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package org.apache.logging.log4j.core.filter;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.AbstractLifeCycle;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.Filter;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LifeCycle2;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LogEvent;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.Property;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.plugins.PluginElement;

Enhances a Class by allowing it to contain Filters.
/** * Enhances a Class by allowing it to contain Filters. */
public abstract class AbstractFilterable extends AbstractLifeCycle implements Filterable {
Subclasses can extend this abstract Builder.
Type parameters:
  • <B> – The type to build.
/** * Subclasses can extend this abstract Builder. * * @param <B> The type to build. */
public abstract static class Builder<B extends Builder<B>> { @PluginElement("Filter") private Filter filter; // We are calling this attribute propertyArray because we use the more generic "properties" in several places // with different types: Array, Map and List. @PluginElement("Properties") private Property[] propertyArray; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public B asBuilder() { return (B) this; } public Filter getFilter() { return filter; } public Property[] getPropertyArray() { return propertyArray; } public B setFilter(final Filter filter) { this.filter = filter; return asBuilder(); } public B setPropertyArray(final Property[] properties) { this.propertyArray = properties; return asBuilder(); }
Sets the filter.
  • filter – The filter
Deprecated:Use setFilter(Filter).
/** * Sets the filter. * * @param filter The filter * @return this * @deprecated Use {@link #setFilter(Filter)}. */
@Deprecated public B withFilter(final Filter filter) { return setFilter(filter); } }
May be null.
/** * May be null. */
private volatile Filter filter; @PluginElement("Properties") private final Property[] propertyArray; protected AbstractFilterable() { this(null, Property.EMPTY_ARRAY); } protected AbstractFilterable(final Filter filter) { this(filter, Property.EMPTY_ARRAY); }
/** * @since 2.11.2 */
protected AbstractFilterable(final Filter filter, final Property[] propertyArray) { this.filter = filter; this.propertyArray = propertyArray == null ? Property.EMPTY_ARRAY : propertyArray; }
Adds a filter.
  • filter – The Filter to add.
/** * Adds a filter. * @param filter The Filter to add. */
@Override public synchronized void addFilter(final Filter filter) { if (filter == null) { return; } if (this.filter == null) { this.filter = filter; } else if (this.filter instanceof CompositeFilter) { this.filter = ((CompositeFilter) this.filter).addFilter(filter); } else { final Filter[] filters = new Filter[] {this.filter, filter}; this.filter = CompositeFilter.createFilters(filters); } }
Returns the Filter.
Returns:the Filter or null.
/** * Returns the Filter. * @return the Filter or null. */
@Override public Filter getFilter() { return filter; }
Determines if a Filter is present.
Returns:false if no Filter is present.
/** * Determines if a Filter is present. * @return false if no Filter is present. */
@Override public boolean hasFilter() { return filter != null; }
Determine if the LogEvent should be processed or ignored.
  • event – The LogEvent.
Returns:true if the LogEvent should be processed.
/** * Determine if the LogEvent should be processed or ignored. * @param event The LogEvent. * @return true if the LogEvent should be processed. */
@Override public boolean isFiltered(final LogEvent event) { return filter != null && filter.filter(event) == Filter.Result.DENY; }
Removes a Filter.
  • filter – The Filter to remove.
/** * Removes a Filter. * @param filter The Filter to remove. */
@Override public synchronized void removeFilter(final Filter filter) { if (this.filter == null || filter == null) { return; } if (this.filter == filter || this.filter.equals(filter)) { this.filter = null; } else if (this.filter instanceof CompositeFilter) { CompositeFilter composite = (CompositeFilter) this.filter; composite = composite.removeFilter(filter); if (composite.size() > 1) { this.filter = composite; } else if (composite.size() == 1) { final Iterator<Filter> iter = composite.iterator(); this.filter = iter.next(); } else { this.filter = null; } } }
Make the Filter available for use.
/** * Make the Filter available for use. */
@Override public void start() { this.setStarting(); if (filter != null) { filter.start(); } this.setStarted(); }
Cleanup the Filter.
/** * Cleanup the Filter. */
@Override public boolean stop(final long timeout, final TimeUnit timeUnit) { return stop(timeout, timeUnit, true); }
Cleanup the Filter.
/** * Cleanup the Filter. */
protected boolean stop(final long timeout, final TimeUnit timeUnit, final boolean changeLifeCycleState) { if (changeLifeCycleState) { this.setStopping(); } boolean stopped = true; if (filter != null) { if (filter instanceof LifeCycle2) { stopped = ((LifeCycle2) filter).stop(timeout, timeUnit); } else { filter.stop(); stopped = true; } } if (changeLifeCycleState) { this.setStopped(); } return stopped; } public Property[] getPropertyArray() { return propertyArray; } }