package io.vertx.codegen;

 * Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * and Apache License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution.
 * The Eclipse Public License is available at
 * The Apache License v2.0 is available at
 * You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses.

import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.CacheReturn;
import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.Fluent;
import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.GenIgnore;
import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.VertxGen;
import io.vertx.codegen.doc.Doc;
import io.vertx.codegen.doc.Tag;
import io.vertx.codegen.doc.Text;
import io.vertx.codegen.doc.Token;
import io.vertx.codegen.type.*;

import javax.annotation.processing.Messager;
import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment;
import javax.lang.model.element.*;
import javax.lang.model.type.*;
import javax.lang.model.util.Elements;
import javax.lang.model.util.Types;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

A processed source.
Author:Tim Fox
/** * A processed source. * * @author <a href="">Tim Fox</a> */
public class ClassModel implements Model { public static final String VERTX_READ_STREAM = "io.vertx.core.streams.ReadStream"; public static final String VERTX_WRITE_STREAM = "io.vertx.core.streams.WriteStream"; public static final String VERTX_ASYNC_RESULT = "io.vertx.core.AsyncResult"; public static final String VERTX_HANDLER = "io.vertx.core.Handler"; public static final String JSON_OBJECT = "io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject"; public static final String JSON_ARRAY = "io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray"; public static final String VERTX = "io.vertx.core.Vertx"; public static final String ITERABLE = "java.lang.Iterable"; public static final String ITERATOR = "java.util.Iterator"; public static final String FUNCTION = "java.util.function.Function"; private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ClassModel.class.getName()); private static final ClassTypeInfo ASYNC_RESULT_TYPE = new ClassTypeInfo(ClassKind.ASYNC_RESULT, "io.vertx.core.AsyncResult", null, false, Arrays.asList(new TypeParamInfo.Class("io.vertx.core.AsyncResult", 0, "T")), null); private static final ClassTypeInfo HANDLER_TYPE = new ClassTypeInfo(ClassKind.HANDLER, "io.vertx.core.Handler", null, false, Arrays.asList(new TypeParamInfo.Class("io.vertx.core.Handler", 0, "T")), null); protected final ProcessingEnvironment env; protected final AnnotationValueInfoFactory annotationValueInfoFactory; protected final Messager messager; protected final TypeMirrorFactory typeFactory; protected final Doc.Factory docFactory; protected final TypeElement modelElt; protected final Elements elementUtils; protected final Types typeUtils; protected boolean processed = false; protected LinkedHashMap<ExecutableElement, MethodInfo> methods = new LinkedHashMap<>(); protected LinkedHashMap<ExecutableElement, MethodInfo> anyJavaTypeMethods = new LinkedHashMap<>(); protected Set<MethodInfo> futureMethods = new HashSet<>(); protected List<ConstantInfo> constants = new ArrayList<>(); protected Set<ClassTypeInfo> collectedTypes = new HashSet<>(); protected Set<ClassTypeInfo> importedTypes = new HashSet<>(); protected Set<ApiTypeInfo> referencedTypes = new HashSet<>(); protected Set<ClassTypeInfo> referencedDataObjectTypes = new HashSet<>(); protected Set<EnumTypeInfo> referencedEnumTypes = new HashSet<>(); protected boolean concrete; protected ClassTypeInfo type; protected String ifaceSimpleName; protected String ifaceFQCN; protected String ifacePackageName; protected String ifaceComment; protected Doc doc; protected List<TypeInfo> superTypes = new ArrayList<>(); protected TypeInfo concreteSuperType; private List<TypeInfo> superTypeArguments; protected List<TypeInfo> abstractSuperTypes = new ArrayList<>(); protected TypeInfo handlerArg; protected TypeInfo readStreamArg; protected TypeInfo writeStreamArg; protected TypeInfo iterableArg; protected TypeInfo iteratorArg; protected TypeInfo[] functionArgs; // The methods, grouped by name protected Map<String, List<MethodInfo>> methodMap; protected Map<String, List<AnnotationValueInfo>> methodAnnotationsMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); protected List<AnnotationValueInfo> annotations; protected boolean deprecated; protected Text deprecatedDesc; public ClassModel(ProcessingEnvironment env, TypeMirrorFactory typeFactory, TypeElement modelElt) { this.elementUtils = env.getElementUtils(); this.typeUtils = env.getTypeUtils(); this.env = env; this.typeFactory = typeFactory; this.docFactory = new Doc.Factory(env.getMessager(), elementUtils, typeUtils, typeFactory, modelElt); this.messager = env.getMessager(); this.modelElt = modelElt; this.annotationValueInfoFactory = new AnnotationValueInfoFactory(typeFactory); this.deprecated = modelElt.getAnnotation(Deprecated.class) != null; } @Override public String getKind() { return "class"; } @Override public String getFqn() { return type.getRaw().getName(); } public TypeElement getElement() { return modelElt; } public List<MethodInfo> getMethods() { return new ArrayList<>(methods.values()); } public List<MethodInfo> getAnyJavaTypeMethods() { return new ArrayList<>(anyJavaTypeMethods.values()); } public List<MethodInfo> getStaticMethods() { return methods.values().stream().filter(MethodInfo::isStaticMethod).collect(Collectors.toList()); } public List<MethodInfo> getInstanceMethods() { return methods.values().stream().filter(m -> !m.isStaticMethod()).collect(Collectors.toList()); } public List<ConstantInfo> getConstants() { return constants; } public boolean isConcrete() { return concrete; }
Returns:all classes that are not in the same package
/** * @return all classes that are not in the same package */
public Set<ClassTypeInfo> getImportedTypes() { return importedTypes; }
Returns:all the referenced api types
/** * @return all the referenced api types */
public Set<ApiTypeInfo> getReferencedTypes() { return referencedTypes; }
Returns:all the referenced data object types
/** * @return all the referenced data object types */
public Set<ClassTypeInfo> getReferencedDataObjectTypes() { return referencedDataObjectTypes; }
Returns:all the referenced enum types
/** * @return all the referenced enum types */
public Set<EnumTypeInfo> getReferencedEnumTypes() { return referencedEnumTypes; } public String getIfaceSimpleName() { return ifaceSimpleName; } public String getIfaceFQCN() { return ifaceFQCN; } public String getIfacePackageName() { return ifacePackageName; } public String getIfaceComment() { return ifaceComment; } public Doc getDoc() { return doc; } public ClassTypeInfo getType() { return type; } public ModuleInfo getModule() { return type.getRaw().getModule(); } public List<TypeInfo> getSuperTypes() { return superTypes; } public TypeInfo getConcreteSuperType() { return concreteSuperType; } public List<TypeInfo> getAbstractSuperTypes() { return abstractSuperTypes; } public Map<String, List<MethodInfo>> getMethodMap() { return methodMap; } public List<TypeParamInfo.Class> getTypeParams() { return type.getRaw().getParams(); } public List<TypeInfo> getSuperTypeArguments() { return superTypeArguments; }
Returns:all the annotations on this class
/** * @return all the annotations on this class */
public List<AnnotationValueInfo> getAnnotations() { return annotations; }
Returns:a map of the method's annotations for this class, by method name.
/** * @return a map of the method's annotations for this class, by method name. */
public Map<String, List<AnnotationValueInfo>> getMethodAnnotations() { return methodAnnotationsMap; } private void sortMethodMap(Map<String, List<MethodInfo>> map) { for (List<MethodInfo> list: map.values()) { list.sort(Comparator.comparingInt(meth -> meth.getParams().size())); } } private void determineApiTypes() { importedTypes = map(ClassTypeInfo::getRaw). flatMap(Helper.instanceOf(ClassTypeInfo.class)). filter(t -> !t.getPackageName().equals(ifaceFQCN)). collect(Collectors.toSet()); referencedTypes = map(ClassTypeInfo::getRaw). flatMap(Helper.instanceOf(ApiTypeInfo.class)). filter(t -> !t.equals(type.getRaw())). collect(Collectors.toSet()); referencedDataObjectTypes = map(ClassTypeInfo::getRaw). filter(TypeInfo::isDataObjectHolder). collect(Collectors.toSet()); referencedEnumTypes = map(ClassTypeInfo::getRaw). flatMap(Helper.instanceOf(EnumTypeInfo.class)). filter(t -> t.getKind() == ClassKind.ENUM). collect(Collectors.toSet()); } public boolean process() { if (!processed) { traverseType(modelElt); determineApiTypes(); processTypeAnnotations(); logNonFutures(); processed = true; return true; } else { return false; } } private void logNonFutures() { methods.values() .stream() .filter(m -> m.getOwnerTypes().size() == 1) .filter(m -> m.getKind() == MethodKind.FUTURE && !futureMethods.contains(m)) .forEach(meth -> { messager.printMessage(Diagnostic.Kind.NOTE, "Non future method " + type.getRaw().getName() + ": " + meth); }); } private void processTypeAnnotations() { annotations = elementUtils .getAllAnnotationMirrors(modelElt) .stream() .map(annotationValueInfoFactory::processAnnotation) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } private void traverseType(Element elem) { DeclaredType declaredType = (DeclaredType) elem.asType(); switch (elem.getKind()) { case ENUM: case CLASS: { throw new GenException(elem, "@VertxGen can only be used with interfaces or enums in " + declaredType.toString()); } case INTERFACE: { if (ifaceFQCN != null) { throw new GenException(elem, "Can only have one interface per file"); } type = typeFactory.create(declaredType).getRaw(); Helper.checkUnderModule(this, "@VertxGen"); ifaceFQCN = declaredType.toString(); ifaceSimpleName = elem.getSimpleName().toString(); ifacePackageName = elementUtils.getPackageOf(elem).getQualifiedName().toString(); ifaceComment = elementUtils.getDocComment(elem); doc = docFactory.createDoc(elem); if (doc != null) doc.getBlockTags().stream().filter(tag -> tag.getName().equals("deprecated")).findFirst().ifPresent(tag -> deprecatedDesc = new Text(Helper.normalizeWhitespaces(tag.getValue())).map(Token.tagMapper(elementUtils, typeUtils, modelElt)) ); deprecated = deprecated || deprecatedDesc != null; concrete = elem.getAnnotation(VertxGen.class) == null || elem.getAnnotation(VertxGen.class).concrete(); DeclaredType tm = declaredType; List<? extends TypeMirror> typeArgs = tm.getTypeArguments(); for (TypeMirror typeArg : typeArgs) { TypeVariable varTypeArg = (TypeVariable) typeArg; if (!isObjectBound(varTypeArg.getUpperBound())) { throw new GenException(elem, "Type variable bounds not supported " + varTypeArg.getUpperBound()); } } List<? extends TypeMirror> st = typeUtils.directSupertypes(tm); for (TypeMirror tmSuper: st) { if (!tmSuper.toString().equals(Object.class.getName())) { TypeInfo superTypeInfo; try { superTypeInfo = typeFactory.create(tmSuper); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new GenException(elem, e.getMessage()); } switch (superTypeInfo.getKind()) { case API: { try { ApiTypeInfo superType = (ApiTypeInfo) typeFactory.create(tmSuper).getRaw(); if (superType.isConcrete()) { if (concrete) { if (concreteSuperType != null) { throw new GenException(elem, "A concrete interface cannot extend more than one concrete interfaces"); } } else { throw new GenException(elem, "A abstract interface cannot extend a concrete interface"); } concreteSuperType = superTypeInfo; } else { abstractSuperTypes.add(superTypeInfo); } superTypes.add(superTypeInfo); } catch (Exception e) { throw new GenException(elem, e.getMessage()); } break; } } superTypeInfo.collectImports(collectedTypes); } } if (concreteSuperType != null && concreteSuperType.isParameterized()) { tm = (DeclaredType) modelElt.asType(); st = typeUtils.directSupertypes(tm); for (TypeMirror tmSuper: st) { if (tmSuper.getKind() == TypeKind.DECLARED) { DeclaredType abc = (DeclaredType) tmSuper; TypeElement tt = (TypeElement) abc.asElement(); if (tt.getQualifiedName().toString().equals(concreteSuperType.getRaw().getName())) { List<TypeInfo> list = new ArrayList<>(); int size = tt.getTypeParameters().size(); for (int i = 0; i< size;i++) { TypeMirror q = abc.getTypeArguments().get(i); TypeInfo ti = typeFactory.create(q); list.add(ti); } superTypeArguments = list; } } } } break; } } handlerArg = extractArg(VERTX_HANDLER, declaredType); readStreamArg = extractArg(VERTX_READ_STREAM, declaredType); writeStreamArg = extractArg(VERTX_WRITE_STREAM, declaredType); iterableArg = extractArg(ITERABLE, declaredType); iteratorArg = extractArg(ITERATOR, declaredType); functionArgs = extractArgs(FUNCTION, declaredType); // Traverse nested elements that are not methods (like nested interfaces) for (Element enclosedElt : elem.getEnclosedElements()) { if (!Helper.isGenIgnore(enclosedElt)) { switch (enclosedElt.getKind()) { case METHOD: case FIELD: // Allowed break; default: throw new GenException(elem, "@VertxGen can only declare methods and not " + declaredType.toString()); } } } if (elem.getKind() == ElementKind.INTERFACE) { TypeMirror objectType = elementUtils.getTypeElement("java.lang.Object").asType(); // Traverse fields elementUtils.getAllMembers((TypeElement) elem).stream(). filter(elt -> !typeUtils.isSameType(elt.getEnclosingElement().asType(), objectType)). flatMap(Helper.FILTER_FIELD). forEach(elt -> { GenIgnore genIgnore = elt.getAnnotation(GenIgnore.class); boolean allowAnyJavaType; if (genIgnore != null) { if (!Arrays.asList(genIgnore.value()).contains(GenIgnore.PERMITTED_TYPE)) { // Regular ignore return; } allowAnyJavaType = true; } else { allowAnyJavaType = false; } ConstantInfo cst = fieldMethod(elt, allowAnyJavaType); if (cst != null) { cst.getType().collectImports(collectedTypes); constants.add(cst); } }); // Traverse methods elementUtils.getAllMembers((TypeElement) elem).stream(). filter(elt -> !typeUtils.isSameType(elt.getEnclosingElement().asType(), objectType)). flatMap(Helper.FILTER_METHOD). forEach(elt -> { GenIgnore genIgnore = elt.getAnnotation(GenIgnore.class); boolean allowAnyJavaType; if (genIgnore != null) { if (!Arrays.asList(genIgnore.value()).contains(GenIgnore.PERMITTED_TYPE)) { // Regular ignore return; } allowAnyJavaType = true; } else { allowAnyJavaType = false; } MethodInfo meth = createMethod(elt, allowAnyJavaType); if (meth != null) { meth.collectImports(collectedTypes); if (allowAnyJavaType) { anyJavaTypeMethods.put(elt, meth); } else { methodAnnotationsMap.put(meth.getName(), elt.getAnnotationMirrors().stream().map(annotationValueInfoFactory::processAnnotation).collect(Collectors.toList())); methods.put(elt, meth); } } }); // Erase futures for (Map<ExecutableElement, MethodInfo> blah : Arrays.asList(methods, anyJavaTypeMethods)) { Iterator<MethodInfo> it = blah.values().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { MethodInfo methodInfo =; TypeInfo returnType = methodInfo.getReturnType(); if (returnType.isParameterized() && returnType.getRaw().getName().equals("io.vertx.core.Future")) { TypeInfo asyncType = ((ParameterizedTypeInfo)returnType).getArg(0); List<ParamInfo> p = new ArrayList<>(methodInfo.getParams()); p.add(new ParamInfo( p.size(), "handler", null, new ParameterizedTypeInfo( HANDLER_TYPE, false, Collections.singletonList(new ParameterizedTypeInfo(ASYNC_RESULT_TYPE, false, Collections.singletonList(asyncType)))))); Signature t = new Signature(methodInfo.getName(), p); Optional<MethodInfo> opt = blah .values() .stream() .filter(m -> m.getName().equals(methodInfo.getName())) .filter(m -> m.getSignature().equals(t)).findFirst(); if (opt.isPresent()) { futureMethods.add(opt.get()); it.remove(); } } } } // Validate return types Stream.concat(methods.entrySet().stream(), anyJavaTypeMethods.entrySet().stream()).forEach(entry -> { MethodInfo method = entry.getValue(); TypeInfo returnType = method.getReturnType(); // Valid return type // Only check the return type if not fluent, because generated code won't look it at anyway ExecutableElement methodElt = entry.getKey(); if (!method.isFluent()) { // Only validate when it's not inherited if (method.isOwnedBy(type)) { checkReturnType(methodElt, returnType, anyJavaTypeMethods.containsKey(methodElt)); } } else if (returnType.isNullable()) { throw new GenException(methodElt, "Fluent return type cannot be nullable"); } }); // Build method map methodMap = methods .values() .stream() .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(MethodInfo::getName)); sortMethodMap(methodMap); // Now check for overloaded methods for (List<MethodInfo> meths: methodMap.values()) { // Check return types are the same TypeInfo[] returnTypes = .filter(meth -> !meth.isContainingAnyJavaType()) .map(meth -> meth.getReturnType().getErased()) .distinct() .toArray(TypeInfo[]::new); if (returnTypes.length > 1) { throw new GenException(this.modelElt, "Overloaded method " + meths.get(0).getName() + " must have the same return type " + returnTypes[0] + " != " + returnTypes[1]); } // checkMethod hook validation meths.forEach(this::checkMethod); // Cannot be both static and non static MethodInfo first = meths.get(0); for (MethodInfo method : meths) { if (method.isStaticMethod() != first.isStaticMethod()) { throw new GenException(elem, "Overloaded method " + method.getName() + " cannot be both static and instance"); } } } } } // Service proxy override protected void checkParamType(ExecutableElement elem, TypeInfo typeInfo, int pos, int numParams, boolean allowAnyJavaType) { TypeValidator.validateParamType(elem, typeInfo, allowAnyJavaType); } // Service proxy override protected void checkReturnType(ExecutableElement elem, TypeInfo type, boolean allowAnyJavaType) { TypeValidator.validateReturnType(elem, type, allowAnyJavaType); } private TypeInfo extractArg(String subType, DeclaredType declaredType) { TypeInfo[] typeInfos = extractArgs(subType, declaredType); return typeInfos != null && typeInfos.length > 0 ? typeInfos[0] : null; } private TypeInfo[] extractArgs(String subType, DeclaredType declaredType) { TypeElement parameterizedElt = elementUtils.getTypeElement(subType); TypeMirror parameterizedType = parameterizedElt.asType(); TypeMirror rawType = typeUtils.erasure(parameterizedType); if (typeUtils.isSubtype(declaredType, rawType)) { List<? extends TypeParameterElement> typeParameters = parameterizedElt.getTypeParameters(); TypeInfo[] typeInfos = new TypeInfo[typeParameters.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < typeParameters.size(); i++) { TypeMirror resolved = Helper.resolveTypeParameter(typeUtils, declaredType, typeParameters.get(i)); if (resolved != null && resolved.getKind() == TypeKind.DECLARED) { DeclaredType dt = (DeclaredType) resolved; TypeElement a = (TypeElement) dt.asElement(); if (a.getQualifiedName().toString().equals(VERTX_ASYNC_RESULT)) { return null; } } typeInfos[i] = typeFactory.create(resolved); } return typeInfos; } return null; } private ConstantInfo fieldMethod(VariableElement modelField, boolean allowAnyJavaType) { Set<Modifier> mods = modelField.getModifiers(); if (!mods.contains(Modifier.PUBLIC)) { return null; } TypeInfo type = typeFactory.create(modelField.asType()); TypeValidator.validateConstantType(modelField, type, modelField.asType(),allowAnyJavaType); Doc doc = docFactory.createDoc(modelField); return new ConstantInfo(doc, modelField.getSimpleName().toString(), type); } private MethodInfo createMethod(ExecutableElement modelMethod, boolean allowAnyJavaType) { Set<Modifier> mods = modelMethod.getModifiers(); if (!mods.contains(Modifier.PUBLIC)) { return null; } TypeElement declaringElt = (TypeElement) modelMethod.getEnclosingElement(); TypeInfo declaringType = typeFactory.create(declaringElt.asType()); ExecutableType resolvedMethodType = (ExecutableType) typeUtils.asMemberOf((DeclaredType) modelElt.asType(), modelMethod); if (!declaringElt.equals(modelElt) && (declaringType.getKind() != ClassKind.API && declaringType.getKind() != ClassKind.HANDLER)) { return null; } // Filter methods inherited from abstract ancestors if (!declaringElt.equals(modelElt) && declaringType.getKind() == ClassKind.API) { ApiTypeInfo declaringApiType = (ApiTypeInfo) declaringType.getRaw(); if (declaringApiType.isConcrete()) { if (typeUtils.isSameType(resolvedMethodType, modelMethod.asType())) { return null; } } } ClassTypeInfo type = typeFactory.create(declaringElt.asType()).getRaw(); boolean isDefault = mods.contains(Modifier.DEFAULT); boolean isStatic = mods.contains(Modifier.STATIC); if (isStatic && !concrete) { throw new GenException(modelMethod, "Abstract interface cannot declare static methods"); } boolean isCacheReturn = modelMethod.getAnnotation(CacheReturn.class) != null; ArrayList<TypeParamInfo.Method> typeParams = new ArrayList<>(); for (TypeParameterElement typeParam : modelMethod.getTypeParameters()) { for (TypeMirror bound : typeParam.getBounds()) { if (!isObjectBound(bound)) { throw new GenException(modelMethod, "Type parameter bound not supported " + bound); } } typeParams.add((TypeParamInfo.Method) TypeParamInfo.create(typeParam)); } // List<ExecutableElement> modelMethods = new ArrayList<>(); modelMethods.add(modelMethod); // Owner types Set<ClassTypeInfo> ownerTypes = new HashSet<>(); ownerTypes.add(type); ArrayList<DeclaredType> ancestors = new ArrayList<>(Helper.resolveAncestorTypes(modelElt, true, true)); // Sort to have super types the last, etc.. // solve some problem with diamond inheritance order that can show up in type use Collections.sort(ancestors, (o1, o2) -> { if (typeUtils.isSubtype(o1, o2)) { return -1; } else if (typeUtils.isSubtype(o2, o1)) { return 1; } else { return ((TypeElement) o1.asElement()).getQualifiedName().toString().compareTo(((TypeElement) o2.asElement()).getQualifiedName().toString()); } }); // Check overrides and merge type use for (DeclaredType ancestorType : ancestors) { TypeElement ancestorElt = (TypeElement) ancestorType.asElement(); if (ancestorElt.getAnnotation(VertxGen.class) != null) { elementUtils.getAllMembers(ancestorElt). stream(). flatMap(Helper.FILTER_METHOD). filter(meth -> elementUtils.overrides(modelMethod, meth, modelElt)). forEach(overridenMethodElt -> { modelMethods.add(overridenMethodElt); ownerTypes.add(typeFactory.create((DeclaredType) ancestorElt.asType()).getRaw()); }); } } // Map<String, String> paramDescs = new HashMap<>(); String comment = elementUtils.getDocComment(modelMethod); Doc doc = docFactory.createDoc(modelMethod); Text returnDesc = null; Text methodDeprecatedDesc = null; if (doc != null) { doc. getBlockTags(). stream(). filter(tag -> tag.getName().equals("param")). map(Tag.Param::new). forEach(tag -> paramDescs.put(tag.getParamName(), tag.getParamDescription())); Optional<Tag> returnTag = doc. getBlockTags(). stream(). filter(tag -> tag.getName().equals("return")). findFirst(); if (returnTag.isPresent()) { returnDesc = new Text(Helper.normalizeWhitespaces(returnTag.get().getValue())).map(Token.tagMapper(elementUtils, typeUtils, modelElt)); } Optional<Tag> methodDeprecatedTag = doc. getBlockTags(). stream(). filter(tag -> tag.getName().equals("deprecated")). findFirst(); if (methodDeprecatedTag.isPresent()) { methodDeprecatedDesc = new Text(Helper.normalizeWhitespaces(methodDeprecatedTag.get().getValue())).map(Token.tagMapper(elementUtils, typeUtils, modelElt)); } } // List<ParamInfo> mParams = new ArrayList<>(); ExecutableType methodType = (ExecutableType) modelMethod.asType(); List<? extends VariableElement> params = modelMethod.getParameters(); for (int i = 0; i < params.size();i++) { VariableElement param = params.get(i); TypeMirror typeMirror = resolvedMethodType.getParameterTypes().get(i); TypeInfo typeInfo; TypeUse typeUse = TypeUse.createParamTypeUse(env, modelMethods.<ExecutableElement>toArray(new ExecutableElement[0]), i); try { typeInfo = typeFactory.create(typeUse, typeMirror); } catch (Exception e) { GenException ex = new GenException(param, e.getMessage()); ex.setStackTrace(e.getStackTrace()); throw ex; } String name = param.getSimpleName().toString(); String desc = paramDescs.get(name); Text text = desc != null ? new Text(desc).map(Token.tagMapper(elementUtils, typeUtils, modelElt)) : null; TypeInfo unresolvedTypeInfo; try { unresolvedTypeInfo = typeFactory.create(typeUse, methodType.getParameterTypes().get(i)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new GenException(param, e.getMessage()); } ParamInfo mParam = new ParamInfo(i, name, text, typeInfo, unresolvedTypeInfo); mParams.add(mParam); } // AnnotationMirror fluentAnnotation = Helper.resolveMethodAnnotation(Fluent.class, elementUtils, typeUtils, declaringElt, modelMethod); boolean isFluent = fluentAnnotation != null; if (isFluent) { isFluent = true; if (!typeUtils.isSameType(declaringElt.asType(), modelElt.asType())) { String msg = "Interface " + modelElt + " does not redeclare the @Fluent return type " + " of method " + modelMethod + " declared by " + declaringElt; messager.printMessage(Diagnostic.Kind.WARNING, msg, modelElt, fluentAnnotation); logger.warning(msg); } else { TypeMirror fluentType = modelMethod.getReturnType(); if (!typeUtils.isAssignable(fluentType, modelElt.asType())) { throw new GenException(modelMethod, "Methods marked with @Fluent must have a return type that extends the type"); } } } // TypeUse returnTypeUse = TypeUse.createReturnTypeUse(env, modelMethods.toArray(new ExecutableElement[modelMethods.size()])); TypeInfo returnType; try { returnType = typeFactory.create(returnTypeUse, resolvedMethodType.getReturnType()); } catch (Exception e) { GenException genEx = new GenException(modelMethod, e.getMessage()); genEx.initCause(e); throw genEx; } returnType.collectImports(collectedTypes); if (isCacheReturn && returnType.isVoid()) { throw new GenException(modelMethod, "void method can't be marked with @CacheReturn"); } boolean methodDeprecated = modelMethod.getAnnotation(Deprecated.class) != null || deprecatedDesc != null; String methodName = modelMethod.getSimpleName().toString(); MethodInfo methodInfo = createMethodInfo( ownerTypes, methodName, comment, doc, returnType, returnDesc, isFluent, isCacheReturn, mParams, modelMethod, isStatic, isDefault, typeParams, declaringElt, methodDeprecated, methodDeprecatedDesc); // Check we don't hide another method, we don't check overrides but we are more // interested by situations like diamond inheritance of the same method, in this case // we see two methods with the same signature that don't override each other for (Map.Entry<ExecutableElement, MethodInfo> otherMethod : methods.entrySet()) { if (otherMethod.getValue().getName().equals(modelMethod.getSimpleName().toString())) { ExecutableType t1 = (ExecutableType) otherMethod.getKey().asType(); ExecutableType t2 = (ExecutableType) modelMethod.asType(); if (typeUtils.isSubsignature(t1, t2) && typeUtils.isSubsignature(t2, t1)) { otherMethod.getValue().getOwnerTypes().addAll(methodInfo.getOwnerTypes()); return null; } } } // Valid param types if (ownerTypes.size() == 1) { // Only validate when it's not inherited List<ParamInfo> p = methodInfo.getParams(); for (int i = 0;i < p.size();i++) { checkParamType(modelMethod, p.get(i).getType(), i, p.size(), allowAnyJavaType); } } return methodInfo; } // This is a hook to allow a specific type of method to be created protected MethodInfo createMethodInfo(Set<ClassTypeInfo> ownerTypes, String methodName, String comment, Doc doc, TypeInfo returnType, Text returnDescription, boolean isFluent, boolean isCacheReturn, List<ParamInfo> mParams, ExecutableElement methodElt, boolean isStatic, boolean isDefault, ArrayList<TypeParamInfo.Method> typeParams, TypeElement declaringElt, boolean methodDeprecated, Text methodDeprecatedDesc) { return new MethodInfo(ownerTypes, methodName, returnType, returnDescription, isFluent, isCacheReturn, mParams, comment, doc, isStatic, isDefault, typeParams, methodDeprecated, methodDeprecatedDesc); } // This is a hook to allow different model implementations to check methods in different ways protected void checkMethod(MethodInfo methodInfo) { } private boolean isObjectBound(TypeMirror bound) { return bound.getKind() == TypeKind.DECLARED && bound.toString().equals(Object.class.getName()); }
Returns:true if the class has a @Deprecated annotation
/** * @return {@code true} if the class has a {@code @Deprecated} annotation */
public boolean isDeprecated() { return deprecated; }
Returns:the description of deprecated
/** * @return the description of deprecated */
public Text getDeprecatedDesc() { return deprecatedDesc; } @Override public Map<String, Object> getVars() { Map<String, Object> vars = Model.super.getVars(); vars.put("importedTypes", getImportedTypes()); vars.put("concrete", isConcrete()); vars.put("type", getType()); vars.put("ifacePackageName", getIfacePackageName()); vars.put("ifaceSimpleName", getIfaceSimpleName()); vars.put("ifaceFQCN", getIfaceFQCN()); vars.put("ifaceComment", getIfaceComment()); vars.put("doc", doc); vars.put("methods", getMethods()); vars.put("constants", getConstants()); vars.put("referencedTypes", getReferencedTypes()); vars.put("superTypes", getSuperTypes()); vars.put("concreteSuperType", getConcreteSuperType()); vars.put("abstractSuperTypes", getAbstractSuperTypes()); vars.put("handlerType", getHandlerArg()); vars.put("methodsByName", getMethodMap()); vars.put("classAnnotations", getAnnotations()); vars.put("annotationsByMethodName", getMethodAnnotations()); vars.put("referencedDataObjectTypes", getReferencedDataObjectTypes()); vars.put("referencedEnumTypes", getReferencedEnumTypes()); vars.put("typeParams", getTypeParams()); vars.put("instanceMethods", getInstanceMethods()); vars.put("staticMethods", getStaticMethods()); vars.put("deprecated", isDeprecated()); vars.put("deprecatedDesc", getDeprecatedDesc()); return vars; } public boolean isHandler() { return handlerArg != null; } public TypeInfo getHandlerArg() { return handlerArg; } public boolean isReadStream() { return readStreamArg != null; } public TypeInfo getReadStreamArg() { return readStreamArg; } public boolean isWriteStream() { return writeStreamArg != null; } public TypeInfo getWriteStreamArg() { return writeStreamArg; } public boolean isIterable() { return iterableArg != null; } public TypeInfo getIterableArg() { return iterableArg; } public boolean isIterator() { return iteratorArg != null; } public TypeInfo getIteratorArg() { return iteratorArg; } public boolean isFunction() { return functionArgs != null; } public TypeInfo[] getFunctionArgs() { return functionArgs; } }