 * Copyright (c) 2011-2016 The original author or authors
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * and Apache License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution.
 *      The Eclipse Public License is available at
 *      http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
 *      The Apache License v2.0 is available at
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package io.vertx.circuitbreaker.impl;

import io.vertx.circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker;
import io.vertx.circuitbreaker.CircuitBreakerOptions;
import io.vertx.circuitbreaker.CircuitBreakerState;
import io.vertx.circuitbreaker.OpenCircuitException;
import io.vertx.circuitbreaker.TimeoutException;
import io.vertx.core.Context;
import io.vertx.core.Future;
import io.vertx.core.Handler;
import io.vertx.core.Promise;
import io.vertx.core.Vertx;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.function.Function;

Author:Clement Escoffier
/** * @author <a href="http://escoffier.me">Clement Escoffier</a> */
public class CircuitBreakerImpl implements CircuitBreaker { private static final Handler<Void> NOOP = (v) -> { // Nothing... }; private final Vertx vertx; private final CircuitBreakerOptions options; private final String name; private final long periodicUpdateTask; private Handler<Void> openHandler = NOOP; private Handler<Void> halfOpenHandler = NOOP; private Handler<Void> closeHandler = NOOP; private Function fallback = null; private CircuitBreakerState state = CircuitBreakerState.CLOSED; private RollingCounter rollingFailures; private final AtomicInteger passed = new AtomicInteger(); private CircuitBreakerMetrics metrics; private Function<Integer, Long> retryPolicy = retry -> 0L; public CircuitBreakerImpl(String name, Vertx vertx, CircuitBreakerOptions options) { Objects.requireNonNull(name); Objects.requireNonNull(vertx); this.vertx = vertx; this.name = name; if (options == null) { this.options = new CircuitBreakerOptions(); } else { this.options = new CircuitBreakerOptions(options); } this.metrics = new CircuitBreakerMetrics(vertx, this, options); this.rollingFailures = new RollingCounter(options.getFailuresRollingWindow() / 1000, TimeUnit.SECONDS); sendUpdateOnEventBus(); if (this.options.getNotificationPeriod() > 0) { this.periodicUpdateTask = vertx.setPeriodic(this.options.getNotificationPeriod(), l -> sendUpdateOnEventBus()); } else { this.periodicUpdateTask = -1; } } @Override public CircuitBreaker close() { if (this.periodicUpdateTask != -1) { vertx.cancelTimer(this.periodicUpdateTask); } metrics.close(); return this; } @Override public synchronized CircuitBreaker openHandler(Handler<Void> handler) { Objects.requireNonNull(handler); openHandler = handler; return this; } @Override public synchronized CircuitBreaker halfOpenHandler(Handler<Void> handler) { Objects.requireNonNull(handler); halfOpenHandler = handler; return this; } @Override public synchronized CircuitBreaker closeHandler(Handler<Void> handler) { Objects.requireNonNull(handler); closeHandler = handler; return this; } @Override public <T> CircuitBreaker fallback(Function<Throwable, T> handler) { Objects.requireNonNull(handler); fallback = handler; return this; }
A version of reset that can force the the state to `close` even if the circuit breaker is open. This is an internal API.
  • force – whether or not we force the state and allow an illegal transition
Returns:the current circuit breaker.
/** * A version of reset that can force the the state to `close` even if the circuit breaker is open. This is an * internal API. * * @param force whether or not we force the state and allow an illegal transition * @return the current circuit breaker. */
public synchronized CircuitBreaker reset(boolean force) { rollingFailures.reset(); if (state == CircuitBreakerState.CLOSED) { // Do nothing else. return this; } if (!force && state == CircuitBreakerState.OPEN) { // Resetting the circuit breaker while we are in the open state is an illegal transition return this; } state = CircuitBreakerState.CLOSED; closeHandler.handle(null); sendUpdateOnEventBus(); return this; } @Override public synchronized CircuitBreaker reset() { return reset(false); } private synchronized void sendUpdateOnEventBus() { String address = options.getNotificationAddress(); if (address != null) { vertx.eventBus().publish(address, metrics.toJson()); } } @Override public synchronized CircuitBreaker open() { state = CircuitBreakerState.OPEN; openHandler.handle(null); sendUpdateOnEventBus(); // Set up the attempt reset timer long period = options.getResetTimeout(); if (period != -1) { vertx.setTimer(period, l -> attemptReset()); } return this; } @Override public synchronized long failureCount() { return rollingFailures.count(); } @Override public synchronized CircuitBreakerState state() { return state; } private synchronized CircuitBreaker attemptReset() { if (state == CircuitBreakerState.OPEN) { passed.set(0); state = CircuitBreakerState.HALF_OPEN; halfOpenHandler.handle(null); sendUpdateOnEventBus(); } return this; } @Override public <T> CircuitBreaker executeAndReportWithFallback( Promise<T> userFuture, Handler<Promise<T>> command, Function<Throwable, T> fallback) { Context context = vertx.getOrCreateContext(); CircuitBreakerState currentState; synchronized (this) { currentState = state; } CircuitBreakerMetrics.Operation call = metrics.enqueue(); // this future object tracks the completion of the operation // This future is marked as failed on operation failures and timeout. Promise<T> operationResult = Promise.promise(); if (currentState == CircuitBreakerState.CLOSED) { operationResult.future().onComplete(event -> { context.runOnContext(v -> { if (event.failed()) { incrementFailures(); call.failed(); if (options.isFallbackOnFailure()) { invokeFallback(event.cause(), userFuture, fallback, call); } else { userFuture.fail(event.cause()); } } else { call.complete(); reset(); userFuture.complete(event.result()); } // Else the operation has been canceled because of a time out. }); }); if (options.getMaxRetries() > 0) { executeOperation(context, command, retryFuture(context, 0, command, operationResult, call), call); } else { executeOperation(context, command, operationResult, call); } } else if (currentState == CircuitBreakerState.OPEN) { // Fallback immediately call.shortCircuited(); invokeFallback(OpenCircuitException.INSTANCE, userFuture, fallback, call); } else if (currentState == CircuitBreakerState.HALF_OPEN) { if (passed.incrementAndGet() == 1) { operationResult.future().onComplete(event -> { context.runOnContext(v -> { if (event.failed()) { open(); call.failed(); if (options.isFallbackOnFailure()) { invokeFallback(event.cause(), userFuture, fallback, call); } else { userFuture.fail(event.cause()); } } else { call.complete(); reset(); userFuture.complete(event.result()); } }); }); // Execute the operation executeOperation(context, command, operationResult, call); } else { // Not selected, fallback. call.shortCircuited(); invokeFallback(OpenCircuitException.INSTANCE, userFuture, fallback, call); } } return this; } private <T> Promise<T> retryFuture(Context context, int retryCount, Handler<Promise<T>> command, Promise<T> operationResult, CircuitBreakerMetrics.Operation call) { Promise<T> retry = Promise.promise(); retry.future().onComplete(event -> { if (event.succeeded()) { reset(); context.runOnContext(v -> { operationResult.complete(event.result()); }); return; } CircuitBreakerState currentState; synchronized (this) { currentState = state; } if (currentState == CircuitBreakerState.CLOSED) { if (retryCount < options.getMaxRetries() - 1) { executeRetryWithTimeout(retryCount, l -> { context.runOnContext(v -> { // Don't report timeout or error in the retry attempt, only the last one. executeOperation(context, command, retryFuture(context, retryCount + 1, command, operationResult, null), call); }); }); } else { executeRetryWithTimeout(retryCount, (l) -> { context.runOnContext(v -> { executeOperation(context, command, operationResult, call); }); }); } } else { context.runOnContext(v -> operationResult.fail(OpenCircuitException.INSTANCE)); } }); return retry; } private void executeRetryWithTimeout(int retryCount, Handler<Void> action) { long retryTimeout = retryPolicy.apply(retryCount + 1); if (retryTimeout > 0) { vertx.setTimer(retryTimeout, (l) -> { action.handle(null); }); } else { action.handle(null); } } private <T> void invokeFallback(Throwable reason, Promise<T> userFuture, Function<Throwable, T> fallback, CircuitBreakerMetrics.Operation operation) { if (fallback == null) { // No fallback, mark the user future as failed. userFuture.fail(reason); return; } try { T apply = fallback.apply(reason); operation.fallbackSucceed(); userFuture.complete(apply); } catch (Exception e) { userFuture.fail(e); operation.fallbackFailed(); } } private <T> void executeOperation(Context context, Handler<Promise<T>> operation, Promise<T> operationResult, CircuitBreakerMetrics.Operation call) { // Execute the operation if (options.getTimeout() != -1) { vertx.setTimer(options.getTimeout(), (l) -> { context.runOnContext(v -> { // Check if the operation has not already been completed if (!operationResult.future().isComplete()) { if (call != null) { call.timeout(); } operationResult.fail(TimeoutException.INSTANCE); } // Else Operation has completed }); }); } try { // We use an intermediate future to avoid the passed future to complete or fail after a timeout. Promise<T> passedFuture = Promise.promise(); passedFuture.future().onComplete(ar -> { context.runOnContext(v -> { if (ar.failed()) { if (!operationResult.future().isComplete()) { operationResult.fail(ar.cause()); } } else { if (!operationResult.future().isComplete()) { operationResult.complete(ar.result()); } } }); }); operation.handle(passedFuture); } catch (Throwable e) { context.runOnContext(v -> { if (!operationResult.future().isComplete()) { if (call != null) { call.error(); } operationResult.fail(e); } }); } } @Override public <T> Future<T> executeWithFallback(Handler<Promise<T>> operation, Function<Throwable, T> fallback) { Promise<T> future = Promise.promise(); executeAndReportWithFallback(future, operation, fallback); return future.future(); } public <T> Future<T> execute(Handler<Promise<T>> operation) { return executeWithFallback(operation, fallback); } @Override public <T> CircuitBreaker executeAndReport(Promise<T> resultFuture, Handler<Promise<T>> operation) { return executeAndReportWithFallback(resultFuture, operation, fallback); } @Override public String name() { return name; } private synchronized void incrementFailures() { rollingFailures.increment(); if (rollingFailures.count() >= options.getMaxFailures()) { if (state != CircuitBreakerState.OPEN) { open(); } else { // No need to do it in the previous case, open() do it. // If open has been called, no need to send update, it will be done by the `open` method. sendUpdateOnEventBus(); } } else { // Number of failure has changed, send update. sendUpdateOnEventBus(); } }
For testing purpose only.
Returns:retrieve the metrics.
/** * For testing purpose only. * * @return retrieve the metrics. */
public CircuitBreakerMetrics getMetrics() { return metrics; } public CircuitBreakerOptions options() { return options; } @Override public CircuitBreaker retryPolicy(Function<Integer, Long> retryPolicy) { this.retryPolicy = retryPolicy; return this; } public static class RollingCounter { private Map<Long, Long> window; private long timeUnitsInWindow; private TimeUnit windowTimeUnit; public RollingCounter(long timeUnitsInWindow, TimeUnit windowTimeUnit) { this.windowTimeUnit = windowTimeUnit; this.window = new LinkedHashMap<>((int) timeUnitsInWindow + 1); this.timeUnitsInWindow = timeUnitsInWindow; } public void increment() { long timeSlot = windowTimeUnit.convert(System.currentTimeMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); Long current = window.getOrDefault(timeSlot, 0L); window.put(timeSlot, ++current); if (window.size() > timeUnitsInWindow) { Iterator<Long> iterator = window.keySet().iterator(); if (iterator.hasNext()) { window.remove(iterator.next()); } } } public long count() { long windowStartTime = windowTimeUnit.convert(System.currentTimeMillis() - windowTimeUnit.toMillis(timeUnitsInWindow), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); return window.entrySet().stream().filter(entry -> entry.getKey() >= windowStartTime).mapToLong(entry -> entry.getValue()).sum(); } public void reset() { window.clear(); } } }