 * Copyright (c) 2011-2017 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0, or the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * which is available at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0

package io.vertx.core.json;

import io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer;
import io.vertx.core.shareddata.Shareable;
import io.vertx.core.shareddata.impl.ClusterSerializable;

import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.stream.Stream;

import static java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.ISO_INSTANT;

A representation of a JSON array in Java.

Unlike some other languages Java does not have a native understanding of JSON. To enable JSON to be used easily in Vert.x code we use this class to encapsulate the notion of a JSON array. The implementation adheres to the RFC-7493 to support Temporal data types as well as binary data.

Please see the documentation for more information.

Author:Tim Fox
/** * A representation of a <a href="http://json.org/">JSON</a> array in Java. * <p> * Unlike some other languages Java does not have a native understanding of JSON. To enable JSON to be used easily * in Vert.x code we use this class to encapsulate the notion of a JSON array. * * The implementation adheres to the <a href="http://rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7493.txt">RFC-7493</a> to support Temporal * data types as well as binary data. * <p> * Please see the documentation for more information. * * @author <a href="http://tfox.org">Tim Fox</a> */
public class JsonArray implements Iterable<Object>, ClusterSerializable, Shareable { private List<Object> list;
Create an instance from a String of JSON, this string must be a valid array otherwise an exception will be thrown.

If you are unsure of the value, you should use instead Json.decodeValue(String) and check the result is a JSON array.
  • json – the string of JSON
/** * Create an instance from a String of JSON, this string must be a valid array otherwise an exception will be thrown. * <p/> * If you are unsure of the value, you should use instead {@link Json#decodeValue(String)} and check the result is * a JSON array. * * @param json the string of JSON */
public JsonArray(String json) { if (json == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } fromJson(json); if (list == null) { throw new DecodeException("Invalid JSON array: " + json); } }
Create an empty instance
/** * Create an empty instance */
public JsonArray() { list = new ArrayList<>(); }
Create an instance from a List. The List is not copied.
  • list – the underlying backing list
/** * Create an instance from a List. The List is not copied. * * @param list the underlying backing list */
public JsonArray(List list) { if (list == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } this.list = list; }
Create an instance from a Buffer of JSON.
  • buf – the buffer of JSON.
/** * Create an instance from a Buffer of JSON. * * @param buf the buffer of JSON. */
public JsonArray(Buffer buf) { if (buf == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } fromBuffer(buf); if (list == null) { throw new DecodeException("Invalid JSON array: " + buf); } }
Get the String at position pos in the array,
  • pos – the position in the array
Returns: the String, or null if a null value present
/** * Get the String at position {@code pos} in the array, * * @param pos the position in the array * @return the String, or null if a null value present * @throws java.lang.ClassCastException if the value cannot be converted to String */
public String getString(int pos) { CharSequence cs = (CharSequence)list.get(pos); return cs == null ? null : cs.toString(); }
Get the Integer at position pos in the array,
  • pos – the position in the array
Returns: the Integer, or null if a null value present
/** * Get the Integer at position {@code pos} in the array, * * @param pos the position in the array * @return the Integer, or null if a null value present * @throws java.lang.ClassCastException if the value cannot be converted to Integer */
public Integer getInteger(int pos) { Number number = (Number)list.get(pos); if (number == null) { return null; } else if (number instanceof Integer) { return (Integer)number; // Avoids unnecessary unbox/box } else { return number.intValue(); } }
Get the Long at position pos in the array,
  • pos – the position in the array
Returns: the Long, or null if a null value present
/** * Get the Long at position {@code pos} in the array, * * @param pos the position in the array * @return the Long, or null if a null value present * @throws java.lang.ClassCastException if the value cannot be converted to Long */
public Long getLong(int pos) { Number number = (Number)list.get(pos); if (number == null) { return null; } else if (number instanceof Long) { return (Long)number; // Avoids unnecessary unbox/box } else { return number.longValue(); } }
Get the Double at position pos in the array,
  • pos – the position in the array
Returns: the Double, or null if a null value present
/** * Get the Double at position {@code pos} in the array, * * @param pos the position in the array * @return the Double, or null if a null value present * @throws java.lang.ClassCastException if the value cannot be converted to Double */
public Double getDouble(int pos) { Number number = (Number)list.get(pos); if (number == null) { return null; } else if (number instanceof Double) { return (Double)number; // Avoids unnecessary unbox/box } else { return number.doubleValue(); } }
Get the Float at position pos in the array,
  • pos – the position in the array
Returns: the Float, or null if a null value present
/** * Get the Float at position {@code pos} in the array, * * @param pos the position in the array * @return the Float, or null if a null value present * @throws java.lang.ClassCastException if the value cannot be converted to Float */
public Float getFloat(int pos) { Number number = (Number)list.get(pos); if (number == null) { return null; } else if (number instanceof Float) { return (Float)number; // Avoids unnecessary unbox/box } else { return number.floatValue(); } }
Get the Boolean at position pos in the array,
  • pos – the position in the array
Returns: the Boolean, or null if a null value present
/** * Get the Boolean at position {@code pos} in the array, * * @param pos the position in the array * @return the Boolean, or null if a null value present * @throws java.lang.ClassCastException if the value cannot be converted to Integer */
public Boolean getBoolean(int pos) { return (Boolean)list.get(pos); }
Get the JsonObject at position pos in the array.
  • pos – the position in the array
Returns: the JsonObject, or null if a null value present
/** * Get the JsonObject at position {@code pos} in the array. * * @param pos the position in the array * @return the JsonObject, or null if a null value present * @throws java.lang.ClassCastException if the value cannot be converted to JsonObject */
public JsonObject getJsonObject(int pos) { Object val = list.get(pos); if (val instanceof Map) { val = new JsonObject((Map)val); } return (JsonObject)val; }
Get the JsonArray at position pos in the array.
  • pos – the position in the array
Returns: the Integer, or null if a null value present
/** * Get the JsonArray at position {@code pos} in the array. * * @param pos the position in the array * @return the Integer, or null if a null value present * @throws java.lang.ClassCastException if the value cannot be converted to JsonArray */
public JsonArray getJsonArray(int pos) { Object val = list.get(pos); if (val instanceof List) { val = new JsonArray((List)val); } return (JsonArray)val; }
Get the byte[] at position pos in the array.

JSON itself has no notion of a binary, so this method assumes there is a String value and it contains a Base64 encoded binary, which it decodes if found and returns.

This method should be used in conjunction with add(byte[])

  • pos – the position in the array
Returns: the byte[], or null if a null value present
/** * Get the byte[] at position {@code pos} in the array. * <p> * JSON itself has no notion of a binary, so this method assumes there is a String value and * it contains a Base64 encoded binary, which it decodes if found and returns. * <p> * This method should be used in conjunction with {@link #add(byte[])} * * @param pos the position in the array * @return the byte[], or null if a null value present * @throws java.lang.ClassCastException if the value cannot be converted to String * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the String value is not a legal Base64 encoded value */
public byte[] getBinary(int pos) { String val = (String)list.get(pos); if (val == null) { return null; } else { return Base64.getDecoder().decode(val); } }
Get the Instant at position pos in the array.

JSON itself has no notion of a temporal types, this extension complies to the RFC-7493, so this method assumes there is a String value and it contains an ISO 8601 encoded date and time format such as "2017-04-03T10:25:41Z", which it decodes if found and returns.

This method should be used in conjunction with add(Instant)

  • pos – the position in the array
Returns: the Instant, or null if a null value present
/** * Get the Instant at position {@code pos} in the array. * <p> * JSON itself has no notion of a temporal types, this extension complies to the RFC-7493, so this method assumes * there is a String value and it contains an ISO 8601 encoded date and time format such as "2017-04-03T10:25:41Z", * which it decodes if found and returns. * <p> * This method should be used in conjunction with {@link #add(Instant)} * * @param pos the position in the array * @return the Instant, or null if a null value present * @throws java.lang.ClassCastException if the value cannot be converted to String * @throws java.time.format.DateTimeParseException if the String value is not a legal ISO 8601 encoded value */
public Instant getInstant(int pos) { String val = (String)list.get(pos); if (val == null) { return null; } else { return Instant.from(ISO_INSTANT.parse(val)); } }
Get the Object value at position pos in the array.
  • pos – the position in the array
Returns: the Integer, or null if a null value present
/** * Get the Object value at position {@code pos} in the array. * * @param pos the position in the array * @return the Integer, or null if a null value present */
public Object getValue(int pos) { Object val = list.get(pos); if (val instanceof Map) { val = new JsonObject((Map)val); } else if (val instanceof List) { val = new JsonArray((List)val); } return val; }
Is there a null value at position pos?
  • pos – the position in the array
Returns:true if null value present, false otherwise
/** * Is there a null value at position pos? * * @param pos the position in the array * @return true if null value present, false otherwise */
public boolean hasNull(int pos) { return list.get(pos) == null; }
Add an enum to the JSON array.

JSON has no concept of encoding Enums, so the Enum will be converted to a String using the Enum.name method and the value added as a String.

  • value – the value
Returns: a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Add an enum to the JSON array. * <p> * JSON has no concept of encoding Enums, so the Enum will be converted to a String using the {@link java.lang.Enum#name} * method and the value added as a String. * * @param value the value * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public JsonArray add(Enum value) { list.add(value != null ? value.name() : null); return this; }
Add a CharSequence to the JSON array.
  • value – the value
Returns: a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Add a CharSequence to the JSON array. * * @param value the value * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public JsonArray add(CharSequence value) { list.add(value != null ? value.toString() : null); return this; }
Add a String to the JSON array.
  • value – the value
Returns: a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Add a String to the JSON array. * * @param value the value * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public JsonArray add(String value) { list.add(value); return this; }
Add an Integer to the JSON array.
  • value – the value
Returns: a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Add an Integer to the JSON array. * * @param value the value * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public JsonArray add(Integer value) { list.add(value); return this; }
Add a Long to the JSON array.
  • value – the value
Returns: a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Add a Long to the JSON array. * * @param value the value * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public JsonArray add(Long value) { list.add(value); return this; }
Add a Double to the JSON array.
  • value – the value
Returns: a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Add a Double to the JSON array. * * @param value the value * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public JsonArray add(Double value) { list.add(value); return this; }
Add a Float to the JSON array.
  • value – the value
Returns: a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Add a Float to the JSON array. * * @param value the value * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public JsonArray add(Float value) { list.add(value); return this; }
Add a Boolean to the JSON array.
  • value – the value
Returns: a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Add a Boolean to the JSON array. * * @param value the value * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public JsonArray add(Boolean value) { list.add(value); return this; }
Add a null value to the JSON array.
Returns: a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Add a null value to the JSON array. * * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public JsonArray addNull() { list.add(null); return this; }
Add a JSON object to the JSON array.
  • value – the value
Returns: a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Add a JSON object to the JSON array. * * @param value the value * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public JsonArray add(JsonObject value) { list.add(value); return this; }
Add another JSON array to the JSON array.
  • value – the value
Returns: a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Add another JSON array to the JSON array. * * @param value the value * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public JsonArray add(JsonArray value) { list.add(value); return this; }
Add a binary value to the JSON array.

JSON has no notion of binary so the binary will be base64 encoded to a String, and the String added.

  • value – the value
Returns: a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Add a binary value to the JSON array. * <p> * JSON has no notion of binary so the binary will be base64 encoded to a String, and the String added. * * @param value the value * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public JsonArray add(byte[] value) { list.add(value != null ? Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(value) : null); return this; }
Add a Instant value to the JSON array.

JSON has no notion of Temporal data so the Instant will be ISOString encoded, and the String added.

  • value – the value
Returns: a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Add a Instant value to the JSON array. * <p> * JSON has no notion of Temporal data so the Instant will be ISOString encoded, and the String added. * * @param value the value * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public JsonArray add(Instant value) { list.add(value != null ? ISO_INSTANT.format(value) : null); return this; }
Add an Object to the JSON array.
  • value – the value
Returns: a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Add an Object to the JSON array. * * @param value the value * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public JsonArray add(Object value) { value = Json.checkAndCopy(value, false); list.add(value); return this; }
Appends all of the elements in the specified array to the end of this JSON array.
  • array – the array
Returns: a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Appends all of the elements in the specified array to the end of this JSON array. * * @param array the array * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public JsonArray addAll(JsonArray array) { list.addAll(array.list); return this; }
Does the JSON array contain the specified value? This method will scan the entire array until it finds a value or reaches the end.
  • value – the value
Returns: true if it contains the value, false if not
/** * Does the JSON array contain the specified value? This method will scan the entire array until it finds a value * or reaches the end. * * @param value the value * @return true if it contains the value, false if not */
public boolean contains(Object value) { return list.contains(value); }
Remove the specified value from the JSON array. This method will scan the entire array until it finds a value or reaches the end.
  • value – the value to remove
Returns:true if it removed it, false if not found
/** * Remove the specified value from the JSON array. This method will scan the entire array until it finds a value * or reaches the end. * * @param value the value to remove * @return true if it removed it, false if not found */
public boolean remove(Object value) { return list.remove(value); }
Remove the value at the specified position in the JSON array.
  • pos – the position to remove the value at
Returns:the removed value if removed, null otherwise. If the value is a Map, a JsonObject is built from this Map and returned. It the value is a List, a JsonArray is built form this List and returned.
/** * Remove the value at the specified position in the JSON array. * * @param pos the position to remove the value at * @return the removed value if removed, null otherwise. If the value is a Map, a {@link JsonObject} is built from * this Map and returned. It the value is a List, a {@link JsonArray} is built form this List and returned. */
public Object remove(int pos) { Object removed = list.remove(pos); if (removed instanceof Map) { return new JsonObject((Map) removed); } else if (removed instanceof ArrayList) { return new JsonArray((List) removed); } return removed; }
Get the number of values in this JSON array
Returns:the number of items
/** * Get the number of values in this JSON array * * @return the number of items */
public int size() { return list.size(); }
Are there zero items in this JSON array?
Returns:true if zero, false otherwise
/** * Are there zero items in this JSON array? * * @return true if zero, false otherwise */
public boolean isEmpty() { return list.isEmpty(); }
Get the unerlying List
Returns: the underlying List
/** * Get the unerlying List * * @return the underlying List */
public List getList() { return list; }
Remove all entries from the JSON array
Returns: a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Remove all entries from the JSON array * * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public JsonArray clear() { list.clear(); return this; }
Get an Iterator over the values in the JSON array
Returns:an iterator
/** * Get an Iterator over the values in the JSON array * * @return an iterator */
@Override public Iterator<Object> iterator() { return new Iter(list.iterator()); }
Encode the JSON array to a string
Returns:the string encoding
/** * Encode the JSON array to a string * * @return the string encoding */
public String encode() { return Json.encode(list); }
Encode this JSON object as buffer.
Returns:the buffer encoding.
/** * Encode this JSON object as buffer. * * @return the buffer encoding. */
public Buffer toBuffer() { return Json.encodeToBuffer(list); }
Encode the JSON array prettily as a string
Returns:the string encoding
/** * Encode the JSON array prettily as a string * * @return the string encoding */
public String encodePrettily() { return Json.encodePrettily(list); }
Make a copy of the JSON array
Returns:a copy
/** * Make a copy of the JSON array * * @return a copy */
@Override public JsonArray copy() { List<Object> copiedList = new ArrayList<>(list.size()); for (Object val: list) { val = Json.checkAndCopy(val, true); copiedList.add(val); } return new JsonArray(copiedList); }
Get a Stream over the entries in the JSON array
Returns:a Stream
/** * Get a Stream over the entries in the JSON array * * @return a Stream */
public Stream<Object> stream() { return Json.asStream(iterator()); } @Override public String toString() { return encode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; return arrayEquals(list, o); } static boolean arrayEquals(List<?> l1, Object o2) { List<?> l2; if (o2 instanceof JsonArray) { l2 = ((JsonArray) o2).list; } else if (o2 instanceof List<?>) { l2 = (List<?>) o2; } else { return false; } if (l1.size() != l2.size()) return false; Iterator<?> iter = l2.iterator(); for (Object entry : l1) { Object other = iter.next(); if (entry == null) { if (other != null) { return false; } } else if (!JsonObject.equals(entry, other)) { return false; } } return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { return list.hashCode(); } @Override public void writeToBuffer(Buffer buffer) { String encoded = encode(); byte[] bytes = encoded.getBytes(); buffer.appendInt(bytes.length); buffer.appendBytes(bytes); } @Override public int readFromBuffer(int pos, Buffer buffer) { int length = buffer.getInt(pos); int start = pos + 4; String encoded = buffer.getString(start, start + length); fromJson(encoded); return pos + length + 4; } private void fromJson(String json) { list = Json.decodeValue(json, List.class); } private void fromBuffer(Buffer buf) { list = Json.decodeValue(buf, List.class); } private class Iter implements Iterator<Object> { final Iterator<Object> listIter; Iter(Iterator<Object> listIter) { this.listIter = listIter; } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return listIter.hasNext(); } @Override public Object next() { Object val = listIter.next(); if (val instanceof Map) { val = new JsonObject((Map)val); } else if (val instanceof List) { val = new JsonArray((List)val); } return val; } @Override public void remove() { listIter.remove(); } } }