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package org.apache.cassandra.db.rows;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.cassandra.config.CFMetaData;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.ClusteringIndexFilter;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.ColumnFilter;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.transform.RTBoundValidator;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.IndexInfo;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.format.SSTableReader;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.format.SSTableReadsListener;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.metadata.StatsMetadata;
import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.ThriftResultsMerger;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.IteratorWithLowerBound;

An unfiltered row iterator with a lower bound retrieved from either the global sstable statistics or the row index lower bounds (if available in the cache). Before initializing the sstable unfiltered row iterator, we return an empty row with the clustering set to the lower bound. The empty row will be filtered out and the result is that if we don't need to access this sstable, i.e. due to the LIMIT conditon, then we will not. See CASSANDRA-8180 for examples of why this is useful.
/** * An unfiltered row iterator with a lower bound retrieved from either the global * sstable statistics or the row index lower bounds (if available in the cache). * Before initializing the sstable unfiltered row iterator, we return an empty row * with the clustering set to the lower bound. The empty row will be filtered out and * the result is that if we don't need to access this sstable, i.e. due to the LIMIT conditon, * then we will not. See CASSANDRA-8180 for examples of why this is useful. */
public class UnfilteredRowIteratorWithLowerBound extends LazilyInitializedUnfilteredRowIterator implements IteratorWithLowerBound<Unfiltered> { private final SSTableReader sstable; private final ClusteringIndexFilter filter; private final ColumnFilter selectedColumns; private final boolean isForThrift; private final int nowInSec; private final boolean applyThriftTransformation; private final SSTableReadsListener listener; private ClusteringBound lowerBound; private boolean firstItemRetrieved; public UnfilteredRowIteratorWithLowerBound(DecoratedKey partitionKey, SSTableReader sstable, ClusteringIndexFilter filter, ColumnFilter selectedColumns, boolean isForThrift, int nowInSec, boolean applyThriftTransformation, SSTableReadsListener listener) { super(partitionKey); this.sstable = sstable; this.filter = filter; this.selectedColumns = selectedColumns; this.isForThrift = isForThrift; this.nowInSec = nowInSec; this.applyThriftTransformation = applyThriftTransformation; this.listener = listener; this.lowerBound = null; this.firstItemRetrieved = false; } public Unfiltered lowerBound() { if (lowerBound != null) return makeBound(lowerBound); // The partition index lower bound is more accurate than the sstable metadata lower bound but it is only // present if the iterator has already been initialized, which we only do when there are tombstones since in // this case we cannot use the sstable metadata clustering values ClusteringBound ret = getPartitionIndexLowerBound(); return ret != null ? makeBound(ret) : makeBound(getMetadataLowerBound()); } private Unfiltered makeBound(ClusteringBound bound) { if (bound == null) return null; if (lowerBound != bound) lowerBound = bound; return new RangeTombstoneBoundMarker(lowerBound, DeletionTime.LIVE); } @Override protected UnfilteredRowIterator initializeIterator() { @SuppressWarnings("resource") // 'iter' is added to iterators which is closed on exception, or through the closing of the final merged iterator UnfilteredRowIterator iter = sstable.iterator(partitionKey(), filter.getSlices(metadata()), selectedColumns, filter.isReversed(), isForThrift, listener); if (isForThrift && applyThriftTransformation) iter = ThriftResultsMerger.maybeWrap(iter, nowInSec); return RTBoundValidator.validate(iter, RTBoundValidator.Stage.SSTABLE, false); } @Override protected Unfiltered computeNext() { Unfiltered ret = super.computeNext(); if (firstItemRetrieved) return ret; // Check that the lower bound is not bigger than the first item retrieved firstItemRetrieved = true; if (lowerBound != null && ret != null) assert comparator().compare(lowerBound, ret.clustering()) <= 0 : String.format("Lower bound [%s ]is bigger than first returned value [%s] for sstable %s", lowerBound.toString(sstable.metadata), ret.toString(sstable.metadata), sstable.getFilename()); return ret; } private Comparator<Clusterable> comparator() { return filter.isReversed() ? sstable.metadata.comparator.reversed() : sstable.metadata.comparator; } @Override public CFMetaData metadata() { return sstable.metadata; } @Override public boolean isReverseOrder() { return filter.isReversed(); } @Override public PartitionColumns columns() { return selectedColumns.fetchedColumns(); } @Override public EncodingStats stats() { return sstable.stats(); } @Override public DeletionTime partitionLevelDeletion() { if (!sstable.mayHaveTombstones()) return DeletionTime.LIVE; return super.partitionLevelDeletion(); } @Override public Row staticRow() { if (columns().statics.isEmpty()) return Rows.EMPTY_STATIC_ROW; return super.staticRow(); }
Returns:the lower bound stored on the index entry for this partition, if available.
/** * @return the lower bound stored on the index entry for this partition, if available. */
private ClusteringBound getPartitionIndexLowerBound() { // NOTE: CASSANDRA-11206 removed the lookup against the key-cache as the IndexInfo objects are no longer // in memory for not heap backed IndexInfo objects (so, these are on disk). // CASSANDRA-11369 is there to fix this afterwards. // Creating the iterator ensures that rowIndexEntry is loaded if available (partitions bigger than // DatabaseDescriptor.column_index_size_in_kb) if (!canUseMetadataLowerBound()) maybeInit(); RowIndexEntry rowIndexEntry = sstable.getCachedPosition(partitionKey(), false); if (rowIndexEntry == null || !rowIndexEntry.indexOnHeap()) return null; try (RowIndexEntry.IndexInfoRetriever onHeapRetriever = rowIndexEntry.openWithIndex(null)) { IndexInfo column = onHeapRetriever.columnsIndex(filter.isReversed() ? rowIndexEntry.columnsIndexCount() - 1 : 0); ClusteringPrefix lowerBoundPrefix = filter.isReversed() ? column.lastName : column.firstName; assert lowerBoundPrefix.getRawValues().length <= sstable.metadata.comparator.size() : String.format("Unexpected number of clustering values %d, expected %d or fewer for %s", lowerBoundPrefix.getRawValues().length, sstable.metadata.comparator.size(), sstable.getFilename()); return ClusteringBound.inclusiveOpen(filter.isReversed(), lowerBoundPrefix.getRawValues()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("should never occur", e); } }
Whether we can use the clustering values in the stats of the sstable to build the lower bound.

Currently, the clustering values of the stats file records for each clustering component the min and max value seen, null excluded. In other words, having a non-null value for a component in those min/max clustering values does _not_ guarantee that there isn't an unfiltered in the sstable whose clustering has either no value for that component (it's a prefix) or a null value.

This is problematic as this means we can't in general build a lower bound from those values since the "min" values doesn't actually guarantee minimality.

However, we can use those values if we can guarantee that no clustering in the sstable 1) is a true prefix and 2) uses null values. Nat having true prefixes means having no range tombstone markers since rows use Clustering which is always "full" (all components are always present). As for null values, we happen to only allow those in compact tables (for backward compatibility), so we can simply exclude those tables.

Note that the information we currently have at our disposal make this condition less precise that it could be. In particular, SSTableReader.mayHaveTombstones could return true (making us not use the stats) because of cell tombstone or even expiring cells even if the sstable has no range tombstone markers, even though it's really only markers we want to exclude here (more precisely, as said above, we want to exclude anything whose clustering is not "full", but that's only markers). It wouldn't be very hard to collect whether a sstable has any range tombstone marker however so it's a possible improvement.

/** * Whether we can use the clustering values in the stats of the sstable to build the lower bound. * <p> * Currently, the clustering values of the stats file records for each clustering component the min and max * value seen, null excluded. In other words, having a non-null value for a component in those min/max clustering * values does _not_ guarantee that there isn't an unfiltered in the sstable whose clustering has either no value for * that component (it's a prefix) or a null value. * <p> * This is problematic as this means we can't in general build a lower bound from those values since the "min" * values doesn't actually guarantee minimality. * <p> * However, we can use those values if we can guarantee that no clustering in the sstable 1) is a true prefix and * 2) uses null values. Nat having true prefixes means having no range tombstone markers since rows use * {@link Clustering} which is always "full" (all components are always present). As for null values, we happen to * only allow those in compact tables (for backward compatibility), so we can simply exclude those tables. * <p> * Note that the information we currently have at our disposal make this condition less precise that it could be. * In particular, {@link SSTableReader#mayHaveTombstones} could return {@code true} (making us not use the stats) * because of cell tombstone or even expiring cells even if the sstable has no range tombstone markers, even though * it's really only markers we want to exclude here (more precisely, as said above, we want to exclude anything * whose clustering is not "full", but that's only markers). It wouldn't be very hard to collect whether a sstable * has any range tombstone marker however so it's a possible improvement. */
private boolean canUseMetadataLowerBound() { // Side-note: pre-2.1 sstable stat file had clustering value arrays whose size may not match the comparator size // and that would break getMetadataLowerBound. We don't support upgrade from 2.0 to 3.0 directly however so it's // not a true concern. Besides, !sstable.mayHaveTombstones already ensure this is a 3.0 sstable anyway. return !sstable.mayHaveTombstones() && !sstable.metadata.isCompactTable(); }
Returns:a global lower bound made from the clustering values stored in the sstable metadata, note that this currently does not correctly compare tombstone bounds, especially ranges.
/** * @return a global lower bound made from the clustering values stored in the sstable metadata, note that * this currently does not correctly compare tombstone bounds, especially ranges. */
private ClusteringBound getMetadataLowerBound() { if (!canUseMetadataLowerBound()) return null; final StatsMetadata m = sstable.getSSTableMetadata(); List<ByteBuffer> vals = filter.isReversed() ? m.maxClusteringValues : m.minClusteringValues; assert vals.size() <= sstable.metadata.comparator.size() : String.format("Unexpected number of clustering values %d, expected %d or fewer for %s", vals.size(), sstable.metadata.comparator.size(), sstable.getFilename()); return ClusteringBound.inclusiveOpen(filter.isReversed(), vals.toArray(new ByteBuffer[vals.size()])); } }