 * Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
 * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
 * Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.mvstore;

import java.util.AbstractList;
import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.AbstractSet;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import org.h2.mvstore.type.DataType;
import org.h2.mvstore.type.ObjectDataType;
import org.h2.mvstore.type.StringDataType;

A stored map.

All read and write operations can happen concurrently with all other operations, without risk of corruption.

Type parameters:
  • <K> – the key class
  • <V> – the value class
/** * A stored map. * <p> * All read and write operations can happen concurrently with all other * operations, without risk of corruption. * * @param <K> the key class * @param <V> the value class */
public class MVMap<K, V> extends AbstractMap<K, V> implements ConcurrentMap<K, V> {
The store.
/** * The store. */
public final MVStore store;
Reference to the current root page.
/** * Reference to the current root page. */
private final AtomicReference<RootReference> root; private final int id; private final long createVersion; private final DataType keyType; private final DataType valueType; private final int keysPerPage; private final boolean singleWriter; private final K[] keysBuffer; private final V[] valuesBuffer; private final Object lock = new Object(); private volatile boolean notificationRequested;
Whether the map is closed. Volatile so we don't accidentally write to a closed map in multithreaded mode.
/** * Whether the map is closed. Volatile so we don't accidentally write to a * closed map in multithreaded mode. */
private volatile boolean closed; private boolean readOnly; private boolean isVolatile;
This designates the "last stored" version for a store which was just open for the first time.
/** * This designates the "last stored" version for a store which was * just open for the first time. */
static final long INITIAL_VERSION = -1; protected MVMap(Map<String, Object> config) { this((MVStore) config.get("store"), (DataType) config.get("key"), (DataType) config.get("val"), DataUtils.readHexInt(config, "id", 0), DataUtils.readHexLong(config, "createVersion", 0), new AtomicReference<RootReference>(), ((MVStore) config.get("store")).getKeysPerPage(), config.containsKey("singleWriter") && (Boolean) config.get("singleWriter") ); setInitialRoot(createEmptyLeaf(), store.getCurrentVersion()); } // constructor for cloneIt() protected MVMap(MVMap<K, V> source) { this(source.store, source.keyType, source.valueType, source.id, source.createVersion, new AtomicReference<>(source.root.get()), source.keysPerPage, source.singleWriter); } // meta map constructor MVMap(MVStore store) { this(store, StringDataType.INSTANCE,StringDataType.INSTANCE, 0, 0, new AtomicReference<RootReference>(), store.getKeysPerPage(), false); setInitialRoot(createEmptyLeaf(), store.getCurrentVersion()); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private MVMap(MVStore store, DataType keyType, DataType valueType, int id, long createVersion, AtomicReference<RootReference> root, int keysPerPage, boolean singleWriter) { this.store = store; this.id = id; this.createVersion = createVersion; this.keyType = keyType; this.valueType = valueType; this.root = root; this.keysPerPage = keysPerPage; this.keysBuffer = singleWriter ? (K[]) new Object[keysPerPage] : null; this.valuesBuffer = singleWriter ? (V[]) new Object[keysPerPage] : null; this.singleWriter = singleWriter; }
Clone the current map.
Returns:clone of this.
/** * Clone the current map. * * @return clone of this. */
protected MVMap<K, V> cloneIt() { return new MVMap<>(this); }
Get the metadata key for the root of the given map id.
  • mapId – the map id
Returns:the metadata key
/** * Get the metadata key for the root of the given map id. * * @param mapId the map id * @return the metadata key */
static String getMapRootKey(int mapId) { return "root." + Integer.toHexString(mapId); }
Get the metadata key for the given map id.
  • mapId – the map id
Returns:the metadata key
/** * Get the metadata key for the given map id. * * @param mapId the map id * @return the metadata key */
static String getMapKey(int mapId) { return "map." + Integer.toHexString(mapId); }
Add or replace a key-value pair.
  • key – the key (may not be null)
  • value – the value (may not be null)
Returns:the old value if the key existed, or null otherwise
/** * Add or replace a key-value pair. * * @param key the key (may not be null) * @param value the value (may not be null) * @return the old value if the key existed, or null otherwise */
@Override public V put(K key, V value) { DataUtils.checkArgument(value != null, "The value may not be null"); return operate(key, value, DecisionMaker.PUT); }
Get the first key, or null if the map is empty.
Returns:the first key, or null
/** * Get the first key, or null if the map is empty. * * @return the first key, or null */
public final K firstKey() { return getFirstLast(true); }
Get the last key, or null if the map is empty.
Returns:the last key, or null
/** * Get the last key, or null if the map is empty. * * @return the last key, or null */
public final K lastKey() { return getFirstLast(false); }
Get the key at the given index.

This is a O(log(size)) operation.

  • index – the index
Returns:the key
/** * Get the key at the given index. * <p> * This is a O(log(size)) operation. * * @param index the index * @return the key */
public final K getKey(long index) { if (index < 0 || index >= sizeAsLong()) { return null; } Page p = getRootPage(); long offset = 0; while (true) { if (p.isLeaf()) { if (index >= offset + p.getKeyCount()) { return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") K key = (K) p.getKey((int) (index - offset)); return key; } int i = 0, size = getChildPageCount(p); for (; i < size; i++) { long c = p.getCounts(i); if (index < c + offset) { break; } offset += c; } if (i == size) { return null; } p = p.getChildPage(i); } }
Get the key list. The list is a read-only representation of all keys.

The get and indexOf methods are O(log(size)) operations. The result of indexOf is cast to an int.

Returns:the key list
/** * Get the key list. The list is a read-only representation of all keys. * <p> * The get and indexOf methods are O(log(size)) operations. The result of * indexOf is cast to an int. * * @return the key list */
public final List<K> keyList() { return new AbstractList<K>() { @Override public K get(int index) { return getKey(index); } @Override public int size() { return MVMap.this.size(); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public int indexOf(Object key) { return (int) getKeyIndex((K) key); } }; }
Get the index of the given key in the map.

This is a O(log(size)) operation.

If the key was found, the returned value is the index in the key array. If not found, the returned value is negative, where -1 means the provided key is smaller than any keys. See also Arrays.binarySearch.

  • key – the key
Returns:the index
/** * Get the index of the given key in the map. * <p> * This is a O(log(size)) operation. * <p> * If the key was found, the returned value is the index in the key array. * If not found, the returned value is negative, where -1 means the provided * key is smaller than any keys. See also Arrays.binarySearch. * * @param key the key * @return the index */
public final long getKeyIndex(K key) { Page p = getRootPage(); if (p.getTotalCount() == 0) { return -1; } long offset = 0; while (true) { int x = p.binarySearch(key); if (p.isLeaf()) { if (x < 0) { offset = -offset; } return offset + x; } if (x++ < 0) { x = -x; } for (int i = 0; i < x; i++) { offset += p.getCounts(i); } p = p.getChildPage(x); } }
Get the first (lowest) or last (largest) key.
  • first – whether to retrieve the first key
Returns:the key, or null if the map is empty
/** * Get the first (lowest) or last (largest) key. * * @param first whether to retrieve the first key * @return the key, or null if the map is empty */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private K getFirstLast(boolean first) { Page p = getRootPage(); if (p.getTotalCount() == 0) { return null; } while (true) { if (p.isLeaf()) { return (K) p.getKey(first ? 0 : p.getKeyCount() - 1); } p = p.getChildPage(first ? 0 : getChildPageCount(p) - 1); } }
Get the smallest key that is larger than the given key, or null if no such key exists.
  • key – the key
Returns:the result
/** * Get the smallest key that is larger than the given key, or null if no * such key exists. * * @param key the key * @return the result */
public final K higherKey(K key) { return getMinMax(key, false, true); }
Get the smallest key that is larger or equal to this key.
  • key – the key
Returns:the result
/** * Get the smallest key that is larger or equal to this key. * * @param key the key * @return the result */
public final K ceilingKey(K key) { return getMinMax(key, false, false); }
Get the largest key that is smaller or equal to this key.
  • key – the key
Returns:the result
/** * Get the largest key that is smaller or equal to this key. * * @param key the key * @return the result */
public final K floorKey(K key) { return getMinMax(key, true, false); }
Get the largest key that is smaller than the given key, or null if no such key exists.
  • key – the key
Returns:the result
/** * Get the largest key that is smaller than the given key, or null if no * such key exists. * * @param key the key * @return the result */
public final K lowerKey(K key) { return getMinMax(key, true, true); }
Get the smallest or largest key using the given bounds.
  • key – the key
  • min – whether to retrieve the smallest key
  • excluding – if the given upper/lower bound is exclusive
Returns:the key, or null if no such key exists
/** * Get the smallest or largest key using the given bounds. * * @param key the key * @param min whether to retrieve the smallest key * @param excluding if the given upper/lower bound is exclusive * @return the key, or null if no such key exists */
private K getMinMax(K key, boolean min, boolean excluding) { return getMinMax(getRootPage(), key, min, excluding); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private K getMinMax(Page p, K key, boolean min, boolean excluding) { int x = p.binarySearch(key); if (p.isLeaf()) { if (x < 0) { x = -x - (min ? 2 : 1); } else if (excluding) { x += min ? -1 : 1; } if (x < 0 || x >= p.getKeyCount()) { return null; } return (K) p.getKey(x); } if (x++ < 0) { x = -x; } while (true) { if (x < 0 || x >= getChildPageCount(p)) { return null; } K k = getMinMax(p.getChildPage(x), key, min, excluding); if (k != null) { return k; } x += min ? -1 : 1; } }
Get the value for the given key, or null if not found.
  • key – the key
Returns:the value, or null if not found
/** * Get the value for the given key, or null if not found. * * @param key the key * @return the value, or null if not found * @throws ClassCastException if type of the specified key is not compatible with this map */
@Override public final V get(Object key) { return get(getRootPage(), key); }
Get the value for the given key from a snapshot, or null if not found.
  • p – the root of a snapshot
  • key – the key
Returns:the value, or null if not found
/** * Get the value for the given key from a snapshot, or null if not found. * * @param p the root of a snapshot * @param key the key * @return the value, or null if not found * @throws ClassCastException if type of the specified key is not compatible with this map */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public V get(Page p, Object key) { return (V) Page.get(p, key); } @Override public final boolean containsKey(Object key) { return get(key) != null; }
Remove all entries.
/** * Remove all entries. */
@Override public void clear() { RootReference rootReference; Page emptyRootPage = createEmptyLeaf(); int attempt = 0; do { rootReference = getRoot(); } while (!updateRoot(rootReference, emptyRootPage, ++attempt)); rootReference.root.removeAllRecursive(); }
Close the map. Accessing the data is still possible (to allow concurrent reads), but it is marked as closed.
/** * Close the map. Accessing the data is still possible (to allow concurrent * reads), but it is marked as closed. */
final void close() { closed = true; } public final boolean isClosed() { return closed; }
Remove a key-value pair, if the key exists.
  • key – the key (may not be null)
Returns:the old value if the key existed, or null otherwise
/** * Remove a key-value pair, if the key exists. * * @param key the key (may not be null) * @return the old value if the key existed, or null otherwise * @throws ClassCastException if type of the specified key is not compatible with this map */
@Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public V remove(Object key) { return operate((K)key, null, DecisionMaker.REMOVE); }
Add a key-value pair if it does not yet exist.
  • key – the key (may not be null)
  • value – the new value
Returns:the old value if the key existed, or null otherwise
/** * Add a key-value pair if it does not yet exist. * * @param key the key (may not be null) * @param value the new value * @return the old value if the key existed, or null otherwise */
@Override public final V putIfAbsent(K key, V value) { return operate(key, value, DecisionMaker.IF_ABSENT); }
Remove a key-value pair if the value matches the stored one.
  • key – the key (may not be null)
  • value – the expected value
Returns:true if the item was removed
/** * Remove a key-value pair if the value matches the stored one. * * @param key the key (may not be null) * @param value the expected value * @return true if the item was removed */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public boolean remove(Object key, Object value) { EqualsDecisionMaker<V> decisionMaker = new EqualsDecisionMaker<>(valueType, (V)value); operate((K)key, null, decisionMaker); return decisionMaker.getDecision() != Decision.ABORT; }
Check whether the two values are equal.
  • a – the first value
  • b – the second value
  • datatype – to use for comparison
Returns:true if they are equal
/** * Check whether the two values are equal. * * @param a the first value * @param b the second value * @param datatype to use for comparison * @return true if they are equal */
static boolean areValuesEqual(DataType datatype, Object a, Object b) { return a == b || a != null && b != null && datatype.compare(a, b) == 0; }
Replace a value for an existing key, if the value matches.
  • key – the key (may not be null)
  • oldValue – the expected value
  • newValue – the new value
Returns:true if the value was replaced
/** * Replace a value for an existing key, if the value matches. * * @param key the key (may not be null) * @param oldValue the expected value * @param newValue the new value * @return true if the value was replaced */
@Override public final boolean replace(K key, V oldValue, V newValue) { EqualsDecisionMaker<V> decisionMaker = new EqualsDecisionMaker<>(valueType, oldValue); V result = operate(key, newValue, decisionMaker); boolean res = decisionMaker.getDecision() != Decision.ABORT; assert !res || areValuesEqual(valueType, oldValue, result) : oldValue + " != " + result; return res; }
Replace a value for an existing key.
  • key – the key (may not be null)
  • value – the new value
Returns:the old value, if the value was replaced, or null
/** * Replace a value for an existing key. * * @param key the key (may not be null) * @param value the new value * @return the old value, if the value was replaced, or null */
@Override public final V replace(K key, V value) { return operate(key, value, DecisionMaker.IF_PRESENT); }
Compare two keys.
  • a – the first key
  • b – the second key
Returns:-1 if the first key is smaller, 1 if bigger, 0 if equal
/** * Compare two keys. * * @param a the first key * @param b the second key * @return -1 if the first key is smaller, 1 if bigger, 0 if equal */
final int compare(Object a, Object b) { return keyType.compare(a, b); }
Get the key type.
Returns:the key type
/** * Get the key type. * * @return the key type */
public final DataType getKeyType() { return keyType; }
Get the value type.
Returns:the value type
/** * Get the value type. * * @return the value type */
public final DataType getValueType() { return valueType; }
Read a page.
  • pos – the position of the page
Returns:the page
/** * Read a page. * * @param pos the position of the page * @return the page */
final Page readPage(long pos) { return store.readPage(this, pos); }
Set the position of the root page.
  • rootPos – the position, 0 for empty
  • version – to set for this map
/** * Set the position of the root page. * @param rootPos the position, 0 for empty * @param version to set for this map * */
final void setRootPos(long rootPos, long version) { Page root = readOrCreateRootPage(rootPos); setInitialRoot(root, version); setWriteVersion(store.getCurrentVersion()); } private Page readOrCreateRootPage(long rootPos) { Page root = rootPos == 0 ? createEmptyLeaf() : readPage(rootPos); return root; }
Iterate over a number of keys.
  • from – the first key to return
Returns:the iterator
/** * Iterate over a number of keys. * * @param from the first key to return * @return the iterator */
public final Iterator<K> keyIterator(K from) { return new Cursor<K, V>(getRootPage(), from); }
Re-write any pages that belong to one of the chunks in the given set.
  • set – the set of chunk ids
/** * Re-write any pages that belong to one of the chunks in the given set. * * @param set the set of chunk ids */
final void rewrite(Set<Integer> set) { rewrite(getRootPage(), set); } private int rewrite(Page p, Set<Integer> set) { if (p.isLeaf()) { long pos = p.getPos(); int chunkId = DataUtils.getPageChunkId(pos); if (!set.contains(chunkId)) { return 0; } assert p.getKeyCount() > 0; return rewritePage(p) ? 0 : 1; } int writtenPageCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < getChildPageCount(p); i++) { long childPos = p.getChildPagePos(i); if (childPos != 0 && DataUtils.getPageType(childPos) == DataUtils.PAGE_TYPE_LEAF) { // we would need to load the page, and it's a leaf: // only do that if it's within the set of chunks we are // interested in int chunkId = DataUtils.getPageChunkId(childPos); if (!set.contains(chunkId)) { continue; } } writtenPageCount += rewrite(p.getChildPage(i), set); } if (writtenPageCount == 0) { long pos = p.getPos(); int chunkId = DataUtils.getPageChunkId(pos); if (set.contains(chunkId)) { // an inner node page that is in one of the chunks, // but only points to chunks that are not in the set: // if no child was changed, we need to do that now // (this is not needed if anyway one of the children // was changed, as this would have updated this // page as well) Page p2 = p; while (!p2.isLeaf()) { p2 = p2.getChildPage(0); } if (rewritePage(p2)) { return 0; } writtenPageCount++; } } return writtenPageCount; } private boolean rewritePage(Page p) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") K key = (K) p.getKey(0); V value = get(key); if (value != null) { if (isClosed()) { return true; } replace(key, value, value); } return false; }
Get a cursor to iterate over a number of keys and values.
  • from – the first key to return
Returns:the cursor
/** * Get a cursor to iterate over a number of keys and values. * * @param from the first key to return * @return the cursor */
public final Cursor<K, V> cursor(K from) { return new Cursor<>(getRootPage(), from); } @Override public final Set<Map.Entry<K, V>> entrySet() { final Page root = this.getRootPage(); return new AbstractSet<Entry<K, V>>() { @Override public Iterator<Entry<K, V>> iterator() { final Cursor<K, V> cursor = new Cursor<>(root, null); return new Iterator<Entry<K, V>>() { @Override public boolean hasNext() { return cursor.hasNext(); } @Override public Entry<K, V> next() { K k = cursor.next(); return new SimpleImmutableEntry<>(k, cursor.getValue()); } @Override public void remove() { throw DataUtils.newUnsupportedOperationException( "Removing is not supported"); } }; } @Override public int size() { return MVMap.this.size(); } @Override public boolean contains(Object o) { return MVMap.this.containsKey(o); } }; } @Override public Set<K> keySet() { final Page root = this.getRootPage(); return new AbstractSet<K>() { @Override public Iterator<K> iterator() { return new Cursor<K, V>(root, null); } @Override public int size() { return MVMap.this.size(); } @Override public boolean contains(Object o) { return MVMap.this.containsKey(o); } }; }
Get the map name.
Returns:the name
/** * Get the map name. * * @return the name */
public final String getName() { return store.getMapName(id); } public final MVStore getStore() { return store; }
Get the map id. Please note the map id may be different after compacting a store.
Returns:the map id
/** * Get the map id. Please note the map id may be different after compacting * a store. * * @return the map id */
public final int getId() { return id; }
The current root page (may not be null).
Returns:the root page
/** * The current root page (may not be null). * * @return the root page */
public final Page getRootPage() { return flushAndGetRoot().root; } public RootReference getRoot() { return root.get(); }
Get the root reference, flushing any current append buffer.
Returns:current root reference
/** * Get the root reference, flushing any current append buffer. * * @return current root reference */
public RootReference flushAndGetRoot() { RootReference rootReference = getRoot(); if (singleWriter && rootReference.getAppendCounter() > 0) { return flushAppendBuffer(rootReference, false); } return rootReference; }
Set the initial root.
  • rootPage – root page
  • version – initial version
/** * Set the initial root. * * @param rootPage root page * @param version initial version */
final void setInitialRoot(Page rootPage, long version) { root.set(new RootReference(rootPage, version)); }
Rollback to the given version.
  • version – the version
/** * Rollback to the given version. * * @param version the version */
final void rollbackTo(long version) { // check if the map was removed and re-created later ? if (version > createVersion) { rollbackRoot(version); } }
Roll the root back to the specified version.
  • version – to rollback to
/** * Roll the root back to the specified version. * * @param version to rollback to */
void rollbackRoot(long version) { RootReference rootReference = flushAndGetRoot(); RootReference previous; while (rootReference.version >= version && (previous = rootReference.previous) != null) { if (root.compareAndSet(rootReference, previous)) { rootReference = previous; closed = false; } } setWriteVersion(version); }
Use the new root page from now on.
  • expectedRootReference – expected current root reference
  • newRootPage – the new root page
  • attemptUpdateCounter – how many attempt (including current) were made to update root
Returns:new RootReference or null if update failed
/** * Use the new root page from now on. * @param expectedRootReference expected current root reference * @param newRootPage the new root page * @param attemptUpdateCounter how many attempt (including current) * were made to update root * @return new RootReference or null if update failed */
protected final boolean updateRoot(RootReference expectedRootReference, Page newRootPage, int attemptUpdateCounter) { RootReference currentRoot = flushAndGetRoot(); return currentRoot == expectedRootReference && !currentRoot.lockedForUpdate && root.compareAndSet(currentRoot, new RootReference(currentRoot, newRootPage, attemptUpdateCounter)); }
Forget those old versions that are no longer needed.
  • rootReference – to inspect
/** * Forget those old versions that are no longer needed. * @param rootReference to inspect */
private void removeUnusedOldVersions(RootReference rootReference) { long oldest = store.getOldestVersionToKeep(); // We need to keep at least one previous version (if any) here, // because in order to retain whole history of some version // we really need last root of the previous version. // Root labeled with version "X" is the LAST known root for that version // and therefore the FIRST known root for the version "X+1" for(RootReference rootRef = rootReference; rootRef != null; rootRef = rootRef.previous) { if (rootRef.version < oldest) { rootRef.previous = null; } } } public final boolean isReadOnly() { return readOnly; }
Set the volatile flag of the map.
  • isVolatile – the volatile flag
/** * Set the volatile flag of the map. * * @param isVolatile the volatile flag */
public final void setVolatile(boolean isVolatile) { this.isVolatile = isVolatile; }
Whether this is volatile map, meaning that changes are not persisted. By default (even if the store is not persisted), maps are not volatile.
Returns:whether this map is volatile
/** * Whether this is volatile map, meaning that changes * are not persisted. By default (even if the store is not persisted), * maps are not volatile. * * @return whether this map is volatile */
public final boolean isVolatile() { return isVolatile; }
This method is called before writing to the map. The default implementation checks whether writing is allowed, and tries to detect concurrent modification.
  • UnsupportedOperationException – if the map is read-only, or if another thread is concurrently writing
/** * This method is called before writing to the map. The default * implementation checks whether writing is allowed, and tries * to detect concurrent modification. * * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the map is read-only, * or if another thread is concurrently writing */
protected final void beforeWrite() { if (closed) { int id = getId(); String mapName = store.getMapName(id); throw DataUtils.newIllegalStateException( DataUtils.ERROR_CLOSED, "Map {0}({1}) is closed. {2}", mapName, id, store.getPanicException()); } if (readOnly) { throw DataUtils.newUnsupportedOperationException( "This map is read-only"); } store.beforeWrite(this); } @Override public final int hashCode() { return id; } @Override public final boolean equals(Object o) { return this == o; }
Get the number of entries, as a integer. Integer.MAX_VALUE is returned if there are more than this entries.
See Also:
Returns:the number of entries, as an integer
/** * Get the number of entries, as a integer. {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE} is * returned if there are more than this entries. * * @return the number of entries, as an integer * @see #sizeAsLong() */
@Override public final int size() { long size = sizeAsLong(); return size > Integer.MAX_VALUE ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : (int) size; }
Get the number of entries, as a long.
Returns:the number of entries
/** * Get the number of entries, as a long. * * @return the number of entries */
public final long sizeAsLong() { return getRoot().getTotalCount(); } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return sizeAsLong() == 0; } public final long getCreateVersion() { return createVersion; }
Remove the given page (make the space available).
  • pos – the position of the page to remove
  • memory – the number of bytes used for this page
/** * Remove the given page (make the space available). * * @param pos the position of the page to remove * @param memory the number of bytes used for this page */
protected final void removePage(long pos, int memory) { store.removePage(pos, memory); }
Open an old version for the given map.
  • version – the version
Returns:the map
/** * Open an old version for the given map. * * @param version the version * @return the map */
public final MVMap<K, V> openVersion(long version) { if (readOnly) { throw DataUtils.newUnsupportedOperationException( "This map is read-only; need to call " + "the method on the writable map"); } DataUtils.checkArgument(version >= createVersion, "Unknown version {0}; this map was created in version is {1}", version, createVersion); RootReference rootReference = getRoot(); removeUnusedOldVersions(rootReference); while (rootReference != null && rootReference.version > version) { rootReference = rootReference.previous; } if (rootReference == null) { // smaller than all in-memory versions MVMap<K, V> map = openReadOnly(store.getRootPos(getId(), version), version); return map; } MVMap<K, V> m = openReadOnly(rootReference.root, version); assert m.getVersion() <= version : m.getVersion() + " <= " + version; return m; }
Open a copy of the map in read-only mode.
  • rootPos – position of the root page
  • version – to open
Returns:the opened map
/** * Open a copy of the map in read-only mode. * * @param rootPos position of the root page * @param version to open * @return the opened map */
final MVMap<K, V> openReadOnly(long rootPos, long version) { Page root = readOrCreateRootPage(rootPos); return openReadOnly(root, version); } private MVMap<K, V> openReadOnly(Page root, long version) { MVMap<K, V> m = cloneIt(); m.readOnly = true; m.setInitialRoot(root, version); return m; }
Get version of the map, which is the version of the store, at the moment when map was modified last time.
/** * Get version of the map, which is the version of the store, * at the moment when map was modified last time. * * @return version */
public final long getVersion() { return getVersion(getRoot()); } private static long getVersion(RootReference rootReference) { RootReference previous = rootReference.previous; return previous == null || previous.root != rootReference.root || previous.appendCounter != rootReference.appendCounter ? rootReference.version : previous.version; }
Does the root have changes since the specified version?
  • version – root version
Returns:true if has changes
/** * Does the root have changes since the specified version? * * @param version root version * @return true if has changes */
final boolean hasChangesSince(long version) { RootReference rootReference = getRoot(); Page root = rootReference.root; return !root.isSaved() && rootReference.getTotalCount() > 0 || getVersion(rootReference) > version; }
Get the child page count for this page. This is to allow another map implementation to override the default, in case the last child is not to be used.
  • p – the page
Returns:the number of direct children
/** * Get the child page count for this page. This is to allow another map * implementation to override the default, in case the last child is not to * be used. * * @param p the page * @return the number of direct children */
protected int getChildPageCount(Page p) { return p.getRawChildPageCount(); }
Get the map type. When opening an existing map, the map type must match.
Returns:the map type
/** * Get the map type. When opening an existing map, the map type must match. * * @return the map type */
public String getType() { return null; }
Get the map metadata as a string.
  • name – the map name (or null)
Returns:the string
/** * Get the map metadata as a string. * * @param name the map name (or null) * @return the string */
protected String asString(String name) { StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(); if (name != null) { DataUtils.appendMap(buff, "name", name); } if (createVersion != 0) { DataUtils.appendMap(buff, "createVersion", createVersion); } String type = getType(); if (type != null) { DataUtils.appendMap(buff, "type", type); } return buff.toString(); } final RootReference setWriteVersion(long writeVersion) { int attempt = 0; while(true) { RootReference rootReference = flushAndGetRoot(); if(rootReference.version >= writeVersion) { return rootReference; } else if (isClosed()) { if (rootReference.version < store.getOldestVersionToKeep()) { return null; } return rootReference; } RootReference updatedRootReference = new RootReference(rootReference, writeVersion, ++attempt); if(root.compareAndSet(rootReference, updatedRootReference)) { removeUnusedOldVersions(updatedRootReference); return updatedRootReference; } } }
Create empty leaf node page.
Returns:new page
/** * Create empty leaf node page. * * @return new page */
public Page createEmptyLeaf() { return Page.createEmptyLeaf(this); }
Create empty internal node page.
Returns:new page
/** * Create empty internal node page. * * @return new page */
protected Page createEmptyNode() { return Page.createEmptyNode(this); }
Copy a map. All pages are copied.
  • sourceMap – the source map
/** * Copy a map. All pages are copied. * * @param sourceMap the source map */
final void copyFrom(MVMap<K, V> sourceMap) { // We are going to cheat a little bit in the copy() // by temporary setting map's root to some arbitrary nodes. // This will allow for newly created ones to be saved. // That's why it's important to preserve all chunks // created in the process, especially if retention time // is set to a lower value, or even 0. MVStore.TxCounter txCounter = store.registerVersionUsage(); try { beforeWrite(); copy(sourceMap.getRootPage(), null, 0); } finally { store.deregisterVersionUsage(txCounter); } } private Page copy(Page source, Page parent, int index) { Page target = source.copy(this); if (parent == null) { setInitialRoot(target, INITIAL_VERSION); } else { parent.setChild(index, target); } if (!source.isLeaf()) { for (int i = 0; i < getChildPageCount(target); i++) { if (source.getChildPagePos(i) != 0) { // position 0 means no child // (for example the last entry of an r-tree node) // (the MVMap is also used for r-trees for compacting) copy(source.getChildPage(i), target, i); } } target.setComplete(); } store.registerUnsavedPage(target.getMemory()); if (store.isSaveNeeded()) { store.commit(); } return target; }
If map was used in append mode, this method will ensure that append buffer is flushed - emptied with all entries inserted into map as a new leaf.
  • rootReference – current RootReference
  • lockedForUpdate – whether rootReference is pre-locked already and should stay locked upon return
Returns:potentially updated RootReference
/** * If map was used in append mode, this method will ensure that append buffer * is flushed - emptied with all entries inserted into map as a new leaf. * @param rootReference current RootReference * @param lockedForUpdate whether rootReference is pre-locked already and * should stay locked upon return * @return potentially updated RootReference */
private RootReference flushAppendBuffer(RootReference rootReference, boolean lockedForUpdate) { IntValueHolder unsavedMemoryHolder = new IntValueHolder(); RootReference lockedRootReference = lockedForUpdate ? rootReference : null; try { int attempt = 0; int keyCount; while ((keyCount = rootReference.getAppendCounter()) > 0) { if (lockedRootReference == null) { lockedRootReference = tryLock(rootReference, ++attempt); rootReference = lockedRootReference == null ? getRoot() : lockedRootReference; continue; } Page rootPage = rootReference.root; CursorPos pos = rootPage.getAppendCursorPos(null); assert pos != null; assert pos.index < 0 : pos.index; int index = -pos.index - 1; assert index == pos.page.getKeyCount() : index + " != " + pos.page.getKeyCount(); Page p = pos.page; CursorPos tip = pos; pos = pos.parent; int remainingBuffer = 0; Page page = null; int available = store.getKeysPerPage() - p.getKeyCount(); if (available > 0) { p = p.copy(); if (keyCount <= available) { p.expand(keyCount, keysBuffer, valuesBuffer); } else { p.expand(available, keysBuffer, valuesBuffer); keyCount -= available; if (lockedForUpdate) { System.arraycopy(keysBuffer, available, keysBuffer, 0, keyCount); System.arraycopy(valuesBuffer, available, valuesBuffer, 0, keyCount); remainingBuffer = keyCount; } else { Object[] keys = new Object[keyCount]; Object[] values = new Object[keyCount]; System.arraycopy(keysBuffer, available, keys, 0, keyCount); System.arraycopy(valuesBuffer, available, values, 0, keyCount); page = Page.createLeaf(this, keys, values, 0); } } } else { tip = tip.parent; page = Page.createLeaf(this, Arrays.copyOf(keysBuffer, keyCount), Arrays.copyOf(valuesBuffer, keyCount), 0); } unsavedMemoryHolder.value = 0; if (page != null) { assert page.map == this; assert page.getKeyCount() > 0; Object key = page.getKey(0); unsavedMemoryHolder.value += page.getMemory(); while (true) { if (pos == null) { if (p.getKeyCount() == 0) { p = page; } else { Object[] keys = new Object[]{key}; Page.PageReference[] children = new Page.PageReference[]{ new Page.PageReference(p), new Page.PageReference(page)}; p = Page.createNode(this, keys, children, p.getTotalCount() + page.getTotalCount(), 0); } break; } Page c = p; p = pos.page; index = pos.index; pos = pos.parent; p = p.copy(); p.setChild(index, page); p.insertNode(index, key, c); keyCount = p.getKeyCount(); int at = keyCount - (p.isLeaf() ? 1 : 2); if (keyCount <= store.getKeysPerPage() && (p.getMemory() < store.getMaxPageSize() || at <= 0)) { break; } key = p.getKey(at); page = p.split(at); unsavedMemoryHolder.value += p.getMemory() + page.getMemory(); } } p = replacePage(pos, p, unsavedMemoryHolder); RootReference updatedRootReference = new RootReference(rootReference, p, remainingBuffer, lockedForUpdate); if (root.compareAndSet(rootReference, updatedRootReference)) { lockedRootReference = null; while (tip != null) { tip.page.removePage(); tip = tip.parent; } if (store.getFileStore() != null) { store.registerUnsavedPage(unsavedMemoryHolder.value); } assert lockedForUpdate || updatedRootReference.getAppendCounter() == 0; return updatedRootReference; } rootReference = getRoot(); } } finally { if (lockedRootReference != null && !lockedForUpdate) { assert rootReference.root == lockedRootReference.root; rootReference = unlockRoot(); } } return rootReference; } private static Page replacePage(CursorPos path, Page replacement, IntValueHolder unsavedMemoryHolder) { int unsavedMemory = replacement.getMemory(); while (path != null) { Page parent = path.page; // condition below should always be true, but older versions (up to 1.4.197) // may create single-childed (with no keys) internal nodes, which we skip here if (parent.getKeyCount() > 0) { Page child = replacement; replacement = parent.copy(); replacement.setChild(path.index, child); unsavedMemory += replacement.getMemory(); } path = path.parent; } unsavedMemoryHolder.value += unsavedMemory; return replacement; }
Appends entry to this map. this method is NOT thread safe and can not be used neither concurrently, nor in combination with any method that updates this map. Non-updating method may be used concurrently, but latest appended values are not guaranteed to be visible.
  • key – should be higher in map's order than any existing key
  • value – to be appended
/** * Appends entry to this map. this method is NOT thread safe and can not be used * neither concurrently, nor in combination with any method that updates this map. * Non-updating method may be used concurrently, but latest appended values * are not guaranteed to be visible. * @param key should be higher in map's order than any existing key * @param value to be appended */
public void append(K key, V value) { beforeWrite(); RootReference rootReference = lockRoot(getRoot(), 1); int appendCounter = rootReference.getAppendCounter(); try { if (appendCounter >= keysPerPage) { rootReference = flushAppendBuffer(rootReference, true); appendCounter = rootReference.getAppendCounter(); assert appendCounter < keysPerPage; } keysBuffer[appendCounter] = key; valuesBuffer[appendCounter] = value; ++appendCounter; } finally { unlockRoot(rootReference.root, appendCounter); } }
Removes last entry from this map. this method is NOT thread safe and can not be used neither concurrently, nor in combination with any method that updates this map. Non-updating method may be used concurrently, but latest removal may not be visible.
/** * Removes last entry from this map. this method is NOT thread safe and can not be used * neither concurrently, nor in combination with any method that updates this map. * Non-updating method may be used concurrently, but latest removal may not be visible. */
public void trimLast() { RootReference rootReference = getRoot(); int appendCounter = rootReference.getAppendCounter(); boolean useRegularRemove = appendCounter == 0; if (!useRegularRemove) { rootReference = lockRoot(rootReference, 1); appendCounter = rootReference.getAppendCounter(); useRegularRemove = appendCounter == 0; if (!useRegularRemove) { --appendCounter; } unlockRoot(rootReference.root, appendCounter); } if (useRegularRemove) { Page lastLeaf = rootReference.root.getAppendCursorPos(null).page; assert lastLeaf.isLeaf(); assert lastLeaf.getKeyCount() > 0; Object key = lastLeaf.getKey(lastLeaf.getKeyCount() - 1); remove(key); } } @Override public final String toString() { return asString(null); }
A builder for maps.
Type parameters:
  • <M> – the map type
  • <K> – the key type
  • <V> – the value type
/** * A builder for maps. * * @param <M> the map type * @param <K> the key type * @param <V> the value type */
public interface MapBuilder<M extends MVMap<K, V>, K, V> {
Create a new map of the given type.
  • store – which will own this map
  • config – configuration
Returns:the map
/** * Create a new map of the given type. * @param store which will own this map * @param config configuration * * @return the map */
M create(MVStore store, Map<String, Object> config); DataType getKeyType(); DataType getValueType(); void setKeyType(DataType dataType); void setValueType(DataType dataType); }
A builder for this class.
Type parameters:
  • <K> – the key type
  • <V> – the value type
/** * A builder for this class. * * @param <K> the key type * @param <V> the value type */
public abstract static class BasicBuilder<M extends MVMap<K, V>, K, V> implements MapBuilder<M, K, V> { private DataType keyType; private DataType valueType;
Create a new builder with the default key and value data types.
/** * Create a new builder with the default key and value data types. */
protected BasicBuilder() { // ignore } @Override public DataType getKeyType() { return keyType; } @Override public DataType getValueType() { return valueType; } @Override public void setKeyType(DataType keyType) { this.keyType = keyType; } @Override public void setValueType(DataType valueType) { this.valueType = valueType; }
Set the key data type.
  • keyType – the key type
/** * Set the key data type. * * @param keyType the key type * @return this */
public BasicBuilder<M, K, V> keyType(DataType keyType) { this.keyType = keyType; return this; }
Set the value data type.
  • valueType – the value type
/** * Set the value data type. * * @param valueType the value type * @return this */
public BasicBuilder<M, K, V> valueType(DataType valueType) { this.valueType = valueType; return this; } @Override public M create(MVStore store, Map<String, Object> config) { if (getKeyType() == null) { setKeyType(new ObjectDataType()); } if (getValueType() == null) { setValueType(new ObjectDataType()); } DataType keyType = getKeyType(); DataType valueType = getValueType(); config.put("store", store); config.put("key", keyType); config.put("val", valueType); return create(config); }
Create map from config.
  • config – config map
Returns:new map
/** * Create map from config. * @param config config map * @return new map */
protected abstract M create(Map<String, Object> config); }
A builder for this class.
Type parameters:
  • <K> – the key type
  • <V> – the value type
/** * A builder for this class. * * @param <K> the key type * @param <V> the value type */
public static class Builder<K, V> extends BasicBuilder<MVMap<K, V>, K, V> { private boolean singleWriter; public Builder() {} @Override public Builder<K,V> keyType(DataType dataType) { setKeyType(dataType); return this; } @Override public Builder<K, V> valueType(DataType dataType) { setValueType(dataType); return this; }
Set up this Builder to produce MVMap, which can be used in append mode by a single thread.
See Also:
  • append.append(Object, Object)
Returns:this Builder for chained execution
/** * Set up this Builder to produce MVMap, which can be used in append mode * by a single thread. * @see MVMap#append(Object, Object) * @return this Builder for chained execution */
public Builder<K,V> singleWriter() { singleWriter = true; return this; } @Override protected MVMap<K, V> create(Map<String, Object> config) { config.put("singleWriter", singleWriter); Object type = config.get("type"); if(type == null || type.equals("rtree")) { return new MVMap<>(config); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incompatible map type"); } } public enum Decision { ABORT, REMOVE, PUT, REPEAT }
Class DecisionMaker provides callback interface (and should become a such in Java 8) for MVMap.operate method. It provides control logic to make a decision about how to proceed with update at the point in execution when proper place and possible existing value for insert/update/delete key is found. Revised value for insert/update is also provided based on original input value and value currently existing in the map.
Type parameters:
  • <V> – value type of the map
/** * Class DecisionMaker provides callback interface (and should become a such in Java 8) * for MVMap.operate method. * It provides control logic to make a decision about how to proceed with update * at the point in execution when proper place and possible existing value * for insert/update/delete key is found. * Revised value for insert/update is also provided based on original input value * and value currently existing in the map. * * @param <V> value type of the map */
public abstract static class DecisionMaker<V> {
Decision maker for transaction rollback.
/** * Decision maker for transaction rollback. */
public static final DecisionMaker<Object> DEFAULT = new DecisionMaker<Object>() { @Override public Decision decide(Object existingValue, Object providedValue) { return providedValue == null ? Decision.REMOVE : Decision.PUT; } @Override public String toString() { return "default"; } };
Decision maker for put().
/** * Decision maker for put(). */
public static final DecisionMaker<Object> PUT = new DecisionMaker<Object>() { @Override public Decision decide(Object existingValue, Object providedValue) { return Decision.PUT; } @Override public String toString() { return "put"; } };
Decision maker for remove().
/** * Decision maker for remove(). */
public static final DecisionMaker<Object> REMOVE = new DecisionMaker<Object>() { @Override public Decision decide(Object existingValue, Object providedValue) { return Decision.REMOVE; } @Override public String toString() { return "remove"; } };
Decision maker for putIfAbsent() key/value.
/** * Decision maker for putIfAbsent() key/value. */
static final DecisionMaker<Object> IF_ABSENT = new DecisionMaker<Object>() { @Override public Decision decide(Object existingValue, Object providedValue) { return existingValue == null ? Decision.PUT : Decision.ABORT; } @Override public String toString() { return "if_absent"; } };
Decision maker for replace().
/** * Decision maker for replace(). */
static final DecisionMaker<Object> IF_PRESENT= new DecisionMaker<Object>() { @Override public Decision decide(Object existingValue, Object providedValue) { return existingValue != null ? Decision.PUT : Decision.ABORT; } @Override public String toString() { return "if_present"; } };
Makes a decision about how to proceed with the update.
  • existingValue – value currently exists in the map
  • providedValue – original input value
Returns:PUT if a new value need to replace existing one or new value to be inserted if there is none REMOVE if existing value should be deleted ABORT if update operation should be aborted
/** * Makes a decision about how to proceed with the update. * @param existingValue value currently exists in the map * @param providedValue original input value * @return PUT if a new value need to replace existing one or * new value to be inserted if there is none * REMOVE if existing value should be deleted * ABORT if update operation should be aborted */
public abstract Decision decide(V existingValue, V providedValue);
Provides revised value for insert/update based on original input value and value currently existing in the map. This method is only invoked after call to decide(), if it returns PUT.
  • existingValue – value currently exists in the map
  • providedValue – original input value
Type parameters:
  • <T> – value type
Returns:value to be used by insert/update
/** * Provides revised value for insert/update based on original input value * and value currently existing in the map. * This method is only invoked after call to decide(), if it returns PUT. * @param existingValue value currently exists in the map * @param providedValue original input value * @param <T> value type * @return value to be used by insert/update */
public <T extends V> T selectValue(T existingValue, T providedValue) { return providedValue; }
Resets internal state (if any) of a this DecisionMaker to it's initial state. This method is invoked whenever concurrent update failure is encountered, so we can re-start update process.
/** * Resets internal state (if any) of a this DecisionMaker to it's initial state. * This method is invoked whenever concurrent update failure is encountered, * so we can re-start update process. */
public void reset() {} }
Add, replace or remove a key-value pair.
  • key – the key (may not be null)
  • value – new value, it may be null when removal is intended
  • decisionMaker – command object to make choices during transaction.
Returns:previous value, if mapping for that key existed, or null otherwise
/** * Add, replace or remove a key-value pair. * * @param key the key (may not be null) * @param value new value, it may be null when removal is intended * @param decisionMaker command object to make choices during transaction. * @return previous value, if mapping for that key existed, or null otherwise */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public V operate(K key, V value, DecisionMaker<? super V> decisionMaker) { beforeWrite(); IntValueHolder unsavedMemoryHolder = new IntValueHolder(); int attempt = 0; while(true) { RootReference rootReference = flushAndGetRoot(); RootReference lockedRootReference = null; if ((++attempt > 3 || rootReference.lockedForUpdate)) { lockedRootReference = lockRoot(rootReference, attempt); rootReference = lockedRootReference; } Page rootPage = rootReference.root; CursorPos tip; V result; unsavedMemoryHolder.value = 0; try { CursorPos pos = traverseDown(rootPage, key); Page p = pos.page; int index = pos.index; tip = pos; pos = pos.parent; result = index < 0 ? null : (V)p.getValue(index); Decision decision = decisionMaker.decide(result, value); switch (decision) { case REPEAT: decisionMaker.reset(); continue; case ABORT: if(rootReference != getRoot()) { decisionMaker.reset(); continue; } return result; case REMOVE: { if (index < 0) { if(rootReference != getRoot()) { decisionMaker.reset(); continue; } return null; } if (p.getTotalCount() == 1 && pos != null) { int keyCount; do { p = pos.page; index = pos.index; pos = pos.parent; keyCount = p.getKeyCount(); // condition below should always be false, but older // versions (up to 1.4.197) may create // single-childed (with no keys) internal nodes, // which we skip here } while (keyCount == 0 && pos != null); if (keyCount <= 1) { if (keyCount == 1) { assert index <= 1; p = p.getChildPage(1 - index); } else { // if root happens to be such single-childed // (with no keys) internal node, then just // replace it with empty leaf p = Page.createEmptyLeaf(this); } break; } } p = p.copy(); p.remove(index); break; } case PUT: { value = decisionMaker.selectValue(result, value); p = p.copy(); if (index < 0) { p.insertLeaf(-index - 1, key, value); int keyCount; while ((keyCount = p.getKeyCount()) > store.getKeysPerPage() || p.getMemory() > store.getMaxPageSize() && keyCount > (p.isLeaf() ? 1 : 2)) { long totalCount = p.getTotalCount(); int at = keyCount >> 1; Object k = p.getKey(at); Page split = p.split(at); unsavedMemoryHolder.value += p.getMemory() + split.getMemory(); if (pos == null) { Object[] keys = { k }; Page.PageReference[] children = { new Page.PageReference(p), new Page.PageReference(split) }; p = Page.createNode(this, keys, children, totalCount, 0); break; } Page c = p; p = pos.page; index = pos.index; pos = pos.parent; p = p.copy(); p.setChild(index, split); p.insertNode(index, k, c); } } else { p.setValue(index, value); } break; } } rootPage = replacePage(pos, p, unsavedMemoryHolder); if (lockedRootReference == null) { if (!updateRoot(rootReference, rootPage, attempt)) { decisionMaker.reset(); continue; } else { notifyWaiters(); } } } finally { if(lockedRootReference != null) { unlockRoot(rootPage); } } while (tip != null) { tip.page.removePage(); tip = tip.parent; } if (store.getFileStore() != null) { store.registerUnsavedPage(unsavedMemoryHolder.value); } return result; } } private RootReference lockRoot(RootReference rootReference, int attempt) { while(true) { RootReference lockedRootReference = tryLock(rootReference, attempt++); if (lockedRootReference != null) { return lockedRootReference; } rootReference = getRoot(); } } private RootReference tryLock(RootReference rootReference, int attempt) { if (!rootReference.lockedForUpdate) { RootReference lockedRootReference = new RootReference(rootReference, attempt); if (root.compareAndSet(rootReference, lockedRootReference)) { return lockedRootReference; } } RootReference oldRootReference = rootReference.previous; int contention = 1; if (oldRootReference != null) { long updateAttemptCounter = rootReference.updateAttemptCounter - oldRootReference.updateAttemptCounter; assert updateAttemptCounter >= 0 : updateAttemptCounter; long updateCounter = rootReference.updateCounter - oldRootReference.updateCounter; assert updateCounter >= 0 : updateCounter; assert updateAttemptCounter >= updateCounter : updateAttemptCounter + " >= " + updateCounter; contention += (int)((updateAttemptCounter+1) / (updateCounter+1)); } if(attempt > 4) { if (attempt <= 12) { Thread.yield(); } else if (attempt <= 70 - 2 * contention) { try { Thread.sleep(contention); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } else { synchronized (lock) { notificationRequested = true; try { lock.wait(5); } catch (InterruptedException ignore) { } } } } return null; } private RootReference unlockRoot() { return unlockRoot(null, -1); } private RootReference unlockRoot(Page newRootPage) { return unlockRoot(newRootPage, -1); } private RootReference unlockRoot(Page newRootPage, int appendCounter) { RootReference updatedRootReference; boolean success; do { RootReference rootReference = getRoot(); assert rootReference.lockedForUpdate; updatedRootReference = new RootReference(rootReference, newRootPage == null ? rootReference.root : newRootPage, appendCounter == -1 ? rootReference.getAppendCounter() : appendCounter, false); success = root.compareAndSet(rootReference, updatedRootReference); } while(!success); notifyWaiters(); return updatedRootReference; } private void notifyWaiters() { if (notificationRequested) { synchronized (lock) { notificationRequested = false; lock.notify(); } } } private static CursorPos traverseDown(Page p, Object key) { CursorPos pos = null; while (!p.isLeaf()) { int index = p.binarySearch(key) + 1; if (index < 0) { index = -index; } pos = new CursorPos(p, index, pos); p = p.getChildPage(index); } return new CursorPos(p, p.binarySearch(key), pos); } private static final class EqualsDecisionMaker<V> extends DecisionMaker<V> { private final DataType dataType; private final V expectedValue; private Decision decision; EqualsDecisionMaker(DataType dataType, V expectedValue) { this.dataType = dataType; this.expectedValue = expectedValue; } @Override public Decision decide(V existingValue, V providedValue) { assert decision == null; decision = !areValuesEqual(dataType, expectedValue, existingValue) ? Decision.ABORT : providedValue == null ? Decision.REMOVE : Decision.PUT; return decision; } @Override public void reset() { decision = null; } Decision getDecision() { return decision; } @Override public String toString() { return "equals_to "+expectedValue; } } private static final class IntValueHolder { int value; IntValueHolder() {} } }