 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.cassandra.db.filter;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

import com.google.common.base.Objects;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import org.apache.cassandra.config.CFMetaData;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.ColumnDefinition;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.Operator;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.context.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.partitions.ImmutableBTreePartition;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.partitions.UnfilteredPartitionIterator;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.transform.Transformation;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.InvalidRequestException;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.DataInputPlus;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.DataOutputPlus;
import org.apache.cassandra.net.MessagingService;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.IndexMetadata;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities;

import static org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.RequestValidations.checkBindValueSet;
import static org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.RequestValidations.checkFalse;
import static org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.RequestValidations.checkNotNull;

A filter on which rows a given query should include or exclude.

This corresponds to the restrictions on rows that are not handled by the query ClusteringIndexFilter. Some of the expressions of this filter may be handled by a 2ndary index, and the rest is simply filtered out from the result set (the later can only happen if the query was using ALLOW FILTERING).

/** * A filter on which rows a given query should include or exclude. * <p> * This corresponds to the restrictions on rows that are not handled by the query * {@link ClusteringIndexFilter}. Some of the expressions of this filter may * be handled by a 2ndary index, and the rest is simply filtered out from the * result set (the later can only happen if the query was using ALLOW FILTERING). */
public abstract class RowFilter implements Iterable<RowFilter.Expression> { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RowFilter.class); public static final Serializer serializer = new Serializer(); public static final RowFilter NONE = new CQLFilter(Collections.emptyList()); protected final List<Expression> expressions; protected RowFilter(List<Expression> expressions) { this.expressions = expressions; } public static RowFilter create() { return new CQLFilter(new ArrayList<>()); } public static RowFilter create(int capacity) { return new CQLFilter(new ArrayList<>(capacity)); } public static RowFilter forThrift(int capacity) { return new ThriftFilter(new ArrayList<>(capacity)); } public SimpleExpression add(ColumnDefinition def, Operator op, ByteBuffer value) { SimpleExpression expression = new SimpleExpression(def, op, value); add(expression); return expression; } public void addMapEquality(ColumnDefinition def, ByteBuffer key, Operator op, ByteBuffer value) { add(new MapEqualityExpression(def, key, op, value)); } public void addThriftExpression(CFMetaData metadata, ByteBuffer name, Operator op, ByteBuffer value) { assert (this instanceof ThriftFilter); add(new ThriftExpression(metadata, name, op, value)); } public void addCustomIndexExpression(CFMetaData cfm, IndexMetadata targetIndex, ByteBuffer value) { add(new CustomExpression(cfm, targetIndex, value)); } private void add(Expression expression) { expression.validate(); expressions.add(expression); } public void addUserExpression(UserExpression e) { expressions.add(e); } public List<Expression> getExpressions() { return expressions; }
Checks if some of the expressions apply to clustering or regular columns.
Returns:true if some of the expressions apply to clustering or regular columns, false otherwise.
/** * Checks if some of the expressions apply to clustering or regular columns. * @return {@code true} if some of the expressions apply to clustering or regular columns, {@code false} otherwise. */
public boolean hasExpressionOnClusteringOrRegularColumns() { for (Expression expression : expressions) { ColumnDefinition column = expression.column(); if (column.isClusteringColumn() || column.isRegular()) return true; } return false; }
Filters the provided iterator so that only the row satisfying the expression of this filter are included in the resulting iterator.
  • iter – the iterator to filter
  • nowInSec – the time of query in seconds.
Returns:the filtered iterator.
/** * Filters the provided iterator so that only the row satisfying the expression of this filter * are included in the resulting iterator. * * @param iter the iterator to filter * @param nowInSec the time of query in seconds. * @return the filtered iterator. */
public abstract UnfilteredPartitionIterator filter(UnfilteredPartitionIterator iter, int nowInSec);
Whether the provided row in the provided partition satisfies this filter.
  • metadata – the table metadata.
  • partitionKey – the partition key for partition to test.
  • row – the row to test.
  • nowInSec – the current time in seconds (to know what is live and what isn't).
Returns:true if row in partition partitionKey satisfies this row filter.
/** * Whether the provided row in the provided partition satisfies this filter. * * @param metadata the table metadata. * @param partitionKey the partition key for partition to test. * @param row the row to test. * @param nowInSec the current time in seconds (to know what is live and what isn't). * @return {@code true} if {@code row} in partition {@code partitionKey} satisfies this row filter. */
public boolean isSatisfiedBy(CFMetaData metadata, DecoratedKey partitionKey, Row row, int nowInSec) { // We purge all tombstones as the expressions isSatisfiedBy methods expects it Row purged = row.purge(DeletionPurger.PURGE_ALL, nowInSec, metadata.enforceStrictLiveness()); if (purged == null) return expressions.isEmpty(); for (Expression e : expressions) { if (!e.isSatisfiedBy(metadata, partitionKey, purged)) return false; } return true; }
Returns true if all of the expressions within this filter that apply to the partition key are satisfied by the given key, false otherwise.
/** * Returns true if all of the expressions within this filter that apply to the partition key are satisfied by * the given key, false otherwise. */
public boolean partitionKeyRestrictionsAreSatisfiedBy(DecoratedKey key, AbstractType<?> keyValidator) { for (Expression e : expressions) { if (!e.column.isPartitionKey()) continue; ByteBuffer value = keyValidator instanceof CompositeType ? ((CompositeType) keyValidator).split(key.getKey())[e.column.position()] : key.getKey(); if (!e.operator().isSatisfiedBy(e.column.type, value, e.value)) return false; } return true; }
Returns true if all of the expressions within this filter that apply to the clustering key are satisfied by the given Clustering, false otherwise.
/** * Returns true if all of the expressions within this filter that apply to the clustering key are satisfied by * the given Clustering, false otherwise. */
public boolean clusteringKeyRestrictionsAreSatisfiedBy(Clustering clustering) { for (Expression e : expressions) { if (!e.column.isClusteringColumn()) continue; if (!e.operator().isSatisfiedBy(e.column.type, clustering.get(e.column.position()), e.value)) { return false; } } return true; }
Returns this filter but without the provided expression. This method *assumes* that the filter contains the provided expression.
/** * Returns this filter but without the provided expression. This method * *assumes* that the filter contains the provided expression. */
public RowFilter without(Expression expression) { assert expressions.contains(expression); if (expressions.size() == 1) return RowFilter.NONE; List<Expression> newExpressions = new ArrayList<>(expressions.size() - 1); for (Expression e : expressions) if (!e.equals(expression)) newExpressions.add(e); return withNewExpressions(newExpressions); } public RowFilter withoutExpressions() { return withNewExpressions(Collections.emptyList()); } protected abstract RowFilter withNewExpressions(List<Expression> expressions); public boolean isEmpty() { return expressions.isEmpty(); } public Iterator<Expression> iterator() { return expressions.iterator(); } private static Clustering makeCompactClustering(CFMetaData metadata, ByteBuffer name) { assert metadata.isCompactTable(); if (metadata.isCompound()) { List<ByteBuffer> values = CompositeType.splitName(name); return Clustering.make(values.toArray(new ByteBuffer[metadata.comparator.size()])); } else { return Clustering.make(name); } } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < expressions.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) sb.append(" AND "); sb.append(expressions.get(i)); } return sb.toString(); } private static class CQLFilter extends RowFilter { private CQLFilter(List<Expression> expressions) { super(expressions); } public UnfilteredPartitionIterator filter(UnfilteredPartitionIterator iter, int nowInSec) { if (expressions.isEmpty()) return iter; final CFMetaData metadata = iter.metadata(); List<Expression> partitionLevelExpressions = new ArrayList<>(); List<Expression> rowLevelExpressions = new ArrayList<>(); for (Expression e: expressions) { if (e.column.isStatic() || e.column.isPartitionKey()) partitionLevelExpressions.add(e); else rowLevelExpressions.add(e); } long numberOfRegularColumnExpressions = rowLevelExpressions.size(); final boolean filterNonStaticColumns = numberOfRegularColumnExpressions > 0; class IsSatisfiedFilter extends Transformation<UnfilteredRowIterator> { DecoratedKey pk; public UnfilteredRowIterator applyToPartition(UnfilteredRowIterator partition) { pk = partition.partitionKey(); // Short-circuit all partitions that won't match based on static and partition keys for (Expression e : partitionLevelExpressions) if (!e.isSatisfiedBy(metadata, partition.partitionKey(), partition.staticRow())) { partition.close(); return null; } UnfilteredRowIterator iterator = Transformation.apply(partition, this); if (filterNonStaticColumns && !iterator.hasNext()) { iterator.close(); return null; } return iterator; } public Row applyToRow(Row row) { Row purged = row.purge(DeletionPurger.PURGE_ALL, nowInSec, metadata.enforceStrictLiveness()); if (purged == null) return null; for (Expression e : rowLevelExpressions) if (!e.isSatisfiedBy(metadata, pk, purged)) return null; return row; } } return Transformation.apply(iter, new IsSatisfiedFilter()); } protected RowFilter withNewExpressions(List<Expression> expressions) { return new CQLFilter(expressions); } } private static class ThriftFilter extends RowFilter { private ThriftFilter(List<Expression> expressions) { super(expressions); } public UnfilteredPartitionIterator filter(UnfilteredPartitionIterator iter, final int nowInSec) { if (expressions.isEmpty()) return iter; class IsSatisfiedThriftFilter extends Transformation<UnfilteredRowIterator> { @Override public UnfilteredRowIterator applyToPartition(UnfilteredRowIterator iter) { // Thrift does not filter rows, it filters entire partition if any of the expression is not // satisfied, which forces us to materialize the result (in theory we could materialize only // what we need which might or might not be everything, but we keep it simple since in practice // it's not worth that it has ever been). ImmutableBTreePartition result = ImmutableBTreePartition.create(iter); iter.close(); // The partition needs to have a row for every expression, and the expression needs to be valid. for (Expression expr : expressions) { assert expr instanceof ThriftExpression; Row row = result.getRow(makeCompactClustering(iter.metadata(), expr.column().name.bytes)); if (row == null || !expr.isSatisfiedBy(iter.metadata(), iter.partitionKey(), row)) return null; } // If we get there, it means all expressions where satisfied, so return the original result return result.unfilteredIterator(); } } return Transformation.apply(iter, new IsSatisfiedThriftFilter()); } protected RowFilter withNewExpressions(List<Expression> expressions) { return new ThriftFilter(expressions); } } public static abstract class Expression { private static final Serializer serializer = new Serializer(); // Note: the order of this enum matter, it's used for serialization protected enum Kind { SIMPLE, MAP_EQUALITY, THRIFT_DYN_EXPR, CUSTOM, USER } protected abstract Kind kind(); protected final ColumnDefinition column; protected final Operator operator; protected final ByteBuffer value; protected Expression(ColumnDefinition column, Operator operator, ByteBuffer value) { this.column = column; this.operator = operator; this.value = value; } public boolean isCustom() { return kind() == Kind.CUSTOM; } public boolean isUserDefined() { return kind() == Kind.USER; } public ColumnDefinition column() { return column; } public Operator operator() { return operator; }
Checks if the operator of this IndexExpression is a CONTAINS operator.
Returns:true if the operator of this IndexExpression is a CONTAINS operator, false otherwise.
/** * Checks if the operator of this <code>IndexExpression</code> is a <code>CONTAINS</code> operator. * * @return <code>true</code> if the operator of this <code>IndexExpression</code> is a <code>CONTAINS</code> * operator, <code>false</code> otherwise. */
public boolean isContains() { return Operator.CONTAINS == operator; }
Checks if the operator of this IndexExpression is a CONTAINS_KEY operator.
Returns:true if the operator of this IndexExpression is a CONTAINS_KEY operator, false otherwise.
/** * Checks if the operator of this <code>IndexExpression</code> is a <code>CONTAINS_KEY</code> operator. * * @return <code>true</code> if the operator of this <code>IndexExpression</code> is a <code>CONTAINS_KEY</code> * operator, <code>false</code> otherwise. */
public boolean isContainsKey() { return Operator.CONTAINS_KEY == operator; }
If this expression is used to query an index, the value to use as partition key for that index query.
/** * If this expression is used to query an index, the value to use as * partition key for that index query. */
public ByteBuffer getIndexValue() { return value; } public void validate() { checkNotNull(value, "Unsupported null value for column %s", column.name); checkBindValueSet(value, "Unsupported unset value for column %s", column.name); } @Deprecated public void validateForIndexing() { checkFalse(value.remaining() > FBUtilities.MAX_UNSIGNED_SHORT, "Index expression values may not be larger than 64K"); }
Returns whether the provided row satisfied this expression or not.
  • partitionKey – the partition key for row to check.
  • row – the row to check. It should *not* contain deleted cells (i.e. it should come from a RowIterator).
Returns:whether the row is satisfied by this expression.
/** * Returns whether the provided row satisfied this expression or not. * * @param partitionKey the partition key for row to check. * @param row the row to check. It should *not* contain deleted cells * (i.e. it should come from a RowIterator). * @return whether the row is satisfied by this expression. */
public abstract boolean isSatisfiedBy(CFMetaData metadata, DecoratedKey partitionKey, Row row); protected ByteBuffer getValue(CFMetaData metadata, DecoratedKey partitionKey, Row row) { switch (column.kind) { case PARTITION_KEY: return metadata.getKeyValidator() instanceof CompositeType ? CompositeType.extractComponent(partitionKey.getKey(), column.position()) : partitionKey.getKey(); case CLUSTERING: return row.clustering().get(column.position()); default: Cell cell = row.getCell(column); return cell == null ? null : cell.value(); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (!(o instanceof Expression)) return false; Expression that = (Expression)o; return Objects.equal(this.kind(), that.kind()) && Objects.equal(this.column.name, that.column.name) && Objects.equal(this.operator, that.operator) && Objects.equal(this.value, that.value); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hashCode(column.name, operator, value); } private static class Serializer { public void serialize(Expression expression, DataOutputPlus out, int version) throws IOException { if (version >= MessagingService.VERSION_30) out.writeByte(expression.kind().ordinal()); // Custom expressions include neither a column or operator, but all // other expressions do. Also, custom expressions are 3.0+ only, so // the column & operator will always be the first things written for // any pre-3.0 version if (expression.kind() == Kind.CUSTOM) { assert version >= MessagingService.VERSION_30; IndexMetadata.serializer.serialize(((CustomExpression)expression).targetIndex, out, version); ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(expression.value, out); return; } if (expression.kind() == Kind.USER) { assert version >= MessagingService.VERSION_30; UserExpression.serialize((UserExpression)expression, out, version); return; } ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(expression.column.name.bytes, out); expression.operator.writeTo(out); switch (expression.kind()) { case SIMPLE: ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(((SimpleExpression)expression).value, out); break; case MAP_EQUALITY: MapEqualityExpression mexpr = (MapEqualityExpression)expression; if (version < MessagingService.VERSION_30) { ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(mexpr.getIndexValue(), out); } else { ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(mexpr.key, out); ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(mexpr.value, out); } break; case THRIFT_DYN_EXPR: ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(((ThriftExpression)expression).value, out); break; } } public Expression deserialize(DataInputPlus in, int version, CFMetaData metadata) throws IOException { Kind kind = null; ByteBuffer name; Operator operator; ColumnDefinition column; if (version >= MessagingService.VERSION_30) { kind = Kind.values()[in.readByte()]; // custom expressions (3.0+ only) do not contain a column or operator, only a value if (kind == Kind.CUSTOM) { return new CustomExpression(metadata, IndexMetadata.serializer.deserialize(in, version, metadata), ByteBufferUtil.readWithShortLength(in)); } if (kind == Kind.USER) { return UserExpression.deserialize(in, version, metadata); } } name = ByteBufferUtil.readWithShortLength(in); operator = Operator.readFrom(in); column = metadata.getColumnDefinition(name); if (!metadata.isCompactTable() && column == null) throw new RuntimeException("Unknown (or dropped) column " + UTF8Type.instance.getString(name) + " during deserialization"); if (version < MessagingService.VERSION_30) { if (column == null) kind = Kind.THRIFT_DYN_EXPR; else if (column.type instanceof MapType && operator == Operator.EQ) kind = Kind.MAP_EQUALITY; else kind = Kind.SIMPLE; } assert kind != null; switch (kind) { case SIMPLE: return new SimpleExpression(column, operator, ByteBufferUtil.readWithShortLength(in)); case MAP_EQUALITY: ByteBuffer key, value; if (version < MessagingService.VERSION_30) { ByteBuffer composite = ByteBufferUtil.readWithShortLength(in); key = CompositeType.extractComponent(composite, 0); value = CompositeType.extractComponent(composite, 0); } else { key = ByteBufferUtil.readWithShortLength(in); value = ByteBufferUtil.readWithShortLength(in); } return new MapEqualityExpression(column, key, operator, value); case THRIFT_DYN_EXPR: return new ThriftExpression(metadata, name, operator, ByteBufferUtil.readWithShortLength(in)); } throw new AssertionError(); } public long serializedSize(Expression expression, int version) { // version 3.0+ includes a byte for Kind long size = version >= MessagingService.VERSION_30 ? 1 : 0; // Custom expressions include neither a column or operator, but all // other expressions do. Also, custom expressions are 3.0+ only, so // the column & operator will always be the first things written for // any pre-3.0 version if (expression.kind() != Kind.CUSTOM && expression.kind() != Kind.USER) size += ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithShortLength(expression.column().name.bytes) + expression.operator.serializedSize(); switch (expression.kind()) { case SIMPLE: size += ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithShortLength(((SimpleExpression)expression).value); break; case MAP_EQUALITY: MapEqualityExpression mexpr = (MapEqualityExpression)expression; if (version < MessagingService.VERSION_30) size += ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithShortLength(mexpr.getIndexValue()); else size += ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithShortLength(mexpr.key) + ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithShortLength(mexpr.value); break; case THRIFT_DYN_EXPR: size += ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithShortLength(((ThriftExpression)expression).value); break; case CUSTOM: if (version >= MessagingService.VERSION_30) size += IndexMetadata.serializer.serializedSize(((CustomExpression)expression).targetIndex, version) + ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithShortLength(expression.value); break; case USER: if (version >= MessagingService.VERSION_30) size += UserExpression.serializedSize((UserExpression)expression, version); } return size; } } }
An expression of the form 'column' 'op' 'value'.
/** * An expression of the form 'column' 'op' 'value'. */
public static class SimpleExpression extends Expression { SimpleExpression(ColumnDefinition column, Operator operator, ByteBuffer value) { super(column, operator, value); } public boolean isSatisfiedBy(CFMetaData metadata, DecoratedKey partitionKey, Row row) { // We support null conditions for LWT (in ColumnCondition) but not for RowFilter. // TODO: we should try to merge both code someday. assert value != null; switch (operator) { case EQ: case LT: case LTE: case GTE: case GT: { assert !column.isComplex() : "Only CONTAINS and CONTAINS_KEY are supported for 'complex' types"; // In order to support operators on Counter types, their value has to be extracted from internal // representation. See CASSANDRA-11629 if (column.type.isCounter()) { ByteBuffer foundValue = getValue(metadata, partitionKey, row); if (foundValue == null) return false; ByteBuffer counterValue = LongType.instance.decompose(CounterContext.instance().total(foundValue)); return operator.isSatisfiedBy(LongType.instance, counterValue, value); } else { // Note that CQL expression are always of the form 'x < 4', i.e. the tested value is on the left. ByteBuffer foundValue = getValue(metadata, partitionKey, row); return foundValue != null && operator.isSatisfiedBy(column.type, foundValue, value); } } case NEQ: case LIKE_PREFIX: case LIKE_SUFFIX: case LIKE_CONTAINS: case LIKE_MATCHES: { assert !column.isComplex() : "Only CONTAINS and CONTAINS_KEY are supported for 'complex' types"; ByteBuffer foundValue = getValue(metadata, partitionKey, row); // Note that CQL expression are always of the form 'x < 4', i.e. the tested value is on the left. return foundValue != null && operator.isSatisfiedBy(column.type, foundValue, value); } case CONTAINS: assert column.type.isCollection(); CollectionType<?> type = (CollectionType<?>)column.type; if (column.isComplex()) { ComplexColumnData complexData = row.getComplexColumnData(column); if (complexData != null) { for (Cell cell : complexData) { if (type.kind == CollectionType.Kind.SET) { if (type.nameComparator().compare(cell.path().get(0), value) == 0) return true; } else { if (type.valueComparator().compare(cell.value(), value) == 0) return true; } } } return false; } else { ByteBuffer foundValue = getValue(metadata, partitionKey, row); if (foundValue == null) return false; switch (type.kind) { case LIST: ListType<?> listType = (ListType<?>)type; return listType.compose(foundValue).contains(listType.getElementsType().compose(value)); case SET: SetType<?> setType = (SetType<?>)type; return setType.compose(foundValue).contains(setType.getElementsType().compose(value)); case MAP: MapType<?,?> mapType = (MapType<?, ?>)type; return mapType.compose(foundValue).containsValue(mapType.getValuesType().compose(value)); } throw new AssertionError(); } case CONTAINS_KEY: assert column.type.isCollection() && column.type instanceof MapType; MapType<?, ?> mapType = (MapType<?, ?>)column.type; if (column.isComplex()) { return row.getCell(column, CellPath.create(value)) != null; } else { ByteBuffer foundValue = getValue(metadata, partitionKey, row); return foundValue != null && mapType.getSerializer().getSerializedValue(foundValue, value, mapType.getKeysType()) != null; } case IN: // It wouldn't be terribly hard to support this (though doing so would imply supporting // IN for 2ndary index) but currently we don't. throw new AssertionError(); } throw new AssertionError(); } @Override public String toString() { AbstractType<?> type = column.type; switch (operator) { case CONTAINS: assert type instanceof CollectionType; CollectionType<?> ct = (CollectionType<?>)type; type = ct.kind == CollectionType.Kind.SET ? ct.nameComparator() : ct.valueComparator(); break; case CONTAINS_KEY: assert type instanceof MapType; type = ((MapType<?, ?>)type).nameComparator(); break; case IN: type = ListType.getInstance(type, false); break; default: break; } return String.format("%s %s %s", column.name, operator, type.getString(value)); } @Override protected Kind kind() { return Kind.SIMPLE; } }
An expression of the form 'column' ['key'] = 'value' (which is only supported when 'column' is a map).
/** * An expression of the form 'column' ['key'] = 'value' (which is only * supported when 'column' is a map). */
private static class MapEqualityExpression extends Expression { private final ByteBuffer key; public MapEqualityExpression(ColumnDefinition column, ByteBuffer key, Operator operator, ByteBuffer value) { super(column, operator, value); assert column.type instanceof MapType && operator == Operator.EQ; this.key = key; } @Override public void validate() throws InvalidRequestException { checkNotNull(key, "Unsupported null map key for column %s", column.name); checkBindValueSet(key, "Unsupported unset map key for column %s", column.name); checkNotNull(value, "Unsupported null map value for column %s", column.name); checkBindValueSet(value, "Unsupported unset map value for column %s", column.name); } @Override public ByteBuffer getIndexValue() { return CompositeType.build(key, value); } public boolean isSatisfiedBy(CFMetaData metadata, DecoratedKey partitionKey, Row row) { assert key != null; // We support null conditions for LWT (in ColumnCondition) but not for RowFilter. // TODO: we should try to merge both code someday. assert value != null; if (row.isStatic() != column.isStatic()) return true; MapType<?, ?> mt = (MapType<?, ?>)column.type; if (column.isComplex()) { Cell cell = row.getCell(column, CellPath.create(key)); return cell != null && mt.valueComparator().compare(cell.value(), value) == 0; } else { ByteBuffer serializedMap = getValue(metadata, partitionKey, row); if (serializedMap == null) return false; ByteBuffer foundValue = mt.getSerializer().getSerializedValue(serializedMap, key, mt.getKeysType()); return foundValue != null && mt.valueComparator().compare(foundValue, value) == 0; } } @Override public String toString() { MapType<?, ?> mt = (MapType<?, ?>)column.type; return String.format("%s[%s] = %s", column.name, mt.nameComparator().getString(key), mt.valueComparator().getString(value)); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (!(o instanceof MapEqualityExpression)) return false; MapEqualityExpression that = (MapEqualityExpression)o; return Objects.equal(this.column.name, that.column.name) && Objects.equal(this.operator, that.operator) && Objects.equal(this.key, that.key) && Objects.equal(this.value, that.value); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hashCode(column.name, operator, key, value); } @Override protected Kind kind() { return Kind.MAP_EQUALITY; } }
An expression of the form 'name' = 'value', but where 'name' is actually the clustering value for a compact table. This is only for thrift.
/** * An expression of the form 'name' = 'value', but where 'name' is actually the * clustering value for a compact table. This is only for thrift. */
private static class ThriftExpression extends Expression { public ThriftExpression(CFMetaData metadata, ByteBuffer name, Operator operator, ByteBuffer value) { super(makeDefinition(metadata, name), operator, value); assert metadata.isCompactTable(); } private static ColumnDefinition makeDefinition(CFMetaData metadata, ByteBuffer name) { ColumnDefinition def = metadata.getColumnDefinition(name); if (def != null) return def; // In thrift, we actually allow expression on non-defined columns for the sake of filtering. To accomodate // this we create a "fake" definition. This is messy but it works so is probably good enough. return ColumnDefinition.regularDef(metadata, name, metadata.compactValueColumn().type); } public boolean isSatisfiedBy(CFMetaData metadata, DecoratedKey partitionKey, Row row) { assert value != null; // On thrift queries, even if the column expression is a "static" one, we'll have convert it as a "dynamic" // one in ThriftResultsMerger, so we always expect it to be a dynamic one. Further, we expect this is only // called when the row clustering does match the column (see ThriftFilter above). assert row.clustering().equals(makeCompactClustering(metadata, column.name.bytes)); Cell cell = row.getCell(metadata.compactValueColumn()); return cell != null && operator.isSatisfiedBy(column.type, cell.value(), value); } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("%s %s %s", column.name, operator, column.type.getString(value)); } @Override protected Kind kind() { return Kind.THRIFT_DYN_EXPR; } }
A custom index expression for use with 2i implementations which support custom syntax and which are not necessarily linked to a single column in the base table.
/** * A custom index expression for use with 2i implementations which support custom syntax and which are not * necessarily linked to a single column in the base table. */
public static final class CustomExpression extends Expression { private final IndexMetadata targetIndex; private final CFMetaData cfm; public CustomExpression(CFMetaData cfm, IndexMetadata targetIndex, ByteBuffer value) { // The operator is not relevant, but Expression requires it so for now we just hardcode EQ super(makeDefinition(cfm, targetIndex), Operator.EQ, value); this.targetIndex = targetIndex; this.cfm = cfm; } private static ColumnDefinition makeDefinition(CFMetaData cfm, IndexMetadata index) { // Similarly to how we handle non-defined columns in thift, we create a fake column definition to // represent the target index. This is definitely something that can be improved though. return ColumnDefinition.regularDef(cfm, ByteBuffer.wrap(index.name.getBytes()), BytesType.instance); } public IndexMetadata getTargetIndex() { return targetIndex; } public ByteBuffer getValue() { return value; } public String toString() { return String.format("expr(%s, %s)", targetIndex.name, Keyspace.openAndGetStore(cfm) .indexManager .getIndex(targetIndex) .customExpressionValueType()); } protected Kind kind() { return Kind.CUSTOM; } // Filtering by custom expressions isn't supported yet, so just accept any row public boolean isSatisfiedBy(CFMetaData metadata, DecoratedKey partitionKey, Row row) { return true; } }
A user defined filtering expression. These may be added to RowFilter programmatically by a QueryHandler implementation. No concrete implementations are provided and adding custom impls to the classpath is a task for operators (needless to say, this is something of a power user feature). Care must also be taken to register implementations, via the static register method during system startup. An implementation and its corresponding Deserializer must be registered before sending or receiving any messages containing expressions of that type. Use of custom filtering expressions in a mixed version cluster should be handled with caution as the order in which types are registered is significant: if continuity of use during upgrades is important, new types should registered last and obsoleted types should still be registered ( or dummy implementations registered in their place) to preserve consistent identifiers across the cluster). During serialization, the identifier for the Deserializer implementation is prepended to the implementation specific payload. To deserialize, the identifier is read first to obtain the Deserializer, which then provides the concrete expression instance.
/** * A user defined filtering expression. These may be added to RowFilter programmatically by a * QueryHandler implementation. No concrete implementations are provided and adding custom impls * to the classpath is a task for operators (needless to say, this is something of a power * user feature). Care must also be taken to register implementations, via the static register * method during system startup. An implementation and its corresponding Deserializer must be * registered before sending or receiving any messages containing expressions of that type. * Use of custom filtering expressions in a mixed version cluster should be handled with caution * as the order in which types are registered is significant: if continuity of use during upgrades * is important, new types should registered last and obsoleted types should still be registered ( * or dummy implementations registered in their place) to preserve consistent identifiers across * the cluster). * * During serialization, the identifier for the Deserializer implementation is prepended to the * implementation specific payload. To deserialize, the identifier is read first to obtain the * Deserializer, which then provides the concrete expression instance. */
public static abstract class UserExpression extends Expression { private static final DeserializerRegistry deserializers = new DeserializerRegistry(); private static final class DeserializerRegistry { private final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(0); private final ConcurrentMap<Integer, Deserializer> deserializers = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final ConcurrentMap<Class<? extends UserExpression>, Integer> registeredClasses = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); public void registerUserExpressionClass(Class<? extends UserExpression> expressionClass, UserExpression.Deserializer deserializer) { int id = registeredClasses.computeIfAbsent(expressionClass, (cls) -> counter.getAndIncrement()); deserializers.put(id, deserializer); logger.debug("Registered user defined expression type {} and serializer {} with identifier {}", expressionClass.getName(), deserializer.getClass().getName(), id); } public Integer getId(UserExpression expression) { return registeredClasses.get(expression.getClass()); } public Deserializer getDeserializer(int id) { return deserializers.get(id); } } protected static abstract class Deserializer { protected abstract UserExpression deserialize(DataInputPlus in, int version, CFMetaData metadata) throws IOException; } public static void register(Class<? extends UserExpression> expressionClass, Deserializer deserializer) { deserializers.registerUserExpressionClass(expressionClass, deserializer); } private static UserExpression deserialize(DataInputPlus in, int version, CFMetaData metadata) throws IOException { int id = in.readInt(); Deserializer deserializer = deserializers.getDeserializer(id); assert deserializer != null : "No user defined expression type registered with id " + id; return deserializer.deserialize(in, version, metadata); } private static void serialize(UserExpression expression, DataOutputPlus out, int version) throws IOException { Integer id = deserializers.getId(expression); assert id != null : "User defined expression type " + expression.getClass().getName() + " is not registered"; out.writeInt(id); expression.serialize(out, version); } private static long serializedSize(UserExpression expression, int version) { // 4 bytes for the expression type id return 4 + expression.serializedSize(version); } protected UserExpression(ColumnDefinition column, Operator operator, ByteBuffer value) { super(column, operator, value); } protected Kind kind() { return Kind.USER; } protected abstract void serialize(DataOutputPlus out, int version) throws IOException; protected abstract long serializedSize(int version); } public static class Serializer { public void serialize(RowFilter filter, DataOutputPlus out, int version) throws IOException { out.writeBoolean(filter instanceof ThriftFilter); out.writeUnsignedVInt(filter.expressions.size()); for (Expression expr : filter.expressions) Expression.serializer.serialize(expr, out, version); } public RowFilter deserialize(DataInputPlus in, int version, CFMetaData metadata) throws IOException { boolean forThrift = in.readBoolean(); int size = (int)in.readUnsignedVInt(); List<Expression> expressions = new ArrayList<>(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) expressions.add(Expression.serializer.deserialize(in, version, metadata)); return forThrift ? new ThriftFilter(expressions) : new CQLFilter(expressions); } public long serializedSize(RowFilter filter, int version) { long size = 1 // forThrift + TypeSizes.sizeofUnsignedVInt(filter.expressions.size()); for (Expression expr : filter.expressions) size += Expression.serializer.serializedSize(expr, version); return size; } } }