte bytes.*/
public static final long ONE_GB = ONE_KB * ONE_MB;
No instantiation.
/** No instantiation. */
private RamUsageEstimator() {}
True, iff compressed references (oops) are enabled by this JVM
/** * True, iff compressed references (oops) are enabled by this JVM */
public final static boolean COMPRESSED_REFS_ENABLED;
Number of bytes this JVM uses to represent an object reference.
/** * Number of bytes this JVM uses to represent an object reference. */
public final static int NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_REF;
Number of bytes to represent an object header (no fields, no alignments).
/** * Number of bytes to represent an object header (no fields, no alignments). */
public final static int NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_HEADER;
Number of bytes to represent an array header (no content, but with alignments).
/** * Number of bytes to represent an array header (no content, but with alignments). */
public final static int NUM_BYTES_ARRAY_HEADER;
A constant specifying the object alignment boundary inside the JVM. Objects will always take a full multiple of this constant, possibly wasting some space.
/** * A constant specifying the object alignment boundary inside the JVM. Objects will * always take a full multiple of this constant, possibly wasting some space. */
public final static int NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_ALIGNMENT;
Approximate memory usage that we assign to all unknown queries - this maps roughly to a BooleanQuery with a couple term clauses.
/** * Approximate memory usage that we assign to all unknown queries - * this maps roughly to a BooleanQuery with a couple term clauses. */
public static final int QUERY_DEFAULT_RAM_BYTES_USED = 1024;
Approximate memory usage that we assign to all unknown objects - this maps roughly to a few primitive fields and a couple short String-s.
/** * Approximate memory usage that we assign to all unknown objects - * this maps roughly to a few primitive fields and a couple short String-s. */
public static final int UNKNOWN_DEFAULT_RAM_BYTES_USED = 256;
Sizes of primitive classes.
/** * Sizes of primitive classes. */
public static final Map<Class<?>,Integer> primitiveSizes; static { Map<Class<?>, Integer> primitiveSizesMap = new IdentityHashMap<>(); primitiveSizesMap.put(boolean.class, 1); primitiveSizesMap.put(byte.class, 1); primitiveSizesMap.put(char.class, Integer.valueOf(Character.BYTES)); primitiveSizesMap.put(short.class, Integer.valueOf(Short.BYTES)); primitiveSizesMap.put(int.class, Integer.valueOf(Integer.BYTES)); primitiveSizesMap.put(float.class, Integer.valueOf(Float.BYTES)); primitiveSizesMap.put(double.class, Integer.valueOf(Double.BYTES)); primitiveSizesMap.put(long.class, Integer.valueOf(Long.BYTES)); primitiveSizes = Collections.unmodifiableMap(primitiveSizesMap); }
JVMs typically cache small longs. This tries to find out what the range is.
/** * JVMs typically cache small longs. This tries to find out what the range is. */
For testing only
/** For testing only */
static final boolean JVM_IS_HOTSPOT_64BIT; static final String MANAGEMENT_FACTORY_CLASS = "java.lang.management.ManagementFactory"; static final String HOTSPOT_BEAN_CLASS = "com.sun.management.HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean";
Initialize constants and try to collect information about the JVM internals.
/** * Initialize constants and try to collect information about the JVM internals. */
static { if (Constants.JRE_IS_64BIT) { // Try to get compressed oops and object alignment (the default seems to be 8 on Hotspot); // (this only works on 64 bit, on 32 bits the alignment and reference size is fixed): boolean compressedOops = false; int objectAlignment = 8; boolean isHotspot = false; try { final Class<?> beanClazz = Class.forName(HOTSPOT_BEAN_CLASS); // we use reflection for this, because the management factory is not part // of Java 8's compact profile: final Object hotSpotBean = Class.forName(MANAGEMENT_FACTORY_CLASS) .getMethod("getPlatformMXBean", Class.class) .invoke(null, beanClazz); if (hotSpotBean != null) { isHotspot = true; final Method getVMOptionMethod = beanClazz.getMethod("getVMOption", String.class); try { final Object vmOption = getVMOptionMethod.invoke(hotSpotBean, "UseCompressedOops"); compressedOops = Boolean.parseBoolean( vmOption.getClass().getMethod("getValue").invoke(vmOption).toString() ); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException | RuntimeException e) { isHotspot = false; } try { final Object vmOption = getVMOptionMethod.invoke(hotSpotBean, "ObjectAlignmentInBytes"); objectAlignment = Integer.parseInt( vmOption.getClass().getMethod("getValue").invoke(vmOption).toString() ); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException | RuntimeException e) { isHotspot = false; } } } catch (ReflectiveOperationException | RuntimeException e) { isHotspot = false; } JVM_IS_HOTSPOT_64BIT = isHotspot; COMPRESSED_REFS_ENABLED = compressedOops; NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_ALIGNMENT = objectAlignment; // reference size is 4, if we have compressed oops: NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_REF = COMPRESSED_REFS_ENABLED ? 4 : 8; // "best guess" based on reference size: NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_HEADER = 8 + NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_REF; // array header is NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_HEADER + NUM_BYTES_INT, but aligned (object alignment): NUM_BYTES_ARRAY_HEADER = (int) alignObjectSize(NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_HEADER + Integer.BYTES); } else { JVM_IS_HOTSPOT_64BIT = false; COMPRESSED_REFS_ENABLED = false; NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_ALIGNMENT = 8; NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_REF = 4; NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_HEADER = 8; // For 32 bit JVMs, no extra alignment of array header: NUM_BYTES_ARRAY_HEADER = NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_HEADER + Integer.BYTES; } // get min/max value of cached Long class instances: long longCacheMinValue = 0; while (longCacheMinValue > Long.MIN_VALUE && Long.valueOf(longCacheMinValue - 1) == Long.valueOf(longCacheMinValue - 1)) { longCacheMinValue -= 1; } long longCacheMaxValue = -1; while (longCacheMaxValue < Long.MAX_VALUE && Long.valueOf(longCacheMaxValue + 1) == Long.valueOf(longCacheMaxValue + 1)) { longCacheMaxValue += 1; } LONG_CACHE_MIN_VALUE = longCacheMinValue; LONG_CACHE_MAX_VALUE = longCacheMaxValue; LONG_SIZE = (int) shallowSizeOfInstance(Long.class); STRING_SIZE = (int) shallowSizeOfInstance(String.class); }
Approximate memory usage that we assign to a Hashtable / HashMap entry.
/** Approximate memory usage that we assign to a Hashtable / HashMap entry. */
public static final long HASHTABLE_RAM_BYTES_PER_ENTRY = 2 * NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_REF // key + value * 2; // hash tables need to be oversized to avoid collisions, assume 2x capacity
Approximate memory usage that we assign to a LinkedHashMap entry.
/** Approximate memory usage that we assign to a LinkedHashMap entry. */
public static final long LINKED_HASHTABLE_RAM_BYTES_PER_ENTRY = HASHTABLE_RAM_BYTES_PER_ENTRY + 2 * NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_REF; // previous & next references
Aligns an object size to be the next multiple of NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_ALIGNMENT.
/** * Aligns an object size to be the next multiple of {@link #NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_ALIGNMENT}. */
public static long alignObjectSize(long size) { size += (long) NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_ALIGNMENT - 1L; return size - (size % NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_ALIGNMENT); }
Return the size of the provided Long object, returning 0 if it is cached by the JVM and its shallow size otherwise.
/** * Return the size of the provided {@link Long} object, returning 0 if it is * cached by the JVM and its shallow size otherwise. */
public static long sizeOf(Long value) { if (value >= LONG_CACHE_MIN_VALUE && value <= LONG_CACHE_MAX_VALUE) { return 0; } return LONG_SIZE; }
Returns the size in bytes of the byte[] object.
/** Returns the size in bytes of the byte[] object. */
public static long sizeOf(byte[] arr) { return alignObjectSize((long) NUM_BYTES_ARRAY_HEADER + arr.length); }
Returns the size in bytes of the boolean[] object.
/** Returns the size in bytes of the boolean[] object. */
public static long sizeOf(boolean[] arr) { return alignObjectSize((long) NUM_BYTES_ARRAY_HEADER + arr.length); }
Returns the size in bytes of the char[] object.
/** Returns the size in bytes of the char[] object. */
public static long sizeOf(char[] arr) { return alignObjectSize((long) NUM_BYTES_ARRAY_HEADER + (long) Character.BYTES * arr.length); }
Returns the size in bytes of the short[] object.
/** Returns the size in bytes of the short[] object. */
public static long sizeOf(short[] arr) { return alignObjectSize((long) NUM_BYTES_ARRAY_HEADER + (long) Short.BYTES * arr.length); }
Returns the size in bytes of the int[] object.
/** Returns the size in bytes of the int[] object. */
public static long sizeOf(int[] arr) { return alignObjectSize((long) NUM_BYTES_ARRAY_HEADER + (long) Integer.BYTES * arr.length); }
Returns the size in bytes of the float[] object.
/** Returns the size in bytes of the float[] object. */
public static long sizeOf(float[] arr) { return alignObjectSize((long) NUM_BYTES_ARRAY_HEADER + (long) Float.BYTES * arr.length); }
Returns the size in bytes of the long[] object.
/** Returns the size in bytes of the long[] object. */
public static long sizeOf(long[] arr) { return alignObjectSize((long) NUM_BYTES_ARRAY_HEADER + (long) Long.BYTES * arr.length); }
Returns the size in bytes of the double[] object.
/** Returns the size in bytes of the double[] object. */
public static long sizeOf(double[] arr) { return alignObjectSize((long) NUM_BYTES_ARRAY_HEADER + (long) Double.BYTES * arr.length); }
Returns the size in bytes of the String[] object.
/** Returns the size in bytes of the String[] object. */
public static long sizeOf(String[] arr) { long size = shallowSizeOf(arr); for (String s : arr) { if (s == null) { continue; } size += sizeOf(s); } return size; }
Recurse only into immediate descendants.
/** Recurse only into immediate descendants. */
public static final int MAX_DEPTH = 1;
Returns the size in bytes of a Map object, including sizes of its keys and values, supplying UNKNOWN_DEFAULT_RAM_BYTES_USED when object type is not well known. This method recurses up to MAX_DEPTH.
/** Returns the size in bytes of a Map object, including sizes of its keys and values, supplying * {@link #UNKNOWN_DEFAULT_RAM_BYTES_USED} when object type is not well known. * This method recurses up to {@link #MAX_DEPTH}. */
public static long sizeOfMap(Map<?, ?> map) { return sizeOfMap(map, 0, UNKNOWN_DEFAULT_RAM_BYTES_USED); }
Returns the size in bytes of a Map object, including sizes of its keys and values, supplying default object size when object type is not well known. This method recurses up to MAX_DEPTH.
/** Returns the size in bytes of a Map object, including sizes of its keys and values, supplying * default object size when object type is not well known. * This method recurses up to {@link #MAX_DEPTH}. */
public static long sizeOfMap(Map<?, ?> map, long defSize) { return sizeOfMap(map, 0, defSize); } private static long sizeOfMap(Map<?, ?> map, int depth, long defSize) { if (map == null) { return 0; } long size = shallowSizeOf(map); if (depth > MAX_DEPTH) { return size; } long sizeOfEntry = -1; for (Map.Entry<?, ?> entry : map.entrySet()) { if (sizeOfEntry == -1) { sizeOfEntry = shallowSizeOf(entry); } size += sizeOfEntry; size += sizeOfObject(entry.getKey(), depth, defSize); size += sizeOfObject(entry.getValue(), depth, defSize); } return alignObjectSize(size); }
Returns the size in bytes of a Collection object, including sizes of its values, supplying UNKNOWN_DEFAULT_RAM_BYTES_USED when object type is not well known. This method recurses up to MAX_DEPTH.
/** Returns the size in bytes of a Collection object, including sizes of its values, supplying * {@link #UNKNOWN_DEFAULT_RAM_BYTES_USED} when object type is not well known. * This method recurses up to {@link #MAX_DEPTH}. */
public static long sizeOfCollection(Collection<?> collection) { return sizeOfCollection(collection, 0, UNKNOWN_DEFAULT_RAM_BYTES_USED); }
Returns the size in bytes of a Collection object, including sizes of its values, supplying default object size when object type is not well known. This method recurses up to MAX_DEPTH.
/** Returns the size in bytes of a Collection object, including sizes of its values, supplying * default object size when object type is not well known. * This method recurses up to {@link #MAX_DEPTH}. */
public static long sizeOfCollection(Collection<?> collection, long defSize) { return sizeOfCollection(collection, 0, defSize); } private static long sizeOfCollection(Collection<?> collection, int depth, long defSize) { if (collection == null) { return 0; } long size = shallowSizeOf(collection); if (depth > MAX_DEPTH) { return size; } // assume array-backed collection and add per-object references size += NUM_BYTES_ARRAY_HEADER + collection.size() * NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_REF; for (Object o : collection) { size += sizeOfObject(o, depth, defSize); } return alignObjectSize(size); } private static final class RamUsageQueryVisitor extends QueryVisitor { long total; long defSize; Query root; RamUsageQueryVisitor(Query root, long defSize) { this.root = root; this.defSize = defSize; if (defSize > 0) { total = defSize; } else { total = shallowSizeOf(root); } } @Override public void consumeTerms(Query query, Term... terms) { if (query != root) { if (defSize > 0) { total += defSize; } else { total += shallowSizeOf(query); } } if (terms != null) { total += sizeOf(terms); } } @Override public void visitLeaf(Query query) { if (query == root) { return; } if (query instanceof Accountable) { total += ((Accountable)query).ramBytesUsed(); } else { if (defSize > 0) { total += defSize; } else { total += shallowSizeOf(query); } } } @Override public QueryVisitor getSubVisitor(BooleanClause.Occur occur, Query parent) { return this; } }
Returns the size in bytes of a Query object. Unknown query types will be estimated as QUERY_DEFAULT_RAM_BYTES_USED.
/** * Returns the size in bytes of a Query object. Unknown query types will be estimated * as {@link #QUERY_DEFAULT_RAM_BYTES_USED}. */
public static long sizeOf(Query q) { return sizeOf(q, QUERY_DEFAULT_RAM_BYTES_USED); }
Returns the size in bytes of a Query object. Unknown query types will be estimated using shallowSizeOf(Object), or using the supplied defSize parameter if its value is greater than 0.
/** * Returns the size in bytes of a Query object. Unknown query types will be estimated * using {@link #shallowSizeOf(Object)}, or using the supplied <code>defSize</code> parameter * if its value is greater than 0. */
public static long sizeOf(Query q, long defSize) { if (q instanceof Accountable) { return ((Accountable)q).ramBytesUsed(); } else { RamUsageQueryVisitor visitor = new RamUsageQueryVisitor(q, defSize); q.visit(visitor); return alignObjectSize(visitor.total); } }
Best effort attempt to estimate the size in bytes of an undetermined object. Known types will be estimated according to their formulas, and all other object sizes will be estimated as UNKNOWN_DEFAULT_RAM_BYTES_USED.
/** Best effort attempt to estimate the size in bytes of an undetermined object. Known types * will be estimated according to their formulas, and all other object sizes will be estimated * as {@link #UNKNOWN_DEFAULT_RAM_BYTES_USED}. */
public static long sizeOfObject(Object o) { return sizeOfObject(o, 0, UNKNOWN_DEFAULT_RAM_BYTES_USED); }
Best effort attempt to estimate the size in bytes of an undetermined object. Known types will be estimated according to their formulas, and all other object sizes will be estimated using shallowSizeOf(Object), or using the supplied defSize parameter if its value is greater than 0.
/** Best effort attempt to estimate the size in bytes of an undetermined object. Known types * will be estimated according to their formulas, and all other object sizes will be estimated * using {@link #shallowSizeOf(Object)}, or using the supplied <code>defSize</code> parameter if * its value is greater than 0. */
public static long sizeOfObject(Object o, long defSize) { return sizeOfObject(o, 0, defSize); } private static long sizeOfObject(Object o, int depth, long defSize) { if (o == null) { return 0; } long size; if (o instanceof Accountable) { size = ((Accountable)o).ramBytesUsed(); } else if (o instanceof String) { size = sizeOf((String)o); } else if (o instanceof boolean[]) { size = sizeOf((boolean[])o); } else if (o instanceof byte[]) { size = sizeOf((byte[])o); } else if (o instanceof char[]) { size = sizeOf((char[])o); } else if (o instanceof double[]) { size = sizeOf((double[])o); } else if (o instanceof float[]) { size = sizeOf((float[])o); } else if (o instanceof int[]) { size = sizeOf((int[])o); } else if (o instanceof Long) { size = sizeOf((Long)o); } else if (o instanceof long[]) { size = sizeOf((long[])o); } else if (o instanceof short[]) { size = sizeOf((short[])o); } else if (o instanceof String[]) { size = sizeOf((String[]) o); } else if (o instanceof Query) { size = sizeOf((Query)o, defSize); } else if (o instanceof Map) { size = sizeOfMap((Map) o, ++depth, defSize); } else if (o instanceof Collection) { size = sizeOfCollection((Collection)o, ++depth, defSize); } else { if (defSize > 0) { size = defSize; } else { size = shallowSizeOf(o); } } return size; }
Returns the size in bytes of the Accountable object, using its Accountable.ramBytesUsed() method.
/** Returns the size in bytes of the {@link Accountable} object, using its * {@link Accountable#ramBytesUsed()} method. */
public static long sizeOf(Accountable accountable) { return accountable.ramBytesUsed(); }
Returns the size in bytes of the String object.
/** Returns the size in bytes of the String object. */
public static long sizeOf(String s) { if (s == null) { return 0; } // may not be true in Java 9+ and CompactStrings - but we have no way to determine this // char[] + hashCode long size = STRING_SIZE + (long)NUM_BYTES_ARRAY_HEADER + (long)Character.BYTES * s.length(); return alignObjectSize(size); }
Returns the shallow size in bytes of the Object[] object.
/** Returns the shallow size in bytes of the Object[] object. */
// Use this method instead of #shallowSizeOf(Object) to avoid costly reflection public static long shallowSizeOf(Object[] arr) { return alignObjectSize((long) NUM_BYTES_ARRAY_HEADER + (long) NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_REF * arr.length); }
Estimates a "shallow" memory usage of the given object. For arrays, this will be the memory taken by array storage (no subreferences will be followed). For objects, this will be the memory taken by the fields. JVM object alignments are also applied.
/** * Estimates a "shallow" memory usage of the given object. For arrays, this will be the * memory taken by array storage (no subreferences will be followed). For objects, this * will be the memory taken by the fields. * * JVM object alignments are also applied. */
public static long shallowSizeOf(Object obj) { if (obj == null) return 0; final Class<?> clz = obj.getClass(); if (clz.isArray()) { return shallowSizeOfArray(obj); } else { return shallowSizeOfInstance(clz); } }
Returns the shallow instance size in bytes an instance of the given class would occupy. This works with all conventional classes and primitive types, but not with arrays (the size then depends on the number of elements and varies from object to object).
See Also:
  • shallowSizeOf(Object)
/** * Returns the shallow instance size in bytes an instance of the given class would occupy. * This works with all conventional classes and primitive types, but not with arrays * (the size then depends on the number of elements and varies from object to object). * * @see #shallowSizeOf(Object) * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code clazz} is an array class. */
public static long shallowSizeOfInstance(Class<?> clazz) { if (clazz.isArray()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method does not work with array classes."); if (clazz.isPrimitive()) return primitiveSizes.get(clazz); long size = NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_HEADER; // Walk type hierarchy for (;clazz != null; clazz = clazz.getSuperclass()) { final Class<?> target = clazz; final Field[] fields = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Field[]>() { @Override public Field[] run() { return target.getDeclaredFields(); } }); for (Field f : fields) { if (!Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers())) { size = adjustForField(size, f); } } } return alignObjectSize(size); }
Return shallow size of any array.
/** * Return shallow size of any <code>array</code>. */
private static long shallowSizeOfArray(Object array) { long size = NUM_BYTES_ARRAY_HEADER; final int len = Array.getLength(array); if (len > 0) { Class<?> arrayElementClazz = array.getClass().getComponentType(); if (arrayElementClazz.isPrimitive()) { size += (long) len * primitiveSizes.get(arrayElementClazz); } else { size += (long) NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_REF * len; } } return alignObjectSize(size); }
This method returns the maximum representation size of an object. sizeSoFar is the object's size measured so far. f is the field being probed.

The returned offset will be the maximum of whatever was measured so far and f field's offset and representation size (unaligned).

/** * This method returns the maximum representation size of an object. <code>sizeSoFar</code> * is the object's size measured so far. <code>f</code> is the field being probed. * * <p>The returned offset will be the maximum of whatever was measured so far and * <code>f</code> field's offset and representation size (unaligned). */
static long adjustForField(long sizeSoFar, final Field f) { final Class<?> type = f.getType(); final int fsize = type.isPrimitive() ? primitiveSizes.get(type) : NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_REF; // TODO: No alignments based on field type/ subclass fields alignments? return sizeSoFar + fsize; }
Returns size in human-readable units (GB, MB, KB or bytes).
/** * Returns <code>size</code> in human-readable units (GB, MB, KB or bytes). */
public static String humanReadableUnits(long bytes) { return humanReadableUnits(bytes, new DecimalFormat("0.#", DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(Locale.ROOT))); }
Returns size in human-readable units (GB, MB, KB or bytes).
/** * Returns <code>size</code> in human-readable units (GB, MB, KB or bytes). */
public static String humanReadableUnits(long bytes, DecimalFormat df) { if (bytes / ONE_GB > 0) { return df.format((float) bytes / ONE_GB) + " GB"; } else if (bytes / ONE_MB > 0) { return df.format((float) bytes / ONE_MB) + " MB"; } else if (bytes / ONE_KB > 0) { return df.format((float) bytes / ONE_KB) + " KB"; } else { return bytes + " bytes"; } }
Return the size of the provided array of Accountables by summing up the shallow size of the array and the memory usage reported by each Accountable.
/** * Return the size of the provided array of {@link Accountable}s by summing * up the shallow size of the array and the * {@link Accountable#ramBytesUsed() memory usage} reported by each * {@link Accountable}. */
public static long sizeOf(Accountable[] accountables) { long size = shallowSizeOf(accountables); for (Accountable accountable : accountables) { if (accountable != null) { size += accountable.ramBytesUsed(); } } return size; } }