 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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package org.apache.cassandra.cql3.restrictions;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.cassandra.config.ColumnDefinition;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.Term.Terminal;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.functions.Function;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.Bound;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.MultiCBuilder;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.RowFilter;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.InvalidRequestException;
import org.apache.cassandra.index.Index;
import org.apache.cassandra.index.SecondaryIndexManager;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.Pair;

import static org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.RequestValidations.checkBindValueSet;
import static org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.RequestValidations.checkFalse;
import static org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.RequestValidations.checkNotNull;
import static org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.RequestValidations.checkTrue;
import static org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.RequestValidations.invalidRequest;

public abstract class SingleColumnRestriction implements SingleRestriction
The definition of the column to which apply the restriction.
/** * The definition of the column to which apply the restriction. */
protected final ColumnDefinition columnDef; public SingleColumnRestriction(ColumnDefinition columnDef) { this.columnDef = columnDef; } @Override public List<ColumnDefinition> getColumnDefs() { return Collections.singletonList(columnDef); } @Override public ColumnDefinition getFirstColumn() { return columnDef; } @Override public ColumnDefinition getLastColumn() { return columnDef; } @Override public boolean hasSupportingIndex(SecondaryIndexManager indexManager) { for (Index index : indexManager.listIndexes()) if (isSupportedBy(index)) return true; return false; } @Override public final SingleRestriction mergeWith(SingleRestriction otherRestriction) { // We want to allow query like: b > ? AND (b,c) < (?, ?) if (otherRestriction.isMultiColumn() && canBeConvertedToMultiColumnRestriction()) { return toMultiColumnRestriction().mergeWith(otherRestriction); } return doMergeWith(otherRestriction); } protected abstract SingleRestriction doMergeWith(SingleRestriction otherRestriction);
Converts this SingleColumnRestriction into a MultiColumnRestriction
Returns:the MultiColumnRestriction corresponding to this
/** * Converts this <code>SingleColumnRestriction</code> into a {@link MultiColumnRestriction} * * @return the <code>MultiColumnRestriction</code> corresponding to this */
abstract MultiColumnRestriction toMultiColumnRestriction();
Checks if this Restriction can be converted into a MultiColumnRestriction
Returns:true if this Restriction can be converted into a MultiColumnRestriction, false otherwise.
/** * Checks if this <code>Restriction</code> can be converted into a {@link MultiColumnRestriction} * * @return <code>true</code> if this <code>Restriction</code> can be converted into a * {@link MultiColumnRestriction}, <code>false</code> otherwise. */
boolean canBeConvertedToMultiColumnRestriction() { return true; }
Check if this type of restriction is supported by the specified index.
  • index – the secondary index
Returns:true this type of restriction is supported by the specified index, false otherwise.
/** * Check if this type of restriction is supported by the specified index. * * @param index the secondary index * @return <code>true</code> this type of restriction is supported by the specified index, * <code>false</code> otherwise. */
protected abstract boolean isSupportedBy(Index index); public static class EQRestriction extends SingleColumnRestriction { public final Term value; public EQRestriction(ColumnDefinition columnDef, Term value) { super(columnDef); this.value = value; } @Override public void addFunctionsTo(List<Function> functions) { value.addFunctionsTo(functions); } @Override public boolean isEQ() { return true; } @Override MultiColumnRestriction toMultiColumnRestriction() { return new MultiColumnRestriction.EQRestriction(Collections.singletonList(columnDef), value); } @Override public void addRowFilterTo(RowFilter filter, SecondaryIndexManager indexManager, QueryOptions options) { filter.add(columnDef, Operator.EQ, value.bindAndGet(options)); } @Override public MultiCBuilder appendTo(MultiCBuilder builder, QueryOptions options) { builder.addElementToAll(value.bindAndGet(options)); checkFalse(builder.containsNull(), "Invalid null value in condition for column %s", columnDef.name); checkFalse(builder.containsUnset(), "Invalid unset value for column %s", columnDef.name); return builder; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("EQ(%s)", value); } @Override public SingleRestriction doMergeWith(SingleRestriction otherRestriction) { throw invalidRequest("%s cannot be restricted by more than one relation if it includes an Equal", columnDef.name); } @Override protected boolean isSupportedBy(Index index) { return index.supportsExpression(columnDef, Operator.EQ); } } public static abstract class INRestriction extends SingleColumnRestriction { public INRestriction(ColumnDefinition columnDef) { super(columnDef); } @Override public final boolean isIN() { return true; } @Override public final SingleRestriction doMergeWith(SingleRestriction otherRestriction) { throw invalidRequest("%s cannot be restricted by more than one relation if it includes a IN", columnDef.name); } @Override public MultiCBuilder appendTo(MultiCBuilder builder, QueryOptions options) { builder.addEachElementToAll(getValues(options)); checkFalse(builder.containsNull(), "Invalid null value in condition for column %s", columnDef.name); checkFalse(builder.containsUnset(), "Invalid unset value for column %s", columnDef.name); return builder; } @Override public void addRowFilterTo(RowFilter filter, SecondaryIndexManager indexManager, QueryOptions options) { throw invalidRequest("IN restrictions are not supported on indexed columns"); } @Override protected final boolean isSupportedBy(Index index) { return index.supportsExpression(columnDef, Operator.IN); } protected abstract List<ByteBuffer> getValues(QueryOptions options); } public static class InRestrictionWithValues extends INRestriction { protected final List<Term> values; public InRestrictionWithValues(ColumnDefinition columnDef, List<Term> values) { super(columnDef); this.values = values; } @Override MultiColumnRestriction toMultiColumnRestriction() { return new MultiColumnRestriction.InRestrictionWithValues(Collections.singletonList(columnDef), values); } @Override public void addFunctionsTo(List<Function> functions) { Terms.addFunctions(values, functions); } @Override protected List<ByteBuffer> getValues(QueryOptions options) { List<ByteBuffer> buffers = new ArrayList<>(values.size()); for (Term value : values) buffers.add(value.bindAndGet(options)); return buffers; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("IN(%s)", values); } } public static class InRestrictionWithMarker extends INRestriction { protected final AbstractMarker marker; public InRestrictionWithMarker(ColumnDefinition columnDef, AbstractMarker marker) { super(columnDef); this.marker = marker; } @Override public void addFunctionsTo(List<Function> functions) { } @Override MultiColumnRestriction toMultiColumnRestriction() { return new MultiColumnRestriction.InRestrictionWithMarker(Collections.singletonList(columnDef), marker); } @Override protected List<ByteBuffer> getValues(QueryOptions options) { Terminal term = marker.bind(options); checkNotNull(term, "Invalid null value for column %s", columnDef.name); checkFalse(term == Constants.UNSET_VALUE, "Invalid unset value for column %s", columnDef.name); Term.MultiItemTerminal lval = (Term.MultiItemTerminal) term; return lval.getElements(); } @Override public String toString() { return "IN ?"; } } public static class SliceRestriction extends SingleColumnRestriction { public final TermSlice slice; public SliceRestriction(ColumnDefinition columnDef, Bound bound, boolean inclusive, Term term) { super(columnDef); slice = TermSlice.newInstance(bound, inclusive, term); } @Override public void addFunctionsTo(List<Function> functions) { slice.addFunctionsTo(functions); } @Override MultiColumnRestriction toMultiColumnRestriction() { return new MultiColumnRestriction.SliceRestriction(Collections.singletonList(columnDef), slice); } @Override public boolean isSlice() { return true; } @Override public MultiCBuilder appendTo(MultiCBuilder builder, QueryOptions options) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public boolean hasBound(Bound b) { return slice.hasBound(b); } @Override public MultiCBuilder appendBoundTo(MultiCBuilder builder, Bound bound, QueryOptions options) { Bound b = bound.reverseIfNeeded(getFirstColumn()); if (!hasBound(b)) return builder; ByteBuffer value = slice.bound(b).bindAndGet(options); checkBindValueSet(value, "Invalid unset value for column %s", columnDef.name); return builder.addElementToAll(value); } @Override public boolean isInclusive(Bound b) { return slice.isInclusive(b); } @Override public SingleRestriction doMergeWith(SingleRestriction otherRestriction) { checkTrue(otherRestriction.isSlice(), "Column \"%s\" cannot be restricted by both an equality and an inequality relation", columnDef.name); SingleColumnRestriction.SliceRestriction otherSlice = (SingleColumnRestriction.SliceRestriction) otherRestriction; checkFalse(hasBound(Bound.START) && otherSlice.hasBound(Bound.START), "More than one restriction was found for the start bound on %s", columnDef.name); checkFalse(hasBound(Bound.END) && otherSlice.hasBound(Bound.END), "More than one restriction was found for the end bound on %s", columnDef.name); return new SliceRestriction(columnDef, slice.merge(otherSlice.slice)); } @Override public void addRowFilterTo(RowFilter filter, SecondaryIndexManager indexManager, QueryOptions options) { for (Bound b : Bound.values()) if (hasBound(b)) filter.add(columnDef, slice.getIndexOperator(b), slice.bound(b).bindAndGet(options)); } @Override protected boolean isSupportedBy(Index index) { return slice.isSupportedBy(columnDef, index); } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("SLICE%s", slice); } SliceRestriction(ColumnDefinition columnDef, TermSlice slice) { super(columnDef); this.slice = slice; } } // This holds CONTAINS, CONTAINS_KEY, and map[key] = value restrictions because we might want to have any combination of them. public static final class ContainsRestriction extends SingleColumnRestriction { private List<Term> values = new ArrayList<>(); // for CONTAINS private List<Term> keys = new ArrayList<>(); // for CONTAINS_KEY private List<Term> entryKeys = new ArrayList<>(); // for map[key] = value private List<Term> entryValues = new ArrayList<>(); // for map[key] = value public ContainsRestriction(ColumnDefinition columnDef, Term t, boolean isKey) { super(columnDef); if (isKey) keys.add(t); else values.add(t); } public ContainsRestriction(ColumnDefinition columnDef, Term mapKey, Term mapValue) { super(columnDef); entryKeys.add(mapKey); entryValues.add(mapValue); } @Override MultiColumnRestriction toMultiColumnRestriction() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override boolean canBeConvertedToMultiColumnRestriction() { return false; } @Override public MultiCBuilder appendTo(MultiCBuilder builder, QueryOptions options) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public boolean isContains() { return true; } @Override public SingleRestriction doMergeWith(SingleRestriction otherRestriction) { checkTrue(otherRestriction.isContains(), "Collection column %s can only be restricted by CONTAINS, CONTAINS KEY, or map-entry equality", columnDef.name); SingleColumnRestriction.ContainsRestriction newContains = new ContainsRestriction(columnDef); copyKeysAndValues(this, newContains); copyKeysAndValues((ContainsRestriction) otherRestriction, newContains); return newContains; } @Override public void addRowFilterTo(RowFilter filter, SecondaryIndexManager indexManager, QueryOptions options) { for (ByteBuffer value : bindAndGet(values, options)) filter.add(columnDef, Operator.CONTAINS, value); for (ByteBuffer key : bindAndGet(keys, options)) filter.add(columnDef, Operator.CONTAINS_KEY, key); List<ByteBuffer> eks = bindAndGet(entryKeys, options); List<ByteBuffer> evs = bindAndGet(entryValues, options); assert eks.size() == evs.size(); for (int i = 0; i < eks.size(); i++) filter.addMapEquality(columnDef, eks.get(i), Operator.EQ, evs.get(i)); } @Override protected boolean isSupportedBy(Index index) { boolean supported = false; if (numberOfValues() > 0) supported |= index.supportsExpression(columnDef, Operator.CONTAINS); if (numberOfKeys() > 0) supported |= index.supportsExpression(columnDef, Operator.CONTAINS_KEY); if (numberOfEntries() > 0) supported |= index.supportsExpression(columnDef, Operator.EQ); return supported; } public int numberOfValues() { return values.size(); } public int numberOfKeys() { return keys.size(); } public int numberOfEntries() { return entryKeys.size(); } @Override public void addFunctionsTo(List<Function> functions) { Terms.addFunctions(values, functions); Terms.addFunctions(keys, functions); Terms.addFunctions(entryKeys, functions); Terms.addFunctions(entryValues, functions); } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("CONTAINS(values=%s, keys=%s, entryKeys=%s, entryValues=%s)", values, keys, entryKeys, entryValues); } @Override public boolean hasBound(Bound b) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public MultiCBuilder appendBoundTo(MultiCBuilder builder, Bound bound, QueryOptions options) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public boolean isInclusive(Bound b) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
Binds the query options to the specified terms and returns the resulting values.
  • terms – the terms
  • options – the query options
Returns:the value resulting from binding the query options to the specified terms
/** * Binds the query options to the specified terms and returns the resulting values. * * @param terms the terms * @param options the query options * @return the value resulting from binding the query options to the specified terms */
private static List<ByteBuffer> bindAndGet(List<Term> terms, QueryOptions options) { List<ByteBuffer> buffers = new ArrayList<>(terms.size()); for (Term value : terms) buffers.add(value.bindAndGet(options)); return buffers; }
Copies the keys and value from the first Contains to the second one.
  • from – the Contains to copy from
  • to – the Contains to copy to
/** * Copies the keys and value from the first <code>Contains</code> to the second one. * * @param from the <code>Contains</code> to copy from * @param to the <code>Contains</code> to copy to */
private static void copyKeysAndValues(ContainsRestriction from, ContainsRestriction to) { to.values.addAll(from.values); to.keys.addAll(from.keys); to.entryKeys.addAll(from.entryKeys); to.entryValues.addAll(from.entryValues); } private ContainsRestriction(ColumnDefinition columnDef) { super(columnDef); } } public static final class IsNotNullRestriction extends SingleColumnRestriction { public IsNotNullRestriction(ColumnDefinition columnDef) { super(columnDef); } @Override public void addFunctionsTo(List<Function> functions) { } @Override public boolean isNotNull() { return true; } @Override MultiColumnRestriction toMultiColumnRestriction() { return new MultiColumnRestriction.NotNullRestriction(Collections.singletonList(columnDef)); } @Override public void addRowFilterTo(RowFilter filter, SecondaryIndexManager indexManager, QueryOptions options) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Secondary indexes do not support IS NOT NULL restrictions"); } @Override public MultiCBuilder appendTo(MultiCBuilder builder, QueryOptions options) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot use IS NOT NULL restriction for slicing"); } @Override public String toString() { return "IS NOT NULL"; } @Override public SingleRestriction doMergeWith(SingleRestriction otherRestriction) { throw invalidRequest("%s cannot be restricted by a relation if it includes an IS NOT NULL", columnDef.name); } @Override protected boolean isSupportedBy(Index index) { return index.supportsExpression(columnDef, Operator.IS_NOT); } } public static final class LikeRestriction extends SingleColumnRestriction { private static final ByteBuffer LIKE_WILDCARD = ByteBufferUtil.bytes("%"); private final Operator operator; private final Term value; public LikeRestriction(ColumnDefinition columnDef, Operator operator, Term value) { super(columnDef); this.operator = operator; this.value = value; } @Override public void addFunctionsTo(List<Function> functions) { value.addFunctionsTo(functions); } @Override public boolean isEQ() { return false; } @Override public boolean isLIKE() { return true; } @Override public boolean canBeConvertedToMultiColumnRestriction() { return false; } @Override MultiColumnRestriction toMultiColumnRestriction() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public void addRowFilterTo(RowFilter filter, SecondaryIndexManager indexManager, QueryOptions options) { Pair<Operator, ByteBuffer> operation = makeSpecific(value.bindAndGet(options)); // there must be a suitable INDEX for LIKE_XXX expressions RowFilter.SimpleExpression expression = filter.add(columnDef, operation.left, operation.right); indexManager.getBestIndexFor(expression) .orElseThrow(() -> invalidRequest("%s is only supported on properly indexed columns", expression)); } @Override public MultiCBuilder appendTo(MultiCBuilder builder, QueryOptions options) { // LIKE can be used with clustering columns, but as it doesn't // represent an actual clustering value, it can't be used in a // clustering filter. throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public String toString() { return operator.toString(); } @Override public SingleRestriction doMergeWith(SingleRestriction otherRestriction) { throw invalidRequest("%s cannot be restricted by more than one relation if it includes a %s", columnDef.name, operator); } @Override protected boolean isSupportedBy(Index index) { return index.supportsExpression(columnDef, operator); }
As the specific subtype of LIKE (LIKE_PREFIX, LIKE_SUFFIX, LIKE_CONTAINS, LIKE_MATCHES) can only be determined by examining the value, which in turn can only be known after binding, all LIKE restrictions are initially created with the generic LIKE operator. This function takes the bound value, trims the wildcard '%' chars from it and returns a tuple of the inferred operator subtype and the final value
  • value – the bound value for the LIKE operation
Returns: Pair containing the inferred LIKE subtype and the value with wildcards removed
/** * As the specific subtype of LIKE (LIKE_PREFIX, LIKE_SUFFIX, LIKE_CONTAINS, LIKE_MATCHES) can only be * determined by examining the value, which in turn can only be known after binding, all LIKE restrictions * are initially created with the generic LIKE operator. This function takes the bound value, trims the * wildcard '%' chars from it and returns a tuple of the inferred operator subtype and the final value * @param value the bound value for the LIKE operation * @return Pair containing the inferred LIKE subtype and the value with wildcards removed */
private static Pair<Operator, ByteBuffer> makeSpecific(ByteBuffer value) { Operator operator; int beginIndex = value.position(); int endIndex = value.limit() - 1; if (ByteBufferUtil.endsWith(value, LIKE_WILDCARD)) { if (ByteBufferUtil.startsWith(value, LIKE_WILDCARD)) { operator = Operator.LIKE_CONTAINS; beginIndex =+ 1; } else { operator = Operator.LIKE_PREFIX; } } else if (ByteBufferUtil.startsWith(value, LIKE_WILDCARD)) { operator = Operator.LIKE_SUFFIX; beginIndex += 1; endIndex += 1; } else { operator = Operator.LIKE_MATCHES; endIndex += 1; } if (endIndex == 0 || beginIndex == endIndex) throw invalidRequest("LIKE value can't be empty."); ByteBuffer newValue = value.duplicate(); newValue.position(beginIndex); newValue.limit(endIndex); return Pair.create(operator, newValue); } }
Super Column Compatibiltiy
/** * Super Column Compatibiltiy */
public static class SuperColumnMultiEQRestriction extends EQRestriction { public ByteBuffer firstValue; public ByteBuffer secondValue; public SuperColumnMultiEQRestriction(ColumnDefinition columnDef, Term value) { super(columnDef, value); } @Override public MultiCBuilder appendTo(MultiCBuilder builder, QueryOptions options) { Term term = value.bind(options); assert (term instanceof Tuples.Value); firstValue = ((Tuples.Value)term).getElements().get(0); secondValue = ((Tuples.Value)term).getElements().get(1); builder.addElementToAll(firstValue); checkFalse(builder.containsNull(), "Invalid null value in condition for column %s", columnDef.name); checkFalse(builder.containsUnset(), "Invalid unset value for column %s", columnDef.name); return builder; } } public static class SuperColumnMultiSliceRestriction extends SliceRestriction { public ByteBuffer firstValue; public ByteBuffer secondValue; // These are here to avoid polluting SliceRestriction public final Bound bound; public final boolean trueInclusive; public SuperColumnMultiSliceRestriction(ColumnDefinition columnDef, Bound bound, boolean inclusive, Term term) { super(columnDef, bound, true, term); this.bound = bound; this.trueInclusive = inclusive; } @Override public MultiCBuilder appendBoundTo(MultiCBuilder builder, Bound bound, QueryOptions options) { Bound b = bound.reverseIfNeeded(getFirstColumn()); if (!hasBound(b)) return builder; Term term = slice.bound(b); assert (term instanceof Tuples.Value); firstValue = ((Tuples.Value)term).getElements().get(0); secondValue = ((Tuples.Value)term).getElements().get(1); checkBindValueSet(firstValue, "Invalid unset value for column %s", columnDef.name); checkBindValueSet(secondValue, "Invalid unset value for column %s", columnDef.name); return builder.addElementToAll(firstValue); } } public static final class SuperColumnKeyEQRestriction extends EQRestriction { public SuperColumnKeyEQRestriction(ColumnDefinition columnDef, Term value) { super(columnDef, value); } public ByteBuffer bindValue(QueryOptions options) { return value.bindAndGet(options); } @Override public MultiCBuilder appendBoundTo(MultiCBuilder builder, Bound bound, QueryOptions options) { // no-op return builder; } @Override public void addRowFilterTo(RowFilter filter, SecondaryIndexManager indexManager, QueryOptions options) throws InvalidRequestException { // no-op } } public static abstract class SuperColumnKeyINRestriction extends INRestriction { public SuperColumnKeyINRestriction(ColumnDefinition columnDef) { super(columnDef); } @Override public MultiCBuilder appendTo(MultiCBuilder builder, QueryOptions options) { // no-op return builder; } @Override public void addRowFilterTo(RowFilter filter, SecondaryIndexManager indexManager, QueryOptions options) throws InvalidRequestException { // no-op } public void addFunctionsTo(List<Function> functions) { // no-op } MultiColumnRestriction toMultiColumnRestriction() { // no-op return null; } public abstract List<ByteBuffer> getValues(QueryOptions options) throws InvalidRequestException; } public static class SuperColumnKeyINRestrictionWithMarkers extends SuperColumnKeyINRestriction { protected final AbstractMarker marker; public SuperColumnKeyINRestrictionWithMarkers(ColumnDefinition columnDef, AbstractMarker marker) { super(columnDef); this.marker = marker; } public List<ByteBuffer> getValues(QueryOptions options) throws InvalidRequestException { Terminal term = marker.bind(options); checkNotNull(term, "Invalid null value for column %s", columnDef.name); checkFalse(term == Constants.UNSET_VALUE, "Invalid unset value for column %s", columnDef.name); Term.MultiItemTerminal lval = (Term.MultiItemTerminal) term; return lval.getElements(); } } public static class SuperColumnKeyINRestrictionWithValues extends SuperColumnKeyINRestriction { private final List<Term> values; public SuperColumnKeyINRestrictionWithValues(ColumnDefinition columnDef, List<Term> values) { super(columnDef); this.values = values; } public List<ByteBuffer> getValues(QueryOptions options) throws InvalidRequestException { List<ByteBuffer> buffers = new ArrayList<>(values.size()); for (Term value : values) buffers.add(value.bindAndGet(options)); return buffers; } } public static class SuperColumnKeySliceRestriction extends SliceRestriction { // These are here to avoid polluting SliceRestriction private Term term; public SuperColumnKeySliceRestriction(ColumnDefinition columnDef, Bound bound, boolean inclusive, Term term) { super(columnDef, bound, inclusive, term); this.term = term; } public ByteBuffer bindValue(QueryOptions options) { return term.bindAndGet(options); } @Override public MultiCBuilder appendBoundTo(MultiCBuilder builder, Bound bound, QueryOptions options) { // no-op return builder; } @Override public void addRowFilterTo(RowFilter filter, SecondaryIndexManager indexManager, QueryOptions options) throws InvalidRequestException { // no-op } } }