 * Copyright 2017-2020 original authors
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package io.micronaut.context;

import io.micronaut.context.annotation.*;
import io.micronaut.context.env.PropertyPlaceholderResolver;
import io.micronaut.context.event.*;
import io.micronaut.context.exceptions.*;
import io.micronaut.context.processor.AnnotationProcessor;
import io.micronaut.context.processor.ExecutableMethodProcessor;
import io.micronaut.context.scope.CustomScope;
import io.micronaut.context.scope.CustomScopeRegistry;
import io.micronaut.core.annotation.*;
import io.micronaut.core.async.subscriber.Completable;
import io.micronaut.core.convert.ConversionService;
import io.micronaut.core.convert.TypeConverter;
import io.micronaut.core.convert.TypeConverterRegistrar;
import io.micronaut.core.convert.value.MutableConvertibleValues;
import io.micronaut.core.io.ResourceLoader;
import io.micronaut.core.io.scan.ClassPathResourceLoader;
import io.micronaut.core.io.service.ServiceDefinition;
import io.micronaut.core.io.service.SoftServiceLoader;
import io.micronaut.core.naming.Named;
import io.micronaut.core.order.OrderUtil;
import io.micronaut.core.order.Ordered;
import io.micronaut.core.reflect.ClassUtils;
import io.micronaut.core.reflect.GenericTypeUtils;
import io.micronaut.core.type.Argument;
import io.micronaut.core.type.ReturnType;
import io.micronaut.core.util.*;
import io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap;
import io.micronaut.core.value.PropertyResolver;
import io.micronaut.core.value.ValueResolver;
import io.micronaut.inject.*;
import io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.Qualified;
import io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.Qualifiers;
import io.micronaut.inject.validation.BeanDefinitionValidator;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.NonNull;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.Nullable;

import javax.inject.Provider;
import javax.inject.Scope;
import javax.inject.Singleton;
import java.io.Closeable;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;

The default context implementations.
Author:Graeme Rocher
/** * The default context implementations. * * @author Graeme Rocher * @since 1.0 */
@SuppressWarnings("MagicNumber") public class DefaultBeanContext implements BeanContext { protected static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultBeanContext.class); protected static final Logger LOG_LIFECYCLE = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultBeanContext.class.getPackage().getName() + ".lifecycle"); private static final Logger EVENT_LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ApplicationEventPublisher.class); private static final Qualifier PROXY_TARGET_QUALIFIER = new Qualifier<Object>() { @Override public <BT extends BeanType<Object>> Stream<BT> reduce(Class<Object> beanType, Stream<BT> candidates) { return candidates.filter(bt -> { if (bt instanceof BeanDefinitionDelegate) { return !(((BeanDefinitionDelegate) bt).getDelegate() instanceof ProxyBeanDefinition); } else { return !(bt instanceof ProxyBeanDefinition); } }); } }; private static final String SCOPED_PROXY_ANN = "io.micronaut.runtime.context.scope.ScopedProxy"; private static final String AROUND_TYPE = "io.micronaut.aop.Around"; private static final String INTRODUCTION_TYPE = "io.micronaut.aop.Introduction"; private static final String ADAPTER_TYPE = "io.micronaut.aop.Adapter"; private static final String NAMED_MEMBER = "named"; private static final String PARALLEL_TYPE = Parallel.class.getName(); private static final String INDEXES_TYPE = Indexes.class.getName(); private static final String REPLACES_ANN = Replaces.class.getName(); private static final Comparator<BeanRegistration<?>> BEAN_REGISTRATION_COMPARATOR = (o1, o2) -> { int order1 = OrderUtil.getOrder(o1.getBeanDefinition(), o1.getBean()); int order2 = OrderUtil.getOrder(o2.getBeanDefinition(), o2.getBean()); return Integer.compare(order1, order2); }; protected final AtomicBoolean running = new AtomicBoolean(false); protected final AtomicBoolean initializing = new AtomicBoolean(false); protected final AtomicBoolean terminating = new AtomicBoolean(false); final Map<BeanKey, BeanRegistration> singletonObjects = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(100); final Map<BeanIdentifier, Object> singlesInCreation = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(5); final Map<BeanKey, Provider<Object>> scopedProxies = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(20); Set<Map.Entry<Class, List<BeanInitializedEventListener>>> beanInitializedEventListeners; private final Collection<BeanDefinitionReference> beanDefinitionsClasses = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(); private final Map<String, BeanConfiguration> beanConfigurations = new HashMap<>(10); private final Map<BeanKey, Boolean> containsBeanCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(30); private final Map<CharSequence, Object> attributes = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>(5)); private final Map<BeanKey, Collection<Object>> initializedObjectsByType = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(50); private final Map<BeanKey, Optional<BeanDefinition>> beanConcreteCandidateCache = new ConcurrentLinkedHashMap.Builder<BeanKey, Optional<BeanDefinition>>().maximumWeightedCapacity(30).build(); private final Map<Class, Collection<BeanDefinition>> beanCandidateCache = new ConcurrentLinkedHashMap.Builder<Class, Collection<BeanDefinition>>().maximumWeightedCapacity(30).build(); private final Map<Class, Collection<BeanDefinitionReference>> beanIndex = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(12); private final ClassLoader classLoader; private final Set<Class> thisInterfaces = CollectionUtils.setOf( BeanDefinitionRegistry.class, BeanContext.class, AnnotationMetadataResolver.class, BeanLocator.class, ApplicationEventPublisher.class, ExecutionHandleLocator.class, ApplicationContext.class, PropertyResolver.class, ValueResolver.class, PropertyPlaceholderResolver.class ); private final Set<Class> indexedTypes = CollectionUtils.setOf( ResourceLoader.class, TypeConverter.class, TypeConverterRegistrar.class, ApplicationEventListener.class, BeanCreatedEventListener.class, BeanInitializedEventListener.class ); private final CustomScopeRegistry customScopeRegistry; private final String[] eagerInitStereotypes; private final boolean eagerInitStereotypesPresent; private final boolean eagerInitSingletons; private Set<Map.Entry<Class, List<BeanCreatedEventListener>>> beanCreationEventListeners; private BeanDefinitionValidator beanValidator;
Construct a new bean context using the same classloader that loaded this DefaultBeanContext class.
/** * Construct a new bean context using the same classloader that loaded this DefaultBeanContext class. */
public DefaultBeanContext() { this(BeanContext.class.getClassLoader()); }
Construct a new bean context with the given class loader.
  • classLoader – The class loader
/** * Construct a new bean context with the given class loader. * * @param classLoader The class loader */
public DefaultBeanContext(@NonNull ClassLoader classLoader) { this(new BeanContextConfiguration() { @NonNull @Override public ClassLoader getClassLoader() { ArgumentUtils.requireNonNull("classLoader", classLoader); return classLoader; } }); }
Construct a new bean context with the given class loader.
  • resourceLoader – The resource loader
/** * Construct a new bean context with the given class loader. * * @param resourceLoader The resource loader */
public DefaultBeanContext(@NonNull ClassPathResourceLoader resourceLoader) { this(new BeanContextConfiguration() { @NonNull @Override public ClassLoader getClassLoader() { ArgumentUtils.requireNonNull("resourceLoader", resourceLoader); return resourceLoader.getClassLoader(); } }); }
Creates a new bean context with the given configuration.
  • contextConfiguration – The context configuration
/** * Creates a new bean context with the given configuration. * * @param contextConfiguration The context configuration */
public DefaultBeanContext(@NonNull BeanContextConfiguration contextConfiguration) { ArgumentUtils.requireNonNull("contextConfiguration", contextConfiguration); // enable classloader logging System.setProperty(ClassUtils.PROPERTY_MICRONAUT_CLASSLOADER_LOGGING, "true"); this.classLoader = contextConfiguration.getClassLoader(); this.customScopeRegistry = new DefaultCustomScopeRegistry(this, classLoader); Set<Class<? extends Annotation>> eagerInitAnnotated = contextConfiguration.getEagerInitAnnotated(); this.eagerInitStereotypes = eagerInitAnnotated .stream().map(Class::getName).toArray(String[]::new); this.eagerInitStereotypesPresent = eagerInitStereotypes.length > 0; this.eagerInitSingletons = eagerInitStereotypesPresent && eagerInitAnnotated.contains(Singleton.class); } @Override public boolean isRunning() { return running.get() && !initializing.get(); }
The start method will read all bean definition classes found on the classpath and initialize any pre-required state.
/** * The start method will read all bean definition classes found on the classpath and initialize any pre-required * state. */
@Override public synchronized BeanContext start() { if (!isRunning()) { if (initializing.compareAndSet(false, true)) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Starting BeanContext"); } readAllBeanConfigurations(); readAllBeanDefinitionClasses(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { String activeConfigurations = beanConfigurations .values() .stream() .filter(config -> config.isEnabled(this)) .map(BeanConfiguration::getName) .collect(Collectors.joining(",")); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(activeConfigurations)) { LOG.debug("Loaded active configurations: {}", activeConfigurations); } } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("BeanContext Started."); } publishEvent(new StartupEvent(this)); } running.set(true); initializing.set(false); } return this; }
The close method will shut down the context calling PreDestroy hooks on loaded singletons.
/** * The close method will shut down the context calling {@link javax.annotation.PreDestroy} hooks on loaded * singletons. */
@Override public synchronized BeanContext stop() { if (terminating.compareAndSet(false, true)) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Stopping BeanContext"); } publishEvent(new ShutdownEvent(this)); attributes.clear(); // need to sort registered singletons so that beans with that require other beans appear first List<BeanRegistration> objects = topologicalSort(singletonObjects.values()); Set<Integer> processed = new HashSet<>(); for (BeanRegistration beanRegistration : objects) { BeanDefinition def = beanRegistration.beanDefinition; Object bean = beanRegistration.bean; int sysId = System.identityHashCode(bean); if (processed.contains(sysId)) { continue; } if (LOG_LIFECYCLE.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG_LIFECYCLE.debug("Destroying bean [{}] with identifier [{}]", bean, beanRegistration.identifier); } processed.add(sysId); if (def instanceof DisposableBeanDefinition) { try { //noinspection unchecked ((DisposableBeanDefinition) def).dispose(this, bean); } catch (Throwable e) { if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) { LOG.error("Error disposing of bean registration [" + def.getName() + "]: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } } if (def instanceof Closeable) { try { ((Closeable) def).close(); } catch (Throwable e) { if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) { LOG.error("Error disposing of bean registration [" + def.getName() + "]: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } } if (bean instanceof LifeCycle) { ((LifeCycle) bean).stop(); } } terminating.set(false); running.set(false); } return this; } @Override @NonNull public AnnotationMetadata resolveMetadata(Class<?> type) { if (type == null) { return AnnotationMetadata.EMPTY_METADATA; } else { Optional<? extends BeanDefinition<?>> candidate = findConcreteCandidate(null, type, null, false, false); return candidate.map(AnnotationMetadataProvider::getAnnotationMetadata).orElse(AnnotationMetadata.EMPTY_METADATA); } } @SuppressWarnings({"SuspiciousMethodCalls", "unchecked"}) @Override public <T> Optional<T> refreshBean(BeanIdentifier identifier) { if (identifier != null) { BeanRegistration beanRegistration = singletonObjects.get(identifier); if (beanRegistration != null) { BeanDefinition definition = beanRegistration.getBeanDefinition(); return Optional.of((T) definition.inject(this, beanRegistration.getBean())); } } return Optional.empty(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Collection<BeanRegistration<?>> getActiveBeanRegistrations(Qualifier<?> qualifier) { if (qualifier == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List result = singletonObjects .values() .stream() .filter(registration -> { BeanDefinition beanDefinition = registration.beanDefinition; return qualifier.reduce(beanDefinition.getBeanType(), Stream.of(beanDefinition)).findFirst().isPresent(); }) .collect(Collectors.toList()); return result; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <T> Collection<BeanRegistration<T>> getActiveBeanRegistrations(Class<T> beanType) { if (beanType == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List result = singletonObjects .values() .stream() .filter(registration -> { BeanDefinition beanDefinition = registration.beanDefinition; return beanType.isAssignableFrom(beanDefinition.getBeanType()); }) .collect(Collectors.toList()); return result; } @Override public <T> Collection<BeanRegistration<T>> getBeanRegistrations(Class<T> beanType) { if (beanType == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } // initialize the beans getBeansOfType(beanType); return getActiveBeanRegistrations(beanType); } @Override public <T> Optional<BeanRegistration<T>> findBeanRegistration(T bean) { for (BeanRegistration beanRegistration : singletonObjects.values()) { if (bean == beanRegistration.getBean()) { return Optional.of(beanRegistration); } } Collection<CustomScope> scopes = getBeansOfType(CustomScope.class); for (CustomScope<?> scope : scopes) { Optional<BeanRegistration<T>> beanRegistration = scope.findBeanRegistration(bean); if (beanRegistration.isPresent()) { return beanRegistration; } } return Optional.empty(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <T, R> Optional<MethodExecutionHandle<T, R>> findExecutionHandle(Class<T> beanType, String method, Class... arguments) { return findExecutionHandle(beanType, null, method, arguments); } @Override public MethodExecutionHandle<?, Object> createExecutionHandle(BeanDefinition<? extends Object> beanDefinition, ExecutableMethod<Object, ?> method) { return new MethodExecutionHandle<Object, Object>() { private Object target; @NonNull @Override public AnnotationMetadata getAnnotationMetadata() { return method.getAnnotationMetadata(); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Override public Object getTarget() { Object target = this.target; if (target == null) { synchronized (this) { // double check target = this.target; if (target == null) { try (BeanResolutionContext context = newResolutionContext(beanDefinition, null)) { BeanDefinition rawDefinition = beanDefinition; target = getBeanForDefinition( context, rawDefinition.getBeanType(), rawDefinition.getDeclaredQualifier(), true, rawDefinition ); } this.target = target; } } } return target; } @Override public Class getDeclaringType() { return beanDefinition.getBeanType(); } @Override public String getMethodName() { return method.getMethodName(); } @Override public Argument[] getArguments() { return method.getArguments(); } @Override public Method getTargetMethod() { return method.getTargetMethod(); } @Override public ReturnType getReturnType() { return method.getReturnType(); } @Override public Object invoke(Object... arguments) { return method.invoke(getTarget(), arguments); } @NonNull @Override public ExecutableMethod<?, Object> getExecutableMethod() { return (ExecutableMethod<?, Object>) method; } }; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <T, R> Optional<MethodExecutionHandle<T, R>> findExecutionHandle(Class<T> beanType, Qualifier<?> qualifier, String method, Class... arguments) { Optional<? extends BeanDefinition<?>> foundBean = findBeanDefinition(beanType, (Qualifier) qualifier); if (foundBean.isPresent()) { BeanDefinition<?> beanDefinition = foundBean.get(); Optional<? extends ExecutableMethod<?, Object>> foundMethod = beanDefinition.findMethod(method, arguments); if (foundMethod.isPresent()) { return foundMethod.map((ExecutableMethod executableMethod) -> new BeanExecutionHandle(this, beanType, qualifier, executableMethod) ); } else { return beanDefinition.findPossibleMethods(method) .findFirst() .filter(m -> { Class[] argTypes = m.getArgumentTypes(); if (argTypes.length == arguments.length) { for (int i = 0; i < argTypes.length; i++) { if (!arguments[i].isAssignableFrom(argTypes[i])) { return false; } } return true; } return false; }) .map((ExecutableMethod executableMethod) -> new BeanExecutionHandle(this, beanType, qualifier, executableMethod)); } } return Optional.empty(); } @Override public <T, R> Optional<ExecutableMethod<T, R>> findExecutableMethod(Class<T> beanType, String method, Class[] arguments) { if (beanType != null) { Collection<BeanDefinition<T>> definitions = getBeanDefinitions(beanType); if (!definitions.isEmpty()) { BeanDefinition<T> beanDefinition = definitions.iterator().next(); Optional<ExecutableMethod<T, R>> foundMethod = beanDefinition.findMethod(method, arguments); if (foundMethod.isPresent()) { return foundMethod; } else { return beanDefinition.<R>findPossibleMethods(method) .findFirst(); } } } return Optional.empty(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <T, R> Optional<MethodExecutionHandle<T, R>> findExecutionHandle(T bean, String method, Class[] arguments) { if (bean != null) { Optional<? extends BeanDefinition<?>> foundBean = findBeanDefinition(bean.getClass()); if (foundBean.isPresent()) { BeanDefinition<?> beanDefinition = foundBean.get(); Optional<? extends ExecutableMethod<?, Object>> foundMethod = beanDefinition.findMethod(method, arguments); if (foundMethod.isPresent()) { return foundMethod.map((ExecutableMethod executableMethod) -> new ObjectExecutionHandle<>(bean, executableMethod)); } else { return beanDefinition.findPossibleMethods(method) .findFirst() .map((ExecutableMethod executableMethod) -> new ObjectExecutionHandle<>(bean, executableMethod)); } } } return Optional.empty(); } @Override public <T> BeanContext registerSingleton(@NonNull Class<T> type, @NonNull T singleton, Qualifier<T> qualifier, boolean inject) { ArgumentUtils.requireNonNull("type", type); ArgumentUtils.requireNonNull("singleton", singleton); BeanKey<T> beanKey = new BeanKey<>(type, qualifier); synchronized (singletonObjects) { initializedObjectsByType.clear(); beanCandidateCache.remove(type); BeanDefinition<T> beanDefinition = inject ? findConcreteCandidate(null, type, qualifier, false, false).orElse(null) : null; if (beanDefinition != null && beanDefinition.getBeanType().isInstance(singleton)) { try (BeanResolutionContext context = newResolutionContext(beanDefinition, null)) { doInject(context, singleton, beanDefinition); } singletonObjects.put(beanKey, new BeanRegistration<>(beanKey, beanDefinition, singleton)); BeanKey concreteKey = new BeanKey(singleton.getClass(), qualifier); singletonObjects.put(concreteKey, new BeanRegistration<>(concreteKey, beanDefinition, singleton)); } else { NoInjectionBeanDefinition<T> dynamicRegistration = new NoInjectionBeanDefinition<>(singleton.getClass(), qualifier); if (qualifier instanceof Named) { final BeanDefinitionDelegate<T> delegate = BeanDefinitionDelegate.create(dynamicRegistration); delegate.put(BeanDefinition.NAMED_ATTRIBUTE, ((Named) qualifier).getName()); beanDefinition = delegate; } else { beanDefinition = dynamicRegistration; } beanDefinitionsClasses.add(dynamicRegistration); singletonObjects.put(beanKey, new BeanRegistration<>(beanKey, dynamicRegistration, singleton)); BeanKey concreteKey = new BeanKey(singleton.getClass(), qualifier); singletonObjects.put(concreteKey, new BeanRegistration<>(concreteKey, dynamicRegistration, singleton)); final Optional<Class> indexedType = indexedTypes.stream().filter(t -> t.isAssignableFrom(type) || t == type).findFirst(); if (indexedType.isPresent()) { final Collection<BeanDefinitionReference> indexed = resolveTypeIndex(indexedType.get()); BeanDefinition<T> finalBeanDefinition = beanDefinition; indexed.add(new AbstractBeanDefinitionReference(type.getName(), type.getName()) { @Override protected Class<? extends BeanDefinition<?>> getBeanDefinitionType() { return (Class<? extends BeanDefinition<?>>) finalBeanDefinition.getClass(); } @Override public BeanDefinition load() { return finalBeanDefinition; } @Override public Class getBeanType() { return type; } }); } } } return this; } @NonNull private BeanResolutionContext newResolutionContext(BeanDefinition<?> beanDefinition, @Nullable BeanResolutionContext currentContext) { if (currentContext == null) { return new AbstractBeanResolutionContext(this, beanDefinition) { @Override public <T> void addInFlightBean(BeanIdentifier beanIdentifier, T instance) { singlesInCreation.put(beanIdentifier, instance); } @Override public void removeInFlightBean(BeanIdentifier beanIdentifier) { singlesInCreation.remove(beanIdentifier); } @Nullable @Override public <T> T getInFlightBean(BeanIdentifier beanIdentifier) { return (T) singlesInCreation.get(beanIdentifier); } }; } else { return currentContext; } } @Override public ClassLoader getClassLoader() { return classLoader; } @Override public BeanDefinitionValidator getBeanValidator() { if (beanValidator == null) { this.beanValidator = findBean(BeanDefinitionValidator.class).orElse(BeanDefinitionValidator.DEFAULT); } return beanValidator; } @Override public Optional<BeanConfiguration> findBeanConfiguration(String configurationName) { BeanConfiguration configuration = this.beanConfigurations.get(configurationName); if (configuration != null) { return Optional.of(configuration); } else { return Optional.empty(); } } @Override public <T> Optional<BeanDefinition<T>> findBeanDefinition(Class<T> beanType, Qualifier<T> qualifier) { if (Object.class == beanType) { // optimization for object resolve return Optional.empty(); } BeanKey<T> beanKey = new BeanKey<>(beanType, qualifier); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") BeanRegistration<T> reg = singletonObjects.get(beanKey); if (reg != null) { return Optional.of(reg.getBeanDefinition()); } Collection<BeanDefinition<T>> beanCandidates = new ArrayList<>(findBeanCandidatesInternal(null, beanType)); if (qualifier != null) { beanCandidates = qualifier.reduce(beanType, beanCandidates.stream()).collect(Collectors.toList()); } filterProxiedTypes(beanCandidates, true, true); if (beanCandidates.isEmpty()) { return Optional.empty(); } else { if (beanCandidates.size() == 1) { return Optional.of(beanCandidates.iterator().next()); } else { return findConcreteCandidate(null, beanType, null, false, true); } } } @Override public <T> Collection<BeanDefinition<T>> getBeanDefinitions(Class<T> beanType) { Collection<BeanDefinition<T>> candidates = findBeanCandidatesInternal(null, beanType); return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(candidates); } @Override public <T> Collection<BeanDefinition<T>> getBeanDefinitions(Class<T> beanType, Qualifier<T> qualifier) { Collection<BeanDefinition<T>> candidates = findBeanCandidatesInternal(null, beanType); if (qualifier != null) { candidates = qualifier.reduce(beanType, new ArrayList<>(candidates).stream()).collect(Collectors.toList()); } return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(candidates); } @Override public <T> boolean containsBean(@NonNull Class<T> beanType, Qualifier<T> qualifier) { ArgumentUtils.requireNonNull("beanType", beanType); BeanKey<T> beanKey = new BeanKey<>(beanType, qualifier); if (containsBeanCache.containsKey(beanKey)) { return containsBeanCache.get(beanKey); } else { boolean result = singletonObjects.containsKey(beanKey) || isCandidatePresent(beanType, qualifier); containsBeanCache.put(beanKey, result); return result; } } @Override public <T> T getBean(Class<T> beanType, Qualifier<T> qualifier) { try { return getBeanInternal(null, beanType, qualifier, true, true); } catch (DisabledBeanException e) { if (AbstractBeanContextConditional.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { AbstractBeanContextConditional.LOG.debug("Bean of type [{}] disabled for reason: {}", beanType.getSimpleName(), e.getMessage()); } throw new NoSuchBeanException(beanType, qualifier); } } @Override public <T> T getBean(Class<T> beanType) { try { return getBeanInternal(null, beanType, null, true, true); } catch (DisabledBeanException e) { if (AbstractBeanContextConditional.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { AbstractBeanContextConditional.LOG.debug("Bean of type [{}] disabled for reason: {}", beanType.getSimpleName(), e.getMessage()); } throw new NoSuchBeanException(beanType, null); } } @Override public <T> Optional<T> findBean(Class<T> beanType, Qualifier<T> qualifier) { return findBean(null, beanType, qualifier); } @Override public <T> Collection<T> getBeansOfType(Class<T> beanType) { return getBeansOfType(null, beanType); } @Override public <T> Collection<T> getBeansOfType(Class<T> beanType, Qualifier<T> qualifier) { return getBeansOfTypeInternal(null, beanType, qualifier); } @Override public <T> Stream<T> streamOfType(Class<T> beanType, Qualifier<T> qualifier) { return streamOfType(null, beanType, qualifier); }
Obtains a stream of beans of the given type and qualifier.
  • resolutionContext – The bean resolution context
  • beanType – The bean type
  • qualifier – The qualifier
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The bean concrete type
Returns:A stream
/** * Obtains a stream of beans of the given type and qualifier. * * @param resolutionContext The bean resolution context * @param beanType The bean type * @param qualifier The qualifier * @param <T> The bean concrete type * @return A stream */
protected <T> Stream<T> streamOfType(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, Class<T> beanType, Qualifier<T> qualifier) { return getBeansOfTypeInternal(resolutionContext, beanType, qualifier).stream(); } @Override public @NonNull <T> T inject(@NonNull T instance) { Objects.requireNonNull(instance, "Instance cannot be null"); Collection<BeanDefinition> candidates = findBeanCandidatesForInstance(instance); if (candidates.size() == 1) { BeanDefinition<T> beanDefinition = candidates.stream().findFirst().get(); try (BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext = newResolutionContext(beanDefinition, null)) { final BeanKey<T> beanKey = new BeanKey<>(beanDefinition.getBeanType(), null); resolutionContext.addInFlightBean( beanKey, instance ); doInject( resolutionContext, instance, beanDefinition ); } } else if (!candidates.isEmpty()) { final Iterator iterator = candidates.iterator(); throw new NonUniqueBeanException(instance.getClass(), iterator); } return instance; } @Override public @NonNull <T> T createBean(@NonNull Class<T> beanType, @Nullable Qualifier<T> qualifier) { return createBean(null, beanType, qualifier); } @Override public @NonNull <T> T createBean(@NonNull Class<T> beanType, @Nullable Qualifier<T> qualifier, @Nullable Map<String, Object> argumentValues) { ArgumentUtils.requireNonNull("beanType", beanType); Optional<BeanDefinition<T>> candidate = findConcreteCandidate(null, beanType, qualifier, true, false); if (candidate.isPresent()) { try (BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext = newResolutionContext(candidate.get(), null)) { T createdBean = doCreateBean(resolutionContext, candidate.get(), qualifier, false, argumentValues); if (createdBean == null) { throw new NoSuchBeanException(beanType); } return createdBean; } } throw new NoSuchBeanException(beanType); } @Override public @NonNull <T> T createBean(@NonNull Class<T> beanType, @Nullable Qualifier<T> qualifier, @Nullable Object... args) { ArgumentUtils.requireNonNull("beanType", beanType); Optional<BeanDefinition<T>> candidate = findConcreteCandidate(null, beanType, qualifier, true, false); if (candidate.isPresent()) { BeanDefinition<T> definition = candidate.get(); try (BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext = newResolutionContext(definition, null)) { return doCreateBean(resolutionContext, definition, beanType, qualifier, args); } } throw new NoSuchBeanException(beanType); }
  • resolutionContext – The bean resolution context
  • definition – The bean definition
  • beanType – The bean type
  • qualifier – The qualifier
  • args – The argument values
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the bean generic type
Returns:The instance
/** * @param resolutionContext The bean resolution context * @param definition The bean definition * @param beanType The bean type * @param qualifier The qualifier * @param args The argument values * @param <T> the bean generic type * @return The instance */
protected @NonNull <T> T doCreateBean(@NonNull BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, @NonNull BeanDefinition<T> definition, @NonNull Class<T> beanType, @Nullable Qualifier<T> qualifier, @Nullable Object... args) { Map<String, Object> argumentValues; if (definition instanceof ParametrizedBeanFactory) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Creating bean for parameters: {}", ArrayUtils.toString(args)); } Argument[] requiredArguments = ((ParametrizedBeanFactory) definition).getRequiredArguments(); argumentValues = new LinkedHashMap<>(requiredArguments.length); BeanResolutionContext.Path path = resolutionContext.getPath(); for (int i = 0; i < requiredArguments.length; i++) { Argument<?> requiredArgument = requiredArguments[i]; try { path.pushConstructorResolve( definition, requiredArgument ); Class<?> argumentType = requiredArgument.getType(); if (args.length > i) { Object val = args[i]; if (val != null) { if (argumentType.isInstance(val) && !CollectionUtils.isIterableOrMap(argumentType)) { argumentValues.put(requiredArgument.getName(), val); } else { argumentValues.put(requiredArgument.getName(), ConversionService.SHARED.convert(val, requiredArgument).orElseThrow(() -> new BeanInstantiationException(resolutionContext, "Invalid bean @Argument [" + requiredArgument + "]. Cannot convert object [" + val + "] to required type: " + argumentType) )); } } else { if (!requiredArgument.isDeclaredNullable()) { throw new BeanInstantiationException(resolutionContext, "Invalid bean @Argument [" + requiredArgument + "]. Argument cannot be null"); } } } else { // attempt resolve from context Optional<?> existingBean = findBean(resolutionContext, argumentType, null); if (existingBean.isPresent()) { argumentValues.put(requiredArgument.getName(), existingBean.get()); } else { if (!requiredArgument.isDeclaredNullable()) { throw new BeanInstantiationException(resolutionContext, "Invalid bean @Argument [" + requiredArgument + "]. No bean found for type: " + argumentType); } } } } finally { path.pop(); } } } else { argumentValues = Collections.emptyMap(); } if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Computed bean argument values: {}", argumentValues); } T createdBean = doCreateBean(resolutionContext, definition, qualifier, false, argumentValues); if (createdBean == null) { throw new NoSuchBeanException(beanType); } return createdBean; } @Override public @Nullable <T> T destroyBean(@NonNull Class<T> beanType) { ArgumentUtils.requireNonNull("beanType", beanType); T bean = null; BeanKey<T> beanKey = new BeanKey<>(beanType, null); synchronized (singletonObjects) { if (singletonObjects.containsKey(beanKey)) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") BeanRegistration<T> beanRegistration = singletonObjects.get(beanKey); bean = beanRegistration.bean; if (bean != null) { if (LOG_LIFECYCLE.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG_LIFECYCLE.debug("Destroying bean [{}] with identifier [{}]", bean, beanKey); } singletonObjects.remove(beanKey); BeanKey<?> concreteKey = new BeanKey<>(bean.getClass(), null); singletonObjects.remove(concreteKey); } } } if (bean != null) { Optional<BeanDefinition<T>> concreteCandidate = findConcreteCandidate(null, beanType, null, false, true); T finalBean = bean; concreteCandidate.ifPresent(definition -> { if (definition instanceof DisposableBeanDefinition) { ((DisposableBeanDefinition<T>) definition).dispose(this, finalBean); } } ); } return bean; }
Find an active Singleton bean for the given definition and qualifier.
  • beanDefinition – The bean definition
  • qualifier – The qualifier
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The bean generic type
Returns:The bean registration
/** * Find an active {@link javax.inject.Singleton} bean for the given definition and qualifier. * * @param beanDefinition The bean definition * @param qualifier The qualifier * @param <T> The bean generic type * @return The bean registration */
@Nullable protected <T> BeanRegistration<T> getActiveBeanRegistration(BeanDefinition<T> beanDefinition, Qualifier qualifier) { if (beanDefinition == null) { return null; } return singletonObjects.get(new BeanKey(beanDefinition, qualifier)); }
Creates a bean.
  • resolutionContext – The bean resolution context
  • beanType – The bean type
  • qualifier – The qualifier
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The bean generic type
Returns:The instance
/** * Creates a bean. * * @param resolutionContext The bean resolution context * @param beanType The bean type * @param qualifier The qualifier * @param <T> The bean generic type * @return The instance */
protected @NonNull <T> T createBean(@Nullable BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, @NonNull Class<T> beanType, @Nullable Qualifier<T> qualifier) { ArgumentUtils.requireNonNull("beanType", beanType); Optional<BeanDefinition<T>> concreteCandidate = findConcreteCandidate(resolutionContext, beanType, qualifier, true, false); if (concreteCandidate.isPresent()) { BeanDefinition<T> candidate = concreteCandidate.get(); try (BeanResolutionContext context = newResolutionContext(candidate, resolutionContext)) { T createBean = doCreateBean(context, candidate, qualifier, false, null); if (createBean == null) { throw new NoSuchBeanException(beanType); } return createBean; } } throw new NoSuchBeanException(beanType); }
Injects a bean.
  • resolutionContext – The bean resolution context
  • requestingBeanDefinition – The requesting bean definition
  • instance – The instance
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The instance type
Returns:The instance
/** * Injects a bean. * * @param resolutionContext The bean resolution context * @param requestingBeanDefinition The requesting bean definition * @param instance The instance * @param <T> The instance type * @return The instance */
protected @NonNull <T> T inject(@NonNull BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, @Nullable BeanDefinition requestingBeanDefinition, @NonNull T instance) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Class<T> beanType = (Class<T>) instance.getClass(); Optional<BeanDefinition<T>> concreteCandidate = findConcreteCandidate(resolutionContext, beanType, null, false, true); if (concreteCandidate.isPresent()) { BeanDefinition definition = concreteCandidate.get(); if (requestingBeanDefinition != null && requestingBeanDefinition.equals(definition)) { // bail out, don't inject for bean definition in creation return instance; } doInject(resolutionContext, instance, definition); } return instance; }
Get all beans of the given type.
  • resolutionContext – The bean resolution context
  • beanType – The bean type
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The bean type parameter
Returns:The found beans
/** * Get all beans of the given type. * * @param resolutionContext The bean resolution context * @param beanType The bean type * @param <T> The bean type parameter * @return The found beans */
protected @NonNull <T> Collection<T> getBeansOfType(@Nullable BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, @NonNull Class<T> beanType) { return getBeansOfTypeInternal(resolutionContext, beanType, null); }
Get all beans of the given type and qualifier.
  • resolutionContext – The bean resolution context
  • beanType – The bean type
  • qualifier – The qualifier
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The bean type parameter
Returns:The found beans
/** * Get all beans of the given type and qualifier. * * @param resolutionContext The bean resolution context * @param beanType The bean type * @param qualifier The qualifier * @param <T> The bean type parameter * @return The found beans */
protected @NonNull <T> Collection<T> getBeansOfType( @Nullable BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, @NonNull Class<T> beanType, @Nullable Qualifier<T> qualifier) { return getBeansOfTypeInternal(resolutionContext, beanType, qualifier); }
Get provided beans of the given type.
  • resolutionContext – The bean resolution context
  • beanType – The bean type
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The bean type parameter
Returns:The found beans
/** * Get provided beans of the given type. * * @param resolutionContext The bean resolution context * @param beanType The bean type * @param <T> The bean type parameter * @return The found beans */
protected @NonNull <T> Provider<T> getBeanProvider(@Nullable BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, @NonNull Class<T> beanType) { return getBeanProvider(resolutionContext, beanType, null); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public @NonNull <T> T getProxyTargetBean(@NonNull Class<T> beanType, @Nullable Qualifier<T> qualifier) { ArgumentUtils.requireNonNull("beanType", beanType); Qualifier<T> proxyQualifier = qualifier != null ? Qualifiers.byQualifiers(qualifier, PROXY_TARGET_QUALIFIER) : PROXY_TARGET_QUALIFIER; BeanDefinition<T> definition = getProxyTargetBeanDefinition(beanType, qualifier); try (BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext = newResolutionContext(definition, null)) { return getBeanForDefinition( resolutionContext, beanType, proxyQualifier, true, definition ); } } @Override public @NonNull <T, R> Optional<ExecutableMethod<T, R>> findProxyTargetMethod(@NonNull Class<T> beanType, @NonNull String method, @NonNull Class[] arguments) { ArgumentUtils.requireNonNull("beanType", beanType); ArgumentUtils.requireNonNull("method", method); BeanDefinition<T> definition = getProxyTargetBeanDefinition(beanType, null); return definition.findMethod(method, arguments); } @Override public <T, R> Optional<ExecutableMethod<T, R>> findProxyTargetMethod(Class<T> beanType, Qualifier<T> qualifier, String method, Class... arguments) { ArgumentUtils.requireNonNull("beanType", beanType); ArgumentUtils.requireNonNull("method", method); BeanDefinition<T> definition = getProxyTargetBeanDefinition(beanType, qualifier); return definition.findMethod(method, arguments); } @Override @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) public @NonNull <T> Optional<BeanDefinition<T>> findProxyTargetBeanDefinition(@NonNull Class<T> beanType, @Nullable Qualifier<T> qualifier) { ArgumentUtils.requireNonNull("beanType", beanType); Qualifier<T> proxyQualifier = qualifier != null ? Qualifiers.byQualifiers(qualifier, PROXY_TARGET_QUALIFIER) : PROXY_TARGET_QUALIFIER; BeanKey key = new BeanKey(beanType, proxyQualifier); Optional beanDefinition = beanConcreteCandidateCache.get(key); //noinspection OptionalAssignedToNull if (beanDefinition == null) { BeanRegistration<T> beanRegistration = singletonObjects.get(key); if (beanRegistration != null) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Resolved existing bean [{}] for type [{}] and qualifier [{}]", beanRegistration.bean, beanType, qualifier); } beanDefinition = Optional.of(beanRegistration.beanDefinition); } else { beanDefinition = findConcreteCandidateNoCache( null, (Class) beanType, proxyQualifier, true, false, false ); } beanConcreteCandidateCache.put(key, beanDefinition); } return beanDefinition; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public @NonNull Collection<BeanDefinition<?>> getBeanDefinitions(@Nullable Qualifier<Object> qualifier) { if (qualifier == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Finding candidate beans for qualifier: {}", qualifier); } // first traverse component definition classes and load candidates Collection candidates; if (!beanDefinitionsClasses.isEmpty()) { Stream<BeanDefinitionReference> reduced = qualifier.reduce(Object.class, beanDefinitionsClasses.stream()); Stream<BeanDefinition> candidateStream = qualifier.reduce(Object.class, reduced .map(ref -> ref.load(this)) .filter(candidate -> candidate.isEnabled(this)) ); candidates = candidateStream.collect(Collectors.toList()); } else { return Collections.emptyList(); } if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(candidates)) { filterProxiedTypes(candidates, true, true); filterReplacedBeans(null, candidates); } return candidates; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public @NonNull Collection<BeanDefinition<?>> getAllBeanDefinitions() { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Finding all bean definitions"); } if (!beanDefinitionsClasses.isEmpty()) { List collection = beanDefinitionsClasses .stream() .map(ref -> ref.load(this)) .filter(candidate -> candidate.isEnabled(this)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); return collection; } return (Collection<BeanDefinition<?>>) Collections.emptyMap(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public @NonNull Collection<BeanDefinitionReference<?>> getBeanDefinitionReferences() { if (!beanDefinitionsClasses.isEmpty()) { final List refs = beanDefinitionsClasses.stream().filter(ref -> ref.isEnabled(this)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); return Collections.unmodifiableList(refs); } return Collections.emptyList(); }
Get a bean of the given type.
  • resolutionContext – The bean context resolution
  • beanType – The bean type
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The bean type parameter
Returns:The found bean
/** * Get a bean of the given type. * * @param resolutionContext The bean context resolution * @param beanType The bean type * @param <T> The bean type parameter * @return The found bean */
@UsedByGeneratedCode public @NonNull <T> T getBean(@Nullable BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, @NonNull Class<T> beanType) { ArgumentUtils.requireNonNull("beanType", beanType); return getBeanInternal(resolutionContext, beanType, null, true, true); } @NonNull @Override public <T> T getBean(@NonNull BeanDefinition<T> definition) { ArgumentUtils.requireNonNull("definition", definition); Qualifier<T> declaredQualifier = definition.getDeclaredQualifier(); if (definition.isSingleton()) { BeanKey<T> key = new BeanKey<>(definition, declaredQualifier); BeanRegistration beanRegistration = singletonObjects.get(key); if (beanRegistration != null) { return (T) beanRegistration.bean; } } Class<T> beanType = definition.getBeanType(); try (BeanResolutionContext context = newResolutionContext(definition, null)) { return getBeanForDefinition( context, beanType, declaredQualifier, true, definition ); } }
Get a bean of the given type and qualifier.
  • resolutionContext – The bean context resolution
  • beanType – The bean type
  • qualifier – The qualifier
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The bean type parameter
Returns:The found bean
/** * Get a bean of the given type and qualifier. * * @param resolutionContext The bean context resolution * @param beanType The bean type * @param qualifier The qualifier * @param <T> The bean type parameter * @return The found bean */
public @NonNull <T> T getBean(@Nullable BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, @NonNull Class<T> beanType, @Nullable Qualifier<T> qualifier) { ArgumentUtils.requireNonNull("beanType", beanType); return getBeanInternal(resolutionContext, beanType, qualifier, true, true); }
Find an optional bean of the given type and qualifier.
  • resolutionContext – The bean context resolution
  • beanType – The bean type
  • qualifier – The qualifier
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The bean type parameter
Returns:The found bean wrapped as an Optional
/** * Find an optional bean of the given type and qualifier. * * @param resolutionContext The bean context resolution * @param beanType The bean type * @param qualifier The qualifier * @param <T> The bean type parameter * @return The found bean wrapped as an {@link Optional} */
public @NonNull <T> Optional<T> findBean(@Nullable BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, @NonNull Class<T> beanType, @Nullable Qualifier<T> qualifier) { ArgumentUtils.requireNonNull("beanType", beanType); // allow injection the bean context if (thisInterfaces.contains(beanType)) { return Optional.of((T) this); } try { T bean = getBeanInternal(resolutionContext, beanType, qualifier, true, false); if (bean == null) { return Optional.empty(); } else { return Optional.of(bean); } } catch (DisabledBeanException e) { if (AbstractBeanContextConditional.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { AbstractBeanContextConditional.LOG.debug("Bean of type [{}] disabled for reason: {}", beanType.getSimpleName(), e.getMessage()); } return Optional.empty(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void publishEvent(@NonNull Object event) { //noinspection ConstantConditions if (event != null) { if (EVENT_LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { EVENT_LOGGER.debug("Publishing event: {}", event); } Collection<ApplicationEventListener> eventListeners = getBeansOfType(ApplicationEventListener.class, Qualifiers.byTypeArguments(event.getClass())); eventListeners = eventListeners.stream().sorted(OrderUtil.COMPARATOR).collect(Collectors.toList()); notifyEventListeners(event, eventListeners); } } private void notifyEventListeners(@NonNull Object event, Collection<ApplicationEventListener> eventListeners) { if (!eventListeners.isEmpty()) { if (EVENT_LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { EVENT_LOGGER.trace("Established event listeners {} for event: {}", eventListeners, event); } for (ApplicationEventListener listener : eventListeners) { if (listener.supports(event)) { try { if (EVENT_LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { EVENT_LOGGER.trace("Invoking event listener [{}] for event: {}", listener, event); } listener.onApplicationEvent(event); } catch (ClassCastException ex) { String msg = ex.getMessage(); if (msg == null || msg.startsWith(event.getClass().getName())) { if (EVENT_LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { EVENT_LOGGER.debug("Incompatible listener for event: " + listener, ex); } } else { throw ex; } } } } } } @Override public @NonNull Future<Void> publishEventAsync(@NonNull Object event) { Objects.requireNonNull(event, "Event cannot be null"); CompletableFuture<Void> future = new CompletableFuture<>(); Collection<ApplicationEventListener> eventListeners = streamOfType(ApplicationEventListener.class, Qualifiers.byTypeArguments(event.getClass())) .sorted(OrderUtil.COMPARATOR).collect(Collectors.toList()); Executor executor = findBean(Executor.class, Qualifiers.byName("scheduled")) .orElseGet(ForkJoinPool::commonPool); executor.execute(() -> { try { notifyEventListeners(event, eventListeners); future.complete(null); } catch (Exception e) { future.completeExceptionally(e); } }); return future; } @Override public @NonNull <T> Optional<BeanDefinition<T>> findProxyBeanDefinition(@NonNull Class<T> beanType, @Nullable Qualifier<T> qualifier) { ArgumentUtils.requireNonNull("beanType", beanType); return getBeanDefinitions(beanType, qualifier) .stream() .filter(BeanDefinition::isProxy) .findFirst(); }
Invalidates the bean caches.
/** * Invalidates the bean caches. */
protected void invalidateCaches() { beanCandidateCache.clear(); initializedObjectsByType.clear(); }
Get a bean provider.
  • resolutionContext – The bean resolution context
  • beanType – The bean type
  • qualifier – The qualifier
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The bean type parameter
Returns:The bean provider
/** * Get a bean provider. * * @param resolutionContext The bean resolution context * @param beanType The bean type * @param qualifier The qualifier * @param <T> The bean type parameter * @return The bean provider */
protected @NonNull <T> Provider<T> getBeanProvider(@Nullable BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, @NonNull Class<T> beanType, @Nullable Qualifier<T> qualifier) { ArgumentUtils.requireNonNull("beanType", beanType); BeanKey beanKey = new BeanKey(beanType, qualifier); T inFlightBean = resolutionContext != null ? resolutionContext.getInFlightBean(beanKey) : null; if (inFlightBean != null) { return new ResolvedProvider<>(inFlightBean); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") BeanRegistration<T> beanRegistration = singletonObjects.get(beanKey); if (beanRegistration != null) { return new ResolvedProvider<>(beanRegistration.bean); } Optional<BeanDefinition<T>> concreteCandidate = findConcreteCandidate(resolutionContext, beanType, qualifier, true, false); if (concreteCandidate.isPresent()) { return new UnresolvedProvider<>(concreteCandidate.get(), this); } else { throw new NoSuchBeanException(beanType); } }
Resolves the BeanDefinitionReference class instances. Default implementation uses ServiceLoader pattern.
Returns:The bean definition classes
/** * Resolves the {@link BeanDefinitionReference} class instances. Default implementation uses ServiceLoader pattern. * * @return The bean definition classes */
protected @NonNull List<BeanDefinitionReference> resolveBeanDefinitionReferences() { final SoftServiceLoader<BeanDefinitionReference> definitions = SoftServiceLoader.load(BeanDefinitionReference.class, classLoader); List<ServiceDefinition<BeanDefinitionReference>> list = new ArrayList<>(300); for (ServiceDefinition<BeanDefinitionReference> definition : definitions) { list.add(definition); } return list.parallelStream() .filter(ServiceDefinition::isPresent) .map(ServiceDefinition::load) .filter(BeanDefinitionReference::isPresent) .collect(Collectors.toList()); }
Resolves the BeanConfiguration class instances. Default implementation uses ServiceLoader pattern.
Returns:The bean definition classes
/** * Resolves the {@link BeanConfiguration} class instances. Default implementation uses ServiceLoader pattern. * * @return The bean definition classes */
protected @NonNull Iterable<BeanConfiguration> resolveBeanConfigurations() { final SoftServiceLoader<BeanConfiguration> definitions = SoftServiceLoader.load(BeanConfiguration.class, classLoader); List<ServiceDefinition<BeanConfiguration>> list = new ArrayList<>(300); for (ServiceDefinition<BeanConfiguration> definition : definitions) { list.add(definition); } return list.parallelStream() .filter(ServiceDefinition::isPresent) .map(ServiceDefinition::load) .collect(Collectors.toList()); }
Initialize the event listeners.
/** * Initialize the event listeners. */
protected void initializeEventListeners() { final Collection<BeanDefinition<BeanCreatedEventListener>> beanCreatedDefinitions = getBeanDefinitions(BeanCreatedEventListener.class); final HashMap<Class, List<BeanCreatedEventListener>> beanCreatedListeners = new HashMap<>(beanCreatedDefinitions.size()); //noinspection ArraysAsListWithZeroOrOneArgument beanCreatedListeners.put(AnnotationProcessor.class, Arrays.asList(new AnnotationProcessorListener())); for (BeanDefinition<BeanCreatedEventListener> beanCreatedDefinition : beanCreatedDefinitions) { try (BeanResolutionContext context = newResolutionContext(beanCreatedDefinition, null)) { final BeanCreatedEventListener listener; final Qualifier qualifier = beanCreatedDefinition.getDeclaredQualifier(); if (beanCreatedDefinition.isSingleton()) { listener = createAndRegisterSingleton( context, beanCreatedDefinition, beanCreatedDefinition.getBeanType(), qualifier ); } else { listener = doCreateBean( context, beanCreatedDefinition, BeanCreatedEventListener.class, qualifier ); } List<Argument<?>> typeArguments = beanCreatedDefinition.getTypeArguments(BeanCreatedEventListener.class); Argument<?> argument = CollectionUtils.last(typeArguments); if (argument == null) { argument = Argument.OBJECT_ARGUMENT; } beanCreatedListeners.computeIfAbsent(argument.getType(), aClass -> new ArrayList<>(10)) .add(listener); } } for (List<BeanCreatedEventListener> listenerList : beanCreatedListeners.values()) { OrderUtil.sort(listenerList); } final HashMap<Class, List<BeanInitializedEventListener>> beanInitializedListeners = new HashMap<>(beanCreatedDefinitions.size()); final Collection<BeanDefinition<BeanInitializedEventListener>> beanInitializedDefinitions = getBeanDefinitions(BeanInitializedEventListener.class); for (BeanDefinition<BeanInitializedEventListener> definition : beanInitializedDefinitions) { try (BeanResolutionContext context = newResolutionContext(definition, null)) { final Qualifier qualifier = definition.getDeclaredQualifier(); final BeanInitializedEventListener listener; if (definition.isSingleton()) { listener = createAndRegisterSingleton( context, definition, definition.getBeanType(), qualifier ); } else { listener = doCreateBean( context, definition, BeanInitializedEventListener.class, qualifier ); } List<Argument<?>> typeArguments = definition.getTypeArguments(BeanInitializedEventListener.class); Argument<?> argument = CollectionUtils.last(typeArguments); if (argument == null) { argument = Argument.OBJECT_ARGUMENT; } beanInitializedListeners.computeIfAbsent(argument.getType(), aClass -> new ArrayList<>(10)) .add(listener); } } for (List<BeanInitializedEventListener> listenerList : beanInitializedListeners.values()) { OrderUtil.sort(listenerList); } this.beanCreationEventListeners = beanCreatedListeners.entrySet(); this.beanInitializedEventListeners = beanInitializedListeners.entrySet(); }
Initialize the context with the given Context scope beans.
  • contextScopeBeans – The context scope beans
  • processedBeans – The beans that require ExecutableMethodProcessor handling
  • parallelBeans – The parallel bean definitions
/** * Initialize the context with the given {@link io.micronaut.context.annotation.Context} scope beans. * * @param contextScopeBeans The context scope beans * @param processedBeans The beans that require {@link ExecutableMethodProcessor} handling * @param parallelBeans The parallel bean definitions */
protected void initializeContext( @NonNull List<BeanDefinitionReference> contextScopeBeans, @NonNull List<BeanDefinitionReference> processedBeans, @NonNull List<BeanDefinitionReference> parallelBeans) { if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(contextScopeBeans)) { final Collection<BeanDefinition> contextBeans = new ArrayList<>(contextScopeBeans.size()); for (BeanDefinitionReference contextScopeBean : contextScopeBeans) { try { loadContextScopeBean(contextScopeBean, contextBeans::add); } catch (Throwable e) { throw new BeanInstantiationException("Bean definition [" + contextScopeBean.getName() + "] could not be loaded: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } filterProxiedTypes((Collection) contextBeans, true, false); filterReplacedBeans(null, (Collection) contextBeans); for (BeanDefinition contextScopeDefinition : contextBeans) { try { loadContextScopeBean(contextScopeDefinition); } catch (DisabledBeanException e) { if (AbstractBeanContextConditional.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { AbstractBeanContextConditional.LOG.debug("Bean of type [{}] disabled for reason: {}", contextScopeDefinition.getBeanType().getSimpleName(), e.getMessage()); } } catch (Throwable e) { throw new BeanInstantiationException("Bean definition [" + contextScopeDefinition.getName() + "] could not be loaded: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } } if (!processedBeans.isEmpty()) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Stream<BeanDefinitionMethodReference<?, ?>> methodStream = processedBeans .stream() // is the bean reference enabled .filter(ref -> ref.isEnabled(this)) // ok - continue and load it .map((Function<BeanDefinitionReference, BeanDefinition<?>>) reference -> { try { return reference.load(this); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BeanInstantiationException("Bean definition [" + reference.getName() + "] could not be loaded: " + e.getMessage(), e); } }) // is the bean itself enabled .filter(bean -> bean.isEnabled(this)) // ok continue and get all of the ExecutableMethod references .flatMap(beanDefinition -> beanDefinition.getExecutableMethods() .parallelStream() .filter(method -> method.hasStereotype(Executable.class)) .map((Function<ExecutableMethod<?, ?>, BeanDefinitionMethodReference<?, ?>>) executableMethod -> BeanDefinitionMethodReference.of((BeanDefinition) beanDefinition, executableMethod) ) ); // group the method references by annotation type such that we have a map of Annotation -> MethodReference // ie. Class<Scheduled> -> @Scheduled void someAnnotation() Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, List<BeanDefinitionMethodReference<?, ?>>> byAnnotation = new HashMap<>(processedBeans.size()); methodStream.forEach(reference -> { List<Class<? extends Annotation>> annotations = reference.getAnnotationTypesByStereotype(Executable.class); annotations.forEach(annotation -> byAnnotation.compute(annotation, (ann, list) -> { if (list == null) { list = new ArrayList<>(10); } list.add(reference); return list; })); }); // Find ExecutableMethodProcessor for each annotation and process the BeanDefinitionMethodReference byAnnotation.forEach((annotationType, methods) -> streamOfType(ExecutableMethodProcessor.class, Qualifiers.byTypeArguments(annotationType)) .forEach(processor -> { for (BeanDefinitionMethodReference<?, ?> method : methods) { BeanDefinition<?> beanDefinition = method.getBeanDefinition(); // Only process the method if the the annotation is not declared at the class level // If declared at the class level it will already have been processed by AnnotationProcessorListener if (!beanDefinition.hasStereotype(annotationType)) { //noinspection unchecked if (method.hasDeclaredStereotype(Parallel.class)) { ForkJoinPool.commonPool().execute(() -> { try { processor.process(beanDefinition, method); } catch (Throwable e) { if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) { LOG.error("Error processing bean method " + beanDefinition + "." + method + " with processor (" + processor + "): " + e.getMessage(), e); } Boolean shutdownOnError = method.booleanValue(Parallel.class, "shutdownOnError").orElse(true); if (shutdownOnError) { stop(); } } }); } else { processor.process(beanDefinition, method); } } } if (processor instanceof Completable) { ((Completable) processor).onComplete(); } })); } if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(parallelBeans)) { processParallelBeans(parallelBeans); } final Runnable runnable = () -> beanDefinitionsClasses.removeIf((BeanDefinitionReference beanDefinitionReference) -> !beanDefinitionReference.isEnabled(this)); ForkJoinPool.commonPool().execute(runnable); }
Find bean candidates for the given type.
  • beanType – The bean type
  • filter – A bean definition to filter out
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The bean generic type
Returns:The candidates
/** * Find bean candidates for the given type. * * @param <T> The bean generic type * @param beanType The bean type * @param filter A bean definition to filter out * @return The candidates */
protected @NonNull <T> Collection<BeanDefinition<T>> findBeanCandidates(@NonNull Class<T> beanType, @Nullable BeanDefinition<?> filter) { return findBeanCandidates(null, beanType, filter, true); }
Find bean candidates for the given type.
  • resolutionContext – The current resolution context
  • beanType – The bean type
  • filter – A bean definition to filter out
  • filterProxied – Whether to filter out bean proxy targets
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The bean generic type
Returns:The candidates
/** * Find bean candidates for the given type. * * @param <T> The bean generic type * @param resolutionContext The current resolution context * @param beanType The bean type * @param filter A bean definition to filter out * @param filterProxied Whether to filter out bean proxy targets * @return The candidates */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected @NonNull <T> Collection<BeanDefinition<T>> findBeanCandidates( @Nullable BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, @NonNull Class<T> beanType, @Nullable BeanDefinition<?> filter, boolean filterProxied) { ArgumentUtils.requireNonNull("beanType", beanType); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Finding candidate beans for type: {}", beanType); } // first traverse component definition classes and load candidates Collection<BeanDefinitionReference> beanDefinitionsClasses; if (indexedTypes.contains(beanType)) { beanDefinitionsClasses = beanIndex.get(beanType); if (beanDefinitionsClasses == null) { beanDefinitionsClasses = Collections.emptyList(); } } else { beanDefinitionsClasses = this.beanDefinitionsClasses; } if (!beanDefinitionsClasses.isEmpty()) { Stream<BeanDefinition<T>> candidateStream = beanDefinitionsClasses .stream() .filter(reference -> { Class<?> candidateType = reference.getBeanType(); final boolean isCandidate = candidateType != null && (beanType.isAssignableFrom(candidateType) || beanType == candidateType); return isCandidate && reference.isEnabled(this, resolutionContext); }) .map(ref -> { BeanDefinition<T> loadedBean; try { loadedBean = ref.load(this); } catch (Throwable e) { throw new BeanContextException("Error loading bean [" + ref.getName() + "]: " + e.getMessage(), e); } return loadedBean; }); if (filter != null) { candidateStream = candidateStream.filter(candidate -> !candidate.equals(filter)); } Set<BeanDefinition<T>> candidates = candidateStream .filter(candidate -> candidate.isEnabled(this, resolutionContext)) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); if (!candidates.isEmpty()) { if (filterProxied) { filterProxiedTypes(candidates, true, false); } filterReplacedBeans(resolutionContext, candidates); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Resolved bean candidates {} for type: {}", candidates, beanType); } return candidates; } else { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("No bean candidates found for type: {}", beanType); } return Collections.emptySet(); } }
Method that transforms iterable candidates if possible.
  • resolutionContext – The resolution context
  • candidates – The candidates.
  • filterProxied – Whether to filter proxied.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The bean type
Returns:The candidates
/** * Method that transforms iterable candidates if possible. * * @param resolutionContext The resolution context * @param candidates The candidates. * @param filterProxied Whether to filter proxied. * @param <T> The bean type * @return The candidates */
protected <T> Collection<BeanDefinition<T>> transformIterables(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, Collection<BeanDefinition<T>> candidates, boolean filterProxied) { return candidates; }
Find bean candidates for the given type.
  • instance – The bean instance
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The bean generic type
Returns:The candidates
/** * Find bean candidates for the given type. * * @param instance The bean instance * @param <T> The bean generic type * @return The candidates */
protected @NonNull <T> Collection<BeanDefinition> findBeanCandidatesForInstance(@NonNull T instance) { ArgumentUtils.requireNonNull("instance", instance); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Finding candidate beans for instance: {}", instance); } Collection<BeanDefinitionReference> beanDefinitionsClasses = this.beanDefinitionsClasses; Class<?> beanType = instance.getClass(); Collection<BeanDefinition> beanDefinitions = beanCandidateCache.get(beanType); if (beanDefinitions == null) { // first traverse component definition classes and load candidates if (!beanDefinitionsClasses.isEmpty()) { List<BeanDefinition> candidates = beanDefinitionsClasses .stream() .filter(reference -> { if (reference.isEnabled(this)) { Class<?> candidateType = reference.getBeanType(); return candidateType != null && candidateType.isInstance(instance); } else { return false; } }) .map(ref -> ref.load(this)) .filter(candidate -> candidate.isEnabled(this)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (candidates.size() > 1) { // try narrow to exact type candidates = candidates .stream() .filter(candidate -> !(candidate instanceof NoInjectionBeanDefinition) && candidate.getBeanType() == beanType ) .collect(Collectors.toList()); beanDefinitions = candidates; } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Resolved bean candidates {} for instance: {}", candidates, instance); } beanDefinitions = candidates; } else { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("No bean candidates found for instance: {}", instance); } beanDefinitions = Collections.emptySet(); } beanCandidateCache.put(beanType, beanDefinitions); } return beanDefinitions; }
Registers an active configuration.
  • configuration – The configuration to register
/** * Registers an active configuration. * * @param configuration The configuration to register */
protected synchronized void registerConfiguration(@NonNull BeanConfiguration configuration) { ArgumentUtils.requireNonNull("configuration", configuration); beanConfigurations.put(configuration.getName(), configuration); }
Execution the creation of a bean. The returned value can be null if a factory method returned null.
  • resolutionContext – The BeanResolutionContext
  • beanDefinition – The BeanDefinition
  • qualifier – The Qualifier
  • isSingleton – Whether the bean is a singleton
  • argumentValues – Any argument values passed to create the bean
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The bean generic type
Returns:The created bean
/** * Execution the creation of a bean. The returned value can be null if a * factory method returned null. * * @param resolutionContext The {@link BeanResolutionContext} * @param beanDefinition The {@link BeanDefinition} * @param qualifier The {@link Qualifier} * @param isSingleton Whether the bean is a singleton * @param argumentValues Any argument values passed to create the bean * @param <T> The bean generic type * @return The created bean */
protected @Nullable <T> T doCreateBean(@NonNull BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, @NonNull BeanDefinition<T> beanDefinition, @Nullable Qualifier<T> qualifier, boolean isSingleton, @Nullable Map<String, Object> argumentValues) { if (argumentValues == null) { argumentValues = Collections.emptyMap(); } Qualifier declaredQualifier = beanDefinition.getDeclaredQualifier(); Class<T> beanType = beanDefinition.getBeanType(); if (isSingleton) { BeanRegistration<T> beanRegistration = singletonObjects.get(new BeanKey(beanDefinition, declaredQualifier)); if (beanRegistration != null) { if (qualifier == null || qualifier.reduce(beanType, Stream.of(beanRegistration.beanDefinition)).findFirst().isPresent()) { return beanRegistration.bean; } } else if (qualifier != null) { beanRegistration = singletonObjects.get(new BeanKey(beanDefinition, null)); if (beanRegistration != null && qualifier.reduce(beanType, Stream.of(beanRegistration.beanDefinition)).findFirst().isPresent()) { return beanRegistration.bean; } } } T bean; if (beanDefinition instanceof BeanFactory) { BeanFactory<T> beanFactory = (BeanFactory<T>) beanDefinition; try { if (beanFactory instanceof ParametrizedBeanFactory) { ParametrizedBeanFactory<T> parametrizedBeanFactory = (ParametrizedBeanFactory<T>) beanFactory; Argument<?>[] requiredArguments = parametrizedBeanFactory.getRequiredArguments(); Map<String, Object> convertedValues = new LinkedHashMap<>(argumentValues); for (Argument<?> requiredArgument : requiredArguments) { String argumentName = requiredArgument.getName(); Object val = argumentValues.get(argumentName); if (val == null && !requiredArgument.isDeclaredNullable()) { throw new BeanInstantiationException(resolutionContext, "Missing bean argument [" + requiredArgument + "] for type: " + beanType.getName() + ". Required arguments: " + ArrayUtils.toString(requiredArguments)); } BeanResolutionContext finalResolutionContext = resolutionContext; Object convertedValue = null; if (val != null) { if (requiredArgument.getType().isInstance(val)) { convertedValue = val; } else { convertedValue = ConversionService.SHARED.convert(val, requiredArgument).orElseThrow(() -> new BeanInstantiationException(finalResolutionContext, "Invalid bean argument [" + requiredArgument + "]. Cannot convert object [" + val + "] to required type: " + requiredArgument.getType()) ); } } convertedValues.put(argumentName, convertedValue); } bean = parametrizedBeanFactory.build( resolutionContext, this, beanDefinition, convertedValues ); } else { boolean propagateQualifier = beanDefinition.isProxy() && declaredQualifier instanceof Named; if (propagateQualifier) { resolutionContext.setAttribute(BeanDefinition.NAMED_ATTRIBUTE, ((Named) declaredQualifier).getName()); } resolutionContext.setCurrentQualifier(declaredQualifier); try { bean = beanFactory.build(resolutionContext, this, beanDefinition); } finally { resolutionContext.setCurrentQualifier(null); if (propagateQualifier) { resolutionContext.removeAttribute(BeanDefinition.NAMED_ATTRIBUTE); } } if (bean == null) { throw new BeanInstantiationException(resolutionContext, "Bean Factory [" + beanFactory + "] returned null"); } else { if (bean instanceof Qualified) { ((Qualified) bean).$withBeanQualifier(declaredQualifier); } } } } catch (Throwable e) { if (e instanceof DependencyInjectionException) { throw e; } if (e instanceof DisabledBeanException) { throw e; } if (e instanceof BeanInstantiationException) { throw e; } else { if (!resolutionContext.getPath().isEmpty()) { throw new BeanInstantiationException(resolutionContext, e); } else { throw new BeanInstantiationException(beanDefinition, e); } } } } else { ConstructorInjectionPoint<T> constructor = beanDefinition.getConstructor(); Argument[] requiredConstructorArguments = constructor.getArguments(); if (requiredConstructorArguments.length == 0) { bean = constructor.invoke(); } else { Object[] constructorArgs = new Object[requiredConstructorArguments.length]; for (int i = 0; i < requiredConstructorArguments.length; i++) { Class argument = requiredConstructorArguments[i].getType(); constructorArgs[i] = getBean(resolutionContext, argument); } bean = constructor.invoke(constructorArgs); } inject(resolutionContext, null, bean); } if (bean != null) { if (!BeanCreatedEventListener.class.isInstance(bean) && CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(beanCreationEventListeners)) { for (Map.Entry<Class, List<BeanCreatedEventListener>> entry : beanCreationEventListeners) { if (entry.getKey().isAssignableFrom(beanType)) { BeanKey beanKey = new BeanKey(beanDefinition, qualifier); for (BeanCreatedEventListener listener : entry.getValue()) { bean = (T) listener.onCreated(new BeanCreatedEvent(this, beanDefinition, beanKey, bean)); if (bean == null) { throw new BeanInstantiationException(resolutionContext, "Listener [" + listener + "] returned null from onCreated event"); } } } } } if (beanDefinition instanceof ValidatedBeanDefinition) { bean = ((ValidatedBeanDefinition<T>) beanDefinition).validate(resolutionContext, bean); } if (LOG_LIFECYCLE.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG_LIFECYCLE.debug("Created bean [{}] from definition [{}] with qualifier [{}]", bean, beanDefinition, qualifier); } } return bean; }
Fall back method to attempt to find a candidate for the given definitions.
  • beanType – The bean type
  • qualifier – The qualifier
  • candidates – The candidates
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The generic time
Returns:The concrete bean definition
/** * Fall back method to attempt to find a candidate for the given definitions. * * @param beanType The bean type * @param qualifier The qualifier * @param candidates The candidates * @param <T> The generic time * @return The concrete bean definition */
protected @NonNull <T> BeanDefinition<T> findConcreteCandidate( @NonNull Class<T> beanType, @Nullable Qualifier<T> qualifier, @NonNull Collection<BeanDefinition<T>> candidates) { throw new NonUniqueBeanException(beanType, candidates.iterator()); }
Processes parallel bean definitions.
  • parallelBeans – The parallel beans
/** * Processes parallel bean definitions. * * @param parallelBeans The parallel beans */
protected void processParallelBeans(List<BeanDefinitionReference> parallelBeans) { if (!parallelBeans.isEmpty()) { List<BeanDefinitionReference> finalParallelBeans = parallelBeans.stream().filter(bdr -> bdr.isEnabled(this)).collect(Collectors.toList()); if (!finalParallelBeans.isEmpty()) { new Thread(() -> { Collection<BeanDefinition> parallelDefinitions = new ArrayList<>(); finalParallelBeans.forEach(beanDefinitionReference -> { try { synchronized (singletonObjects) { loadContextScopeBean(beanDefinitionReference, parallelDefinitions::add); } } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.error("Parallel Bean definition [" + beanDefinitionReference.getName() + "] could not be loaded: " + e.getMessage(), e); Boolean shutdownOnError = beanDefinitionReference.getAnnotationMetadata().booleanValue(Parallel.class, "shutdownOnError").orElse(true); if (shutdownOnError) { stop(); } } }); filterProxiedTypes((Collection) parallelDefinitions, true, false); filterReplacedBeans(null, (Collection) parallelDefinitions); parallelDefinitions.forEach(beanDefinition -> ForkJoinPool.commonPool().execute(() -> { try { synchronized (singletonObjects) { loadContextScopeBean(beanDefinition); } } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.error("Parallel Bean definition [" + beanDefinition.getName() + "] could not be loaded: " + e.getMessage(), e); Boolean shutdownOnError = beanDefinition.getAnnotationMetadata().booleanValue(Parallel.class, "shutdownOnError").orElse(true); if (shutdownOnError) { stop(); } } })); parallelDefinitions.clear(); }).start(); } } } private <T> void filterReplacedBeans(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, Collection<? extends BeanType<T>> candidates) { List<BeanType<T>> replacedTypes = new ArrayList<>(2); for (BeanType<T> candidate : candidates) { if (candidate.getAnnotationMetadata().hasStereotype(REPLACES_ANN)) { replacedTypes.add(candidate); } } if (!replacedTypes.isEmpty()) { candidates.removeIf(definition -> { if (!definition.isEnabled(this, resolutionContext)) { return true; } final AnnotationMetadata annotationMetadata = definition.getAnnotationMetadata(); if (annotationMetadata.hasDeclaredStereotype(Infrastructure.class)) { return false; } Optional<Class<?>> declaringType = Optional.empty(); if (definition instanceof BeanDefinition) { declaringType = ((BeanDefinition<?>) definition).getDeclaringType(); } Function<Class, Boolean> comparisonFunction = typeMatches(definition, annotationMetadata); Optional<Class<?>> finalDeclaringType = declaringType; return replacedTypes.stream().anyMatch(replacingCandidate -> { if (definition == replacingCandidate) { // don't replace yourself return false; } if (replacingCandidate instanceof ProxyBeanDefinition && ((ProxyBeanDefinition<T>) replacingCandidate).getTargetDefinitionType() == definition.getClass()) { return false; } final AnnotationValue<Replaces> replacesAnn = replacingCandidate.getAnnotation(Replaces.class); Optional<Class<?>> beanType = replacesAnn.classValue(); Optional<Class<?>> factory = replacesAnn.classValue("factory"); if (replacesAnn.contains(NAMED_MEMBER)) { final String qualifier = replacesAnn.stringValue(NAMED_MEMBER).orElse(null); if (qualifier != null) { final Class type = beanType.orElse(factory.orElse(null)); if (type != null) { final Optional qualified = Qualifiers.<T>byName(qualifier) .qualify(type, Stream.of(definition)); return qualified.isPresent(); } } } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { if (factory.isPresent()) { LOG.debug("Bean [{}] replaces existing bean of type [{}] in factory type [{}]", replacingCandidate.getBeanType(), beanType.orElse(null), factory.get()); } else { LOG.debug("Bean [{}] replaces existing bean of type [{}]", replacingCandidate.getBeanType(), beanType.orElse(null)); } } if (factory.isPresent() && finalDeclaringType.isPresent()) { if (factory.get() == finalDeclaringType.get()) { return !beanType.isPresent() || comparisonFunction.apply(beanType.get()); } else { return false; } } else { return beanType.map(comparisonFunction).orElse(false); } }); }); } } private <T> Function<Class, Boolean> typeMatches(BeanType<T> definition, AnnotationMetadata annotationMetadata) { Class<T> bt; if (definition instanceof ProxyBeanDefinition) { bt = ((ProxyBeanDefinition<T>) definition).getTargetType(); } else { bt = definition.getBeanType(); } if (annotationMetadata.hasStereotype(INTRODUCTION_TYPE)) { Class<? super T> superclass = bt.getSuperclass(); if (superclass == Object.class) { // interface introduction return clazz -> clazz.isAssignableFrom(bt); } else { // abstract class introduction return clazz -> clazz == superclass; } } if (annotationMetadata.hasStereotype(AROUND_TYPE)) { Class<? super T> superclass = bt.getSuperclass(); return clazz -> clazz == superclass || clazz == bt; } if (annotationMetadata.hasAnnotation(DefaultImplementation.class)) { Optional<Class> defaultImpl = annotationMetadata.classValue(DefaultImplementation.class); if (!defaultImpl.isPresent()) { defaultImpl = annotationMetadata.classValue(DefaultImplementation.class, "name"); } if (defaultImpl.filter(impl -> impl == bt).isPresent()) { return clazz -> clazz.isAssignableFrom(bt); } else { return clazz -> clazz == bt; } } return clazz -> clazz != Object.class && clazz.isAssignableFrom(bt); } private <T> void doInject(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, T instance, BeanDefinition definition) { definition.inject(resolutionContext, this, instance); if (definition instanceof InitializingBeanDefinition) { ((InitializingBeanDefinition) definition).initialize(resolutionContext, this, instance); } } private void loadContextScopeBean(BeanDefinitionReference contextScopeBean, Consumer<BeanDefinition> beanDefinitionConsumer) { if (contextScopeBean.isEnabled(this)) { BeanDefinition beanDefinition = contextScopeBean.load(this); try (BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext = newResolutionContext(beanDefinition, null)) { if (beanDefinition.isEnabled(this, resolutionContext)) { beanDefinitionConsumer.accept(beanDefinition); } } } } private void loadContextScopeBean(BeanDefinition beanDefinition) { if (beanDefinition.isIterable() || beanDefinition.hasStereotype(ConfigurationReader.class.getName())) { Collection<BeanDefinition> beanCandidates = (Collection<BeanDefinition>) transformIterables(null, Collections.singleton(beanDefinition), true); for (BeanDefinition beanCandidate : beanCandidates) { try (BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext = newResolutionContext(beanDefinition, null)) { createAndRegisterSingleton( resolutionContext, beanCandidate, beanCandidate.getBeanType(), beanCandidate.hasAnnotation(Context.class) ? null : beanDefinition.getDeclaredQualifier() ); } } } else { try (BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext = newResolutionContext(beanDefinition, null)) { createAndRegisterSingletonInternal(resolutionContext, beanDefinition, beanDefinition.getBeanType(), null); } } } private <T> T getBeanInternal( @Nullable BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, Class<T> beanType, Qualifier<T> qualifier, boolean throwNonUnique, boolean throwNoSuchBean) { // allow injection the bean context if (thisInterfaces.contains(beanType)) { return (T) this; } if (beanType == InjectionPoint.class) { final BeanResolutionContext.Path path = resolutionContext != null ? resolutionContext.getPath() : null; if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(path)) { final Iterator<BeanResolutionContext.Segment<?>> i = path.iterator(); final BeanResolutionContext.Segment<?> injectionPointSegment = i.next(); if (i.hasNext()) { BeanResolutionContext.Segment segment = i.next(); final BeanDefinition declaringBean = segment.getDeclaringType(); if (declaringBean.hasStereotype(INTRODUCTION_TYPE)) { if (!i.hasNext()) { if (!injectionPointSegment.getArgument().isNullable()) { throw new BeanContextException("Failed to obtain injection point. No valid injection path present in path: " + path); } else { return null; } } else { segment = i.next(); } } return (T) segment.getInjectionPoint(); } else { if (!injectionPointSegment.getArgument().isNullable()) { throw new BeanContextException("Failed to obtain injection point. No valid injection path present in path: " + path); } else { return null; } } } else { throw new BeanContextException("Failed to obtain injection point. No valid injection path present in path: " + path); } } BeanKey<T> beanKey = new BeanKey<>(beanType, qualifier); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Looking up existing bean for key: {}", beanKey); } T inFlightBean = resolutionContext != null ? resolutionContext.getInFlightBean(beanKey) : null; if (inFlightBean != null) { return inFlightBean; } BeanRegistration<T> beanRegistration = singletonObjects.get(beanKey); if (beanRegistration != null) { T bean = beanRegistration.bean; if (bean == null && throwNoSuchBean) { throw new NoSuchBeanException(beanType, qualifier); } else { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Resolved existing bean [{}] for type [{}] and qualifier [{}]", beanRegistration.bean, beanType, qualifier); } return bean; } } else if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("No existing bean found for bean key: {}", beanKey); } synchronized (singletonObjects) { Optional<BeanDefinition<T>> concreteCandidate = findConcreteCandidate(resolutionContext, beanType, qualifier, throwNonUnique, false); T bean; if (concreteCandidate.isPresent()) { BeanDefinition<T> definition = concreteCandidate.get(); bean = findExistingCompatibleSingleton(definition.getBeanType(), beanType, qualifier, definition); if (bean != null) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Resolved existing bean [{}] for type [{}] and qualifier [{}]", bean, beanType, qualifier); } return bean; } if (definition.isProvided() && beanType == definition.getBeanType()) { if (throwNoSuchBean) { throw new NoSuchBeanException(beanType, qualifier); } return null; } else { bean = getBeanForDefinition(resolutionContext, beanType, qualifier, throwNoSuchBean, definition); if (bean == null && throwNoSuchBean) { throw new NoSuchBeanException(beanType, qualifier); } else { return bean; } } } else { bean = findExistingCompatibleSingleton(beanType, null, qualifier, null); if (bean == null && throwNoSuchBean) { throw new NoSuchBeanException(beanType, qualifier); } else { return bean; } } } } private <T> T getBeanForDefinition( BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, Class<T> beanType, Qualifier<T> qualifier, boolean throwNoSuchBean, BeanDefinition<T> definition) { try (BeanResolutionContext context = newResolutionContext(definition, resolutionContext)) { if (definition.isSingleton() && !definition.hasStereotype(SCOPED_PROXY_ANN)) { return createAndRegisterSingleton(context, definition, beanType, qualifier); } else { return getScopedBeanForDefinition(context, beanType, qualifier, throwNoSuchBean, definition); } } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <T> T getScopedBeanForDefinition( final @NonNull BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, Class<T> beanType, Qualifier<T> qualifier, boolean throwNoSuchBean, BeanDefinition<T> definition) { final boolean isProxy = definition.isProxy(); final boolean isScopedProxyDefinition = definition.hasStereotype(SCOPED_PROXY_ANN); if (qualifier != PROXY_TARGET_QUALIFIER && isProxy && isScopedProxyDefinition) { Class<?> proxiedType = resolveProxiedType(beanType, definition); BeanKey key = new BeanKey(proxiedType, qualifier); BeanDefinition<T> finalDefinition = definition; return (T) scopedProxies.computeIfAbsent(key, beanKey -> ProviderUtils.memoized(() -> { Qualifier<T> q = qualifier; if (q == null) { q = finalDefinition.getDeclaredQualifier(); } BeanDefinition<T> proxyDefinition = (BeanDefinition<T>) findProxyBeanDefinition((Class) proxiedType, q).orElse(finalDefinition); T createBean = doCreateBean(resolutionContext, proxyDefinition, qualifier, false, null); if (createBean instanceof Qualified) { ((Qualified) createBean).$withBeanQualifier(qualifier); } if (createBean == null && throwNoSuchBean) { throw new NoSuchBeanException(proxyDefinition.getBeanType(), qualifier); } return createBean; })).get(); } else { Optional<BeanResolutionContext.Segment<?>> currentSegment = resolutionContext.getPath().currentSegment(); Optional<CustomScope> registeredScope = Optional.empty(); if (currentSegment.isPresent()) { Argument argument = currentSegment.get().getArgument(); final Optional<Class<? extends Annotation>> scope = argument.getAnnotationMetadata().getAnnotationTypeByStereotype(Scope.class); registeredScope = scope.flatMap(customScopeRegistry::findScope); } if (!isProxy && isScopedProxyDefinition && !registeredScope.isPresent()) { final List<Class<? extends Annotation>> scopeHierarchy = definition.getAnnotationTypesByStereotype(Scope.class); for (Class<? extends Annotation> scope : scopeHierarchy) { registeredScope = customScopeRegistry.findScope(scope); if (registeredScope.isPresent()) { break; } } } if (registeredScope.isPresent()) { CustomScope customScope = registeredScope.get(); if (isProxy) { definition = getProxyTargetBeanDefinition(beanType, qualifier); } BeanDefinition<T> finalDefinition = definition; return (T) customScope.get( resolutionContext, finalDefinition, new BeanKey(beanType, qualifier), new ParametrizedProvider() { @Override public Object get(Map argumentValues) { Object createBean = doCreateBean(resolutionContext, finalDefinition, qualifier, false, argumentValues); if (createBean == null && throwNoSuchBean) { throw new NoSuchBeanException(finalDefinition.getBeanType(), qualifier); } return createBean; } @Override public Object get(Object... argumentValues) { T createdBean = doCreateBean(resolutionContext, finalDefinition, beanType, qualifier, argumentValues); if (createdBean == null && throwNoSuchBean) { throw new NoSuchBeanException(finalDefinition.getBeanType(), qualifier); } return createdBean; } } ); } else { T createBean = doCreateBean(resolutionContext, definition, qualifier, false, null); if (createBean == null && throwNoSuchBean) { throw new NoSuchBeanException(definition.getBeanType(), qualifier); } return createBean; } } } private <T> Class<?> resolveProxiedType(Class<T> beanType, BeanDefinition<T> definition) { Class<?> proxiedType; if (definition instanceof ProxyBeanDefinition) { proxiedType = ((ProxyBeanDefinition<T>) definition).getTargetType(); } else if (definition instanceof BeanDefinitionDelegate) { BeanDefinition<T> delegate = ((BeanDefinitionDelegate<T>) definition).getDelegate(); if (delegate instanceof ProxyBeanDefinition) { proxiedType = ((ProxyBeanDefinition<T>) delegate).getTargetType(); } else { proxiedType = beanType; } } else { proxiedType = beanType; } return proxiedType; } private <T> T findExistingCompatibleSingleton(Class<T> beanType, @Nullable Class<?> requestedType, Qualifier<T> qualifier, @Nullable BeanDefinition<T> definition) { T bean = null; for (Map.Entry<BeanKey, BeanRegistration> entry : singletonObjects.entrySet()) { BeanKey key = entry.getKey(); if (qualifier == null || qualifier.equals(key.qualifier)) { BeanRegistration reg = entry.getValue(); if (beanType.isInstance(reg.bean)) { if (qualifier == null && definition != null && !reg.beanDefinition.equals(definition)) { // different definition, so ignore return null; } synchronized (singletonObjects) { bean = (T) reg.bean; registerSingletonBean(reg.beanDefinition, beanType, bean, qualifier, true); break; } } } else if (key.qualifier == null) { BeanRegistration registration = entry.getValue(); Object existing = registration.bean; if (beanType.isInstance(existing)) { Optional<BeanDefinition<T>> candidate = qualifier.qualify(beanType, Stream.of(registration.beanDefinition)); if (!candidate.isPresent() && requestedType != null && requestedType != beanType) { candidate = qualifier.qualify((Class<T>) requestedType, Stream.of(registration.beanDefinition)); } if (candidate.isPresent()) { synchronized (singletonObjects) { bean = (T) existing; registerSingletonBean(candidate.get(), beanType, bean, qualifier, true); break; } } } } } return bean; }
Find a concrete candidate for the given qualifier.
  • beanType – The bean type
  • qualifier – The qualifier
  • throwNonUnique – Whether to throw an exception if the bean is not found
  • includeProvided – Whether to include provided resolution
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The bean generic type
Returns:The concrete bean definition candidate
/** * Find a concrete candidate for the given qualifier. * * @param beanType The bean type * @param qualifier The qualifier * @param throwNonUnique Whether to throw an exception if the bean is not found * @param includeProvided Whether to include provided resolution * @param <T> The bean generic type * @return The concrete bean definition candidate */
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) private <T> Optional<BeanDefinition<T>> findConcreteCandidate( BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, Class<T> beanType, Qualifier<T> qualifier, boolean throwNonUnique, boolean includeProvided) { BeanKey bk = new BeanKey(beanType, qualifier); Optional beanDefinition = beanConcreteCandidateCache.get(bk); //noinspection OptionalAssignedToNull if (beanDefinition == null) { beanDefinition = findConcreteCandidateNoCache( resolutionContext, beanType, qualifier, throwNonUnique, includeProvided, true ); beanConcreteCandidateCache.put(bk, beanDefinition); } return beanDefinition; } private <T> Optional<BeanDefinition<T>> findConcreteCandidateNoCache( BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, Class<T> beanType, Qualifier<T> qualifier, boolean throwNonUnique, boolean includeProvided, boolean filterProxied) { Collection<BeanDefinition<T>> candidates = new ArrayList<>(findBeanCandidates(resolutionContext, beanType, null, filterProxied)); if (candidates.isEmpty()) { return Optional.empty(); } filterProxiedTypes(candidates, filterProxied, false); if (!includeProvided) { candidates.removeIf(BeanDefinition::isProvided); } int size = candidates.size(); BeanDefinition<T> definition = null; if (size > 0) { if (qualifier != null) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Qualifying bean [{}] for qualifier: {} ", beanType.getName(), qualifier); } Stream<BeanDefinition<T>> candidateStream = candidates.stream().filter(c -> { if (!c.isAbstract()) { if (c instanceof NoInjectionBeanDefinition) { NoInjectionBeanDefinition noInjectionBeanDefinition = (NoInjectionBeanDefinition) c; return qualifier.contains(noInjectionBeanDefinition.qualifier); } return true; } return false; }); Stream<BeanDefinition<T>> qualified = qualifier.reduce(beanType, candidateStream); List<BeanDefinition<T>> beanDefinitionList = qualified.collect(Collectors.toList()); if (beanDefinitionList.isEmpty()) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("No qualifying beans of type [{}] found for qualifier: {} ", beanType.getName(), qualifier); } return Optional.empty(); } definition = lastChanceResolve(beanType, qualifier, throwNonUnique, beanDefinitionList); } else { candidates.removeIf(BeanDefinition::isAbstract); if (candidates.size() == 1) { definition = candidates.iterator().next(); } else { if (candidates.isEmpty()) { throw new NoSuchBeanException(beanType, qualifier); } else { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Searching for @Primary for type [{}] from candidates: {} ", beanType.getName(), candidates); } definition = lastChanceResolve(beanType, null, throwNonUnique, candidates); } } } } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled() && definition != null) { if (qualifier != null) { LOG.debug("Found concrete candidate [{}] for type: {} {} ", definition, qualifier, beanType.getName()); } else { LOG.debug("Found concrete candidate [{}] for type: {} ", definition, beanType.getName()); } } return Optional.ofNullable(definition); } private <T> void filterProxiedTypes(Collection<BeanDefinition<T>> candidates, boolean filterProxied, boolean filterDelegates) { int count = candidates.size(); Set<Class> proxiedTypes = new HashSet<>(count); Iterator<BeanDefinition<T>> i = candidates.iterator(); Collection<BeanDefinition<T>> delegates = filterDelegates ? new ArrayList<>(count) : Collections.emptyList(); while (i.hasNext()) { BeanDefinition<T> candidate = i.next(); if (candidate instanceof ProxyBeanDefinition) { if (filterProxied) { proxiedTypes.add(((ProxyBeanDefinition) candidate).getTargetDefinitionType()); } else { proxiedTypes.add(candidate.getClass()); } } else if (candidate instanceof BeanDefinitionDelegate) { BeanDefinition<T> delegate = ((BeanDefinitionDelegate<T>) candidate).getDelegate(); if (filterDelegates) { i.remove(); if (!delegates.contains(delegate)) { delegates.add(delegate); } } else if (filterProxied && delegate instanceof ProxyBeanDefinition) { proxiedTypes.add(((ProxyBeanDefinition) delegate).getTargetDefinitionType()); } } } if (filterDelegates) { candidates.addAll(delegates); } if (!proxiedTypes.isEmpty()) { candidates.removeIf(candidate -> { if (candidate instanceof BeanDefinitionDelegate) { return proxiedTypes.contains(((BeanDefinitionDelegate<T>) candidate).getDelegate().getClass()); } else { return proxiedTypes.contains(candidate.getClass()); } }); } } private <T> BeanDefinition<T> lastChanceResolve(Class<T> beanType, Qualifier<T> qualifier, boolean throwNonUnique, Collection<BeanDefinition<T>> candidates) { if (candidates.size() > 1) { List<BeanDefinition<T>> primary = candidates.stream() .filter(BeanDefinition::isPrimary) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (!primary.isEmpty()) { candidates = primary; } } if (candidates.size() == 1) { return candidates.iterator().next(); } else { BeanDefinition<T> definition = null; candidates = candidates.stream().filter(candidate -> !candidate.hasDeclaredStereotype(Secondary.class)).collect(Collectors.toList()); if (candidates.size() == 1) { return candidates.iterator().next(); } else { Collection<BeanDefinition<T>> exactMatches = filterExactMatch(beanType, candidates); if (exactMatches.size() == 1) { definition = exactMatches.iterator().next(); } else if (throwNonUnique) { definition = findConcreteCandidate(beanType, qualifier, candidates); } return definition; } } } private <T> T createAndRegisterSingleton(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, BeanDefinition<T> definition, Class<T> beanType, Qualifier<T> qualifier) { synchronized (singletonObjects) { return createAndRegisterSingletonInternal(resolutionContext, definition, beanType, qualifier); } } private <T> T createAndRegisterSingletonInternal(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, BeanDefinition<T> definition, Class<T> beanType, Qualifier<T> qualifier) { if (definition instanceof NoInjectionBeanDefinition) { NoInjectionBeanDefinition<T> manuallyRegistered = (NoInjectionBeanDefinition) definition; BeanRegistration<T> reg = singletonObjects.get(new BeanKey(manuallyRegistered.getBeanType(), manuallyRegistered.getQualifier())); if (reg == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Manually registered singleton no longer present in bean context"); } registerSingletonBean(definition, beanType, reg.bean, qualifier, true); return reg.bean; } else { T createdBean = doCreateBean(resolutionContext, definition, qualifier, true, null); registerSingletonBean(definition, beanType, createdBean, qualifier, true); return createdBean; } } private void readAllBeanConfigurations() { Iterable<BeanConfiguration> beanConfigurations = resolveBeanConfigurations(); for (BeanConfiguration beanConfiguration : beanConfigurations) { registerConfiguration(beanConfiguration); } } private <T> Collection<BeanDefinition<T>> filterExactMatch(final Class<T> beanType, Collection<BeanDefinition<T>> candidates) { Stream<BeanDefinition<T>> filteredResults = candidates .stream() .filter((BeanDefinition<T> candidate) -> candidate.getBeanType() == beanType); return filteredResults.collect(Collectors.toList()); } private <T> void registerSingletonBean(BeanDefinition<T> beanDefinition, Class<T> beanType, T createdBean, Qualifier<T> qualifier, boolean singleCandidate) { // for only one candidate create link to bean type as singleton if (qualifier == null) { qualifier = beanDefinition.getDeclaredQualifier(); } BeanKey key = new BeanKey<>(beanDefinition, qualifier); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { if (qualifier != null) { LOG.debug("Registering singleton bean {} for type [{} {}] using bean key {}", createdBean, qualifier, beanType.getName(), key); } else { LOG.debug("Registering singleton bean {} for type [{}] using bean key {}", createdBean, beanType.getName(), key); } } BeanRegistration<T> registration = new BeanRegistration<>(key, beanDefinition, createdBean); if (singleCandidate || key.typeArguments != null) { singletonObjects.put(key, registration); } boolean isNotProxyTarget = qualifier != PROXY_TARGET_QUALIFIER; if (isNotProxyTarget) { Class<?> createdType = createdBean != null ? createdBean.getClass() : beanType; boolean createdTypeDiffers = !createdType.equals(beanType); BeanKey createdBeanKey = new BeanKey(createdType, qualifier); Optional<Class<? extends Annotation>> qualifierAnn = beanDefinition.getAnnotationTypeByStereotype(javax.inject.Qualifier.class); if (qualifierAnn.isPresent()) { Class annotation = qualifierAnn.get(); if (Primary.class == annotation) { BeanKey primaryBeanKey = new BeanKey<>(beanType, null); singletonObjects.put(primaryBeanKey, registration); if (createdTypeDiffers) { singletonObjects.put(new BeanKey<>(createdType, null), registration); } } else { BeanKey qualifierKey = new BeanKey<>(createdType, Qualifiers.byAnnotation(beanDefinition, annotation.getName())); if (!qualifierKey.equals(createdBeanKey)) { singletonObjects.put(qualifierKey, registration); } } } else { if (!beanDefinition.isIterable()) { BeanKey primaryBeanKey = new BeanKey<>(createdType, null); singletonObjects.put(primaryBeanKey, registration); if (qualifier != null) { BeanKey qualifiedKey = new BeanKey<>(beanType, qualifier); singletonObjects.put(qualifiedKey, registration); } } else { if (beanDefinition.isPrimary()) { BeanKey primaryBeanKey = new BeanKey<>(beanType, null); singletonObjects.put(primaryBeanKey, registration); if (createdTypeDiffers) { singletonObjects.put(new BeanKey<>(createdType, null), registration); } } } } singletonObjects.put(createdBeanKey, registration); } } private void readAllBeanDefinitionClasses() { List<BeanDefinitionReference> contextScopeBeans = new ArrayList<>(20); List<BeanDefinitionReference> processedBeans = new ArrayList<>(10); List<BeanDefinitionReference> parallelBeans = new ArrayList<>(10); List<BeanDefinitionReference> beanDefinitionReferences = resolveBeanDefinitionReferences(); beanDefinitionsClasses.addAll(beanDefinitionReferences); Map<BeanConfiguration, Boolean> configurationEnabled = beanConfigurations.values().stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap(Function.identity(), bc -> bc.isEnabled(this))); final Set<Map.Entry<BeanConfiguration, Boolean>> configurationEnabledEntries = configurationEnabled.entrySet(); reference: for (BeanDefinitionReference beanDefinitionReference : beanDefinitionReferences) { for (Map.Entry<BeanConfiguration, Boolean> entry : configurationEnabledEntries) { if (entry.getKey().isWithin(beanDefinitionReference) && !entry.getValue()) { beanDefinitionsClasses.remove(beanDefinitionReference); continue reference; } } final AnnotationMetadata annotationMetadata = beanDefinitionReference.getAnnotationMetadata(); Class[] indexes = annotationMetadata.classValues(INDEXES_TYPE); if (indexes.length > 0) { //noinspection ForLoopReplaceableByForEach for (int i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++) { Class indexedType = indexes[i]; resolveTypeIndex(indexedType).add(beanDefinitionReference); } } else { if (annotationMetadata.hasStereotype(ADAPTER_TYPE)) { final Class aClass = annotationMetadata.classValue(ADAPTER_TYPE, AnnotationMetadata.VALUE_MEMBER).orElse(null); if (indexedTypes.contains(aClass)) { resolveTypeIndex(aClass).add(beanDefinitionReference); } } } if (isEagerInit(beanDefinitionReference)) { contextScopeBeans.add(beanDefinitionReference); } else if (annotationMetadata.hasDeclaredStereotype(PARALLEL_TYPE)) { parallelBeans.add(beanDefinitionReference); } if (beanDefinitionReference.requiresMethodProcessing()) { processedBeans.add(beanDefinitionReference); } } initializeEventListeners(); initializeContext(contextScopeBeans, processedBeans, parallelBeans); } private boolean isEagerInit(BeanDefinitionReference beanDefinitionReference) { return beanDefinitionReference.isContextScope() || (eagerInitSingletons && beanDefinitionReference.isSingleton()) || (eagerInitStereotypesPresent && beanDefinitionReference.getAnnotationMetadata().hasStereotype(eagerInitStereotypes)); } @NonNull private Collection<BeanDefinitionReference> resolveTypeIndex(Class<?> indexedType) { return beanIndex.computeIfAbsent(indexedType, aClass -> { indexedTypes.add(indexedType); return new ArrayList<>(20); }); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <T> Collection<BeanDefinition<T>> findBeanCandidatesInternal(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, Class<T> beanType) { @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Collection beanDefinitions = beanCandidateCache.get(beanType); if (beanDefinitions == null) { beanDefinitions = findBeanCandidates(resolutionContext, beanType, null, true); beanCandidateCache.put(beanType, beanDefinitions); } return beanDefinitions; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <T> Collection<T> getBeansOfTypeInternal(@Nullable BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, Class<T> beanType, Qualifier<T> qualifier) { boolean hasQualifier = qualifier != null; if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { if (hasQualifier) { LOG.debug("Resolving beans for type: {} {} ", qualifier, beanType.getName()); } else { LOG.debug("Resolving beans for type: {}", beanType.getName()); } } BeanKey<T> key = new BeanKey<>(beanType, qualifier); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Looking up existing beans for key: {}", key); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Collection<T> existing = (Collection<T>) initializedObjectsByType.get(key); if (existing != null) { logResolvedExisting(beanType, qualifier, hasQualifier, existing); return existing; } if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("No beans found for key: {}", key); } synchronized (singletonObjects) { existing = (Collection<T>) initializedObjectsByType.get(key); if (existing != null) { logResolvedExisting(beanType, qualifier, hasQualifier, existing); return existing; } HashSet<BeanRegistration<T>> beansOfTypeList; boolean allCandidatesAreSingleton = false; boolean hasOrderAnnotation = false; Collection<BeanRegistration<T>> beanRegistrations; Collection<BeanDefinition<T>> candidates = findBeanCandidatesInternal(resolutionContext, beanType); filterProxiedTypes(candidates, true, false); boolean hasCandidates = !candidates.isEmpty(); if (hasQualifier && hasCandidates) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Qualifying bean [{}] from candidates {} for qualifier: {} ", beanType.getName(), candidates, qualifier); } Stream<BeanDefinition<T>> candidateStream = candidates.stream(); candidateStream = applyBeanResolutionFilters(resolutionContext, candidateStream); List<BeanDefinition<T>> reduced = qualifier.reduce(beanType, candidateStream) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (!reduced.isEmpty()) { beansOfTypeList = new HashSet<>(reduced.size()); for (BeanDefinition<T> definition : reduced) { if (definition.isSingleton()) { allCandidatesAreSingleton = true; } if (definition.hasAnnotation(Order.class)) { hasOrderAnnotation = true; } addCandidateToList(resolutionContext, beanType, definition, beansOfTypeList, qualifier, reduced.size() == 1); } beanRegistrations = beansOfTypeList; } else { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Found no matching beans of type [{}] for qualifier: {} ", beanType.getName(), qualifier); } allCandidatesAreSingleton = true; beanRegistrations = Collections.emptySet(); } } else if (hasCandidates) { boolean hasNonSingletonCandidate = false; int candidateCount = candidates.size(); Stream<BeanDefinition<T>> candidateStream = candidates.stream(); candidateStream = applyBeanResolutionFilters(resolutionContext, candidateStream); List<BeanDefinition<T>> candidateList = candidateStream.collect(Collectors.toList()); beansOfTypeList = new HashSet<>(candidateCount); for (BeanDefinition<T> candidate : candidateList) { if (!hasNonSingletonCandidate && !candidate.isSingleton()) { hasNonSingletonCandidate = true; } if (candidate.hasAnnotation(Order.class)) { hasOrderAnnotation = true; } addCandidateToList(resolutionContext, beanType, candidate, beansOfTypeList, qualifier, candidateCount == 1); } if (!hasNonSingletonCandidate) { allCandidatesAreSingleton = true; } beanRegistrations = beansOfTypeList; } else { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Found no possible candidate beans of type [{}] for qualifier: {} ", beanType.getName(), qualifier); } allCandidatesAreSingleton = true; beanRegistrations = Collections.emptySet(); } Collection<T> beans = Collections.emptyList(); if (beanRegistrations != Collections.EMPTY_SET) { Stream<BeanRegistration<T>> stream = beanRegistrations.stream(); if (Ordered.class.isAssignableFrom(beanType)) { beans = stream .map(BeanRegistration::getBean) .sorted(OrderUtil.COMPARATOR) .collect(StreamUtils.toImmutableCollection()); } else { if (hasOrderAnnotation) { stream = stream.sorted(BEAN_REGISTRATION_COMPARATOR); } beans = stream .map(BeanRegistration::getBean) .collect(StreamUtils.toImmutableCollection()); } } if (allCandidatesAreSingleton) { initializedObjectsByType.put(key, (Collection<Object>) beans); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled() && !beans.isEmpty()) { if (hasQualifier) { LOG.debug("Found {} beans for type [{} {}]: {} ", beanRegistrations.size(), qualifier, beanType.getName(), beanRegistrations); } else { LOG.debug("Found {} beans for type [{}]: {} ", beanRegistrations.size(), beanType.getName(), beanRegistrations); } } return beans; } } private <T> void logResolvedExisting(Class<T> beanType, Qualifier<T> qualifier, boolean hasQualifier, Collection<T> existing) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { if (hasQualifier) { LOG.trace("Found {} existing beans for type [{} {}]: {} ", existing.size(), qualifier, beanType.getName(), existing); } else { LOG.trace("Found {} existing beans for type [{}]: {} ", existing.size(), beanType.getName(), existing); } } } private <T> Stream<BeanDefinition<T>> applyBeanResolutionFilters(@Nullable BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, Stream<BeanDefinition<T>> candidateStream) { candidateStream = candidateStream.filter(c -> !c.isAbstract()); BeanResolutionContext.Segment segment = resolutionContext != null ? resolutionContext.getPath().peek() : null; if (segment instanceof AbstractBeanResolutionContext.ConstructorSegment) { BeanDefinition declaringBean = segment.getDeclaringType(); // if the currently injected segment is a constructor argument and the type to be constructed is the // same as the candidate, then filter out the candidate to avoid a circular injection problem candidateStream = candidateStream.filter(c -> { if (c.equals(declaringBean)) { return false; } else if (declaringBean instanceof ProxyBeanDefinition) { return !((ProxyBeanDefinition) declaringBean).getTargetDefinitionType().equals(c.getClass()); } return true; }); } return candidateStream; } private <T> void addCandidateToList( @Nullable BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, Class<T> beanType, BeanDefinition<T> candidate, Collection<BeanRegistration<T>> beansOfTypeList, Qualifier<T> qualifier, boolean singleCandidate) { T bean = null; try { if (candidate.isSingleton()) { synchronized (singletonObjects) { try (BeanResolutionContext context = newResolutionContext(candidate, resolutionContext)) { if (candidate instanceof NoInjectionBeanDefinition) { NoInjectionBeanDefinition noibd = (NoInjectionBeanDefinition) candidate; final BeanKey key = new BeanKey(noibd.singletonClass, noibd.qualifier); final BeanRegistration beanRegistration = singletonObjects.get(key); if (beanRegistration != null) { bean = (T) beanRegistration.bean; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Singleton not present for key: " + key); } } else { bean = doCreateBean(context, candidate, qualifier, true, null); registerSingletonBean(candidate, beanType, bean, qualifier, singleCandidate); } } } } else { try (BeanResolutionContext context = newResolutionContext(candidate, resolutionContext)) { bean = getScopedBeanForDefinition(context, beanType, qualifier, true, candidate); } } } catch (DisabledBeanException e) { if (AbstractBeanContextConditional.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { AbstractBeanContextConditional.LOG.debug("Bean of type [{}] disabled for reason: {}", beanType.getSimpleName(), e.getMessage()); } } if (bean != null) { beansOfTypeList.add(new BeanRegistration(null, candidate, bean)); } } private <T> boolean isCandidatePresent(Class<T> beanType, Qualifier<T> qualifier) { final Collection<BeanDefinition<T>> candidates = findBeanCandidates(null, beanType, null, true); if (!candidates.isEmpty()) { filterReplacedBeans(null, candidates); Stream<BeanDefinition<T>> stream = candidates.stream(); if (qualifier != null) { stream = qualifier.reduce(beanType, stream); } return stream.count() > 0; } return false; } private List<BeanRegistration> topologicalSort(Collection<BeanRegistration> beans) { List<BeanRegistration> sorted = new ArrayList<>(); List<BeanRegistration> unsorted = new ArrayList<>(beans); //loop until all items have been sorted while (!unsorted.isEmpty()) { boolean acyclic = false; Iterator<BeanRegistration> i = unsorted.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { BeanRegistration bean = i.next(); boolean found = false; //determine if any components are in the unsorted list Collection<Class> components = bean.getBeanDefinition().getRequiredComponents(); for (Class<?> clazz : components) { if (unsorted.stream() .map(BeanRegistration::getBeanDefinition) .map(BeanDefinition::getBeanType) .anyMatch(clazz::isAssignableFrom)) { found = true; break; } } //none of the required components are in the unsorted list //so it can be added to the sorted list if (!found) { acyclic = true; i.remove(); sorted.add(0, bean); } } //rather than throw an exception here because there is a cyclical dependency //just add the first item to the list and keep trying. It may be possible to //see a cycle here because qualifiers are not taken into account. if (!acyclic) { sorted.add(0, unsorted.remove(0)); } } return sorted; } @NonNull @Override public MutableConvertibleValues<Object> getAttributes() { return MutableConvertibleValues.of(attributes); } @NonNull @Override public Optional<Object> getAttribute(CharSequence name) { if (name != null) { return Optional.ofNullable(attributes.get(name)); } else { return Optional.empty(); } } @NonNull @Override public <T> Optional<T> getAttribute(CharSequence name, Class<T> type) { if (name != null) { final Object o = attributes.get(name); if (type.isInstance(o)) { return Optional.of((T) o); } else if (o != null) { return ConversionService.SHARED.convert(o, type); } } return Optional.empty(); } @NonNull @Override public BeanContext setAttribute(@NonNull CharSequence name, @Nullable Object value) { if (name != null) { if (value != null) { attributes.put(name, value); } else { attributes.remove(name); } } return this; } @NonNull @Override public <T> Optional<T> removeAttribute(@NonNull CharSequence name, @NonNull Class<T> type) { final Object o = attributes.remove(name); if (type.isInstance(o)) { return Optional.of((T) o); } return Optional.empty(); }
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The type
  • <R> – The return type
/** * @param <T> The type * @param <R> The return type */
private abstract static class AbstractExecutionHandle<T, R> implements MethodExecutionHandle<T, R> { protected final ExecutableMethod<T, R> method;
  • method – The method
/** * @param method The method */
AbstractExecutionHandle(ExecutableMethod<T, R> method) { this.method = method; } @NonNull @Override public ExecutableMethod<?, R> getExecutableMethod() { return method; } @Override public Argument[] getArguments() { return method.getArguments(); } @Override public String toString() { return method.toString(); } @Override public String getMethodName() { return this.method.getMethodName(); } @Override public ReturnType<R> getReturnType() { return method.getReturnType(); } @Override public AnnotationMetadata getAnnotationMetadata() { return method.getAnnotationMetadata(); } }
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The targe type
  • <R> – The return type
/** * @param <T> The targe type * @param <R> The return type */
private static final class ObjectExecutionHandle<T, R> extends AbstractExecutionHandle<T, R> { private final T target;
  • target – The target type
  • method – The method
/** * @param target The target type * @param method The method */
ObjectExecutionHandle(T target, ExecutableMethod<T, R> method) { super(method); this.target = target; } @Override public T getTarget() { return target; } @Override public R invoke(Object... arguments) { return method.invoke(target, arguments); } @Override public Method getTargetMethod() { return method.getTargetMethod(); } @Override public Class getDeclaringType() { return target.getClass(); } }
Type parameters:
  • <T> –
  • <R> –
/** * @param <T> * @param <R> */
private static final class BeanExecutionHandle<T, R> extends AbstractExecutionHandle<T, R> { private final BeanContext beanContext; private final Class<T> beanType; private final Qualifier<T> qualifier; private final boolean isSingleton; private T target;
  • beanContext – The bean context
  • beanType – The bean type
  • qualifier – The qualifier
  • method – The method
/** * @param beanContext The bean context * @param beanType The bean type * @param qualifier The qualifier * @param method The method */
BeanExecutionHandle(BeanContext beanContext, Class<T> beanType, Qualifier<T> qualifier, ExecutableMethod<T, R> method) { super(method); this.beanContext = beanContext; this.beanType = beanType; this.qualifier = qualifier; this.isSingleton = beanContext.findBeanDefinition(beanType, qualifier).map(BeanDefinition::isSingleton).orElse(false); } @Override public T getTarget() { T target = this.target; if (target == null) { synchronized (this) { // double check target = this.target; if (target == null) { target = beanContext.getBean(beanType, qualifier); this.target = target; } } } return target; } @Override public Method getTargetMethod() { return method.getTargetMethod(); } @Override public Class getDeclaringType() { return beanType; } @Override public R invoke(Object... arguments) { if (isSingleton) { T target = getTarget(); return method.invoke(target, arguments); } else { return method.invoke(beanContext.getBean(beanType, qualifier), arguments); } } }
Class used as a bean key.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The bean type
/** * Class used as a bean key. * * @param <T> The bean type */
static final class BeanKey<T> implements BeanIdentifier { private final Class beanType; private final Qualifier qualifier; private final Class[] typeArguments; private final int hashCode;
A bean key for the given bean definition.
  • definition – The definition
  • qualifier – The qualifier
/** * A bean key for the given bean definition. * * @param definition The definition * @param qualifier The qualifier */
BeanKey(BeanDefinition<T> definition, Qualifier<T> qualifier) { this(definition.getBeanType(), qualifier, definition.getTypeParameters()); }
  • beanType – The bean type
  • qualifier – The qualifier
  • typeArguments – The type arguments
/** * @param beanType The bean type * @param qualifier The qualifier * @param typeArguments The type arguments */
BeanKey(Class<T> beanType, Qualifier<T> qualifier, @Nullable Class... typeArguments) { this.beanType = beanType; this.qualifier = qualifier; this.typeArguments = ArrayUtils.isEmpty(typeArguments) ? null : typeArguments; int result = Objects.hash(beanType, qualifier); result = 31 * result + Arrays.hashCode(this.typeArguments); this.hashCode = result; } @Override public int length() { return toString().length(); } @Override public char charAt(int index) { return toString().charAt(index); } @Override public CharSequence subSequence(int start, int end) { return toString().subSequence(start, end); } @Override public String toString() { return (qualifier != null ? qualifier.toString() + " " : "") + beanType.getName(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } BeanKey<?> beanKey = (BeanKey<?>) o; return beanType.equals(beanKey.beanType) && Objects.equals(qualifier, beanKey.qualifier) && Arrays.equals(typeArguments, beanKey.typeArguments); } @Override public int hashCode() { return hashCode; } @Override public String getName() { if (qualifier instanceof Named) { return ((Named) qualifier).getName(); } return Primary.SIMPLE_NAME; } }
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The bean type
/** * @param <T> The bean type */
private static final class NoInjectionBeanDefinition<T> implements BeanDefinition<T>, BeanDefinitionReference<T> { private final Class<?> singletonClass; private final Map<Class<?>, List<Argument<?>>> typeArguments = new HashMap<>(); private final Qualifier<T> qualifier;
  • singletonClass – The singleton class
/** * @param singletonClass The singleton class */
NoInjectionBeanDefinition(Class singletonClass, Qualifier<T> qualifier) { this.singletonClass = singletonClass; this.qualifier = qualifier; } @Nullable public Qualifier<T> getQualifier() { return qualifier; } @Override public Optional<Class<? extends Annotation>> getScope() { return Optional.of(Singleton.class); } @NonNull @Override public List<Argument<?>> getTypeArguments(Class<?> type) { List<Argument<?>> result = typeArguments.get(type); if (result == null) { Class[] classes = type.isInterface() ? GenericTypeUtils.resolveInterfaceTypeArguments(singletonClass, type) : GenericTypeUtils.resolveSuperTypeGenericArguments(singletonClass, type); result = Arrays.stream(classes).map((Function<Class, Argument<?>>) Argument::of).collect(Collectors.toList()); typeArguments.put(type, result); } return result; } @Override public boolean isSingleton() { return true; } @Override public boolean isProvided() { return false; } @Override public boolean isIterable() { return false; } @Override public boolean isPrimary() { return true; } @Override public Class getBeanType() { return singletonClass; } @Override public Optional<Class<?>> getDeclaringType() { return Optional.empty(); } @Override public ConstructorInjectionPoint getConstructor() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Bean of type [" + getBeanType() + "] is a manually registered singleton that was registered with the context via BeanContext.registerBean(..) and cannot be created directly"); } @Override public Collection<Class> getRequiredComponents() { return Collections.emptyList(); } @Override public Collection<MethodInjectionPoint> getInjectedMethods() { return Collections.emptyList(); } @Override public Collection<FieldInjectionPoint> getInjectedFields() { return Collections.emptyList(); } @Override public Collection<MethodInjectionPoint> getPostConstructMethods() { return Collections.emptyList(); } @Override public Collection<MethodInjectionPoint> getPreDestroyMethods() { return Collections.emptyList(); } @Override public String getName() { return singletonClass.getName(); } @Override public boolean isEnabled(BeanContext beanContext) { return true; } @Override public boolean isEnabled(@NonNull BeanContext context, @Nullable BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext) { return true; } @Override public <R> Optional<ExecutableMethod<T, R>> findMethod(String name, Class[] argumentTypes) { return Optional.empty(); } @Override public T inject(BeanContext context, T bean) { return bean; } @Override public T inject(BeanResolutionContext resolutionContext, BeanContext context, T bean) { return bean; } @Override public Collection<ExecutableMethod<T, ?>> getExecutableMethods() { return Collections.emptyList(); } @Override public Stream<ExecutableMethod<T, ?>> findPossibleMethods(String name) { return Stream.empty(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } NoInjectionBeanDefinition that = (NoInjectionBeanDefinition) o; return singletonClass.equals(that.singletonClass); } @Override public int hashCode() { return singletonClass.hashCode(); } @Override public String getBeanDefinitionName() { return singletonClass.getName(); } @Override public BeanDefinition<T> load() { return this; } @Override public BeanDefinition<T> load(BeanContext context) { return this; } @Override public boolean isContextScope() { return false; } @Override public boolean isPresent() { return true; } } }