 *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 *  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 *  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 *  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 *  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
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package org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException;
import org.apache.tools.ant.DirectoryScanner;
import org.apache.tools.ant.MagicNames;
import org.apache.tools.ant.Project;
import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.compilers.CompilerAdapter;
import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.compilers.CompilerAdapterExtension;
import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.compilers.CompilerAdapterFactory;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.Path;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.Reference;
import org.apache.tools.ant.util.FileUtils;
import org.apache.tools.ant.util.GlobPatternMapper;
import org.apache.tools.ant.util.JavaEnvUtils;
import org.apache.tools.ant.util.SourceFileScanner;
import org.apache.tools.ant.util.facade.FacadeTaskHelper;

Compiles Java source files. This task can take the following arguments:
  • sourcedir
  • destdir
  • deprecation
  • classpath
  • bootclasspath
  • extdirs
  • optimize
  • debug
  • encoding
  • target
  • depend
  • verbose
  • failonerror
  • includeantruntime
  • includejavaruntime
  • source
  • compiler
  • release
Of these arguments, the sourcedir and destdir are required.

When this task executes, it will recursively scan the sourcedir and destdir looking for Java source files to compile. This task makes its compile decision based on timestamp.

Since:Ant 1.1
/** * Compiles Java source files. This task can take the following * arguments: * <ul> * <li>sourcedir * <li>destdir * <li>deprecation * <li>classpath * <li>bootclasspath * <li>extdirs * <li>optimize * <li>debug * <li>encoding * <li>target * <li>depend * <li>verbose * <li>failonerror * <li>includeantruntime * <li>includejavaruntime * <li>source * <li>compiler * <li>release * </ul> * Of these arguments, the <b>sourcedir</b> and <b>destdir</b> are required. * <p> * When this task executes, it will recursively scan the sourcedir and * destdir looking for Java source files to compile. This task makes its * compile decision based on timestamp. * * * @since Ant 1.1 * * @ant.task category="java" */
public class Javac extends MatchingTask { private static final String FAIL_MSG = "Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details."; private static final String JAVAC10_PLUS = "javac10+"; private static final String JAVAC9 = "javac9"; private static final String JAVAC9_ALIAS = "javac1.9"; private static final String JAVAC1_8 = "javac1.8"; private static final String JAVAC1_7 = "javac1.7"; private static final String JAVAC1_6 = "javac1.6"; private static final String JAVAC1_5 = "javac1.5"; private static final String JAVAC1_4 = "javac1.4"; private static final String JAVAC1_3 = "javac1.3"; private static final String JAVAC1_2 = "javac1.2"; private static final String JAVAC1_1 = "javac1.1"; private static final String MODERN = "modern"; private static final String CLASSIC = "classic"; private static final String EXTJAVAC = "extJavac"; private static final char GROUP_START_MARK = '{'; //modulesourcepath group start character private static final char GROUP_END_MARK = '}'; //modulesourcepath group end character private static final char GROUP_SEP_MARK = ','; //modulesourcepath group element separator character private static final String MODULE_MARKER = "*"; //modulesourcepath module name marker private static final FileUtils FILE_UTILS = FileUtils.getFileUtils(); private Path src; private File destDir; private File nativeHeaderDir; private Path compileClasspath; private Path modulepath; private Path upgrademodulepath; private Path compileSourcepath; private Path moduleSourcepath; private String encoding; private boolean debug = false; private boolean optimize = false; private boolean deprecation = false; private boolean depend = false; private boolean verbose = false; private String targetAttribute; private String release; private Path bootclasspath; private Path extdirs; private Boolean includeAntRuntime; private boolean includeJavaRuntime = false; private boolean fork = false; private String forkedExecutable = null; private boolean nowarn = false; private String memoryInitialSize; private String memoryMaximumSize; private FacadeTaskHelper facade = null; // CheckStyle:VisibilityModifier OFF - bc protected boolean failOnError = true; protected boolean listFiles = false; protected File[] compileList = new File[0]; private Map<String, Long> packageInfos = new HashMap<>(); // CheckStyle:VisibilityModifier ON private String source; private String debugLevel; private File tmpDir; private String updatedProperty; private String errorProperty; private boolean taskSuccess = true; // assume the best private boolean includeDestClasses = true; private CompilerAdapter nestedAdapter = null; private boolean createMissingPackageInfoClass = true;
Javac task for compilation of Java files.
/** * Javac task for compilation of Java files. */
public Javac() { facade = new FacadeTaskHelper(assumedJavaVersion()); } private String assumedJavaVersion() { if (JavaEnvUtils.isJavaVersion(JavaEnvUtils.JAVA_1_8)) { return JAVAC1_8; } if (JavaEnvUtils.isJavaVersion(JavaEnvUtils.JAVA_9)) { return JAVAC9; } if (JavaEnvUtils.isAtLeastJavaVersion(JavaEnvUtils.JAVA_10)) { return JAVAC10_PLUS; } return MODERN; // as we are assumed to be 1.8+ and classic refers to the really old ones, default to modern }
Get the value of debugLevel.
Returns:value of debugLevel.
/** * Get the value of debugLevel. * @return value of debugLevel. */
public String getDebugLevel() { return debugLevel; }
Keyword list to be appended to the -g command-line switch. This will be ignored by all implementations except modern and classic(ver >= 1.2). Legal values are none or a comma-separated list of the following keywords: lines, vars, and source. If debuglevel is not specified, by default, :none will be appended to -g. If debug is not turned on, this attribute will be ignored.
  • v – Value to assign to debugLevel.
/** * Keyword list to be appended to the -g command-line switch. * * This will be ignored by all implementations except modern * and classic(ver &gt;= 1.2). Legal values are none or a * comma-separated list of the following keywords: lines, vars, * and source. If debuglevel is not specified, by default, :none * will be appended to -g. If debug is not turned on, this attribute * will be ignored. * * @param v Value to assign to debugLevel. */
public void setDebugLevel(final String v) { this.debugLevel = v; }
Get the value of source.
Returns:value of source.
/** * Get the value of source. * @return value of source. */
public String getSource() { return source != null ? source : getProject().getProperty(MagicNames.BUILD_JAVAC_SOURCE); }
Value of the -source command-line switch; will be ignored by all implementations except modern, jikes and gcj (gcj uses -fsource).

If you use this attribute together with jikes or gcj, you must make sure that your version of jikes supports the -source switch.

Legal values are 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, and any integral number bigger than 4 - by default, no -source argument will be used at all.

  • v – Value to assign to source.
/** * Value of the -source command-line switch; will be ignored by * all implementations except modern, jikes and gcj (gcj uses * -fsource). * * <p>If you use this attribute together with jikes or gcj, you * must make sure that your version of jikes supports the -source * switch.</p> * * <p>Legal values are 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, and any integral number bigger than 4 * - by default, no -source argument will be used at all.</p> * * @param v Value to assign to source. */
public void setSource(final String v) { this.source = v; }
Adds a path for source compilation.
Returns:a nested src element.
/** * Adds a path for source compilation. * * @return a nested src element. */
public Path createSrc() { if (src == null) { src = new Path(getProject()); } return src.createPath(); }
Recreate src.
Returns:a nested src element.
/** * Recreate src. * * @return a nested src element. */
protected Path recreateSrc() { src = null; return createSrc(); }
Set the source directories to find the source Java files.
  • srcDir – the source directories as a path
/** * Set the source directories to find the source Java files. * @param srcDir the source directories as a path */
public void setSrcdir(final Path srcDir) { if (src == null) { src = srcDir; } else { src.append(srcDir); } }
Gets the source dirs to find the source java files.
Returns:the source directories as a path
/** * Gets the source dirs to find the source java files. * @return the source directories as a path */
public Path getSrcdir() { return src; }
Set the destination directory into which the Java source files should be compiled.
  • destDir – the destination director
/** * Set the destination directory into which the Java source * files should be compiled. * @param destDir the destination director */
public void setDestdir(final File destDir) { this.destDir = destDir; }
Gets the destination directory into which the java source files should be compiled.
Returns:the destination directory
/** * Gets the destination directory into which the java source files * should be compiled. * @return the destination directory */
public File getDestdir() { return destDir; }
Set the destination directory into which the generated native header files should be placed.
  • nhDir – where to place generated native header files
Since:Ant 1.9.8
/** * Set the destination directory into which the generated native * header files should be placed. * @param nhDir where to place generated native header files * @since Ant 1.9.8 */
public void setNativeHeaderDir(final File nhDir) { this.nativeHeaderDir = nhDir; }
Gets the destination directory into which the generated native header files should be placed.
Returns:where to place generated native header files
Since:Ant 1.9.8
/** * Gets the destination directory into which the generated native * header files should be placed. * @return where to place generated native header files * @since Ant 1.9.8 */
public File getNativeHeaderDir() { return nativeHeaderDir; }
Set the sourcepath to be used for this compilation.
  • sourcepath – the source path
/** * Set the sourcepath to be used for this compilation. * @param sourcepath the source path */
public void setSourcepath(final Path sourcepath) { if (compileSourcepath == null) { compileSourcepath = sourcepath; } else { compileSourcepath.append(sourcepath); } }
Gets the sourcepath to be used for this compilation.
Returns:the source path
/** * Gets the sourcepath to be used for this compilation. * @return the source path */
public Path getSourcepath() { return compileSourcepath; }
Adds a path to sourcepath.
Returns:a sourcepath to be configured
/** * Adds a path to sourcepath. * @return a sourcepath to be configured */
public Path createSourcepath() { if (compileSourcepath == null) { compileSourcepath = new Path(getProject()); } return compileSourcepath.createPath(); }
Adds a reference to a source path defined elsewhere.
  • r – a reference to a source path
/** * Adds a reference to a source path defined elsewhere. * @param r a reference to a source path */
public void setSourcepathRef(final Reference r) { createSourcepath().setRefid(r); }
Set the modulesourcepath to be used for this compilation.
  • msp – the modulesourcepath
/** * Set the modulesourcepath to be used for this compilation. * @param msp the modulesourcepath * @since 1.9.7 */
public void setModulesourcepath(final Path msp) { if (moduleSourcepath == null) { moduleSourcepath = msp; } else { moduleSourcepath.append(msp); } }
Gets the modulesourcepath to be used for this compilation.
Returns:the modulesourcepath
/** * Gets the modulesourcepath to be used for this compilation. * @return the modulesourcepath * @since 1.9.7 */
public Path getModulesourcepath() { return moduleSourcepath; }
Adds a path to modulesourcepath.
Returns:a modulesourcepath to be configured
/** * Adds a path to modulesourcepath. * @return a modulesourcepath to be configured * @since 1.9.7 */
public Path createModulesourcepath() { if (moduleSourcepath == null) { moduleSourcepath = new Path(getProject()); } return moduleSourcepath.createPath(); }
Adds a reference to a modulesourcepath defined elsewhere.
  • r – a reference to a modulesourcepath
/** * Adds a reference to a modulesourcepath defined elsewhere. * @param r a reference to a modulesourcepath * @since 1.9.7 */
public void setModulesourcepathRef(final Reference r) { createModulesourcepath().setRefid(r); }
Set the classpath to be used for this compilation.
  • classpath – an Ant Path object containing the compilation classpath.
/** * Set the classpath to be used for this compilation. * * @param classpath an Ant Path object containing the compilation classpath. */
public void setClasspath(final Path classpath) { if (compileClasspath == null) { compileClasspath = classpath; } else { compileClasspath.append(classpath); } }
Gets the classpath to be used for this compilation.
Returns:the class path
/** * Gets the classpath to be used for this compilation. * @return the class path */
public Path getClasspath() { return compileClasspath; }
Adds a path to the classpath.
Returns:a class path to be configured
/** * Adds a path to the classpath. * @return a class path to be configured */
public Path createClasspath() { if (compileClasspath == null) { compileClasspath = new Path(getProject()); } return compileClasspath.createPath(); }
Adds a reference to a classpath defined elsewhere.
  • r – a reference to a classpath
/** * Adds a reference to a classpath defined elsewhere. * @param r a reference to a classpath */
public void setClasspathRef(final Reference r) { createClasspath().setRefid(r); }
Set the modulepath to be used for this compilation.
  • mp – an Ant Path object containing the modulepath.
/** * Set the modulepath to be used for this compilation. * @param mp an Ant Path object containing the modulepath. * @since 1.9.7 */
public void setModulepath(final Path mp) { if (modulepath == null) { modulepath = mp; } else { modulepath.append(mp); } }
Gets the modulepath to be used for this compilation.
Returns:the modulepath
/** * Gets the modulepath to be used for this compilation. * @return the modulepath * @since 1.9.7 */
public Path getModulepath() { return modulepath; }
Adds a path to the modulepath.
Returns:a modulepath to be configured
/** * Adds a path to the modulepath. * @return a modulepath to be configured * @since 1.9.7 */
public Path createModulepath() { if (modulepath == null) { modulepath = new Path(getProject()); } return modulepath.createPath(); }
Adds a reference to a modulepath defined elsewhere.
  • r – a reference to a modulepath
/** * Adds a reference to a modulepath defined elsewhere. * @param r a reference to a modulepath * @since 1.9.7 */
public void setModulepathRef(final Reference r) { createModulepath().setRefid(r); }
Set the upgrademodulepath to be used for this compilation.
  • ump – an Ant Path object containing the upgrademodulepath.
/** * Set the upgrademodulepath to be used for this compilation. * @param ump an Ant Path object containing the upgrademodulepath. * @since 1.9.7 */
public void setUpgrademodulepath(final Path ump) { if (upgrademodulepath == null) { upgrademodulepath = ump; } else { upgrademodulepath.append(ump); } }
Gets the upgrademodulepath to be used for this compilation.
Returns:the upgrademodulepath
/** * Gets the upgrademodulepath to be used for this compilation. * @return the upgrademodulepath * @since 1.9.7 */
public Path getUpgrademodulepath() { return upgrademodulepath; }
Adds a path to the upgrademodulepath.
Returns:an upgrademodulepath to be configured
/** * Adds a path to the upgrademodulepath. * @return an upgrademodulepath to be configured * @since 1.9.7 */
public Path createUpgrademodulepath() { if (upgrademodulepath == null) { upgrademodulepath = new Path(getProject()); } return upgrademodulepath.createPath(); }
Adds a reference to the upgrademodulepath defined elsewhere.
  • r – a reference to an upgrademodulepath
/** * Adds a reference to the upgrademodulepath defined elsewhere. * @param r a reference to an upgrademodulepath * @since 1.9.7 */
public void setUpgrademodulepathRef(final Reference r) { createUpgrademodulepath().setRefid(r); }
Sets the bootclasspath that will be used to compile the classes against.
  • bootclasspath – a path to use as a boot class path (may be more than one)
/** * Sets the bootclasspath that will be used to compile the classes * against. * @param bootclasspath a path to use as a boot class path (may be more * than one) */
public void setBootclasspath(final Path bootclasspath) { if (this.bootclasspath == null) { this.bootclasspath = bootclasspath; } else { this.bootclasspath.append(bootclasspath); } }
Gets the bootclasspath that will be used to compile the classes against.
Returns:the boot path
/** * Gets the bootclasspath that will be used to compile the classes * against. * @return the boot path */
public Path getBootclasspath() { return bootclasspath; }
Adds a path to the bootclasspath.
Returns:a path to be configured
/** * Adds a path to the bootclasspath. * @return a path to be configured */
public Path createBootclasspath() { if (bootclasspath == null) { bootclasspath = new Path(getProject()); } return bootclasspath.createPath(); }
Adds a reference to a classpath defined elsewhere.
  • r – a reference to a classpath
/** * Adds a reference to a classpath defined elsewhere. * @param r a reference to a classpath */
public void setBootClasspathRef(final Reference r) { createBootclasspath().setRefid(r); }
Sets the extension directories that will be used during the compilation.
  • extdirs – a path
/** * Sets the extension directories that will be used during the * compilation. * @param extdirs a path */
public void setExtdirs(final Path extdirs) { if (this.extdirs == null) { this.extdirs = extdirs; } else { this.extdirs.append(extdirs); } }
Gets the extension directories that will be used during the compilation.
Returns:the extension directories as a path
/** * Gets the extension directories that will be used during the * compilation. * @return the extension directories as a path */
public Path getExtdirs() { return extdirs; }
Adds a path to extdirs.
Returns:a path to be configured
/** * Adds a path to extdirs. * @return a path to be configured */
public Path createExtdirs() { if (extdirs == null) { extdirs = new Path(getProject()); } return extdirs.createPath(); }
If true, list the source files being handed off to the compiler.
  • list – if true list the source files
/** * If true, list the source files being handed off to the compiler. * @param list if true list the source files */
public void setListfiles(final boolean list) { listFiles = list; }
Get the listfiles flag.
Returns:the listfiles flag
/** * Get the listfiles flag. * @return the listfiles flag */
public boolean getListfiles() { return listFiles; }
Indicates whether the build will continue even if there are compilation errors; defaults to true.
  • fail – if true halt the build on failure
/** * Indicates whether the build will continue * even if there are compilation errors; defaults to true. * @param fail if true halt the build on failure */
public void setFailonerror(final boolean fail) { failOnError = fail; }
  • proceed – inverse of failoferror
/** * @ant.attribute ignore="true" * @param proceed inverse of failoferror */
public void setProceed(final boolean proceed) { failOnError = !proceed; }
Gets the failonerror flag.
Returns:the failonerror flag
/** * Gets the failonerror flag. * @return the failonerror flag */
public boolean getFailonerror() { return failOnError; }
Indicates whether source should be compiled with deprecation information; defaults to off.
  • deprecation – if true turn on deprecation information
/** * Indicates whether source should be * compiled with deprecation information; defaults to off. * @param deprecation if true turn on deprecation information */
public void setDeprecation(final boolean deprecation) { this.deprecation = deprecation; }
Gets the deprecation flag.
Returns:the deprecation flag
/** * Gets the deprecation flag. * @return the deprecation flag */
public boolean getDeprecation() { return deprecation; }
The initial size of the memory for the underlying VM if javac is run externally; ignored otherwise. Defaults to the standard VM memory setting. (Examples: 83886080, 81920k, or 80m)
  • memoryInitialSize – string to pass to VM
/** * The initial size of the memory for the underlying VM * if javac is run externally; ignored otherwise. * Defaults to the standard VM memory setting. * (Examples: 83886080, 81920k, or 80m) * @param memoryInitialSize string to pass to VM */
public void setMemoryInitialSize(final String memoryInitialSize) { this.memoryInitialSize = memoryInitialSize; }
Gets the memoryInitialSize flag.
Returns:the memoryInitialSize flag
/** * Gets the memoryInitialSize flag. * @return the memoryInitialSize flag */
public String getMemoryInitialSize() { return memoryInitialSize; }
The maximum size of the memory for the underlying VM if javac is run externally; ignored otherwise. Defaults to the standard VM memory setting. (Examples: 83886080, 81920k, or 80m)
  • memoryMaximumSize – string to pass to VM
/** * The maximum size of the memory for the underlying VM * if javac is run externally; ignored otherwise. * Defaults to the standard VM memory setting. * (Examples: 83886080, 81920k, or 80m) * @param memoryMaximumSize string to pass to VM */
public void setMemoryMaximumSize(final String memoryMaximumSize) { this.memoryMaximumSize = memoryMaximumSize; }
Gets the memoryMaximumSize flag.
Returns:the memoryMaximumSize flag
/** * Gets the memoryMaximumSize flag. * @return the memoryMaximumSize flag */
public String getMemoryMaximumSize() { return memoryMaximumSize; }
Set the Java source file encoding name.
  • encoding – the source file encoding
/** * Set the Java source file encoding name. * @param encoding the source file encoding */
public void setEncoding(final String encoding) { this.encoding = encoding; }
Gets the java source file encoding name.
Returns:the source file encoding name
/** * Gets the java source file encoding name. * @return the source file encoding name */
public String getEncoding() { return encoding; }
Indicates whether source should be compiled with debug information; defaults to off.
  • debug – if true compile with debug information
/** * Indicates whether source should be compiled * with debug information; defaults to off. * @param debug if true compile with debug information */
public void setDebug(final boolean debug) { this.debug = debug; }
Gets the debug flag.
Returns:the debug flag
/** * Gets the debug flag. * @return the debug flag */
public boolean getDebug() { return debug; }
If true, compiles with optimization enabled.
  • optimize – if true compile with optimization enabled
/** * If true, compiles with optimization enabled. * @param optimize if true compile with optimization enabled */
public void setOptimize(final boolean optimize) { this.optimize = optimize; }
Gets the optimize flag.
Returns:the optimize flag
/** * Gets the optimize flag. * @return the optimize flag */
public boolean getOptimize() { return optimize; }
Enables dependency-tracking for compilers that support this (jikes and classic).
  • depend – if true enable dependency-tracking
/** * Enables dependency-tracking for compilers * that support this (jikes and classic). * @param depend if true enable dependency-tracking */
public void setDepend(final boolean depend) { this.depend = depend; }
Gets the depend flag.
Returns:the depend flag
/** * Gets the depend flag. * @return the depend flag */
public boolean getDepend() { return depend; }
If true, asks the compiler for verbose output.
  • verbose – if true, asks the compiler for verbose output
/** * If true, asks the compiler for verbose output. * @param verbose if true, asks the compiler for verbose output */
public void setVerbose(final boolean verbose) { this.verbose = verbose; }
Gets the verbose flag.
Returns:the verbose flag
/** * Gets the verbose flag. * @return the verbose flag */
public boolean getVerbose() { return verbose; }
Sets the target VM that the classes will be compiled for. Valid values depend on the compiler, for jdk 1.4 the valid values are "1.1", "1.2", "1.3", "1.4", "1.5", "1.6", "1.7", "1.8", "1.9" and any integral number bigger than 4
  • target – the target VM
/** * Sets the target VM that the classes will be compiled for. Valid * values depend on the compiler, for jdk 1.4 the valid values are * "1.1", "1.2", "1.3", "1.4", "1.5", "1.6", "1.7", "1.8", "1.9" and any integral number bigger than 4 * @param target the target VM */
public void setTarget(final String target) { this.targetAttribute = target; }
Gets the target VM that the classes will be compiled for.
Returns:the target VM
/** * Gets the target VM that the classes will be compiled for. * @return the target VM */
public String getTarget() { return targetAttribute != null ? targetAttribute : getProject().getProperty(MagicNames.BUILD_JAVAC_TARGET); }
Sets the version to use for the --release switch that combines source, target and setting the bootclasspath. Values depend on the compiler, for jdk 9 the valid values are "6", "7", "8", "9".
  • release – the value of the release attribute
Since:Ant 1.9.8
/** * Sets the version to use for the {@code --release} switch that * combines {@code source}, {@code target} and setting the * bootclasspath. * * Values depend on the compiler, for jdk 9 the valid values are * "6", "7", "8", "9". * @param release the value of the release attribute * @since Ant 1.9.8 */
public void setRelease(final String release) { this.release = release; }
Gets the version to use for the --release switch that combines source, target and setting the bootclasspath.
Returns:the value of the release attribute
Since:Ant 1.9.8
/** * Gets the version to use for the {@code --release} switch that * combines {@code source}, {@code target} and setting the * bootclasspath. * * @return the value of the release attribute * @since Ant 1.9.8 */
public String getRelease() { return release; }
If true, includes Ant's own classpath in the classpath.
  • include – if true, includes Ant's own classpath in the classpath
/** * If true, includes Ant's own classpath in the classpath. * @param include if true, includes Ant's own classpath in the classpath */
public void setIncludeantruntime(final boolean include) { includeAntRuntime = include; }
Gets whether or not the ant classpath is to be included in the classpath.
Returns:whether or not the ant classpath is to be included in the classpath
/** * Gets whether or not the ant classpath is to be included in the classpath. * @return whether or not the ant classpath is to be included in the classpath */
public boolean getIncludeantruntime() { return includeAntRuntime == null || includeAntRuntime; }
If true, includes the Java runtime libraries in the classpath.
  • include – if true, includes the Java runtime libraries in the classpath
/** * If true, includes the Java runtime libraries in the classpath. * @param include if true, includes the Java runtime libraries in the classpath */
public void setIncludejavaruntime(final boolean include) { includeJavaRuntime = include; }
Gets whether or not the java runtime should be included in this task's classpath.
Returns:the includejavaruntime attribute
/** * Gets whether or not the java runtime should be included in this * task's classpath. * @return the includejavaruntime attribute */
public boolean getIncludejavaruntime() { return includeJavaRuntime; }
If true, forks the javac compiler.
  • f – "true|false|on|off|yes|no"
/** * If true, forks the javac compiler. * * @param f "true|false|on|off|yes|no" */
public void setFork(final boolean f) { fork = f; }
Sets the name of the javac executable.

Ignored unless fork is true or extJavac has been specified as the compiler.

  • forkExec – the name of the executable
/** * Sets the name of the javac executable. * * <p>Ignored unless fork is true or extJavac has been specified * as the compiler.</p> * @param forkExec the name of the executable */
public void setExecutable(final String forkExec) { forkedExecutable = forkExec; }
The value of the executable attribute, if any.
Since:Ant 1.6
Returns:the name of the java executable
/** * The value of the executable attribute, if any. * * @since Ant 1.6 * @return the name of the java executable */
public String getExecutable() { return forkedExecutable; }
Is this a forked invocation of JDK's javac?
Returns:true if this is a forked invocation
/** * Is this a forked invocation of JDK's javac? * @return true if this is a forked invocation */
public boolean isForkedJavac() { return fork || EXTJAVAC.equalsIgnoreCase(getCompiler()); }
The name of the javac executable to use in fork-mode.

This is either the name specified with the executable attribute or the full path of the javac compiler of the VM Ant is currently running in - guessed by Ant.

You should not invoke this method if you want to get the value of the executable command - use getExecutable for this.

Returns:the name of the javac executable
/** * The name of the javac executable to use in fork-mode. * * <p>This is either the name specified with the executable * attribute or the full path of the javac compiler of the VM Ant * is currently running in - guessed by Ant.</p> * * <p>You should <strong>not</strong> invoke this method if you * want to get the value of the executable command - use {@link * #getExecutable getExecutable} for this.</p> * @return the name of the javac executable */
public String getJavacExecutable() { if (forkedExecutable == null && isForkedJavac()) { forkedExecutable = getSystemJavac(); } else if (forkedExecutable != null && !isForkedJavac()) { forkedExecutable = null; } return forkedExecutable; }
If true, enables the -nowarn option.
  • flag – if true, enable the -nowarn option
/** * If true, enables the -nowarn option. * @param flag if true, enable the -nowarn option */
public void setNowarn(final boolean flag) { this.nowarn = flag; }
Should the -nowarn option be used.
Returns:true if the -nowarn option should be used
/** * Should the -nowarn option be used. * @return true if the -nowarn option should be used */
public boolean getNowarn() { return nowarn; }
Adds an implementation specific command-line argument.
Returns:a ImplementationSpecificArgument to be configured
/** * Adds an implementation specific command-line argument. * @return a ImplementationSpecificArgument to be configured */
public ImplementationSpecificArgument createCompilerArg() { final ImplementationSpecificArgument arg = new ImplementationSpecificArgument(); facade.addImplementationArgument(arg); return arg; }
Get the additional implementation specific command line arguments.
Returns:array of command line arguments, guaranteed to be non-null.
/** * Get the additional implementation specific command line arguments. * @return array of command line arguments, guaranteed to be non-null. */
public String[] getCurrentCompilerArgs() { final String chosen = facade.getExplicitChoice(); try { // make sure facade knows about magic properties and fork setting final String appliedCompiler = getCompiler(); facade.setImplementation(appliedCompiler); String[] result = facade.getArgs(); final String altCompilerName = getAltCompilerName(facade.getImplementation()); if (result.length == 0 && altCompilerName != null) { facade.setImplementation(altCompilerName); result = facade.getArgs(); } return result; } finally { facade.setImplementation(chosen); } } private String getAltCompilerName(final String anImplementation) { if (JAVAC10_PLUS.equalsIgnoreCase(anImplementation) || JAVAC9.equalsIgnoreCase(anImplementation) || JAVAC9_ALIAS.equalsIgnoreCase(anImplementation) || JAVAC1_8.equalsIgnoreCase(anImplementation) || JAVAC1_7.equalsIgnoreCase(anImplementation) || JAVAC1_6.equalsIgnoreCase(anImplementation) || JAVAC1_5.equalsIgnoreCase(anImplementation) || JAVAC1_4.equalsIgnoreCase(anImplementation) || JAVAC1_3.equalsIgnoreCase(anImplementation)) { return MODERN; } if (JAVAC1_2.equalsIgnoreCase(anImplementation) || JAVAC1_1.equalsIgnoreCase(anImplementation)) { return CLASSIC; } if (MODERN.equalsIgnoreCase(anImplementation)) { final String nextSelected = assumedJavaVersion(); if (JAVAC10_PLUS.equalsIgnoreCase(anImplementation) || JAVAC9.equalsIgnoreCase(nextSelected) || JAVAC1_8.equalsIgnoreCase(nextSelected)) { return nextSelected; } } if (CLASSIC.equalsIgnoreCase(anImplementation)) { return assumedJavaVersion(); } if (EXTJAVAC.equalsIgnoreCase(anImplementation)) { return assumedJavaVersion(); } return null; }
Where Ant should place temporary files.
  • tmpDir – the temporary directory
Since:Ant 1.6
/** * Where Ant should place temporary files. * * @since Ant 1.6 * @param tmpDir the temporary directory */
public void setTempdir(final File tmpDir) { this.tmpDir = tmpDir; }
Where Ant should place temporary files.
Since:Ant 1.6
Returns:the temporary directory
/** * Where Ant should place temporary files. * * @since Ant 1.6 * @return the temporary directory */
public File getTempdir() { return tmpDir; }
The property to set on compilation success. This property will not be set if the compilation fails, or if there are no files to compile.
  • updatedProperty – the property name to use.
Since:Ant 1.7.1.
/** * The property to set on compilation success. * This property will not be set if the compilation * fails, or if there are no files to compile. * @param updatedProperty the property name to use. * @since Ant 1.7.1. */
public void setUpdatedProperty(final String updatedProperty) { this.updatedProperty = updatedProperty; }
The property to set on compilation failure. This property will be set if the compilation fails.
  • errorProperty – the property name to use.
Since:Ant 1.7.1.
/** * The property to set on compilation failure. * This property will be set if the compilation * fails. * @param errorProperty the property name to use. * @since Ant 1.7.1. */
public void setErrorProperty(final String errorProperty) { this.errorProperty = errorProperty; }
This property controls whether to include the destination classes directory in the classpath given to the compiler. The default value is "true".
  • includeDestClasses – the value to use.
/** * This property controls whether to include the * destination classes directory in the classpath * given to the compiler. * The default value is "true". * @param includeDestClasses the value to use. */
public void setIncludeDestClasses(final boolean includeDestClasses) { this.includeDestClasses = includeDestClasses; }
Get the value of the includeDestClasses property.
Returns:the value.
/** * Get the value of the includeDestClasses property. * @return the value. */
public boolean isIncludeDestClasses() { return includeDestClasses; }
Get the result of the javac task (success or failure).
Returns:true if compilation succeeded, or was not necessary, false if the compilation failed.
/** * Get the result of the javac task (success or failure). * @return true if compilation succeeded, or * was not necessary, false if the compilation failed. */
public boolean getTaskSuccess() { return taskSuccess; }
The classpath to use when loading the compiler implementation if it is not a built-in one.
Since:Ant 1.8.0
/** * The classpath to use when loading the compiler implementation * if it is not a built-in one. * * @return Path * @since Ant 1.8.0 */
public Path createCompilerClasspath() { return facade.getImplementationClasspath(getProject()); }
Set the compiler adapter explicitly.
  • adapter – CompilerAdapter
Since:Ant 1.8.0
/** * Set the compiler adapter explicitly. * * @param adapter CompilerAdapter * @since Ant 1.8.0 */
public void add(final CompilerAdapter adapter) { if (nestedAdapter != null) { throw new BuildException( "Can't have more than one compiler adapter"); } nestedAdapter = adapter; }
Whether package-info.class files will be created by Ant matching package-info.java files that have been compiled but didn't create class files themselves.
  • b – boolean
Since:Ant 1.8.3
/** * Whether package-info.class files will be created by Ant * matching package-info.java files that have been compiled but * didn't create class files themselves. * * @param b boolean * @since Ant 1.8.3 */
public void setCreateMissingPackageInfoClass(final boolean b) { createMissingPackageInfoClass = b; }
Executes the task.
  • BuildException – if an error occurs
/** * Executes the task. * @exception BuildException if an error occurs */
@Override public void execute() throws BuildException { checkParameters(); resetFileLists(); // scan source directories and dest directory to build up // compile list if (hasPath(src)) { collectFileListFromSourcePath(); } else { assert hasPath(moduleSourcepath) : "Either srcDir or moduleSourcepath must be given"; collectFileListFromModulePath(); } compile(); if (updatedProperty != null && taskSuccess && compileList.length != 0) { getProject().setNewProperty(updatedProperty, "true"); } }
Clear the list of files to be compiled and copied..
/** * Clear the list of files to be compiled and copied.. */
protected void resetFileLists() { compileList = new File[0]; packageInfos = new HashMap<>(); }
Scans the directory looking for source files to be compiled. The results are returned in the class variable compileList
  • srcDir – The source directory
  • destDir – The destination directory
  • files – An array of filenames
/** * Scans the directory looking for source files to be compiled. * The results are returned in the class variable compileList * * @param srcDir The source directory * @param destDir The destination directory * @param files An array of filenames */
protected void scanDir(final File srcDir, final File destDir, final String[] files) { final GlobPatternMapper m = new GlobPatternMapper(); for (String extension : findSupportedFileExtensions()) { m.setFrom(extension); m.setTo("*.class"); final SourceFileScanner sfs = new SourceFileScanner(this); final File[] newFiles = sfs.restrictAsFiles(files, srcDir, destDir, m); if (newFiles.length > 0) { lookForPackageInfos(srcDir, newFiles); final File[] newCompileList = new File[compileList.length + newFiles.length]; System.arraycopy(compileList, 0, newCompileList, 0, compileList.length); System.arraycopy(newFiles, 0, newCompileList, compileList.length, newFiles.length); compileList = newCompileList; } } } private void collectFileListFromSourcePath() { for (String filename : src.list()) { final File srcDir = getProject().resolveFile(filename); if (!srcDir.exists()) { throw new BuildException("srcdir \"" + srcDir.getPath() + "\" does not exist!", getLocation()); } final DirectoryScanner ds = this.getDirectoryScanner(srcDir); scanDir(srcDir, destDir != null ? destDir : srcDir, ds.getIncludedFiles()); } } private void collectFileListFromModulePath() { final FileUtils fu = FileUtils.getFileUtils(); for (String pathElement : moduleSourcepath.list()) { boolean valid = false; for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<File>> modules : resolveModuleSourcePathElement( getProject().getBaseDir(), pathElement).entrySet()) { final String moduleName = modules.getKey(); for (File srcDir : modules.getValue()) { if (srcDir.exists()) { valid = true; final DirectoryScanner ds = getDirectoryScanner(srcDir); final String[] files = ds.getIncludedFiles(); scanDir(srcDir, fu.resolveFile(destDir, moduleName), files); } } } if (!valid) { throw new BuildException("modulesourcepath \"" + pathElement + "\" does not exist!", getLocation()); } } } private String[] findSupportedFileExtensions() { final String compilerImpl = getCompiler(); final CompilerAdapter adapter = nestedAdapter != null ? nestedAdapter : CompilerAdapterFactory.getCompiler(compilerImpl, this, createCompilerClasspath()); String[] extensions = null; if (adapter instanceof CompilerAdapterExtension) { extensions = ((CompilerAdapterExtension) adapter).getSupportedFileExtensions(); } if (extensions == null) { extensions = new String[] {"java"}; } // now process the extensions to ensure that they are the // right format for (int i = 0; i < extensions.length; i++) { if (!extensions[i].startsWith("*.")) { extensions[i] = "*." + extensions[i]; } } return extensions; }
Gets the list of files to be compiled.
Returns:the list of files as an array
/** * Gets the list of files to be compiled. * @return the list of files as an array */
public File[] getFileList() { return compileList; }
Is the compiler implementation a jdk compiler
  • compilerImpl – the name of the compiler implementation
Returns:true if compilerImpl is "modern", "classic", "javac1.1", "javac1.2", "javac1.3", "javac1.4", "javac1.5", "javac1.6", "javac1.7", "javac1.8", "javac1.9", "javac9" or "javac10+".
/** * Is the compiler implementation a jdk compiler * * @param compilerImpl the name of the compiler implementation * @return true if compilerImpl is "modern", "classic", * "javac1.1", "javac1.2", "javac1.3", "javac1.4", "javac1.5", * "javac1.6", "javac1.7", "javac1.8", "javac1.9", "javac9" or "javac10+". */
protected boolean isJdkCompiler(final String compilerImpl) { return MODERN.equals(compilerImpl) || CLASSIC.equals(compilerImpl) || JAVAC10_PLUS.equals(compilerImpl) || JAVAC9.equals(compilerImpl) || JAVAC1_8.equals(compilerImpl) || JAVAC1_7.equals(compilerImpl) || JAVAC1_6.equals(compilerImpl) || JAVAC1_5.equals(compilerImpl) || JAVAC1_4.equals(compilerImpl) || JAVAC1_3.equals(compilerImpl) || JAVAC1_2.equals(compilerImpl) || JAVAC1_1.equals(compilerImpl); }
Returns:the executable name of the java compiler
/** * @return the executable name of the java compiler */
protected String getSystemJavac() { return JavaEnvUtils.getJdkExecutable("javac"); }
Choose the implementation for this particular task.
  • compiler – the name of the compiler
Since:Ant 1.5
/** * Choose the implementation for this particular task. * @param compiler the name of the compiler * @since Ant 1.5 */
public void setCompiler(final String compiler) { facade.setImplementation(compiler); }
The implementation for this particular task.

Defaults to the build.compiler property but can be overridden via the compiler and fork attributes.

If fork has been set to true, the result will be extJavac and not classic or java1.2 - no matter what the compiler attribute looks like.

See Also:
  • getCompilerVersion
Returns:the compiler.
Since:Ant 1.5
/** * The implementation for this particular task. * * <p>Defaults to the build.compiler property but can be overridden * via the compiler and fork attributes.</p> * * <p>If fork has been set to true, the result will be extJavac * and not classic or java1.2 - no matter what the compiler * attribute looks like.</p> * * @see #getCompilerVersion * @return the compiler. * @since Ant 1.5 */
public String getCompiler() { String compilerImpl = getCompilerVersion(); if (fork) { if (isJdkCompiler(compilerImpl)) { compilerImpl = EXTJAVAC; } else { log("Since compiler setting isn't classic or modern, ignoring fork setting.", Project.MSG_WARN); } } return compilerImpl; }
The implementation for this particular task.

Defaults to the build.compiler property but can be overridden via the compiler attribute.

This method does not take the fork attribute into account.

See Also:
  • getCompiler
Returns:the compiler.
Since:Ant 1.5
/** * The implementation for this particular task. * * <p>Defaults to the build.compiler property but can be overridden * via the compiler attribute.</p> * * <p>This method does not take the fork attribute into * account.</p> * * @see #getCompiler * @return the compiler. * * @since Ant 1.5 */
public String getCompilerVersion() { facade.setMagicValue(getProject().getProperty("build.compiler")); return facade.getImplementation(); }
Check that all required attributes have been set and nothing silly has been entered.
Since:Ant 1.5
/** * Check that all required attributes have been set and nothing * silly has been entered. * * @since Ant 1.5 * @exception BuildException if an error occurs */
protected void checkParameters() throws BuildException { if (hasPath(src)) { if (hasPath(moduleSourcepath)) { throw new BuildException("modulesourcepath cannot be combined with srcdir attribute!", getLocation()); } } else if (hasPath(moduleSourcepath)) { if (hasPath(src) || hasPath(compileSourcepath)) { throw new BuildException("modulesourcepath cannot be combined with srcdir or sourcepath !", getLocation()); } if (destDir == null) { throw new BuildException("modulesourcepath requires destdir attribute to be set!", getLocation()); } } else { throw new BuildException("either srcdir or modulesourcepath attribute must be set!", getLocation()); } if (destDir != null && !destDir.isDirectory()) { throw new BuildException("destination directory \"" + destDir + "\" does not exist or is not a directory", getLocation()); } if (includeAntRuntime == null && getProject().getProperty("build.sysclasspath") == null) { log(getLocation() + "warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds", Project.MSG_WARN); } }
Perform the compilation.
Since:Ant 1.5
/** * Perform the compilation. * * @since Ant 1.5 */
protected void compile() { final String compilerImpl = getCompiler(); if (compileList.length > 0) { log("Compiling " + compileList.length + " source file" + (compileList.length == 1 ? "" : "s") + (destDir != null ? " to " + destDir : "")); if (listFiles) { for (File element : compileList) { log(element.getAbsolutePath()); } } final CompilerAdapter adapter = nestedAdapter != null ? nestedAdapter : CompilerAdapterFactory.getCompiler(compilerImpl, this, createCompilerClasspath()); // now we need to populate the compiler adapter adapter.setJavac(this); // finally, lets execute the compiler!! if (adapter.execute()) { // Success if (createMissingPackageInfoClass) { try { generateMissingPackageInfoClasses(destDir != null ? destDir : getProject() .resolveFile(src.list()[0])); } catch (final IOException x) { // Should this be made a nonfatal warning? throw new BuildException(x, getLocation()); } } } else { // Fail path this.taskSuccess = false; if (errorProperty != null) { getProject().setNewProperty( errorProperty, "true"); } if (failOnError) { throw new BuildException(FAIL_MSG, getLocation()); } log(FAIL_MSG, Project.MSG_ERR); } } }
Adds an "compiler" attribute to Commandline$Attribute used to filter command line attributes based on the current implementation.
/** * Adds an "compiler" attribute to Commandline$Attribute used to * filter command line attributes based on the current * implementation. */
public class ImplementationSpecificArgument extends org.apache.tools.ant.util.facade.ImplementationSpecificArgument {
  • impl – the name of the compiler
/** * @param impl the name of the compiler */
public void setCompiler(final String impl) { super.setImplementation(impl); } } private void lookForPackageInfos(final File srcDir, final File[] newFiles) { for (File f : newFiles) { if (!"package-info.java".equals(f.getName())) { continue; } final String path = FILE_UTILS.removeLeadingPath(srcDir, f) .replace(File.separatorChar, '/'); final String suffix = "/package-info.java"; if (!path.endsWith(suffix)) { log("anomalous package-info.java path: " + path, Project.MSG_WARN); continue; } final String pkg = path.substring(0, path.length() - suffix.length()); packageInfos.put(pkg, f.lastModified()); } }
Ensure that every package-info.java produced a package-info.class. Otherwise this task's up-to-date tracking mechanisms do not work.
See Also:
/** * Ensure that every {@code package-info.java} produced a {@code package-info.class}. * Otherwise this task's up-to-date tracking mechanisms do not work. * @see <a href="https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=43114">Bug #43114</a> */
private void generateMissingPackageInfoClasses(final File dest) throws IOException { for (final Map.Entry<String, Long> entry : packageInfos.entrySet()) { final String pkg = entry.getKey(); final Long sourceLastMod = entry.getValue(); final File pkgBinDir = new File(dest, pkg.replace('/', File.separatorChar)); pkgBinDir.mkdirs(); final File pkgInfoClass = new File(pkgBinDir, "package-info.class"); if (pkgInfoClass.isFile() && pkgInfoClass.lastModified() >= sourceLastMod) { continue; } log("Creating empty " + pkgInfoClass); try (OutputStream os = Files.newOutputStream(pkgInfoClass.toPath())) { os.write(PACKAGE_INFO_CLASS_HEADER); final byte[] name = pkg.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); final int length = name.length + /* "/package-info" */ 13; os.write((byte) length / 256); os.write((byte) length % 256); os.write(name); os.write(PACKAGE_INFO_CLASS_FOOTER); } } }
Checks if a path exists and is non empty.
  • path – to be checked
Returns:true if the path is non null and non empty.
/** * Checks if a path exists and is non empty. * @param path to be checked * @return true if the path is non <code>null</code> and non empty. * @since 1.9.7 */
private static boolean hasPath(final Path path) { return path != null && !path.isEmpty(); }
Resolves the modulesourcepath element possibly containing groups and module marks to module names and source roots.
  • projectDir – the project directory
  • element – the modulesourcepath elemement
Returns:a mapping from module name to module source roots
/** * Resolves the modulesourcepath element possibly containing groups * and module marks to module names and source roots. * @param projectDir the project directory * @param element the modulesourcepath elemement * @return a mapping from module name to module source roots * @since 1.9.7 */
private static Map<String, Collection<File>> resolveModuleSourcePathElement( final File projectDir, final String element) { final Map<String, Collection<File>> result = new TreeMap<>(); for (CharSequence resolvedElement : expandGroups(element)) { findModules(projectDir, resolvedElement.toString(), result); } return result; }
Expands the groups in the modulesourcepath entry to alternatives.

The '*' is a token representing the name of any of the modules in the compilation module set. The '{' ... ',' ... '}' express alternates for expansion. An example of the modulesourcepath entry is src/*/{linux,share}/classes

  • element – the entry to expand groups in
Returns:the possible alternatives
/** * Expands the groups in the modulesourcepath entry to alternatives. * <p> * The <code>'*'</code> is a token representing the name of any of the modules in the compilation module set. * The <code>'{' ... ',' ... '}'</code> express alternates for expansion. * An example of the modulesourcepath entry is <code>src/&#42;/{linux,share}/classes</code> * </p> * @param element the entry to expand groups in * @return the possible alternatives * @since 1.9.7 */
private static Collection<? extends CharSequence> expandGroups( final CharSequence element) { List<StringBuilder> result = new ArrayList<>(); result.add(new StringBuilder()); StringBuilder resolved = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < element.length(); i++) { final char c = element.charAt(i); switch (c) { case GROUP_START_MARK: final int end = getGroupEndIndex(element, i); if (end < 0) { throw new BuildException(String.format( "Unclosed group %s, starting at: %d", element, i)); } final Collection<? extends CharSequence> parts = resolveGroup(element.subSequence(i + 1, end)); switch (parts.size()) { case 0: break; case 1: resolved.append(parts.iterator().next()); break; default: final List<StringBuilder> oldRes = result; result = new ArrayList<>(oldRes.size() * parts.size()); for (CharSequence part : parts) { for (CharSequence prefix : oldRes) { result.add(new StringBuilder(prefix).append(resolved).append(part)); } } resolved = new StringBuilder(); } i = end; break; default: resolved.append(c); } } for (StringBuilder prefix : result) { prefix.append(resolved); } return result; }
Resolves the group to alternatives.
  • group – the group to resolve
Returns:the possible alternatives
/** * Resolves the group to alternatives. * @param group the group to resolve * @return the possible alternatives * @since 1.9.7 */
private static Collection<? extends CharSequence> resolveGroup(final CharSequence group) { final Collection<CharSequence> result = new ArrayList<>(); int start = 0; int depth = 0; for (int i = 0; i < group.length(); i++) { final char c = group.charAt(i); switch (c) { case GROUP_START_MARK: depth++; break; case GROUP_END_MARK: depth--; break; case GROUP_SEP_MARK: if (depth == 0) { result.addAll(expandGroups(group.subSequence(start, i))); start = i + 1; } break; } } result.addAll(expandGroups(group.subSequence(start, group.length()))); return result; }
Finds the index of an enclosing brace of the group.
  • element – the element to find the enclosing brace in
  • start – the index of the opening brace.
Returns:return the index of an enclosing brace of the group or -1 if not found
/** * Finds the index of an enclosing brace of the group. * @param element the element to find the enclosing brace in * @param start the index of the opening brace. * @return return the index of an enclosing brace of the group or -1 if not found * @since 1.9.7 */
private static int getGroupEndIndex( final CharSequence element, final int start) { int depth = 0; for (int i = start; i < element.length(); i++) { final char c = element.charAt(i); switch (c) { case GROUP_START_MARK: depth++; break; case GROUP_END_MARK: depth--; if (depth == 0) { return i; } break; } } return -1; }
Finds modules in the expanded modulesourcepath entry.
  • root – the project root
  • pattern – the expanded modulesourcepath entry
  • collector – the map to put modules into
/** * Finds modules in the expanded modulesourcepath entry. * @param root the project root * @param pattern the expanded modulesourcepath entry * @param collector the map to put modules into * @since 1.9.7 */
private static void findModules( final File root, String pattern, final Map<String, Collection<File>> collector) { pattern = pattern .replace('/', File.separatorChar) .replace('\\', File.separatorChar); final int startIndex = pattern.indexOf(MODULE_MARKER); if (startIndex == -1) { findModules(root, pattern, null, collector); return; } if (startIndex == 0) { throw new BuildException("The modulesourcepath entry must be a folder."); } final int endIndex = startIndex + MODULE_MARKER.length(); if (pattern.charAt(startIndex - 1) != File.separatorChar) { throw new BuildException("The module mark must be preceded by separator"); } if (endIndex < pattern.length() && pattern.charAt(endIndex) != File.separatorChar) { throw new BuildException("The module mark must be followed by separator"); } if (pattern.indexOf(MODULE_MARKER, endIndex) != -1) { throw new BuildException("The modulesourcepath entry must contain at most one module mark"); } final String pathToModule = pattern.substring(0, startIndex); final String pathInModule = endIndex == pattern.length() ? null : pattern.substring(endIndex + 1); //+1 the separator findModules(root, pathToModule, pathInModule, collector); }
Finds modules in the expanded modulesourcepath entry.
  • root – the project root
  • pathToModule – the path to modules folder
  • pathInModule – the path in module to source folder
  • collector – the map to put modules into
/** * Finds modules in the expanded modulesourcepath entry. * @param root the project root * @param pathToModule the path to modules folder * @param pathInModule the path in module to source folder * @param collector the map to put modules into * @since 1.9.7 */
private static void findModules( final File root, final String pathToModule, final String pathInModule, final Map<String,Collection<File>> collector) { final File f = FileUtils.getFileUtils().resolveFile(root, pathToModule); if (!f.isDirectory()) { return; } for (File module : f.listFiles(File::isDirectory)) { final String moduleName = module.getName(); final File moduleSourceRoot = pathInModule == null ? module : new File(module, pathInModule); Collection<File> moduleRoots = collector.computeIfAbsent(moduleName, k -> new ArrayList<>()); moduleRoots.add(moduleSourceRoot); } } private static final byte[] PACKAGE_INFO_CLASS_HEADER = { (byte) 0xca, (byte) 0xfe, (byte) 0xba, (byte) 0xbe, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x31, 0x00, 0x07, 0x07, 0x00, 0x05, 0x07, 0x00, 0x06, 0x01, 0x00, 0x0a, 0x53, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x72, 0x63, 0x65, 0x46, 0x69, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x01, 0x00, 0x11, 0x70, 0x61, 0x63, 0x6b, 0x61, 0x67, 0x65, 0x2d, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x2e, 0x6a, 0x61, 0x76, 0x61, 0x01 }; private static final byte[] PACKAGE_INFO_CLASS_FOOTER = { 0x2f, 0x70, 0x61, 0x63, 0x6b, 0x61, 0x67, 0x65, 0x2d, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x01, 0x00, 0x10, 0x6a, 0x61, 0x76, 0x61, 0x2f, 0x6c, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x67, 0x2f, 0x4f, 0x62, 0x6a, 0x65, 0x63, 0x74, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x04 }; }