 * Copyright 2017-2020 original authors
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package io.micronaut.web.router;

import io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata;
import io.micronaut.core.order.OrderUtil;
import io.micronaut.core.reflect.ClassUtils;
import io.micronaut.core.util.CollectionUtils;
import io.micronaut.core.util.PathMatcher;
import io.micronaut.http.*;
import io.micronaut.http.annotation.Filter;
import io.micronaut.http.annotation.FilterMatcher;
import io.micronaut.http.filter.HttpFilter;
import io.micronaut.http.filter.HttpServerFilterResolver;
import io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchTemplate;
import io.micronaut.web.router.exceptions.RoutingException;

import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.NonNull;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.Nullable;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Singleton;
import java.net.URI;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;

The default Router implementation. This implementation does not perform any additional caching of route discovery.

Author:Graeme Rocher
/** * <p>The default {@link Router} implementation. This implementation does not perform any additional caching of * route discovery.</p> * * @author Graeme Rocher * @since 1.0 */
@Singleton public class DefaultRouter implements Router, HttpServerFilterResolver<RouteMatch<?>> { private final Map<String, List<UriRoute>> routesByMethod = new HashMap<>(); private final List<StatusRoute> statusRoutes = new ArrayList<>(); private final Collection<FilterRoute> filterRoutes = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<ErrorRoute> errorRoutes = new ArrayList<>(); private final Set<Integer> exposedPorts;
Construct a new router for the given route builders.
  • builders – The builders
/** * Construct a new router for the given route builders. * * @param builders The builders */
@Inject public DefaultRouter(Collection<RouteBuilder> builders) { Set<Integer> exposedPorts = new HashSet<>(5); for (RouteBuilder builder : builders) { List<UriRoute> constructedRoutes = builder.getUriRoutes(); for (UriRoute route : constructedRoutes) { String key = route.getHttpMethodName(); routesByMethod.computeIfAbsent(key, x -> new ArrayList<>()).add(route); } for (StatusRoute statusRoute : builder.getStatusRoutes()) { if (statusRoutes.contains(statusRoute)) { final StatusRoute existing = statusRoutes.stream().filter(r -> r.equals(statusRoute)).findFirst().orElse(null); throw new RoutingException("Attempted to register multiple local routes for http status [" + statusRoute.status() + "]. New route: " + statusRoute + ". Existing: " + existing); } this.statusRoutes.add(statusRoute); } for (ErrorRoute errorRoute : builder.getErrorRoutes()) { if (errorRoutes.contains(errorRoute)) { final ErrorRoute existing = errorRoutes.stream().filter(r -> r.equals(errorRoute)).findFirst().orElse(null); throw new RoutingException("Attempted to register multiple local routes for error [" + errorRoute.exceptionType().getSimpleName() + "]. New route: " + errorRoute + ". Existing: " + existing); } this.errorRoutes.add(errorRoute); } this.filterRoutes.addAll(builder.getFilterRoutes()); exposedPorts.addAll(builder.getExposedPorts()); } if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(exposedPorts)) { this.exposedPorts = exposedPorts; } else { this.exposedPorts = Collections.emptySet(); } routesByMethod.values().forEach(this::finalizeRoutes); }
Construct a new router for the given route builders.
  • builders – The builders
/** * Construct a new router for the given route builders. * * @param builders The builders */
public DefaultRouter(RouteBuilder... builders) { this(Arrays.asList(builders)); } @Override public Set<Integer> getExposedPorts() { return exposedPorts; } @Override public void applyDefaultPorts(List<Integer> ports) { Predicate<HttpRequest<?>> portMatches = (httpRequest -> ports.contains(httpRequest.getServerAddress().getPort())); routesByMethod.values().forEach(routes -> { for (int i = 0; i < routes.size(); i++) { UriRoute route = routes.get(i); if (route.getPort() == null) { routes.set(i, route.where(portMatches)); } } }); } @NonNull @Override public <T, R> Stream<UriRouteMatch<T, R>> find(@NonNull HttpRequest<?> request, @NonNull CharSequence uri) { return this.<T, R>find(request.getMethodName(), uri).stream(); } @NonNull @Override public <T, R> Stream<UriRouteMatch<T, R>> find(@NonNull HttpRequest<?> request) { boolean permitsBody = HttpMethod.permitsRequestBody(request.getMethod()); return this.<T, R>find(request, request.getPath()) .filter(match -> match.test(request) && (!permitsBody || match.doesConsume(request.getContentType().orElse(null)))); } @NonNull @Override public <T, R> Stream<UriRouteMatch<T, R>> find(@NonNull HttpMethod httpMethod, @NonNull CharSequence uri, @Nullable HttpRequest<?> context) { return this.<T, R>find(httpMethod.name(), uri).stream(); } @NonNull @Override public Stream<UriRoute> uriRoutes() { return routesByMethod.values().stream().flatMap(List::stream); } @NonNull @Override public <T, R> List<UriRouteMatch<T, R>> findAllClosest(@NonNull HttpRequest<?> request) { final HttpMethod httpMethod = request.getMethod(); final MediaType contentType = request.getContentType().orElse(null); boolean permitsBody = HttpMethod.permitsRequestBody(httpMethod); final Collection<MediaType> acceptedProducedTypes = request.accept(); List<UriRouteMatch<T, R>> uriRoutes = this.find(request.getMethodName(), request.getPath()); uriRoutes.removeIf(routeMatch -> !(routeMatch.test(request) && (!permitsBody || routeMatch.doesConsume(contentType)) && routeMatch.doesProduce(acceptedProducedTypes)) ); int routeCount = uriRoutes.size(); if (routeCount <= 1) { return uriRoutes; } if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(acceptedProducedTypes)) { // take the highest priority accepted type final MediaType mediaType = acceptedProducedTypes.iterator().next(); List<UriRouteMatch<T, R>> mostSpecific = uriRoutes.stream() .filter(routeMatch -> routeMatch.doesProduce(mediaType)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (!mostSpecific.isEmpty() || !acceptedProducedTypes.contains(MediaType.ALL_TYPE)) { uriRoutes = mostSpecific; } } routeCount = uriRoutes.size(); if (routeCount > 1 && permitsBody) { List<UriRouteMatch<T, R>> explicitlyConsumedRoutes = new ArrayList<>(routeCount); List<UriRouteMatch<T, R>> consumesRoutes = new ArrayList<>(routeCount); for (UriRouteMatch<T, R> match: uriRoutes) { if (match.explicitlyConsumes(contentType != null ? contentType : MediaType.ALL_TYPE)) { explicitlyConsumedRoutes.add(match); } if (explicitlyConsumedRoutes.isEmpty() && match.doesConsume(contentType)) { consumesRoutes.add(match); } } uriRoutes = explicitlyConsumedRoutes.isEmpty() ? consumesRoutes : explicitlyConsumedRoutes; } /* * Any changes to the logic below may also need changes to {@link io.micronaut.http.uri.UriTemplate#compareTo(UriTemplate)} */ routeCount = uriRoutes.size(); if (routeCount > 1) { long variableCount = 0; long rawLength = 0; List<UriRouteMatch<T, R>> closestMatches = new ArrayList<>(routeCount); for (int i = 0; i < routeCount; i++) { UriRouteMatch<T, R> match = uriRoutes.get(i); UriMatchTemplate template = match.getRoute().getUriMatchTemplate(); long variable = template.getPathVariableSegmentCount(); long raw = template.getRawSegmentLength(); if (i == 0) { variableCount = variable; rawLength = raw; } if (variable > variableCount || raw < rawLength) { break; } closestMatches.add(match); } uriRoutes = closestMatches; } return uriRoutes; } @NonNull @Override public <T, R> Optional<UriRouteMatch<T, R>> route(@NonNull HttpMethod httpMethod, @NonNull CharSequence uri) { List<UriRoute> routes = routesByMethod.getOrDefault(httpMethod.name(), Collections.emptyList()); Optional<UriRouteMatch> result = routes.stream() .map((route -> route.match(uri.toString()))) .filter(Optional::isPresent) .map(Optional::get) .findFirst(); UriRouteMatch match = result.orElse(null); return Optional.ofNullable(match); } @Override public <R> Optional<RouteMatch<R>> route(@NonNull HttpStatus status) { for (StatusRoute statusRoute : statusRoutes) { if (statusRoute.originatingType() == null) { Optional<RouteMatch<R>> match = statusRoute.match(status); if (match.isPresent()) { return match; } } } return Optional.empty(); } @Override public <R> Optional<RouteMatch<R>> route(@NonNull Class originatingClass, @NonNull HttpStatus status) { for (StatusRoute statusRoute : statusRoutes) { Optional<RouteMatch<R>> match = statusRoute.match(originatingClass, status); if (match.isPresent()) { return match; } } return Optional.empty(); } @Override public <R> Optional<RouteMatch<R>> route(@NonNull Class originatingClass, @NonNull Throwable error) { Map<ErrorRoute, RouteMatch<R>> matchedRoutes = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (ErrorRoute errorRoute : errorRoutes) { Optional<RouteMatch<R>> match = errorRoute.match(originatingClass, error); match.ifPresent(m -> matchedRoutes.put(errorRoute, m) ); } return findRouteMatch(matchedRoutes, error); } @Override public <R> Optional<RouteMatch<R>> findErrorRoute( @NonNull Class<?> originatingClass, @NonNull Throwable error, HttpRequest<?> request) { return findErrorRouteInternal(originatingClass, error, request); } private <R> Optional<RouteMatch<R>> findErrorRouteInternal( @Nullable Class<?> originatingClass, @NonNull Throwable error, HttpRequest<?> request) { Collection<MediaType> accept = request.accept(); final boolean hasAcceptHeader = CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(accept); if (hasAcceptHeader) { Map<ErrorRoute, RouteMatch<R>> matchedRoutes = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (ErrorRoute errorRoute : errorRoutes) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final RouteMatch<R> match = (RouteMatch<R>) errorRoute .match(originatingClass, error).orElse(null); if (match != null && match.doesProduce(accept)) { matchedRoutes.put(errorRoute, match); } } return findRouteMatch(matchedRoutes, error); } else { Map<ErrorRoute, RouteMatch<R>> producesAllMatchedRoutes = new LinkedHashMap<>(); Map<ErrorRoute, RouteMatch<R>> producesSpecificMatchedRoutes = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (ErrorRoute errorRoute : errorRoutes) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final RouteMatch<R> match = (RouteMatch<R>) errorRoute .match(originatingClass, error).orElse(null); if (match != null) { final List<MediaType> produces = match.getProduces(); if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(produces) || produces.contains(MediaType.ALL_TYPE)) { producesAllMatchedRoutes.put(errorRoute, match); } else { producesSpecificMatchedRoutes.put(errorRoute, match); } } } if (producesAllMatchedRoutes.isEmpty()) { return findRouteMatch(producesSpecificMatchedRoutes, error); } return findRouteMatch(producesAllMatchedRoutes, error); } } @Override public <R> Optional<RouteMatch<R>> findErrorRoute(@NonNull Throwable error, HttpRequest<?> request) { return findErrorRouteInternal(null, error, request); } @Override public <R> Optional<RouteMatch<R>> findStatusRoute( @NonNull Class<?> originatingClass, @NonNull HttpStatus status, HttpRequest<?> request) { return findStatusInternal(originatingClass, status, request); } @Override public <R> Optional<RouteMatch<R>> findStatusRoute(@NonNull HttpStatus status, HttpRequest<?> request) { return findStatusInternal(null, status, request); } private <R> Optional<RouteMatch<R>> findStatusInternal(@Nullable Class<?> originatingClass, @NonNull HttpStatus status, HttpRequest<?> request) { Collection<MediaType> accept = request.accept(); final boolean hasAcceptHeader = CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(accept); if (hasAcceptHeader) { for (StatusRoute statusRoute : statusRoutes) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final RouteMatch<R> match = (RouteMatch<R>) statusRoute .match(originatingClass, status).orElse(null); if (match != null && match.doesProduce(accept)) { return Optional.of(match); } } } else { RouteMatch<R> firstMatch = null; for (StatusRoute errorRoute : statusRoutes) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final RouteMatch<R> match = (RouteMatch<R>) errorRoute .match(originatingClass, status).orElse(null); if (match != null) { final List<MediaType> produces = match.getProduces(); if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(produces) || produces.contains(MediaType.ALL_TYPE)) { return Optional.of(match); } else if (firstMatch == null) { firstMatch = match; } } } return Optional.ofNullable(firstMatch); } return Optional.empty(); } @Override public <R> Optional<RouteMatch<R>> route(@NonNull Throwable error) { Map<ErrorRoute, RouteMatch<R>> matchedRoutes = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (ErrorRoute errorRoute : errorRoutes) { if (errorRoute.originatingType() == null) { Optional<RouteMatch<R>> match = errorRoute.match(error); match.ifPresent(m -> matchedRoutes.put(errorRoute, m)); } } return findRouteMatch(matchedRoutes, error); } @NonNull @Override public List<HttpFilter> findFilters(@NonNull HttpRequest<?> request) { if (!filterRoutes.isEmpty()) { Object o = request.getAttribute(HttpAttributes.ROUTE_MATCH).orElse(null); if (o instanceof RouteMatch) { RouteMatch<?> routeMatch = (RouteMatch<?>) o; return resolveFilters(request, filterRouteStream(routeMatch)); } else { List<HttpFilter> httpFilters = new ArrayList<>(filterRoutes.size()); HttpMethod method = request.getMethod(); URI uri = request.getUri(); for (FilterRoute filterRoute : filterRoutes) { Optional<HttpFilter> match = filterRoute.match(method, uri); match.ifPresent(httpFilters::add); } if (!httpFilters.isEmpty()) { OrderUtil.sort(httpFilters); return Collections.unmodifiableList(httpFilters); } else { return Collections.emptyList(); } } } return Collections.emptyList(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @NonNull @Override public <T, R> Stream<UriRouteMatch<T, R>> findAny(@NonNull CharSequence uri, @Nullable HttpRequest<?> context) { List matchedRoutes = new ArrayList<>(5); final String uriStr = uri.toString(); for (List<UriRoute> routes : routesByMethod.values()) { for (UriRoute route : routes) { final UriRouteMatch match = route.match(uriStr).orElse(null); if (match != null && match.test(context)) { matchedRoutes.add(match); } } } return matchedRoutes.stream(); } private <T, R> List<UriRouteMatch<T, R>> find(String httpMethodName, CharSequence uri) { List<UriRoute> routes = routesByMethod.getOrDefault(httpMethodName, Collections.emptyList()); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(routes)) { final String uriStr = uri.toString(); List<UriRouteMatch<T, R>> routeMatches = new ArrayList<>(routes.size()); for (UriRoute route : routes) { final UriRouteMatch match = route.match(uriStr).orElse(null); if (match != null) { routeMatches.add(match); } } return routeMatches; } else { //noinspection unchecked return Collections.emptyList(); } } private UriRoute[] finalizeRoutes(List<UriRoute> routes) { Collections.sort(routes); return routes.toArray(new UriRoute[0]); } private <T> Optional<RouteMatch<T>> findRouteMatch(Map<ErrorRoute, RouteMatch<T>> matchedRoutes, Throwable error) { if (matchedRoutes.size() == 1) { return matchedRoutes.values().stream().findFirst(); } else if (matchedRoutes.size() > 1) { int minCount = Integer.MAX_VALUE; Supplier<List<Class>> hierarchySupplier = () -> ClassUtils.resolveHierarchy(error.getClass()); Optional<RouteMatch<T>> match = Optional.empty(); Class errorClass = error.getClass(); for (Map.Entry<ErrorRoute, RouteMatch<T>> entry: matchedRoutes.entrySet()) { Class exceptionType = entry.getKey().exceptionType(); if (exceptionType.equals(errorClass)) { match = Optional.of(entry.getValue()); break; } else { List<Class> hierarchy = hierarchySupplier.get(); //measures the distance in the hierarchy from the error and the route error type int index = hierarchy.indexOf(exceptionType); //the class closest in the hierarchy should be chosen if (index > -1 && index < minCount) { minCount = index; match = Optional.of(entry.getValue()); } } } return match; } return Optional.empty(); } @Override public List<FilterEntry<HttpFilter>> resolveFilterEntries(RouteMatch<?> context) { return filterRouteStream(context) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } @Override public List<HttpFilter> resolveFilters(HttpRequest<?> request, List<FilterEntry<HttpFilter>> filterEntries) { Stream<FilterEntry<HttpFilter>> entryStream = filterEntries.stream(); return resolveFilters(request, entryStream); } private List<HttpFilter> resolveFilters(HttpRequest<?> request, Stream<? extends FilterEntry<HttpFilter>> entryStream) { return entryStream .filter(entry -> { if (entry.hasMethods() && !entry.getFilterMethods().contains(request.getMethod())) { return false; } if (entry.hasPatterns()) { String path = request.getPath(); String[] patterns = entry.getPatterns(); for (String pattern : patterns) { if (Filter.MATCH_ALL_PATTERN.equals(pattern) || PathMatcher.ANT.matches(pattern, path)) { return true; } } return false; } return true; }) .map(FilterEntry::getFilter) .sorted(OrderUtil.COMPARATOR) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } private Stream<FilterRoute> filterRouteStream(RouteMatch<?> context) { return filterRoutes.stream() .filter(filterRoute -> { AnnotationMetadata annotationMetadata = filterRoute.getAnnotationMetadata(); boolean matches = !annotationMetadata.hasStereotype(FilterMatcher.NAME); if (!matches) { String filterAnnotation = annotationMetadata.getAnnotationNameByStereotype(FilterMatcher.NAME).orElse(null); if (filterAnnotation != null) { matches = context.getAnnotationMetadata().hasAnnotation(filterAnnotation); } } return matches; }); } }