 *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 *  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 *  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 *  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 *  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
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package org.apache.tools.ant.types;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;

import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException;
import org.apache.tools.ant.Project;
import org.apache.tools.ant.util.VectorSet;

A set of filters to be applied to something. A filter set may have begintoken and endtokens defined.
/** * A set of filters to be applied to something. * * A filter set may have begintoken and endtokens defined. * */
public class FilterSet extends DataType implements Cloneable {
Individual filter component of filterset.
/** * Individual filter component of filterset. * */
public static class Filter { // CheckStyle:VisibilityModifier OFF - bc
Token which will be replaced in the filter operation.
/** Token which will be replaced in the filter operation. */
String token;
The value which will replace the token in the filtering operation.
/** The value which will replace the token in the filtering operation. */
String value; // CheckStyle:VisibilityModifier ON
Constructor for the Filter object.
  • token – The token which will be replaced when filtering.
  • value – The value which will replace the token when filtering.
/** * Constructor for the Filter object. * * @param token The token which will be replaced when filtering. * @param value The value which will replace the token when filtering. */
public Filter(String token, String value) { setToken(token); setValue(value); }
No-argument constructor.
/** * No-argument constructor. */
public Filter() { }
Sets the Token attribute of the Filter object.
  • token – The new Token value.
/** * Sets the Token attribute of the Filter object. * * @param token The new Token value. */
public void setToken(String token) { this.token = token; }
Sets the Value attribute of the Filter object.
  • value – The new Value value.
/** * Sets the Value attribute of the Filter object. * * @param value The new Value value. */
public void setValue(String value) { this.value = value; }
Gets the Token attribute of the Filter object.
Returns: The Token value.
/** * Gets the Token attribute of the Filter object. * * @return The Token value. */
public String getToken() { return token; }
Gets the Value attribute of the Filter object.
Returns: The Value value.
/** * Gets the Value attribute of the Filter object. * * @return The Value value. */
public String getValue() { return value; } }
The filtersfile nested element.
/** * The filtersfile nested element. * */
public class FiltersFile {
Sets the file from which filters will be read.
  • file – the file from which filters will be read.
/** * Sets the file from which filters will be read. * * @param file the file from which filters will be read. */
public void setFile(File file) { filtersFiles.add(file); } }
EnumeratedAttribute to set behavior WRT missing filtersfiles: "fail" (default), "warn", "ignore".
Since:Ant 1.7
/** * EnumeratedAttribute to set behavior WRT missing filtersfiles: * "fail" (default), "warn", "ignore". * @since Ant 1.7 */
public static class OnMissing extends EnumeratedAttribute { private static final String[] VALUES = new String[] {"fail", "warn", "ignore"};
Fail value
/** Fail value */
public static final OnMissing FAIL = new OnMissing("fail");
Warn value
/** Warn value */
public static final OnMissing WARN = new OnMissing("warn");
Ignore value
/** Ignore value */
public static final OnMissing IGNORE = new OnMissing("ignore"); private static final int FAIL_INDEX = 0; private static final int WARN_INDEX = 1; private static final int IGNORE_INDEX = 2;
Default constructor.
/** * Default constructor. */
public OnMissing() { }
Convenience constructor.
  • value – the value to set.
/** * Convenience constructor. * @param value the value to set. */
public OnMissing(String value) { setValue(value); } //inherit doc
/** {@inheritDoc}. */
@Override public String[] getValues() { return VALUES; } }
The default token start string
/** The default token start string */
public static final String DEFAULT_TOKEN_START = "@";
The default token end string
/** The default token end string */
public static final String DEFAULT_TOKEN_END = "@"; private String startOfToken = DEFAULT_TOKEN_START; private String endOfToken = DEFAULT_TOKEN_END;
Contains a list of parsed tokens
/** Contains a list of parsed tokens */
private Vector<String> passedTokens;
if a duplicate token is found, this is set to true
/** if a duplicate token is found, this is set to true */
private boolean duplicateToken = false; private boolean recurse = true; private Hashtable<String, String> filterHash = null; private Vector<File> filtersFiles = new Vector<>(); private OnMissing onMissingFiltersFile = OnMissing.FAIL; private boolean readingFiles = false; private int recurseDepth = 0;
List of ordered filters and filter files.
/** * List of ordered filters and filter files. */
private Vector<Filter> filters = new Vector<>();
Default constructor.
/** * Default constructor. */
public FilterSet() { }
Create a Filterset from another filterset.
  • filterset – the filterset upon which this filterset will be based.
/** * Create a Filterset from another filterset. * * @param filterset the filterset upon which this filterset will be based. */
protected FilterSet(FilterSet filterset) { super(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Vector<Filter> clone = (Vector<Filter>) filterset.getFilters().clone(); this.filters = clone; }
Get the filters in the filter set.
Returns:a Vector of Filter instances.
/** * Get the filters in the filter set. * * @return a Vector of Filter instances. */
protected synchronized Vector<Filter> getFilters() { if (isReference()) { return getRef().getFilters(); } dieOnCircularReference(); // silly hack to avoid stack overflow... if (!readingFiles) { readingFiles = true; for (File filtersFile : filtersFiles) { readFiltersFromFile(filtersFile); } filtersFiles.clear(); readingFiles = false; } return filters; }
Get the referenced filter set.
Returns:the filterset from the reference.
/** * Get the referenced filter set. * * @return the filterset from the reference. */
protected FilterSet getRef() { return getCheckedRef(FilterSet.class); }
Gets the filter hash of the FilterSet.
Returns: The hash of the tokens and values for quick lookup.
/** * Gets the filter hash of the FilterSet. * * @return The hash of the tokens and values for quick lookup. */
public synchronized Hashtable<String, String> getFilterHash() { if (isReference()) { return getRef().getFilterHash(); } dieOnCircularReference(); if (filterHash == null) { filterHash = new Hashtable<>(getFilters().size()); getFilters().forEach(filter -> filterHash.put(filter.getToken(), filter.getValue())); } return filterHash; }
Set the file containing the filters for this filterset.
  • filtersFile – sets the filter file from which to read filters for this filter set.
/** * Set the file containing the filters for this filterset. * * @param filtersFile sets the filter file from which to read filters * for this filter set. * @throws BuildException if there is an error. */
public void setFiltersfile(File filtersFile) throws BuildException { if (isReference()) { throw tooManyAttributes(); } filtersFiles.add(filtersFile); }
Set the string used to id the beginning of a token.
  • startOfToken – The new Begintoken value.
/** * Set the string used to id the beginning of a token. * * @param startOfToken The new Begintoken value. */
public void setBeginToken(String startOfToken) { if (isReference()) { throw tooManyAttributes(); } if (startOfToken == null || startOfToken.isEmpty()) { throw new BuildException("beginToken must not be empty"); } this.startOfToken = startOfToken; }
Get the begin token for this filterset.
Returns:the filter set's begin token for filtering.
/** * Get the begin token for this filterset. * * @return the filter set's begin token for filtering. */
public String getBeginToken() { if (isReference()) { return getRef().getBeginToken(); } return startOfToken; }
Set the string used to id the end of a token.
  • endOfToken – The new Endtoken value.
/** * Set the string used to id the end of a token. * * @param endOfToken The new Endtoken value. */
public void setEndToken(String endOfToken) { if (isReference()) { throw tooManyAttributes(); } if (endOfToken == null || endOfToken.isEmpty()) { throw new BuildException("endToken must not be empty"); } this.endOfToken = endOfToken; }
Get the end token for this filterset.
Returns:the filter set's end token for replacement delimiting.
/** * Get the end token for this filterset. * * @return the filter set's end token for replacement delimiting. */
public String getEndToken() { if (isReference()) { return getRef().getEndToken(); } return endOfToken; }
Set whether recursive token expansion is enabled.
  • recurse – boolean whether to recurse.
/** * Set whether recursive token expansion is enabled. * @param recurse <code>boolean</code> whether to recurse. */
public void setRecurse(boolean recurse) { this.recurse = recurse; }
Get whether recursive token expansion is enabled.
Returns:boolean whether enabled.
/** * Get whether recursive token expansion is enabled. * @return <code>boolean</code> whether enabled. */
public boolean isRecurse() { return recurse; }
Read the filters from the given file.
  • filtersFile – the file from which filters are read.
/** * Read the filters from the given file. * * @param filtersFile the file from which filters are read. * @exception BuildException when the file cannot be read. */
public synchronized void readFiltersFromFile(File filtersFile) throws BuildException { if (isReference()) { throw tooManyAttributes(); } if (!filtersFile.exists()) { handleMissingFile("Could not read filters from file " + filtersFile + " as it doesn't exist."); } if (filtersFile.isFile()) { log("Reading filters from " + filtersFile, Project.MSG_VERBOSE); try (InputStream in = Files.newInputStream(filtersFile.toPath())) { Properties props = new Properties(); props.load(in); props.forEach((k, v) -> addFilter(new Filter((String) k, (String) v))); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new BuildException( "Could not read filters from file: " + filtersFile, ex); } } else { handleMissingFile("Must specify a file rather than a directory in " + "the filtersfile attribute:" + filtersFile); } filterHash = null; }
Does replacement on the given string with token matching. This uses the defined begintoken and endtoken values which default to @ for both. This resets the passedTokens and calls iReplaceTokens to do the actual replacements.
  • line – The line in which to process embedded tokens.
Returns: The input string after token replacement.
/** * Does replacement on the given string with token matching. * This uses the defined begintoken and endtoken values which default * to @ for both. * This resets the passedTokens and calls iReplaceTokens to * do the actual replacements. * * @param line The line in which to process embedded tokens. * @return The input string after token replacement. */
public synchronized String replaceTokens(String line) { return iReplaceTokens(line); }
Add a new filter.
  • filter – the filter to be added.
/** * Add a new filter. * * @param filter the filter to be added. */
public synchronized void addFilter(Filter filter) { if (isReference()) { throw noChildrenAllowed(); } filters.addElement(filter); filterHash = null; }
Create a new FiltersFile.
Returns:The filtersfile that was created.
/** * Create a new FiltersFile. * * @return The filtersfile that was created. */
public FiltersFile createFiltersfile() { if (isReference()) { throw noChildrenAllowed(); } return new FiltersFile(); }
Add a new filter made from the given token and value.
  • token – The token for the new filter.
  • value – The value for the new filter.
/** * Add a new filter made from the given token and value. * * @param token The token for the new filter. * @param value The value for the new filter. */
public synchronized void addFilter(String token, String value) { if (isReference()) { throw noChildrenAllowed(); } addFilter(new Filter(token, value)); }
Add a Filterset to this filter set.
  • filterSet – the filterset to be added to this filterset
/** * Add a Filterset to this filter set. * * @param filterSet the filterset to be added to this filterset */
public synchronized void addConfiguredFilterSet(FilterSet filterSet) { if (isReference()) { throw noChildrenAllowed(); } for (Filter filter : filterSet.getFilters()) { addFilter(filter); } }
Adds the properties provided by the specified PropertySet to this filterset.
  • propertySet – the propertyset to be added to this propertyset
/** * Adds the properties provided by the specified PropertySet to this filterset. * * @param propertySet the propertyset to be added to this propertyset */
public synchronized void addConfiguredPropertySet(PropertySet propertySet) { if (isReference()) { throw noChildrenAllowed(); } Properties p = propertySet.getProperties(); Set<Map.Entry<Object, Object>> entries = p.entrySet(); for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : entries) { addFilter(new Filter(String.valueOf(entry.getKey()), String.valueOf(entry.getValue()))); } }
Test to see if this filter set has filters.
Returns:Return true if there are filters in this set.
/** * Test to see if this filter set has filters. * * @return Return true if there are filters in this set. */
public synchronized boolean hasFilters() { return !getFilters().isEmpty(); }
Clone the filterset.
Returns:a deep clone of this filterset.
/** * Clone the filterset. * * @return a deep clone of this filterset. * * @throws BuildException if the clone cannot be performed. */
@Override public synchronized Object clone() throws BuildException { if (isReference()) { return getRef().clone(); } try { FilterSet fs = (FilterSet) super.clone(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Vector<Filter> clonedFilters = (Vector<Filter>) getFilters().clone(); fs.filters = clonedFilters; fs.setProject(getProject()); return fs; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { throw new BuildException(e); } }
Set the behavior WRT missing filtersfiles.
  • onMissingFiltersFile – the OnMissing describing the behavior.
/** * Set the behavior WRT missing filtersfiles. * @param onMissingFiltersFile the OnMissing describing the behavior. */
public void setOnMissingFiltersFile(OnMissing onMissingFiltersFile) { this.onMissingFiltersFile = onMissingFiltersFile; }
Get the onMissingFiltersFile setting.
Returns:the OnMissing instance.
/** * Get the onMissingFiltersFile setting. * @return the OnMissing instance. */
public OnMissing getOnMissingFiltersFile() { return onMissingFiltersFile; }
Does replacement on the given string with token matching. This uses the defined begintoken and endtoken values which default to @ for both.
  • line – The line to process the tokens in.
Returns: The string with the tokens replaced.
/** * Does replacement on the given string with token matching. * This uses the defined begintoken and endtoken values which default * to @ for both. * * @param line The line to process the tokens in. * @return The string with the tokens replaced. */
private synchronized String iReplaceTokens(String line) { String beginToken = getBeginToken(); String endToken = getEndToken(); int index = line.indexOf(beginToken); if (index > -1) { Hashtable<String, String> tokens = getFilterHash(); try { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0; while (index > -1) { //can't have zero-length token int endIndex = line.indexOf(endToken, index + beginToken.length() + 1); if (endIndex == -1) { break; } String token = line.substring(index + beginToken.length(), endIndex); b.append(line, i, index); if (tokens.containsKey(token)) { String value = tokens.get(token); if (recurse && !value.equals(token)) { // we have another token, let's parse it. value = replaceTokens(value, token); } log("Replacing: " + beginToken + token + endToken + " -> " + value, Project.MSG_VERBOSE); b.append(value); i = index + beginToken.length() + token.length() + endToken.length(); } else { // just append first character of beginToken // and search further // we can't skip the complete beginToken since // it may contain the start of another // candidate begin token (Bugzilla 45094) b.append(beginToken.charAt(0)); i = index + 1; } index = line.indexOf(beginToken, i); } b.append(line.substring(i)); return b.toString(); } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { return line; } } else { return line; } }
This parses tokens which point to tokens. It also maintains a list of currently used tokens, so we cannot get into an infinite loop.
  • line – the value / token to parse.
  • parent – the parent token (= the token it was parsed from).
/** * This parses tokens which point to tokens. * It also maintains a list of currently used tokens, so we cannot * get into an infinite loop. * @param line the value / token to parse. * @param parent the parent token (= the token it was parsed from). */
private synchronized String replaceTokens(String line, String parent) throws BuildException { String beginToken = getBeginToken(); String endToken = getEndToken(); if (recurseDepth == 0) { passedTokens = new VectorSet<>(); } recurseDepth++; if (passedTokens.contains(parent) && !duplicateToken) { duplicateToken = true; System.out.println( "Infinite loop in tokens. Currently known tokens : " + passedTokens.toString() + "\nProblem token : " + beginToken + parent + endToken + " called from " + beginToken + passedTokens.lastElement() + endToken); recurseDepth--; return parent; } passedTokens.addElement(parent); String value = iReplaceTokens(line); if (!value.contains(beginToken) && !duplicateToken && recurseDepth == 1) { passedTokens = null; } else if (duplicateToken) { // should always be the case... if (!passedTokens.isEmpty()) { value = passedTokens.remove(passedTokens.size() - 1); if (passedTokens.isEmpty()) { value = beginToken + value + endToken; duplicateToken = false; } } } else if (!passedTokens.isEmpty()) { // remove last seen token when crawling out of recursion passedTokens.remove(passedTokens.size() - 1); } recurseDepth--; return value; } private void handleMissingFile(String message) { switch (onMissingFiltersFile.getIndex()) { case OnMissing.IGNORE_INDEX: return; case OnMissing.FAIL_INDEX: throw new BuildException(message); case OnMissing.WARN_INDEX: log(message, Project.MSG_WARN); return; default: throw new BuildException("Invalid value for onMissingFiltersFile"); } } }