 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.cassandra.db.monitoring;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;

import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import org.apache.cassandra.concurrent.ScheduledExecutors;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.Config;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.NoSpamLogger;

import static java.lang.System.getProperty;

A task for monitoring in progress operations, currently only read queries, and aborting them if they time out. We also log timed out operations, see CASSANDRA-7392. Since CASSANDRA-12403 we also log queries that were slow.
/** * A task for monitoring in progress operations, currently only read queries, and aborting them if they time out. * We also log timed out operations, see CASSANDRA-7392. * Since CASSANDRA-12403 we also log queries that were slow. */
class MonitoringTask { private static final String LINE_SEPARATOR = getProperty("line.separator"); private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MonitoringTask.class); private static final NoSpamLogger noSpamLogger = NoSpamLogger.getLogger(logger, 5L, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
Defines the interval for reporting any operations that have timed out.
/** * Defines the interval for reporting any operations that have timed out. */
private static final int REPORT_INTERVAL_MS = Math.max(0, Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty(Config.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "monitoring_report_interval_ms", "5000")));
Defines the maximum number of unique timed out queries that will be reported in the logs. Use a negative number to remove any limit.
/** * Defines the maximum number of unique timed out queries that will be reported in the logs. * Use a negative number to remove any limit. */
private static final int MAX_OPERATIONS = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty(Config.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "monitoring_max_operations", "50")); @VisibleForTesting static MonitoringTask instance = make(REPORT_INTERVAL_MS, MAX_OPERATIONS); private final ScheduledFuture<?> reportingTask; private final OperationsQueue failedOperationsQueue; private final OperationsQueue slowOperationsQueue; private long lastLogTime; @VisibleForTesting static MonitoringTask make(int reportIntervalMillis, int maxTimedoutOperations) { if (instance != null) { instance.cancel(); instance = null; } return new MonitoringTask(reportIntervalMillis, maxTimedoutOperations); } private MonitoringTask(int reportIntervalMillis, int maxOperations) { this.failedOperationsQueue = new OperationsQueue(maxOperations); this.slowOperationsQueue = new OperationsQueue(maxOperations); this.lastLogTime = ApproximateTime.currentTimeMillis(); logger.info("Scheduling monitoring task with report interval of {} ms, max operations {}", reportIntervalMillis, maxOperations); this.reportingTask = ScheduledExecutors.scheduledTasks.scheduleWithFixedDelay(() -> logOperations(ApproximateTime.currentTimeMillis()), reportIntervalMillis, reportIntervalMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } public void cancel() { reportingTask.cancel(false); } static void addFailedOperation(Monitorable operation, long now) { instance.failedOperationsQueue.offer(new FailedOperation(operation, now)); } static void addSlowOperation(Monitorable operation, long now) { instance.slowOperationsQueue.offer(new SlowOperation(operation, now)); } @VisibleForTesting List<String> getFailedOperations() { return getLogMessages(failedOperationsQueue.popOperations()); } @VisibleForTesting List<String> getSlowOperations() { return getLogMessages(slowOperationsQueue.popOperations()); } private List<String> getLogMessages(AggregatedOperations operations) { String ret = operations.getLogMessage(); return ret.isEmpty() ? Collections.emptyList() : Arrays.asList(ret.split("\n")); } @VisibleForTesting private void logOperations(long now) { logSlowOperations(now); logFailedOperations(now); lastLogTime = now; } @VisibleForTesting boolean logFailedOperations(long now) { AggregatedOperations failedOperations = failedOperationsQueue.popOperations(); if (!failedOperations.isEmpty()) { long elapsed = now - lastLogTime; noSpamLogger.warn("Some operations timed out, details available at debug level (debug.log)"); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("{} operations timed out in the last {} msecs:{}{}", failedOperations.num(), elapsed, LINE_SEPARATOR, failedOperations.getLogMessage()); return true; } return false; } @VisibleForTesting boolean logSlowOperations(long now) { AggregatedOperations slowOperations = slowOperationsQueue.popOperations(); if (!slowOperations.isEmpty()) { long elapsed = now - lastLogTime; noSpamLogger.info("Some operations were slow, details available at debug level (debug.log)"); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("{} operations were slow in the last {} msecs:{}{}", slowOperations.num(), elapsed, LINE_SEPARATOR, slowOperations.getLogMessage()); return true; } return false; }
A wrapper for a queue that can be either bounded, in which case we increment a counter if we exceed the queue size, or unbounded.
/** * A wrapper for a queue that can be either bounded, in which case * we increment a counter if we exceed the queue size, or unbounded. */
private static final class OperationsQueue {
The max operations on the queue. If this value is zero then logging is disabled and the queue will always be empty. If this value is negative then the queue is unbounded.
/** The max operations on the queue. If this value is zero then logging is disabled * and the queue will always be empty. If this value is negative then the queue is unbounded. */
private final int maxOperations;
The operations queue, it can be either bounded or unbounded depending on the value of maxOperations.
/** * The operations queue, it can be either bounded or unbounded depending on the value of maxOperations. */
private final BlockingQueue<Operation> queue;
If we fail to add an operation to the queue then we increment this value. We reset this value when the queue is emptied.
/** * If we fail to add an operation to the queue then we increment this value. We reset this value * when the queue is emptied. */
private final AtomicLong numDroppedOperations; OperationsQueue(int maxOperations) { this.maxOperations = maxOperations; this.queue = maxOperations > 0 ? new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(maxOperations) : new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(); this.numDroppedOperations = new AtomicLong(); }
Add an operation to the queue, if possible, or increment the dropped counter.
  • operation – - the operations to add
/** * Add an operation to the queue, if possible, or increment the dropped counter. * * @param operation - the operations to add */
private void offer(Operation operation) { if (maxOperations == 0) return; // logging of operations is disabled if (!queue.offer(operation)) numDroppedOperations.incrementAndGet(); }
Return all operations in the queue, aggregated by name, and reset the counter for dropped operations.
Returns:- the aggregated operations
/** * Return all operations in the queue, aggregated by name, and reset * the counter for dropped operations. * * @return - the aggregated operations */
private AggregatedOperations popOperations() { Map<String, Operation> operations = new HashMap<>(); Operation operation; while((operation = queue.poll()) != null) { Operation existing = operations.get(operation.name()); if (existing != null) existing.add(operation); else operations.put(operation.name(), operation); } return new AggregatedOperations(operations, numDroppedOperations.getAndSet(0L)); } }
Convert a map of aggregated operations into a log message that includes the information of whether some operations were dropped.
/** * Convert a map of aggregated operations into a log message that * includes the information of whether some operations were dropped. */
private static final class AggregatedOperations { private final Map<String, Operation> operations; private final long numDropped; AggregatedOperations(Map<String, Operation> operations, long numDropped) { this.operations = operations; this.numDropped = numDropped; } public boolean isEmpty() { return operations.isEmpty() && numDropped == 0; } public long num() { return operations.size() + numDropped; } String getLogMessage() { if (isEmpty()) return ""; final StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(); operations.values().forEach(o -> addOperation(ret, o)); if (numDropped > 0) ret.append(LINE_SEPARATOR) .append("... (") .append(numDropped) .append(" were dropped)"); return ret.toString(); } private static void addOperation(StringBuilder ret, Operation operation) { if (ret.length() > 0) ret.append(LINE_SEPARATOR); ret.append(operation.getLogMessage()); } }
A wrapper class for an operation that either failed (timed-out) or was reported as slow. Because the same operation (query) may execute multiple times, we aggregate the number of times an operation with the same name (CQL query text) is reported and store the average, min and max times.
/** * A wrapper class for an operation that either failed (timed-out) or * was reported as slow. Because the same operation (query) may execute * multiple times, we aggregate the number of times an operation with the * same name (CQL query text) is reported and store the average, min and max * times. */
protected abstract static class Operation {
The operation that was reported as slow or timed out
/** The operation that was reported as slow or timed out */
final Monitorable operation;
The number of times the operation was reported
/** The number of times the operation was reported */
int numTimesReported;
The total time spent by this operation
/** The total time spent by this operation */
long totalTime;
The maximum time spent by this operation
/** The maximum time spent by this operation */
long maxTime;
The minimum time spent by this operation
/** The minimum time spent by this operation */
long minTime;
The name of the operation, i.e. the SELECT query CQL, this is set lazily as it takes time to build the query CQL
/** The name of the operation, i.e. the SELECT query CQL, * this is set lazily as it takes time to build the query CQL */
private String name; Operation(Monitorable operation, long failedAt) { this.operation = operation; numTimesReported = 1; totalTime = failedAt - operation.constructionTime(); minTime = totalTime; maxTime = totalTime; } public String name() { if (name == null) name = operation.name(); return name; } void add(Operation operation) { numTimesReported++; totalTime += operation.totalTime; maxTime = Math.max(maxTime, operation.maxTime); minTime = Math.min(minTime, operation.minTime); } public abstract String getLogMessage(); }
An operation (query) that timed out.
/** * An operation (query) that timed out. */
private final static class FailedOperation extends Operation { FailedOperation(Monitorable operation, long failedAt) { super(operation, failedAt); } public String getLogMessage() { if (numTimesReported == 1) return String.format("<%s>, total time %d msec, timeout %d %s", name(), totalTime, operation.timeout(), operation.isCrossNode() ? "msec/cross-node" : "msec"); else return String.format("<%s> timed out %d times, avg/min/max %d/%d/%d msec, timeout %d %s", name(), numTimesReported, totalTime / numTimesReported, minTime, maxTime, operation.timeout(), operation.isCrossNode() ? "msec/cross-node" : "msec"); } }
An operation (query) that was reported as slow.
/** * An operation (query) that was reported as slow. */
private final static class SlowOperation extends Operation { SlowOperation(Monitorable operation, long failedAt) { super(operation, failedAt); } public String getLogMessage() { if (numTimesReported == 1) return String.format("<%s>, time %d msec - slow timeout %d %s", name(), totalTime, operation.slowTimeout(), operation.isCrossNode() ? "msec/cross-node" : "msec"); else return String.format("<%s>, was slow %d times: avg/min/max %d/%d/%d msec - slow timeout %d %s", name(), numTimesReported, totalTime / numTimesReported, minTime, maxTime, operation.slowTimeout(), operation.isCrossNode() ? "msec/cross-node" : "msec"); } } }