 *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 *  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 *  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 *  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 *  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

package org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.compilers;

import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;

import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException;
import org.apache.tools.ant.Location;
import org.apache.tools.ant.Project;
import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Execute;
import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Javac;
import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.LogStreamHandler;
import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.condition.Os;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.Commandline;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.Path;
import org.apache.tools.ant.util.FileUtils;
import org.apache.tools.ant.util.JavaEnvUtils;
import org.apache.tools.ant.util.StringUtils;

This is the default implementation for the CompilerAdapter interface. Currently, this is a cut-and-paste of the original javac task.
Since:Ant 1.3
/** * This is the default implementation for the CompilerAdapter interface. * Currently, this is a cut-and-paste of the original javac task. * * @since Ant 1.3 */
public abstract class DefaultCompilerAdapter implements CompilerAdapter, CompilerAdapterExtension { private static final int COMMAND_LINE_LIMIT; static { if (Os.isFamily("os/2")) { // OS/2 CMD.EXE has a much smaller limit around 1K COMMAND_LINE_LIMIT = 1000; } else { COMMAND_LINE_LIMIT = 4096; // 4K } } // CheckStyle:VisibilityModifier OFF - bc private static final FileUtils FILE_UTILS = FileUtils.getFileUtils(); //must keep for subclass BC, though unused: // CheckStyle:ConstantNameCheck OFF - bc @Deprecated protected static final String lSep = StringUtils.LINE_SEP; // CheckStyle:ConstantNameCheck ON protected Path src; protected File destDir; protected String encoding; protected boolean debug = false; protected boolean optimize = false; protected boolean deprecation = false; protected boolean depend = false; protected boolean verbose = false; protected String target; protected String release; protected Path bootclasspath; protected Path extdirs; protected Path compileClasspath; protected Path modulepath; protected Path upgrademodulepath; protected Path compileSourcepath; protected Path moduleSourcepath; protected Project project; protected Location location; protected boolean includeAntRuntime; protected boolean includeJavaRuntime; protected String memoryInitialSize; protected String memoryMaximumSize; protected File[] compileList; protected Javac attributes; // CheckStyle:VisibilityModifier ON
Set the Javac instance which contains the configured compilation attributes.
  • attributes – a configured Javac task.
/** * Set the Javac instance which contains the configured compilation * attributes. * * @param attributes a configured Javac task. */
@Override public void setJavac(final Javac attributes) { this.attributes = attributes; src = attributes.getSrcdir(); destDir = attributes.getDestdir(); encoding = attributes.getEncoding(); debug = attributes.getDebug(); optimize = attributes.getOptimize(); deprecation = attributes.getDeprecation(); depend = attributes.getDepend(); verbose = attributes.getVerbose(); target = attributes.getTarget(); release = attributes.getRelease(); bootclasspath = attributes.getBootclasspath(); extdirs = attributes.getExtdirs(); compileList = attributes.getFileList(); compileClasspath = attributes.getClasspath(); modulepath = attributes.getModulepath(); upgrademodulepath = attributes.getUpgrademodulepath(); compileSourcepath = attributes.getSourcepath(); moduleSourcepath = attributes.getModulesourcepath(); project = attributes.getProject(); location = attributes.getLocation(); includeAntRuntime = attributes.getIncludeantruntime(); includeJavaRuntime = attributes.getIncludejavaruntime(); memoryInitialSize = attributes.getMemoryInitialSize(); memoryMaximumSize = attributes.getMemoryMaximumSize(); if (moduleSourcepath != null && src == null && compileSourcepath == null) { //Compatibility to prevent NPE from Jikes, Jvc, Kjc compileSourcepath = new Path(getProject()); } }
Get the Javac task instance associated with this compiler adapter
Returns:the configured Javac task instance used by this adapter.
/** * Get the Javac task instance associated with this compiler adapter * * @return the configured Javac task instance used by this adapter. */
public Javac getJavac() { return attributes; }
By default, only recognize files with a Java extension, but specialized compilers can recognize multiple kinds of files.
/** * By default, only recognize files with a Java extension, * but specialized compilers can recognize multiple kinds * of files. */
@Override public String[] getSupportedFileExtensions() { return new String[] {"java"}; }
Get the project this compiler adapter was created in.
Returns:the owner project
Since:Ant 1.6
/** * Get the project this compiler adapter was created in. * @return the owner project * @since Ant 1.6 */
protected Project getProject() { return project; }
Builds the compilation classpath.
Returns:the compilation class path
/** * Builds the compilation classpath. * @return the compilation class path */
protected Path getCompileClasspath() { final Path classpath = new Path(project); // add dest dir to classpath so that previously compiled and // untouched classes are on classpath if (destDir != null && getJavac().isIncludeDestClasses()) { classpath.setLocation(destDir); } // Combine the build classpath with the system classpath, in an // order determined by the value of build.sysclasspath Path cp = compileClasspath; if (cp == null) { cp = new Path(project); } if (includeAntRuntime) { classpath.addExisting(cp.concatSystemClasspath("last")); } else { classpath.addExisting(cp.concatSystemClasspath("ignore")); } if (includeJavaRuntime) { classpath.addJavaRuntime(); } return classpath; }
Builds the modulepath.
Returns:the modulepath
/** * Builds the modulepath. * @return the modulepath * @since 1.9.7 */
protected Path getModulepath() { final Path mp = new Path(getProject()); if (modulepath != null) { mp.addExisting(modulepath); } return mp; }
Builds the upgrademodulepath.
Returns:the upgrademodulepath
/** * Builds the upgrademodulepath. * @return the upgrademodulepath * @since 1.9.7 */
protected Path getUpgrademodulepath() { final Path ump = new Path(getProject()); if (upgrademodulepath != null) { ump.addExisting(upgrademodulepath); } return ump; }
Builds the modulesourcepath for multi module compilation.
Returns:the modulesourcepath
/** * Builds the modulesourcepath for multi module compilation. * @return the modulesourcepath * @since 1.9.7 */
protected Path getModulesourcepath() { final Path msp = new Path(getProject()); if (moduleSourcepath != null) { msp.add(moduleSourcepath); } return msp; }
Get the command line arguments for the switches.
  • cmd – the command line
Returns:the command line
/** * Get the command line arguments for the switches. * @param cmd the command line * @return the command line */
protected Commandline setupJavacCommandlineSwitches(final Commandline cmd) { return setupJavacCommandlineSwitches(cmd, false); }
Does the command line argument processing common to classic and modern. Doesn't add the files to compile.
  • cmd – the command line
  • useDebugLevel – if true set set the debug level with the -g switch
Returns:the command line
/** * Does the command line argument processing common to classic and * modern. Doesn't add the files to compile. * @param cmd the command line * @param useDebugLevel if true set set the debug level with the -g switch * @return the command line */
protected Commandline setupJavacCommandlineSwitches(final Commandline cmd, final boolean useDebugLevel) { final Path classpath = getCompileClasspath(); // For -sourcepath, use the "sourcepath" value if present. // Otherwise default to the "srcdir" value. Path sourcepath; if (compileSourcepath != null) { sourcepath = compileSourcepath; } else { sourcepath = src; } final String memoryParameterPrefix = assumeJava1_2Plus() ? "-J-X" : "-J-"; if (memoryInitialSize != null) { if (!attributes.isForkedJavac()) { attributes.log( "Since fork is false, ignoring memoryInitialSize setting.", Project.MSG_WARN); } else { cmd.createArgument().setValue(memoryParameterPrefix + "ms" + memoryInitialSize); } } if (memoryMaximumSize != null) { if (!attributes.isForkedJavac()) { attributes.log( "Since fork is false, ignoring memoryMaximumSize setting.", Project.MSG_WARN); } else { cmd.createArgument().setValue(memoryParameterPrefix + "mx" + memoryMaximumSize); } } if (attributes.getNowarn()) { cmd.createArgument().setValue("-nowarn"); } if (deprecation) { cmd.createArgument().setValue("-deprecation"); } if (destDir != null) { cmd.createArgument().setValue("-d"); cmd.createArgument().setFile(destDir); } cmd.createArgument().setValue("-classpath"); // Just add "sourcepath" to classpath (for JDK1.1) // as well as "bootclasspath" and "extdirs" if (!assumeJava1_2Plus()) { final Path cp = new Path(project); Optional.ofNullable(getBootClassPath()).ifPresent(cp::append); if (extdirs != null) { cp.addExtdirs(extdirs); } cp.append(classpath); cp.append(sourcepath); cmd.createArgument().setPath(cp); } else { cmd.createArgument().setPath(classpath); // If the buildfile specifies sourcepath="", then don't // output any sourcepath. if (sourcepath.size() > 0) { cmd.createArgument().setValue("-sourcepath"); cmd.createArgument().setPath(sourcepath); } if (release == null || !assumeJava9Plus()) { if (target != null) { cmd.createArgument().setValue("-target"); cmd.createArgument().setValue(target); } final Path bp = getBootClassPath(); if (!bp.isEmpty()) { cmd.createArgument().setValue("-bootclasspath"); cmd.createArgument().setPath(bp); } } if (extdirs != null && !extdirs.isEmpty()) { cmd.createArgument().setValue("-extdirs"); cmd.createArgument().setPath(extdirs); } } if (encoding != null) { cmd.createArgument().setValue("-encoding"); cmd.createArgument().setValue(encoding); } if (debug) { if (useDebugLevel && assumeJava1_2Plus()) { final String debugLevel = attributes.getDebugLevel(); if (debugLevel != null) { cmd.createArgument().setValue("-g:" + debugLevel); } else { cmd.createArgument().setValue("-g"); } } else { cmd.createArgument().setValue("-g"); } } else if (getNoDebugArgument() != null) { cmd.createArgument().setValue(getNoDebugArgument()); } if (optimize) { cmd.createArgument().setValue("-O"); } if (depend) { if (assumeJava1_3Plus()) { attributes.log( "depend attribute is not supported by the modern compiler", Project.MSG_WARN); } else if (assumeJava1_2Plus()) { cmd.createArgument().setValue("-Xdepend"); } else { //java 1.1 cmd.createArgument().setValue("-depend"); } } if (verbose) { cmd.createArgument().setValue("-verbose"); } addCurrentCompilerArgs(cmd); return cmd; }
Does the command line argument processing for modern. Doesn't add the files to compile.
  • cmd – the command line
Returns:the command line
/** * Does the command line argument processing for modern. Doesn't * add the files to compile. * @param cmd the command line * @return the command line */
protected Commandline setupModernJavacCommandlineSwitches(final Commandline cmd) { setupJavacCommandlineSwitches(cmd, true); if (assumeJava1_4Plus()) { // -source added with JDK 1.4 final String t = attributes.getTarget(); final String s = attributes.getSource(); if (release == null || !assumeJava9Plus()) { if (release != null) { attributes.log( "Support for javac --release has been added in Java9 ignoring it"); } if (s != null) { cmd.createArgument().setValue("-source"); cmd.createArgument().setValue(adjustSourceValue(s)); } else if (t != null && mustSetSourceForTarget(t)) { setImplicitSourceSwitch(cmd, t, adjustSourceValue(t)); } } else { // Java 9+ and release has been set if (t != null || s != null || getBootClassPath().size() > 0) { attributes.log( "Ignoring source, target and bootclasspath as release has been set", Project.MSG_WARN); } cmd.createArgument().setValue("--release"); cmd.createArgument().setValue(release); } } final Path msp = getModulesourcepath(); if (!msp.isEmpty()) { cmd.createArgument().setValue("--module-source-path"); cmd.createArgument().setPath(msp); } final Path mp = getModulepath(); if (!mp.isEmpty()) { cmd.createArgument().setValue("--module-path"); cmd.createArgument().setPath(mp); } final Path ump = getUpgrademodulepath(); if (!ump.isEmpty()) { cmd.createArgument().setValue("--upgrade-module-path"); cmd.createArgument().setPath(ump); } if (attributes.getNativeHeaderDir() != null) { if (!assumeJava1_8Plus()) { attributes.log( "Support for javac -h has been added in Java8, ignoring it"); } else { cmd.createArgument().setValue("-h"); cmd.createArgument().setFile(attributes.getNativeHeaderDir()); } } return cmd; }
Does the command line argument processing for modern and adds the files to compile as well.
Returns:the command line
/** * Does the command line argument processing for modern and adds * the files to compile as well. * @return the command line */
protected Commandline setupModernJavacCommand() { final Commandline cmd = new Commandline(); setupModernJavacCommandlineSwitches(cmd); logAndAddFilesToCompile(cmd); return cmd; }
Set up the command line.
Returns:the command line
/** * Set up the command line. * @return the command line */
protected Commandline setupJavacCommand() { return setupJavacCommand(false); }
Does the command line argument processing for classic and adds the files to compile as well.
  • debugLevelCheck – if true set the debug level with the -g switch
Returns:the command line
/** * Does the command line argument processing for classic and adds * the files to compile as well. * @param debugLevelCheck if true set the debug level with the -g switch * @return the command line */
protected Commandline setupJavacCommand(final boolean debugLevelCheck) { final Commandline cmd = new Commandline(); setupJavacCommandlineSwitches(cmd, debugLevelCheck); logAndAddFilesToCompile(cmd); return cmd; }
Logs the compilation parameters, adds the files to compile and logs the "niceSourceList"
  • cmd – the command line
/** * Logs the compilation parameters, adds the files to compile and logs the * "niceSourceList" * @param cmd the command line */
protected void logAndAddFilesToCompile(final Commandline cmd) { attributes.log("Compilation " + cmd.describeArguments(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE); attributes.log(String.format("%s to be compiled:", compileList.length == 1 ? "File" : "Files"), Project.MSG_VERBOSE); attributes.log(Stream.of(compileList).map(File::getAbsolutePath) .peek(arg -> cmd.createArgument().setValue(arg)) .map(arg -> String.format(" %s%n", arg)) .collect(Collectors.joining("")), Project.MSG_VERBOSE); }
Do the compile with the specified arguments.
  • args – - arguments to pass to process on command line
  • firstFileName – - index of the first source file in args, if the index is negative, no temporary file will ever be created, but this may hit the command line length limit on your system.
Returns:the exit code of the compilation
/** * Do the compile with the specified arguments. * @param args - arguments to pass to process on command line * @param firstFileName - index of the first source file in args, * if the index is negative, no temporary file will ever be * created, but this may hit the command line length limit on your * system. * @return the exit code of the compilation */
protected int executeExternalCompile(final String[] args, final int firstFileName) { return executeExternalCompile(args, firstFileName, true); }
Do the compile with the specified arguments.

The working directory if the executed process will be the project's base directory.

  • args – - arguments to pass to process on command line
  • firstFileName – - index of the first source file in args, if the index is negative, no temporary file will ever be created, but this may hit the command line length limit on your system.
  • quoteFiles – - if set to true, filenames containing spaces will be quoted when they appear in the external file. This is necessary when running JDK 1.4's javac and probably others.
Returns:the exit code of the compilation
Since:Ant 1.6
/** * Do the compile with the specified arguments. * * <p>The working directory if the executed process will be the * project's base directory.</p> * * @param args - arguments to pass to process on command line * @param firstFileName - index of the first source file in args, * if the index is negative, no temporary file will ever be * created, but this may hit the command line length limit on your * system. * @param quoteFiles - if set to true, filenames containing * spaces will be quoted when they appear in the external file. * This is necessary when running JDK 1.4's javac and probably * others. * @return the exit code of the compilation * * @since Ant 1.6 */
protected int executeExternalCompile(final String[] args, final int firstFileName, final boolean quoteFiles) { String[] commandArray = null; File tmpFile = null; try { /* * Many system have been reported to get into trouble with * long command lines - no, not only Windows ;-). * * POSIX seems to define a lower limit of 4k, so use a temporary * file if the total length of the command line exceeds this limit. */ if (Commandline.toString(args).length() > COMMAND_LINE_LIMIT && firstFileName >= 0) { try { tmpFile = FILE_UTILS.createTempFile( "files", "", getJavac().getTempdir(), true, true); try (BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(tmpFile))) { for (int i = firstFileName; i < args.length; i++) { if (quoteFiles && args[i].contains(" ")) { args[i] = args[i].replace(File.separatorChar, '/'); out.write("\"" + args[i] + "\""); } else { out.write(args[i]); } out.newLine(); } out.flush(); commandArray = new String[firstFileName + 1]; System.arraycopy(args, 0, commandArray, 0, firstFileName); commandArray[firstFileName] = "@" + tmpFile; } } catch (final IOException e) { throw new BuildException("Error creating temporary file", e, location); } } else { commandArray = args; } try { final Execute exe = new Execute( new LogStreamHandler(attributes, Project.MSG_INFO, Project.MSG_WARN)); if (Os.isFamily("openvms")) { //Use the VM launcher instead of shell launcher on VMS //for java exe.setVMLauncher(true); } exe.setAntRun(project); exe.setWorkingDirectory(project.getBaseDir()); exe.setCommandline(commandArray); exe.execute(); return exe.getExitValue(); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new BuildException("Error running " + args[0] + " compiler", e, location); } } finally { if (tmpFile != null) { tmpFile.delete(); } } }
Add extdirs to classpath
  • classpath – the classpath to use
Deprecated:since 1.5.x. Use org.apache.tools.ant.types.Path#addExtdirs instead.
/** * Add extdirs to classpath * @param classpath the classpath to use * @deprecated since 1.5.x. * Use org.apache.tools.ant.types.Path#addExtdirs instead. */
@Deprecated protected void addExtdirsToClasspath(final Path classpath) { classpath.addExtdirs(extdirs); }
Adds the command line arguments specific to the current implementation.
  • cmd – the command line to use
/** * Adds the command line arguments specific to the current implementation. * @param cmd the command line to use */
protected void addCurrentCompilerArgs(final Commandline cmd) { cmd.addArguments(getJavac().getCurrentCompilerArgs()); }
Shall we assume JDK 1.1 command line switches?
Returns:true if jdk 1.1
Since:Ant 1.5
Deprecated:since Ant 1.10.7, use assumeJava1_1Plus, if necessary combined with !assumeJava1_2Plus
/** * Shall we assume JDK 1.1 command line switches? * @return true if jdk 1.1 * @since Ant 1.5 * @deprecated since Ant 1.10.7, use assumeJava1_1Plus, if necessary combined with !assumeJava1_2Plus */
@Deprecated protected boolean assumeJava11() { return assumeJava1_1Plus() && !assumeJava1_2Plus(); }
Shall we assume JDK 1.1+ command line switches?
Returns:true if jdk 1.1 and above
Since:Ant 1.10.7
/** * Shall we assume JDK 1.1+ command line switches? * @return true if jdk 1.1 and above * @since Ant 1.10.7 */
protected boolean assumeJava1_1Plus() { return "javac1.1".equals(attributes.getCompilerVersion()) || assumeJava1_2Plus() ; }
Shall we assume JDK 1.2 command line switches?
Returns:true if jdk 1.2
Since:Ant 1.5
Deprecated:since Ant 1.10.7, use assumeJava1_2Plus, if necessary combined with !assumeJava1_3Plus
/** * Shall we assume JDK 1.2 command line switches? * @return true if jdk 1.2 * @since Ant 1.5 * @deprecated since Ant 1.10.7, use assumeJava1_2Plus, if necessary combined with !assumeJava1_3Plus */
@Deprecated protected boolean assumeJava12() { return assumeJava1_2Plus() && !assumeJava1_3Plus(); }
Shall we assume JDK 1.2+ command line switches?
Returns:true if jdk 1.2 and above
Since:Ant 1.10.7
/** * Shall we assume JDK 1.2+ command line switches? * @return true if jdk 1.2 and above * @since Ant 1.10.7 */
protected boolean assumeJava1_2Plus() { return "javac1.2".equals(attributes.getCompilerVersion()) || assumeJava1_3Plus() ; }
Shall we assume JDK 1.3 command line switches?
Returns:true if jdk 1.3
Since:Ant 1.5
Deprecated:since Ant 1.10.7, use assumeJava1_3Plus, if necessary combined with !assumeJava1_4Plus
/** * Shall we assume JDK 1.3 command line switches? * @return true if jdk 1.3 * @since Ant 1.5 * @deprecated since Ant 1.10.7, use assumeJava1_3Plus, if necessary combined with !assumeJava1_4Plus */
@Deprecated protected boolean assumeJava13() { return assumeJava1_3Plus() && !assumeJava1_4Plus(); }
Shall we assume JDK 1.3+ command line switches?
Returns:true if jdk 1.3 and above
Since:Ant 1.10.7
/** * Shall we assume JDK 1.3+ command line switches? * @return true if jdk 1.3 and above * @since Ant 1.10.7 */
protected boolean assumeJava1_3Plus() { return "javac1.3".equals(attributes.getCompilerVersion()) || assumeJava1_4Plus() ; }
Shall we assume JDK 1.4 command line switches?
Returns:true if jdk 1.4
Since:Ant 1.6.3
Deprecated:since Ant 1.10.7, use assumeJava1_4Plus, if necessary combined with !assumeJava1_5Plus
/** * Shall we assume JDK 1.4 command line switches? * @return true if jdk 1.4 * @since Ant 1.6.3 * @deprecated since Ant 1.10.7, use assumeJava1_4Plus, if necessary combined with !assumeJava1_5Plus */
@Deprecated protected boolean assumeJava14() { return assumeJava1_4Plus() && !assumeJava1_5Plus(); }
Shall we assume JDK 1.4+ command line switches?
Returns:true if jdk 1.4 and above
Since:Ant 1.10.7
/** * Shall we assume JDK 1.4+ command line switches? * @return true if jdk 1.4 and above * @since Ant 1.10.7 */
protected boolean assumeJava1_4Plus() { return assumeJavaXY("javac1.4", JavaEnvUtils.JAVA_1_4) || assumeJava1_5Plus() ; }
Shall we assume JDK 1.5 command line switches?
Returns:true if JDK 1.5
Since:Ant 1.6.3
Deprecated:since Ant 1.10.7, use assumeJava1_5Plus, if necessary combined with !assumeJava1_6Plus
/** * Shall we assume JDK 1.5 command line switches? * @return true if JDK 1.5 * @since Ant 1.6.3 * @deprecated since Ant 1.10.7, use assumeJava1_5Plus, if necessary combined with !assumeJava1_6Plus */
@Deprecated protected boolean assumeJava15() { return assumeJava1_5Plus() && !assumeJava1_6Plus(); }
Shall we assume JDK 1.5+ command line switches?
Returns:true if jdk 1.5 and above
Since:Ant 1.10.7
/** * Shall we assume JDK 1.5+ command line switches? * @return true if jdk 1.5 and above * @since Ant 1.10.7 */
protected boolean assumeJava1_5Plus() { return assumeJavaXY("javac1.5", JavaEnvUtils.JAVA_1_5) || assumeJava1_6Plus() ; }
Shall we assume JDK 1.6 command line switches?
Returns:true if JDK 1.6
Since:Ant 1.7
Deprecated:since Ant 1.10.7, use assumeJava1_6Plus, if necessary combined with !assumeJava1_7Plus
/** * Shall we assume JDK 1.6 command line switches? * @return true if JDK 1.6 * @since Ant 1.7 * @deprecated since Ant 1.10.7, use assumeJava1_6Plus, if necessary combined with !assumeJava1_7Plus */
@Deprecated protected boolean assumeJava16() { return assumeJava1_6Plus() && !assumeJava1_7Plus(); }
Shall we assume JDK 1.6+ command line switches?
Returns:true if jdk 1.6 and above
Since:Ant 1.10.7
/** * Shall we assume JDK 1.6+ command line switches? * @return true if jdk 1.6 and above * @since Ant 1.10.7 */
protected boolean assumeJava1_6Plus() { return assumeJavaXY("javac1.6", JavaEnvUtils.JAVA_1_6) || assumeJava1_7Plus() ; }
Shall we assume JDK 1.7 command line switches?
Returns:true if JDK 1.7
Since:Ant 1.8.2
Deprecated:since Ant 1.10.7, use assumeJava1_7Plus, if necessary combined with !assumeJava1_8Plus
/** * Shall we assume JDK 1.7 command line switches? * @return true if JDK 1.7 * @since Ant 1.8.2 * @deprecated since Ant 1.10.7, use assumeJava1_7Plus, if necessary combined with !assumeJava1_8Plus */
@Deprecated protected boolean assumeJava17() { return assumeJava1_7Plus() && !assumeJava1_8Plus(); }
Shall we assume JDK 1.7+ command line switches?
Returns:true if jdk 1.7 and above
Since:Ant 1.10.7
/** * Shall we assume JDK 1.7+ command line switches? * @return true if jdk 1.7 and above * @since Ant 1.10.7 */
protected boolean assumeJava1_7Plus() { return assumeJavaXY("javac1.7", JavaEnvUtils.JAVA_1_7) || assumeJava1_8Plus() ; }
Shall we assume JDK 1.8 command line switches?
Returns:true if JDK 1.8
Since:Ant 1.8.3
Deprecated:since Ant 1.10.7, use assumeJava1_8Plus, if necessary combined with !assumeJava9Plus
/** * Shall we assume JDK 1.8 command line switches? * @return true if JDK 1.8 * @since Ant 1.8.3 * @deprecated since Ant 1.10.7, use assumeJava1_8Plus, if necessary combined with !assumeJava9Plus */
@Deprecated protected boolean assumeJava18() { return assumeJava1_8Plus() && !assumeJava9Plus(); }
Shall we assume JDK 1.8+ command line switches?
Returns:true if jdk 1.8 and above
Since:Ant 1.10.7
/** * Shall we assume JDK 1.8+ command line switches? * @return true if jdk 1.8 and above * @since Ant 1.10.7 */
protected boolean assumeJava1_8Plus() { return assumeJavaXY("javac1.8", JavaEnvUtils.JAVA_1_8) || assumeJava9Plus() ; }
Shall we assume JDK 9 command line switches?
Returns:true if JDK 9
Since:Ant 1.9.4
Deprecated:use #assumeJava9 instead
/** * Shall we assume JDK 9 command line switches? * @return true if JDK 9 * @since Ant 1.9.4 * @deprecated use #assumeJava9 instead */
@Deprecated protected boolean assumeJava19() { return assumeJava9(); }
Shall we assume JDK 9 command line switches?
Returns:true if JDK 9
Since:Ant 1.9.8
Deprecated:since Ant 1.10.7, use assumeJava9Plus, in the future if necessary combined with !assumeJava10Plus
/** * Shall we assume JDK 9 command line switches? * @return true if JDK 9 * @since Ant 1.9.8 * @deprecated since Ant 1.10.7, use assumeJava9Plus, in the future if necessary combined with !assumeJava10Plus */
@Deprecated protected boolean assumeJava9() { return assumeJava9Plus() && !assumeJava10Plus(); }
Shall we assume JDK 9+ command line switches?
Returns:true if JDK 9+
Since:Ant 1.10.2
/** * Shall we assume JDK 9+ command line switches? * @return true if JDK 9+ * @since Ant 1.10.2 */
protected boolean assumeJava9Plus() { return assumeJavaXY("javac1.9", JavaEnvUtils.JAVA_9) || assumeJavaXY("javac9", JavaEnvUtils.JAVA_9) || assumeJava10Plus(); }
Shall we assume JDK 10+ command line switches?
Returns:true if JDK 10+
Since:Ant 1.10.7
/** * Shall we assume JDK 10+ command line switches? * @return true if JDK 10+ * @since Ant 1.10.7 */
protected boolean assumeJava10Plus() { return "javac10+".equals(attributes.getCompilerVersion()) || (JavaEnvUtils.isAtLeastJavaVersion(JavaEnvUtils.JAVA_10) && ("classic".equals(attributes.getCompilerVersion()) || "modern".equals(attributes.getCompilerVersion()) || "extJavac".equals(attributes.getCompilerVersion()))); }
Shall we assume command line switches for the given version of Java?
Since:Ant 1.8.3
/** * Shall we assume command line switches for the given version of Java? * @since Ant 1.8.3 */
private boolean assumeJavaXY(final String javacXY, final String javaEnvVersionXY) { String compilerVersion = attributes.getCompilerVersion(); return javacXY.equals(compilerVersion) || (JavaEnvUtils.isJavaVersion(javaEnvVersionXY) && ("classic".equals(compilerVersion) || "modern".equals(compilerVersion) || "extJavac".equals(compilerVersion))); }
Combines a user specified bootclasspath with the system bootclasspath taking build.sysclasspath into account.
Returns:a non-null Path instance that combines the user specified and the system bootclasspath.
/** * Combines a user specified bootclasspath with the system * bootclasspath taking build.sysclasspath into account. * * @return a non-null Path instance that combines the user * specified and the system bootclasspath. */
protected Path getBootClassPath() { final Path bp = new Path(project); if (bootclasspath != null) { bp.append(bootclasspath); } return bp.concatSystemBootClasspath("ignore"); }
The argument the compiler wants to see if the debug attribute has been set to false.

A return value of null means no argument at all.

Returns:"-g:none" unless we expect to invoke a JDK 1.1 compiler.
Since:Ant 1.6.3
/** * The argument the compiler wants to see if the debug attribute * has been set to false. * * <p>A return value of <code>null</code> means no argument at all.</p> * * @return "-g:none" unless we expect to invoke a JDK 1.1 compiler. * * @since Ant 1.6.3 */
protected String getNoDebugArgument() { return assumeJava1_2Plus() ? "-g:none" : null; } private void setImplicitSourceSwitch(final Commandline cmd, final String target, final String source) { attributes.log("", Project.MSG_WARN); attributes.log(" WARNING", Project.MSG_WARN); attributes.log("", Project.MSG_WARN); attributes.log("The -source switch defaults to " + getDefaultSource() + ".", Project.MSG_WARN); attributes.log("If you specify -target " + target + " you now must also specify -source " + source + ".", Project.MSG_WARN); attributes.log("Ant will implicitly add -source " + source + " for you. Please change your build file.", Project.MSG_WARN); cmd.createArgument().setValue("-source"); cmd.createArgument().setValue(source); }
A string that describes the default value for -source of the selected JDK's javac.
/** * A string that describes the default value for -source of the * selected JDK's javac. */
private String getDefaultSource() { if (assumeJava9Plus()) { return "9 in JDK 9"; } if (assumeJava1_8Plus()) { return "1.8 in JDK 1.8"; } if (assumeJava1_7Plus()) { return "1.7 in JDK 1.7"; } if (assumeJava1_5Plus()) { return "1.5 in JDK 1.5 and 1.6"; } return ""; }
Whether the selected -target is known to be incompatible with the default -source value of the selected JDK's javac.

Assumes it will never be called unless the selected JDK is at least Java 1.5.

  • t – the -target value, must not be null
/** * Whether the selected -target is known to be incompatible with * the default -source value of the selected JDK's javac. * * <p>Assumes it will never be called unless the selected JDK is * at least Java 1.5.</p> * * @param t the -target value, must not be null */
private boolean mustSetSourceForTarget(String t) { if (!assumeJava1_5Plus()) { return false; } if (t.startsWith("1.")) { t = t.substring(2); } return "1".equals(t) || "2".equals(t) || "3".equals(t) || "4".equals(t) || (("5".equals(t) || "6".equals(t)) && assumeJava1_7Plus()) || ("7".equals(t) && assumeJava1_8Plus()) || ("8".equals(t) && assumeJava9Plus()) || ("9".equals(t) && assumeJava10Plus()); }
Turn the task's attribute for -source into something that is understood by all javac's after 1.4.

support for -source 1.1 and -source 1.2 has been added with JDK 1.4.2 but isn't present in 1.5.0+

/** * Turn the task's attribute for -source into something that is * understood by all javac's after 1.4. * * <p>support for -source 1.1 and -source 1.2 has been added with * JDK 1.4.2 but isn't present in 1.5.0+</p> */
private String adjustSourceValue(final String source) { return "1.1".equals(source) || "1.2".equals(source) ? "1.3" : source; } }