 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.routing;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

import javax.script.Bindings;

import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.Appender;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.Core;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.Filter;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LifeCycle2;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LogEvent;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.AbstractAppender;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.rewrite.RewritePolicy;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.AppenderControl;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.Configuration;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.Node;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.Property;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.plugins.Plugin;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.plugins.PluginBuilderFactory;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.plugins.PluginElement;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.script.AbstractScript;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.script.ScriptManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.util.Booleans;

This Appender "routes" between various Appenders, some of which can be references to Appenders defined earlier in the configuration while others can be dynamically created within this Appender as required. Routing is achieved by specifying a pattern on the Routing appender declaration. The pattern should contain one or more substitution patterns of the form "$${[key:]token}". The pattern will be resolved each time the Appender is called using the built in StrSubstitutor and the StrLookup plugin that matches the specified key.
/** * This Appender "routes" between various Appenders, some of which can be references to * Appenders defined earlier in the configuration while others can be dynamically created * within this Appender as required. Routing is achieved by specifying a pattern on * the Routing appender declaration. The pattern should contain one or more substitution patterns of * the form "$${[key:]token}". The pattern will be resolved each time the Appender is called using * the built in StrSubstitutor and the StrLookup plugin that matches the specified key. */
@Plugin(name = "Routing", category = Core.CATEGORY_NAME, elementType = Appender.ELEMENT_TYPE, printObject = true) public final class RoutingAppender extends AbstractAppender { public static final String STATIC_VARIABLES_KEY = "staticVariables"; public static class Builder<B extends Builder<B>> extends AbstractAppender.Builder<B> implements org.apache.logging.log4j.core.util.Builder<RoutingAppender> { // Does not work unless the element is called "Script", I wanted "DefaultRounteScript"... @PluginElement("Script") private AbstractScript defaultRouteScript; @PluginElement("Routes") private Routes routes; @PluginElement("RewritePolicy") private RewritePolicy rewritePolicy; @PluginElement("PurgePolicy") private PurgePolicy purgePolicy; @Override public RoutingAppender build() { final String name = getName(); if (name == null) { LOGGER.error("No name defined for this RoutingAppender"); return null; } if (routes == null) { LOGGER.error("No routes defined for RoutingAppender {}", name); return null; } return new RoutingAppender(name, getFilter(), isIgnoreExceptions(), routes, rewritePolicy, getConfiguration(), purgePolicy, defaultRouteScript, getPropertyArray()); } public Routes getRoutes() { return routes; } public AbstractScript getDefaultRouteScript() { return defaultRouteScript; } public RewritePolicy getRewritePolicy() { return rewritePolicy; } public PurgePolicy getPurgePolicy() { return purgePolicy; } public B withRoutes(@SuppressWarnings("hiding") final Routes routes) { this.routes = routes; return asBuilder(); } public B withDefaultRouteScript(@SuppressWarnings("hiding") final AbstractScript defaultRouteScript) { this.defaultRouteScript = defaultRouteScript; return asBuilder(); } public B withRewritePolicy(@SuppressWarnings("hiding") final RewritePolicy rewritePolicy) { this.rewritePolicy = rewritePolicy; return asBuilder(); } public void withPurgePolicy(@SuppressWarnings("hiding") final PurgePolicy purgePolicy) { this.purgePolicy = purgePolicy; } } @PluginBuilderFactory public static <B extends Builder<B>> B newBuilder() { return new Builder<B>().asBuilder(); } private static final String DEFAULT_KEY = "ROUTING_APPENDER_DEFAULT"; private final Routes routes; private Route defaultRoute; private final Configuration configuration; private final ConcurrentMap<String, CreatedRouteAppenderControl> createdAppenders = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final Map<String, AppenderControl> createdAppendersUnmodifiableView = Collections.unmodifiableMap( (Map<String, AppenderControl>) (Map<String, ?>) createdAppenders); private final ConcurrentMap<String, RouteAppenderControl> referencedAppenders = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final RewritePolicy rewritePolicy; private final PurgePolicy purgePolicy; private final AbstractScript defaultRouteScript; private final ConcurrentMap<Object, Object> scriptStaticVariables = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private RoutingAppender(final String name, final Filter filter, final boolean ignoreExceptions, final Routes routes, final RewritePolicy rewritePolicy, final Configuration configuration, final PurgePolicy purgePolicy, final AbstractScript defaultRouteScript, final Property[] properties) { super(name, filter, null, ignoreExceptions, properties); this.routes = routes; this.configuration = configuration; this.rewritePolicy = rewritePolicy; this.purgePolicy = purgePolicy; if (this.purgePolicy != null) { this.purgePolicy.initialize(this); } this.defaultRouteScript = defaultRouteScript; Route defRoute = null; for (final Route route : routes.getRoutes()) { if (route.getKey() == null) { if (defRoute == null) { defRoute = route; } else { error("Multiple default routes. Route " + route.toString() + " will be ignored"); } } } defaultRoute = defRoute; } @Override public void start() { if (defaultRouteScript != null) { if (configuration == null) { error("No Configuration defined for RoutingAppender; required for Script element."); } else { final ScriptManager scriptManager = configuration.getScriptManager(); scriptManager.addScript(defaultRouteScript); final Bindings bindings = scriptManager.createBindings(defaultRouteScript); bindings.put(STATIC_VARIABLES_KEY, scriptStaticVariables); final Object object = scriptManager.execute(defaultRouteScript.getName(), bindings); final Route route = routes.getRoute(Objects.toString(object, null)); if (route != null) { defaultRoute = route; } } } // Register all the static routes. for (final Route route : routes.getRoutes()) { if (route.getAppenderRef() != null) { final Appender appender = configuration.getAppender(route.getAppenderRef()); if (appender != null) { final String key = route == defaultRoute ? DEFAULT_KEY : route.getKey(); referencedAppenders.put(key, new ReferencedRouteAppenderControl(appender)); } else { error("Appender " + route.getAppenderRef() + " cannot be located. Route ignored"); } } } super.start(); } @Override public boolean stop(final long timeout, final TimeUnit timeUnit) { setStopping(); super.stop(timeout, timeUnit, false); // Only stop appenders that were created by this RoutingAppender for (final Map.Entry<String, CreatedRouteAppenderControl> entry : createdAppenders.entrySet()) { final Appender appender = entry.getValue().getAppender(); if (appender instanceof LifeCycle2) { ((LifeCycle2) appender).stop(timeout, timeUnit); } else { appender.stop(); } } setStopped(); return true; } @Override public void append(LogEvent event) { if (rewritePolicy != null) { event = rewritePolicy.rewrite(event); } final String pattern = routes.getPattern(event, scriptStaticVariables); final String key = pattern != null ? configuration.getStrSubstitutor().replace(event, pattern) : defaultRoute.getKey(); final RouteAppenderControl control = getControl(key, event); if (control != null) { try { control.callAppender(event); } finally { control.release(); } } updatePurgePolicy(key, event); } private void updatePurgePolicy(final String key, final LogEvent event) { if (purgePolicy != null // LOG4J2-2631: PurgePolicy implementations do not need to be aware of appenders that // were not created by this RoutingAppender. && !referencedAppenders.containsKey(key)) { purgePolicy.update(key, event); } } private synchronized RouteAppenderControl getControl(final String key, final LogEvent event) { RouteAppenderControl control = getAppender(key); if (control != null) { control.checkout(); return control; } Route route = null; for (final Route r : routes.getRoutes()) { if (r.getAppenderRef() == null && key.equals(r.getKey())) { route = r; break; } } if (route == null) { route = defaultRoute; control = getAppender(DEFAULT_KEY); if (control != null) { control.checkout(); return control; } } if (route != null) { final Appender app = createAppender(route, event); if (app == null) { return null; } CreatedRouteAppenderControl created = new CreatedRouteAppenderControl(app); control = created; createdAppenders.put(key, created); } if (control != null) { control.checkout(); } return control; } private RouteAppenderControl getAppender(final String key) { final RouteAppenderControl result = referencedAppenders.get(key); if (result == null) { return createdAppenders.get(key); } return result; } private Appender createAppender(final Route route, final LogEvent event) { final Node routeNode = route.getNode(); for (final Node node : routeNode.getChildren()) { if (node.getType().getElementName().equals(Appender.ELEMENT_TYPE)) { final Node appNode = new Node(node); configuration.createConfiguration(appNode, event); if (appNode.getObject() instanceof Appender) { final Appender app = appNode.getObject(); app.start(); return app; } error("Unable to create Appender of type " + node.getName()); return null; } } error("No Appender was configured for route " + route.getKey()); return null; }
Returns an unmodifiable view of the appenders created by this RoutingAppender. Note that this map does not contain appenders that are routed by reference.
/** * Returns an unmodifiable view of the appenders created by this {@link RoutingAppender}. * Note that this map does not contain appenders that are routed by reference. */
public Map<String, AppenderControl> getAppenders() { return createdAppendersUnmodifiableView; }
Deletes the specified appender.
  • key – The appender's key
/** * Deletes the specified appender. * * @param key The appender's key */
public void deleteAppender(final String key) { LOGGER.debug("Deleting route with {} key ", key); // LOG4J2-2631: Only appenders created by this RoutingAppender are eligible for deletion. final CreatedRouteAppenderControl control = createdAppenders.remove(key); if (null != control) { LOGGER.debug("Stopping route with {} key", key); // Synchronize with getControl to avoid triggering stopAppender before RouteAppenderControl.checkout // can be invoked. synchronized (this) { control.pendingDeletion = true; } // Don't attempt to stop the appender in a synchronized block, since it may block flushing events // to disk. control.tryStopAppender(); } else { if (referencedAppenders.containsKey(key)) { LOGGER.debug("Route {} using an appender reference may not be removed because " + "the appender may be used outside of the RoutingAppender", key); } else { LOGGER.debug("Route with {} key already deleted", key); } } }
Creates a RoutingAppender.
  • name – The name of the Appender.
  • ignore – If "true" (default) exceptions encountered when appending events are logged; otherwise they are propagated to the caller.
  • routes – The routing definitions.
  • config – The Configuration (automatically added by the Configuration).
  • rewritePolicy – A RewritePolicy, if any.
  • filter – A Filter to restrict events processed by the Appender or null.
Returns:The RoutingAppender
Deprecated:Since 2.7; use newBuilder()
/** * Creates a RoutingAppender. * @param name The name of the Appender. * @param ignore If {@code "true"} (default) exceptions encountered when appending events are logged; otherwise * they are propagated to the caller. * @param routes The routing definitions. * @param config The Configuration (automatically added by the Configuration). * @param rewritePolicy A RewritePolicy, if any. * @param filter A Filter to restrict events processed by the Appender or null. * @return The RoutingAppender * @deprecated Since 2.7; use {@link #newBuilder()} */
@Deprecated public static RoutingAppender createAppender( final String name, final String ignore, final Routes routes, final Configuration config, final RewritePolicy rewritePolicy, final PurgePolicy purgePolicy, final Filter filter) { final boolean ignoreExceptions = Booleans.parseBoolean(ignore, true); if (name == null) { LOGGER.error("No name provided for RoutingAppender"); return null; } if (routes == null) { LOGGER.error("No routes defined for RoutingAppender"); return null; } return new RoutingAppender(name, filter, ignoreExceptions, routes, rewritePolicy, config, purgePolicy, null, null); } public Route getDefaultRoute() { return defaultRoute; } public AbstractScript getDefaultRouteScript() { return defaultRouteScript; } public PurgePolicy getPurgePolicy() { return purgePolicy; } public RewritePolicy getRewritePolicy() { return rewritePolicy; } public Routes getRoutes() { return routes; } public Configuration getConfiguration() { return configuration; } public ConcurrentMap<Object, Object> getScriptStaticVariables() { return scriptStaticVariables; }
LOG4J2-2629: PurgePolicy implementations can invoke RoutingAppender.deleteAppender(String) after we have looked up an instance of a target appender but before events are appended, which could result in events not being recorded to any appender. This extension of AppenderControl allows to to mark usage of an appender, allowing deferral of LifeCycle.stop() until events have successfully been recorded. Alternative approaches considered: - More aggressive synchronization: Appenders may do expensive I/O that shouldn't block routing. - Move the 'updatePurgePolicy' invocation before appenders are called: Unfortunately this approach doesn't work if we consider an ImmediatePurgePolicy (or IdlePurgePolicy with a very small timeout) because it may attempt to remove an appender that doesn't exist yet. It's counterintuitive to get an event that a route has been used at a point when we expect the route doesn't exist in RoutingAppender.getAppenders().
/** * LOG4J2-2629: PurgePolicy implementations can invoke {@link #deleteAppender(String)} after we have looked up * an instance of a target appender but before events are appended, which could result in events not being * recorded to any appender. * This extension of {@link AppenderControl} allows to to mark usage of an appender, allowing deferral of * {@link Appender#stop()} until events have successfully been recorded. * Alternative approaches considered: * - More aggressive synchronization: Appenders may do expensive I/O that shouldn't block routing. * - Move the 'updatePurgePolicy' invocation before appenders are called: Unfortunately this approach doesn't work * if we consider an ImmediatePurgePolicy (or IdlePurgePolicy with a very small timeout) because it may attempt * to remove an appender that doesn't exist yet. It's counterintuitive to get an event that a route has been * used at a point when we expect the route doesn't exist in {@link #getAppenders()}. */
private static abstract class RouteAppenderControl extends AppenderControl { RouteAppenderControl(Appender appender) { super(appender, null, null); } abstract void checkout(); abstract void release(); } private static final class CreatedRouteAppenderControl extends RouteAppenderControl { private volatile boolean pendingDeletion = false; private final AtomicInteger depth = new AtomicInteger(); CreatedRouteAppenderControl(Appender appender) { super(appender); } @Override void checkout() { if (pendingDeletion) { LOGGER.warn("CreatedRouteAppenderControl.checkout invoked on a " + "RouteAppenderControl that is pending deletion"); } depth.incrementAndGet(); } @Override void release() { depth.decrementAndGet(); tryStopAppender(); } void tryStopAppender() { if (pendingDeletion // Only attempt to stop the appender if we can CaS the depth away from zero, otherwise either // 1. Another invocation of tryStopAppender has succeeded, or // 2. Events are being appended, and will trigger stop when they complete && depth.compareAndSet(0, -100_000)) { Appender appender = getAppender(); LOGGER.debug("Stopping appender {}", appender); appender.stop(); } } } private static final class ReferencedRouteAppenderControl extends RouteAppenderControl { ReferencedRouteAppenderControl(Appender appender) { super(appender); } @Override void checkout() { // nop } @Override void release() { // nop } } }