package io.dropwizard.client;

import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry;
import com.codahale.metrics.httpclient.HttpClientMetricNameStrategies;
import com.codahale.metrics.httpclient.HttpClientMetricNameStrategy;
import com.codahale.metrics.httpclient.InstrumentedHttpClientConnectionManager;
import com.codahale.metrics.httpclient.InstrumentedHttpRequestExecutor;
import io.dropwizard.client.proxy.AuthConfiguration;
import io.dropwizard.client.proxy.NonProxyListProxyRoutePlanner;
import io.dropwizard.client.proxy.ProxyConfiguration;
import io.dropwizard.client.ssl.TlsConfiguration;
import io.dropwizard.lifecycle.Managed;
import io.dropwizard.setup.Environment;
import io.dropwizard.util.Duration;
import org.apache.http.ConnectionReuseStrategy;
import org.apache.http.Header;
import org.apache.http.HttpHost;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.auth.AuthScope;
import org.apache.http.auth.Credentials;
import org.apache.http.auth.NTCredentials;
import org.apache.http.auth.UsernamePasswordCredentials;
import org.apache.http.client.CredentialsProvider;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpRequestRetryHandler;
import org.apache.http.client.RedirectStrategy;
import org.apache.http.client.ServiceUnavailableRetryStrategy;
import org.apache.http.client.config.CookieSpecs;
import org.apache.http.client.config.RequestConfig;
import org.apache.http.config.Registry;
import org.apache.http.config.RegistryBuilder;
import org.apache.http.config.SocketConfig;
import org.apache.http.conn.DnsResolver;
import org.apache.http.conn.routing.HttpRoutePlanner;
import org.apache.http.conn.socket.ConnectionSocketFactory;
import org.apache.http.conn.socket.PlainConnectionSocketFactory;
import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLConnectionSocketFactory;
import org.apache.http.impl.DefaultConnectionReuseStrategy;
import org.apache.http.impl.NoConnectionReuseStrategy;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicCredentialsProvider;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultConnectionKeepAliveStrategy;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpRequestRetryHandler;
import org.apache.http.impl.conn.SystemDefaultDnsResolver;
import org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext;
import org.apache.http.protocol.HttpProcessor;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.List;

A convenience class for building HttpClient instances.

Among other things,

  • Disables stale connection checks by default
  • Disables Nagle's algorithm
  • Disables cookie management by default

/** * A convenience class for building {@link HttpClient} instances. * <p> * Among other things, * <ul> * <li>Disables stale connection checks by default</li> * <li>Disables Nagle's algorithm</li> * <li>Disables cookie management by default</li> * </ul> * </p> */
public class HttpClientBuilder { private static final HttpRequestRetryHandler NO_RETRIES = (exception, executionCount, context) -> false; private final MetricRegistry metricRegistry; @Nullable private String environmentName; @Nullable private Environment environment; private HttpClientConfiguration configuration = new HttpClientConfiguration(); private DnsResolver resolver = new SystemDefaultDnsResolver(); @Nullable private HostnameVerifier verifier; @Nullable private HttpRequestRetryHandler httpRequestRetryHandler; @Nullable private Registry<ConnectionSocketFactory> registry; @Nullable private CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider; private HttpClientMetricNameStrategy metricNameStrategy = HttpClientMetricNameStrategies.METHOD_ONLY; @Nullable private HttpRoutePlanner routePlanner; @Nullable private RedirectStrategy redirectStrategy; private boolean disableContentCompression; @Nullable private List<? extends Header> defaultHeaders; @Nullable private HttpProcessor httpProcessor; @Nullable private ServiceUnavailableRetryStrategy serviceUnavailableRetryStrategy; public HttpClientBuilder(MetricRegistry metricRegistry) { this.metricRegistry = metricRegistry; } public HttpClientBuilder(Environment environment) { this(environment.metrics()); name(environment.getName()); this.environment = environment; }
Use the given environment name. This is used in the user agent.
  • environmentName – an environment name to use in the user agent.
/** * Use the given environment name. This is used in the user agent. * * @param environmentName an environment name to use in the user agent. * @return {@code this} */
public HttpClientBuilder name(String environmentName) { this.environmentName = environmentName; return this; }
Use the given HttpClientConfiguration instance.
/** * Use the given {@link HttpClientConfiguration} instance. * * @param configuration a {@link HttpClientConfiguration} instance * @return {@code this} */
public HttpClientBuilder using(HttpClientConfiguration configuration) { this.configuration = configuration; return this; }
Use the given DnsResolver instance.
/** * Use the given {@link DnsResolver} instance. * * @param resolver a {@link DnsResolver} instance * @return {@code this} */
public HttpClientBuilder using(DnsResolver resolver) { this.resolver = resolver; return this; }
Use the give (@link HostnameVerifier} instance.
/** * Use the give (@link HostnameVerifier} instance. * * @param verifier a {@link HostnameVerifier} instance * @return {@code this} */
public HttpClientBuilder using(HostnameVerifier verifier) { this.verifier = verifier; return this; }
Uses the HttpRequestRetryHandler for handling request retries.
  • httpRequestRetryHandler – an httpRequestRetryHandler
/** * Uses the {@link HttpRequestRetryHandler} for handling request retries. * * @param httpRequestRetryHandler an httpRequestRetryHandler * @return {@code this} */
public HttpClientBuilder using(HttpRequestRetryHandler httpRequestRetryHandler) { this.httpRequestRetryHandler = httpRequestRetryHandler; return this; }
Use the given Registry instance.
  • registry –
/** * Use the given {@link Registry} instance. * * @param registry * @return {@code this} */
public HttpClientBuilder using(Registry<ConnectionSocketFactory> registry) { this.registry = registry; return this; }
Use the given HttpRoutePlanner instance.
/** * Use the given {@link HttpRoutePlanner} instance. * * @param routePlanner a {@link HttpRoutePlanner} instance * @return {@code this} */
public HttpClientBuilder using(HttpRoutePlanner routePlanner) { this.routePlanner = routePlanner; return this; }
Use the given CredentialsProvider instance.
/** * Use the given {@link CredentialsProvider} instance. * * @param credentialsProvider a {@link CredentialsProvider} instance * @return {@code this} */
public HttpClientBuilder using(CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider) { this.credentialsProvider = credentialsProvider; return this; }
Use the given HttpClientMetricNameStrategy instance.
/** * Use the given {@link HttpClientMetricNameStrategy} instance. * * @param metricNameStrategy a {@link HttpClientMetricNameStrategy} instance * @return {@code this} */
public HttpClientBuilder using(HttpClientMetricNameStrategy metricNameStrategy) { this.metricNameStrategy = metricNameStrategy; return this; }
Use the given RedirectStrategy instance.
/** * Use the given {@link org.apache.http.client.RedirectStrategy} instance. * * @param redirectStrategy a {@link org.apache.http.client.RedirectStrategy} instance * @return {@code this} */
public HttpClientBuilder using(RedirectStrategy redirectStrategy) { this.redirectStrategy = redirectStrategy; return this; }
Use the given default headers for each HTTP request
  • defaultHeaders – HTTP headers
Returns: this
/** * Use the given default headers for each HTTP request * * @param defaultHeaders HTTP headers * @return {@code} this */
public HttpClientBuilder using(List<? extends Header> defaultHeaders) { this.defaultHeaders = defaultHeaders; return this; }
Use the given HttpProcessor instance
Returns: this
/** * Use the given {@link HttpProcessor} instance * * @param httpProcessor a {@link HttpProcessor} instance * @return {@code} this */
public HttpClientBuilder using(HttpProcessor httpProcessor) { this.httpProcessor = httpProcessor; return this; }
Use the given ServiceUnavailableRetryStrategy instance
Returns: this
/** * Use the given {@link ServiceUnavailableRetryStrategy} instance * * @param serviceUnavailableRetryStrategy a {@link ServiceUnavailableRetryStrategy} instance * @return {@code} this */
public HttpClientBuilder using(ServiceUnavailableRetryStrategy serviceUnavailableRetryStrategy) { this.serviceUnavailableRetryStrategy = serviceUnavailableRetryStrategy; return this; }
Disable support of decompression of responses
  • disableContentCompression – true, if disabled
/** * Disable support of decompression of responses * * @param disableContentCompression {@code true}, if disabled * @return {@code this} */
public HttpClientBuilder disableContentCompression(boolean disableContentCompression) { this.disableContentCompression = disableContentCompression; return this; }
Builds the HttpClient.
  • name –
Returns:an CloseableHttpClient
/** * Builds the {@link HttpClient}. * * @param name * @return an {@link CloseableHttpClient} */
public CloseableHttpClient build(String name) { final CloseableHttpClient client = buildWithDefaultRequestConfiguration(name).getClient(); // If the environment is present, we tie the client with the server lifecycle if (environment != null) { environment.lifecycle().manage(new Managed() { @Override public void start() throws Exception { } @Override public void stop() throws Exception { client.close(); } }); } return client; }
For internal use only, used in JerseyClientBuilder to create an instance of DropwizardApacheConnector
  • name –
Returns:an ConfiguredCloseableHttpClient
/** * For internal use only, used in {@link io.dropwizard.client.JerseyClientBuilder} * to create an instance of {@link io.dropwizard.client.DropwizardApacheConnector} * * @param name * @return an {@link io.dropwizard.client.ConfiguredCloseableHttpClient} */
ConfiguredCloseableHttpClient buildWithDefaultRequestConfiguration(String name) { return createClient(org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder.create(), createConnectionManager(createConfiguredRegistry(), name), name); }
Configures an Apache HttpClientBuilder. Intended for use by subclasses to inject HttpClientBuilder configuration. The default implementation is an identity function.
/** * Configures an Apache {@link org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder HttpClientBuilder}. * * Intended for use by subclasses to inject HttpClientBuilder * configuration. The default implementation is an identity * function. */
protected org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder customizeBuilder( org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder builder ) { return builder; }
Map the parameters in HttpClientConfiguration to configuration on a HttpClientBuilder instance
  • builder –
  • manager –
  • name –
Returns:the configured CloseableHttpClient
/** * Map the parameters in {@link HttpClientConfiguration} to configuration on a * {@link org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder} instance * * @param builder * @param manager * @param name * @return the configured {@link CloseableHttpClient} */
protected ConfiguredCloseableHttpClient createClient( final org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder builder, final InstrumentedHttpClientConnectionManager manager, final String name) { final String cookiePolicy = configuration.isCookiesEnabled() ? CookieSpecs.DEFAULT : CookieSpecs.IGNORE_COOKIES; final Integer timeout = (int) configuration.getTimeout().toMilliseconds(); final Integer connectionTimeout = (int) configuration.getConnectionTimeout().toMilliseconds(); final Integer connectionRequestTimeout = (int) configuration.getConnectionRequestTimeout().toMilliseconds(); final long keepAlive = configuration.getKeepAlive().toMilliseconds(); final ConnectionReuseStrategy reuseStrategy = keepAlive == 0 ? new NoConnectionReuseStrategy() : new DefaultConnectionReuseStrategy(); final HttpRequestRetryHandler retryHandler = configuration.getRetries() == 0 ? NO_RETRIES : (httpRequestRetryHandler == null ? new DefaultHttpRequestRetryHandler(configuration.getRetries(), false) : httpRequestRetryHandler); final RequestConfig requestConfig = RequestConfig.custom().setCookieSpec(cookiePolicy) .setSocketTimeout(timeout) .setConnectTimeout(connectionTimeout) .setConnectionRequestTimeout(connectionRequestTimeout) .build(); final SocketConfig socketConfig = SocketConfig.custom() .setTcpNoDelay(true) .setSoTimeout(timeout) .build(); customizeBuilder(builder) .setRequestExecutor(new InstrumentedHttpRequestExecutor(metricRegistry, metricNameStrategy, name)) .setConnectionManager(manager) .setDefaultRequestConfig(requestConfig) .setDefaultSocketConfig(socketConfig) .setConnectionReuseStrategy(reuseStrategy) .setRetryHandler(retryHandler) .setUserAgent(createUserAgent(name)); if (keepAlive != 0) { // either keep alive based on response header Keep-Alive, // or if the server can keep a persistent connection (-1), then override based on client's configuration builder.setKeepAliveStrategy(new DefaultConnectionKeepAliveStrategy() { @Override public long getKeepAliveDuration(HttpResponse response, HttpContext context) { final long duration = super.getKeepAliveDuration(response, context); return (duration == -1) ? keepAlive : duration; } }); } // create a tunnel through a proxy host if it's specified in the config final ProxyConfiguration proxy = configuration.getProxyConfiguration(); if (proxy != null) { final HttpHost httpHost = new HttpHost(proxy.getHost(), proxy.getPort(), proxy.getScheme()); builder.setRoutePlanner(new NonProxyListProxyRoutePlanner(httpHost, proxy.getNonProxyHosts())); // if the proxy host requires authentication then add the host credentials to the credentials provider final AuthConfiguration auth = proxy.getAuth(); if (auth != null) { if (credentialsProvider == null) { credentialsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider(); } // set the AuthScope AuthScope authScope = new AuthScope(httpHost, auth.getRealm(), auth.getAuthScheme()); // set the credentials type Credentials credentials = configureCredentials(auth); credentialsProvider.setCredentials(authScope, credentials); } } if (credentialsProvider != null) { builder.setDefaultCredentialsProvider(credentialsProvider); } if (routePlanner != null) { builder.setRoutePlanner(routePlanner); } if (disableContentCompression) { builder.disableContentCompression(); } if (redirectStrategy != null) { builder.setRedirectStrategy(redirectStrategy); } if (defaultHeaders != null) { builder.setDefaultHeaders(defaultHeaders); } if (verifier != null) { builder.setSSLHostnameVerifier(verifier); } if (httpProcessor != null) { builder.setHttpProcessor(httpProcessor); } if (serviceUnavailableRetryStrategy != null) { builder.setServiceUnavailableRetryStrategy(serviceUnavailableRetryStrategy); } return new ConfiguredCloseableHttpClient(, requestConfig); }
Create a user agent string using the configured user agent if defined, otherwise using a combination of the environment name and this client name
  • name – the name of this client
Returns:the user agent string to be used by this client
/** * Create a user agent string using the configured user agent if defined, otherwise * using a combination of the environment name and this client name * * @param name the name of this client * @return the user agent string to be used by this client */
protected String createUserAgent(String name) { final String defaultUserAgent = environmentName == null ? name : String.format("%s (%s)", environmentName, name); return configuration.getUserAgent().orElse(defaultUserAgent); }
Create a InstrumentedHttpClientConnectionManager based on the HttpClientConfiguration. It sets the maximum connections per route and the maximum total connections that the connection manager can create
  • registry –
  • name –
Returns:a InstrumentedHttpClientConnectionManger instance
/** * Create a InstrumentedHttpClientConnectionManager based on the * HttpClientConfiguration. It sets the maximum connections per route and * the maximum total connections that the connection manager can create * * @param registry * @param name * @return a InstrumentedHttpClientConnectionManger instance */
protected InstrumentedHttpClientConnectionManager createConnectionManager(Registry<ConnectionSocketFactory> registry, String name) { final Duration ttl = configuration.getTimeToLive(); final InstrumentedHttpClientConnectionManager manager = new InstrumentedHttpClientConnectionManager( metricRegistry, registry, null, null, resolver, ttl.getQuantity(), ttl.getUnit(), name); return configureConnectionManager(manager); } @VisibleForTesting Registry<ConnectionSocketFactory> createConfiguredRegistry() { if (registry != null) { return registry; } TlsConfiguration tlsConfiguration = configuration.getTlsConfiguration(); if (tlsConfiguration == null && verifier != null) { tlsConfiguration = new TlsConfiguration(); } final SSLConnectionSocketFactory sslConnectionSocketFactory; if (tlsConfiguration == null) { sslConnectionSocketFactory = SSLConnectionSocketFactory.getSocketFactory(); } else { sslConnectionSocketFactory = new DropwizardSSLConnectionSocketFactory(tlsConfiguration, verifier).getSocketFactory(); } return RegistryBuilder.<ConnectionSocketFactory>create() .register("http", PlainConnectionSocketFactory.getSocketFactory()) .register("https", sslConnectionSocketFactory) .build(); } @VisibleForTesting protected InstrumentedHttpClientConnectionManager configureConnectionManager( InstrumentedHttpClientConnectionManager connectionManager) { connectionManager.setDefaultMaxPerRoute(configuration.getMaxConnectionsPerRoute()); connectionManager.setMaxTotal(configuration.getMaxConnections()); connectionManager.setValidateAfterInactivity((int) configuration.getValidateAfterInactivityPeriod().toMilliseconds()); return connectionManager; }
determine the Credentials implementation to use
  • auth –
Returns:a Credentials instance, either {UsernamePasswordCredentials or NTCredentials}
/** * determine the Credentials implementation to use * @param auth * @return a {@code Credentials} instance, either {{@link UsernamePasswordCredentials} or {@link NTCredentials}} */
protected Credentials configureCredentials(AuthConfiguration auth) { if (null != auth.getCredentialType() && auth.getCredentialType().equalsIgnoreCase(AuthConfiguration.NT_CREDS)) { return new NTCredentials(auth.getUsername(), auth.getPassword(), auth.getHostname(), auth.getDomain()); } else { return new UsernamePasswordCredentials(auth.getUsername(), auth.getPassword()); } } }