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package org.apache.cassandra.db.rows;

import java.util.*;

import com.google.common.collect.Iterators;
import com.google.common.collect.PeekingIterator;

import org.apache.cassandra.config.CFMetaData;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.ColumnDefinition;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.partitions.PartitionStatisticsCollector;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.MergeIterator;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.WrappedInt;

Static utilities to work on Row objects.
/** * Static utilities to work on Row objects. */
public abstract class Rows { private Rows() {} public static final Row EMPTY_STATIC_ROW = BTreeRow.emptyRow(Clustering.STATIC_CLUSTERING); public static Row.Builder copy(Row row, Row.Builder builder) { builder.newRow(row.clustering()); builder.addPrimaryKeyLivenessInfo(row.primaryKeyLivenessInfo()); builder.addRowDeletion(row.deletion()); for (ColumnData cd : row) { if (cd.column().isSimple()) { builder.addCell((Cell)cd); } else { ComplexColumnData complexData = (ComplexColumnData)cd; builder.addComplexDeletion(complexData.column(), complexData.complexDeletion()); for (Cell cell : complexData) builder.addCell(cell); } } return builder; }
Creates a new simple row builder.
  • metadata – the metadata of the table this is a row of.
  • clusteringValues – the value for the clustering columns of the row to add to this build. There may be no values if either the table has no clustering column, or if you want to edit the static row. Note that as a shortcut it is also allowed to pass a Clustering object directly, in which case that should be the only argument.
Returns:a newly created builder.
/** * Creates a new simple row builder. * * @param metadata the metadata of the table this is a row of. * @param clusteringValues the value for the clustering columns of the row to add to this build. There may be no * values if either the table has no clustering column, or if you want to edit the static row. Note that as a * shortcut it is also allowed to pass a {@code Clustering} object directly, in which case that should be the * only argument. * @return a newly created builder. */
public static Row.SimpleBuilder simpleBuilder(CFMetaData metadata, Object... clusteringValues) { return new SimpleBuilders.RowBuilder(metadata, clusteringValues); }
Collect statistics on a given row.
  • row – the row for which to collect stats.
  • collector – the stats collector.
Returns:the total number of cells in row.
/** * Collect statistics on a given row. * * @param row the row for which to collect stats. * @param collector the stats collector. * @return the total number of cells in {@code row}. */
public static int collectStats(Row row, PartitionStatisticsCollector collector) { assert !row.isEmpty(); collector.update(row.primaryKeyLivenessInfo()); collector.update(row.deletion().time()); //we have to wrap these for the lambda final WrappedInt columnCount = new WrappedInt(0); final WrappedInt cellCount = new WrappedInt(0); row.apply(cd -> { if (cd.column().isSimple()) { columnCount.increment(); cellCount.increment(); Cells.collectStats((Cell) cd, collector); } else { ComplexColumnData complexData = (ComplexColumnData)cd; collector.update(complexData.complexDeletion()); if (complexData.hasCells()) { columnCount.increment(); for (Cell cell : complexData) { cellCount.increment(); Cells.collectStats(cell, collector); } } } }, false); collector.updateColumnSetPerRow(columnCount.get()); return cellCount.get(); }
Given the result (merged) of merging multiple inputs, signals the difference between each input and merged to diffListener.

Note that this method doesn't only emit cells etc where there's a difference. The listener is informed of every corresponding entity between the merged and input rows, including those that are equal.

  • diffListener – the listener to which to signal the differences between the inputs and the merged result.
  • merged – the result of merging inputs.
  • inputs – the inputs whose merge yielded merged.
/** * Given the result ({@code merged}) of merging multiple {@code inputs}, signals the difference between * each input and {@code merged} to {@code diffListener}. * <p> * Note that this method doesn't only emit cells etc where there's a difference. The listener is informed * of every corresponding entity between the merged and input rows, including those that are equal. * * @param diffListener the listener to which to signal the differences between the inputs and the merged result. * @param merged the result of merging {@code inputs}. * @param inputs the inputs whose merge yielded {@code merged}. */
public static void diff(RowDiffListener diffListener, Row merged, Row...inputs) { Clustering clustering = merged.clustering(); LivenessInfo mergedInfo = merged.primaryKeyLivenessInfo().isEmpty() ? null : merged.primaryKeyLivenessInfo(); Row.Deletion mergedDeletion = merged.deletion().isLive() ? null : merged.deletion(); for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { Row input = inputs[i]; LivenessInfo inputInfo = input == null || input.primaryKeyLivenessInfo().isEmpty() ? null : input.primaryKeyLivenessInfo(); Row.Deletion inputDeletion = input == null || input.deletion().isLive() ? null : input.deletion(); if (mergedInfo != null || inputInfo != null) diffListener.onPrimaryKeyLivenessInfo(i, clustering, mergedInfo, inputInfo); if (mergedDeletion != null || inputDeletion != null) diffListener.onDeletion(i, clustering, mergedDeletion, inputDeletion); } List<Iterator<ColumnData>> inputIterators = new ArrayList<>(1 + inputs.length); inputIterators.add(merged.iterator()); for (Row row : inputs) inputIterators.add(row == null ? Collections.emptyIterator() : row.iterator()); Iterator<?> iter = MergeIterator.get(inputIterators, ColumnData.comparator, new MergeIterator.Reducer<ColumnData, Object>() { ColumnData mergedData; ColumnData[] inputDatas = new ColumnData[inputs.length]; public void reduce(int idx, ColumnData current) { if (idx == 0) mergedData = current; else inputDatas[idx - 1] = current; } protected Object getReduced() { for (int i = 0 ; i != inputDatas.length ; i++) { ColumnData input = inputDatas[i]; if (mergedData != null || input != null) { ColumnDefinition column = (mergedData != null ? mergedData : input).column; if (column.isSimple()) { diffListener.onCell(i, clustering, (Cell) mergedData, (Cell) input); } else { ComplexColumnData mergedData = (ComplexColumnData) this.mergedData; ComplexColumnData inputData = (ComplexColumnData) input; if (mergedData == null) { // Everything in inputData has been shadowed if (!inputData.complexDeletion().isLive()) diffListener.onComplexDeletion(i, clustering, column, null, inputData.complexDeletion()); for (Cell inputCell : inputData) diffListener.onCell(i, clustering, null, inputCell); } else if (inputData == null) { // Everything in inputData is new if (!mergedData.complexDeletion().isLive()) diffListener.onComplexDeletion(i, clustering, column, mergedData.complexDeletion(), null); for (Cell mergedCell : mergedData) diffListener.onCell(i, clustering, mergedCell, null); } else { if (!mergedData.complexDeletion().isLive() || !inputData.complexDeletion().isLive()) diffListener.onComplexDeletion(i, clustering, column, mergedData.complexDeletion(), inputData.complexDeletion()); PeekingIterator<Cell> mergedCells = Iterators.peekingIterator(mergedData.iterator()); PeekingIterator<Cell> inputCells = Iterators.peekingIterator(inputData.iterator()); while (mergedCells.hasNext() && inputCells.hasNext()) { int cmp = column.cellPathComparator().compare(mergedCells.peek().path(), inputCells.peek().path()); if (cmp == 0) diffListener.onCell(i, clustering, mergedCells.next(), inputCells.next()); else if (cmp < 0) diffListener.onCell(i, clustering, mergedCells.next(), null); else // cmp > 0 diffListener.onCell(i, clustering, null, inputCells.next()); } while (mergedCells.hasNext()) diffListener.onCell(i, clustering, mergedCells.next(), null); while (inputCells.hasNext()) diffListener.onCell(i, clustering, null, inputCells.next()); } } } } return null; } protected void onKeyChange() { mergedData = null; Arrays.fill(inputDatas, null); } }); while (iter.hasNext()) iter.next(); } public static Row merge(Row row1, Row row2, int nowInSec) { Row.Builder builder = BTreeRow.sortedBuilder(); merge(row1, row2, builder, nowInSec); return builder.build(); }
Merges two rows into the given builder, mainly for merging memtable rows. In addition to reconciling the cells in each row, the liveness info, and deletion times for the row and complex columns are also merged.

Note that this method assumes that the provided rows can meaningfully be reconciled together. That is, that the rows share the same clustering value, and belong to the same partition.

  • existing –
  • update –
  • builder – the row build to which the result of the reconciliation is written.
  • nowInSec – the current time in seconds (which plays a role during reconciliation because deleted cells always have precedence on timestamp equality and deciding if a cell is a live or not depends on the current time due to expiring cells).
Returns:the smallest timestamp delta between corresponding rows from existing and update. A timestamp delta being computed as the difference between the cells and DeletionTimes from existing and those in existing.
/** * Merges two rows into the given builder, mainly for merging memtable rows. In addition to reconciling the cells * in each row, the liveness info, and deletion times for the row and complex columns are also merged. * <p> * Note that this method assumes that the provided rows can meaningfully be reconciled together. That is, * that the rows share the same clustering value, and belong to the same partition. * * @param existing * @param update * @param builder the row build to which the result of the reconciliation is written. * @param nowInSec the current time in seconds (which plays a role during reconciliation * because deleted cells always have precedence on timestamp equality and deciding if a * cell is a live or not depends on the current time due to expiring cells). * * @return the smallest timestamp delta between corresponding rows from existing and update. A * timestamp delta being computed as the difference between the cells and DeletionTimes from {@code existing} * and those in {@code existing}. */
public static long merge(Row existing, Row update, Row.Builder builder, int nowInSec) { Clustering clustering = existing.clustering(); builder.newRow(clustering); LivenessInfo existingInfo = existing.primaryKeyLivenessInfo(); LivenessInfo updateInfo = update.primaryKeyLivenessInfo(); LivenessInfo mergedInfo = existingInfo.supersedes(updateInfo) ? existingInfo : updateInfo; long timeDelta = Math.abs(existingInfo.timestamp() - mergedInfo.timestamp()); Row.Deletion rowDeletion = existing.deletion().supersedes(update.deletion()) ? existing.deletion() : update.deletion(); if (rowDeletion.deletes(mergedInfo)) mergedInfo = LivenessInfo.EMPTY; else if (rowDeletion.isShadowedBy(mergedInfo)) rowDeletion = Row.Deletion.LIVE; builder.addPrimaryKeyLivenessInfo(mergedInfo); builder.addRowDeletion(rowDeletion); DeletionTime deletion = rowDeletion.time(); Iterator<ColumnData> a = existing.iterator(); Iterator<ColumnData> b = update.iterator(); ColumnData nexta = a.hasNext() ? a.next() : null, nextb = b.hasNext() ? b.next() : null; while (nexta != null | nextb != null) { int comparison = nexta == null ? 1 : nextb == null ? -1 : nexta.column.compareTo(nextb.column); ColumnData cura = comparison <= 0 ? nexta : null; ColumnData curb = comparison >= 0 ? nextb : null; ColumnDefinition column = getColumnDefinition(cura, curb); if (column.isSimple()) { timeDelta = Math.min(timeDelta, Cells.reconcile((Cell) cura, (Cell) curb, deletion, builder, nowInSec)); } else { ComplexColumnData existingData = (ComplexColumnData) cura; ComplexColumnData updateData = (ComplexColumnData) curb; DeletionTime existingDt = existingData == null ? DeletionTime.LIVE : existingData.complexDeletion(); DeletionTime updateDt = updateData == null ? DeletionTime.LIVE : updateData.complexDeletion(); DeletionTime maxDt = existingDt.supersedes(updateDt) ? existingDt : updateDt; if (maxDt.supersedes(deletion)) builder.addComplexDeletion(column, maxDt); else maxDt = deletion; Iterator<Cell> existingCells = existingData == null ? null : existingData.iterator(); Iterator<Cell> updateCells = updateData == null ? null : updateData.iterator(); timeDelta = Math.min(timeDelta, Cells.reconcileComplex(column, existingCells, updateCells, maxDt, builder, nowInSec)); } if (cura != null) nexta = a.hasNext() ? a.next() : null; if (curb != null) nextb = b.hasNext() ? b.next() : null; } return timeDelta; }
Returns a row that is obtained from the given existing row by removing everything that is shadowed by data in the update row. In other words, produces the smallest result row such that merge(result, update, nowInSec) == merge(existing, update, nowInSec) after filtering by rangeDeletion.
  • existing – source row
  • update – shadowing row
  • rangeDeletion – extra DeletionTime from covering tombstone
  • nowInSec – the current time in seconds (which plays a role during reconciliation because deleted cells always have precedence on timestamp equality and deciding if a cell is a live or not depends on the current time due to expiring cells).
/** * Returns a row that is obtained from the given existing row by removing everything that is shadowed by data in * the update row. In other words, produces the smallest result row such that * {@code merge(result, update, nowInSec) == merge(existing, update, nowInSec)} after filtering by rangeDeletion. * * @param existing source row * @param update shadowing row * @param rangeDeletion extra {@code DeletionTime} from covering tombstone * @param nowInSec the current time in seconds (which plays a role during reconciliation * because deleted cells always have precedence on timestamp equality and deciding if a * cell is a live or not depends on the current time due to expiring cells). */
public static Row removeShadowedCells(Row existing, Row update, DeletionTime rangeDeletion, int nowInSec) { Row.Builder builder = BTreeRow.sortedBuilder(); Clustering clustering = existing.clustering(); builder.newRow(clustering); DeletionTime deletion = update.deletion().time(); if (rangeDeletion.supersedes(deletion)) deletion = rangeDeletion; LivenessInfo existingInfo = existing.primaryKeyLivenessInfo(); if (!deletion.deletes(existingInfo)) builder.addPrimaryKeyLivenessInfo(existingInfo); Row.Deletion rowDeletion = existing.deletion(); if (!deletion.supersedes(rowDeletion.time())) builder.addRowDeletion(rowDeletion); Iterator<ColumnData> a = existing.iterator(); Iterator<ColumnData> b = update.iterator(); ColumnData nexta = a.hasNext() ? a.next() : null, nextb = b.hasNext() ? b.next() : null; while (nexta != null) { int comparison = nextb == null ? -1 : nexta.column.compareTo(nextb.column); if (comparison <= 0) { ColumnData cura = nexta; ColumnDefinition column = cura.column; ColumnData curb = comparison == 0 ? nextb : null; if (column.isSimple()) { Cells.addNonShadowed((Cell) cura, (Cell) curb, deletion, builder, nowInSec); } else { ComplexColumnData existingData = (ComplexColumnData) cura; ComplexColumnData updateData = (ComplexColumnData) curb; DeletionTime existingDt = existingData.complexDeletion(); DeletionTime updateDt = updateData == null ? DeletionTime.LIVE : updateData.complexDeletion(); DeletionTime maxDt = updateDt.supersedes(deletion) ? updateDt : deletion; if (existingDt.supersedes(maxDt)) { builder.addComplexDeletion(column, existingDt); maxDt = existingDt; } Iterator<Cell> existingCells = existingData.iterator(); Iterator<Cell> updateCells = updateData == null ? null : updateData.iterator(); Cells.addNonShadowedComplex(column, existingCells, updateCells, maxDt, builder, nowInSec); } nexta = a.hasNext() ? a.next() : null; if (curb != null) nextb = b.hasNext() ? b.next() : null; } else { nextb = b.hasNext() ? b.next() : null; } } Row row = builder.build(); return row != null && !row.isEmpty() ? row : null; }
Returns the ColumnDefinition to use for merging the columns. If the 2 column definitions are different the latest one will be returned.
/** * Returns the {@code ColumnDefinition} to use for merging the columns. * If the 2 column definitions are different the latest one will be returned. */
private static ColumnDefinition getColumnDefinition(ColumnData cura, ColumnData curb) { if (cura == null) return curb.column; if (curb == null) return cura.column; if (AbstractTypeVersionComparator.INSTANCE.compare(cura.column.type, curb.column.type) >= 0) return cura.column; return curb.column; } }