package examples;

import io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import io.vertx.docgen.Source;
import io.vertx.ext.sql.*;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

Author:Tim Fox
/** * @author <a href="">Tim Fox</a> */
@Source public class SQLExamples { public void example1(SQLConnection connection) { connection.setAutoCommit(false, res -> { if (res.succeeded()) { // OK! } else { // Failed! } }); } public void example2(SQLConnection connection) { connection.query("SELECT ID, FNAME, LNAME, SHOE_SIZE from PEOPLE", res -> { if (res.succeeded()) { // Get the result set ResultSet resultSet = res.result(); } else { // Failed! } }); } public void example3(ResultSet resultSet) { List<String> columnNames = resultSet.getColumnNames(); List<JsonArray> results = resultSet.getResults(); for (JsonArray row : results) { String id = row.getString(0); String fName = row.getString(1); String lName = row.getString(2); int shoeSize = row.getInteger(3); } } public void example3__1(ResultSet resultSet) { List<JsonObject> rows = resultSet.getRows(); for (JsonObject row : rows) { String id = row.getString("ID"); String fName = row.getString("FNAME"); String lName = row.getString("LNAME"); int shoeSize = row.getInteger("SHOE_SIZE"); } } public void example3_1(SQLConnection connection) { String query = "SELECT ID, FNAME, LNAME, SHOE_SIZE from PEOPLE WHERE LNAME=? AND SHOE_SIZE > ?"; JsonArray params = new JsonArray().add("Fox").add(9); connection.queryWithParams(query, params, res -> { if (res.succeeded()) { // Get the result set ResultSet resultSet = res.result(); } else { // Failed! } }); } public void example4(SQLConnection connection) { connection.update("INSERT INTO PEOPLE VALUES (null, 'john', 'smith', 9)", res -> { if (res.succeeded()) { UpdateResult result = res.result(); System.out.println("Updated no. of rows: " + result.getUpdated()); System.out.println("Generated keys: " + result.getKeys()); } else { // Failed! } }); } public void example5(SQLConnection connection) { String update = "UPDATE PEOPLE SET SHOE_SIZE = 10 WHERE LNAME=?"; JsonArray params = new JsonArray().add("Fox"); connection.updateWithParams(update, params, res -> { if (res.succeeded()) { UpdateResult updateResult = res.result(); System.out.println("No. of rows updated: " + updateResult.getUpdated()); } else { // Failed! } }); } public void example6(SQLConnection connection) { String sql = "CREATE TABLE PEOPLE (ID int generated by default as identity (start with 1 increment by 1) not null," + "FNAME varchar(255), LNAME varchar(255), SHOE_SIZE int);"; connection.execute(sql, execute -> { if (execute.succeeded()) { System.out.println("Table created !"); } else { // Failed! } }); } public void example7(SQLConnection connection) { // Do stuff with connection - updates etc // Now commit connection.commit(res -> { if (res.succeeded()) { // Committed OK! } else { // Failed! } }); } public void example8(SQLConnection connection) { // Assume that there is a SQL function like this: // // create function one_hour_ago() returns timestamp // return now() - 1 hour; // note that you do not need to declare the output for functions String func = "{ call one_hour_ago() }";, res -> { if (res.succeeded()) { ResultSet result = res.result(); } else { // Failed! } }); } public void example9(SQLConnection connection) { // Assume that there is a SQL procedure like this: // // create procedure new_customer(firstname varchar(50), lastname varchar(50)) // modifies sql data // insert into customers values (default, firstname, lastname, current_timestamp); String func = "{ call new_customer(?, ?) }"; connection.callWithParams(func, new JsonArray().add("John").add("Doe"), null, res -> { if (res.succeeded()) { // Success! } else { // Failed! } }); } public void example10(SQLConnection connection) { // Assume that there is a SQL procedure like this: // // create procedure customer_lastname(IN firstname varchar(50), OUT lastname varchar(50)) // modifies sql data // select lastname into lastname from customers where firstname = firstname; String func = "{ call customer_lastname(?, ?) }"; connection.callWithParams(func, new JsonArray().add("John"), new JsonArray().addNull().add("VARCHAR"), res -> { if (res.succeeded()) { ResultSet result = res.result(); } else { // Failed! } }); } public void example11(SQLConnection connection) { // Batch values List<JsonArray> batch = new ArrayList<>(); batch.add(new JsonArray().add("joe")); batch.add(new JsonArray().add("jane")); connection.batchWithParams("INSERT INTO emp (name) VALUES (?)", batch, res -> { if (res.succeeded()) { List<Integer> result = res.result(); } else { // Failed! } }); } public void example12(SQLConnection connection) { // Batch values List<String> batch = new ArrayList<>(); batch.add("INSERT INTO emp (NAME) VALUES ('JOE')"); batch.add("INSERT INTO emp (NAME) VALUES ('JANE')"); connection.batch(batch, res -> { if (res.succeeded()) { List<Integer> result = res.result(); } else { // Failed! } }); } public void example13(ResultSet rs) { while (rs != null) { // do something with the result set... // next step rs = rs.getNext(); } } public void example14(SQLConnection connection) { connection.queryStream("SELECT * FROM large_table", stream -> { if (stream.succeeded()) { stream.result().handler(row -> { // do something with the row... }); } }); } public void example15(SQLConnection connection) { connection.queryStream("SELECT * FROM large_table; SELECT * FROM other_table", stream -> { if (stream.succeeded()) { SQLRowStream sqlRowStream = stream.result(); sqlRowStream .resultSetClosedHandler(v -> { // will ask to restart the stream with the new result set if any sqlRowStream.moreResults(); }) .handler(row -> { // do something with the row... }) .endHandler(v -> { // no more data available... }); } }); } public void example16(SQLClient client) { client.query("SELECT * FROM USERS", ar -> { if (ar.succeeded()) { if (ar.succeeded()) { ResultSet result = ar.result(); } else { // Failed! } // NOTE that you don't need to worry about // the connection management (e.g.: close) } }); } }